ICSCN-2015 3 International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Networking


ICSCN-2015 3 International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Networking
International Conference on Signal Processing,
Communications and Networking
Madras Institute of Technology Campus, Anna University, Chromepet, Chennai-600044
March 26-28, 2015
Email:[email protected] Phone:91‐44‐22232711 91‐44‐22516089 The recent developments in the area of informa on and communica on engineering in the past few years has led to unprecedented increase in the number of people using these technologies and also the interest in research and development. This conference aims to bring together innova ve academics, researchers and industrial experts in the field of Communica on, Signal Processing, VLSI Design, Compu ng and Networking fields to a common forum, for a construc ve dialog on theore cal concepts and prac cal ideas. The objec ve of this conference is to provide a forum for the researchers to present their state‐of‐the‐art work. Prac cing engineers, scien sts from R&D ins tu ons, Faculty members of engineering colleges, research scholars and post graduate students are expected to par cipate in this conference. The conference venue is located at the Madras Ins tute of Technology campus of Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. ICSCN will include following types of sessions Keynote/invited lectures, Workshops, Regular oral paper sessions, Short paper sessions, Poster sessions, Industrial presenta ons and exhibits session. Topics of interest include but not limited to the following 
Adhoc and Sensor Networks Analog IC Design Analog VLSI & Digital VLSI Antennas and Propaga on Biological Networks Broadband Wireless Access Coding Theory and Prac ce Cogni ve Radio Communica on Theory and Systems Complex Networks Coopera ve Communica on Evolvable Architecture Green Communica ons Informa on Theory and Coding Mobile & Pervasive Compu ng Mul dimensional Signal Processing Nano Electronics Network and Service Management Network Informa on Theory Network Interoperability Networks and Informa on Security Next Genera on Networks NoC & SoC Design Op cal Communica ons Op cal Networks and Systems Parallel and Distributed Architecture and Algorithms High Speed Data Converter Design 
High Speed Memory Design Image Processing and Pa ern Recogni on Quantum Cellular Automata Radar Signal and Data Processing 
Reconfigurable Architecture Reconfigurable Compu ng RF and Microwave Communica ons Satellite Communica on Sensor Cloud Smart Grid Communica ons Social Networks Speech Processing Ultra Low Power VLSI Under Water Wireless Networks Vehicular Networks Video Processing & Analy cs VLSI Architecture for High Speed Processing 
Wireless & Mobile Communica on Wireless and Wireline Networks Submission Details: The papers can be submi ed to [email protected]. The submi ed papers must be original and unpublished. Papers must be wri en in English and should be almost six pages long in total and must conform to IEEE format. If the number of pages exceeded, extra charges will be collected at the rate of Rs. 500/page or $15/page. IEEE format can be downloaded from the conference website. The authors will be no fied on the status of the paper acceptance from 20/02/15 onwards. Selected papers will be published in reputed journals. Fee Structure
Important Dates Paper submission opens: 20/10/14 Member
Indian Delegates
Foreign Delegates
Last date for paper submission: Mode of Payment: 01/01/15 No fica on of acceptance: 20/02/15 All payments are to be made by Demand Dra /Bankers Cheque drawn in favor of “ ICSCN ” payable at Chennai. Payments from abroad can be made by Bank transfer. Par culars for Bank transfer are as follows: Bank : Indian Bank, Radha Nagar, Chromepet. Camera Ready Copy & Registra on : 25/02/15 IFSC : IDIB 000C028 Conference dates: March 26—28, 2015 For further details: Swi Code Account Name & No : IDIBINBBMAS : ICSCN & 710407622 Convener— ICSCN2015, Department of Electronics Engineering, Madras Ins tute of Technology Campus, Anna University, Chromepet, Chennai‐600044, Tamilnadu, India. Phone : 91‐44‐22516089. Conference E‐mail : [email protected] Conference web URL : h p://www.annauniv.edu/icscn2015