Bedford Baptist Church Enter His Gates With Praise Memorial Carillon Call To Worship


Bedford Baptist Church Enter His Gates With Praise Memorial Carillon Call To Worship
Welcome to
Bedford Baptist Church
Service of Worship – March 6th, 2011 – 10:55 a.m.
Enter His Gates With Praise
Call To Worship
Memorial Carillon
“Fugue in C Major” (Dietrich Buxtehude)
Ministry Opportunities
Pastor Kevin
*Time Of Praise
Worship Team
(Children are invited to come to the front pews during the last song)
Children’s Story
An Interview With Darrell Harris
“Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord”
(KidZone Children may head downstairs during singing of last verse)
Our Response To Him
Tithes & Offering
Pastor Ida
*Offertory Response #600 “Praise God From Whom…”
Prayers of the People
Ministry Of Music “Father, Forgive Them” Sanctuary Choir
Ministry Of The Word
Matthew 4:1-11 (NLT)
A Friend Of The Devil
Pastor Bob
#563 “All The Way My Saviour Leads Me”
“Festival Finale” (Malcolm Archer)
How To Contact Us
158 Rocky Lake Drive PO Box 44073 Bedford, NS B4A 3X5
Phone: 835-5966
Fax: 835-3984
E-mail: [email protected]
Radio: CHSB 99.3 Hilltop FM
Prayer Chain: Doug & Donna Peverill
Phone: 434-8054 or E-mail: [email protected]
We extend a warm welcome to all who have come to
worship and fellowship with us this morning. If you are
a first time visitor with us, please take time to fill out a
“Welcome Card” located in the pew rack and place it in
the offering plate.
Parents of small children (under age 3) may take them
to our Nursery, where a caring staff will supervise them.
We also have a Pre-School Program (ages 3-5) that runs
during our Worship Service in the Church Time PreSchool Room. One of our ushers would be happy to
help you locate either one of these facilities.
Elementary School children are invited to take part in
our KidZone program which starts after the first part of
our Worship Service downstairs in the Vestry.
About Us
Bedford Baptist Church has been a part of this community
for 111 years.
We seek to be a fellowship of believers
building on the principles of love, grace, and compassion as
first modeled by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
that end, we offer a wide variety of programs and services
for every age group.
On a larger scale, we are affiliated
Canadian Baptist Ministries.
Ministers – All Of Us!
Rev. Robert Ohsberg
Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. Ida Whitehouse
Associate Pastor
Lic. Kevin Haggarty
Youth Pastor
Rev. Nelson Metcalfe
Pastor Emeritus
Mrs. Lianne MacMinn
Ministry of Music
Supervised Field Education Student
Lic. Miriam MacDonald
Supervised Field Education Student
Lic. Heather Cox
Mr. Peter Metcalfe
Office Administrator
Mr. Joel Scott
Please Be In Prayer For Our Sick & Shut-In
Halifax Veteran’s Memorial
Mr. Beresford (Barry) Thompson
Mr. Bill Gallant
Mrs. Hilda MacDonald
(Tena Poirier’s mother)
Walter Reid Veteran’s Hospital
Mr. Adam Keys
Ivany Place
Mrs. Evelyn Ross
Ms. Brenda Carson
Mrs. Freda Bender
Mrs. Barb Bishop
Mrs. Helen Beeler
Mrs. Norma Sutherland
Mrs. Beth Kennedy
Mrs. Marjorie Levy
St. Vincent’s Nursing Home
Dykeland Lodge
Parkland Estates (Cameron Hall)
Windsor Elms
Berkeley Retirement
Northwood Center
At Home
(Herman & Vivian’s Nephew)
(Marlene Davies’ Mother)
Mrs. Lola Freeman
(Judi Hayes’ Mother)
Mrs. Joyce Tavener
Mrs. Sydney Derrah
(Carolyn Derrah-Murphy’s Mother)
Ms. Carol Lumsden
Mrs. Gloria Campbell
Mr. Keith MacLaren
Last Week’s Offering (March 6, 2011)
(Automatic debit weekly offerings are included in totals)
Total Annual Budget (Proposal)=$388,400
Last Week’s Offering Towards Budget
Weekly Offering Needed To Make Budget
Weekly Surplus/Deficit
Year To Date Surplus/Deficit
Special Donations & Non-Budget Offering
Birthday Greetings
Best wishes are extended to Joan Lugar who celebrated
her 87th birthday on March 7th, to Mona Ellis who
celebrated her 91st birthday on March 8th, to Annie Pierce
who is celebrating her 82nd birthday on March 14th and to
Gar Woodworth who is celebrating his 83rd birthday on
March 15th.
Week At A Glance
Sunday To Sunday March 13th – March 20th
11:15 am
After Service
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
9:15 pm
2:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
9:30 am
1:15 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
10:00 am
10:55 am
10:55 am
10:55 am
11:15 am
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
Social Committee
Small Groups
Youth Fireside
College & Career
Missions Committee
Ladies Alive
Friendship Circle
ADC Greek Class
Trustees Meeting
McLean Bible Study
Youth Group
Bible Study
Visitation Committee
Sanctuary Choir
Girls In Motion
Beacon House Sunday
Pre-Service Prayer
Worship Service
Nursery (Tim & Kim McLean)
Preschool (Donna Peverill & Jason McCurdy)
Small Groups
Youth Fireside
Servants in the Lord’s Work
This Week
Herman Barrett
Stephen Johnson
& Rebecca Forbes
Michael McCurdy
Walter Scott
& Sandra MacKenzie
Deacon On Duty
Next Week
Heather Cox
Jenn Cox
& Dan Mitton
Melvin Fiander
Walter Scott
& Sandra MacKenzie
Worship Service Attendance
Last Week:
Year Ago
Clothing for St. George's Soup Kitchen
A large tote has been placed in the corner of the foyer
beside the bin for Beacon House contributions to facilitate
the donation of clothing for St. George's Soup Kitchen.
Thank you for your support of this ministry.
News & Events
Our Prayer Initiative
We are invited to join together in prayer for one another.
As we move through our fellowship alphabetically, look for
your name to appear. If it doesn't, please let Peter know,
for we wish to be in prayer for YOU. This week, please be
in prayer for: John & Marilyn Wentzell, Warwick White, and
Rev. Gregg, Rev. Dr. Ida, Meaghan & Maia ArmstrongWhitehouse.
Calling All Musicians!
Our Director of Music is seeking to prepare a special
Spring Concert on April 2nd entitled “Sounds Of
Spring” that would showcase the musical abilities of a
number of people in our congregation. So if you sing
or play an instrument, and whether you’re young or
old, please contact Lianne at 671-1982 before March
19th or at [email protected]
Thank You
It gives me great pleasure to express my appreciation to
everyone who remembered me during the last few weeks.
Thanks to Pastor Bob & Pastor Ida and everyone for
phone calls, cards and visits.
Gar Woodworth
New on CHSB
If you like Gospel and Quartets then tune in to a new show
on CHSB 99.3FM Thursday at noon. “NQC Alive” is a one
hour gospel show featuring the best in Gospel quartets.
Listen, enjoy and let us know what you think!
Pastor Ida Away
With the blessing of our Board of Deacons, Pastor Ida is
taking the remainder of her vacation days that were
available to her from 2010. She will be away from March
17th until April 5th. The main part of her time away will be
spent visiting her daughter Maia in New Zealand.
News & Events (Cont’d.)
Special Thank You
Special thanks to all those responsible for the replacement
of the counter top in the main kitchen. To the Funeral
Reception Committee for their donation of $900 toward the
cost of materials, to Ivan MacPhee and the volunteers that
worked with him to craft and install the new counter tops,
and to the individuals who did such a thorough clean up
job afterwards. This welcome upgrade will benefit all those
who use the kitchen for years to come.
Kitchen Items
While cleaning the kitchen following the installation of the
new countertops, a number of items were discovered
which do not belong to the church. These items have been
placed on a table outside of the kitchen at the bottom of
the stairs. We would like people to see if they might have
left any of these items at the church and, if so, take them
home. The table will be set up for a few weeks and then
any remaining items will be given to Beacon House.
Pancake Supper
The Missions Committee would like to thank all those
people who helped make last Tuesday’s Pancake Supper
such a successful event. Approximately $600.00 was
raised towards supporting mission endeavours by the
Mayich family and Meaghan Whitehouse. The Silent
Auction will conclude this Monday at 1:00 pm and
successful bidders will be notified during the week.
Special Scams Presentation At LAFF
You are invited to LAFF to attend a presentation by the
Rotary Club on how to recognize scams on Thursday
morning, March 17th at 9:45 a.m. in the Heffler Room.
Join us for an important and informative presentation
followed by "green tea" and refreshments in honour of St.
Patrick's Day. Please call Miriam at 864-6208 if you plan
to attend.