Document 6559983


Document 6559983
Final Hymn
1. I the Lord of sea and sky
I have heard my people cry
All who dwell in dark and sin
My hand will save.
I who made the stars of night
I will make their darkness bright
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?
Chorus: Here I am Lord, is it I Lord?
No. 3516
12th October 2014
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go Lord, if you lead me
I will hold your people in my heart.
2. I the Lord of snow and rain
I have born my people’s pain.
I have wept for love of them
They turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone
Give them hearts for love alone
I will speak my word to them
Whom shall I send
Service at St. Stephen’s, Chaulden
Service at St. Francis, Hammerfield
11.15am Holy Communion
10.00am Sung Mass
3. I the Lord of wind and flame
I will tend the poor and lame
I will set a feast for them
My hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide
Till their hearts be satisfied
I will give my life to them
Whom shall I send?
THIS WEEK AT ST. JOHN’S: 13 – 18 October
DAILY: 9.15am Morning Prayer
5.00pm Evening Prayer (not Sat.)
2.15pm Poetry Group (hall)
7.45pm Men's Club (hall)
9.30pm Tiny Tots (hall) 10.30 Tots service in church
6.30pm Baptism/Wedding enquiries
8.00pm Organ practice
Services at St. John’s: 8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Parish Eucharist
6.30pm Evensong with Sermon
Service at St. Stephen’s: 11.15pm Morning Worship
Service at St. Francis:
10.00am Sung Mass
8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Parish Eucharist
Hymns 100, 238, 336, 271
Anthem: Come down O Love divine - Harris
Final hymn on back of newsletter
11.30am Holy Communion with hymns
6.30pm Evensong with sermon
NEWSLETTER ITEMS for next week's newsletter to Annie Mitchell by Tuesday please
(maximum length 4 lines of A5 please). If separate flyers are to be produced, please let Annie
NEWSLETTER BY E-MAIL AND WEBSITE: If you would like to receive a copy of the weekly
Newsletter by e-mail, please contact Alan at [email protected] Please
website, so if you do NOT wish your ‘phone number or other details
published, please let Alan Munford know.
10.30am Holy Communion followed by coffee
5.00pm Evening Prayer at St. Francis'
9.15am Morning Prayer at St. Stephen's
7.15pm Aeolian Singers rehearsal
from 12noon
10am – 2pm
Adults Confirmation Preparation – Quiet Room
Autumn Fayre set up
Stallholders set up for Fayre
Choir Practice
Details of next Sunday’s services are on the back of the Newsletter
Please take this Newsletter home with you as a reminder of
those who have asked for your prayers and events you may
wish to attend
For those who are ill: Di Tovey, Amal, Christine Wilson, Jean Stevens,
the Revd. Canon Liz Hughes, Sheila Howe, Julian Wood, Brian Laidlaw,
Jana Pick, Keith Barton, Ken Sherman, Jim Taylor, Barbara Martlew,
Evelyn Brown, Candice Croxford, Natalie Arseni;
For those with ongoing needs: Olive Langford, Michael Owen,
Emily Beebe, Diana Carletti, Joyce Graham;
Prayers for others with ongoing needs are offered at our weekday services. If
you wish only to be remembered at Morning and Evening Prayer, please contact
the vicar.
For all those who have died
and we pray for their families and friends.
WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP meets in the hall on Friday 17th October at 2.30pm.
Sharon Boyall will be speaking to us about her work with the Food Bank and
what happens at “The Hub”.
SATURDAY 18th OCTOBER – 10am – 2pm
BASKETS ARE AVAILABLE at the back of church for donations to the various
stalls at this year's Autumn Fayre. PLEASE SEE THE ENCLOSED FLYER for
FINAL APPEALS THIS WEEK! Urgently needed are more donations for the
China and Glass stall – phone 246289 for collection.
PIANO RECITAL by virtuoso Russian Pianist Victor Ardakov at St. John's:
7:30pm Saturday 25 October. See poster and flyers at back of church for
programme of music. Tickets now on sale from Alan Munford (242543), £10,
Concessions £8, under 16 free.
BIBLE READINGS: This morning's readings are as follows:
At 8am: Philippians 4: 1-9; Matthew 22: 1-14.
At 9.30am: Isaiah 25: 1-9; Philippians 4: 1-9; Matthew 22: 1-14.
Copies of the readings are available on request from the sidespeople.
wish to fill a shoebox this year I have ready to assemble boxes (30p donation)
available, or you may cover your own box. Please see leaflets at the back of
church. Thank you. Jane Tel: 214441
“EVERYONE COUNTS 2014” SURVEY: Church House has selected our
parish to take part in a national survey entitled “Everyone Counts 2014”. This
congregational survey focuses in particular on the monitoring of diversity. The
very short survey form is at the back of church today and we should be
most grateful if everyone could please complete it. Thank you.
CONGRATULATIONS to our September draw winners in the Organ Percentage Club –
1st Marion Roff £12; 2nd Robert Ross £6; 3rd Sheila James £3. If you would like to join
the Club and support MASJ in this way there are forms at the back of church or contact
Mark Harbour on 230399 or see him in church.
WE WELCOME the Venerable Jonathan Smith, Archdeacon of St. Albans, to
preside and preach at our 9.30 and 11.30am services today at St. John's.
THANK YOU very much to all who supported our Harvest Festival Thanksgiving by
donating produce, to those who decorated the church and all those who helped sort and
deliver the gifts.
AFTER THE 9.30am SERVICE at St. John's, Graham Liddle is inviting all his friends
from St. John's to join him in the hall for refreshments to celebrate his 65th birthday.
BISHOP'S HARVEST APPEAL: Many thanks to all who gave to the Appeal
'Learning for Life' last Sunday – a total of £462 was donated.
EVENING PRAYER: Please note there will be NO Evening Prayer during the week at St .
John's this week.
THE POETRY GROUP meets on Monday at 2.15pm in the Hall – this month we shall be
looking at poems on the theme 'Mysteries and Myths'. New members always welcome.
THE MENS CLUB meets tomorrow in the church Hall at 7.45 pm. This month Molly
will demonstrate how a hearing dog helps a profoundly deaf person cope with everyday
life, assisted by her partner, Jenny Smith, who will give an illustrated presentation about
the Hearing Dogs for Deaf People charity. New members welcome, just come along.
CTHH FORUM: Wednesday 15th October at 7.30pm at the Church of the Resurrection
Grovehill. The main Speaker will be Emma Stone who is heading up a police project
concerning mental health issues.
Iona Pilgrimage FINAL CALL. If you are interested in going with a deanery group to
Iona from 12 – 19 June 2015, please contact Jeanette TODAY (tel: 01442 239428).
Cost: about £550 including travel and accommodation with Iona Community (dormitory,
shared wash facilities). Theme of the week: Earth Encounter – thinking about climate
change and caring for God’s world.