Job Posting - Orange Partnership for Alcohol and Drug Free Youth


Job Posting - Orange Partnership for Alcohol and Drug Free Youth
Program Assistant
Orange Partnership is seeking a mo(vated, energe(c professional to provide program support and
communica(ons assistance to Orange Partnership for Alcohol and Drug Free Youth
(, a community coali(on working to reduce substance abuse among the youth of
Hillsborough & rural Orange County. Orange Partnership operates under the fiscal management of Mental
Health America of the Triangle (
I/Job informaon
Job Title: Communica(ons Program Assistant
Hours: Approximately 15 –20 hours/week, flexible days.
Pay Range: $17 -$19/hour, based on experience.
How to Apply: Please submit cover le<er, resume, wri(ng sample (1-3 pages) and three references to:
Marianne Hark, OP Program Director, at [email protected] or the address below. Posi(on open
un(l filled with priority considera(on given to applica(ons received by Friday, January 23rd, 2015.
II/Key Dues
• Assist in development and implementa(on of strategic communica(ons plan (including, but not limited
to, social and print media) to support coali(on ini(a(ves and policy advocacy priori(es.
Assist in the development and dissemina(on of bi-annual coali(on newsle<er.
Assist in development of materials and informa(onal packets used to support coali(on ini(a(ves,
recruitment and fundraising.
Work with staff to record and regularly disseminate mee(ng minutes and other coali(on informa(on to
Assist in maintaining current and relevant informa(on on coali(on website. (Web design experience
helpful but not necessary)
Work with staff and leadership to iden(fy and contact target community members, agencies and
organiza(ons with whom the coali(on would like to partner.
Work with staff and leadership to develop and implement a fundraising plan, including iden(fying and
contac(ng targeted donors.
Coordinate logis(cs of coali(on representa(on at key community events, including scheduling members
to be present and prepara(on of materials.
Assist in the coordina(on of other coali(on ac(vi(es, based on need and interest.
III/Key Qualificaons
A bachelor’s degree or at least 4 years relevant experience, required
Experience in communica(ons and/or development in the public health field, preferred
Knowledge of adolescent substance abuse issues, preferred
Knowledge of Hillsborough and rural Orange County and their community resources, preferred
Strong organiza(onal skills and ability to work independently and execute projects on (me.
Excellent wri<en communica(on skills, including demonstrated ability to write clearly, professionally and
strategically for the medium with excep(onal a<en(on to detail
Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to form posi(ve working rela(onships with diverse stakeholders
Strong computer and online/digital media literacy, including proficiency using social media plaGorms
(primarily Facebook and Twi<er) and MS Office, required
Graphic design experience, preferred
3729 Murphy School Rd • Durham, NC 27705 • 919.942.8083