Proceedings of the 40


Proceedings of the 40
Proceedings of the 40th meeting of State Level Environment Impact
Assessment Authority held on 17.08.2012 at 11.30 AM in the Regional Office,
Punjab Pollution Control Board, Phase-2, Opposite Bassi Cinema, SAS Nagar
The following were present:
Sh. A.S. Dogra, IFS (Retd),
Chairman, SEIAA
Sh. F. Lal Kansal,
Member, SEIAA
Dr. Babu Ram,
Member Secretary, SEIAA
At the outset, the Environmental Engineer (SEIAA) welcomed the
members of the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) in 40th
Item no. 40.01:
Confirmation of the proceedings of 39th meeting of SEIAA
held on 04.07.2012.
The proceedings of 39th meeting of SEIAA held on 04.07.2012 were
circulated to all concerned vide letter no. 2777-78 dated 06.07.2012.
No observation has been received from any of the members. As
such, SEIAA confirmed the said proceedings.
Item no. 40.02:
Follow up action on the decisions of the 39th meeting of
SEIAA held on 04.07.2012.
It was seen by the State Level Environment Impact Assessment
Item No. 40.03
Regarding Environmental Clearance granted under EIA
notification dated 14.09.2006 for expansion of residential
group housing complex namely "U.S. Estates" in the
revenue estate of Village Dhakauli, Zirakpur, Distt. Mohali
by M/s Pine Homes.
The SEIAA observed that:
M/s Pine Homes had applied for obtaining environmental clearance as required
under the EIA notification dated 14/9/2006 for expansion of residential group
housing complex namely "U.S. Estates" already existing in the revenue estate of
Village Dhakauli, Zirakpur, Distt. Mohali.
The case was considered by the SEIAA in the 35th meeting held on 15.12.2011,
wherein, it was decided to grant Environmental Clearance for construction of 30
duplex houses, 87 flats of 3 BHK and 15 shops having built up area of 18951.13
sqm in the premises located in the revenue estate of Village Dhakauli, near
Zirakpur, Distt. SAS Nagar in which 141 flats had already been constructed.
Accordingly, environmental clearance under EIA notification dated 14.09.2006
was granted to the project proponent vide no. SEIAA/M.S./2011/24 dated
The total built up area of the project after implementation of
expansion plan will be 34991.78 sqm.
Thereafter, the project proponent vide letter dated 11.04.2012 informed that the
promoter company has submitted application Form-I, I (a) and other documents
for construction of 36 duplex houses, 87 flats of 3 BHK and 15 shops having
built up area of 18951.13 sqm in the existing premises in which 141 flats had
already been constructed. The promoter further informed that instead of 36
duplex houses, in the environmental clearance 30 duplex houses have been
inadvertently mentioned due to typographical mistake. The project proponent
has requested the SEIAA to issue a corrigendum in this regard.
The SEIAA looked into the entire record file and observed that the
project proponent had applied for obtaining environmental clearance for
construction of 36 duplex houses, 87 flats of 3 BHK and 15 shops having built up
area of 18951.13 sqm in the existing premises in which 141 flats had been
constructed. But the environmental clearance had been granted for construction
of 30 duplex houses, 87 flats of 3 BHK and 15 shops having built up area of
18951.13 sqm in the existing premises in which 141 flats had been constructed.
After detailed deliberations in the matter, the Authority noted that there is a
need to issue a corrigendum as follows:
duplex houses mentioned in the environmental clearance
granted vide no. SEIAA/MS/2011/24 dated 03.01.2012 under the
EIA notification dated 14.09.2006 may be read as 36 duplex
The Authority decided to issue a corrigendum as mentioned above
in connection with request made by the project proponent.
Item No. 40.04
Application for obtaining Environmental Clearance under
EIA notification dated 14.09.2006 for developing a group
Housing project namely “Cross Winds Luxury Homes” near
Lodhi Club, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar, Ludhiana by M/s
Deepak Buildcon Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.,
The SEIAA observed that:
M/s Deepak Buildcon Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., has applied for obtaining
environmental clearance as required under the EIA notification dated 14/9/2006
for developing a group housing project namely “Cross Winds Luxury Homes”
near Lodhi Club Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar, Ludhiana. The project is covered
under category 8 (a) of the Schedule appended to the said EIA notification.
The case was considered by the SEAC in its 59th meeting held on 20.05.2012,
which was attended by the following on behalf of the project proponent.
Mr Ashok Kumar, Manager of the promoter company
Dr. Devender Dhanda, Manager, Environment & Utilities of the
promoter company.
Dr. Devender Dhanda presented the project proposal before the SEAC as
The total plot area is 5206.98 sq. m in which 99 no. of flats in two blocks have
already been constructed having built up area of 22,228 sq.m.
There are 12 no. of 2 BHK, 67 no. of 3 BHK, 15 no. of 4 BHK and 5 no. of
The estimated total population will be 495 persons.
The total cost of the project is 31.78 crores.
The construction work of these flats was started in the month of June 2006 and
construction work was completed in the month of July 2011.
The site of the project falls within the municipal limits of Ludhiana and falls in the
town planning scheme of Sunet area and submitted a copy of letter no.04 /ATPD dated 04.04.2006 in this regard of the Municipal Corporation Ludhiana.
The project site is surrounded by residential colonies as well as agricultural land
within a radius of 500 m.
The total water requirement for the project will be 67 KLD, which will be met
from MC water supply and permission in this regard will be obtained from MC
Ludhiana within 2-3 days ,but in the application form it was proposed to install
tubewell and application for obtaining permission from CGWA for abstraction of
groundwater has also been submitted to the CGWB.
About 54 KLD of total wastewater will be generated, which will be treated in a
sewage treatment plant of capacity 60 KLD and the STP will be installed based
on SAFF technology.
Out of total 49 KLD of total treated wastewater to be generated at the outlet of
STP, 43 KLD will be discharged to MC sewer and 6 KLD will be utilized for
irrigation of green area to be developed in 1755 sq.m in summer season. In
winter season, 44 KLD shall be discharged into sewer and 5 KLD shall be utilized
for irrigation of green area. In rainy season, 46 KLD shall be discharged into
sewer and 3 KLD will be utilized for irrigating green area. There is no provision of
dual plumbing system.
The total generation of MSW has been estimated as 198 Kg/day, which will be
segregated in a separate area earmarked for segregation of solid waste. The
recyclable solid waste shall be sold out to the local kabaris. The biodegradable
waste and inert waste shall be sent to the dumping site of the MC and NOC in
this regard has been obtained from MC Ludhiana.
The rainwater from roof top will be collected and shall be recharged into
groundwater by providing 2 no. of rainwater harvesting pits.
Maximum power demand will be 1600 KW, which will be taken from PSPCL. Also,
2 no. of DG sets of 160 KVA and 225 KVA capacities will be installed as a standby
arrangement, which will be provided with proper canopy to contain the sound
pressure level within the limits prescribed by the MoEF.
There will not be generation of any kind of hazardous waste from the project
except used oil from the DG sets, which will be handled and managed as per the
Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement)
The Parking facility has been provided for 189 ECS in the basement & Stilt.
The environment management cell will be constituted for the implementation of
EMP, which will comprise of the representative of management, representative of
the project management consultants, Incharge of STP/MSW and water works,
consultants and a representative of Local Authority etc.
The total capital cost as well as operation cost for EMP will be Rs 51 lacs and Rs
8 lacs, respectively.
About 1 percent of the total project shall be utilized for Corporate Social
Responsibility and various activities such as health check camps , scholarships to
the students, solar lights in the rural areas and provision of books in the libraries
of rural schools will be undertaken in the rural areas located within a radius of 10
Km from the project site.
During the presentation the project proponent has submitted the
following information/data, which were taken on record by the committee:
Layout plan duly approved by MC Ludhiana.
Layout plan of the project showing the following
 Location of STP
 Solid waste storage area.
 Green belt
 Parking space
 RWH and water recharge pits
 First aid room
 Location of Tubewells
Water balance chart for summer, rainy and winter seasons.
Fire Fighting layout.
Quantification of energy saved and renewable energy devices used.
An undertaking to the effect that M/s Deepak Buildcon Infrastructures has
already done construction of group housing complex namely “Crosswind Luxury
Homes”, at Lodhi Club Road ,Ludhiana without obtaining environmental clearance
under EIA notification dated 14.09.2006. It has also been stated in the
undertaking that there is no intentional violation of any environmental law and no
such violation will be repeated in future.
An undertaking to the effect that no dual plumbing shall be provided for the
residential project namely “Cross Winds Luxury Homes”. The treated wastewater
shall be utilized for green belt development and excess will be disposed off to MC
In compliance to Office Memorandum no. 21-270/2008-IA.III dated 07.02.2012
of the MoEF, the project proponent has submitted the following documents:
 A copy of NOC letter issued by the Fire station Officer, Ludhiana vide no.
479/FB dated 19.05.2012.
 An undertaking to the effect that the height of the residential building is 28
m and it complies with the stipulations of Office Memorandum no. 21270/2008-IA.III dated 07.02.2012 of the MoEF regarding guidelines for
high rise buildings as the width of road is about 110 ft against the
minimum requirement of 49.21 ft.
 An undertaking to the effect that the fire brigade house is located at a
distance of 8 km from the project site.
An undertaking to the effect that the project proponent will be responsible for
implementation of CSR for 5 years and after that residential welfare society will
be responsible for the same.
After detailed deliberations in the matter, the Committee informed to
the project proponent that due to paucity of time, it is not possible for the
Committee to scope /appraise all the cases of the agenda of this meeting, as
such, the project proponent may attend the roll over meeting of the Committee
on 25.05.2012, but the project proponent shall submit following information/data
prior to 25.05.2012 so that circulation of the same can be done to the Committee
The location of STP and solid waste storage area has been marked very near
to the habitation area in the layout plan, which is not proper and needs to be
Permission of CGWA for abstraction of groundwater or permission of MC
Ludhiana to the effect that entire water requirement will be supplied by it.
c) Details of Environmental Management Plan in respect of the following:
All mitigation measures for each item-wise activity to be undertaken
during the construction, operation and the entire life cycle to minimize
adverse environmental impacts as a result of the activities of the project.
Compliance of various environmental regulations.
Steps to be taken in case of emergency such as accidents at the site
including fire.
For how long period the project proponent will be responsible for
implementation of EMP and the name of the person(s) responsible for
implementation of EMP.
Capital & recurring cost for the EMP per year and the details of funds for
the same.
Name of the individual persons / organization, who will be responsible for
implementation of EMP after the lapse of the period for which the project
proponent is responsible.
undertaken, provisions of funds for the same, the period for which the same is
to be implemented and the person(s) responsible for the implementation of the
The representative of the project proponent assured that reply of
the observations of the SEAC will be submitted before 25.05.2012 and they will
attend the roll over meeting on 25.05.2012.
After detailed deliberations in the matter, the SEAC accepted the
request of the representative of the project proponent and decided to roll over
the case on 25.5.2012.
Thereafter, the project proponent vide letter dated 23.05.2012 has submitted the
following documents.
Environment Management Plan for mitigation of environmental pollution
and the funds required for the same.
Activities to be undertaken under Corporate Social Responsibility.
Layout plan showing the location of STP and solid waste storage area.
A permission issued by the Municipal Corporation Ludhiana vide letter no.
361 dated 21.05.2012 to the effect that the required quantity of water (67
to the group housing will be provided by Municipal Corporation
Ludhiana subject to the condition that the project proponent will deposit
the necessary charges.
Accordingly, the case was considered by the SEAC in its 59th rollover meeting on 25.05.2012, which was attended by the following on behalf
of the project proponent.
Mr Ashok Kumar, Manager of the promoter company
Dr. Devender Dhanda, Manager of the Environment and utilities of
the promoter company.
Dr. Devender Dhanda presented the reply of the observations of
the SEAC.
The Committee noted that the project proponent is required to
submit an affidavit to the effect that it shall not install tubewell for abstraction of
groundwater since the project proponent is to get the supply of water from
Municipal Corporation, Ludhiana and shall withdraw application submitted to
CGWA for obtaining permission and submit a copy of the same to the Committee
before forwarding the case to SEIAA. The representative of the project
proponent assured that the said documents will be submitted on 28.05.2012.
The Committee also observed that the project proponent has
already completed the construction of the project, which is a violation of the
provisions of EIA notification dated 14.9.2006. Therefore, in compliance to Office
Memorandum dated 16.11.2010 of the Ministry of Environment & Forests, New
Delhi, the project proponent has submitted a resolution to the effect that the
violation of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for starting construction
activity without obtaining environmental clearance under EIA notification is not
intentional and will not be repeated in future. The Committee further observed
that the project proponent has provided adequate and satisfactory clarifications
of the observations raised by it, therefore, the Committee awarded 'Silver
Grading' to the project proposal and in light of aforesaid resolution, decided to
forward the case to the SEIAA only after getting affidavit to the effect that it
shall not install tubewell for abstraction of groundwater alongwith a copy of the
letter vide which the promoter has requested the CGWB for withdrawal of
application submitted for obtaining permission from CGWA for abstraction of
groundwater, with the recommendation to grant environmental clearance to the
project proponent (for construction of two blocks of 8 floors + ground floor
each), subject to the following conditions in addition to the proposed measures.
It was also decided to recommend to SEIAA to send the case to the Govt. of
Punjab, Department of Science, Technology & Environment for initiating action
under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 due to completion of construction
work of their project without obtaining environmental clearance under EIA
notification dated 14.09.2006.
PART A – Specific conditions
I. Construction Phase
“Consent to establish” shall be obtained from Punjab Pollution Control
Board under Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and Water
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and a copy of the same shall
be submitted to the Ministry of Environment & Forests / State Level
Environment Impact Assessment Authority before the start of any
construction work at site.
All required sanitary and hygienic measures should be in place before
starting construction activities and to be maintained throughout the
construction phase.
A first aid room will be provided in the project both during construction
and operation phase of the project.
All the topsoil excavated during construction activities should be stored for
use in horticulture / landscape development within the project site.
Disposal of muck during construction phase should not create any adverse
effect on the neighboring communities and be disposed off after taking
the necessary precautions for general safety and health aspects of people
with the approval of competent authority.
Construction spoils, including bituminous material and other hazardous
material, must not be allowed to contaminate watercourses and the dump
sites for such material must be secured, so that they should not leach into
the ground water.
The diesel generator sets to be used during construction phase should be
of low sulphur diesel type and should conform to the provisions of
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 prescribed for air and noise emission
Vehicles hired for bringing construction material to the site and other
machinery to be used during construction should be in good condition and
should conform to applicable air and noise emission standards.
Ambient noise levels should conform to prescribed standards both during
day and night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise
quality should be closely monitored during construction phase.
Fly ash should be used as construction material in the construction as per
the provisions of Fly Ash Notification of September, 1999 and as amended
on August, 2003 (This condition is applicable only if the project is within
100 Km of Thermal Power Station).
Ready mixed concrete should be used in building construction as far as
Water demand during construction should be reduced by use of premixed
concrete, curing agents and other best practices.
Separation of drinking water supply and treated sewage supply should be
done by the use of different colours.
Fixtures for showers, toilet flushing and drinking should be of low flow
either by use of aerators or pressure reducing devices or sensor based
Adequate steps shall be taken to conserve energy by limiting the use of
glass, provision of proper thermal insulation and taking measures as
prescribed under the Energy Conservation Building Code.
The approval of competent authority shall be obtained for structural safety
of the buildings due to earthquakes, adequacy of fire fighting equipments
etc. as per National Building Code including protection measures from
Provision shall be made for the housing of construction labour within the
site with all necessary infrastructure and facilities such as fuel for cooking,
mobile toilets, mobile STP, disposal of waste water & solid waste in an
environmentally sound manner, safe drinking water, medical health care,
crèche etc. The housing may be in the form of temporary structures to be
removed after the completion of the project.
II. Operation Phase
The installation of sewage treatment plant (STP) and adequacy of disposal
system should be certified by Punjab Pollution Control Board and a report in
this regard should be submitted to the Ministry of Environment &
Forests/State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority before the
project is commissioned for operation. The discharge of treated sewage shall
conform to the norms and standards prescribed by Punjab Pollution Control
Board for such discharges. The project proponent shall discharge not more
than 46 KLD of treated wastewater into public sewer.
The project proponent shall provide electromagnetic flow meter at the outlet
of the water supply, outlet of the STP and any pipeline to be used for reusing the treated wastewater back into the system for flushing and for
horticulture purpose/green etc. and shall maintain a record of readings of
each such meter on daily basis.
Adequate & appropriate pollution control measures should be provided to
control fugitive emissions to be emitted within the commercial complex.
Adequate treatment facility for drinking water shall be provided, if required.
Rainwater harvesting for roof run-off should be implemented. Before
recharging the roof run-off, pretreatment must be done to remove suspended
matter, oil and grease. However, no run off from gardens/green
area/roads/pavements shall be connected with the ground water recharging
The solid waste generated should be properly collected and segregated. The
recyclable solid waste shall be sold out to the authorized vendors and inerts
shall be sent to disposal facility. The Bio-degradable solid waste shall be
adequately treated as per the scheme submitted by the project proponent.
Prior approval of competent authority should be obtained, if required.
Hazardous waste/E-waste should be disposed off as per Rules applicable and
with the necessary approval of the Punjab Pollution Control Board.
The green belt design along the periphery of the plot shall achieve
attenuation factor conforming to the day and night noise standards
prescribed for residential land use. The open spaces inside the plot should be
suitably landscaped and covered with vegetation of indigenous
The project proponent should take adequate and appropriate measures to
contain the ambient air quality with in the prescribed standards. The proposal
regarding mitigation measures to be taken at site should be submitted to the
Ministry of Environment & Forests/ State Level Environment Impact
Assessment Authority within three months.
Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air quality, noise and water
quality should be periodically monitored after commissioning of the project.
Application of solar energy should be incorporated for illumination of common
areas, lighting for gardens and street lighting in addition to provision for solar
water heating.
Traffic congestion near the entry and exit points from the roads adjoining the
proposed project site must be avoided. Parking should be fully internalized
and no public space should be utilized.
A report on the energy conservation measures conforming to energy
conservation norms finalized by Bureau of Energy Efficiency should be
prepared incorporating details about machinery of air conditioning, lifts,
lighting, building materials, R & U Factors etc. and submitted to the
respective Regional office of MoEF, the Zonal Office of CPCB and the
SPCB/SEIAA in three months time.
Environment Management Cell shall be formed during operation phase which
will supervise and monitor the environment related aspects of the project.
PART B – General Conditions :
This environmental clearance will be valid for a period of five years from the date
of its issue or till the completion of the project, whichever is earlier.
The environmental safeguards contained in the application of the promoter /
mentioned during the presentation before State Level Environment Impact
Assessment Authority/State Expert Appraisal Committee should be implemented
in letter and spirit.
The entire cost of the environmental management plan (i.e. capital cost as well
as recurring cost) will continue to be borne by the project proponent until the
responsibility of environmental management plan is transferred to the
occupier/residents society under proper MOU after obtaining prior permission of
the Punjab Pollution Control Board.
The project proponent shall also submit six monthly reports on the status of
compliance of the stipulated EC conditions including results of monitored data
(both in hard copies as well as by mail) to the respective Regional office of
MoEF, the Zonal Office of CPCB and the SPCB/SEIAA.
Officials from the Regional Office of Ministry of Environment & Forests,
Chandigarh / State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority / State Level
Expert Appraisal Committee / Punjab Pollution Control Board who would be
monitoring the implementation of environmental safeguards should be given full
cooperation, facilities and documents / data by the project proponents during
their inspection. A complete set of all the documents submitted to State
Environment Impact Assessment Authority should be forwarded to the CCF,
Regional Office of Ministry of Environment & Forests, Chandigarh/State Level
Environment Impact Assessment Authority.
In the case of any change(s) in the scope of the project, the project would
require a fresh appraisal by State Environment Impact Assessment Authority.
Separate distribution pipelines be laid down for use of treated effluent / raw
water for horticultural/gardening purposes with different colour coding.
All other statutory clearances such as the approvals for storage of diesel from
Chief Controller of Explosives, Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department, Forest
(Conservation) Act, 1980 and Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 etc. shall be
obtained, by project proponents from the competent authorities including Punjab
Pollution Control Board and from other statutory bodies as applicable.
The project proponent should advertise in at least two local newspapers widely
circulated in the region, one of which shall be in the vernacular language
informing that the project has been accorded environmental clearance and
copies of clearance letters are available with the Punjab Pollution Control Board.
The advertisement should be made within seven days from the day of issue of
the clearance letter and a copy of the same should be forwarded to the Regional
Office, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Chandigarh.
These stipulations would be enforced among others under the provisions of
Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Air (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981, Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986, the Public Liability
(Insurance) Act, 1991 and EIA Notification, 2006.
Environmental clearance is subject to final order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of
India in the matter of Goa Foundation Vs. Union of India in Writ Petition (Civil)
No. 460 of 2004 as may be applicable to this project and decisions of any
competent court, to the extent applicable.
A copy of the clearance letter shall be sent by the proponent to concerned
Panchayat, Zilla Parishad/ Municipal Corporation, Urban local body and the local
NGO, if any, from whom suggestions / representations, if any, were received
while processing the proposal. The clearance letter shall also be put on the
website of the Company by the proponent.
The proponent shall upload the status of compliance of the stipulated EC
conditions, including results of monitored data on their website and shall update
the same periodically. It shall simultaneously be sent to the Regional Office of
MoEF, the respective Zonal Office of CPCB and the SPCB. The criteria pollutant
levels namely; PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NOx , CO, Pb, Ozone (ambient air as well as stack
emissions) shall be monitored and displayed at a convenient location near the
main gate of the company in the public domain.
The project proponent shall not install tubewell without the prior permission of
the SEIAA and CGWA.
The project proponent shall adhere to the commitments made in the
Environment Management Plan and Corporate Social Responsibility.
The State Environment Impact Assessment Authority reserves the right to add
additional safeguards/ measures subsequently, if found necessary, and to take
action including revoking of the environmental clearance under the provisions of
the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986, to ensure effective implementation of
the suggested safeguards/ measures in a time bound and satisfactory manner.
Any appeal against this environmental clearance shall lie with the National
Environment Appellate Authority, if preferred, within a period of 30 days as
prescribed under section 11 of the National Environment Appellate Act, 1987.
The promoter company has submitted a copy of the letter vide
which it has requested the CGWB to withdraw its earlier application filed for
obtaining permission for abstraction of groundwater and also submitted an
affidavit to the effect that the promoter company shall get the supply of water
from Municipal Corporation, Ludhiana and application has been filed to withdraw
the earlier application submitted to CGWB for obtaining permission for
abstraction of groundwater.
The case was considered by the SEIAA in the 38th meeting of SEIAA held on
22.06.2012, wherein, after detailed deliberations in the matter, it was decided by
the Authority to ask the project proponent to submit certain information / data
before taking further necessary action in the matter. The decision of the
Authority was conveyed to the project proponent vide letter no. 28286 dated
The project proponent vide letter dated 07.07.2012 submitted a point wise reply
of the queries raised by SEIAA, the details of which are as under:
Observations of the SEIAA
Reply submitted by the project
mentioning as to when the main
sewer line will be commissioned
by the PWSSB and when will the
promoter be allowed to collect
the outlet of the residential
The Municipal Corporation, Ludhiana
has issued a letter to the project
proponent vide No. 402/02/AC-T/20
dated 03.07.2012 mentioning that
the connection of sewer shall be
provided to the residential colony
namely "Crosswind Luxury Homes"
colony with
of within
commissioning of main sewer line
and the sewer is of suitable capacity
to handle the entire quantity of
sewage to be granted from the said
Expected occupancy of the
residential colony till the sewer
connection is given by the
Municipal Corporation, Ludhiana
and how much quantity of
wastewater will be generated by
the expected occupancy and
what will be the mode of
The occupancy of only 10 flats is
expected within 6 months and it is
expected that the discharge of
wastewater from the said habitation
will not be more than 5.4 KLD,
which will be utilized in the green
area of 3450 sqm to be developed
within premises and adjoining to the
site of the residential colony.
Likely date of commissioning of A package type STP will be installed
the STP.
within one & a half month and the
order for the same has already been
The project proponent was requested by the SEIAA vide letter No. 33336 dated
09.08.2012 to attend its 40th meeting on 17.08.2012.
Following were present on behalf of the project proponent in the said meeting of
Mr Ashok Kumar, Manager of the promoter company
Mr. Harjeet Singh, Project Manager of the promoter company.
Mr. Harjeet Singh presented the reply of the observations of the
Authority. He further informed that the occupancy will not be allowed in more than 10
flats till the sewer connection is given by the Municipal Corporation, Ludhiana, so as to
keep the discharge of wastewater not more than 5.4 KLD. He also informed that septic
tank has already been constructed to treat the wastewater till the STP of capacity 60
KLD is commissioned. The installation work of STP is in the advance stage and the
same will be completed within one & a half month but the same will be made
operational only after generation of minimum quantity of wastewater required to
operate the STP.
The Authority observed that there is a need to impose a suitable condition
to the effect that the project proponent will not allow the occupancy in more than 10
flats till the sewer connection is given by the Municipal Corporation, Ludhiana and the
project proponent shall provide adequate treatment with facility to reduce odour
problem from treatment of wastewater till the STP is commissioned. During discussions,
the representative of the project promoter agreed to comply fully with all the conditions
as mentioned by SEAC.
The Authority noted that the promoter company has already completed
the construction of the project, which is a violation of the provisions of EIA notification
dated 14.9.2006. But the project proponent, in compliance to Office Memorandum
dated 16.11.2010 of the Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi, has submitted a
resolution to the effect that the violation of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for
completing construction work of the project without obtaining environmental clearance
under EIA notification is not intentional and will not be repeated in future. The Authority
observed that the case stands recommended by SEAC and the Committee awarded
‘Silver Grading’ to the project proposal.
The Authority looked into all the aspects of the project proposal in detail
and was satisfied with the same. Therefore, the Authority decided as under:
To grant environmental clearance under EIA Notification dated 14.9.2006 to the
project proponent for construction of 99 flats (two blocks of 8 floors + ground
floor each) in an area of 5206.98 sqm near Lodhi Club, Shaheed Bhagat Singh
Nagar, Ludhiana, subject to the conditions as proposed by the SEAC in addition
to the proposed measures.
To send the case to the Govt. of Punjab, Department of Science, Technology &
Environment for initiating action under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
for completing the construction of the project without obtaining environmental
clearance under EIA notification dated 14.09.2006.
To amend condition no. (xvii) of 'General Conditions' since the appeal against the
orders under EIA notification dated 14.09.2006 lies with the National Green
Tribunal as per the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 instead of the National
Environment Appellate Authority and to impose following additional conditions in
'General Conditions' in light of facts stated above, as under:
Amended Condition (xvii) of General Conditions
Any appeal against this environmental clearance shall lie with the National Green
Tribunal, if preferred, within a period of 30 days as prescribed under Section 16
of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010.
Additional Conditions (xviii) & (xix)
The project proponent will not allow the occupancy in more than 10 flats
till the sewer connection is given by the Municipal Corporation,
The project proponent shall provide adequate treatment facility to
reduce odour problem from treatment of wastewater till the STP is
Item No. 40.05:
Application for obtaining Environmental Clearance to
Management Facility" at Mansa Road, Bathinda and
'Engineered Sanitary Landfill Facility' in the revenue estate
of Village Mandi Khurd by Municipal Corporation, Bathinda.
The SEIAA observed that:
The Municipal Corporation, Bathinda has applied for obtaining Environmental
Clearance under EIA notification dated 14.09.2006 for establishment of an
'Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Facility' at Mansa Road, Bathinda
within M.C. limits in an area of 20 acres to handle 350 TPD of MSW and
establishment of 'Engineered Sanitary Landfill Facility" in an area of 36.8 acres in
the revenue estate of Village Mandi Khurd, District Bathinda.
The case was considered by the SEAC in its 43rd meeting held on 19.3.2011,
wherein, the Committee finalized the 'Terms of Reference' and decided to convey
the same to the Municipal Corporation for preparation of the draft rapid EIA
study report. Accordingly, 'Terms of Reference' were conveyed to Municipal
Corporation, Bathinda by the SEAC vide letter no. 14994 dated 28.03.2011 after
approval of the Competent Authority.
The Municipal Corporation, Bathinda has submitted the draft rapid EIA study
report alongwith its summary report to the Punjab Pollution Control Board for
conduct of the public hearing. Accordingly, the public hearing for both sites was
conducted by the Punjab Pollution Control Board on 25.07.2011 and the Board
has sent the proceedings of both the public hearings to the SEIAA, Punjab vide
letter no. 35303 dated 29.08.2011 and letter No. 35317 dated 29.08.2011.
The Municipal Corporation, Bathinda submitted the final rapid EIA report for both
the sites. Accordingly, the Municipal Corporation, Bathinda was requested by
SEAC vide letter No. 4440 dated 18.11.2011 to attend its 53 rd meeting on
24.11.2011, which was attended by the following on behalf of Municipal
Corporation, Bathinda:
1. Sh. R.P. Gupta, Executive Engineer, M.C. Bathinda
2. Sh. Sandeep Gupta, Asstt. Engineer, M.C. Bathinda
3. Dr. R.M. Mehta, GM, M/s Voyants Solutions
Environmental Consultant of M.C., Bathinda.
4. Sh. Yashwant Chauhan, Senior Manager M/s IL&FS,
Due to paucity of time, the case could not be taken up in the
meeting held on 24.11.2011, as such, the Committee decided to roll-over the
same on 27.11.2011 with venue in the office of PSCST, Sector-26, Mahatma
Gandhi Institute, Chandigarh at 2.00 p.m
Following were present on behalf of Municipal Corporation, Bathinda on
27.11.2011 to present the details of EIA study:
Sh. R.P. Gupta, Executive Engineer, M.C. Bathinda
Dr. R.M. Mehta, GM, M/s Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Environmental
Consultant of M.C., Bathinda.
Sh. M.K. Jha, Senior Technical Advisor of M/s IL&FS
Sh. Sandeep Malhotra, Project Executive of M/s IL&FS
Ms. Era Singla, Asstt. Manager of M/s IL&FS
Dr. R.M. Mehta, GM, M/s Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Environmental
Consultant of M.C., Bathinda presented the Rapid EIA study reports of processing
facility and Engineered landfill facility before the Committee. The Committee
noted that the Environmental Consultant of M.C., Bathinda had not properly
prepared the presentation since he was unable to reply the queries raised by the
members of the Committee during presentation. The Committee further noted
that there were number of clerical as well as technical errors in both rapid EIA
study reports due to which the Committee was not satisfied with the rapid EIA
reports prepared by the Environmental Consultant.
After detailed deliberations in the matter, the Committee observed
that the Municipal Corporation, Bathinda is required to submit the following
information data before appraisal of the project proposal:
The solid waste generation of 300 TPD of all the ULBs of Bathinda
cluster has been estimated taking into account the estimated population
in the year 2010. But as per project proposal, the Integrated Municipal
Solid Waste Management facility including Engineered Landfill facility is
meant for life span of 25 years and the estimated population after 25
years has not been taken into account while estimating the generation
of solid waste. Therefore, the project proposal prepared by M.C.
Bathinda does not seem to be in order as far as generation of municipal
solid waste is concerned. Therefore, the M.C. Bathinda is required to
clarify why the generation of waste after 25 years i.e. in the year 2034
has not been taken into account for designing the Integrated Municipal
Solid Waste Management facility including Engineered Landfill facility.
The characteristics of solid waste being generated have not been
analysed, which is the primary requirement to prepare sustainable
project proposal, hence, the Corporation is required to submit detailed
analysis of solid waste, so as to enable the Committee to check its
In the layout plan, nothing has been depicted regarding future
expansion plan of Corporation, thus, properly prepared layout plan
showing the present proposal and future expansion plan.
During handling and processing of municipal solid waste, there is
likelihood of generation of odour problem in the vicinity of processing as
well as landfill facility, but no concrete solution has been prescribed in
the Environment Management Plan to control the odour problem, as
such, the Corporation is required to submit viable proposal to control
odour problem.
No technical details of the composting process have been given in the
EIA study reports, thus, the Corporation is required to incorporate the
It was informed by the Environmental Consultant that the inert solid
waste will be used to manufacture bricks, but no complete proposal in
this regard has been submitted, hence, the Corporation is required to
submit the same.
vii) As per analysis of soil samples, the soil in the Bathinda area has been
depicted as acidic, which does not seem to be in order. Thus, the
Corporation is required to re-check the analysis results of soil samples.
viii) The Municipal Corporation, Bathinda has not properly addressed the
observations/objections raised by the public during the public hearing
alongwith material evidences, which is a statutory requirement as per
EIA notification dated 14.09.2006, therefore, the Corporation is required
to do the needful in this regard.
The Corporation has not submitted the NOC of Airports Authority despite
the fact that the Corporation was specifically asked in the letter vide
which 'Terms of Reference' were conveyed to it. Hence, the Corporation
is required to submit the said NOC in respect of both the sites.
A letter of Department of Town & Country Planning indicating the land
use surrounding the site of Integrated MSW facility to be established at
Mansa Road, Bathinda.
Nothing has been mentioned in the EIA reports of both the sites
Corporation is required to submit a detailed reply in this regard.
xii) The 'Terms of Reference' were issued to the Corporation on 28.3.2011
by SEAC for both the sites for preparation of draft EIA reports. However,
a perusal of the EIA reports indicates that the study for baseline data
was carried out in the month of February, March & April, 2011, thus the
Corporation is required to explain why the study regarding the rapid EIA
reports had been started prior to issuance of 'Terms of Reference'.
xiii) The Engineered Landfill facility to be developed at Village Mandi Khurd is
located at a distance of 28 kms from Integrated MSW management
facility to be developed at Mansa Road, Bathinda, but some of the
sampling stations for baseline data are the same, which is totally
incorrect since as per EIA notification dated 14.09.2006, study for
preparation of rapid EIA report is required to be done within a radius of
10 kms from the project site. Thus, the Corporation is required to clarify
in this regard.
xiv) Details about house to house collection of waste, segregation of waste,
primary collection centres, transfer stations and transportation of solid
waste to the Integrated Municipal Solid Waste facility be discussed.
The Committee decided to defer the case till the reply of the above
noted observations is received. The Committee also decided that a letter be
written to Punjab Water Supply & Sanitation Department/ Department of
Irrigation, Punjab to intimate the use of water of the distributory flowing
adjoining to the site of Integrated MSW management facility to be developed at
Mansa Road, Bathinda and Punjab Pollution Control Board be written to send
compliance report in respect of locational criteria mentioned in the Manual on
Municipal Solid Waste Management published by Govt. of India, Ministry of
Urban Development, New Delhi, within 7 days.
The decision of the SEAC was conveyed to the Municipal Corporation vide letter
no. 49581 dated 21.12.2011. Also, the Chief Engineer, Punjab Water Supply &
Sanitation Department, Patiala and Chief Engineer (Canal), PWD (Irrigation
Branch), Sector 19, Chandigarh were requested vide letter no. 49821 dated
22.12.2011 and 49823 dated 22.12.2011,respectively,
to intimate the use of
water of distributary flowing adjoining to the site of Integrated MSW
management Facility to be developed at Mansa Road Bathinda. Furthermore, the
Punjab Pollution Control Board was requested vide letter no.49820 dated
22.12.2011 to send the compliance report in respect of locational criteria as
mentioned in the manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management published by the
Govt. of India, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, for both the sites,
within a week positively.
Thereafter, the Municipal Corporation, Bathinda vide letter dated 16.02.2012 has
submitted the reply of the observations of the SEAC. Also, the Punjab Pollution
Control Board vide letter no. 139 dated 01.02.2012 has submitted the reply in
connection with letter no. 49820 dated 22.12.2012 of the SEAC. The Executive
Engineer, Bathinda Canal Division, vide letter no. 19071 dated 24.02.2012 has
informed that the water of the distributory flowing near the Municipal Solid
Waste dump site at Mansa Road Bathinda is used for irrigation as well as
drinking purpose by the people/ farmers of the villages.
The case was considered by the SEAC in its 56th meeting held on 27.02.2012,
which was attended by the following
on behalf of Municipal Corporation,
i) Sh. R.P. Gupta, Executive Engineer, M.C. Bathinda
ii) Dr. R.M. Mehta, GM, M/s Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Environmental
Consultant of M.C., Bathinda.
iii) Sh Yashwant Chauhan, Senior Manager of M/s IL&FS, Delhi.
iv) Sh. Himanshu Chaturvedi, Manager of M/s IL&FS
Due to paucity of time, the case could not be taken up in the
meeting held on 27.02.2012, as such, the Committee decided to roll-over the
same on 01.03.2012 with venue in the office of PSCST, Sector-26, Mahatma
Gandhi Institute, Chandigarh at 10.00 a.m.
Following were present on behalf of Municipal Corporation,
Bathinda on 01.03.2012 to present the details of EIA study:
Sh. R.P. Gupta, Executive Engineer, M.C. Bathinda
Dr. R.M. Mehta, GM, M/s Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Environmental
Consultant of M.C., Bathinda.
Sh Yashwant Chauhan, Senior Manager of M/s IL&FS, Delhi.
Sh. Himanshu Chaturvedi, Manager of M/s IL&FS
Dr. Mehta presented the details of the final EIA report before the
Committee and the SEAC observed that the Municipal Corporation, Bathinda has
not properly addressed the reply of its previous observations and the Corporation
is required to submit proper reply of the following observations before appraisal
of the project proposal:
The Committee was not satisfied with the reply of Municipal Corporation,
Bathinda regarding generation of MSW by each ULB of Bathinda cluster since the
actual generation of MSW by each ULB has not been co-related with the
estimated per capita generation mentioned in the CPHEEO manual on solid waste
management. Thus, the Municipal Corporation is required to submit a complete
data in this regard.
18 ULBs will contribute their solid waste to the MSW processing facility to be
developed at Mansa Road, Bathinda, but the composition/characteristics analysis
of MSW of only 4 ULBs has been done. Thus, with this data, it is difficult to
technically check the project proposal. Therefore, the Corporation is required to
submit composition/characteristics analysis of the MSW being generated by each
ULB and the overall value of each parameter of the said analysis to arrive at the
logical end.
The reply submitted by Corporation to the effect that no odour problem is likely
to occur from management & handling of MSW, is not tenable since such facility
is generally a source of odour problem and to control the same, there is a need
to provide a green belt of adequate width having proper species of trees,
besides, spraying organic inoculants. Therefore, the Corporation is required to
submit a complete plan indicating technical details in this regard.
As per earlier data given in the EIA report, the quality of soil in the study area
was analysed as acidic in nature. The Corporation has submitted the analysis
results of soil samples indicating that the soil of the same area is alkaline in
nature, but no reasons have been given as to why the latest analysis results of
the soil samples are differing from earlier analysis results. Thus, a proper and
authentic reasoning is required to be submitted in this regard.
As regards to inclusion of reply of the views/observations/suggestions given by
the public during the public hearing of processing facility at Mansa Road,
Bathinda, the same is not in order in respect of reply of the observations raised
by Sh. Daljit Singh Brar regarding effect on the quality of water flowing in the
The Executive Engineer, PWD (IB) vide letter no. 9071 dated
24.02.2012 has informed the Committee that the water of the distributory is
used for irrigation as well as drinking purposes. The Committee noted that the
surface run-off and leachate to be generated during operation and post closure
phase may affect the quality of water of the said distributory. Besides, there is
an approach to the processing facility along the distributory and movement of
vehicles may affect the quality of water of the said distributory due to dust
emissions and exhaust gases. Thus, a complete plan to protect the quality of
water of the distributory is required to be submitted.
The Municipal Corporation has not yet submitted NOC of Airports Authority of
India with regard to processing facility at Mansa Road, Bathinda and the same is
required for appraisal of the project proposal.
The letter issued by Department of Town & Country Planning vide no. 210 dated
19.01.2012 only indicates that a provision of 15 m wide green belt has been
made along the periphery of the proposed site of the processing facility to be
located at Mansa Road, Bathinda, but this letter does not show the land use
adjoining to the said site as per the Master Plan of Bathinda. However, the
Punjab Pollution Control Board vide letter no. 139 dated 01.02.2012 has
intimated that there is a residential area within a radius of 100 m from the
project site, therefore, it is clear that the said site is not conforming to the
locational criteria laid down by the Govt. of India, Ministry of Urban
Development, in the manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management since as per
the said manual, the site of MSW facility should be atleast 500 m from a notified
habitation area. Thus, the Corporation is required to submit proper justification
regarding non-conforming of the said site to the locational criteria.
Intimate the details for mitigation of pollution from transfer stations and primary
collection centres.
Submit financial plan for construction phase, operation phase and post-closure
phase including details of bank guarantees to be taken from the Operator of the
facility for all the three phases.
Quantity of leachate to be generated during operation and post closure phase
and a complete plan for management & handling of the same.
A complete plan for management & handling of surface run-off during rainy
The primary parameter i.e. C/N ratio of the solid waste to be sent to composting
section has not been calculated and nothing has been mentioned as to which
additives/material will be added in the said waste, if the C/N ratio does not fall
within the desired range. Therefore, the Corporation is required to submit details
in this regard.
The decision of the Committee was conveyed to the Municipal
Corporation, Bathinda vide letter no. 12223 dated 14.03.2012.
The case was considered by the SEAC in its 60th meeting held on 17.06.2012, which was
attended by the following on behalf of M.C., Bathinda
Sh. R.P. Gupta, Asstt. Commissioner, M.C. Bathinda
Sh. Sandeep Gupta, Asstt. Municipal Engineer, M.C., Bathinda
Dr. R.M. Mehta, GM, M/s Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,
Environmental Consultant of M.C., Bathinda.
Dr. Mehta presented the reply of the observations of the SEAC but the
Committee was not satisfied with the reply submitted by Municipal Corporation,
Bathinda. Sh. R.P Gupta, Asst. Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Bathinda informed
that their Consultant has not submitted the proper reply of the observations of the
Committee inspite of repeated verbal instructions. He requested the Committee for 10
days to submit revised final rapid EIA report after incorporating the proper reply of the
observations of the Committee including contour plan , clearance from the Airport
Authority, affidavit for green belt towards the side of habitation ,affidavit stating that no
further habitation will be allowed around 500 m area and all illegal habitation will be
removed etc.
The Committee accepted the request of the Asst. Commissioner and decided
to defer the case till the Municipal Corporation, Bathinda submits revised final rapid EIA
reports for the "Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Facility" to be developed
at Mansa Road, Bathinda and 'Engineered Sanitary Landfill Facility' to be developed in
the revenue estate of Village Mandi Khurd by Municipal Corporation, Bathinda, after
incorporating the proper reply of the observations of the Committee. The decision of the
SEAC was conveyed to the M.C., Bathinda vide letter no. 2621 dated 21.06.2012.
The Municipal Corporation, Bathinda submitted the revised final rapid EIA report after
incorporating the reply of observations of the SEAC.
The MC, Bathinda was requested by the SEAC vide letter no.3181dated 17.07.2012 to
attend its 62nd meeting on 21.07.2012 to present the details of revised final rapid EIA
Following were present in the said meeting of the SEAC on behalf of M.C.,
Sh. Sandeep Gupta, Project Engineer, M.C., Bathinda
Dr. R.M. Mehta, GM, M/s Voyants Solutions
Environmental Consultant of M.C., Bathinda.
Dr. Mehta presented the salient features of the revised final EIA report as
The Department of Local bodies Punjab has initiated the projects for Scientific
management of Municipal Solid Waste in Punjab, keeping in view the
obligations of ULB’s under MSW (M&H Rules) 2000. Pursuant to the above
objective, the State has been divided into eight regional clusters namely
Greater Mohali Development Authority (GMADA), Patiala, Jalandhar, Ferozepur,
Bathinda, Pathankot, Ludhiana and Amritsar.
Bathinda is one of the clusters comprising of Bathinda city & 17 surrounding
municipal towns. There is a proposal to establish an "Integrated MSW
Management Facility at Mansa Road, Bathinda in an area of 20 acres and
"Engineered Sanitary Landfill Facility' in an area of 36.8 acres in the revenue
estate of Village Mandi Khurd, District Bathinda.
(iii) The 'Integrated MSW Management Facility at Mansa Road, Bathinda is to be
established at the site, where the MSW is presently dumped, as such, it is a
step towards environment improvement of the said area. This site has been
earmarked for establishment of MSW facility in the notified Master Plan of
Bathinda and DTP, Bathinda vide Memo No. 210 dated 19.01.2011 has
informed to the Corporation that as per the Master Plan, a green belt of 15 m
width has been proposed along the periphery of the said site. The site located
at Bathinda is also conforming to said locational criteria laid down by the
Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India except the distance from the
habitation area. As per Master Plan, the area surrounding to this site is low
density residential area and there are scattered houses.
The nearest
residential house from the periphery of the said site is at a distance of about
100m. The locational criteria of the said guidelines is not mandatory
requirement since as per clause no. 17.4.1 of the manual, in the absence of the
regulatory requirements, the locational criteria is suggestive only.
The stretch of land located at Village Mandi Khurd, where an "Engineered
Sanitary Landfill Facility" is to be established, is presently lying vacant and is
surrounded by agricultural activities. This site is conforming to the location
criteria laid down by the Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India.
There is no Eco-sensitive areas notified under Environment (Protection) Act,
1986, protected area notified under Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, critically
polluted areas as identified by the CPCB and Inter-State / International
Boundaries within a radius of 10 kms from the site of the processing facility
and sanitary landfill facility.
(vi) The details of the project are as under:
Mansa Road, Bathinda Site
Mandi Khurd Site
Year Of
Size of the
Project Cost
Land Area
1. RDF Plant (250 TPD)
INR 11.72 Crores
INR 38.13 Crores
20 Acres
36.8 Acres
RDF Produced From MSW
90-100 TPD)
17-20 TPD
Engineered Sanitary Landfill
2. Compost/Curing plant
By Private Developer (part of Project)
600 KW
Electricity requirement is only for
lighting& administrative building
The processing plant site will be designed to process 350 TPD of MSW to be
generated from 18 ULB’s during the first phase in the year 2017, as per
projected population. The capacity of this processing facility will be expanded to
process 478 TPD of MSW to be generated as per projected population in the year
2034. The projected population for the year 2017 and 2035 has been calculated
on the basis of 2001 census and the growth rate considered is on higher side if
the projected population for the said years is calculated on the basis of 2011
census, which is yet to be published.
Rapid EIA study of both sites was carried out during the period February to April,
2011. M.C. Bathinda was aware that the rapid EIA was required as the project
was under category B-1, hence keeping in view its importance and priority of the
State Govt. to provide clean environment and in order to save time Municipal
Corporation, Bathinda took advance action and initiated rapid study in February,
2011 based on proposed TOR.
The physical & chemical analysis has been done for seven ULBs i.e. Bhatinda,
Malout, Mansa, Talwandi Sabo, Abohar, Giddarbha and Rampura Phul, which are
the major contributors of this cluster for finalization of processing technologies,
the details of which are as under:
40-45 %
The Municipal Corporation will initiate door to door segregation. The segregated
solid waste will be further processed to produce Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). The
RDF process will be designed and adopted from the process developed by TIFAC.
The organic fraction separated will be composted by windrow process on a
compost pad inside the project site.
Based on the characterization results and processing of 350 TPD of MSW
following products will be produced from MSW :
From 250 TPD of MSW, about 90- 100 TPD of RDF will be produced.
100 TPD of organic fraction will yield 17-20 TPD of compost/manure.
About 75-80 TPD of inert fraction will be separated out and the same will
be transported to Engineered Sanitary Landfill Facility to be dumped at
Mandi Khurd.
About 15-20% of recyclables will be separated out, which will be sold to
authorized recyclers.
The C/N ratio of MSW samples collected from Bathinda cluster is in the
range 22:1 to 24:1. As per CPHEO Mannual, C/N Ratio of 30 is most
favourable for composting, whereas the range may vary from 26-31.
Therefore, to bring the CN ratio within the prescribed range, slaughter
house wastes, blood meal, spoiled food grains, seweage sludge and cow
dung would be added to improve C/N ratio.
The total cost of the Integrated MSW facility is about 50.35 Crores (Rs. 11.72
Crores for Processing Facility and Rs.38.13 Crores for Engineered Landfill site).
Environmental Status
Air Environment:
Ambient air quality was monitored at five locations in the surroundings of the
project site for the parameters PM10, PM2.5, NOx SO2 H2S and CH4. The
mathematical modeling has been done to assess the impact of the pollutants on
the ambient air quality for the site located at Mansa Road, Bathinda, the details
of which are as under:
due to
Resultant conc. of
ambient air after
the plant (g/m )
Based on the modeling exercise under observed meteorological condition, maximum
concentrations of PM, SO2, NOx, CO due to proposed DG set are 2.0g/m3, 0.31 g/m3,
10 g/m3 and 24.4g/m3, respectively, at a distance about 200 m in the northeast
direction. The resultant concentrations of SO2, NOx and CO are well within the NAAQS at
all the receptor locations.
b) Noise Environment.
Noise levels in the impact area has been assessed. The results show that day time noise
levels exceed the limiting values due to traffic on the SH 17, which is nearby the project
site at Mansa Road, Bathinda.
For the site located at Mansa Road, Bathinda
Project site
Bathinda city
Day Time
Night Time
leq dB(A)
leq dB(A)
For the site located at Village Mandi Khurd, District Bathinda
Project site
Ram Nagar
Ram Niwas
Kutiwal Khurd
Day Time
Night Time
leq dB(A)
leq dB(A)
Water Environment:
Water quality in the impact area has been assessed for surface water and ground
water resources. Water quality from ground sources meets the IS 10500
requirements of drinking water. Surface water quality also meets the standards of
CPCB for Class C where water after treatment can be used for drinking purposes.
d) Soil Quality
At the time of submitting rapid EIA report, which was discussed by the SEAC in
its meeting held on 27.11.2011, names of some of the sampling stations were
inadvertently mentioned the same for both the sites, but the same was lateron
corrected as per the actual data/status. Also, the earlier results of the soil
samples, which indicated that the soil is acidic in nature, were recorded wrongly
due to typographical error by the laboratory. The soil samples were again
collected & analysed by the NABL/MoEF approved laboratory and analysis results
of which show that the soil is alkaline in nature.
15 m wide green belt along the periphery of the proposed processing site will be
developed to mitigate the effects of pollution and source emissions. The
predominant wind direction is from NNW and WNW and the nearby settlements
including Bhatinda city is located at the North, NNW direction of the project site.
Therefore the processing facility will have a minimum effect on the habitation of
Bathinda city. To prevent the odor problem, the Herbal inoculums such as Maple,
Naturevel or Gtech will be used, which are readily available in the market.
The water of the distributory flowing adjoining to the site of the processing
facility is used for irrigation as well as drinking purposes. Therefore, to have no
effect on the quality of water of the said distributory, a properly designed
boundary wall be constructed.
Since the level of the site is lower than the top level of the bank of distributory,
as such, there is no possibility of contamination of water in the distributory due
to leachate to be generated from the processing facility. Further, the surface run
off, of the project site will be collected by constructing pucca lined ditches and so
collected surface run off will be used in the composting process. The leachate
will be collected and treated properly and same will be utilized in the composting
(xvii) The Survey of India vide letter no. 1283 dated 13.10.2011 informed that the site
of the processing facility is located at a distance of 21 km from the nearest
airport station located Village Bhaisana, District Bathinda. Also, the site of the
'Engineered Sanitary Landfill Facility' is located at a distance of more than 20
kms from the said Airport Station. Therefore, there is no need to obtain NOC
from the said Airport Authorities as per provisions of Municipal Solid Waste
(Management & Handling) Rules, 2000.
(xviii) Door to Door collection by all ULB’s shall prevent the mixing of organic &
inorganic waste fraction to check the odour problem.
Two Bin System (For
organic & Inorganic waste) is being used in the towns. 50% of the generated
waste directly goes to the dumping sites, using Mini Tippers, only the waste from
the road sweeping comes to primary collection points, wherein closed bins are
provided along with one safai sewak, to prevent any littering in the densely
populated areas. Daily lifting of these bins shall be ensured by the MCB. Besides
this, sanitizers are used for preventing of flourishing of flies & mosquitoes.
Boundary walls have been provided as per the space availability at primary
Collection points.
The public hearings of both these sites were conducted by the Punjab Pollution
Control Board on 25.07.2011 and all the environmental concerns expressed by
the public during these public hearings have been addressed in the final EIA
Different species of trees will be planted in the green belt, the names of which
have been mentioned in the EIA report.
In the layout plan of both the sites, the present proposal and future expansion
plan have been properly marked.
(xxii) Various activities related to Corporate Social Responsibility have been delineated
in the EIA report.
(xxiii) The financial plan for construction phase, operation phase and post- closure
phase for the Integrated MSW facility is as under:
Construction Phase:
5.0 lac
Emission reduction Infrastructure
25.0 lacs
from equipments
Overall conservation
of Environment
5.0 lacs
5.0 lacs
EMP Cost
40.0 lacs
Operation & Maintenance M/s JITF Urban
10.0 lacs
 Air emission of RDF
25 lacs
Particulate matter
Malodour and Fly &
Insect vector
5.0 lacs
25 lacs
5.0 lacs
Control of water &
land pollution by
0.5 lacs
ground water & air
ambient quality
10.0 Lacs
5.0 lacs
Post Closure Phase
85.5 Lacs
Municipal Corporation Bathinda
cover & stability
Leachate treatment
& disposal
The Committee also went through the report sent by the Punjab Pollution
Control Board vide letter No.139 dated 1.2.2012 in which it has been mentioned that
there is no Airport within a radius of 20 kms from the site of the processing facility and
sanitary landfill facility as per data submitted by the District Town Planner. The report
of the Board mentions that the site of the processing facility is conforming to the
locational criteria mentioned in the said manual except distance from habitation area.
The Committee further noticed that the proposed site of the processing facility has been
earmarked for MSW facility in the notified Master Plan of Bathinda and the said site is
used for dumping of MSW in an unscientific manner for the last so many years,
therefore, establishment of processing facility at this site will be a step towards
environment improvement.
After detailed deliberations, the SEAC observed that the project proponent
has provided adequate and satisfactory clarifications of the observations raised by it,
therefore, the Committee decided to forward the case to the SEIAA with the
recommendation to grant Environmental Clearance to Municipal Corporation, Bathinda
for establishment of ‘Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Facility’ at Mansa
Road, Bathinda in an area of 20 acres to handle 350 Tons/day of Municipal Solid Waste
and ‘Engineered Sanitary Landfill Facility’ in an area of 36.8 acres in the revenue estate
of Village Mandi Khurd, District Bathinda under EIA Notification dated 14.09.2006,
subject to the following conditions in addition to the proposed measures.
PART A – Specific conditions
I. Construction Phase
“Consent to establish” shall be obtained from Punjab Pollution Control Board
under Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and Water (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and a copy of the same shall be submitted to the
Ministry of Environment & Forests / State Level Environment Impact Assessment
Authority before the start of any construction work at site.
All required sanitary and hygienic measures should be in place before starting
construction activities and to be maintained throughout the construction phase.
A first aid room will be provided in the project both during construction and
operation phase of the project.
All the topsoil excavated during construction activities should be stored for use in
horticulture / landscape development within the project site.
Disposal of muck during construction phase should not create any adverse effect
on the neighboring communities and be disposed off after taking the necessary
precautions for general safety and health aspects of people with the approval of
competent authority.
Construction spoils, including bituminous material and other hazardous material,
must not be allowed to contaminate watercourses and the dump sites for such
material must be secured, so that they should not leach into the ground water.
The diesel generator sets to be used during construction phase should be of low
sulphur diesel type and should conform to the provisions of Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 prescribed for air and noise emission standards.
Vehicles hired for bringing construction material to the site and other machinery
to be used during construction should be in good condition and should conform
to applicable air and noise emission standards.
Ambient noise levels should conform to prescribed standards both during day
and night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise quality
should be closely monitored during construction phase.
Fly ash should be used as construction material in the construction as per the
provisions of Fly Ash Notification of September, 1999 and as amended on
August, 2003 (This condition is applicable only if the project is within 100 Km of
Thermal Power Station).
Ready mixed concrete should be used construction purpose as far as possible.
Water demand during construction should be reduced by use of premixed
concrete, curing agents and other best practices.
Provision shall be made for the housing of construction labour within the site
with all necessary infrastructure and facilities such as fuel for cooking, mobile
toilets, mobile STP, disposal of waste water & solid waste in an environmentally
sound manner, safe drinking water, medical health care, crèche etc. The housing
may be in the form of temporary structures to be removed after the completion
of the project.
II. Operation Phase
“Consent for Operate” shall be obtained from State Pollution Control Board under
Air and Water Act and a copy shall be submitted to the Ministry before
commissioning of the integrated facility.
A green belt of minimum 15 m width shall be provided all around the periphery
of the project site and 5 m on the side abutting to the STP.
The gas generated from the Landfill facility shall be collected and disposed/
utilized as per rules.
The leachate from the facility shall be collected and treated to meet the
prescribed standards before its reuse.
The proponent shall obtain necessary clearance from the Groundwater Authority
for abstraction of ground water, if required.
The depth of the landfill site shall be decided based on the groundwater table at
the site and permission regarding the same shall be obtained from MoEF/PPCB.
Periodical ground water/soil monitoring to check the contamination in and
around the site shall be carried out as per the provisions of Municipal Solid Waste
(Management & Handling) Rules, 2000/Punjab Pollution Control Board
Spraying of an appropriate herbal sanitizer shall be adopted for odour control in
addition to its vacuum suction and destroying in furnace.
Proper shed shall be provided for the compost yard to prevent the rain water
coming in contact with the material in the compost yard. Periodical ground water
/ soil monitoring to check the contamination in and around the site shall be
carried out as per requirements of the Punjab Pollution Control Board.
All the recommendations of the EMP shall be complied with letter and spirit.
The Municipal Corporation shall ensure that the project comply with all the
provisions of the Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000.
Regular ambient air quality monitoring shall be carried out for all the parameters
mentioned in the notification dated 16th November, 2009 of the Ministry of
Environment & Forests.
xiii) The project proponent shall set up separate environmental management cell for
effective implementation of the stipulated environmental safeguard under the
supervision of a Senior Executive.
xiv) Entire organic material shall be converted into manure. Recyclable material
likewise glass, steel etc., shall be sold to recycler. Only inert material which
cannot be either composted or recycled shall be sent to the Engineered Sanitary
Landfill facility to be developed in the revenue estate of Village Mandi Khurd,
District Bathinda.
The funds earmarked for the environment management plan shall be included in
the annual budget of the Municipal Corporation and this shall not be diverted for
any other purposes.
xvi) Traffic congestion near the entry and exit points from the roads adjoining the
proposed project site must be avoided. Parking should be fully internalized and
no public space should be utilized.
xvii) Effective safeguard measures shall be taken by Municipal Corporation to ensure
that the AAQ levels at various locations are within permissible limits as
prescribed by MoEF/PPCB.
xviii) Appropriate mitigative measures shall be undertaken by the Municipal
Corporation to prevent pollution of water of the distributory in consultation with
the State Pollution Control Board. It shall be ensured that there will be no
littering of solid waste from vehicles and the leachate/ surface run-off to be
generated shall be collected with the help of lined ditches & treated properly, so
that there should not be any impact on the quality of water of the said
xix) The Municipal Corporation shall construct a RCC wall along the distributory of
minimum height more than the maximum height of the vehicles to be used for
transportation of solid waste/covering the distributory/conveyance of water
through closed pipeline right from starting of approach road upto the farthest
end of the site of the project to rule out the possibility of having any impact of
the transporting vehicles on the quality of water of the said distributor.
Periodical medical examination of the workers engaged in the project shall be
carried out and records maintained. For the purpose, schedule of health
examination of the workers should be drawn and followed accordingly.
Ambient noise levels should conform to prescribed standards both during day
and night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise quality
should be closely monitored.
The Risk assessment and disaster management plan should be prepared and
PART B – General Conditions :
This environmental clearance will be valid for a period of five years from the date
of its issue or till the completion of the project, whichever is earlier.
The environmental safeguards contained in the application of the Municipal
Corporation / mentioned during the presentation before State Level Environment
Impact Assessment Authority/State Expert Appraisal Committee should be
implemented in letter and spirit.
The entire cost of the environmental management plan (i.e. capital cost as well
as recurring cost) will continue to be borne by the Municipal Corporation until the
responsibility of environmental management plan is transferred to the
occupier/residents society under proper MOU after obtaining prior permission of
the Punjab Pollution Control Board.
The Municipal Corporation shall also submit six monthly reports on the status of
compliance of the stipulated EC conditions including results of monitored data
(both in hard copies as well as by mail) to the respective Regional office of
MoEF, the Zonal Office of CPCB and the SPCB/SEIAA.
Officials from the Regional Office of Ministry of Environment & Forests,
Chandigarh / State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority / State Level
Expert Appraisal Committee / Punjab Pollution Control Board who would be
monitoring the implementation of environmental safeguards should be given full
cooperation, facilities and documents / data by the project proponents during
their inspection. A complete set of all the documents submitted to State
Environment Impact Assessment Authority should be forwarded to the CCF,
Regional Office of Ministry of Environment & Forests, Chandigarh/State Level
Environment Impact Assessment Authority.
In the case of any change(s) in the scope of the project, the project would
require a fresh appraisal by State Environment Impact Assessment Authority.
All other statutory clearances such as the approvals for storage of diesel from
Chief Controller of Explosives, Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department, Forest
(Conservation) Act, 1980 and Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 etc. shall be
obtained, by Municipal Corporation from the competent authorities including
Punjab Pollution Control Board and from other statutory bodies as applicable.
The Municipal Corporation should advertise in at least two local newspapers
widely circulated in the region, one of which shall be in the vernacular language
informing that the project has been accorded environmental clearance and
copies of clearance letters are available with the Punjab Pollution Control Board.
The advertisement should be made within seven days from the day of issue of
the clearance letter and a copy of the same should be forwarded to the Regional
Office, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Chandigarh.
These stipulations would be enforced among others under the provisions of
Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Air (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981, Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986, the Public Liability
(Insurance) Act, 1991 and EIA Notification, 2006.
Environmental clearance is subject to final order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of
India in the matter of Goa Foundation Vs. Union of India in Writ Petition (Civil)
No. 460 of 2004 as may be applicable to this project and decisions of any
competent court, to the extent applicable.
A copy of the clearance letter shall be sent by the proponent to concerned
Panchayat, Zilla Parishad/ Municipal Corporation, Urban local body and the local
NGO, if any, from whom suggestions / representations, if any, were received
while processing the proposal. The clearance letter shall also be put on the
website of the Municipal Corporation by the proponent.
The proponent shall upload the status of compliance of the stipulated EC
conditions, including results of monitored data on their website and shall update
the same periodically. It shall simultaneously be sent to the Regional Office of
MoEF, the respective Zonal Office of CPCB and the SPCB. The criteria pollutant
levels namely; PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NOx , CO, Pb, Ozone (ambient air as well as stack
emissions) shall be monitored and displayed at a convenient location near the
main gate of the project site in the public domain.
The Municipal Corporation shall adhere to the commitments made in the
Environment Management Plan and Corporate Social Responsibility.
The State Environment Impact Assessment Authority reserves the right to add
additional safeguards/ measures subsequently, if found necessary, and to take
action including revoking of the environmental clearance under the provisions of
the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986, to ensure effective implementation of
the suggested safeguards/ measures in a time bound and satisfactory manner.
Any appeal against this environmental clearance shall lie with the National Green
Tribunal, if preferred, within a period of 30 days as prescribed under Section 16
of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010.
The Municipal Corporation shall construct pucca lined ditches for collection of
surface run off and the same will be used in the composting process.
The Municipal Corporation shall ensure that the contractor/operator shall engage
people of local area for operation of the facility as far as possible, so as to have
opportunities of employment for them.
The Municipal Corporation may apply for transfer of environmental clearance
under EIA notification dated 14.09.2006 to the contractor/operator finalized by it
to SEIAA, Punjab. However, no activity shall be undertaken by the
operator/contractor till the environmental clearance is transferred in his name
and he is lawfully bound to comply with the conditions of the environmental
The post closure arrangement of the facility shall be made as per the Municipal
Solid Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000 and "Manual on Municipal
Solid Waste Management" published by the Ministry of Urban Development and
Municipal Corporation will be responsible for post closure of the facility and
monitoring shall be done as per the Municipal Solid Waste (Management &
Handling) Rules, 2000 / "Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management"
published by the Ministry of Urban Development/Punjab Pollution Control Board
The MC, Bathinda was requested by the SEIAA vide letter no. 3402 dated
09.08.2012 to attend its 40th meeting on 17.08.2012.
Following were present in the said meeting of the SEIAA on behalf of
M.C., Bathinda
i) Sh. Sandeep Gupta, Project Engineer, M.C., Bathinda
ii) Dr. R.M. Mehta, GM, M/s Voyants Solutions
Environmental Consultant of M.C., Bathinda.
iii) Sh. Yashwant Chauhan, Project Manager, IL&FS
iv) Sh. Sandeep Malhotra, Manager, IL&FS
v) Ms. Era Singla, Assistant Manager, IL&FS
vi) Ms. Kavisha, Management Trainee, IL&FS
vii) Rana Jaspal Singh, Head Liasioning, JITF
Dr. Mehta presented the salient features of the project proposal before
the Authority and he informed that in view of environmental conditions, soil quality and
availability of groundwater etc., there is a proposal to plant following trees as
mentioned in Table-1 in the green belt instead of trees as mentioned in Table-2, which
were earlier proposed in the rapid EIA report.
S. No.
Scientific name of the tree
Common name of the tree
Acacia auriculaeformis
Dal Moth
Acacia nilotica
Ficus religiosa
Ficus benghalensis
Butea monosperma
Bombax ceiba
Terminalia bellirica
S. No.
Scientific name of the tree
Albizia procera
Common name of the tree
Safed Sirish
Cassia fistula
Emblica officinalis
Tamarindus indica
Acacia catechu
Polyalthia longifolia
Anthocephalus cadamba
During discussions, the representative of the Municipal Corporation,
Bathinda agreed to comply fully with all the conditions as mentioned by SEAC.
The Authority observed that the case stands recommended by SEAC and
the Authority looked into all the aspects of the project proposal in detail and was
satisfied with the same. Therefore, the Authority decided to grant Environmental
Clearance to Municipal Corporation, Bathinda for establishment of ‘Integrated Municipal
Solid Waste Management Facility’ at Mansa Road, Bathinda in an area of 20 acres to
handle 350 Tons/day of Municipal Solid Waste and ‘Engineered Sanitary Landfill Facility’
in an area of 36.8 acres in the revenue estate of Village Mandi Khurd, District Bathinda
under EIA Notification dated 14.09.2006, subject to the conditions as proposed by the
SEAC, in addition to the proposed measures.
Item No. 40.06:
Application for obtaining Environmental Clearance to
Management Facility" at Village Jamsher, District Jalandhar
and 'Engineered Sanitary Landfill Facility' in the revenue
estate of Village Piplanwali, District Hoshiarpur by
Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar.
The facts of the case are that:
The Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar has applied for obtaining Environmental
Clearance to establish an "Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management
Facility" at Village Jamsher, District Jalandhar and 'Engineered Sanitary Landfill
Facility' in the revenue estate of Village Piplanwali, District Hoshiarpur by
Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar.
The case was considered by the SEAC in its 35th meeting held on 13.03.2010,
wherein, the Committee finalized the 'Terms of Reference' and decided to
convey the same to the Municipal Corporation for preparation of the draft rapid
EIA study report. Accordingly, 'Terms of Reference' were conveyed to Municipal
Corporation, Jalandhar by the SEAC vide letter no. 18464 dated 16.04.2010 after
approval of the Competent Authority.
The Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar vide letter no. CE/2099 dated 03.01.2012
has submitted the draft rapid EIA study report alongwith its summary report to
the Punjab Pollution Control Board for conduct of the public hearing. Accordingly,
the public hearings of 'Engineered Landfill Facility' and 'Integrated Municipal Solid
Waste facility' were conducted by the Punjab Pollution Control Board on
27.09.2011 and 30.09.2011, respectively. The Board has sent the proceedings of
both the public hearings to the SEIAA, Punjab vide letter no. 41032 dated
18.10.2011 and letter No. 41038 dated 18.10.2011.
The Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar has submitted 20 copies of final EIA report.
The Commissioner, Municipal Corporation was requested by the SEAC vide letter
No. 2049 dated 16.01.2012 to attend its 55 th meeting on 20.01.2012 to present
the project proposal.
19.01.2012 informed that the Corporation is in the process of preparing
presentation and collecting relevant information, due to which the Corporation
will not be in a position to present its case in the meeting fixed for 20 th January,
2012 and requested to defer the case to the next meeting of SEAC.
The case was considered by the SEAC in its 55th meeting held on 20.01.2012 and
after discussions in the matter, the SEAC agreed to accept the request of the
Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar made vide letter dated
19.01.2012 and decided to defer the case to the next meeting.
The case was considered by the SEAC in its 56th meeting held on 27.02.2012,
which was attended by following on behalf of Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar
on 27.02.2012:
Er. Narinder Singh, S.E. Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar
Sh. Mangesh Dakhore, Environmental Consultant of M/s
SENES India Pvt. Ltd.,
Sh Yashwant Chauhan, Senior Manager of M/s IL&FS, Delhi.
Sh. Himanshu Chaturvedi, Manager of M/s IL&FS
Due to paucity of time, the case could not be taken up in the
meeting held on 27.02.2012, as such, the Committee decided to roll-over the
same on 01.03.2012 with venue in the office of PSCST, Sector-26, Mahatma
Gandhi Institute, Chandigarh at 10.00 a.m.
Following were present on behalf of Municipal Corporation,
Jalandhar on 01.03.2012 to present the details of EIA study:
Er. Narinder Singh, S.E. Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar
Sh. Mangesh Dakhore, Environmental Consultant of M/s
SENES India Pvt. Ltd.
Sh. Yashwant Chauhan of M/s IL&FS
The Environmental Consultant of M.C., Jalandhar presented the
details of rapid EIA study reports of "Integrated Municipal Solid Waste
Management Facility " to be installed in the revenue estate of Village Jamsher,
Distt. Jalandhar and
Engineered landfill facility to be established in the revenue
estate of village Piplanwali, Distt. Hoshiarpur before the Committee. The
Committee noted that the Environmental Consultant of M.C., Jalandhar had not
properly prepared the presentation since he was unable to reply the queries
raised by the members of the Committee during presentation. The Committee
further noted that both rapid EIA study reports do not contain certain primary
information, due to which the Committee was not satisfied with the rapid EIA
reports prepared by the Environmental Consultant.
After detailed deliberations in the matter, the Committee observed
that the Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar is required to submit the following
information/data before appraisal of the project proposal:
The solid waste generation of 700 TPD of all the ULBs of Jalandhar cluster has
been estimated taking into account the estimated population in the year 2009.
But as per project proposal, the Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management
facility including Engineered Landfill facility is meant for life span of 25 years and
the estimated population after 25 years has not been taken into account while
estimating the generation of solid waste. Therefore, the project proposal
prepared by M.C. Jalandhar does not seem to be in order as far as generation of
municipal solid waste is concerned. Thus, the M.C. Jalandhar is required to clarify
why the generation of solid waste after 25 years has not been taken into account
for designing the Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management facility including
Engineered Landfill facility. Furthermore, the quantification of solid waste for
designing the facility is required to be done on the basis of actual population of
2011 census instead of estimated population in the year 2009.
In the final EIA report, it has been mentioned that Village Nanak Pindi, District
Jalandhar is located at a distance of 200 m from the site of the processing facility
to be developed in the revenue estate of Village Jamsher, District Jalandhar.
Therefore, the said site is not conforming to the locational criteria laid down by
the Govt. of India, Ministry of Urban Development, in the manual on Municipal
Solid Waste Management since as per the said manual, the site of MSW facility
should be atleast 500 m from a notified habitation area. Besides, Village
Nanakpuri is located in the predominant wind direction, thus, the Corporation is
required to submit proper justification regarding non-conforming of the said site
to the locational criteria.
During presentation, the representative of the Corporation informed that the site
of the landfill facility to be developed in the revenue estate of Village Piplanwali,
District Hoshiarpur, is located at a distance of 300 m from the habitation area of
Kirti Nagar, District Hoshiarpur. Therefore, it is clear that the said site is not
conforming to the locational criteria laid down by the Govt. of India, Ministry of
Urban Development, in the manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management since
as per the said manual, the site of MSW facility should be atleast 500 m from a
notified habitation area. Besides, Kirti Nagar is located in the predominant wind
direction, thus, the Corporation is required to submit proper justification
regarding non-conforming of the said site to the locational criteria.
As per the manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management, a zone of 500 m
around the MSW facility boundary should be declared as 'No-Development Buffer
Zone' after the location is finalization, but the Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar
has not submitted any material evidence in this regard for both the sites.
Therefore, the Corporation is required to submit proper material evidence in this
The actual solid waste generation in each ULB is required to be intimated and
the same should be co-related with the estimated per capita generation
mentioned in the "Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management" published by
the Ministry of Urban Development.
The composition / characteristics of solid waste being generated have not been
analysed, which is the primary requirement to prepare sustainable project
composition/characteristics analysis of solid waste being generated by each ULB
contributing to this facility and the overall average value of each parameter, so
as to enable the Committee to check the adequacy of the proposal.
In the layout plan, nothing has been depicted regarding future expansion plan of
Corporation, thus, properly prepared layout plan showing the present proposal
and future expansion plan is to be submitted.
During handling and processing of municipal solid waste, there is likelihood of
generation of odour and process/fugitive emissions due to handling of solid
waste and movement of vehicles in the vicinity of processing facility, but no
technical details have been worked out to find out minimum width of peripheral
green belt to attenuate the odour and process/fugitive emissions. Similarly, there
is a need to work out width of peripheral green belt to attenuate the odour and
fugitive emissions from the landfill facility. Also, there is a need to list out the
names of the suitable species of trees to be planted in the peripheral green belt.
No technical details of the composting process have been given in the EIA study
reports, thus, the Corporation is required to incorporate the same.
The ambient air monitoring has been carried out only for PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NOx
and CO, which is required to be done for all the 12 parameters prescribed by the
During presentation the representative of Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar
informed that the site of the project located in the revenue estate of Village
Jamsher, District Jalandhar is at a distance of 13 km from the Airport, as such,
the Corporation is required to submit NOC of Airports Authority of India.
A letter of Department of Town & Country Planning indicating the land use
surrounding the site of Integrated MSW facility to be established in the revenue
estate of Village Jamsher, District Jalandhar and landfill facility to be developed
in the revenue estate of Village Piplanwali, District Hoshiarpur.
Nothing has been mentioned in the EIA reports of both the sites regarding the
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), thus, the Corporation is required to submit
a detailed reply in this regard.
Quantity of leachate to be generated during operation and post closure phase
and a complete plan for management & handling of the same needs to be given.
A complete plan for management & handling of surface run-off during rainy
season be given.
Following details in respect of mathematical modeling:
Which sources have been taken into account for assessing the impact on
the environment.
Fuel consumption rate and its analysis.
Pollutants release rate
Stack height and stack diameter
Exit gas temperature, velocity and volume
How atmospheric stability class has been calculated?
How dispersion coefficients have been calculated?
The Committee decided to defer the case till the reply of the above
noted observations is received. The decision of the Committee was conveyed to
the project proponent vide letter No. 12228 dated 13.03.2012.
The Municipal Corporation Jalandhar vide letter no. SE/146 dated 12.06.2012 has
submitted the reply of the observations of the SEAC.
The case was considered by the SEAC in its 61 st meeting held on 27.06.2012,
which was attended by Sh. Narinder Singh, S.E., Municipal Corporation,
Jalandhar. He informed that the IL&FS was not aware of the meeting, as such,
no representative of IL&FS attended the meeting. He requested the Committee
to adjourn the case to its next meeting. After deliberations, the Committee
accepted the request of S.E., Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar and decided to
defer the case to its next meeting. The decision of the SEAC was conveyed to
the M.C., Jalandhar vide letter no. 28613 dated 04.07.2012.
The MC, Jalandhar was requested by the SEAC vide letter no. 30348 dated
16.07.2012 to attend its 62nd meeting on 21.07.2012 to present the details of
revised final rapid EIA report.
Following were present in the said meeting of the SEAC on behalf
of M.C., Jalandhar
i) Er. Narinder Singh, S.E., Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar
ii) Sh. Subhradeb Pramanik, Environmental Consultant of M/s Senes
Consultants India (P) Ltd.,
Sh. Subhradeb Pramanik, presented the salient features of the
revised final EIA report as under:
The Department of Local bodies Punjab has initiated the projects for scientific
management of Municipal Solid Waste in Punjab, keeping in view the obligations
of ULB’s under MSW (M&H Rules) 2000. Pursuant to the above objective, the
State has been divided into eight regional clusters namely Greater Mohali
Development Authority (GMADA), Patiala, Jalandhar, Ferozepur, Bathinda,
Pathankot, Ludhiana and Amritsar.
Jalandhar is one of the clusters comprising of Jalandhar city & 25 other ULBs.
There is a proposal to establish an "Integrated MSW Management Facility at
Jamsher village, Jalandhar and "Engineered Sanitary Landfill Facility' near
Piplanwala Village, Hoshiarpur.
The 'Integrated MSW Management Facility is to be established at Jamsher
Village, Jalandhar. This site has been earmarked for establishment of MSW
facility/sanitary landfill in the notified Master Plan of Jalandhar as informed by
the Department of Town & Country Planning vide Memo No. 1327 dated
19.07.2012. The site located at Jalandhar is conforming to location criteria laid
down by the Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India except the distance
from the habitation area. As per Master Plan, the area surrounding to this site is
kept reserved for dairies, bee keeping, poultry farms and low density residential
area. The nearest residential area i.e. Nanakpindi village is at a distance of about
200m from the periphery of the said site. The locational criteria of the said
guidelines is not mandatory requirement since as per clause no. 17.4.1 of the
manual, in the absence of the regulatory requirements, the locational criteria is
suggestive one. There is a proposal to develop 15 m wide green belt along the
periphery of the project site and same will be designed as per the 'Guidelines for
Greenbelt Development' issued by CPCB.
The stretch of land located at Village Piplanwala, where an "Engineered Sanitary
Landfill Facility" is to be established, is presently already being used as solid
waste dumping site and is surrounded by agricultural activities. The site located
at Piplanwali, Hoshiarpur is conforming to locational criteria laid down by the
Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India except the distance from the
habitation area. Nearest habitation is Kirti Nagar, which is existing at a distance
of 300 m from said site. The proposed site has been earmarked for solid waste
disposal ground in approved Master Plan of Hoshiarpur. There is a proposal to
develop 15 m wide greenbelt along the periphery of the said site as per the
'Guidelines for Greenbelt Development' issued by CPCB.
There is no Eco-sensitive area notified under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986,
protected area notified under Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, critical polluted
areas as identified by the CPCB and Inter-State / International Boundaries within
a radius of 10 kms from the site of the processing facility and sanitary landfill
The details of the project are as under:
MSW processing
facility at Jamsher
Village, Jalandhar
Landfill site at
Piplanwala village,
Year Of
Size of the
Project Cost
Land Area
RDF Plant (700 TPD)
/ Curing plant (50TPD)
INR 99.21 Crores
Engineered Sanitary Landfill
Facility (22 acres)
INR 20 Crores
20 Acres
22 Acres
RDF Produced From MSW
(260 TPD)
6-7 TPD
By Private Developer (JITF)
Electricity requirement is
administrative building
The processing plant site will be designed to process 750 TPD of MSW to be
generated from 26 ULB’s during the first phase in the year 2017, as per
projected population. The capacity of this processing facility will be expanded to
process 1600 TPD of MSW to be generated as per projected population in the
year 2035.
The projected population for the year 2017 and 2035 has been
calculated on the basis of 2001 census and the growth rate considered is on
higher side if the projected population for the said years is calculated on the
basis of 2011 census, which is yet to be published.
Rapid EIA study of both sites was carried out during the winter season of year
2011 (baseline environmental monitoring)
The physical & chemical analysis has been done for the major ULBs of this
cluster for finalization of processing technologies. The details of which are as
Compone for
33 %
About 3%
The Municipal Corporation will undertake door to door segregation. The
segregated solid waste will be further processed to produce Refuse Derived Fuel
(RDF). The RDF process will be designed and adopted from the process
developed by TIFAC.
Green Waste will be treated separately for biogas generation through biomethanation process.
The organic fraction separated from mixed MSW will be separated and
composted by windrow process on a compost pad inside the project site.
Based on the characterization results and processing of 750 TPD of MSW
following products will be produced from MSW :
From mixed 700 TPD of MSW, about 260 TPD of RDF and 6-7 TPD of
compost/manure will be produced.
50 TPD of green waste will yield approx 3000Nm3/day of biogas.
About 25% as inert fraction of MSW will be separated out and the same
will be transported to Engineered Sanitary landfill facility at Piplanwala
About 4% of recyclables will be separated out, which will be sold to
authorized recyclers.
The C/N ratio of MSW samples collected from Jalandhar cluster is approx.
25:1. As per CPHEO Mannual, C/N Ratio of 30 is most favourable for
composting, whereas the range may vary from 26-31. Therefore, to bring
the CN ratio within the prescribed range, slaughter house wastes, blood
meal, spoiled food grains, seweage sludge, and cow dung would be added
to improve C/N ratio.
The total cost of the Integrated MSW facility is about 119.21 Crores (Rs. 99.21
Crores for Processing Facility and Rs. 20 Crores for Engineered Landfill site).
Environmental Status
Air Environment:
Ambient air quality was monitored at eight locations in the surroundings of the
MSW processing facility at Jamsher and Engineered landfill site at Hoshiarpur for
the parameters such as PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NOx, CO, Methane and Ammonia,
which are expected pollutants from such type of projects. The mathematical
modeling has been carried out for PM, SO2, and NOx to assess the impact of
power plant and hot air generator on the ambient air quality, which is given as
24-hour average predicted ground level concentrations (GLCs) of
pollutants due to Power Plant
of pollutants
in the ambient
due to
Pollutant concentration,
air after
of the plant
24-hour average predicted ground level concentrations (GLCs) of
pollutants due to hot air generator
of pollutants
in the ambient
due to
Pollutant concentration,
air after
of the plant
Based on the modeling exercise under observed meteorological condition, maximum
concentrations will be at a distance about 600 m in the southeast direction. The resultant
concentrations of SO2, NOx and CO are well within the NAAQS at all the receptor
b) Noise Environment.
Noise levels in the impact area has been assessed. The results show that day time noise
levels exceed the limiting values at Jamsher Village and Diwali village due to high level of
traffic noise.
Noise Monitoring Result – MSW processing Facility at Jamsher Village,
Project site
Day Time
Leq (dB(A))
Limit (dB
Night Time
Leq (dB (A))
Limit (dB
Noise Monitoring Result – Engineered Landfill at Piplanwali Village,
Project site
Day Time
Leq (dB(A))
Limit (dB
Night Time
Leq (dB (A))
Limit (dB
Pur Hiran
Basi Daulat
c) Water Environment:
Water quality in the impact area has been assessed for surface water and ground
water resources. Water quality from ground sources meets the IS 10500-1992
requirements of drinking water. Surface water quality also meets the standards of
CPCB for Class C where water after treatment can be used for drinking purposes.
d) Soil Quality
The soil samples were collected & analysed by the NABL/MoEF approved
laboratory and analysis results of which show that the soil is alkaline in nature.
15 m wide green belt along the periphery of the proposed processing site will be
developed to mitigate the effects of pollution and source emissions. The
predominant wind direction is from NW and West and the nearby settlements i.e.
Nanakpindi village is located at the Southeast direction of the project site. To
prevent the odor problem, the Herbal inoculums such as Maple, Naturevel or
Gtech will be used, which are readily available in the market.
(xvii) The surface run off, of the project site will be collected by constructing pucca lined
ditches and so collected surface run off will be used in the composting process.
The leachate will be collected and treated properly and same will be utilized in the
composting section.
(xviii) The Survey of India vide letter no. 1283 dated 13.10.2011 that the site of the
processing facility is located at a distance of 26 km from the nearest military
airbase at Adampur. However, the proposed site of the Engineered Sanitary
Landfill Facility at Village Piplanwali, which is already existing since the past 20
years, is located at a distance of about 13 km from the nearest military airbase at
Adampur, but the Ministry of Environment & Forests has considered the case of
MSW facility to be developed at Jamalpur, Ludhiana without asking the
Corporation to get the same from the Airports Authority of India. The Municipal
Corporation, Jalandhar has applied to the military airbase at Adampur for getting
the necessary permission.
The public hearings of the Engineered Sanitary Landfill Facility and Processing
Facility sites were conducted by the Punjab Pollution Control Board on
27.09.2011 and 30.09.2011, respectively and all the environmental concerns
expressed by the public during these public hearings have been addressed in the
final EIA reports.
Different species of trees will be planted in the green belt, the names of which
have been mentioned in the EIA report.
In the layout plan of both the sites, the present proposal and future expansion
plan have been properly marked.
(xxii) Various activities related to Corporate Social Responsibility have been delineated
in the EIA report.
(xxiii) A power plant of 6 MW will be installed to produce electricity from RDF.
(xxiv) The Environment management plan for construction phase, operation phase and
post- closure phase for the integrated facility is as under:
Construction Phase:
Dust emission control
Green Belt development
Operation & Maintenance Phase
Infrastructure Ltd.
Air emission of RDF Plant
Dust &
Effluent Treatment Plant
Control of Pathogen,
Odor and Fly & Insect vector
Landfill gas Management
Control of water &
pollution by Leachate
Monitoring of ground water &
air ambient quality
Green Belt Maintenance
Health safeguards
Jalandhar & M/s JITF
Urban Infrastructure Ltd.
Post Closure Phase
Providing an appropriate final
cover & stability
Erosion management
The Committee observed that the site of the 'Engineered Sanitary Landfill
Facility' is conforming to the locational criteria mentioned in the manual prepared by the
Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi except the distance form the
habitation/residential area. The said site is already being used for dumping of MSW in
an unscientific manner for the past many years, therefore, establishment of said facility
at this site will be a step towards environment improvement.
Furthermore, the site of the processing facility is conforming to the
habitation/residential area. The submission of the Municipal Corporation to the effect
that the State of Punjab is a land locked State due to which land prices are very high as
compared to other States; this reply is tenable as it is very difficult to identify a 20 acres
chunk of land for establishment of such a facility.
After detailed deliberations, the SEAC observed that the project proponent
has provided adequate and satisfactory clarifications to the observations raised by it,
therefore, the Committee decided to forward the case to the SEIAA with the
recommendation to grant Environmental Clearance to Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar
for establishment of ‘Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Facility’ in the
revenue estate of Village Jamsher, Distt. Jalandhar in an area of 20 acres to handle 750
Tons/day of Municipal Solid Waste and ‘Engineered Sanitary Landfill Facility’ in an area
of 22 acres in the revenue estate of Village Piplanwali, District Hoshiarpur under EIA
Notification dated 14.09.2006, subject to the following conditions in addition to the
proposed measures.
PART A – Specific conditions
I. Construction Phase
“Consent to establish” shall be obtained from Punjab Pollution Control
Board under Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and Water
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and a copy of the same shall
be submitted to the Ministry of Environment & Forests / State Level
Environment Impact Assessment Authority before the start of any
construction work at site.
All required sanitary and hygienic measures should be in place before
starting construction activities and to be maintained throughout the
construction phase.
A first aid room will be provided in the project both during construction
and operation phase of the project.
All the topsoil excavated during construction activities should be stored for
use in horticulture / landscape development within the project site.
Disposal of muck during construction phase should not create any adverse
effect on the neighboring communities and be disposed off after taking
the necessary precautions for general safety and health aspects of people
with the approval of competent authority.
Construction spoils, including bituminous material and other hazardous
material, must not be allowed to contaminate watercourses and the dump
sites for such material must be secured, so that they should not leach into
the ground water.
The diesel generator sets to be used during construction phase should be
of low sulphur diesel type and should conform to the provisions of
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 prescribed for air and noise emission
Vehicles hired for bringing construction material to the site and other
machinery to be used during construction should be in good condition and
should conform to applicable air and noise emission standards.
Ambient noise levels should conform to prescribed standards both during
day and night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise
quality should be closely monitored during construction phase.
Fly ash should be used as construction material in the construction as per
the provisions of Fly Ash Notification of September, 1999 and as amended
on August, 2003 (This condition is applicable only if the project is within
100 Km of Thermal Power Station).
Ready mixed concrete should be used construction purpose as far as
Water demand during construction should be reduced by use of premixed
concrete, curing agents and other best practices.
Provision shall be made for the housing of construction labour within the
site with all necessary infrastructure and facilities such as fuel for cooking,
mobile toilets, mobile STP, disposal of waste water & solid waste in an
environmentally sound manner, safe drinking water, medical health care,
crèche etc. The housing may be in the form of temporary structures to be
removed after the completion of the project.
II. Operation Phase
“Consent for Operate” shall be obtained from State Pollution Control Board
under Air and Water Act and a copy shall be submitted to the Ministry before
commissioning of the integrated facility.
A green belt of minimum 15 m width shall be provided all around the
periphery of the project site.
The gas generated from the Landfill facility shall be collected and disposed/
utilized as per rules.
The leachate from the facility shall be collected and treated to meet the
prescribed standards before its reuse.
The proponent shall obtain necessary clearance from the Groundwater
Authority for abstraction of ground water, if required.
The depth of the landfill site shall be decided based on the groundwater table
at the site and permission regarding the same shall be obtained from Ministry
of Environment & Forests/Punjab Pollution Control Board.
Periodical ground water/soil monitoring to check the contamination in and
around the site shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Municipal
Solid Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000 /Punjab Pollution Control
Board requirements.
Spraying of an appropriate herbal sanitizer shall be adopted for odour control
in addition to its vacuum suction and destroying in furnace.
Proper shed shall be provided for the compost yard to prevent the rain water
coming in contact with the material in the compost yard Periodical ground
water/ soil monitoring to check the contamination in and around the site
shall be carried out as per requirements of Punjab Pollution Control Board.
All the recommendations of the EMP shall be complied with letter and spirit.
The Municipal Corporation shall ensure that the project complies with all the
provisions of the Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules,
Regular ambient air quality monitoring shall be carried out for all the
parameters mentioned in the notification dated 16th November, 2009 of the
Ministry of Environment & Forests.
xiii) The project proponent shall set up separate environmental management cell
for effective implementation of the stipulated environmental safeguard under
the supervision of a Senior Executive.
xiv) Entire organic material shall be converted into manure. Recyclable material
likewise glass, steel etc., shall be sold to recycler. Only inert material which
cannot be either composted or recycled shall be sent to the Engineered
Sanitary Landfill facility to be developed in the revenue estate of Village
Piplanwali, District Hoshiarpur.
The funds earmarked for the environment management plan shall be included
in the annual budget of the Municipal Corporation and this shall not be
diverted for any other purposes.
xvi) Traffic congestion near the entry and exit points from the roads adjoining the
proposed project site must be avoided. Parking should be fully internalized
and no public space should be utilized.
xvii) Effective safeguard measures shall be taken by Municipal Corporation to
ensure that the AAQ levels at various locations are within permissible limits as
prescribed by MoEF/PPCB.
xviii) Appropriate mitigative measures shall be taken by the Municipal Corporation
to prevent pollution of water of the distributory in consultation with the State
Pollution Control Board. It shall be ensured that there will be no littering of
solid waste from vehicles and the leachate/ surface run-off to be generated
shall be collected & treated properly, so that there should not be any impact
on the quality of water of the said distributory.
xix) Periodical medical examination of the workers engaged in the project shall be
carried out and records maintained. For the purpose, schedule of health
examination of the workers should be drawn and followed accordingly.
Ambient noise levels should conform to prescribed standards both during day
and night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise quality
should be closely monitored.
xxi) The risk assessment and disaster management plan should be prepared and
PART B – General Conditions :
This environmental clearance will be valid for a period of five years from the date
of its issue or till the completion of the project, whichever is earlier.
The environmental safeguards contained in the application of the Municipal
Corporation / mentioned during the presentation before State Level Environment
Impact Assessment Authority/State Expert Appraisal Committee should be
implemented in letter and spirit.
The entire cost of the environmental management plan (i.e. capital cost as well
as recurring cost) will continue to be borne by the Municipal Corporation until the
responsibility of environmental management plan is transferred to the
occupier/residents society under proper MOU after obtaining prior permission of
the Punjab Pollution Control Board.
The Municipal Corporation shall also submit six monthly reports on the status of
compliance of the stipulated EC conditions including results of monitored data
(both in hard copies as well as by mail) to the respective Regional office of
MoEF, the Zonal Office of CPCB and the SPCB/SEIAA.
Officials from the Regional Office of Ministry of Environment & Forests,
Chandigarh / State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority / State Level
Expert Appraisal Committee / Punjab Pollution Control Board who would be
monitoring the implementation of environmental safeguards should be given full
cooperation, facilities and documents / data by the project proponents during
their inspection. A complete set of all the documents submitted to State
Environment Impact Assessment Authority should be forwarded to the CCF,
Regional Office of Ministry of Environment & Forests, Chandigarh/State Level
Environment Impact Assessment Authority.
In the case of any change(s) in the scope of the project, the project would
require a fresh appraisal by State Environment Impact Assessment Authority.
All other statutory clearances such as the approvals for storage of diesel from
Chief Controller of Explosives, Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department, Forest
(Conservation) Act, 1980 and Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 etc. shall be
obtained, by Municipal Corporation from the competent authorities including
Punjab Pollution Control Board and from other statutory bodies as applicable.
The Municipal Corporation should advertise in at least two local newspapers
widely circulated in the region, one of which shall be in the vernacular language
informing that the project has been accorded environmental clearance and
copies of clearance letters are available with the Punjab Pollution Control Board.
The advertisement should be made within seven days from the day of issue of
the clearance letter and a copy of the same should be forwarded to the Regional
Office, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Chandigarh.
These stipulations would be enforced among others under the provisions of
Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Air (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981, Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986, the Public Liability
(Insurance) Act, 1991 and EIA Notification, 2006.
Environmental clearance is subject to final order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of
India in the matter of Goa Foundation Vs. Union of India in Writ Petition (Civil)
No. 460 of 2004 as may be applicable to this project and decisions of any
competent court, to the extent applicable.
A copy of the clearance letter shall be sent by the proponent to concerned
Panchayat, Zilla Parishad/ Municipal Corporation, Urban local body and the local
NGO, if any, from whom suggestions / representations, if any, were received
while processing the proposal. The clearance letter shall also be put on the
website of the Municipal Corporation by the proponent.
The proponent shall upload the status of compliance of the stipulated EC
conditions, including results of monitored data on their website and shall update
the same periodically. It shall simultaneously be sent to the Regional Office of
MoEF, the respective Zonal Office of CPCB and the SPCB. The criteria pollutant
levels namely; PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NOx , CO, Pb, Ozone (ambient air as well as stack
emissions) shall be monitored and displayed at a convenient location near the
main gate of the project site in the public domain.
The Municipal Corporation shall adhere to the commitments made in the
Environment Management Plan and Corporate Social Responsibility.
The State Environment Impact Assessment Authority reserves the right to add
additional safeguards/ measures subsequently, if found necessary, and to take
action including revoking of the environmental clearance under the provisions of
the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986, to ensure effective implementation of
the suggested safeguards/ measures in a time bound and satisfactory manner.
Any appeal against this environmental clearance shall lie with the National Green
Tribunal, if preferred, within a period of 30 days as prescribed under Section 16
of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010.
The Municipal Corporation shall construct pucca lined ditches for collection of
surface run off and the same will be used in the composting process.
The Municipal Corporation shall obtain permission from Military Airbase Station at
Adampur before starting any construction activities at the Engineered Sanitary
Landfill Facility to be developed at Village Piplanwali, District Hoshiarpur.
The Municipal Corporation shall ensure that the contractor/operator shall engage
people of local area for operation of the facility as far as possible, so as to have
opportunities of employment for them.
The Municipal Corporation may apply for transfer of environmental clearance
under EIA notification dated 14.09.2006 to the contractor/operator finalized by it
to SEIAA, Punjab. However, no activity shall be undertaken by the
operator/contractor till the environmental clearance is transferred in his name
and he is lawfully bound to comply with the conditions of the environmental
The Municipal Corporation shall install adequate and appropriate air pollution
control device with the boiler of power plant so as to ensure the compliance of
emission standards laid down by the Ministry of Environment & Forests/Punjab
Pollution Control Board. The Corporation shall also take necessary steps to
minimize the generation of furan and dioxin in the flue gas emissions.
The post closure arrangement of the facility shall be made as per the Municipal
Solid Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000 and "Manual on Municipal
Solid Waste Management" published by the Ministry of Urban Development and
Municipal Corporation will be responsible for post closure of the facility and
monitoring shall be done as per the Municipal Solid Waste (Management &
Handling) Rules, 2000 / "Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management"
published by the Ministry of Urban Development/Punjab Pollution Control Board
The MC, Jalandhar was requested by the SEIAA vide letter no. 3404 dated
09.08.2012 to attend its 40th meeting on 17.08.2012.
Following were present in the said meeting of the SEIAA on behalf of
M.C., Jalandhar
Sh. Narinder Singh, S.E., M.C., Jalandhar
Sh. Surinder Singh, of M/s SENES India Pvt. Ltd., Environmental
Consultant of M.C., Jalandhar.
Sh. Yashwant Chauhan, Project Manager, IL&FS
Sh. Sandeep Malhotra, Manager, IL&FS
Ms. Era Singla, Assistant Manager, IL&FS
Ms. Kavisha, Management Trainee, IL&FS
Rana Jaspal Singh, Head Liasioning, JITF
Sh. Surinder Singh presented the salient features of the project proposal
before the Authority and he informed that in view of environmental conditions, soil
quality and availability of groundwater etc., there is a proposal to plant following trees
as mentioned in Table-1 in the green belt instead of trees as mentioned in Table-2,
which were earlier proposed in the rapid EIA report.
S. No.
Scientific name of the tree
Common name of the tree
Terminalia bellirica
Ficus infectonia
Bombax ceiba
Chikrasia tabularis
Schleichera trijuga
Acacia nilotica
S. No.
Scientific name of the tree
Albizia procera
Common name of the tree
Safed Sirish
Cassia fistula
Emblica officinalis
Tamarindus indica
Acacia catechu
Polyalthia longifolia
During discussions, the representative of the Municipal Corporation,
Jalandhar agreed to comply fully with all the conditions as mentioned by SEAC.
The Authority observed that the case stands recommended by SEAC and
the Authority looked into all the aspects of the project proposal in detail and was
satisfied with the same. Therefore, the Authority decided to grant Environmental
Clearance to Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar for establishment of ‘Integrated Municipal
Solid Waste Management Facility’ in the revenue estate of Village Jamsher, Distt.
Jalandhar in an area of 20 acres to handle 750 Tons/day of Municipal Solid Waste and
‘Engineered Sanitary Landfill Facility’ in an area of 22 acres in the revenue estate of
Village Piplanwali, District Hoshiarpur under EIA Notification dated 14.09.2006, subject
to the conditions as proposed by the SEAC, in addition to the proposed measures.
Item No. 40.07
Application for environmental clearance for Residential
Group Housing Project namely “Rosewood Green Housing”
to be developed by M/s Virat Infra Projects Pvt. Ltd. at Vill.
Sadhe Majra, Habitpur Road, Dera Bassi, Distt. Mohali.
The SEIAA observed that:
The project proponent has submitted an application for obtaining environmental
clearance required under EIA notification dated 14/9/2006 for establishment of a
Residential Group Housing Project namely “Rosewood Green Housing” in the
revenue estate of Vill. Sadhe Majra, Habitpur Road, Dera Bassi, Distt. Mohali.
The project promoter is covered under category 8 (a) of the Schedule attached
to EIA notification dated 14/9/2006. The details of the project proposal are as
The total area of the project is 15892.2 sq.m in which 250 no of flats will
be constructed having built-up area of 44780 sqm.
The estimated population of the residential complex will be 1250 persons.
The total water requirement shall be 169 Kl/day which will be met through
groundwater by installing one tubewell and a permission in this regard
has been granted by the CGWA vide no. 1624 dated 10.02.2010 for
abstraction of 460 KLD of groundwater.
There will be about 135 KLD generation of domestic effluent, which will be
treated in a STP to be installed based on activated sludge process. After
treatment, About 121.5 KLD of the treated wastewater will be generated,
out of which 6.5 KLD of treated wastewater will be used for irrigation, 68
KLD will be utilized for flushing purpose
and about 47 KLD
will be
into sewer.The project proponent has obtained NOC from
Municipal Council, Dera Bassi vide letter no. 128 dated 23.01.2009 in this
The total solid waste generation will be 500 Kg/day, which will be
segregated at source. The non-biodegradable component will be sold out
to the recyclers and the remaining solid waste will be disposed off in the
dumping yard of the M.C Dera Bassi.
The project proponent has
submitted a copy of NOC issued by Municipal Council, Dera Bassi vide no.
128 dated 23.01.2009 regarding the above.
The total energy requirement for the project will be 2122 KW, which will
be taken from Punjab State Power Corporation Limited. The project
proponent has proposed to install 2 no. D.G. sets of capacity 750 KVA
each as stand-by arrangements for power supply.
The total parking area will be in an area of 10552.6 sq.m, out of 1425.6
sq.m and 9127 sq.m.,respectively, will be provided in stilt parking and
basement parking.
The ambient air monitoring has been got done from M/s
Eco Pro
Engineers Pvt Ltd and the analysis results indicate that the concentration
of various pollutants such as PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2 and CO is within the
prescribed standards. Also, ambient noise monitoring has been got done
from the said firm and the analysis results indicate that the noise levels
during day and night times, have been measured as 53.8 dB(A) leq and
41.7 dB(A) leq, respectively, against the prescribed standards of 55 and
45 dB(A) leq.
The case was considered by the SEAC in its 44th meeting held on 26.03.2011 and
the Committee decided as under:
The project proponent be requested not to carry out any further
construction activity at site till he obtains environmental clearance
required under EIA Notification dated 14.9.2006. The project proponent
be also requested to submit the latest photographs from all the four sides
showing the status of construction.
The project proponent be requested to get information regarding
classification of the area from the Department of Town & Country
Planning, Punjab, in which the site of the project is located, as per Master
Plan, within 7 days.
The decision taken by the Committee in its 44th meeting was conveyed to the
project proponent vide letter no. 1101 dated 04.04.2011
Subsequently, the project proponent vide letter dated 26.07.2011 has submitted
the reply in connection with letter no. 1101 dated 04.04.2011, the details of
which are as under:
Observations of the SEAC
Reply submitted by the project
The project proponent be Submitted photographs taken from four
requested not to carry out
any further construction sides, which show that the construction
activity at site till he obtains work has been started at site.
environmental clearance as
Notification dated 14.9.2006.
The project proponent be
also requested to submit the
latest photographs from all
the four sides showing the
status of construction.
The project proponent be
requested to get information
regarding classification of
Department of Town &
Country Planning, Punjab, in
which the site of the project
is located, as per Master
Plan, within 7 days.
The project proponent has not
submitted information regarding
classification of area. However, the
project proponent has submitted a
copy of letter issued by the Chief
Town Planner, Punjab vide memo
No. 5139 CTP (Pb) SP-46 dated
21.07.2011, addressed to the
project proponent, in which it has
been mentioned that in the Master
Plan of Dera Bassi it is clearly
sanctioned by the Competent
Authority, will remain the same in
the Master Plan.
Status of CLU
Submitted a copy of letter no. 1831
dated 11.12.2006 of M.C., Dera
Bassi to the effect that permission
for CLU in FEZ area within M.C.
limits is not required.
The case was considered by the SEAC in its 50th meeting held on 12.8.2011,
which was attended by the following on behalf of the project proponent:
Wg. Cdr (Retd) Sh. Vijay Tyagi, Deputy General Manager of the
promoter company
Sh. Sandeep Garg, Environmental
Laboratories and Consultants, Mohali.
Sh. Sandeep Garg, who is the Environmental Consultant of
the project proponent, presented the reply of the observations as under:
About 15-20% of the construction work has been completed and further
construction work has been stopped and the same will only be started
after obtaining environmental clearance under EIA Notification dated
Submitted a copy of the Master Plan of Dera Bassi and the site of the
residential colony is located in the industrial zone as per the said Master
Plan. He further informed that the Chief Town Planner, Punjab vide memo
No. 5139 CTP (Pb) SP-46 dated 21.07.2011, has informed that in the
Master Plan of Dera Bassi it is clearly written that those proposed
structures, which had been sanctioned by the Competent Authority, will
remain the same in the Master Plan.
The M.C., Dera Bassi vide letter no. 1831 dated 11.12.2006 has informed
that permission for CLU is not required in FEZ area within M.C. limits.
After detailed deliberations in the matter, the SEAC observed that
the site of the project is surrounded by the industrial zone as per the Master Plan
of Dera Bassi, as such, any type of industry can come up in the said area, but
the project proponent has not made any provision of providing 15 m wide green
belt as per the stipulation laid down in the notification No. 3/6/07/STE(4)/2274
dated 25.7.2008 of the Govt. of Punjab, Deptt. of Science, Technology,
Environment & Non-conventional Energy. Moreover, the project proponent has
made construction at about 15-20' from the boundary of the project site, thus,
the project proponent is not in a position to provide 15m wide green belt,
wherever, the same is required.
Sh. Vijay Tyagi, Deputy General Manager of the promoter company
requested the Committee for one month time period for submission of revised
layout plan showing a provision of 15m green belt as per the stipulation laid
down in the notification No. 3/6/07/STE(4)/2274 dated 25.7.2008 of the Govt. of
Punjab, Deptt. of Science, Technology, Environment & Non-conventional Energy
wherever, the same is required.
The Committee agreed to accept the request of the representative
of the project proponent and decided to defer the case till the reply of the
aforesaid observation is received. The decision of the Committee was conveyed
to the project proponent vide letter no. 3604 dated 30.08.2011.
Thereafter, the project proponent vide letter no. 000995 dated 02.02.2012 has
submitted the reply in connection with letter no. 3604 dated 30.08.2011 of the
SEAC containing the following facts:
The NOC was granted by the Punjab Pollution Control Board vide letter
no. MHL/colony/86/2008/4810 dated 15.12.2008 subject to certain
conditions and following additional conditions:
The project proponent will provide a buffer of 15 m wide green belt
of broad leaved trees towards the red category industries i.e. M/s
Shakti Roll Cold Strips (P) Ltd., and M/s Hansa Tubes (P) Ltd., as
proposed in the revised layout plan submitted by the promoter.
The project proponent shall submit the amended layout plan of the
project duly approved by the Competent Authority within three
months as per the above condition leaving necessary green buffer
and project proponent shall undertake the construction only as per
amended layout plan leaving the necessary green buffer.
The Punjab Pollution Control Board while renewing the NOC on
17.09.2010 has waived off aforesaid both conditions keeping in view of
the facts that the site of the project is located in the mixed land use area.
The Department of Town & Country Planning is not ready to change the
approved layout plan since the same was approved when the site of the
project was falling in industrial mixed zone. However, the Department of
Town & Country Planning on 27.07.2010 had amended the Master Plan of
Dera Bassi and now the site of the project is located in the Industrial
General Zone as per the said Master Plan.
The case was considered by the SEAC in its 56th meeting held on 27.02.2012,
which was attended by Wg. Cdr (Retd) Sh. Vijay Tyagi, Deputy General Manager
of the promoter company and he informed that:
Three sides of the project site is surrounded by the residential project
namely “Parsvnath Greens” to be developed in the revenue estate of Vill.
Sadhe Majra, Tehsil Dera Bassi, Distt. Mohali by M/s Parsvnath Developers
There are 2 red category air polluting industries namely M/s Shakti Roll
Cold Strips (P) Ltd., and M/s Hansa Tubes (P) Ltd., at a distance of 55 m
and 97 m, respectively from the 4th side of the project site. Therefore, on
that side, the construction of some portion of the building block will not be
done to have space for providing 15 m wide green belt of broad leaf trees
due to which the built up area will reduce from 44780 sqm to 41744 sqm.
He submitted an undertaking in writing in this regard and the same was
taken on record by the Committee. He also submitted a copy of layout
plan showing provision of 15m wide green belt.
About 2% (Rs.70 Lacs) of the total project cost will be spent in 5 years in
a phased manner for social activities in the area. The Director, Project
Manager and Project Coordinator will be responsible for implementation of
About Rs.58 lacs will be spent for implementation of EMP and Rs.8Lacs
per annum will be spent on account of recurring cost of EMP.
The SEAC deliberated upon the matter and looked into the details
of the layout plan meticulously and noticed that it is not clear as to whether the
boundary of this project is abutting to the boundary of the project namely
“Parsvnath Greens” to be developed in the revenue estate of Village Sadhe
Majra, Tehsil Dera Bassi, Distt. Mohali by M/s Parsvnath Developers Ltd on three
sides or there is some gap pertaining to 'Industrial General Zone' in which an
industrial plant can come up in future. Furthermore, the project proponent has
already carried out 15-20% construction work of the project and there is need to
check as to whether there is sufficient space for providing 15m wide green belt
of broad leaf trees on the side touching to the 'Industrial General Zone' and on
the side where air polluting industries are existing within a radius of 100 m from
the project site. Therefore, there is a need to get the submission of the project
proponent verified from the Punjab Pollution Control Board to arrive at logical
After detailed deliberations in the matter, the Committee decided to
get a detailed report from Punjab Pollution Control Board, within 10 days,
regarding the following points before taking any further action in the matter:
Layout plan showing all the air polluting industries including all other
features, within a radius of 500 m from the periphery of the project site
and their distance from the periphery of the project site.
Whether the boundary of the project namely “Parsvnath Greens” to be
developed in the revenue estate of Village Sadhe Majra, Tehsil Dera Bassi,
Distt. Mohali by M/s Parsvnath Developers Ltd is abutting to the boundary
of 'Rosewood Green Housing' or there is some gap and the land use of the
said gap as per the notified Master Plan of Dera Bassi. Besides, present
actual activities going on the said gap.
Land use as per notified Master Plan of Dera Bassi adjoining to the project
site on all the sides.
Whether there is sufficient space to provide green belt on the side of the
project which is either abutting to the 'Industrial General Zone' or where
there are existing air polluting industrial unit within a radius of 100m from
the project site.
It was also decided to inform the project proponent in this regard.
The decision of the Committee was conveyed to the project proponent vide letter
No. 12226 dated 15.03.2012.
The Punjab Pollution Control Board vide letter no. 3179 dated 24.05.2012 has
informed that the site of the project was visited on 07.04.2012 by the Officer of
the Regional Office of the Punjab Pollution Control Board at Mohali and reported
There are 4 units namely as M/s Hansa Tubes Pvt Ltd., M/s KSI Medicare,
M/s Crop Care and M/s Amrit Rice Mills within a distance of 500 m. During
the visit, distances were checked and it was observed that the distances
from the boundary walls of M/s Hansa Tubes Pvt Ltd. is approx 96.3m,
M/s KSI Medicare is approx. 118.5m, M/s Crop Care is approx. 172.4 m
and M/s Amrit Rice Mills is approx. 311.4 m, respectively, from the nearest
boundary of the project. However, the distances of sources of air pollution
of these industries are more than 100m. Furthermore, M/s Shakti Roll
Cold Strips Pvt Ltd., which was within 100m from the project site, had
been dismantled.
There is a gap between this project and the project namely “Parsvnath
Greens” and there are few houses constructed in this gap. However, the
land use of the gap as per the master plan of Dera Bassi can be verified
from DTP, SAS Nagar. Few existing houses are built in the gap, however,
no new construction activities are being carried out in the said gap.
Land use as per the master plan of Dera Bassi adjoining to the project site
on all sides can be verified from DTP, SAS Nagar. The representative of
the project informed that they had obtained a certificate from the CTP,
Punjab issued vide its letter dated 21/07/2011 mentioning that in the
Master Plan of Dera Bassi it is clearly written that those proposed
structures, which have been sanctioned by the Competent Authority, they
will remain in the Master Plan as those are already shown. Moreover, as
per notification no. 6312 CTP (Pb)/SP-421 dated 11/08/2009, it has been
incorporated that “Where statutory master plan has been notified under
the Punjab Regional and Town Planning and Development Act, 1995
(Amended) 2006, if any new residential, commercial, mixed land use or
any other development/construction comes up as per the earmarked zone
there is no need to keep any additional distance from the existing industry
from the environment point of view because these factors have already
been taken care of while earmarking the different land use zones in the
master plan”.
The project proponent has sufficient space to provide green belt on the
side of the project, which is abutting to the industry namely M/s Hansa
Tubes Pvt Ltd, which is within 100 m from the boundary of project to the
boundary of the industry, however, the source of pollution is at a distance
of more than 100 m. The representative of the project informed that they
will not construct few blocks so as to provide green buffer towards the
The project proponent vide letter dated 10.07.2012 has submitted a copy of
letter no. 1048-DTP (S) /MP-1 dated 20.06.2012 issued by DTP, Mohali, in which
it has been mentioned that:
"nkgdh gqsh p/Bsh ftZu fby/ rJ/ y;ok Bzpo 252 ns/ 253 o'v tkJhvfBzr, rohB ns/
fJzv;Noh fwe; ftZu g?Id/ jB . y;ok Bzpo 222, 240, 241, 250 ns/ 251 48 whNo
gog'iav o'v, rohB ns/ fJzv;Noh fwe; i'aB ftZu g?Id/ jB . fJ; b?Iv :{ia ebk;hfce/;aB
;oNhfce/N B{z G'I tos'I spdhbh ;oNhfce/N Bk ;wfMnk ikt/" .
The project proponent was requested by the SEAC vide letter no. 3159 dated
17.07.2012 to attend its 62nd meeting on 21.07.2012, which was attended by
Wg. Cdr (Retd) Sh. Vijay Tyagi, Deputy General Manager of the promoter
company and he informed that as per amendments made by the Department of
Town & Country Planning, Punjab in the Master Plan of Dera Bassi vide
Notification dated 22.12.2011, the site of the project is located in the 'Industrial
Mixed Zone' and in the layout plan a provision for providing 15m wide green belt
of broad leaf trees has been made towards existing air polluting industries.
However, there is no need to provide any green belt of 15 m wide green belt of
broad leaf trees towards other sides since that sides are abutting to the
'Industrial Mixed Zone' since as per bye-laws of the Master Plan of Dera Bassi if
residential is coming near the existing red category industry in the 'Industrial
Mixed Zone', then promoter of residential development shall provide 15m green
buffer and if in the said Zone a new red category industry is coming near
residential, the promoter of new industry shall provide 15 m green buffer. He
also stated that the promoter company is complying with the provisions of Office
Memorandum dated 07.02.2012 of the Ministry of Environment & Forests, for
high rise buildings since the necessary NOC from the Fire Station Dera Bassi has
already been obtained vide No. 183 dated 24.12.2008, width of the approach
road is 18m against the minimum requirement of 15m as the height of the
building is 22.5m and the site of the project is located at a distance of 3 km from
the Fire Station.
The Committee also observed that the project proponent has
already completed the construction of the project, which is a violation of the
provisions of EIA notification dated 14.9.2006. Therefore, in compliance to Office
Memorandum dated 16.11.2010 of the Ministry of Environment & Forests, New
Delhi, the project proponent is required to submit a resolution to the effect that
the violation of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for starting construction
activity without obtaining environmental clearance under EIA notification is not
intentional and will not be repeated in future. The Committee further observed
that the project proponent has provided adequate and satisfactory clarifications
of the observations raised by it, therefore, the Committee awarded 'Silver
Grading' to the project proposal and in light of aforesaid resolution, decided to
forward the case to the SEIAA, with the recommendation to grant environmental
clearance to the project proponent for construction of a residential complex in an
area of 3.92 acres(for construction of three blocks of 6 floors + ground floor
each and club house having build up area of 44,780 sqm.) in the revenue estate
of Village Sadhe Majra, Tehsil Dera Bassi , Distt S.A.S. Nagar, subject to the
certain conditions in addition to the proposed measures. It was also decided to
recommend to SEIAA to send the case to the Govt. of Punjab, Department of
Science, Technology & Environment for initiating action under the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 due to start of construction work of their project without
obtaining environmental clearance under EIA notification dated 14.09.2006.
The project proponent was requested by the SEIAA vide letter no. 33329 dated
09.08.2012 to attend its 40th meeting on 17.08.2012.
The said meeting was attended by Wg. Cdr (Retd) Sh. Vijay Tyagi,
Deputy General Manager of the promoter company and he presented the salient
features of the project proposal before the SEIAA.
The Authority observed that the project proponent has proposal to
recharge the rainwater to be collected from roof-tops into groundwater by
providing rainwater harvesting system and there is no proposal to recharge the
run-off from paved area, green area and roads into groundwater. But the project
proponent has not submitted any proposal for disposal of the same. Thus, the
project proponent is required to submit proper proposal for disposal of said runoff, before deciding the case.
After detailed deliberations in the matter, it was decided to defer
the case till the project proponent submits proper reply of the above noted
Item No. 40.08:
Application for obtaining environmental clearance for
development of a Residential Colony Project "Estate N.R.I.
Extn-I" in the revenue estate of Village Malko (H.B. No.
298), Village Jaggan (H.B. No. 297) & Badshapur (H.B. No.
296) Jalandhar-Nakodar Road, Jalandhar by M/s Eldeco
Jalandhar Properties Pvt. Ltd.
The SEIAA observed that:
environmental clearance required under the EIA notification dated 14/9/2006 for
development of a Residential Colony Project "Estate N.R.I. Extn-I" in the revenue
estate of Village Malko (H.B. No. 298), Village Jaggan (H.B. No. 297) &
Badshapur (H.B. No. 296) Jalandhar-Nakodar Road, Jalandhar. The project is
covered under category 8 (a) of the Schedule appended to the said notification.
The case was considered by the SEAC in its 50th meeting held on 12.8.2011,
which was attended by following on behalf of the project proponent:(i) Sh. Arvinder Singh, General Manager of the promoter Company
(ii) Dr. Dhiraj Singh, Environmental Consultant of M/s Grass Roots
Research & Creation India Ltd., New Delhi.
Dr. Dhiraj Singh presented the case before the SEAC as under:
The total plot area is 3,35,340.20 sq. m (82.86 acres) and the built up
area of the project will be 61,627.04 sq. m.
The daily water requirement will be as under:Sr.
Per Capita Total water
Demand of requirement
as (KLD)
per manual
prepared by
1,267 KLD
The total water requirement for the project will be 1267 KLD, out of which
887 KLD will be met with groundwater by installing tubewells and balance
380 KLD will be met through recycling of treated wastewater. The Central
Ground Water Board, North Western Region, Bhujal Bhawan, Sector 27-A,
Chandigarh has recommended the case to the CGWA for abstraction of
groundwater. He handed over a copy of letter dated 18.5.2011 of the
CGWB as an evidence to the said effect.
The total wastewater generation from the proposed project will be about
1090 KLD, which will be treated in a STP having capacity 2040 KLD. During
non-rainy season about 971 KLD of treated wastewater will be generated,
out of which 380 KLD will be used for flushing, 554 KLD for horticulture, 27
KLD for cooling of DG sets, 10 KLD for recreational purpose. During nonrainy season about 971 KLD of treated wastewater will be generated, out of
which 380 KLD will be used for flushing, 27 KLD for cooling of DG sets, 10
KLD for recreational purpose and 554 KLD into storage tank.
A STP having capacity 2040 KLD consisting of screening chamber,
equalization tank, FAB reactor, tube settler, chlorine contact tank, dual
media filter, activated carbon filter and sludge drying beds will be installed
to treat the wastewater.
The total quantity of MSW has been estimated as 7485 Kg/day, which will
be segregated at source. The biodegrable waste will be treated in an on-site
composting facility and recyclable waste will be sold out to the authorized
vendors and remaining solid waste will be stored within the project
premises till a Govt. designated landfill site is established in the area.
The total power requirement will be 10252.5 KVA and 6 no. DG sets of
capacity 625 KVA each will be installed as standby arrangement for power
The run-off from the roof top, green area and paved area will be collected
and same will be discharged into groundwater by providing 64 no. rain
water harvesting pits of capacity 31.4 m3 each to replenish the
Total parking will be provided for 564 ECS against the requirement of 556
ECS as per the norms laid down by the Ministry of Environment & Forests.
Green belt will be developed in an area measuring 1,12,091.5 sq. m with
different species to attenuate the air pollution.
During presentation, the project proponent has submitted the following
documents, which were taken on record by the Committee:
Proof of ownership of land of area 73.17 acres in the name of M/s
Mehak Buildcon (P) Ltd and 9.90 acres in the name of M/s Eldeco
Infrastructure & Properties Ltd. Earlier, the name of the promoter
company was M/s Mehak Buildcon (P) Ltd., which was changed to M/s
Eldeco Jalandhar Properties (P) Ltd., by the Registrar of Companies on
23.02.2009 and submitted a copy of the said letter. Further, the land
measuring as 9.90 acres in the name of M/s Eldeco Infrastructure &
Properties Ltd has been purchased by M/s Eldeco Jalandhar Properties
(P) Ltd and submitted a copy of the registration deed.
The permission for change of land use for 73.17 acres of land area has
already been issued by the Department of Town & Country Planning,
Punjab vide letter no. 4183 CTP (Pb)/SP-432 (J) dated 23.04.2008 to
M/s Mehak Buildcon Ltd. The CLU for the remaining area 9.69 acres of
land area is not required to be obtained.
The layout plan in the name of M/s Mehak Buildcon Ltd., for 72.96
acres of land area has been approved by the Chief Town Planner,
Punjab. The layout plan for 9.90 acres of land area has also been
approved by the STP, Punjab on 3.1.2006 in the name of M/s Eldeco
Infrastructure & Properties Ltd and the said area has been shown in
the approved plan of 72.96 acres, despite the fact that a separate
layout plan has been got approved for 9.90 acres. After, change in the
name of the promoter company from M/s Mehak Buildcon Ltd., to M/s
Eldeco Jalandhar Properties (P) Ltd and purchasing the land area
measuring as 9.90 acres from M/s Eldeco Infrastructure & Properties
Ltd by M/s Eldeco Jalandhar Properties (P) Ltd, the latter company has
applied for obtaining Environmental Clearance for 82.86 acres.
Topographical map of the area showing Contour Plan
Site plan of the project showing the following
Solid waste storage area.
Parking space
RWH and water recharge pits
Fire fighting equipment layout
Location of Tubewells
Availability of adequate land for use of treated sewage and plantation.
Analysis reports of ambient air got analyzed by M/s GRC India Training
& Analytical Laboratory, Noida, reveal that the concentration of PM10,
PM2.5, SO2,NO2 and CO is within the prescribed standards. The noise
level of the area is also within the limits as per the analysis report.
Furthermore, the groundwater of the area is potable in nature as per
the analysis report.
Quantification of energy saved and renewable energy devices used
Drawing showing plumbing systems for use of fresh, treated and hot
Construction schedule (PERT/CPM Chart)
Affidavits for ;
a) Constitution of Environment Monitoring Cell
b) Use of ready mix concrete or use of fly ash during construction.
c) To provide Fire Fighting System
d) To provide wind breaking curtains and water sprinkling system to
minimize dust emissions.
e) To provide adequate safety measures for the construction workers
during the construction phase.
The Committee observed that the project proponent has provided adequate and
satisfactory clarifications of the observations raised by it, therefore, the
Committee awarded 'Silver Grading' to the project proposal and decided to
forward the case to the SEIAA, with the recommendation to grant environmental
clearance to the project proponent subject to the certain conditions, in addition
to the proposed measures:
The case was considered by the SEIAA in its 33rd meeting held on 12.09.2011,
which was attended by the following on behalf of the project proponent:
(i) Sh. Arvinder Singh, General Manager of the promoter Company
(ii) Sh. Mervyn Gilbert, Environmental Consultant of M/s Grass
Roots Research & Creation India Ltd., New Delhi.
Sh. Mervyn Gilbert, Environmental Consultant presented the salient
features of the case before the SEIAA as under:
The total water requirement for the project proposal will be 1267 KLD, out
of which 887 KLD will be met from ground water by installing tubewells
and remaining will be taken from MC, Jalandhar. He also brought out that
the permission for abstracting 450 KLD of groundwater has been obtained
from CGWA issued vide letter no. 1278 dated 05.09.2011 and the
permission for abstracting of groundwater of remaining 437 KLD will be
obtained before commissioning of the project, which will take about 3-4
A STP of 2040 KLD capacity based on FAB technology will be installed to
treat the wastewater against the actual generation of wastewater to the
tune of 1090 KLD.
The total quantity of MSW has been estimated as 7485 Kg/day, which will
be segregated at source. The biodegrable waste will be treated in an onsite composting facility and recyclable waste will be sold out to the
authorized vendors and remaining solid waste will be stored within the
project premises till a Govt. designated landfill site is established in the
Total parking will be provided for 564 ECS against the requirement of 556
ECS as per the norms laid down by the Ministry of Environment & Forests.
Green belt will be developed in an area measuring 1,12,091.5 sq. m with
different species to attenuate the air pollution.
The Authority observed that the project proponent is required to
submit certain information/data for deciding the project proposal.
Sh. Mervyn Gilbert, requested for one month time to submit the
said documents. The SEIAA agreed to accept the request of the environment
consultant of the project proponent and decided to defer the case till the
submission of said documents by the project proponent. The decision of the
Committee was conveyed to the project proponent vide letter no. 38377 dated
The project proponent vide letter dated 07.08.2012 submitted the reply of the
observations of the SEIAA, the details of which are as under:
Observations of the SEIAA
Reply submitted by the project
Permission of CGWA for
abstraction groundwater of
remaining quantity (437 KLD)
of ground water.
The CGWA has granted permission
vide no. 4237 dated 04.08.2012 for
groundwater in addition to 450 KLD,
for which permission has already been
granted by the CGWA vide letter dated
The capacity of the proposed
STP (2 MLD) is much higher
than the actual generation of
wastewater, as such, the STP
of said capacity would not be
technically viable. Therefore,
the project proponent is
required to get the STP
redesigned and to submit the
complete feasibility report of
the STP.
A STP of 1200 KLD capacity will be
installed to treat the wastewater
instead of earlier proposal. This STP
will be based on FAB technology. The
project proponent has submitted a
feasibility report of the same.
The project proponent has not
disposal of storm water, thus,
a concrete proposal is required
to be submitted in this regard.
The rainwater will be recharged into
harvesting system and the excess
storm water will be channelized via a
foolproof designed plant. A RCC pipe
of 250 mm diameter at a slope of
1:225 will be provided for drainage of
storm water.
The project proponent was requested by the SEIAA vide letter no. 3406 dated
09.08.2012 to attend its 40th meeting on 17.08.2012.
Following were present in the said meeting on behalf of the project proponent:
Sh. Arvinder Singh, General Manager of the promoter Company
Sh. Arun Kumar, of M/s Grass Roots Research & Creation India Ltd., New
Delhi, environmental consultant of the promoter company.
Sh. Arun Kumar presented the reply of the observations of the SEIAA.
After detailed deliberations in the matter, the Authority observed that:
The project proponent calculated the total water consumption by taking water
consumption rate as 86 lpcd, which does not seem to be realistic in view of the
living standards, seasonal variation and availability of groundwater in the region
of State of Punjab. Furthermore, as per "Manual on Water Supply & Treatment",
the recommended per capita water supply levels for designing scheme is as
Classification of towns/cities
Maximum Water Supply
Levels (lpcd)
Towns provided with piped water supply
but without sewerage system
Cities provided with piped water supply
Metropolitan and Mega cities provided with
piped water supply where sewerage system
is existing / contemplated.
Also, as per IS 1172:1993 titled as 'Code of Basic Requirements for Water
Supply, Drainage and Sanitation (Fourth Revision) the per capita water supply
rate is taken as under:
For communities with population 20,000 to 1,00,000 together with full
flushing system, the water demand varies from 100 to 150 lpcd.
For communities with population above 1,00,000 together with full
flushing system, the water demand varies from 150 to 200 lpcd and out of
this quantity 45 lpcd may be taken for flushing requirements.
Besides, the water consumption rate considered by the project proponent is not
matching with the water consumption rate fixed by the Authority in its 39 th
meeting held on 04.08.2012. Therefore, the project proponent is required to
calculate the total water consumption for the project as per the water
consumption rate fixed by the Authority. Further, the project proponent is
required to obtain permission from CGWA for abstraction of groundwater
quantity calculated as per norms fixed by the Authority.
The project proponent has proposal to recharge the run-off of green area, paved
area and roads into groundwater by providing rainwater harvesting system, but
no detail of the treatment facility to be provided, has been given. Therefore, the
project proponent is required to submit a concrete proposal for treatment of said
run-off in coherence with the treatment prescribed in the EIA guidance manual
for building, construction, township and area development projects prepared by
the MoEF.
The Authority decided to defer the case till the project proponent
submits proper reply of the above noted observations.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.
Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India
O/O Punjab Pollution Control Board,
Vatavaran Bhawan, Nabha Road,
Patiala – 147 001
Telefax:- 0175-2215636
Sh. A.S. Dogra, IFS (Retd.),
Former PCCF, Punjab,
Chairman, State Environment Impact Assessment Authority,
# 256, Sector 37-A, Chandigarh- 160 036.
Sh. F. Lal Kansal, Chief Engineer (Retd.) &
Ex-Chairman, Punjab Pollution Control Board,
Member, State Environment Impact Assessment Authority,
House No. 1133, Sector-7, Panchkula-134109
Proceedings of the 40th meeting of State Level Environment
Impact Assessment Authority held on 17.08.2012 at Regional
Office of Punjab Pollution Control Board, Mohali.
Enclosed, please find herewith, a copy of the proceedings of the 40th
meeting of State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority held on 17.08.2012
at Regional Office of Punjab Pollution Control Board, Mohali for your information please.
DA: As above.
Member Secretary (SEIAA)
Endst. No.
A copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information &
necessary action:1.
The P.A. to Chairman, Punjab Pollution Control Board, Patiala for information of
the Chairman.
The P.A. to Member Secretary, Punjab Pollution Control Board, Patiala for
information of the Member Secretary.
The Assistant Environmental Engineer (Computers), Punjab Pollution Control
Board, Head Office, Patiala. She is requested to display these proceedings on the
website of State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority.
Member Secretary (SEIAA)
Draft proceedings of the 40th meeting of State Level
Environment Impact Assessment Authority held on
17.08.2012 at Mohali.
The draft proceedings of the 40th meeting of State Level
Environment Impact Assessment Authority held on 17.08.2012 at Nodal Office
of Punjab Pollution Control Board, Mohali, have been prepared and the same
are placed below for kind perusal.
Submitted for approval of the same and also for approval to
convey the same to all concerned.