Distrib bution Sh Workin
Distrib bution Sh Workin
bution Sh hared Se ervices - How To… …. Seriess Distrib Workin ng with SF Update Feature At Manu ulife, most advisor (and team) address, a ph hone numb ber and em mail modifica ations can be handled d by: ▪ Having the t advisorr make the change(s)) through ttheir Repso ource Profile (Go to Repsource R > My Busin ness > Com mpensation n > Compensation & Contractting for dettails), or ▪ the Advisor’s Relattionship Ma anagers wh ho work clo osely with a advisors & ams in the field submits the cha ange throug gh the SF U Update in their tea Salesforc ce.com. ate is a utillity in Salesforce.com m that allow ws you to e easily & quickly subm mit SF Upda change requests to advisor and a supporrt staff con tact data. These changes s are turne ed into elec ctronic requ uests that g go to Distrributor Services s. Distributtor Services will actio on the requ uest in DSS S (Distribu utor Suppo ort System) and the information n is transfe erred back to Salesforce e as part off the daily update. C hanges ma ade through h DSS ensu ure that the e right systtems are u pdated witth the advisor or related contact infformation. With the e SF Updatte feature in i Salesforce.com, yo ou can submit a request to: ▪ Add, rem move or edit advisor’s s local conttact detailss (address,, email pho one) ▪ Add a ne ew related contact to the adviso or’s office ((i.e. a new Marketing g Assistant) ▪ Edit information for a Related d Contact ((i.e. add an n email add dress for a Marketin ng Assistan nt) ▪ Request a merge fo or duplicatte advisor rrecords ▪ Assign an original lead l record d to an exissting Advissor record ▪ View existing reque ests including their sttatus. Add SF Update U Tab b to Salesfo orce.com (Do Once iff necessary y) If the SF Update tab does no ot appear in n Salesforcce: 1 1. Launch Salesforce.c S com 2. Click the ALL TABS tab. 3. Click on CUSTOMIZ C ZE MY TABS S button. 4. Bring ove er the SF Update U tab by selectin ng it on the e left and c clicking on ADD. Click SAV VE to save your tabs. 5. The SF Update tab is now parrt of your S Salesforce T Tab feature es. Scenario o: Change Advisor Bu usiness Add dress (Phon ne Numberr, Email) In nformation 1. Click on the t SF Upd date tab. 2. Click on the t NEW button to ad dd a new re equest. 3. Select Ad dvisor Add dress/Cont tact optio n (default)) and click on GO. 4. Type in the advisor’s name, click GO. IIf the name e matches exactly with an existing Advisor A rec cord, that advisor’s a de etails will a appear in tthe Business Address Details section. s Iff the name e does not match, use e the looku up advisor app pears icon to viiew advisors matching the crite ria typed. Once the a in the listt, click on the t advisorr’s name a nd then cliick GO to p populate th he Business Address fields. 5. In the Bu usiness Ad ddress Det tails secttion, modiffy any inforrmation to be changed,, or add any missing details. To o have data a removed d, such as ffor a wrong fax x number, blank out the field. N Note: be su ure to remove all the e text in the field when ty yping the ne ew informa ation. 6. Click on SUBMIT S RE EQUEST bu utton. A po p-up will a ppear askiing if you h have another request r to submit, if so, click O K, otherwisse click CA ANCEL. Distrribution Shared Services s Scenario o: Add a Re elated Conttact (i.e. a new Marke eting Assisstant) 1. Click on the t SF Upd date tab. 2. Click on the t NEW button to ad dd a new re equest. 3. Click on the t dropdo own arrow and a select New Relat ted Contact option ffrom the list. Click C GO. 4. Type the informatio on for the new n Relate ed Contact. Note that fields with ha red bar are a mandattory fields and a must b be filled in.. 5. Match the e Related Contact C to the Adviso or Record tto create th he Relation nship: Scroll to the Relatio onship Info ormation se ection and determine if this rela ated s be connected c to t an Advissor or Acco ount record d. Click on the contact should ADD ROW W button. In I the Asso ociate Advissor (or Asssociate Acc count) field d, type in th he name off the advisor or accou unt Repeatt these step ps if this new Related Contact C is to t be conne ected to m more than o one advisorr or accoun nt record. There T is a maximum m of o 20 relati onships pe er request form. 6. Click on SUBMIT S RE EQUEST bu utton. A po op-up will a appear ask king if you have another request r to submit, if so, click O K, otherwisse click CA ANCEL. o: Modify Data D for a Related R Contact (i.e. tto add an e email addre ess) Scenario 1. Click on the t SF Upd date tab. Distrribution Shared Services s 2. Click on the t NEW button to ad dd a new re equest. 3. Click on the t dropdo own arrow and a select Modify Re elated Contact optiion from the list. Click GO. G 4. Type the name for this t Relate ed Contact. Click on the Lookup icon to select the detail for this Related R Con ntact. A lisst will appe ear where y you can clic ck on the Relatted Contactt’s name to o select it. Click GO. 5. The Relatted Contac ct’s informa ation will b e populate ed in the Re elated Contact Details se ection. Mak ke the chan nges to the e appropria ate fields o or add new data to blank fields. f 6. Click on SUBMIT S RE EQUEST bu utton. A po op-up will a appear ask king if you have another request r to submit, if so, click O K, otherwisse click CA ANCEL. o: Advisor Merge Scenario Use this s feature to o merge ind dividual co ontacts toge ether – use e one requ uest per advisor.. Do not request to merge m firms s or joint a dvisor conttacts with individual contacts s. Distribu utor Service es will mak ke the finall determina ation as to which Adv visor record will w be the go-forward d record ba ased on bu siness rule es. 1. Prior to creating c an Advisor Merge reque est, take th he time to identify wh hich advisor has h the most current, accurate iinformation n for addre ess, phone,, fax and emaiil. Make no ote of the External E ID D for this ad dvisor reco ord. This w will be the first Advisor A rec cord in the request. 2. Click on the t SF Upd date tab. 3. Click on the t NEW button to ad dd a new re equest. 4. Click on the t dropdo own arrow and a select Advisor M Merge optiion from th he list. Click k GO. 5. For the first duplica ate, type in the Extern nal ID of th he advisor identified in y, type the Step 1. Alternativel A eir name in n the Advissor 1 field a and click on the Lookup ic con. Selectt the adviso or from the e list displa ayed to pop pulate thatt advisor’s party id on the Advis sor Merge Request sccreen. 6. Repeat th he previous s step for the t duplica ate(s) for th he Advisor 2 – Adviso or 5 fields. 7. Enter the e reason for the merg ge either by y checking the Same Address Distrribution Shared Services s option, or select Other and type in the rreason. Please be dettailed in yo our n details. For F example, you sho uld identify y what you u did to con nfirm validation that the Advisors A arre the sam me individua als. 8. Click on SUBMIT S RE EQUEST bu utton. A po op-up will a appear ask king if you have another request r to submit, if so, click O K, otherwisse click CA ANCEL. Scenario o: Assign Original O Lea ad Record Use this s feature to o link a lead record with w the Adv visor recorrd. 1. Click on the t SF Upd date tab. 2. Click on the t NEW button to ad dd a new re equest. 3. Click on the t dropdo own arrow and a select Assign Or riginal L Lead Recor rd option fro om the list. Click GO. 4. Type the name of the Lead co ontact and the Adviso or. Use the e Lookup ic con to select the e advisor and a lead de etail. 5. Click on SUBMIT S RE EQUEST bu utton. A po op-up will a appear ask king if you have another request r to submit, if so, click O K, otherwisse click CA ANCEL. . To View w Existing Requests R 1. Click on the t SF Upd date tab. 2. By default, all reque ests will be e displayed d – you can n create a v view for yo our uests. own requ 3. Click on the t REQUE EST ID for your y reque est and view w the details. 4. To return n to your lis st, click on the <Back k to List: SF Update link k. Distrribution Shared Services s Frequently Asked Questions Q: How long will it take my submitted changes to appear in Salesforce? A: SF Update submits changes to Distributor Services. Request types require different processing times, therefore the number of days from request to completion will vary. In addition, you must consider the time required to transmit changes from DSS to Salesforce. On average, updates will be reflected in Salesforce between 3-7 business days. Q: If an advisor moves his office to a new location, does the user have to fill out a request for every staff person? A: Distributor Services system does not automatically apply a change of address for every contact in that office – a separate address change request would need to be created for each record in Salesforce. Q: Related to the question above, if the new related contact is at the same location as the advisor I’m relating them to, do I have to enter this information? A: Yes, you will have to enter all the information for the new Related Contact. Q: Is SF Update available on the Blackberry? A: No, SF Update is only available when logging directly to salesforce.com on a computer or tablet. Q: I don’t see Manulife Key Contacts as a request type. How do I submit those requests? A: Changes or additions to Manulife Key Contacts require business approvals. Please contact your Salesforce Subject Matter Expert or your manager for information on how to make these changes. Q: Why do I have to delete the data for a field that I am trying to update? A: Without deleting the text first, trailing characters will appear in the address, email, phone, or fax fields. Be sure to highlight the text before typing the new data in order to remove all traces of the previous entry. If you use the TAB key to move from field to field, it will automatically highlight all the data in that field, and as you type the new text, the new text will replace what was previously highlighted. For support for Manulife hardware/ software, please contact the Service Desk by email at [email protected] or contact DTSC (Distribution Technology Service Desk) at 1 800 667-4266 during regular business hours. Distribution Shared Services
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