ETM Celebrates 20 Years in Style


ETM Celebrates 20 Years in Style
Volume 14, Issue 3
Spring 2011
Using music and the arts to enhance students’
academic performance and general development.
ETM Celebrates 20 Years in Style
The success of ETM’s model captured the attention of Dante Di Loreto, a
producer shaping public opinion about
music education with his sensational
show. Damkohler continued, “The fact
of the matter is that Dante’s latest project, Glee, has advocated more for music education in its few short seasons,
than many arts advocates could accomplish in decades.”
Those in attendance at the event
included Glee stars Jane Lynch, Darren Criss, Chord Overstreet and Jenna Dante Di Loreto accepts an award for exUshkowitz, as well as Emmy Award- traordinary advocacy for music educaiton.
winning actor Anthony Edwards (E.R.,
Top Gun), Pulitzer Prize-winning graphed Glee paraphernalia, fabulous
playwright Bruce Norris (Claybourne trips, and amazing New York experiPark), and Grammy Award-winning ences.
As the bidding closed, guests
violinist Joshua Bell. But the true stars
of the night were ETM’s partner school made their way into the dining room,
students, whose talents were show- where ETM Chairman of the Board
Michael Schaefer thanked the attendcased throughout the evening.
From the instant guests ees: “Your support here tonight will
stepped out of their vehicles, they provide ETM’s children with memowere reminded of the impact their ries of music and an appreciation for
support makes upon the lives of the arts that will last their whole lives.”
children. The 5th grade jazz band Benefit Co-chair and Board member
of P.S. 76, led by Jessica Parr, wel- Heather Hanssen thanked supporters
comed guests along an ETM red and staff, and introduced Director of
carpet. Inside, a string ensemble Programs Peter Pauliks to the stage.
Pauliks directed a chorus of stufrom M.S. 180, led by Leah Potteiger, performed from the balcony. dent musicians from four ETM partSt. Anselm School’s guitar ensem- ner schools who had joined forces to
ble, under the direction of Robert present a musical tribute to Di Loreto.
Popescu, played during the cock- String players from M.S. 180 in Co-op
tail hour, where guests could take City accompanied a vocal ensemble
in the scenic view of the Hudson made up of middle school students
“Glee” star Jane Lynch poses with the St. Anfrom both M.S. 424 in the Bronx and
selm guitar ensemble led by ETM Music Teacher River while bidding in the Silent
St. Ann’s School in East Harlem as
autoRobert Popescu.
(Continued on page 3, additional photos on pages 4-5)
On May 15th, Education Through
Music celebrated its 20th Anniversary by honoring Dante Di Loreto,
executive producer of the hit television series, Glee, at ETM’s Children’s
Benefit. Over 300 guests gathered at
Chelsea Piers–Pier 60 to recognize Di
Loreto for his outstanding work as a
national advocate for music education,
and to commemorate ETM’s 20 years
of dedicated service and progress. The
event raised over $300,000 for music
education, making it the most successful benefit in ETM’s history.
ETM Executive Director Katherine Damkohler declared, “Nothing is
more symbolic of ETM’s growth and
expansion than its partnership with
tonight’s honoree: Dante Di Loreto.”
Twenty years ago, ETM began working with a single school to serve 175
children; today, the model reaches over
19,000 children nationwide.
ETM Notes
Administrative Staff
Katherine Damkohler
Executive Director
Rainah Berlowitz
Director of Operations
Katherine Canning
Director of Development &
Program Evaluation
Angela Morrissey
Communications & Events Manager
Erica Bilko
Financial & Administrative Assoc.
Julie Rubinger
Dominique Salerno
Development Associates
Program Staff
Peter Pauliks
Director of Programs
Nicholas LaFleur
Assistant Program Director
Chris Marolf
Professional Development and
Consulting Specialist
Allison Mickelson
Field Supervisor
Board of Directors
Michael R. Schaefer
Katherine D. Elliott
Eldon C. Mayer, Jr.
Edmund R. Schroeder
Chairman Emeritus, Founder
Richard P. Davies
Rick Dobbis
Jennifer M. Goff
Victor J. Goldberg
Heather A. Hanssen
Karen M. Karlsrud
Mara L. Klein
Anthony F. Lo Cicero
Andrew J. Malik
Joseph F. McDonald
Nancy P. Northern
Edward J. Petner
David E. Stiepleman
Emily H. Susskind
Anne T. Vitale
Candace Wainwright
Katy L. Weinberger
Robert A. Weisstuch
Advisory Committee
Joshua Bell
The 5 Browns
Misha Dichter
Peter Flanigan
Marilyn Horne
Jane Remer
Thomas Sobol
Harold Tanner
Walfredo Toscanini
Spring 2011
ETM Welcomes
Two New Board Members
ETM is pleased to announce the
March election of Jennifer M. Goff and
Candace Wainwright to the Board of
Jennifer M. Goff has served as an
ETM Associate for the past three years.
She currently works as an Operations
Analyst at Greenlight Capital, and
serves on the Board of Partial Comfort Productions. Ms. Goff received
her B.A. in American Studies from the
University of Texas at Austin.
Candace Wainwright formerly
worked for Expeditionary Learning
Schools (ELS) for twelve years, where
she held a variety of positions including Director of Professional Development, Director of Personnel, and Director of Human Resources. She has
also served on the ELS Management
Committee for eight years. Ms. Wainwright received her B.A. in English
from Smith College.
Four Partner Schools Participate
in Bronx Week Parade
On Sunday, May 22nd, over 150
students from ETM partner schools
P.S. 43, P.S. 48, P.S. 76 and P.S. 121
joined Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. in celebration of the grand
finale of Bronx Week 2011. Together
with other school groups, floats, and
community groups, our ETM partner
students made their way up Mosholu
Parkway showcasing their musical talents.
ETM students marched alongside
the newest members of the Bronx Walk
of Fame, Chazz Palminteri, Irene Cara,
Joy Bryant, and Charles Latibeaudiere,
whose names now appear on plaques
on the Grand Concourse.
After the parade, hundreds of
residents enjoyed the Bronx Week
Food, Art & Music Festival, featuring
popular restaurants, arts and crafts, the
Bronx Arm Wrestling Championship,
and games and activities for kids. On
the main stage, hip hop legends Big
Daddy Kane and Force MD’s, the bachata group Xtreme, and the salsa band
Conjunto Imagen performed for the
crowd. ETM partner school students
were thrilled to participate in this celebration of the Bronx community.
ETM partner school students proudly
perform for the Bronx Community.
ETM Needs Marathon Runners!
Interested in running the ING
NYC Marathon and supporting music
education for New York City’s most
disadvantaged youth?
For the second year in a row, ETM
has secured a limited number of spots
in the ING New York City Marathon,
on November 6, 2011, through the
Community Charity Program. We encourage our supporters to participate
or invite family and friends to run with
Team ETM. This is an amazing opportunity to raise money for education
while sharing a life-changing, powerful experience with thousands of other
runners from across the globe.
If you or anyone else you know
is interested in running the race, visit or contact Angie Morrissey at 212-972-4788
or [email protected].
ETM Honors Di Loreto for Arts Advocacy
(Continued from page 1)
well as 2nd graders from P.S. 169 in
the Bronx. The children performed
Rollo A. Dilworth’s upbeat tune, Everlasting Melody, followed by Victor
C. Johnson’s heartfelt Will You Teach
Me?, as a slideshow of ETM students
played for the audience. Parents of the
performers stood in the back of the
room and watched their children; one
parent turned to an ETM staff member
and shared, “I am so proud.”
After the performance, Damkohler
explained how Di Loreto, seeking to
actively support music education, had
first reached out to ETM. Di Loreto
facilitated a Fox, Glee, and American
Express Winter-Wonderland event last
December, which highlighted students
from ETM-LA (an organization licensed by ETM to replicate the model
in Los Angeles), and which resulted in
a significant donation to ETM.
Di Loreto continued his collaboration with ETM and toured one of
ETM’s New York City partner schools
this spring. This visit was captured on
video by Fox and shared with the audience that evening. Turning to Di Loreto, Damkohler remarked, “Dante, on
behalf of our Board, staff, and the children in our partner schools, we thank
you for your passion and dedication to
music education. You have helped us
with both your art and your actions,
and we proudly honor you tonight.”
Damkohler invited Emmy Awardwinning actress Jane Lynch to the stage
to present Di Loreto with his award for
outstanding music advocacy. Lynch
reinforced her admiration for Di Loreto’s commitment to arts education,
saying, “Dante leads by example, and I
think that even Sue Sylvester would be
tempted to support him in his collaboration with this worthy organization. I
know that I do.”
Upon taking the stage, Di Loreto
spoke from the heart, sharing his personal experience of seeing youth in
underprivileged communities, learning
of their lack of arts education, and realizing that their talents may never be
discovered. “It is a sad commentary on
our society that
music education is thought
of as extracurricular, and
not core curriculum,” he
remarked. “We
these students
to be better
musicians; we
want them to
better human Dante Di Loreto, Anthony Edwards, Joshua Bell and Jane Lynch.
beings. Thankfully you know this. It’s ning the latest hits for guests on the
dance floor. After-party guests enjoyed
why you are here tonight.”
After dinner, Sara Friedlander, a an open bar and mingled outside in the
Christie’s auctioneer, led a Live Auc- fresh night air. The event’s success will
tion, with guests bidding on one-of-a- enable ETM to provide music educakind items including a week stay at an tion for thousands of New York City’s
Italian villa, a boat trip sailing along students. As ETM enters its 21st year,
the coast of Maine, a backstage tour of the support from the benefit will transthe Glee set, and tickets to American late into supplies for classrooms, inIdol’s Season Finale. The live auction struments for ensembles, and artistic
was immediately followed by a paddle opportunities for ETM partner school
raiser. This inspirational and spontane- students. ETM thanks all of the indious giving by ETM’s supporters was a viduals involved in making the benefit
highlight of the evening. Thanks to the a success.
If you have any interest in congenerosity of the many auction vendors, bidders and donors, the live auc- tributing to future ETM events, please
tion and paddle raiser generated over contact Angie Morrissey at 212-9724788 or [email protected].
$90,000 to support ETM’s activities.
Just when guests thought the evening’s festivities were winding down,
ETM extends special thanks to:
violinist Joshua Bell took the stage.
Bell had already performed two full
Alex Creasia
concerts in Florida that day, and arDante Di Loreto
rived at the Benefit directly from the
Rick Dobbis
airport. Bell amused the crowd with his
description of how he had rushed the
Jonathan Furr
tempo of his final piece in Florida in an
Heather Hanssen
effort to catch his flight to New York to
Elissa Johansmeier
support ETM. Bell discussed his hisWill Pellegrini
tory with ETM as an Advisory ComTracey Raftery
mittee member, and his passion for
the organization’s work. He then perETM thanks ALL of the wonderformed a playful arrangement of Yanful sponsors, donors, volunteers,
kee Doodle Dandy (which he recently
guests, committees and Pier 60
performed for the President himself)
staff for their time, effort and
and the entire room rose to its feet in
support in making the ETM 20th
Anniversary Children’s Benefit a
The festivities continued late into
great success!
the night, with celebrity DJ Zeke spin-
ETM Notes
Spring 2011
ETM’s 20th Anniversary
Children’s Benefit:
A Gleeful Celebration
ETM’s 20th Anniversary Children’s Benefit:
A Night to Remember.
Actors Will Malnati, Jenna Ushkowitz (Glee), and
Michael Trevino (Vampire Diaries).
Danon Robinson stands with his wife and
Benefit Co-Chair, Heather Hanssen.
Jenna Ushkowitz poses with “Glee”
fan Sydney Rosh.
Mother and daughter, Kathy and Adison
Dr. Louis Bisogni, physician for the New York Yankees, and Gina Della
Femina enjoy the evening’s ceremony and dinner.
Jane Lynch poses with ETM Music Teacher
Leah Potteiger and students from M.S. 180.
Joshua Bell performs a rendition of
Yankee Doodle for the riveted crowd.
Above: ETM Chairman of the Board
Michael Schaefer and Honoree Dante Di
Below: Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright
Bruce Norris and Emmy award-winning
actress Jane Lynch applaud ETM students for their stellar performance.
The Baltic Family smiles during the cocktail reception.
Guests take in the glorious view of the Hudson in Pier 60’s
glass atrium.
Jeremy Coffey, Michelle Coffey, ETM Co-founder Eldon Mayer, Betts
Mayer and Erika Neumann at the Silent Auction and Cocktail Hour.
ETM partner school students perform.
Emily Susskind (ETM Board Member),
Dante Di Loreto and Katherine Damkohler
(ETM Executive Director).
Julia Stringer, Dante Di Loreto, and Rob Stringer, Chairman of
Columbia/Epic Label Group.
Ali Galgano (Charm and Chain Founder), Darren Criss (Glee), and Sarah Friedlander (Christie’s Auctioneer) smile for the cameras.
Photography courtesy of Chris Marolf, Su Barr and Frank
Krumrie. For more photos, see
ETM Notes
Spring 2011
P.S. 76 Students Perform “Geology Rocks”
This spring, P.S. 76 in the Bronx
staged a full-scale musical production, “Geology Rocks.” With a cast of
over 200 students, the production featured the musical talents and scientific
knowledge of the entire fourth grade.
The musical follows the adventures of students on a field trip to the
museum. When a teacher, “Professor
Rock,” mysteriously disappears, the
students embark on an exciting journey
underground and underwater in search
of her. Along the way, they learn about
the continental plates, rock cycle, and
underwater ecosystem. After the children finally find Professor Rock, they
conclude the show with a song about
the planet: O, Colored Earth.
The fourth graders spent weeks
preparing for this impressive production that included a vast array of props,
scenery, and costumes. The show came
together thanks to the dedication of the
students, and the help of many members of the school community.
ETM thanks P.S. 76 Principal Louise Sedotto and Assistant Principals
Julie Falco, Maria Cioffi, and Karen
Humphrey for the
effort they put into
initiative. ETM also
thanks the classroom
aides, and custodial
staff for going the
extra mile to help
make the production
great. A final thanks
to Dean Ford and
other parents who
donated their time,
tools, and expertise
to help with set construction.
ETM Director of Programs Peter Pauliks reviews the choreography with the students.
The Blue Pages Rock Out
with P.S. 43
On May 18th, alternative rock
band The Blue Pages performed at
P.S. 43 in the Bronx for the entire fifth
grade. The Brooklyn-based group
played both original work and covers
of popular songs for the students. The
performers also spoke about tackling
some challenges of performing, since
the students were in the process of preparing for the school’s Spring Concert.
The band members reinforced the
importance of concert preparation, and
addressed issues including: dealing
with nerves, reviewing one’s music,
remembering to smile and having fun
with the experience. The students enjoyed hearing such veteran musicians
discuss their concert experiences, and
they left the assembly excited to perform their concert. ETM thanks The
Blue Pages for their time and the administration at P.S. 43 for organizing
this wonderful event.
Because The Blue Pages strongly
believe in ETM’s mission of enhancing
students’ academic performance and
general development through music,
the band will be donating 50% of all
proceeds from their latest album, Anthropology, to ETM.
For more information about The
Blue Pages and their efforts please visit
ETM Presents to Principals
at New Orleans Conference
During the last week of April,
ETM Executive Director Katherine
Damkohler and Director of Programs
Peter Pauliks travelled to New Orleans
to present at the 2011 National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA)
Convention & Exposition.
The conference is considered to be
the biggest Catholic education professional development event of the year,
bringing together school leaders, ad-
Students pose in character before the show.
A P.S. 76 student prepares for the musical
Did You Know?
Spending on arts
materials and supplies in elementary
and middle schools
decreased by 85%
from 2007 to 2010.
New York City Department of Education’s Division of Teaching and
Learning, “Annual Arts in Schools
Report 2009-10”, released 2011 .
ministrators, and other educators from
across the country to learn from one
another and share best practices.
Ms. Damkohler and Mr. Pauliks
led a session titled, “Leading Quality
Arts Education Through Meaningful
Partnerships: A Principal’s Guide,” and
shared their expertise in working with
principals to design and sustain highquality arts education programs.
Foundation, Corporate & Government Supporters
2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12
20th Century Fox Television & Fox Broadcasting
Allstate Foundation
Altman Foundation
American Eagle Outfitters Foundation
American Express
The Aria Foundation
Assurant Foundation
Avon Products, Inc.
Bangs Russell Foundation
Bay and Paul Foundations
Bettina Baruch Foundation
David and Minnie Berk Foundation
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Bodman Foundation
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Con Edison
Creative Artists Agency
D’Addario Foundation
The Dana Foundation
Dancing Tides Foundation
Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation
Embassy Row
Edward A. Fogel Foundation
Sidney E. Frank Foundation
Fred Flare Inc.
Funny Garbage
Gilder Foundation
Foundation for Global Sports Development
Goldman Sachs
Gramercy Park Foundation
Eugene and Emily Grant Family Foundation
Susan and Richard Hare Family Foundation
Sylvain & Marjorie Heumann Family Foundation
Horne Family Foundation
Hot Topic Foundation
Institute for Acoustics for the Performing Arts
Jockey Hollow Foundation
Konami Digital Entertainment
Emily Davie & Joseph S. Kornfeld Foundation
The Krumholz Foundation
Douglas C. Lane & Associates
Lotos Foundation
Manhattan Borough President’s Office
The McGraw-Hill Companies
Mertz Gilmore Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
New Yankee Stadium Community Benefits Fund
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
New York City Department of Education
New York Community Trust
New York State Council on the Arts
New York State Education Department
Newman’s Own Foundation
Henry E. Niles Foundation
Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation
RBC Foundation - USA
The David Rockefeller Fund
May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation
Safra Bank
Simple Actions Family Foundation
Dr. Robert C. and Tina Sohn Foundation
Sony Music Entertainment/Columbia Records
Ernst C. Stiefel Foundation
TPG Opportunities Partners
Michael Tuch Foundation
UJA-Federation of New York
Ullmann Family Foundation
Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation
Yale University Whiffenpoofs
ETM’s 2010-11 programs are supported, in part, by public funds from
the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership
with the City Council, and by public funds from the New York State
Council on the Arts, celebrating 50 years of building strong, creative
communities in New York State’s 62 counties.
“My favorite part of
the concert was that we
worked so hard. I didn’t
think we could do it but
we did it as a team.”
-5th Grade Student,
ETM Associates
Steering Committee
Restructures for
This February, the ETM Associates Steering Committee elected new
officers. ETM congratulates Chair Dan
Zaccagnino, Vice Chair Jennifer Goff,
Recruiting Chair Nicholas Glover,
Treasurer Caroline Adams, and Secretary Brooke Berescik-Johns and thanks
them for their commitment to serving
ETM’s mission.
The ETM Associates will continue
their year-round fundraising efforts,
while focusing on recruiting more
members and expanding their advocacy and outreach. Stay tuned for news
on future ETM Associates Events via
Facebook, Twitter and If you would like more information regarding the ETM Associates please contact Angie Morrissey at
[email protected].
122 East 42nd St., Suite 1501
New York, NY 10168-1503
Tel: 212 972 4788
Fax: 212 972 4864
Coming This September:
ETM’s 2nd Annual Golf Outing!
Join us this fall for a day
of golfing in support of
music education.
More information will be available in the coming weeks.
Watch your mail or visit