
October 19 , 2014
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – A Reflection
What do we owe God and our neighbour?
Scripture tells us to give to everyone whatever is
their due and to “owe no one anything, except to
love one another.” In today’s Gospel, the
Pharisees try to get Jesus to incriminate himself
by choosing between loyalty to God or Caesar. He
tells His questioners that if they use Caesar’s
money, then they have to pay for it. But they must
also pay what belongs to God, who takes care of
our needs. Jesus’ answer addresses a much more
important issue: our relationship with God. As
children of God, we belong to Him.
This weekend, October 18 & 19, we will take up
the annual collection for World Mission Sunday.
Please be as generous as you can in supporting
the mission of the Church to evangelize all people.
There are special envelopes at the entrance of the
church for this weekend’s special second
collection. Thank you!!!
Bottle Drive
The Knights of Columbus have organized a bottle
drive in support of the Ontario Special Olympics.
Please save your beer, wine and liquor bottles
and drop them off at the church on the weekends
of Oct. 18 & 19 and Oct. 25 & 26. (If needed, the
knights can pick them up at your home.) This is a
great cause so let’s help our knights in this effort.
Catholic Women’s Society
There will be a general meeting of the C.W.S this
Monday, October 20 at 8:00 pm. All the women
of the parish are invited to take part in this great
group that organizes so many wonderful activities
for our community.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The SVDP Society will be meeting this Thursday,
October 23 at 7:30 pm in the meeting room. All
the members are kindly reminded to be present
and anyone interested in being part of our parish
social ministry is welcome to attend.
Good Shepherd Casserole Program
Please keep those casseroles coming!! The many
hungry and homeless of the city need and
appreciate your help. You can pick up more pans
at the parish office during the week. Thanks to
everyone for helping.
Pre-Authorized Giving
This new way of supporting the church is now
being offered in our parish and many of our
parishioners may find this method practical and
convenient. Please take a brochure home and see
if this new way of giving is right for you.
The Knights of Columbus invite you to the annual
Oktoberfest celebration to be held in our parish
hall on Sat. October 25 . Tickets are only $40 for
adults, $35 for seniors (65 & over) and $20 for
children 12 and under (free for children 5 and
under). You may purchase your tickets from the
Knights who will be present after our weekend
Masses, or at the parish office. Don’t miss this
wonderful event!!!!
Carmelite Sisters Fundraiser
The annual fundraiser in support of Mount Carmel
Missions will be held next Sunday, October 26 at
The Terrace Banquet Hall, beginning at noon with
cocktails and a full dinner at 1:00 pm. Tickets are
$80 and may be purchased by calling the Sisters
at 905-303-1000. Let’s support our Carmelite
Sisters in their efforts to improve the lives of poor
children in the Third World.
All Saints Day
Saturday, Nov 1 , we will have Masses at 7:30
am, 9:00 am and 12:00 noon. After the noon Mass
there will be a coffee hour in the parish hall.
Please bring some cookies and sweets to share
with your fellow saints!!!!!!
All Souls Day
Please note that for All Souls Day (Sun. Nov. 2 )
we will have our regular Sunday Mass schedule
(including the Saturday evening Mass.) Please
come and pray for the holy souls. (There are
special All Souls envelopes at the entrance.)
Portuguese Dinner - Holy Spirit Confraternity
The traditional “Matança de Porco” will be held on
Saturday, Nov. 15 at 6:30 pm in our parish hall.
The cost is $35 for adults and $15 for children
(ages 6 to 12). Come join us for a full dinner with
music and dancing. For tickets please call Joào at
416-452-4915, or Joào & Manuela: 905-417-1709.
Youth Group
Our Parish Youth Group meets every Friday at
7:30 pm. Young people in grades 7, 8, 9 and 10
are encouraged to take part.
We Need Your Voice
All our choirs welcome new members to join in the
music ministry of our parish. Please consider
adding your voice and making a joyful noise unto
the Lord. Just speak to any of the choir leaders.
We are also in need of a keyboardist for the 9 am
Mass. Please call the office if you can help.
Ventinovesima Domenica –A<<Gesù Cristo è il Signore>>: questo grido della fede primitiva protesterà fino all’ultimo
giorno contro la pretesa dei cesari di disporre di un potere assoluto e divino. Dobbiamo
imparare a riconoscere anche oggi gli <<ipocriti>>, che si nascondono dietro alle loro
ideologie per asservire totalmente l’uomo, fin nella sua realtà più intima di cui deve
rendere conto esclusivamente a Dio.
Giornata Missionaria Mondiale
Questa domenica, 18 & 19 ottobre, la Chiesa Universale celebra la Giornata Missionaria
Mondiale. Per dare appoggio ai nostri missionari cattolici sparsi nel mondo, ci sarà una
seconda colletta speciale a tutte le Messe. Troverete buste di offerte all’entrata della
chiesa. Grazie.
Raccolta di Bottiglie
Conservate le vostre bottiglie di liquore, vino e birra e portatele alla chiesa questa
domenica, 19 ottobre, e domenica prossima, 25 ottobre per la raccolta di bottiglie
organizzata dai nostri Cavalieri di Colombo per dare appoggio ai Special Olympics per i
giovani andicapati. Grazie!!!
I Cavalieri di Colombo della nostra parrocchia vi invitano a l’annuale festa nella sala della
chiesa, sabato, 25 ottobre alle 6:30 pm, con musica, cena, divertimento e premi. I biglietti
saranno in vendita dopo le Messe domenicali per $40.00. Non mancate!
Venite a Cantare!!!
Il coro italiano che canta ogni domenica alla Messa delle 10:30 am invita nuovi membri a
partecipare nella corale. Non bisogna cantare come Enrico Caruso o Maria Callas!!!
Venite a cantare le lodi del Signore con il nostro bel coro italiano.
Baptisms- October 19 , 2014
Sofia Arianna Catalano
Matteo Gian-Vincenzo De Francesco
Emma Gasparro
Bradley David Hawley
Joshua Peter Hawley
Brooklyn Victoria Hyatt
Sienna Rose Mirabelli
Anthony Remo Orsini
Sofia Anne Pellegrini
Sebastian Stipani
Sofia Vetro
Saturday – Sabato Oct 18
5:30 p.m. †Alexandra Foto
Sunday– Domenica Oct 19
7:30 a.m. †Biagio Corrado
9:00 a.m. †Francesca & Antonio Capizzano
†Maria & Roberto Belmonte
10:30 p.m †Addolorata Gaglia †Franco, Valverdina, Maria, Mike & Giulia Longo †Anna
Stamos †Mary Torchia †Salvatore, Felicia & Famiglia †Rosa Romana †Carmelo De Luca
†Antonio Igizii †Angelo Savoia (3 Yrs) †Rosa Fazari †Giuseppe Servello †Aniello,
Domenica & Freda Capone †Adriana Scariot †Leopoldo Gallo e Rachela Folino †
Santina Iello
Rosa Maria Diaz (Living)
12:00 p.m. Pro Populo
1:00 p.m. Baptisms
5:30 p.m. Angela, Maria & Family, Alejandra & Family members, Rosario & Family
members (Living)
Monday – Lunedì Oct 20
7:30 a.m. †Girolamo Crimi
7:30 p.m. Mem.Mass:†Elena Iacobelli (1 Mo)
Tuesday – Martedì Oct 21
7:30 a.m. †Loretto & Maria Petricca
7:30 p.m. Mem.Mass:†Natalina Fazari (1 Mo)
Wednesday – Mercoledì Oct 22
7:30 a.m. †All Deceased of the Facchini Family
8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
7:30 p.m. †Oliverio Gileppo
Thursday - Giovedì Oct 23
7:30 a.m. †All Deceased of the Cimmini Family
6:30 p.m. Mem.Mass:†Mario Magnelli (Died in Italy)
7:30 p.m. Mem.Mass:†Nicola Mattacchione (1 Mo)
Friday – Venerdì Oct 24
7:30 a.m. †Darlene D’Aversa
6:00 p.m. 50 Wedd.Anniv. Gaetana & Pietro Nicola Romualdi
7:30 p.m. Mem.Mass:†Caterina Paesani (2 Mo)
Saturday – Sabato Oct 25
7:30 a.m. †Rosa Careri
11:00 a.m. Wedding- Vanessa Savella & Alexander Cachia
12:30 p.m. Wedding- Anna Maria Della Pia & Wilton Irving
2:00 p.m. Wedding- Ellie Tsimicalis & Matthew Troncone
5:30 p.m. †Rocco Lavalle