Saint Margaret Mary Parish P : M


Saint Margaret Mary Parish P : M
Saint Margaret Mary Parish
845 High Street, P.O. Box 386
Westwood, MA 02090-0386
O ce 781-326-1071 Fax 781-329-1879
Saturday :
Sunday :
4:30 PM
8:30 AM & 11:00 AM
9:00 AM - Mon., Thurs., Fri.
Tue. & Sat. 9:00 AM
: As announced
: 3:45 - 4:15 PM - Saturday
: [email protected]
: Second Sunday of the month at 1:00 P.M.
Rev. Stephen J. Linehan - Ext. 103
[email protected]
: Rev. Mr. Joseph E. Holderried
Denise Ra ery - Ext. 102
D.Ra [email protected]
Bap sm instruc on required. Contact Dorothy Ruggiero.
Dorothy Ruggiero - Ext. 110
[email protected]
and, or, a pastoral visit to a
homebound/sick person: contact Dorothy Ruggiero
: [email protected]
: We cordially invite you to register
as members of our Parish Family. Please contact any sta
person or visit our website for further details.
: Please contact us at least six months in ad-
Karlene Du y, Director - Ext. 101
[email protected]
Mark Nemeskal - Ext. 111
[email protected]
Jacqueline Kerr—Ext. 100
[email protected]
Chris ne Harkins - Ext. 100
[email protected]
“We strive to be a faith filled community living the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic tradi on.
We are commi ed to loving God through par cipa on in the sacramental life of the Church.
We pray and grow together suppor ng and caring for all.”
Dear Parishioners,
October in the life of our Catholic Church in America has
come to be known as Respect Life Month. Cardinal Sean is
the Chairman of the Bishops Commi ee on Pro-Life Ac vies. He and the commi ee seek to encourage and teach
about the dignity of human life. I am very grateful to our
Social Jus ce Commi ee who has arranged for a service to
help us observe Respect Life Month this Sunday. The
theme this year is: “Each of Us is a Masterpiece of God’s
Crea on.” Please join us this evening, Sunday, October 18
at 7:30 in the Church for an hour of prayer and reflec on on
the dignity of human life.
Many people today recoil at any discussion of respect life
issues as they think it focuses exclusively on abor on.
There certainly has been a lot of press on this controversial
and conten ous issue in our culture. Most folks want to
avoid conflict. Nonetheless, it remains a very real issue in
many people lives. While unexpected pregnancies touch
many people, for many reasons, our Chris an faith calls us
to be of service to them not to condemn them. There s ll
remains many other ‘respect life’ issues. To say this is not
to diminish the gravity of the taking of unborn life. It only
serves to broaden the issues and the real concerns we have
for human life... from its concep on to its end. Our Holy
Father, Pope Francis has par cularly focused on several
issues that he has described a ec ng people on the peripheries of society. Let me list just a few... people who lack
shelter, refugees, those who struggle to immigrate, the
poor, the sick and the elderly. Our culture focuses inordinately on the ‘young’. Life is a lot bigger than just the
Sunday, October 19th—7:30 PM
All are welcome to join us in the church to pray for the Respect of Life of the unborn, families in distress, the ill and
elderly, those in poverty, government o cials and medical
personnel who do not defend life. Please join us in prayer
for the concluding Celebra on of Benedic on. For more
informa on contact: Be y Holderried at (781) 329-2587.
So much of what we seek to do in Westwood and in par cular in our parish is to build strong leaders for tomorrow...
Good schools and educa on are basic of course. Good athle cs to build strong bodies are so important. Suppor ng
strong family life and building morally sound ‘ci zens’
ma er too. What is needed however is a real vision, a vision that inspires! At the heart of those educa onal, athle c and social goals there has to be a fundamental respect
for life! Respect your self. Respect others. Respect life.
How do you do that? We do it by doing it! We support
each other in the process. It helps to reflect on doing it and
having done it. Our religious educa on program asks our
young people to commit to ‘community service’. The purpose of that requirement is to help teach the need to help
others – respect life – and establish a habit... of service to
others. Why? Because of the respect we have for human
life... ‘Community service’ is not just a young person’s responsibility. It a ects all of us... Li le things mean a lot...
Right here in the liturgical assembly... having enough ministers to distribute Holy Communion, take up the collec on...
help arrange flowers... or help serve co ee... Service to
others in these ways witnesses to what we believe. Thank
you to all who do this!!!
Some mes simply avoiding being a ‘conspicuous consumer’
can convey that message as well. Avoiding selfishness... or
put more posi vely... witnessing to selflessness by being
generous with your me, talent and treasure...
Devo on to St. Margaret Mary whose feast we just observed... includes an act of repara on. Repara on is an
e ort to repair the wrong done... In other words, how can I
make up for my selfishness, for the mes when I failed to
respect my self... others... or life itself... made known to me
in the people who come into my life...? What an incredible
gateway to service!
God bless you,
Fr. Linehan
Mee ngs will be held on the last Friday of the month from
2:00 PM—3:00 PM in the parish o ce conference room.
If you would like more informa on about this support
group, contact the Pastoral Associate, Dorothy Ruggiero at
781-326-1071 ext. 110 or [email protected]
OCT. 18—19
The Adult Choir at Saint Margaret Mary Parish wishes to invite new singers to join our ranks for the 2014-15 choir season. The
choir sings at the 11:00 mass each Sunday as well other major liturgies during the church year. Rehearsals are held on Thursday
nights from 7:30-9:00 pm in the sanctuary.
If you possess a pleasant singing voice and enjoy sharing that voice, then you are the singer that we are looking for to swell our
ranks. While some musical experience is a plus, there is no requirement in that regard.
Please see Director of Music and Liturgy, Mark Nemeskal, a er any mass or contact him via e-mail at [email protected].
“repleatur os meum laude tua” (let my mouth be filled with thy praise).
Xaverian Brothers High School
800 Clapboardtree Street, Westwood
Open House
Sunday, October 26th
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Come meet students, teachers, coaches, and administrators and register for the entrance exam. The day will also
feature student-led tours, a student presenta on, and informa on about our Francis Xavier Division 7th and 8th
grade program as well as the high school program. Register online at or contact the Admissions O ce at 781-326-6392.
29 North Street, Medfield
Thursday, November 6th
7:00 PM—9:00 PM
Campus tours will be followed by a formal program at 2:45
PM. Montrose School is an independent college preparatory
day school with a Catholic tradi on for girls grades 6—12.
Please contact: Sarah Hills at [email protected]
with any ques ons.
CYO Basketball
The St. Margaret Mary CYO Basketball Program is accep ng
registra ons for the upcoming basketball season. Players
must live within the boundaries of St. Margaret Mary parish
or must be registered parishioners of St. Margaret Mary parish. Anyone interested in playing this season can obtain a
registra on form on line at the Saint Margaret Mary Parish
web site h p:// click on Ministries
and then on CYO Basketball. Registra ons should be mailed to
the address on the form. There will be a final opportunity to
register on Sunday, October 19 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the
lower church.
CYO basketball has six divisions: Boys 5th & 6th grades, 7th & 8th
grades, 9th & 10th grades and 11th & 12th grades. Girls 5th & 6th
grades, 7th & 8th grades and 9 thru 12th grades. If there are any
ques ons please email Ken Foscaldo: [email protected] Pracces will begin the first week of November and the games will
be played on weekends from December thru February.
Anyone interested in coaching, please contact
Ken Foscaldo.
Notes from the Music Director, Mark Nemeskal;
At this weekend’s masses the O ertory Hymn that I
selected, All My Hope On God is Founded, is the work
of legendary Bri sh composer, Herbert Howells (18921983). This par cular hymn was extremely poignant to
Howells, as he wrote the tune a er the death of his 10
year-old son Michael, who died of spinal meningi s in
1935. Hence the tune name: MICHAEL. Howells was a
prolific composer of sacred music throughout his life,
wri ng solo songs, choral works, and many composions for the organ. One of Howells’ most famous choral works, Take Him Earth For Cherishing, wri en in
1964 as a memorial to the late John F. Kennedy, will be
performed next month by The SERAPHIM SINGERS, a
Boston-based vocal ensemble with whom I perform.
That concert will take place at the Mission Church in
Boston on November 16th at 3:00 pm for anyone interested in a ending.
At the 11:00 mass on Sunday, the choir will perform
O ertory by American Composer John Ness Beck (1930
-1987). This contempla ve work is believed to be the
final piece wri en by Beck before he succumbed to
cancer in 1987. Maestro Beck was also an important
contributor to the sacred music scene, and has le behind a wealth of rich composi ons for solo voice and
choirs. With what shall I come before the Lord and
bow myself before God on high… We hope that you
enjoy this o ering .
Deacon Joe has been with the parish for ages and 37 years as a
Deacon. In more recent years he has addi onally served as
doorkeeper, sacristan and general factotum! Deacon Joe and
Be y will need me soon to be able to visit grandchildren who
will be moving soon. Addi onally winter is coming and we will
need help with shoveling. We hope to find some part me help
to learn the ropes from Deacon Joe and work along with him and
to be able to cover for him when he heads out to visit the grandchildren. If you have an interest, please contact Fr. Linehan and
Jackie in the parish o ce.
OCT. 18—19
Annual Family Flu Clinic—For residents ages 5 & older
Saturday, October 18th—9:00 AM—12:00 PM
Westwood High School Gymnasium
200 Nahatan Street, Westwood
Vaccine will be administered first come first serve basis
NEW-The registra on form is on our website for you to
print and complete before the clinic: (Blank forms at the clinic)
Please bring your completed form, Insurance and/or Medicare
cards. Copy your cards beforehand, if possible.
Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
If you have ques ons, please contact the Health Department at
[email protected] or call (781) 320-1026/1027.
BOSTON, 02134—(617) 254-8383 ..EXT. 1308
***** OPEN HOUSE *****
Sunday, October 26th—1:00 PM—4:00 PM
St. Joseph’s Prep in Boston, a co-ed Catholic, independent
school for 250 young people in grades 9-12, Sponsored by
the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston and collabora ng with
Boston College and Regis College.
OCTOBER 25th—26th
During the weekend masses on October 25th & 26th a special
collec on will be taken up to support St. Margaret Mary’s
Neighbors in Need fund. In conjunc on with the St. Vincent
DePaul Society at St Denis, the fund provides emergency financial assistance to needy Westwood families. Recipients
have received emergency help for oil, u li es, rent, and medical expenses ranging from $200—$1,000. Because of parishioners’ generosity, $3200 was donated in a similar collec on
in March. Families con nue to experience painful job losses
and significant medical challenges in every community, including Westwood. If you have any ques ons, please contact
Father Linehan or Terry Earls (781) 461-0358. Please be very
generous with your dona on on October 25th & 26th.
Good Samaritan Cra Guild
The next mee ng of the Good Samaritan Cra Guild will be
held on Wednesday, October 22nd at 3 PM in the Parish O ce
mee ng room. All cra ers are welcome to work on various
kni ng/croche ng projects to give to local hospitals, nursing
homes, and members of our Parish. We make prayer shawls,
lap robes, baby items, etc. Anyone interested in learning how
to knit or crochet is also welcome.
Contact Marney Barre at or 508-359-4218
[email protected] or with any ques ons.
We are in need of a few older students – 16+ those capable of working on Sunday morning – to help protect the younger students as they
come to Mass and religious educa on classes. The task is to place
the tra c cones out and to maintain safety at the doors where
children, teachers and parents enter and exit.
Addi onally they will need to help with snow removal on weekends
during the winter. Deacon Joe has done incredible work through the
years but, like all of us he has grown older and his grandchildren are
moving and he wants to be able go visit them now . .Can you imagine!
We will pay a fair wage please contact Jackie in the o ce for details.
85 Lowder Street
Dedham, MA (781) 326-6161
OCTOBER 26TH - 11:00 AM—2:00 PM
Ursuline Academy, a Catholic, independent, college preparatory school has been transforming the lives of young
women since 1946. Located on 28 acres in Dedham, Ursuline has a rich tradi on of inspiring students in grades 7
through 12. Its nurturing and suppor ve culture helps girls
find their voices so they can approach life with confidence
and a higher purpose–a purpose that serves God, family,
community and the world at large. For more informa on,
visit to pre-register for the open
235 Baker Street
West Roxbury, MA 02132
(617) 469-8019
SUNDAY, October 19, 2014
11:00 AM—1:00 PM Middle School
2:00 PM—4:00 PM High School
[email protected]
We need more parents and other interested adults –
maybe grandparents– to help our young people understand the Word of God we use at Mass. A group of interested folks meet quarterly to plan the talks that are
given each Sunday we have religious education classes,
during the 8:30 Mass. This is a great way to teach
young people about the Mass and how God talks to us...
For more details, please contact the parish office.
OCT. 18—19
Ministers’ Schedule for October 25-26
Eucharistic Minister
Altar Servers
Eucharistic Minister
Altar Servers
Eucharistic Minister
Altar Servers
Joan Murray
Joe Clancy & Bill Reissfelder
Ann Joyce & Paula McCoy
Peter Meade & Mil Reissfelder
Ann Joyce & Evan Plecingoga
**Assistance Needed**
Maura Curran
Deacon Holderried, Mike Curtin &
Chip Sterling
Tom Daly & JB Dowd
Conor & Rowan Curtin &
Chas Sterling
Jan Lent
Pam Adams, Rory Laughna, &
Michael Walsh
Lisa DeCamp & Carole Winslow
Ann-Marie & Catherine Maughn
October 18th &19th
This week’s 2nd collec on supports Catholic World Missions. By Bap sm, all Catholics are called to par cipate in
the mission of the Church and share their faith as missionaries. World Mission Sunday gathers support for the pastoral and evangelizing programs and needs of more than
1,150 mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands,
and remote regions of La n America. The funds gathered
on World Mission Sunday are distributed in the pope’s
name by the Society for the Propaga on of the Faith—a
Pon fical
visit for more informa on.
Do you know a musical 3rd grade boy?
St. Paul’s Choir School, Harvard Square
Now accep ng applica ons for entry into the 4th grade.
Small class sizes
Rigorous academics
Unique musical forma on
Highly-qualified faculty
Excellent high school placement
Caring Catholic ethos
For more informa on about St. Paul’s Choir School visit our
To schedule an informal audi on, please contact:
Mr. John Robinson, Director of Music (617) 868-8658 Ext. 319
or [email protected]
Liturgies for the Week
Oct. 18 Saturday
9:00 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
Morning Prayer
Richard F. Harrington
Oct. 19 Sunday
8:30 a.m. Marie Palermo
11:00 a.m. Mass
Oct. 20 Monday
9:00 a.m.
Oct. 21 Tuesday
9:00 a.m.
Morning Prayer
Oct. 23 Thursday
9:00 a.m.
Patricia M. Papiernik
Oct. 24 Friday
9:00 a.m.
Oct. 25 Saturday
9:00 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
Morning Prayer
Rose LeBert
Oct. 26 Sunday
8:30 a.m. Mass
11:00 a.m. Dominic Cerulli
St. Margaret Mary bereavement support group will start to
meet again on Wednesday mornings. The group meets for a
series of Wednesday mornings beginning October 22nd. It is
hoped that the par cipants may experience a journey from
grief to healing, understanding and coping through healing.
This is not a therapy group but is one of support. Each bereaved person handles grief in their own way and at their own
pace, however, sharing one’s thoughts with others in a similar
situa on is a very helpful way to move beyond the pain that is
caused by the death of a loved one. If you are recently, or not
so recently, bereaved , you are welcomed to a end and to
share your story in an atmosphere of confiden ality.
Date of first mee ng:
Loca on:
Wednesday Oct. 22, 2014
St. Margaret Mary parish o ce
If interested contact: Dorothy Ruggiero (781) 326-1071 ext.
110 or [email protected]
Did you know that St. Margaret Mary Parish hosts
three community groups that are open to everyone?
1. Al-Anon & Alateen—meets every Wednesday evening
in the lower church from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. AlAnon is a help and support group for families and
friends of alcoholics.
2. AA—Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Thursday
evening in the lower church from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
AA is a fellowship of men & women who
share the
desire to stay sober and help others achieve sobriety.
3. AA—Alcoholics Anonymous also now meets on Friday
mornings in the lower church at 10:00 a.m.