How to Survive the Massive Money Meltdown and Economic Crises


How to Survive the Massive Money Meltdown and Economic Crises
Are You Prepared for Financial Armageddon?
How to Survive the Massive Money
Meltdown and Economic Crises
that’s Heading Your Way!
WARNING: “Ladies and Gentlemen, there is an Economic Tsunami
just around the corner the likes of which we have never experienced
before. And it’s going to Strike without Warning. The Time to
Prepare is Now ...You will either be Wiped out...or like the Rich and
Powerful you will Prosper and Get Wealthy Before, during and After
the Chaos Arrives. The Actions You Take Today Will Determine the
Future You Experience Tomorrow.” ...Ron Ianieri
Dear Investor and Stock Trader,
Have you done all you can to prepare yourself and protect your assets from the
disastrous consequences that will surely follow a full scale economic collapse?
And do you know what strategies GUARANTEE your investment portfolio will
not be wiped out in the event another world-wide depression devastates the U.S.
dollar with run away inflation as the norm?
Get ready, because you’re about to discover how to apply the same wealth
building, money protecting strategies the insiders use to preserve the wealth you
already have and even increase it - regardless of what’s going on in the economy
or the markets!
But first...You can’t help but notice so many recent headlines that warn:
►“Desperate Economic Times Call For Desperate Measures”
► “12 More Signs That Society Is Collapsing”
► “The Sky Is Falling, It Is Time to Panic”
► “When Faith In U.S. Dollars And U.S. Debt Is Dead The Game Is
Over... And That Day Is Closer Than You May Think”
Please understand that these headlines are not mere displays of sensationalism,
but they are 100% accurate and do represent hidden truths and realities the
Feds, Ben Bernanke and Wall Street are hiding from you and will not tell you.
But I will!
Today I’m sounding the alarm and letting you know that thanks to the out of
control, over spending ways and endless printing of dollars orchestrated by
Washington and the Federal Reserve - a day of reckoning that will live forever
more in the history books of our nation is drawing near.
And when it rears its ugly head you will awake one morning only to discover that
the value of U.S. dollars has suddenly plummeted by up to 50% and inflation is
spiraling out of control...further devaluing the purchasing power of your money
and liquid assets.
This will quickly be followed by $8 gallon gas, stores with increasingly bare
shelves, together with problems in the nation’s power grids that will ultimately
lead to electrical brownouts. And that’s just the beginning.
Then due to a massive decrease or complete stoppage of federal transfer
payments...states and municipalities, will begin to default on the interest they pay
to bond holders which will in turn cause a nation wide cash crunch.
On the heels of this services like trash collection, law enforcement, food
inspection, emergency assistance, fire fighting, hospital care and postal services
will be severely cut back due to an inability at all levels of government to pay for
Not a pretty picture is it? Never the less...this grim scenario is about to play
itself out across the United States in the coming days and months!
The Bottom line is the hour is late and...
...This is going to occur much sooner then you think!
However - in spite of this dire warning, if there were a way you could escape the
coming fall out with your wealth not only intact...But increasing in value on a
steady basis – you’d like to know about it, right? Well then:
I’ve Got Life Saving News for you...
But only’re a man or woman who refuses to throw up your hands in
surrender, and you’re willing to “Do you what you gotta do in order to get what
you need to get”....If this describes you - then help has arrived because...
...There is a bona fide way you can protect your wealth and preserve
your dreams in spite of a money meltdown and economic collapse.
But I caution you...You must be prepared to take immediate and decisive action
Here’s why.
In a recent CNN poll, a full 48 percent of Americans said they believed the
U.S. economy is headed for an all-out depression within one
year...And a further 72% of Americans plan on working through their
retirement years. That is if there’s a job they can get up and go to each day.
Latest figures show the U.S. owes $62 trillion...These unfunded obligations
amount to $534,000 per household. Frankly that’s a scary state of affairs!
You see the unfortunate but undeniable truth is this...The U.S. government, and
by default every man, woman and child in drowning in unsustainable
debt that in reality is nothing more than another bubble that is about to burst at
any moment.
And once this happens, tens of millions of American families will immediately be
plunged into an economic hell where I’m sorry to say, few to none have any hope
of escaping.
S&P Valuation and Risk Strategies estimate that if the U.S. loses its “AAA”
sovereign debt rating, it would cost bond investors a cool $100 BILLION!
The Treasury would also be forced to pay as much as $3.75 billion more per year
in interest for every trillion dollars in debt.
Of course, the worst part would be the effects of such an action on everyday
citizens like you and I.
In his book America's Great Depression, economist and scholar, Murray N.
Rothbard wrote: "The more the government intervenes to delay the
market's adjustment, the longer and more grueling the depression
will be, and the more difficult will be the road to complete recovery."
He goes on to list the arsenal typically employed during recessions by
governments. See if you can identify anything in this list that Obama and
Bernanke are doing in order to “stimulate’ the economy.
Prevent or delay liquidation – i.e. “Bloated Bureaucracy”
Inflate further – i.e. “Print Money”
Keep wages up (at present levels) – By printing money
Keep prices up – i.e. “Keep interest rates low = INFLATION!”
Stimulate consumption – i.e. “Federal Bailouts” = all of the above!
Subsidize unemployment – i.e. “Increased Unemployment Insurance
Based on the above - the Feds have a perfect score of 100%!
You can only imagine what will happen to the millions of sick, elderly, and
handicapped who already supplement their meager existence with food stamps...
if Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid payments are slashed...or God forbid
suspended outright!
There are only two words to describe what will happen...Mass Chaos on a scale
never before seen in America. What’s heartbreaking about this sad state of affairs
is...Most of the victims don't even realize what’s about to happen, or see it
But make no mistake...coming it is!
Like I said, fortunately there is a way you can escape this looming disaster along
with the devastating aftershocks that will follow and at the same time make a lot
of money. In fact as much money as you want and need.
So What Should You Do?
There are basically three things you need to do in the face of any real crisis...
►One protect yourself and those you care about most.
►Two figure out the best way to preserve the assets you have already
►Three -be ready to profit from the situation.
The first thing you need is a “Crash Proof” survival blueprint that will prevent
your investment portfolio and the assets you’ve worked a lifetime to accumulate
and hang onto, from being completely devalued and declared worthless in the
event the U.S. dollar collapses and the economy tail spins into an abyss...where
no relief from the feds or state government will be available for many years to
In order to protect your wealth, secure your future, minimize losses and
maximize gains, it’s imperative your action plan include the following
7- Crash Proofing Factors!
1. Generate income that will exceed the rate of inflation. Both now
and in the future. Thereby preserving your purchasing power as prices for
consumer goods climb sky high.
2. Produce profits when the markets and economy are both booming and
in the dumps.
3. Incorporate a Premium Collection Strategy
4. Keeps risk to a bare minimum
5. Include a Stock Replacement Strategy
6. Have the ability to quickly move your money in and out of the markets
at will.
7. Have low Entry prices. This reduces your risk and ensures more traders
are eligible to play and win.
Crash Proof Your Portfolio!
By Legendary Options Expert, Mentor
& Trainer Ron Ianieri
If you’re like most, when it comes to seeking professional help and advice, you’ll
choose a specialist over a generalist every time, even if you have to pay a little
more for it.
Take the medical community for example. You have family doctors, and then you
have specialists such as cardiologists (heart doctors) and neurosurgeons (brain
The reasons why you would choose a specialist are obvious - a medical specialist
has more of the three E’s - Education, Experience and Expertise. Plus they
have received a higher level of training then has your average family doctor.
And when it comes to preserving, protecting and growing your money –
absolutely no one comes more equipped with superior qualifications than
legendary Wealth Preservation Specialist Ron Ianieri.
Ron is America’s leading expert, trading strategist, trainer and trader of stock
options that are designed to protect and preserve the wealth of investors and
traders just like you...Regardless of economic, political or market conditions!
As someone who has whole heartedly devoted his life to educating, protecting and
increasing the wealth of investors, he is often referred to by market insiders as “A
Traders Best Friend”
Legions of investors have become financially successful beyond their fondest
dreams and most importantly – they sleep peacefully at night ‘SECURE’ in the
knowledge that regardless of how many twists and downturns occur in the
markets or in the economy – their wealth – their assets and their future is
secure...Thanks to Ron Ianieri and his Crash Proof Your Portfolio
advisory newsletter.
“I would like to start by saying that Ron Ianieri is, by a large margin, the most
knowledgeable options specialist that I have had the pleasure of being
associated with. Not only is Ron very knowledgeable, but he is also a fantastic
teacher, which is extremely important.
Prior to my association with Ron I dabbled with options, did my own research,
read books, read newsletters, and in the end got taken out to the wood shed and
beaten with a wet noodle by the markets.
But now, thanks to Ron I have the confidence to trade the markets, and
understand how to make best use of options strategies to navigate these volatile
times. For example, I purchased 127 SPY Puts for $7.20 each. By the end of
today, that trade alone was up almost 40%. I also put on a 35/40 Bull Call
Spread, which also netted me about 30% today.
Although the markets are extremely volatile, it is still possible to make money
when you follow Ron’s advice.”
Thanks again Ron!
Alex Mitchell
Exactly who is Ron Ianieri?
Ron began his illustrious career 25 years ago working on the Philadelphia Stock
Exchange. He became a driving force on both the Equity Options and the Foreign
Currency Options floor which earned him a reputation as an undisputed Options
He made a name for himself and is best known for his outstanding years spent as
a record setting Options trading Specialist working on behalf of Dell Computer
(DELL) in the early/mid 1990’s when DELL was one of the busiest equity options
books ever.
It was also during this time that Ron began sharing his success and expertise with
others, when he began training his fellow professional floor traders on how to
become expert Option Traders.
From there he took his record setting inside trading secrets and along with his
business partner, developed an individual investor training course aptly named
Options University.
Today Ron is a much sought after expert and financial consultant who can be
regularly seen on CNBC, CNBC Asia, Fox News, Fox Business News, Bloomberg
Asia, and BNN dispensing his market insights via insightful and
He is also frequently quoted on,, Dow Jones Marketwatch,
Barrons, Wall Street Journal, ABC News, and has been a guest on countless radio
talk shows. Added to this is Ron’s 2009 critically acclaimed book Options
Theory and Trading- A Step by Step Guide to Control Risk and
Generate Profits published by John Wiley and Sons.
At the end of the day...Absolutely no one is more expertly qualified to prepare
and protect you and your personal wealth from the constant and ongoing
battering that is occurring in the stock and currency markets, than is Ron Ianieri.
Ron is a Renowned Crash Proof Expert...
...Who has an impressive and notable record for teaching traders and investors
like you how to not only prevent their stock portfolios from losing value, even
when the bears in the markets are in deep hibernation, but also how to steadily
generate exceptional returns through the trading of options...regardless of
economic conditions and falling indexes.
For example, if you would have been a subscriber to Ron’s “Crash Proof Your
Portfolio” you would have recently had an opportunity to cash in on these
American Express (AXP) was trading at $38.17 per share. In order to
purchase 100 shares of stock you would have had to fork over $3,817.
But if you would have purchased the Call options when Ron recommended them
instead, your total cost would have been just $1085 to control the same 100
shares of stock. That’s 260 % LESS money!
But that’s not all…
Take a look at what happened next. AXP shares went up 8.50% over the next 30
days. But thanks to the incredible leveraging power of options, the options did
much, much, better! The December Call (buy) delivered a gain of 37% over the
same time period. That’s 430 TIMES the gains over the stock!
If you would have invested just $1,085 in this play when Ron recommended it,
you could have closed your full position for $1,490 just 30 days later!
Here’s how you double and triple your profits!
Let’s say that instead of you buying a single 1-option contract, (100 shares) you
would have purchased 10-contracts or 1000 shares. Your profits would have
looked like this.
$1085 X 10 = $10,850 per 1000 shares
30-days later you could have sold these for $14,900
Your net profit would have been a cool $4050!
Where else can you legally invest a small amount of money and
30-days later come out 37% + ahead?
It gets even better...much better:
At the same time you were buying AXP, you could have also scooped up 100
shares of Petroleo Brasileiro (PBR) options for $1010 and sold them eight (8)
days later for $1205.
Using our previous example you could have bought 10 contracts or 1000 shares
for $1010 X 10 = $10,100 and sold them 8-days later for $12,050 for a quick
profit of $1950.
The key here... is to use relatively small amounts of cash to trade as often, or as
little as you desire while at the same time generating substantial profits.
At the end of the day, by only using modest amounts of investment capital to
trade, combined with timely fast in and out plays – you substantially keep your
level of risk extremely low!
You can also take comfort knowing you are never left on your own
...As a subscriber to Crash Proof Your Portfolio you are shown how to use "stop
loss" and "limit orders" you can set up with a few simple clicks of a mouse...or if
you prefer, over the telephone with your broker and lock in 30, 40, 50, 100% +
gains and prevent losses.
Speaking of Stop Loss...A stop-loss order is such a simple little tool, yet so many
traders fail to use it. Whether it’s to prevent excessive losses or to lock in profits,
nearly all investing styles can benefit from this trade.
Think of a stop loss as an insurance policy: you hope you never have to use
it, but it's good to know you have the protection should you need it.
This leaves you free to relax and go about your day without the need to check
your Blackberry every five minutes…Or lug your laptop around with you…You
can even take off for the day and enjoy a few rounds of golf or have a few drinks
with friends knowing full well you’re not going to miss out on a hot
Now don’t worry if you have never traded options before, because you’ll have
absolutely NO problem following our recommendations. At Crash Proof Your
Portfolio Ron does all the heavy lifting for you.
He not only uncovers hot option plays with double and triple digit profit
potential… he also tells you the exact option to get into, including the ticker
symbol, the expiration month, and the strike price.
You’ll never be left holding the bag. You’ll always know exactly how to enter and
exit each option play. You see, everything about Crash Proof Your
Portfolio is designed to make options trading and making money easy
for you!
You are gently taken by the hand and shown step-by-step how to generate extra
profits by investing in short-term option trading strategies that allow you take
small amounts of money and target double digit gains consistently,
regardless of whether the market is up or down!
We call this our Stock Replacement Strategy. And the beauty behind this can get into the game for far less than it costs to trade stocks.
Thanks to the incredible leverage that options offer - you can also get in quickly;
turn a profit and exit, oftentimes within days.
In other words, you can move your money around without delay like the big boys
do. All the while generating a much bigger bang for your buck than traditional
trading methods afford you. And do it day after day!
Picture this...If you earn just 5% each month for the next 10 years...A mere
$10,000 investment compounds to a nice little nest egg totaling $3.4 million!
You’re shown how to do this in Crash Proof Your Portfolio, along with numerous
other cash producing strategies unknown and unavailable to 98% of all traders!
As you can imagine, this kind of income would be more than enough to fund any
type of lifestyle you desired, even under the most dreadful of circumstances...
...Leaving you with NO concerns regarding inflation or money worries of any
But here again, Ron gives you strategies that double and triple your profits.
Readers of Crash Proof Your Portfolio can expect to earn on average
from 50-55% each year from the trades that are recommend to you!
Why Option’s Trading is the Safest and Securest Way to Crash Proof
and Grow Your Wealth:
First, options are much cheaper than the underlying stock, thus you are using a
“Stock Replacement Strategy’. Subsequently less capital is required to control a
bigger position. Let’s say you like Google. To buy a round lot (100 shares); you’ll
need over $52,000!
However with the option, you can control the same 100 shares of Google
for mere pennies on the dollar.
Next, your downside is limited only to the price paid for the option, which
is normally $100 - $200 per contract.
Lastly, with a small investment, you can make BIG returns.
For instance, here are four key points you should know about our Stock
Replacement Strategy:
Affordability. With options, you can control a stock for pennies on the
Profit potential. A stock might go up 10 percent while, at the same time,
the option (on the same stock) could go up 100 percent.
Limited exposure. When you buy an option, you know exactly what
your downside risk is. This benefit alone is priceless and eliminates most
You can profit in any type of market. The right option can be
profitable whether the market rises, falls, or stays the same.
As you can see, when you sign up as a subscriber, you receive each and every one
of the 8- Crash Proofing Factors that must be present and working on your
behalf in order for your “Crash Proof” survival blueprint to have any chance of
success... preventing your investment portfolio from being devalued and even wiped
out as the U.S. dollar devalues and the economy is buckling.
Take a look again at the 8-Key Crash Proofing Factors you as a newsletter
subscriber receive with every stock recommendation that’s inside each issue of
your letter.
Giving you an immediate opportunity to profit to the tune of 50% + on average
with your cash producing trades that are conveniently delivered directly to your
√ Income that exceeds the rate of inflation.
√ Ongoing Profits regardless of market and economic conditions.
√ Premium Collection Strategy
√ Risk that is minimum
√ Stock Replacement Strategy
√ The ability to quickly move your money in and out.
√ Low Entry prices.
√ Dynamic Hedging Strategy
Subscribe Now!
Let me explain how Crash Proofing Your Portfolio Minimizes Your Risk like
No other Wealth Building Resource Available to You!
The first rule we apply on your to crank down your cash outlay to
where you aren’t afraid of losing. That’s why on average the entry price for the
options we recommend to you is only a couple hundred bucks per contract.
The second rule we apply on your to strictly limit your risk.
That’s why we recommend closing any play that drops below 30% because we
don’t want to risk losing the entire position.
This lets you recover your full investment while still maximizing your potential
profits on the second half of the position. This way no matter what happens,
you won’t lose money on the play!
By following these two simple rules you maximize gains and minimize the
occasional loss that’s inevitable – but controllable.
That’s why you can play with a couple of hundred dollars at a time.
Sometimes the opportunities will come one right after the other while at other
times; we’ll wait for a new trend to develop over the course of several weeks.
And as we’ve already mentioned, when you subscribe to this exclusive advisory,
we’ll show you how to use "limit orders" and "stop losses" to make sure your
broker knows exactly how to lock in gains and prevent losses, even when you’re
away and can’t be reached.
That’s the secret to profiting from option plays like this, which we show you how
to do if you choose to become a subscriber.
But wait a minute! There’s one more extremely important reason why you and
your money will be protected and your prosperity guaranteed when you follow
our Crash Proofing program.
And do you know what? Not one single investor I’ve ever spoken to has seen
this prior to me sharing it with them.
Think long and hard about this, because the startling truth is...When you follow
the traditional path that most investors do, which is buying and holding stocks,
your money becomes dormant and unproductive.
I call it hibernating, your money remains tied up in the markets where it lies
unprotected and exposed to the destructive and ever shifting tides that sooner or
later wipe out and devastate the portfolios of all but a tiny fraction of investors.
On the other hand, we show you how to play with only a couple hundred of
dollars...Because the rule we want you to never forget is this... “Cash in the
market is cash at risk!”
And as you have seen...because of the 8-Crash Proofing Factors you are taught to
follow... Risk to your portfolio is kept to a bare bones minimum. Leaving your
existing wealth protected while you generate more profits!
Take a look and see what other subscribers have to say about “Crash Proofing
Your Portfolio”
Hi Ron,
This is Herbert Stroman, and I would like to thank you for giving me the
knowledge to make money not only in an up market but also in a down and
sideways market such as we have been in for the last year.
I like to trade the Indexes, and November of last year I brought puts on the
indexes DIA, SPY, and QQQQ. I was able to roll them down as the market decline
and in Feb. of this year booked a sweet $16,000.00!
Again thank you very much.
Herbert Stroman
Wanted to thank you for the market perspective that let me get short and buy
puts on the SPY during the 9th. and 12th of September. This aligned with some of
my key indicators. As of today, I have an unrealized profit of about $19,500.
Thanks a million,
This last week marked my first big success trading options. Using a
simple option strategy on one stock I made over $3,000 one day and over
$52,000 the next. I exited these positions with a Profit around $56,000 in
cash. This is far more than I ever made in an entire year trading mutual funds,
stocks or options previously.
Jim Bratton
Just wanted to let you know of the success I have had since putting what you
taught me to work. Here are some puts that have made me a nice profit in the
past few weeks.
9/11 @ $2.20
9/16 @ $3.20
% profit
9/11 @ $2.70
9/16 @ $4.95
9/11 @6.00
9/16 @ $9.95
9/15 @3.00
9/16 @ $3.0875
Have a Great Day Making Money!
Raymond J. Quintero
Subscribe Now!
Just wanted to take a moment to send a BIG THANK YOU!!!!
A month ago my portfolio was about $85,000. Today it closed around
$143,000. That’s close to a 70% return in one month. My secret? (Actually
your secret) Basically, I’ve been buying puts on various financials and calls on
the inverse index ETFs, rolling them down (or up) to lock in profits, while
hedging with short puts/calls that also have been adding to my returns while
offering some protection.
Jerry Kargman,
I would like to thank you for the education you have afforded me. In this market
when things are not going that well, I can truly say that "I am having fun, 40%
within the last 30 days. LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!"
Now to get to it all, today the market tanks and all I can say is thank you for
preparing me for the run. My wife thinks I am a smart man because I can make
some money while people around us are complaining, but without your help I
would be on the other side of that fence.
Thanks again for 40% worth and a lot more in the future. I am a devoted option
student and a life long friend. I am privileged to be associated with you.
This May be Your Only Chance to Survive
the Mother of all Crises and Protect
Your Money and Your Family!
The scary thing about what you’ve learned today is it’s already
starting to happen. The chips are falling and picking up speed.
Look, just a few weeks ago, Washington finally had to admit that unemployment
has jumped back into the 9% range and growing. And that's the national average.
Many states are facing unemployment rates of over 12%!
This is only one of dozens of indicators that show we are heading into a major
money crisis. You and I have to face facts... the printing of money by the FED and
the other government smoke and mirrors has all been a sham – one massive con
job and colossal cover-up!
The recovery has not happened and is not going to happen. It's getting worse out
there. In fact forecasters are warning that overall, the majority of Americans are
going to be much worse off than they were during the Great Depression of the
What about you? Will your money and family along with your standard of
living survive the massive devaluation of the dollar and out of control inflation?
It can, and you can if you’ll Crash Proof Your Portfolio!
If you’re looking for a proven way to survive the Massive Money Meltdown and
Economic Crises that’s about to explode on us any day now, you have an exclusive
opportunity to join thousands of other like minded investors who are turning to
the priceless money protecting strategies you obtain as a Crash
Proof Your Portfolio letter subscriber!
Take a Look at the Huge Returns Ron’s other Trades have Produced!
Annual Return
DIT (Days in trade)
Subscribe Now!
Here’s what you receive with your subscription
Insider Newsletter delivered directly monthly into your inbox!
Exclusive Stock Recommendations!
Bi-weekly phone consultations hosted by Ron Ianieri!
Exclusive Educational videos!
Exclusive Membership into the ‘Crash Proof Your Portfolio’
Round Table! Includes on-line discussion forum for members.
What would you expect to pay for an exclusive advisory service like this?
With the economies and markets of the world on shaky ground...Investors come
from across America, Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia scrambling for an
opportunity to have Ron Ianieri advise them on the best ways to preserve, protect
and grow their wealth.
It should be no surprise to you then, that a one on one consultation with
America’s leading wealth preservation specialist doesn’t come cheap. A private
session with Ron will set you back $1000 per hr. And investors gladly pay it.
And why not? They know they’ll leave their meeting with Ron a far richer
person, both in terms of market knowledge and profit producing investment
advice...and be very secure regarding the future security surrounding their wealth
and overall investment portfolio.
So of course...Ron’s fees are a mere drop in the bucket when compared to the
enormous upside.
So let’s do the math:
1. Monthly newsletter (12 issues yr) jam packed with exclusive, cash
producing, money protecting inside strategies not available to the general
public – Valued @ $1,800
2. Winning stock recommendations - Valued @ $1,995
3. Bi-weekly telephone consultations (24 per yr) where you get the
opportunity to ask Ron for his advice on any and all questions regarding
your personal investments and the markets - Valued @ $24,000
4. Video commentary regarding trading strategies and new developments in
the markets, that you as an informed and profitable trader need to keep
current on - Valued @ $1,200
5. Membership into the ‘Crash Proof Your Portfolio’ Round Table. Including
a member’s only discussion forum. Want to know how to solve a sudden
problem regarding a position you’ve taken in the market, or keep abreast
of the issues your fellow trading members are inquiring about? Now you
can! Valued @ $299
To Summarize:
As a Crash Proof Your Portfolio subscriber you receive:
Inside trading strategies that can consistently generate returns of 25% –
100% plus+
Stock recommendations that can generate returns of 50-55%
Two 60-minute monthly telephone group consultations with Ron Ianieri
Free video updates regarding trading strategies and market insights
Round table membership including a user’s forum
Total Value - $29,294!
Naturally...When you’re generating monthly profits of $5,000 - $10,000 $15,000 and $25,000 month + as so many who follow Ron’s advice do...$29,294
quickly pales in comparison.
But you know what? I’m all about giving back and helping investors like you
make as much money as you want and need, and most importantly secure your
future and that of your family!
I want to make this exclusive service as easy and as affordable for you
as I possibly can.
And was said to you at the beginning of this letter, if you want to survive and
escape the coming dollar meltdown, out of control inflation and economic
collapse that’s about to engulf all of us with a destructive power never before seen
in the history of our country, or the world...
...And if you want to turn chaos into profit and you’re prepared to take immediate
action, then I want to make this life saving, wealth preserving information that’s
never been offered to the public before available to you. And no...You won’t have
to pay $29,294 for it.
For the next 24-hours, you can secure your position as a Crash Proof Your
Portfolio subscriber and Round Table member for only $397.00.
That’s a whopping 98% Discount that will never be available again!
But if you move quickly it gets better...much better!
If you sign up today...Your investment for a 12-mth subscription will be - $149
(40¢ Day) or *BEST DEAL - 24 months @ $249 (34¢ Day)
Increased Wealth -Financial Protection – Security &
Peace of mind for mere Pennies day!
A Free copy of Ron Ianieri’s “The Ultimate Options Strategy Guide”
valued @ $24.95
Available Only if You Sign Up Today!
Subscribe Now!
So here’s what you get if you join us today:
Inside trading strategies that are guaranteed to generate returns of
25% – 100% plus+
Stock recommendations that can generate returns of 50-55%
Two monthly group phone consultations with Ron Ianieri
Free video updates regarding trading strategies and market insights
Round table membership including a user’s forum
Free copy of The Ultimate Options Strategy Guide
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The fact is, these money making opportunities are so hot, you could easily make
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Ask yourself - Do you really want an opportunity to crash proof your portfolio
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Time is the one commodity you and I don’t have a great deal of. Get the
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Let me stress one more time... if you need a solid plan for surviving the coming
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I’m looking forward to hearing about your success and speaking with you
personally in the member’s forum.
To Your Lasting Prosperity!
Ron Ianieri
P.S. There’s a saying I like to share with my readers. It goes like this.
“Tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today” Starting
today, you can with my help and guidance put tomorrow’s worries regarding the
instability in the markets and the ever weakening U.S. dollar behind you. The
investments we recommend can help you pile up more money in the coming
months than you did in the last twenty years...Regardless of what happens in the
economy! You have my unconditional guarantee on that!
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