
Clifton Catholic Diocesan Trustees Registered -Charity No. 233977
Canon Michael J Fitzpatrick
[email protected]
07704 113 722
Fr Colin Mason
[email protected]
01722 333581
Parish Office
Monday - Friday 9.30 - 12.30
01722 333581
[email protected]
St Osmund’s
95 Exeter Street
Salisbury SP1 2SF
01722 333581
Most Holy Redeemer
Fotherby Crescent
Salisbury SP1 3EG
St Gregory’s
St Gregory’s Avenue
Salisbury SP2 7JP
01722 334496
John Proctor
01722 340206
[email protected]
John Detain
01722 415588
[email protected]
Stephen Godwin
01722 501854
[email protected]
Chapel of the Good Shepherd
Barford Lane, Downton
Salisbury SP5 3QA
Deanery Youth Worker
Xanthe Dell
01722 333581
[email protected]
Chapel of the Holy Family
Southampton Road, Whaddon
Salisbury SP5 3EB
Diocesan Website
Parish Website
Deanery Website
Year A 2014
Weekday Cycle 2
Psalter Week 1
18 October
9.00 am
St Gregory’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer
9.30 am
St Osmund’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
10.30 am
St Osmund’s
Frank Farley RIP
6.00 pm
Holy Redeemer
People of the Parish
19 October
9.00 am
St Osmund’s
People of the Parish
St Gregory’s
Tim Rockett RIP
11.00 am
St Osmund’s
Ken Garland RIP
6.00 pm
St Osmund’s
People of the Parish
20 October
9.00 am
8.45 am
9.00 am
St Gregory’s
St Osmund’s
St Osmund’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer
Mary Campbell RIP
21 October
9.00 am
9.30 am
9.45 am
St Gregory’s
St Osmund’s
St Osmund’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer
Miss Pauline Burke RIP
St Gregory’s
Holy Redeemer
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer
David Pope RIP
22 October
9.00 am
10.00 am
23 October
9.00 am
11.00 am
12 noon
6.30 pm
St Gregory’s
St Osmund’s
St Osmund’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Nivea Munro RIP
Doris Phelan RIP
24 October
9.00 am
10.00 am
7.00 pm
St Gregory’s
St Gregory’s
St Osmund’s
St Osmund’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer
Jack Moloney RIP
Evening prayer
Josephine Kohlhofer RIP
25 October
9.00 am
9.30 am
10.30 am
6.00 pm
St Gregory’s
St Osmund’s
St Osmund’s
Holy Redeemer
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Mary Robson RIP
John and Nora Gallagher RIP
St Gregory’s: Fridays 10.30am St Osmund’s: Saturdays 11.00am Holy Redeemer: Saturdays 5.45pm
Also by request: please contact a priest
MISSION APPEAL Today Fr Denis Carter and Fr John Collins from the Columban Fathers are coming to
our city to appeal for the work of missionaries. At the heart of the Society of St Columban’s work is the call
to help people become fully human, to help establish a world of peace with justice and care for the integrity
of Creation in solidarity with the poor. To do this work effectively, they strive to read the signs of the times
through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and are willing to take the risks of meeting the challenges that
confront them.
TISBURY EVENT — “The Joy of the Gospel”, Bishop Crispian Hollis (Emeritus Bishop of Portsmouth) will
talk about putting the Joy of the Gospel into daily life. In the comfort of Tisbury Methodist Chapel, at 7.00pm
this Monday evening, 20 October. Please come yourself and bring a friend.
CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME 2014–2015: REGISTRATION Application forms are available in all
churches. Please bring a completed form to the first session to be held at 6.45pm this coming Tuesday
evening 21 October.
LITURGY DAY — St Gregory’s Hall, 10am to 1.30pm on Saturday 25 October. All welcome, but especially
important for all those who assist in preparing and celebrating Holy Mass. Fr Andrew Moore,
(, an experienced liturgist, accomplished musician and composer of liturgical
music, will help refresh our thinking about the Mass and how music serves the liturgy.
BAPTISM PREPARATION The next course will run on Sundays 2, 9 and 16 November, at the 9am Mass at
St Osmund’s Church. Please email Deacon John Proctor on [email protected].
YDISCIPLE ADULTS This will be running in conjunction with the Confirmation programme on Tuesday
evening starting on the 4 November for ALL adults interested in exploring their faith.
RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults — Are you interested in becoming a Catholic?
Perhaps you already attend Mass but would like to know more. Perhaps you know someone that would like
to know more. Our Salisbury Journey in Faith group is for those who are interested in exploring the Catholic
faith - more details from Canon Michael; Fr Colin; one of our Deacons or the parish office 01722 333581 or
[email protected]. Meetings are in St Osmund’s Presbytery at 7.30pm on Thursdays.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PROGRAMME 2014–2015: The first session for children and parents will take
place on Saturday 22 November.
THINKING ABOUT PRIESTHOOD? A priesthood discernment group, the Vianney Group, runs every month
at the University of Bristol Catholic Chaplaincy. For men who want to explore more deeply this calling in
mutual support, the group is under the intercession of the patron saint of priests, St John Mary Vianney. The
next meeting is Wednesday 5 November at 7pm (Mass at 7.30pm). Faith, fellowship, teaching, fun! For
more info speak to the parish priest or contact Fr Matt Anscombe — [email protected]
CHILDRENS LITURGY A short period of formation, ahead of Advent, is to take place on Saturday 8
November, from 10.30am - 1pm, at St Nicholas of Tolentino Hall, in Bristol. This session is open to all those
engaged in Children's Liturgy of the Word. More details from [email protected]. There is
no charge for the day, but it would be useful if we had some idea of numbers wishing to attend, so as to
ensure adequate resources.
ST OSMUND’S AND CATHOLICISM IN SALISBURY Thank you to all who attended the launch of the book
and many thanks to John Elliott and photographer Roy Bexon for all their hard work. Copies are available
from the parish office.
CELEBRATE BRISTOL The Celebrate Bristol Family Conference is on from Saturday 25 to Sunday 26
October at St Bede's School, Lawrence Weston, Bristol. This is a fantastic opportunity to deepen in faith
through inspirational speakers, great praise, and lots of workshops, etc. Full children's stream too. For more
information, go to
CAFÉ DVD SERIES "Exploring the Catholic Church" continues in St. Gregory's Church this Monday 20
October at 6pm and concludes on 3 November. All are welcome. Further details from Deacon John Detain
or Dee Chislett — telephone: 324585.
HUMAN TRAFFICKING: The Diocesan Commission for Justice and Peace have been asked by Bishop
Declan to focus something of their work and concern around the issue of Human Trafficking. Unchosen is a
small Christian-based charity that aims to raise awareness of human trafficking and modern-day slavery,
particularly through film and working with community groups. The Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission
and Unchosen have arranged an evening of film, talk and Q&A with two experts who work with victims and
two senior police detectives who focus on these matters, together with the producer of one of the films. On
Tuesday 21 October at St Michael’s (opposite Waitrose), Bath, BA1 5LJ. At 6.30pm refreshments and
exhibition; at 7.00pm welcome and scene setting. Three short films (including one made by teenagers in
Bath) 7.45pm approx; listening to the experts, followed by Q&A. All welcome.
SECOND COLLECTION TODAY: MISSION SUNDAY Please give generously to this second collection
today for World Mission Sunday (Missio).
The Association for the Propagation of the Faith assists each and every one of our Catholic Church’s
1062 mission dioceses and territories to provide pastoral care and preach the Gospel effectively. In
England and Wales, The APF works with the Mill Hill Fathers. The APF enables its supporters to live out
their own missionary vocation and take an active part in the universal mission of the Church.
TRAIDCRAFT STALL — CANCELLATION THIS MONTH Apologies, there will be no Traidcraft this
month in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms on Sunday 19 October. In the meantime, please ring Jenny on
336207 for any items you may want to buy.
MY GENERATION meets on Wednesday 22 October in St Gregory’s Hall at 2pm.
GAZA CRISIS Angela and Jeremy Ames are arranging a meal in aid of Medical Aid for Palestinians. At
Sarum College on Monday 3 November, at 7 for 7.30pm. Tickets should be purchased (£15 each) no
later than October 26 from Angela or Jeremy on 01722 322542 ([email protected]).
ST GREGORY’S will be selling Christmas Cards, Calendars, Diaries, Advent Calendars, Gifts, and
Candles from Sunday 26 October.
ST JOSEPH SCHOOL — EXAM INVIGILATORS required at St Joseph's Catholic School. Please
telephone Mrs Weeks on 01722 335380 for more information.
PARISH LUNCH on November 6 in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms after Mass. All welcome.
ST PAUL’S MISSAL 2015 is now available from the Parish Office, priced £5.
STUDIO GROUP For year 12 up. Tuesdays at 5pm. Contact Xanie for details.
SOURCE Youth Group for 10-14 years, meets on Mondays at 6.30-8pm in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms.
SPIRIT GROUP for Years 3, 4 and 5, meets in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms on Mondays in term time at
YDISCIPLE This is a brand new approach to youth ministry we are trying out here in the Salisbury
Deanery. Teams have only just started, so if you would like to join with lots of other young people
discovering for themselves what a life of faith is all about please contact Xanie.
YOUTH 2000, BOURNEMOUTH — FRIDAY 31 OCTOBER Please contact Xanie soonest for transport
and booking.
PAINTBALLING TRIP — SUNDAY 9 NOVEMBER There are 20 spaces only, so please book quickly;
cost: £10.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate
the splendour of true love, to you we turn with trust.
Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too
may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel
and small domestic churches.
Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence,
rejection and division: may all who have been hurt or scandalized
find ready comfort and healing.
Holy Family of Nazareth, may the Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful
of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, and its beauty in God’s plan.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer. Amen.
CLOCKS Please note that British Summer Time ends next Saturday night, so the clocks go
back one hour during the night of Saturday 25 October.
Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham Mass:
Ordinariate Evensong and Benediction:
Polish Mass:
Syro-Malabar Rite Mass:
Extraordinary Form Mass – Third Saturdays:
Holy Redeemer: 11.00am Sunday and 6.30pm Wednesday
Holy Redeemer: 6.00pm Second Sunday of the Month
St Osmund’s:
4.00pm Second Sunday of the Month
Holy Redeemer: 5.30pm First Sunday of the Month
Holy Redeemer: December, March, June, September.
November, February, May, August
HEALING PRAYER MINISTRY After the following Masses:
9:30 am Sunday 26 October, St Gregory’s
6:00 pm Saturday 22 November, Holy Redeemer
9:30 am Sunday 21 December, St Gregory’s
11:00 am Sunday 9 November, St Osmund’s
9:00 am Sunday 7 December, St Osmund’s
11:00 am Sunday 4 January, St Osmund’s
CLIFTON DIOCESE: With the diocese we pray for the priest and parishioners of St Dominic, Dursley and
St Joseph, Nympsfield.
CHURCHES TOGETHER IN SALISBURY With other local Christians we pray for our local Salisbury United
Reformed Church community.
PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS All those who are sick and in hospital. We remember those
who have died recently including Clive Bogie, Olga Mercer and those whose anniversaries occur at this
time. We also remember their family and friends in our prayers. May they rest in peace.
DIOCESAN PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS “We know, brothers, that God loves you and that you have
been chosen.” Companies use lots of different selection techniques in order to recruit personnel. These
may range from the traditional interview right through to a full-blown assessment centre. In this process
employers want to choose the right people for their business venture. From a Christian point of view, we
must always remember that we have been chosen not because of any skills or good interview techniques
that we might have mastered. We have been chosen simply because we were in the mind of God from
before all time. With that loving message being constantly reinforced, we can move forward in hope to
discern how we can explicitly live this out through our vocation.
WEEKLY REFLECTION from our young people on the Eucharist. How beautiful, yet humbling that Jesus
not only made himself vulnerable while he lived on earth, but continues to do so every single day on that
altar. How can we ever truly repay that sacrifice? Truth is we can't, we can only love Him present in the
Eucharist with every breath we take during the Mass. This is my favourite moment of each week, those
precious minutes when Jesus is so physically close to my heart I feel it leap within my chest.
On this Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, we see Matthew's Gospel tell us of the Pharisee plot to set a trap
for Jesus. This time they use politics to see if he will offend either Rome or the people. Should they pay Rome's
census tax? Jesus pushes the challenge back to them, “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God
what belongs to God.” What is it they must repay to God that is God's? Their trust in Jesus — God's gift to them.
Paul's Letter to the Ephesians speaks about God's mercy and grace, calling us to be “Members of the Household
of God” and saying that as a community “We are being built together into a Dwelling Place” of the Spirit. Paul, who
was probably a prisoner at the time he wrote this letter, urges us to live “in a manner worthy of the call you have
received” and calling us to patience and humility. This week in Luke's Gospel, we hear Jesus giving us his challenging message: “Be prepared for the coming of the Kingdom, be unencumbered enough to follow me freely.”
Jesus tells us to “be like servants who await their master’s return from a wedding, ready to open immediately when
he comes and knocks.” Our faith and calling as Christians mean we are called to go beyond what our world and
culture requires: “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the
person entrusted with more.”
First Reading
Responsorial Psalm
Second Reading
Gospel Acclamation
A reading from the prophet Isaiah 45:1,4-6
I have taken Cyrus by his right hand to subdue nations before him.
Ps 95
Give the Lord glory and power.
A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Thessalonians 1:1-5
We constantly remember your faith, your love and your hope.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Your word is truth, O Lord, consecrate us in the truth. Alleluia!
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew 22:15-21
Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar - and to God what belongs to God.