Dueling Platforms - National Association of Royalty Owners
Dueling Platforms - National Association of Royalty Owners
AUGUST 2016 Royalty Owners Action Report The Voice of the National Association of Royalty Owners Dueling Platforms Jerry Simmons, NARO Executive Director H ope everyone’s summer is going well. It’s been hot and humid in Tulsa. I have a couple of items for you this month. First, we want to thank everyone who took the time and trouble to vote for this year’s slate of NARO National Board of Director positions. This year the votes were very close (one vote separated three candidates). I believe this is a testament to the outstanding quality of the candidates you had to choose from. So, elected to serve a three-year term beginning January 2017 are: James Elder; Gary Preszler; Jim Souto; Sally Fleming; and Patti West. Now, for what could be a very big issue for each of you. NARO is and does all we can to be a non-partisan association as we have Democrats, Republicans, Independents and whatever else may be out there politically. We would never suggest you all vote for a particular party or candidate, but that being said, this year energy issues have taken front seat positions in the presidential election and have been featured in both party platforms. As I said, when I read the positions and sent the platforms to our board of directors–I believe it is a very sad day in this country when the energy we all rely on for heating, cooling, transportation, health care, agriculture, basically every function of our current way of life, has become a partisan political issue. I don’t know about you, but it really troubles me that party political leaders would make these decisions and use energy issues to further divide this great country. Without further ado, here are the energy sections of each party’s platform along with a link for each if you would like to read the entire platform: REPUBLICAN PLATFORM Energy Highlights (pp. 17-22) • “Only a few years ago, a bipartisan consensus in government valued the role of extractive Jerry Simmons industries and rewarded their enterprise by minimizing its interference with their work. We look in vain within the Democratic Party for leaders who will speak for the people of agriculture, energy and mineral production.” • “[The energy sector’s] work can guarantee the nation’s energy security for centuries to come if, instead of erecting roadblocks, government facilitates the creation of an all-of-the-above energy strategy.” • “We support the opening of public lands and the outer continental shelf to exploration and responsible production, even if these resources will not be immediately developed. Because we believe states can best promote economic growth while protecting the environment, Congress should give authority to state regulators to manage energy resources on federally controlled public lands within their respective borders.” • Do away with the Clean Power Plan • Expedite the permitting process on public lands • Finish the Keystone Pipeline • “Climate change is far from this nation’s most pressing national security issue. This is the triumph of extremism over commons sense, and Congress must stop it.” • “We support the development of all forms of energy that are marketable in a free economy without subsidies, including coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power and hydropower.” • “We respect the states’ proven ability to regulate the use of hydraulic fracturing, methane emissions, and horizontal drilling…” • “We oppose any carbon tax.” • “We support the enactment of policies to increase domestic energy production, including production on public lands, to counter market manipulation by OPEC and other nationally-owned oil companies.” • End “sue and settle” taxpayer funding of environmental NGOs • Reform the Endangered Species Act • Convey certain federal lands to the states https://prod-static-ngop-pbl.s3.amazonaws.com/media/documents/DRAFT_12_FINAL[1]- ben_1468872234.pdf NARO Board Members and Officers Candice Brewer, CMM President James Elder Vice-President Ryan Rupert, CMM DEMOCRAT PLATFORM Treasurer Energy Highlights (pp. 27-30) • “Climate change is an urgent threat and a defining challenge of our time.” • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions more than 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050 • “We believe America must be running entirely on clean energy by mid-century.” • Get 50 percent of our electricity from clean energy sources within a decade • “We will transform American transportation by reducing oil consumption through cleaner fuels, vehicle electrification increasing the fuel efficiency of cars, boilers, ships, and trucks.” • “Democrats believe the tax code must reflect our commitment to a clean energy future by eliminating special tax breaks and subsidies for fossil fuel companies as well as defending and extending tax incentives for energy efficiency and clean energy.” • “Democrats believe that carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases should be priced to reflect their negative externalities.” • Support the Clean Power Plan • “Democrats are committed to closing the Halliburton loophole that stripped the Environmental Protection Agency of its ability to regulate hydraulic fracturing and ensuring tough safeguards are in place, including Safe Drinking Water Act provisions, to protect local water supplies.” • “We believe hydraulic fracturing should not take place where states and local communities oppose it.” • “We will reduce methane emissions from all oil and gas production and transportation by at least 40 to 45 percent below 2005 levels by 2025 through common-sense standards for both new and existing sources and by repairing and replacing thousands of miles of leaky pipes.” • Reject the Keystone XL pipeline • “All corporations owe it to their shareholders to fully analyze and disclose the risks they face, including climate risk. Those who fail to do so should be held accountable. Democrats also respectfully request the Department of Justice to investigate allegations of corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies accused of misleading shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate change.” • Oppose drilling in the Artic and off the Atlantic coast • Reform fossil fuel leasing on public lands • “We will phase down extraction of fossil fuels from our public lands, starting with the most pollut ing sources, while making our public lands and waters engines of the clean energy economy ...” https://www.demconvention.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Democratic-Party-Platform- 7.21.16-no-lines.pdf So there you go ... use this information to make yourself aware of each party’s position. Also know that even with a party platform spelled out like this, it does not bind the candidates to that position ... once elected they can do as they like on platform issues. Janice Bennett Good, CMM Corp. Secretary David Sikes, CMM Imm. Past President Bob Hart NARO-Appalachia Pres. Terrel Shields NARO-Arkansas Pres. Ed Hazard, CMM NARO-California Pres. Michelle Smith NARO-Colorado Pres. Malissa Blackburn NARO-Louisiana Pres. Jim Leonard, CMM NARO-New York Pres. Tony Watterud, CMM NARO-North Dakota Pres. Dick McCalla NARO-Oklahoma Pres. Jackie Root, CMM NARO-Pennsylvania Pres. Craig Peterson NARO-Rockies Pres. Jack Fleet, CMM NARO-Texas Pres. At-Large Kellee Jernigan, CMM Jerry Moyer, CMM Gary Preszler, CMM Jim Souto, CMM Paul Vallhonrat, CMM Linn Willers, CMM To Contact NARO: Jerry R. Simmons Executive Director The National Association of Royalty Owners (NARO) does not explicitly or implicitly endorse third parties in exchange for advertising. Advertising in our monthly newsletter (ROAR) does not influence editorial content, products or services in any way. 2 I Royalty Owners Action Report August 2016 (918) 794-1660 or (800) 558-0557 (918) 794-1662 (Fax) [email protected] 15 W. 6th Street, Suite 2626 Tulsa, OK 74119 Energy Going Live On Air OK NARO is excited to announce a new partnership with Exploring Energy, a KECO FM radio show. This show is totally dedicated to the energy industry. Through news and interviews, Shawn Wilson and Nathan Brewer talk about all aspects of energy, from oil and gas, to wind, solar, coal, nuclear and geothermal. The show airs weekdays from 8:05 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on 96.5 KECO in Elk City, Okla., and 102.3 KWDQ in Woodward, Okla. Some of their guests have included: outspoken oilman T. Boone Pickens; the grandfather of deep gas drilling, Robert Hefner III; Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner Patrice Douglass; Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt; U.S. Sen. James Lankford; and former State Treasurer Scott Meacham. NARO guests will be on every third Thursday in the 8 a.m. hour until March discussing important topics to mineral owners. In March and April a NARO guest will be interviewed every Thursday in the 8 a.m. hour. These guests will be convention presenters offering a taste of their session this year! OK NARO is proud to have Exploring Energy as the 2017 convention media sponsor. Their bread-and-butter guests are the men and women who work in the energy industry in the show’s listening area of Oklahoma, Southwestern Kansas, and the Eastern Texas Panhandle. They also publish and distribute 20,000 copies of Exploring Energy News each month. This 8-page paper is an extension of the radio show, covering as many aspects of energy exploration as possible. Listen to Exploring Energy as it airs, and access online copies of Exploring Energy News at: www.exploringenergy.net. One can also get show information and interact with the hosts through the Exploring Energy Facebook page. S A V E T H E D AT E Dick McCalla President 2017 OK NARO CONVENTION: Charting the Course; Understanding the Present, Navigating the Future • Wed., April 19-Fri., April 21 • Embassy Suites Norman, Okla. • Group room rate $131. • Event registration is open • Limited Registration and Rooms! Book early! ROAR FUN FACTS • Liquid nitroglycerin was poured into a metal canister – or “torpedo” – and lowered into the well on April 15, 1897, as a crowd of about 50 curious onlookers gathered. A “go devil” (a detonating device) would then be dropped down the well borne to set off the waiting nitroglycerin. In 1897 this method caused the Nellie Johnston No. 1 to blow in as a gusher, producing from 50 to 75 barrels of oil a day. • Dakota Gasification Company, located in Beulah, is the sole producer of synthetic natural gas. • If all the natural gas pipelines in the U.S. were connected to each other they would stretch to and from the moon almost three times. • Rembrandt Peale, a famous portrait painter, founded the first natural gas utility in Baltimore in 1816 after using natural gas as an energy source to light an exhibit at his museum and gallery. August 2016 Royalty Owners Action Report I 3 2016 National Convention • Dallas, Texas • October 6-8 2016 EVENT Registration Name, as you would like on your badge: __________________________________________ Company: __________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________ State: _________ Zip: __________ Email: __________________________ Other Attendees on this registration: Phone: (______) ________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Materials Pref. o Flash Drive o Printed book RSVP Saturday Brunch: o Yes o No I plan to attend the ______________________________________ chapter caucus(es). Number of People Registering Number of People Registering On/Before September 1, 2016 On/After September 2, 2016 ____@ $370 Early Bird Member ____@ $425 Member ____@ $520 Early Bird Non Member* ____@ $575 Non Member* ____@ $275 Friday Only Registration** ____@ $275 Friday Only Registration** Amount due: ______________________ Amount due: ______________________ Non-Member Registration includes a one-year basic membership! Refunds for registration will be subject to a $75 processing fee. No registration refunds after September 1, 2016. Event registrations include all meals, meetings, seminars and printed materials. *Includes a one year basic NARO membership. **Does Not include a one-year membership. Refunds for registration will be subject to a $75 processing fee. No registration refunds after Sepember 1, 2016 Method of Payment: o Check Enclosed o Visa/MasterCard o American Express o Discover Credit Card # ______________________________________ Expiration: ________________ Signature: ________________________________________Date: _____________________ Referred by: ________________________________________________________________ For questions about the event or your registration please call the NARO National Headquarters: Dee Copeland at 1(800)558-0557 or [email protected] Font: Clear-Gothic Mediam Red: CMYK: 0,99,100,0 Blue CMYK: 89,84,0,0 4 Ways to Register! 1) By Phone with a credit card (800) 558-0557 2) Online www.naro-us.org/events 3) By Fax send the completed registration form and credit card information to our secure fax, (918) 794-1662 4) By U.S. Mail send the completed registration form and a check, payable to NARO: NARO/Convention 15 W. 6th Street, #2626 Tulsa OK 74119 HOTEL RESERVATIONS should be made with the Hilton DFW Lakes Conference Center 1800 State Hwy 26E Grapevine, Texas Reserve your room today! (817) 481-8444 The group room rate is $160.00 Group rate code “4NR” A link to online group room reservations is available on the NARO event registration website: http://www.naro-us.org/ event-2182460 Free shuttle from the DFW airport For more information about the hotel visit www.hiltondfwlakesecc.com I NARO CMM C e r t i f i e d M i n e ra l M a n a g e r What is the CMM Program? The CMM Program is an educational, self-study course exclusively through NARO designed to increase your knowledge of minerals management. The CMM Review Course is an 8 hour, in depth, educational course that will be offered at this year’s Convention. ALL NARO Members are welcome and encouraged to audit this EXCLUSIVE class, regardless of intent to become certified.* To complete the program, you must accumulate a certain amount of education credits and pass the three exams affiliated with your selected level of the program. The CMM Program has two levels: Associate and Professional. The expert in anything was once a beginner! For more information contact: Rhiannon Harris CMM Registrar (918) 794-1660 or naro-us.org/CMM-Program *Limited seating available. Requires pre-enrollment and fee that is separate from your Convention registration. The American Association of Professional Landmen (AAPL) has granted this convention 8 hours of continuing education credit. Those who attend the CMM Review can acquire an additional 8 hours of AAPL and CMM Credit. Photo Release & Disclaimer NARO event photos will be used for association promotional purposes. If you do no wish to be included in any photos, please send us your request in writing to: 15 W. 6th Street #2626, Tulsa, OK 74119, Attn.: Cynthia Simonds. We must receive your request two weeks prior to the start of the event. Thank you. 2016 National Convention • Dallas, Texas • October 6-8 Schedule of Events Wednesday, October 5, 2016 8:00-5:00 pm CMM Review Course Thursday, October 6, 2016 8:00-9:30 am 10:00-11:30 am 8:00-5:00 pm CMM Breakfast and Meeting (Must be certified to attend) CMM Exams (Prior Arrangement Required) Registration and Exhibits 1:00 pm 1:15 pm 2:00 pm Welcoming Remarks Candice Brewer, CMM, NARO National Board President U.S. LNG Exports Jason French, Cheniere Energy From Tank to Bank; Following the Production Trail David Melton, Petroleum Landman School, LLC 3:00 pm BREAK 3:30 pm 4:15 pm From Tank to Bank - Part 2 National Perspective Jerry Simmons, NARO Executive Director Friday, October 7, 2016 7:30-9:00 am 8:00-5:00 pm 8:00-9:00 am CMM Exams (Prior Arrangement Required) Registration and Exhibits Continental Breakfast Choose Your Session • Oil Capital; Lessons Learned and Relearned 9:00 am Buddy Clark, Haynes & Boone LLP • Geology of the Shale Plays John Browning, University of Texas • What You Need to Know About Ad Valorem Taxes 10:00 am Lisa Waller and Salim Nice, CTMI Choose Your Session • Estate Planning for Mineral Owners Lisa Hutter, Wells Fargo • Ballot Initiatives, Colorado, Ohio and Beyond Speaker TBA • Mineral Management 101, Part 1 David Sikes, CMM and Candice Brewer, CMM 11:00 am Choose Your Session • Oil and Gas Royalty Issues Robert “Eli” Kiefaber, Kiefaber and Oliva, LLP • Appraisal/Evaluation Jarrett Kitch, Senior Appraiser, Tarrant Appraisal District Ft. Worth Texas • Operator Bankruptcy C. Mark Stratton, Attorney and Shannon, Gracey, Ratliff & Miller, LLP 12:00 pm LUNCH 1:45 pm 2:45 pm Choose Your Session • Induced Seismicity Dr. Jeremy Boak, Oklahoma Geological Survey • Evolution of the Anti-Fracking Movement; What You Need to Know Steve Everley, FTI Consulting • Money in Suspense? Rick Howell, CMM Choose Your Session • A Landman’s Perspective Jared Boehs, CMM, Cutter Energy, LLC • Mineral Management 101 Part 2 David Sikes, CMM and Candice Brewer, CMM • Mergers & Acquisitions Jason Schumacher, Locke Lord, LLP 3:35 pm BREAK 4:00 pm 6:00-9:00 pm Deduction Panel; Getting a Chain on the Beast Group Dinner, Music, Dancing in the Round Up Room Saturday, October 8, 2016 State Caucus 8:00-9:00 am 9:00-10:00 am 10:00 am–Noon Oklahoma, Rockies, New York, North Dakota and California Texas, Appalachia, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, and Arkansas Brunch and Prize Giveaway–Must be present to win. Only ALL Events Registrations are eligible to win. On Aug. 1, 2016, the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) adopted the Clean Energy Standard, a plan to obtain “50 by 30”, or 50 percent of our electricity by the year 2030 and also a 40 percent reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions. As stated in a 158 page order, Jim Leonard President “the Commission adopts a Clean Energy Standard consisting of a Renewable Energy Standard and a Zero-Emissions Credit Requirement program.” The Commission also decided to make renewables the core source of our electricity generation, rather than ancillary. The state has now adopted a program turning what had been lofty goals into legal mandates. Wind and solar companies will create Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) based upon the amount of megawatt hours generated. Utilities will be required to purchase these credits as evidence they are in compliance with the new mandates. Prices will be determined by supply and demand. If the utilities fail meet the REC purchase requirements, they will be obligated to purchase Alternative Credit Payments (ACPs) which includes a 10 percent penalty over and above the average price of the RECs. The owners of three aging nuclear plants in the state have threatened to close the plants since they can’t compete with low-cost natural gas. In terms of the 40 percent reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions, the last thing the state wanted is for that to happen. The reduction goal would be even more unobtainable. The PSC has instituted Zero Emissions Credits (ZECs) as part of the order. This is similar to a “cost plus” arrangement whereby the owners of the plants will get paid whatever it costs to keep these aging plants open, plus some profit of course. So, as taxpayers we get to subsidize the renewable energy program and as ratepayers we get to pay for the RECs and ZECs as the utilities will simply pass those costs on. How much will that cost? No one knows, but when New Jersey first adopted their REC program, the RECs were going for up to $680 per megawatt hour. That’s 68 cents per kilowatt hour! And that’s on top of the actual cost of the electricity, currently around 6 cents per kilowatt hour locally. Whatever quantity of natural gas that won’t get used in New York will surely find its way to a market somewhere else. Basic economic laws of supply and demand will ensure that. As to saving the world, this plan won’t make one darn bit of difference. Remember the rants and raves by the antis regarding “radioactive” drill cuttings? So far, not one word about the highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel rods which, to this day, have no permanent storage solution. Not a peep. Earl Pregler & Associates Box 1722, Tulsa, OK 74101-1722 Phone: (918) 583-2117 Fax: (918) 583-1344 We purchase producing mineral interests and estates nationwide 6 I Royalty Owners Action Report August 2016 CALIFORNIA Attention! Kern County Royalty Owner Alert Situated at the southern end of California’s great San Joaquin Valley, Kern County is the largest oil producing county in the United States based on annual barrels produced. Historically, the county has been very open and receptive to the petroleum industry. Many oil companies, large to small, are headquartered there. During the recently ended oil boom, Kern County was being overwhelmed with applications for drilling permits and projects. With California’s strict and often burdensome environmental regulations, it is often a rather involved and costly process to obtain the necessary permits. Due mainly to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), many projects require a detailed environmental impact report (EIR). The industry and the county wanted to be able to expedite the permitting process while remaining compliant with requirements of CEQA. Their solution was to complete a countywide EIR and to amend the zoning/permitting process. After several years of hard work and millions of dollars spent, the EIR and zoning ordinance were adopted in November of 2015. The permitting process has been restructured such that, in most instances, it is a much quicker process. We applaud and appreciate the efforts of both Kern County and the producers. See NARO CA on page 11 However, there is one exception. Ed Hazard President Colorado’s Initiative Issues Michelle Smith President The deadline to submit signatures for ballot initiatives was 3:00 p.m. on Aug. 8, 2016. Proponents were busy gathering last minute signatures for initiative #75 and #78 and interesting enough, at least 55 boxes delivered were empty! So what does that mean? Possibly nothing more than a sloppy packing job, but it may mean that the signature gatherers were hoping to dramatize and gain press from the “drop off” event by showing a large number of boxes delivered. It remains to be seen as the secretary of state has until Sept. 7 to validate the signatures and you need 98,492 valid signatures to qualify for the ballot. Both of these initiatives have devastating impacts for mineral owners and the state’s economy. Initiative #75 grants local government the authority to regulate oil and gas which would create a patchwork of regulations, driving up costs and causing many oil companies to leave the state. Initiative #78 would mandate a 2,500-foot distance between drilling activity and homes, schools, hospitals, playgrounds, any water source, basically anything, and has proven to eliminate over 90 percent of drillable locations in the state. We remain optimistic that there will not be enough valid signatures to get these initiatives on the ballot. Actually, please keep all fingers and toes crossed. Premium Offers on Royalties & Producing Minerals 918-392-4151 www.hissopenergy.com Our thorough, technical evaluation considers future drilling potential to ensure that we place the highest value on your interest! Our annual meeting is just around the corner. It is critical you come this year with the issues happening in our state. ROAR just doesn’t give us enough room to keep you updated sufficiently on current events so please come to the annual meeting as follows: NARO Colorado Annual Meeting Sept. 17, 2016 Pinehurst Country Club 6255 W. Quincy Ave. Denver, CO 80235 Lunch 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Meeting 1:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Lunch RSVP to Debra Anderson at: [email protected] or (719) 661-7614. We would like to congratulate NARO member Kent Jolley, west slope Colorado, who was recently appointed by Gov. John Hickenlooper to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. He will serve as a member actively engaged in agricultural production, as a royalty owner and a republican. What an honor Kent! See you at the meeting on Sept. 17, because we will need all hands on deck to defeat these initiatives if they make the ballot. August 2016 Royalty Owners Action Report I 7 8 I Royalty Owners Action Report August 2016 August 2016 Royalty Owners Action Report I 9 Ruston is the place to be on Sept. 27, 2016, as NARO Louisiana hosts a “Fuel Yourself With Knowledge” luncheon at the Lincoln Parish Library. Steve Venturatos, Director of Land for Memorial Resource Development Corp., will be the Malissa Blackburn guest speaker. Lunch is on us; space President is limited; but you must be registered. R.S.V.P. online at: www. naro-us.org/events or call Dee Copeland at (800) 558-0557. We’ve been spreading the word about NARO locally too. Last month I spoke to the Red River Desk & Derrick Club about “Doing It All.” My focus was that it is possible to work, raise a family and volunteer. NARO is a good place to give your time. We are currently looking for members interested in serving on our Louisiana board. No experience required; just come ready to give some time and we will guide you through the rest. This month Lynn Higginbotham and I will be speaking to the Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies or “COPAS” about the royalty owner point of view. On the state legislative side, SB24 was referred to the Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs but did not proceed from there. This would have reduced income taxes on bonus and royalty payments to zero. And SB165, which requires landowner notification when an operator transfers an oil or gas well and provides for similar notification once a well is orphaned, went into effect on Aug. 1, 2016. Nationally, HR 3342, introduced by U.S. Rep. John C. Fleming, seeks to address title issues caused by a Bureau of Land Management Resurvey performed in the late 1960s within certain lands along Lake Bistineau in northwest Louisiana. The important takeaway for royalty owners is that the BLM has effectively made a claim to mineral rights which have been in private ownership and commerce for many years prior to their resurvey. HR 3342 appears to be headed to a floor vote in the house early this fall. WE PURCHASE OKLAHOMA MINERAL INTERESTS AND ESTATES, PRODUCING AND NON-PRODUCING Call or write: W. H. Stromberg, Jr., 10 W. Main., Ste.506, Ardmore, OK 73401 • (580) 223-0353 or (800) 687-5882 VALMAR L.L.C. 5665 Chestnut Hill • Bartlesville, OK 74006 • Title Transfer Consultant • Deed Preparation Services • Offer(s) to buy RI/ORI Over 30 years of Experience in the Oil & Gas Business NADOA & NARO Member Contact: Meredith (Mimi) Nett (918) 766-5759 [email protected] 10 I Royalty Owners Action Report August 2016 Depletion allowance is a tax deduction that accrues the royalty owner. It is virtually the only deduction that the mineral owner has. It is mischaracterized as a “tax loophole” for oil companies. What is depletion allowance? In one word it is depreciation. It is no different that the Terrel Shields depreciation that would accrue to a President business machine or a farmer’s tractor. As you wear it out, the value goes to zero. You may use the tractor long after you have deducted the entire 100 percent of cost. As your oil is depleted from the reservoir, you lose that resource forever. And, it applies not only to oil and gas, but it is applied to timber, gravel, quarry rock, mining materials, and even oyster shells. Minerals are a “wasting” asset. Once removed, it is gone forever. The IRS recognizes two methods of depletion allowance. Cost depletion allows you to amortize the capital investment. This is the method large companies must use. You cannot deduct more than invested. Your investment may be zero if you inherited the mineral or it is part of your fee simple title to land. For a small interest, it could cost more to have an engineer estimate the reserves than you get from the well. Percentage depletion is currently 15 percent. The IRS allows you to deduct 15 percent of the annual income for depletion. It is a proxy for depreciation. Depletion allowance only applies to small producers and royalty owners. In any case, consult your tax advisor for information. And write your congressman and senators to tell them how important this tax deduction is to you personally. As your oil is depleted from the reservoir, you lose that resource forever. NARO CA from Page 6 Certain split estate mineral/royalty owners (those owning only the subsurface mineral rights and not the surface rights) must now obtain the written permission of the surface owner in order to participate in the fast track process. This is causing some great concern among producers and mineral/royalty owners. One producer has filed a lawsuit attacking those provisions of the ordinance that unfairly impact certain split estate mineral/ royalty owners. This is a huge issue for Kern County split estate mineral/ royalty owners, and there are thousands of them. Certain provisions of the new ordinance could have a serious negative impact on the value of the assets of these mineral/royalty owners. In order to assist these parties, NARO-California will be holding a free “Fuel Yourself With Knowledge” event on Sept. 21, 2016, at the Petroleum Club in Bakersfield from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Some of the speakers and topics will be: “Impacts of Legislation, Regulation and Taxation on Royalty Owners” Ed Hazard, President, NARO-CA; “State Regulation of Oil and Gas Operations” Bill Bartling, Deputy, Inland District, California Division if Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR); and “Kern County Oil and Gas Ordinance” and “Mineral/Royalty Owner Issues” Mike Finch, Principal, Energy Project Solutions LLC. This Fuel Yourself event will be very informative. We urge Kern County (and other) mineral/royalty owners to attend. Seating is limited to 100. Please RSVP as soon as possible to reserve your seat. Complimentary appetizers and beverages will be served. Please visit the NARO website to register: www.naro-us.org/events. Or you may call: (800) 558-0557, or email: [email protected]. Petroleum Engineering Services Francis W. (Frank) King, Licensed Professional Engineer *Regulatory and Court Testimony *Appraisal of Oil & Gas Interests *Bank Loan Reports Tel: (405) 348-2562, Fax: 866-818-4362 Email: [email protected] Are you ready for a celebration? Well, I am after four years of fighting for HB 1391! So get your running shoes on and help with our push for passage this fall! NARO Jackie Root President PA has an aggressive agenda in place to rally the legislative support we need to get the bill on the floor ASAP this fall. You will be receiving a short ‘to do’ list very soon. Be sure to complete your tasks and report back. Call me if you have questions. Make every effort to participate in our Harrisburg events. Attend one or all three of our town hall events in western Pennsylvania if applicable. Spread the word, share the action plan and meeting notices with relatives, friends, neighbors and even people you don’t like (if they own minerals!) Now is the time for action! Watch your email and mail for important information. UPCOMINGEVENTS CONVENTIONS Rockies • Aug. 31-Sept. 1, Vernal, Utah National • Oct. 6-8, Dallas, Texas FUEL YOURSELF WITH KNOWLEDGE free but r.s.v.p. required Texas • Watch for Updates to the Calendar California • Sept. 21, - 5:30 p.m., Bakersfield “Impacts of Legislation, Regulation and Taxation on Royalty Owners” “State Regulation of Oil and Gas Operations” “Kern County Oil and Gas Ordinance” and “Mineral/Royalty Owner Issues” Colorado • Sept. 17, 1:15 p.m., Denver “Current Legislation and Ballot Initiative Update” TOWN HALLS free but r.s.v.p. required Pennsylvania • Sept. 13 - 6:30 p.m., Washington • Sept. 14 - 10:00 a.m., Ellwood City • Sept. 14 - 6:30 p.m., Indiana “Legislation Deductions, and Reading Check Stubs” WEBINAR free, link will be emailed after registration Arkansas Meeting • Aug. 20 - 9:00 a.m. CST “Percentage Depletion and Ballot Initiatives” For all the events, information, registration and flyers: www.naro-us.org/events or (800) 588-0557. August 2016 Royalty Owners Action Report I 11 2016 National Convention Dallas, Texas • October 6-8 Font: Clear-Gothic Mediam Red: CMYK: 0,99,100,0 Blue CMYK: 89,84,0,0 No mineral owner should miss Thursday’s session Tank To Bank; Following the Production Trail David Melton will offer a forensic look at oil and gas accounting by following the production trail–not verification of percentages. This is a whole new way to consider it! Our Friday will wrap up with a panel discussion on Deductions; Getting a Chain on the Beast Moderated by Texas CMM/Attorney George Wilson, the panel will include Louisana Attorney Mike Stag, Texas Attorney David Wallace, and Pennsylvania CMM and Banking SR VP Jim Souto. Bring your questions and find out what the experts think it will take to chain the deductions beast once and for all. National Association of Royalty Owners 15 W. 6th Street • Suite 2626 Tulsa, OK 74119 Oklahoma City, OK Permit #1541 PAID Presorted First Class Mail U.S. Postage Stay informed through our social media. Get educated with our videos! www.naro-us.org
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