2B The Graphic-Advocate LEGALS October 15, 2014 City of Rockwell City City of Rockwell City October 6, 2014 Mayor Heinlen called the meeting to order with the following members present: Lange, Hepp, Walters, Dawson and Hendricks. Motion by Walters, second by Lange, approving the agenda; unanimous. Motion by Lange, second by Hendricks, to approve the consent agenda of the Sept. 16 meeting minutes and Wine Permit for Parkside Flowers, unanimous. Pat Essing & Judy Howrey asked the City Council to consider selling a portion of the pond property, part of the North West corner. The council asked that they mark the proposed area and there would be further discussion at the next council meeting. The council discussed the purchase of the lots North of the Library/ Community Center. The Mayor will discuss the cost of the property with the owner. There was discussion on hail damage due to the storm June 30. The City asked five local companies to bid repairs to damaged property. Only Hahn Roofing returned bids on the projects. The council discussed how to proceed with repairs on the Library/Community Center roof and will sign paperwork to move forward. Motion by Hendricks, second by Hepp to appoint Janet Haub to the Library Board of Trustees, unanimous. She will replace Mary Smith. Motion by Lange, second by Dawson to pay for City employee flu shots, unanimous. The Council told the Clerk to have the Fairboard remove building rubble from their RV Park prior to November 1, 2014. The City has received numerous complaints. The City received a complaint that the evergreens at 747 Tonawanda are a driving visual hazard. The Mayor will ask the owner to remove the trees. The Council wants to congratulate South Central Calhoun Elementary School on the Blue Ribbon Award they received due to their excellence in education. There was discussion on mowing bills sent to 327 South Street. Lowell Stoolman, Public Works Supervisor verified that City had mowed the property twice. The Council will require that mowing charges to be paid as billed. Stoolman asked the Council to consider hiring ACT Company to consult the City on sample testing and other procedures to assist in negotiations with DNR pertaining to the Wastewater Permit. The Council told Stoolman to have ACT Co. attend the next meeting for further discussions. Stoolman told the council that the approved hydrants and valves had been installed the prior week. The Council said that the race car season was over and that race cars were required to be stored out of site. Mayor Heinlen called for further business and, with none, motion by Hendricks second by Lange to adjourn the meeting at 8:08PM; unanimous. Next meeting Monday, October 20, 2014 at 7:00 PM. Warrants 56667-56773 Attest: Phil R. Heinlen, Mayor Kelly Smidt, City Clerk ACCO, REPAIRS.................................1,279.41 AFLAC, INSURANCE.............................449.30 ALLIED INSURANCE, REPAIRS........2,681.93 GECRB/AMAZON, BOOKS/DVDS.........395.59 BAKER & TAYLOR, BOOKS..................421.99 BOMGAARS, REPAIRS.........................449.08 BROWN SUPPLY, REPAIRS....................10.00 CALHOUN COUNTY REPUBLICANS, CC DEPOSIT REFUND....................120.00 CALHOUN COUNTY TREASURER, DRAINAGE TAX/ DANGEROUS BLDG........................551.00 CARLSON AUTOBODY & REPAIR, VEHICLE REPAIRS..........................240.42 CARROLL REFUSE SERVICE, SOLID WASTE COLLECTION.......7,553.36 CENTER POINT PUBLISHING, LARGE PRINT BOOKS.......................41.94 CHAMPION CHRYSLER, VEHICLE REPAIR.............................208.39 COLLEEN MCCURDY, CC DEPOSIT REFUND......................60.00 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA, SOFTNER SALT............................6,395.88 DAVID AHLRICHS, CUSTODIAL CONTRACT.................320.00 DRAPERIES PLUS, POSTAGE...............29.44 DULTMEIER SALES, REPAIRS.............554.83 EFTPS, FED/FICA TAX.......................7,706.09 EQUITABLE FINANCIAL CO, DEFERRED COMP.............................80.00 FELD FIRE, MAINTENANCE...................31.06 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516, REPAIRS..........................................478.40 FORT DODGE ASPHALT, CONTRACT-STREET...............165,574.44 GALLS/QUARTERMASTER, CLOTHING ALLOWANCE................227.89 GARDNER MEDIA, BOOKS..................104.19 HALEY EQUIPMENT, MOWER/ REPAIRS........................7,886.54 HALEY EQUIPMENT, REPAIRS..............15.27 IA SMALL ENGINE CENTER, MOWER REPAIRS..............................58.33 IA OFFICE SUPPLY, INC, OFFICE SUPPLIES..........................310.09 IOWA D.O.T., SNOW FENCE.................227.32 IOWA DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, ANNUAL WATER USE FEE................99.00 IPERS, IPERS.....................................5,310.99 KELTEK INC, LIGHT BAR...................2,318.56 KERSTEN BROWNLEE HENDRICKS LL, ATTORNEY FEES..........................1,012.50 LARRY SCHOOP, REIMB-MEALS...........26.97 LIBRARIANS CHOICE, BOOKS............131.07 LOWELL STOOLMAN, CLOTHING ALOWANCE..................119.97 MANSON PUBLIC LIBRARY, SUBSCRIPTION................................90.00 MARTIN HILDRETH CO, SEPTEMBER GRAVE OPENINGS.......................1,210.00 MEDIACOM, DIGITAL EQUIPMENT..........4.24 MID-AMERICAN PUBLISHING CORP, AD/LEGAL PUBLICATIONS..............342.74 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY, GAS/ELECTRIC............................7,917.21 MONGAN PAINTING, PAINT CLARIFIER.......................16,380.00 MOORHOUSE READY MIX, REPAIRS.......................................1,053.00 MYRNA MILLER, CC DEPOSIT REFUND......................60.00 NORTH CENTRAL CORRECTIONAL, INMATE LABOR...............................130.00 POSTMASTER, POSTAGE/BILLS.........248.56 SAMANTHA GANGELHOFF, METER DEPOSIT REFUND.............125.00 SARA BLOCK, CC DEPOSIT REFUND...60.00 SENSUS TECHNOLOGIES, ANNUAL SUPPORT.......................1,570.34 SHURLENE MILLER, METER DEPOSIT REFUND.............125.00 STAR ENERGY, FUEL........................ 2,111.22 SWANSON HARDWARE, SUPPLIES....331.06 TRANS-IOWA EQUIPMENT INC, SWEEPER REPAIRS....................1,244.24 TREASURER-STATE W/H, STATE TAXES...............................1,507.00 TREASURER-STATE (S.T.), SALES TAX...................................1,788.00 TRUUE NORTH COMPANIES, LC, LIFE INS (TN).....................................28.87 TS ELECTRIC, REPAIRS.......................177.90 UNITED BANK OF IOWA, RETURN CHECK..............................257.61 UNITY POINT CLINIC, RANDOM DRUG TEST.......................37.00 US CELLULAR, CELLULAR SERVICE....91.99 WEBSTER GLASS CO, SHIP-INSURANCE REIMB...............351.08 WEISS PLUMBING, REPAIRS...............318.41 WELLMARK BLUECROSS & BLUESHIELD, HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM....................................15,685.22 WESTRUM LEAK DETECTION INC, 2014 LEAK DETECTION SURVEY.........1,700.00 WINDSTREAM, TELEPHONE............1,696.07 TOTAL.............................................270,123.00 Public Notice PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 10 OF ZONING ORDINANCE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF CALHOUN COUNTY Amend Section 2-LOT WIDTH. Any lot of record at the time of passage of this Ordinance having less width than herein required may be used as provided in this Ordinance with its side yards reduced to ten percent of the lot width to eave drop. (correction of spelling and punctuation) Delete entire Section 3.6. Amend Section 6.4-New section would read “Any open unenclosed steps, ground level patios or concrete slab driveways may project into a required yard;” (remove “eaves not more than (2) feet in width,”) Public hearing on these changes will be held at the Conservation Office, 1228 High St., Rockwell City, Iowa on October 23, 2014 at 1:30 p.m. Written comments will be received at the Conservation Office until close of business on October 22, 2014. Notice of Hearing NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE SOUTH CENTRAL CALHOUN COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a Public Hearing to allow input on the proposed Early Start Date and the implementation of an Innovative Calendar for the 2015-2016 school year. The South Central Calhoun Board of Directors will hear comments at a public hearing to begin at 7 o’clock pm on Monday, October 20, 2014, at the SCC Middle School Media Center, 1000 Tonawanda St, Rockwell City, Iowa. Dated this 8th day of October, 2014. Submitted by Carol A Collins, Board Secretary DEADLINE News & Advertising Friday @ NOON The Graphic-Advocate 712-464-3188 712-297-7544 Notice of Public Meeting REGION V REGIONAL PLANNING AFFILIATION PUBLIC INPUT MEETING The Region V Regional Planning Affiliation (RPA) will hold a public information input meeting, to receive input and comments on amendment to the FY 2015-2018 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP). Region V includes the following counties: Calhoun, Hamilton, Humboldt, Pocahontas, Webster and Wright and the cities of Fort Dodge and Webster City. The FY 2015-2018 RTIP is being amended to update the following projects: - Amend Bridge project on D46 to increase project costs and federal funding. Copies of the FY 2015-2018 RTIP Amendment are available by contacting Shirley Helgevold at MIDAS Council of Governments, (515) 576-7183 ext. 212 or e-mail at [email protected] Written comments should be received by 12:00 PM October 28, 2014. Please submit all written comments to: Region V Regional Planning Affiliation 602 1st Avenue South Fort Dodge, IA 50501 or e-mail to: [email protected]. PUBLIC INPUT MEETING October 29, 2014 2:00 PM MIDAS Building 602 1st Avenue South Fort Dodge, IA 50501 If you have any special needs pertaining to this meeting, please contact Shirley Helgevold, MIDAS Council of Governments, (515) 5767183 ext. 212. City of Lake City Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE Be advised that there will be a public test of the county voting equipment to be used at this election. The test will commence at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, October 17, 2014 and continue until completion of the required test in the Wellness Room, basement of the Courthouse, Rockwell City, Iowa. Judy Howrey, Calhoun County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections NOTICE OF PROPOSED PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO ENTER INTO A LOAN AGREEMENT AND TO BORROW MONEY IN A PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $500,000 (GENERAL OBLIGATION) The City Council of the City of Lake City, Iowa, will meet on October 20, 2014, at the City Hall Council Chambers, Lake City, Iowa, at 6:30 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the proposal to enter into a loan agreement (the “Loan Agreement”) and to borrow money in a principal amount not to exceed $500,000 for the purpose of paying the cost, to that extent, of advance refunding the City’s outstanding General Obligation Street Improvement and Refunding Bonds, Series 2009, dated April 1, 2009. The Loan Agreement is proposed to be entered into pursuant to authority contained in Section 384.24A of the Code of Iowa and will constitute a general obligation of the City. At that time and place, oral or written objections may be filed or made to the proposal to enter into the Loan Agreement. After receiving objections, the City may determine to enter into the Loan Agreement, in which case, the decision will be final unless appealed to the District Court within fifteen (15) days thereafter. By order of the City Council of the City of Lake City, Iowa City of Lake City Lake City Council Proceedings October 6, 2014 These minutes are as recorded by the City Administrator/Clerk and are subject to Council approval at the next Council Meeting. The City Council of Lake City, Iowa met in regular session on Monday, October 6, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers. Mayor Gary Fahan presided with the following members present: Bellinghausen, Filmer, and Brandon Blair. Absent: Chris Blair, Tami Green. Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Filmer, second by Bellinghausen, to approve the consent agenda consisting of the agenda, minutes from Sept. 22nd council meeting, claims list and Treasurer’s Report. MCU Mayor Fahan opened the Public Hearing at 6:31 pm to discuss the status of funding for the water treatment improvement project to install 4 cell horizontal iron/manganese pressure filters, building and piping modifications, electrical controls, constructing a new well and well piping. General description of accomplishments to date: Project is complete which included installation of 4 cell horizontal iron/manganese pressure filters, building and piping modifications, electrical controls, well, and well piping complete. Summary of expenditures to date: $404,250 has been expended in CDBG and $486,458.69 has been expended in local funds. Total expended to date $890,708.69. General description of remaining work: No work is remaining. General description of changes made to the project budget, performance targets, activity schedules, project scope, location, objectives or beneficiaries: The original project was to make improvements to City’s water system; the project was amended to include drilling a replacement well. The entire project would benefit all the residents of Lake City. The City received $404,250 in CDBG funds from IEDA. Project completion date was extended from November 30, 2013 until June 30, 2014. Total cost originally estimated at $808,500 ($404,250 CDBG and $404,250 Local). Project total cost $890,708.69. The City has contracted FOX Engineering to provide engineering services for the project. The original contract amount was for $119,000, plus $2,200 for bid documents plus reimbursables. There was a change order to include CDBG grant contract provisions and a second change order to add engineering fees for well project in the amount of $47,900 plus $1,100 for bid documents plus reimbursables. The final contract amount was $170,200. Final engineering cost with reimbursables $178,335.75 (Well preliminary and final design costs, $25,900 paid for by City prior to adding to CDBG contract.) The City has contracted with MIDAS Council of Governments to provide grant administration. The original contract amount was for not to exceed $18,000. No change orders have been executed. Final costs $7,238. Grundman and Hicks L.L.C. is the contractor responsible for the water treatment plant improvements. The original contract amount was $442,000. There were 4 change orders for $7,493.66 which included addition of 8” gate valve on the new finished water piping along the west side of the treatment plant building, revision of the chemical feed piping and valve requirements, replacement of existing electrical junction box, painting of the 8” overhead raw water line, and ceiling, concrete testing and door replacement. The final contract amount was $449,493.66 all which has been paid to date. Charles Sargent Irrigation, Inc is the contractor responsible for drilling the well. The original contract amount was $280,506. There have been 2 change orders for with a net decrease of $8,450. Change orders “aqua jet” the screened portion of the well and then chemically treat that portion, reduced quantity of 16-inch O.D. SS wire-Wound Screen used, added to quantity of 16-inch O.D. casing, removed seeding, added replacement of door and frame connecting the filter and electric rooms, and split the cost of concrete testing between the City and contractor. The new contract amount is $272,056 all of which has been paid. Person(s) authorized to receive and respond to citizens proposals, questions and complaints concerning the proposed (funded) activities will be: Shirley Helgevold MIDAS Council of Governments 602 1st Avenue South Fort Dodge, IA 50501 (515) 576-7183 ext. 212 Board of Supervisors Board of Supervisors Calhoun County Courthouse Rockwell City, Iowa Tuesday, September 30, 2014 The Board of Supervisors of Calhoun County met with the following members present: Jacobs, Nicholson and Hoag, Sr. Agenda additions: none It was moved by Nicholson and seconded by Hoag, Sr. to approve the agenda. Ayes all. Motion carried. The minutes of the last meeting were read. It was moved by Hoag, Sr. and seconded by Nicholson to approve the minutes. Ayes all. Motion carried. It was moved by Hoag, Sr. and seconded by Nicholson to approve the following reports: August report of Donna Geery, Clerk of District Court, and Quarterly report of Calhoun County Historical Society, and also the following Township reports of Summary Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for FY 13/14 for: Butler, Calhoun, Cedar, Center, Elm Grove, Greenfield, Jackson, Lake Creek, Lincoln, Logan, Reading, Sherman, Twin Lakes, Union and Williams. Garfield Township has not filed. Ayes all. Motion carried. Bill Jurries, Custodial Supervisor, met with the Board concerning estimates for repairs from the hail damage on June 30. Bill also discussed the purchase of a vee plow to install on the pickup for snow removal. It was moved by Hoag, Sr. and seconded by Nicholson to approve the purchase from Hiway Truck Equipment, Inc., Fort Dodge, for a Boss 7-6 Steel Vee Plow for $5,750. Ayes all. Motion carried. Ron Haden, Engineer, and B.J. Musselman, Maintenance Supervisor, met with the Board to update them on Secondary Road projects. Mary Gidel and Peg Rosenboom, Twin Lakes Restoration Board, met with the Board concerning the feasibility study at Twin Lakes. Also present was Pam Anderson, Director, Economic Development. Leisa Mayer, Rolling Hills Region Coordinator, met with the Board concerning approval of Cherokee County to join the region. It was moved by Nicholson and seconded by Hoag, Sr. to approve Cherokee County to join the Rolling Hills Community Services Region. Calhoun County is one of six counties in favor. Ayes all. Motion carried. Brian Bloome, Engineer, I&S Group, met with the Board to discuss wetland determinations on JT DD #173-67, and a proposal from Grigg’s Environmental Strategies, Inc. for wetland determinations for an estimated cost for performing services at $2,750. No final decision was made. It was moved by Nicholson and seconded by Hoag, Sr. to adjourn until Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. for their next regular Board meeting. Ayes all. Motion carried. Scott Jacobs, Chairman Judy Howrey, Auditor Gary Nicholson Dean G. Hoag, Sr. Person(s) available and able to provide technical assistance to groups representative of low- and moderate-income persons in preparing and presenting their proposals for the request and use of federal funds. MIDAS Council of Governments 602 1st Avenue South Fort Dodge, IA 50501 (515) 576-7183 Motion-Bellinghausen, second-Filmer to close the public hearing at 6:33 pm. MCU. Steve Meyer addressed the council regarding his water bill which showed high consumption. He checked for leaks and none were found. Usage has gone back down to normal. Discussion was held and council advised to pay normal bill and monitor for the next 6 months, and if nothing else reoccurs, council will revisit the situation at that time. 2-Ayes, 1-Nay. Motion carried. Motion-Bellinghausen, second Brandon Blair to approve the building permits at 402 S. Michigan St., and 826 Illinois. MCU Council held discussion regarding the building permit at 1400 N. Garfield. MotionBellinghausen, second Filmer to approve the building permit and waiver as long as water and sewer agreement proposed was agreed to. MCU Resolution #2014-22 – Approving amended proposal agreement with Signature Aquatics. Motion-Filmer, second-Bellinghausen to approve contingent upon the conditions stated by FEH Associates. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Filmer, Bellinghausen, Brandon Blair. Nays-none. MCU. Discussion was held with Bonding Representative Scott Stevenson of D.A. Davison regarding proposed refinancing of the 2009 bonds which would result in a net PV savings of $18,539.69, along with a revised repayment plan for the LOST funding portion which will result in a smaller increase in the debt service levy. Resolution #2014-23 – Setting Public Hearing for NTD $500,000 GO Refunding Bonds for the purpose of refinancing the 2009 bonds. Motion-Filmer, second-Bellinghausen to approve Resolution 2014-23. Roll Call Vote: Ayes-Filmer, Brandon Blair, Bellinghausen. MCU. D.A.Davison representative Stevenson also advised the council of the city’s requirements regarding annual filings and proposed a dissemination agent agreement. Discussion was held. Motion-Bellinghausen, second-Filmer to approve should City Administrator/Clerk not be able to complete this report. MCU. CA advised the council on the office acquisitions for the Assistant to the City Administrator position, and requested approval to proceed with replacement of the carpet at the Billing Clerk’s work area with tile and/or adequate hard surface material. Council gave direction to proceed with project. Kendall Holm was not available for this council meeting to discuss load charge for the chipper. Council tabled until Kendall is available for additional input. Library Director Michelle Deluhery approached the council with her concerns regarding the lawn in front of the library building. The depth of the area of the lawn is not sufficient to establish grass and instead the area ends up as weeds. Library Board would like council to consider pouring cement. Further discussion was held. Public Works Director Janssen will get costs estimates for tearing up and paving as well as just the paving with the city completing the tearing up. Estimates will be brought to council for further discussion. Council held discussion regarding communication and disbursing information in a concise manner as well as what may or may not be public information in regards to personnel issues. There being no further business, a motion was made by Filmer, and seconded by Bellinghausen to adjourn at 7:57 p.m. MCU. Gary Fahan, Mayor Lee A. Vogt, City Administrator/Clerk CLAIMS REPORT VENDOR, REFERENCE................... AMOUNT ACCO UNLIMITED CORP, CHLORINE.........................................757.10 BAKER & TAYLOR INC., BOOKS..........199.59 BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS, SUBSCRIPTION.................................20.00 MICHELLE BLAIR, PAINTING.................80.00 BOOKPAGE, ANNUAL FEE.....................60.00 LYNN BOYD, REIMBURSEMENT...........20.02 CARROLL CLEANING SUPPLY, SUPPLIES............................................98.50 CAL. CO. VARIETY STORE, SUPPLIES............................................26.93 CENTER POINT PUBLISHING, BOOKS...............................................113.20 CULLIGAN OF IDA GROVE, SUPPLIES...........................................41.50 DAISY HAULING, SEPT HAULING....9,499.20 DANIEL CONSTRUCTION, LLC, REPAIRS.........................................3,101.05 DANNETTE ELLIS, CLEANING.............700.00 DON’S PEST CONTROL, SPRAY CB.....44.00 DREES COMPANY, REPAIRS...............647.33 EFTPS, FED/FICA TAX.......................3,635.66 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, PAGERS..........................................1,223.81 EMPLOYERS MODERN LIFE CO, PREMIUM............................................60.40 FELD FIRE, REPAIRS............................177.83 GALE, BOOKS.........................................70.17 GARY FAHAN, NW IA LEAGE.................15.00 GRAPHIC-ADVOCATE, RENEWAL.........36.00 IA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION, PLOW BLADES.................................168.45 IA DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, ANNUAL WTR USE.............................99.00 IA LIBRARY SERVICES-CENTRAL OF, DATABASE SUBSCRIPTION FEE..... 111.35 IA OFFICE SUPPLY, SUPPLIES............297.08 IA SECTION AWWA REGION 3, TRAINING............................................40.00 IA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT, QUARTERLY UNEMPLOYMENT TAX.......................85.22 IMWCA, WORKERS COMPENSATION.......1,388.00 INFINITY TRUST, PREMIUM.................222.93 IPERS, POLICE IPERS.......................4,608.16 IVY’S SPARKLE AND CLEAN WINDOW, WINDOWS...........................................35.00 L.C. HARDWARE, SUPPLIES...............104.19 L.C. PUBLIC LIBRARY, PETTY CASH/POSTAGE.....................32.76 LEON HENDRICKS, METER READING.............................300.00 MACKE MOTORS, SHIPING/SERVICE..............................83.08 MARCI DUNCAN, POSTAGE/SUPPLIES..........................67.23 MICHELLE JOHNSON, CLEANING........65.00 MICHELLE DELUHERY, AMES LIBRARY...................................84.75 MID AMERICA PUBLISHING, ADS/LEGALS.....................................158.00 MORROW’S STANDARD, FUEL/SERVICE/SUPPLIES...............690.96 OVER HEAD DOOR CO., REPAIRS......230.86 POSTMASTER, WATER BILLS/POSTAGE.................352.43 SOUTH CENTRAL CALHOUN, COPY PAPER....................................302.76 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN, SUBSCRIPTION..................................14.98 TREAS. STATE OF IA (ST),WATER/ SEWER/POOL SALES TAX............1,155.00 TREASURER STATE OF IOWA, STATE TAX......................................1,199.00 US CELLULAR, CELLULAR SERVICE........................259.03 VISA, BOOKS/ LODGING/SUPPLIES.....................1,468.40 WELLMARK, HEALTH INSURANCE....................7,698.20 WILKINS NAPA PARTS, PARTS/SUPPLIES.............................391.74 WINDSTREAM IA COMMUNICATI, TELEPHONE/INTERNET...................440.84 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE..........42,781.69 PAYROLL CHECKS...........................11,645.85 REPORT TOTAL................................54,427.54
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