Document 6565902


Document 6565902
 On the Noticeboard
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!Mission Aviation Fellowship – Biblebox Appeal
New Publications
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♦ Eastern Palliative Care – Newsletter, October
♦ Koorong Books – Spring Catalogue
♦ Prahran Mission – Newsletter, Spring
♦ UnitingWorld – Gift Catalogue
This Week
Mon 20 Oct 7.30pm Monday Night Group
Fri 24 Oct 7pm Inbetweens at Natalie’s
Next Week
Mon 27 Oct 7.30pm Monday Night Group
Mountview at a glance
559-561 Whitehorse Rd Mitcham 3132
Minister Rev Brendan Byrne
Phone office: 9873 1150 OR
Mobile: 0408 081 869
Manse: 9874 0362
[email protected]
Mountview Uniting Church Mitcham
Nurturing our people in the Christian faith and reaching out
to the local community in the power of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 9.30am
Pentecost 19A
We warmly welcome you to worship at Mountview.
Please join us for morning tea afterwards.
After Pentecost
A period of time that varies in length depending on whether Easter is early or late. In
this period, the Church recalls its faith in the Holy Trinity. It seeks to relate its faith as a
people of God to Christ’s mission in the world. It commences with Trinity Sunday and
concludes with the feast of Christ the King.
Family Service
Leader: Rev Brendan Byrne
Elders: Margaret Edgington (FN) Lorraine Grant (FC) Jill Kidd (VF)
Reader: Margaret Edgington
Prayers of the People: Michael Plumridge
Lead Steward: John Cosstick
Music: Geoffrey Willis
Vietnamese Language Worship in the Brown Room at 5.30 pm
Sunday School
BUGGSS (2-9 years): Leader: Sue Terrill Helper: Doug Terrill
MUGGSS (10+ years): Leader: Sue Drew Helper: Simon Plumridge
Lectionary Readings: Ex 33:12-23 Ps 99 1 Thes 1:1-10 Mt 22:15-22
Prayer Cycles:
World: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
Ecumenical: St Philip’s Catholic, Blackburn North
Presbytery: Presbytery Mental Health Ministries
Morning Tea: Heather Barnes & July Ralston
Lynne Rosenthal & Margaret Swain
Next Sunday
Sunday 26 October 2014 at 9.30am
Pentecost 20A
Family Service
Leader: Rev Brendan Byrne
Elders: Darren Cram (FN); Judy Ralston (F); Margaret Williams (VF)
Reader: Michelle Jackson
Prayers of the People: Elizabeth Moore
Lead Steward: Peter Cox
Music: Geoffrey Willis
Vietnamese Language Worship in the Brown Room at 5.30 pm
Sunday School
BUGGSS (2-9 years): Leader: Jo Menger Leeman Helper: Margaret Kemke
MUGGSS (10+ years): Leader: Sue Drew Helper: Jenny Cooper
Lectionary Readings: Dt 34:1-12; Ps 90:1-6,13-17; 1 Thes 2:1-8; Mt 22:34-46
Prayer Cycles:
World: Indian Ocean Islands: Comoros, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius,
Ecumenical: St Timothy’s Catholic, Forest Hill
Presbytery: UnitingCare Harrison Community Services
Morning Tea: Jenny Balshaw & Margaret Swain
Helen Jackson & Heather McLeish
Lawn Mowing for Mid October: Peter Cox & Don Bain
Children’s Christmas Boxes … Due back TODAY
Remember that the Children’s Christmas Boxes are due in THIS Sunday 19
October. Thanks to those who have already returned the filled boxes.
Margaret Swain
“Horsehair Worms and a Shark”
A copy of my book “Horsehair Worms and a Shark” is now available for loan at
Mountview Library. I have a new batch of copies which I am anxious to sell,
publishing being expensive, and many must be donations. Price of $35.00 for 4
books in one. Friends have bought 3 copies for Christmas gifts. Maybe others will
follow suit. If anyone would like to suggest an establishment e.g. Village, Nursing
home, which would like a copy I would be happy to make a donation.
Joyce Suto
Charity Christmas Card Shop
Our shop will be opening on Monday, October 13. We are now drawing up a roster
of volunteers to sell the cards, weekdays 10am to 12:30pm. If you would like to
help please see Jenny Cooper to arrange dates (even one day's help would be
appreciated). We have a lovely range of cards. Come early to get the widest
TWO Changes of address
1. Lydia VanZuyden has moved to Opal SeaHaven in Inverloch following a
fall. Lydia does not have a direct phone but her son Owen is happy for
friends to phone him on 9816 9960.
Heather Barnes.
2. John and Margaret Williams have now moved to:
Unit 309, 339-345 Mitcham Rd., Mitcham, 3132.
Their phone number remains unchanged: 9874 3957
Anyone is very welcome to join the Inbetween Group for dinner at Natalie’s
Restaurant on Friday 24 October at 7pm.
R.S.V.P to Denyse Ward 9872 5405