Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church


Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church
Christ the Redeemer
Catholic Church
Imitating Jesus’ merciful gaze, the Church must accompany her
most fragile sons and daughters, marked by wounded and lost love,
with attention and care restoring trust and hope to them .
Extraordinary Synod on the Family, October 13, 2014
October 19, 2014
new parishioners
welcome and
Families wishing to register in the
parish are invited to a New Parishioners Welcome and Registration on
Sunday, October 26 at 12:30 pm in
the Gethsemane Chapel.
Childcare provided, refreshments
Renewal of Wedding
Vows Mass
We wish to invite all married couples to come celebrate their marriage
by renewing vows and seeking God’s
continued grace for a life together.
This celebration will be at the 5:00
p.m. Mass on Saturday, October 18.
Cake and champagne will follow
Mass in the Bethany Room.
Mass of Remembrance
On the Feast of All Souls, Sunday, November 2 at the 9:00 am Mass,
we will remember the lost loved ones
from this past year. Resources of consolation will be available after Mass.
CTR CONCERT: We’ve Come This Far by Faith!
Sunday, October 19 at 5:00 pm
Take a musical journey through the history of Christ the Redeemer Catholic
Community! The multi-media concert will include pictures from our years as
community, and lyrics to favorite songs helping us raise the roof in celebration!
The encore concert is a continuation of our celebration of 25 years as a Catholic
parish (2/4/1989), and the 14th anniversary of the dedication of our House for
the Church (10/21/2000).
Christ the Redeemer has been supporting our area homeless since before
we built this church. Each year we raise funds and build a house for Habitat
and host the Hope Hospitality and Warming Center in Pontiac. As part of the
25th Anniversary year celebration we will continue our mission to take care of
society’s most vulnerable by accepting donations to benefit the homeless. Donations of men's and women's socks, underwear, band aids, and foot powder
will be accepted at the concert and the entire weekend of October 18/19.
Light refreshments and socializing will take place in the Bethany Room
Anniversary of the dedication of
the church
Join us for a special Taize prayer on the 14th anniversary of the dedication of the house of the church on
Tuesday, October 21 at 7:00 pm Light refreshments and
social following.
This weekend we make our annual commitment of time and talent. This is
a good time to review your annual financial gift. What’s in your wallet?
You can now manage your annual financial gift online.
Adopt a family for
We are once again helping some
local needy families this Thanksgiving. If you would like to provide dinner along with some staple foods,
please call Karen Swietlik in the parish
office. The items need to be delivered
to Christ the Redeemer by Sunday,
November 16.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21
When God has your money, God has your heart.
When God has your time, God has your heart.
When God has your talents, God has your heart.
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Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Andy Stanley, senior pastor of North Pointe Community
Church in Atlanta, Georgia, offers some challenging reflections on Stewardship. Last Sunday I shared his invitation to
become a “3-P” Giver. Here is a recap of those three themes
and some further thoughts on generous giving.
“No matter how rich or poor you might feel, right now is the
time to be generous. As counterintuitive as it seems, generosity begins wherever
you are. It is important to make generosity a priority. There’s a tendency to think
that generosity is for when you have extra money, when you’re rich. And as I say
in my book How to Be Rich, you probably don’t think you’re rich. And since
you’re not rich, why would you give away what little you have?
However, when you make giving a priority, something happens inside of
you. Especially when it’s financially challenging to do so. It’s like you loosen
your grip on a value system whose motto says, “Money is the key to life and happiness and safety.” In that split second, you reject that way of thinking for one
that says, “My hope is not in riches but in him who richly provides.” And suddenly, your eyes begin to open to a value system that can’t be measured by dollars.”
“When you take everything Jesus taught about being generous and distill it
down, three common themes emerge. There may be more than that, but these
three ideas gives us a great picture of what it looks like to be generous and to
make it habitual.
Generosity won’t happen unless you make it a priority. The best way to
make giving a priority is to make it the very first check you write every month.
Before the mortgage. Before groceries or clothing. Before saving. Whatever the
amount, do it first. The minute you deposit your paycheck. This not only ensures
that you’ll guard it as a priority, but it’s a symbolic way of reminding you where
your hope lies.
Not only do we need to make generosity a priority, we need to base it off
percentages. If you want to guard against the side effects of wealth, you can’t
evaluate your giving in terms of dollars. Percentages give you a much better reflection of whether you have control of your money or your money has control
of you. So what percentage should you give? I tell people to start with 10 percent
because the Bible writers have a lot to say about the tithe, which means, “tenth.”
For some people, that’s extremely uncomfortable. But so is a colonoscopy, and
those save countless lives. It just depends on how badly you want to protect
yourself from the side effects of wealth. Remember, it’s not just a way to be
“good.” It’s a preventative. The most important thing is to start somewhere.
Even if it’s just 1 percent.
A third leverage point for lasting change in generosity is progressive giving.
To be progressive simply means that over time you raise the percentage. As your
financial situation changes throughout life, change your giving percentage along
with it. When you make that initial adjustment to giving 10 percent, it soon becomes comfortable. And while financial comfort is generally a good thing, it can
also make you more vulnerable to the side effects of wealth. If you’ve been giving the same percentage for most of your life, consider raising it. Life is not stagnant. It’s progressive in nature. And your giving should be progressive too.”
“Generosity continues to capture the attention of people from all over the
world. To this day, it’s a reflection of the love Jesus demonstrated. It sends a
message to the world that God so loved that he gave—and there were no strings
attached. The best ministry we can offer on God’s behalf isn’t to explain our
theology. It’s to extend our generosity. Because that’s what our heavenly Father
did for us. And that’s what he’s asked us to do as well.” (Andy Stanley, http://
Fr. Joe
peace and justice
movie night
The Peace and Justice Committee
will host a Movie Night on Saturday, October 25 following the 5:00
pm Mass. This the film “Which Way
Home,” is an award winning documentary exploring the human side of
immigration. Come after Mass for
pizza and stay for the movie and discussion. The film is middle school on
up age appropriate.
baptism prep class
Families seeking Baptism for
their child must be registered members of Christ the Redeemer and are
asked to attend a Baptism Preparation
Class. Our next class is scheduled for
Thursday, November 6 at 7:00 pm in
the church library.
Please call Sue in the parish office
to pre-register, 248-391-1621.
not your ordinary
food driveorion/oxford fish
We will be collecting food donations and gift cards from Meijer or
Kroger for those who may go hungry
this Thanksgiving season. Please help
less fortunate families by taking a tag
from the display board in the vestibule. Items needed are listed on the
tags. Please return the tag with your
item(s) and place them in the bin near
the display board. Donations are due
back to church by the weekend of
November 8/9. Any questions contact
Kate Schueren at 248-393-2014 or
email [email protected]
maintenance help
Christ the Redeemer Church is
seeking a permanent, part-time (10
hours per week) maintenance person
to join our staff. This individual
needs to be reliable, self-motivated, a
team player and have the flexibility to
work some weekends, evenings and
holidays. No experience necessary. If
interested contact the parish office,
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Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Office of Family Ministry News!
Crazy Catholic Question #6:
Why do we talk about money in church so often?
Was this question submitted in
response to Fr. Joe's excellent "Let's
beat the Lutherans" homily last week?
Perhaps. (If you missed it, listen online at our website).
The short answer to this question
is because Jesus talked about money
often. Our relationship with wealth is
without question one of, if not, THE
most predominant subjects found in
our scriptures and a central topic in
most other mainline religions as well.
There are over 2,400 verses in the Bible
concerning finances. Jesus talked about
money more than anything else except
the Kingdom of God. Over half of
Jesus' parables and 1 of every 7 verses
in the Gospel of Luke talk about money or wealth. So, it's obviously important to our living out our faith and
therefore more than fair game to talk
about in church. In fact, we would be
remiss if we didn't.
However, tithing is really not
about money at all. God doesn't need
our money. ALL things belong to
God. All that we have and own is just
on lend for a few years. Tithing is an
issue of trust.
Most of us believe that we have
right to possess whatever comes to us
honestly, either through our own work
or through legitimate inheritance as we
didn't cheat anyone along the way.
Partly this is true, but in light of the
values we hold as followers of Jesus, it
needs a lot of qualification.
Catholic Social Teaching (our body
of doctrine on poverty, wealth and social justice) tells us that God intended
the earth and everything in it for the
sake of ALL human beings, so created
goods should flow fairly to all. All other rights are secondary to this principle.
No person (or nation) may have a surplus if others do not have the basic
necessities for life. Period. And yet
those of us who make $34,000 a year
or more are part of a very elite economic class, the wealthiest of the
wealthy, the top 1% of humanity’s 7
billion people. Sorry folks, globally
speaking WE are the 1%.
We know that we are all connected. We know we are a part of
what is broken. But what can we
do? Our budget is lean! Our kids
have to go to college, right? My husband and I sweat bullets every time
we even think of the tuition bills
coming our way in a few years…not
to mention the non-existent retirement fund. Without question, it is
hard to trust…
There is one place in scripture
where we are not only encouraged to
trust God with our finances, but
God actually invites us to put him to
the test! In a very direct, personal
challenge God says through the
prophet Malachi (3:10) - “Try me in
this! TRY to out do me in generosity! Put me to the test (like God saying, 'I dare ya!'), and see if I do not
open the floodgates of heaven for
you, and pour down upon you blessing without measure!” Sounds just
like Jesus In Luke 6:38 "Give, and it
will be given to you. A good portion—packed down, firmly shaken,
and overflowing—will fall into your
So, maybe we can give tithing a
shot. Word has it that Jesus is pretty
honest and trustworthy. Maybe God
isn't asking us to give 10% but rather
letting us keep 90% and asking us to
trust and see what happens through
this practice…certainly a challenge
worth seriously pondering. !!
Send your Crazy Catholic Question to [email protected].
Lisa Brown
9 & 11am Masses
(4 & 5 Year Olds)
During Sunday Masses!
No Registration Required
Meet in the vestibule before
Mass to check-in and children will be
guided to their Matt 2/3 classroom.
Please consider helping once a
month. Contact Michele or Karen at
[email protected] or
248-391-4074, ext. 19.
This program provides an opportunity for spiritual growth and
understanding through gospel storytelling, music, and crafts.
Youth helpers are needed for the
Pre-K/Kindergarten program that
meets during the 9:00 & 11:00 am
Masses. If interested, please contact
Michele or Karen at [email protected]. or 248-391-4074.
Orientation for Teens & Parents
Sunday, October 19, 12:30 pm OR
Monday, October 20, 7:00 pm
Our Confirmation Prep is shorter
this year, but includes a "Kick-Off"
retreat December 12-14. We hope
that by starting our formation with
this weekend retreat at the absolutely
extraordinary Subiaco Benedictine
Retreat House (THE most beautiful
retreat house in our area, built on a
the highest point in Oakland County),
the teens who are coming from all
different high schools will have an
opportunity to get to know one another. There's just something about
celebrating late night Eucharist in
your slippers that makes friendships
happen! This retreat is not only key
to our Confirmation formation but
also to building community among
our young people. A truly unique
experience. So, please mark your calendars!
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Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Upcoming Events
Friday, Nov 21 – Sunday, Nov 23 – YM Retreat at
Saturday, Dec 6 – St. Nicholas Project
Sunday, Dec 14 – Children’s Village Christmas Party
Saturday, Feb 7-8 – CYO Rainbow 33 Youth Conference
Rainbow XXXIII – “Feed Your Faith”
Save the Date! February 7-8, 2015 is our CYO
Catholic Youth Conference held at the Renaissance Center in Detroit. Each year, CYO puts together a conference specifically for 9th -12th grade students that helps
to energize their faith. The conference includes 4 general
sessions, 3 modules of the teen’s choosing, Mass, a
dance, and the opportunity to spend time with 1,500 other Catholic teens from the Archdiocese of Detroit. This
conference is planned by high school teens to try and
meet the needs of their peers. This year’s keynote speakers are Jesse Manibussan and Steve Angrisano, two very
dynamic musicians with years of experience guiding teens
in their faith. “When you feel the burning in your soul, come to
the table of the Lord. To satisfy the hunger that you feel, look to
the Lord for your Holy meal. To discover the recipe for salvation,
you must avoid temptation and feed your faith.” Paperwork is
available in the Youth Ministry Office and cost of the
conference is $125.00. If you would like more information on this event, please contact Lisa Andridge at
[email protected] or (248) 391-4074 ext. 33.
Subiaco Retreat Friday, November 21
- Sunday, November 23
Calling all high school students. We are returning to
Subiaco Retreat House in Oxford. Last year was our
second visit, and it was a wonderful experience. Once
again, we will be joining St. Joe’s church for a weekend
away to de-stress, and connect with God. If you are interested in joining us, or would like more information,
please contact Lisa Andridge in the Youth Ministry office at (248) 391-4074 ext. 33, or email [email protected]. The cost of the retreat is $125 and
paperwork is due Friday, November 14. We carpool to
the retreat house. Space is limited so please register early!!
Matthew 22:15-21
The question, “What are you living for?” is sometimes answered by emptying our purses, backpacks and
pockets. We tend to carry around with us those things
that mean the most to us.
In this week’s Gospel, two different groups that are
against Jesus (and against each other as well) form an
alliance to try and trap Jesus with a question. The question deals with the payment of taxes and is intended to
force Jesus to take a either a position contrary to that
held by the majority of the people or one that will bring
him out into conflict with the Roman authorities. (They
are always trying to stir up trouble.) But, as expected,
Jesus turns the tables on them by answering their question with a statement of his own. Jesus responds,
“Show me a coin used for paying the tax.” They immediately draw out a coin to show him whose picture is
imprinted there. Their readiness to produce the coin
implies their easy use of it and their “acceptance of the
financial advantages of the Roman administration.”
They are trying to force Jesus to choose between two
worlds and he won’t be baited.
We see this scenario often today. As Christians, we
are caught between two worlds. There is the earthly
world that compels us to focus on material things like
money, possessions, and notoriety. Our spiritual world
would have us focus on things like feeding the poor,
caring for the sick and helping the lost.
Last week at Coffee House we presented our teens
with a long rope. The length of the rope representing
our life in eternity, and a small three inch end painted
red representing our time here on earth. It was enlightening to see this visual of how short our time here really
is. We talked about how we use our time, talents and
resources and what motivates us. It brought about some
wonderful conversation. (If you’re interested, you can
see the official presentation by googling “What are you
living for?” by Francis Chan.) It is a great reminder that
we need to “Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s and give to
God what is God’s.”
I came upon the following a couple of years ago and
found it to be quite thought provoking.
Additional Article can be found on page 7;
Cell Phone Vs. Bible
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Mass Intentions
October 18 & 19
5:00 pm For Elmira Ernak
req. by Dorothy Wylin
For the deceased members of the
Kowalski and Zale families
req. by family.
9:00 am For Hilario Santiago
req. by family.
For the people of the parish.
11:00 am For Maria Fifelski req. by
Dick and Barbara Pardiac.
For Melita Lieblang req. by family.
October 25 & 26
5:00 p m For Leslie Petitpren
req. by Dorothy Wylin.
9:00 am For the people of the
11:00 am For Paula Sulinski
req. by Kevin and Susan Harrell.
For Richard Wooden
req. by family.
MOMS: Ministry of Moms
Moms with children of all ages
are welcome to meet with one or both
of our MOMS groups that gather on
Wednesday OR Thursday mornings
10-11:30 am for fellowship, book discussions, life lessons and faith building. For more information contact
Patty Weise 248-239-1118 (Weds) or
Dayna Hollis 248-802-3804
(Thurs). Childcare is provided.
a weekly
Email blast
On a weekly
basis we email a
parish update to
those interested. If
you would like to receive weekly updates, via email, fill out the information on the main page of the website, or scan the QR
Page 5
Looking AHEAD
Sunday, October 12
9:00 am Mass
11:00 am Mass
12:30 pm Mass
Monday, October 13
6:00 pm FROG
7:00 pm 8th Grade
7:00 pm Sunday Scripture
7:30 pm Concert Rehearsal
Tuesday, October 14
5:45 pm Yoga
7:00 pm Coffee House
7:00 pm Education, Service,
Parish Finance Council, Stewardship, Worship
7:00 pm Mass
Wednesday, October 15
10:00 am MOMS
10:00 am Scripture Study
6:50 pm Adult Choir
7:45 pm AA & Alanon
Thursday, October 16
10:00 am MOMS
10:00 am 55+ Exercise Class
4:00 pm Teen Ensemble
7:00 pm Fermenting Faith
7:00 pm Lector Training
Friday, October 17
9:00 am Mass
Saturday, October 18
9:00 & 10:15 am Yoga
1:00 pm Fall Ann. Choir
5:00 pm Vigil Mass
Sunday, October 19
9:00 & 11:00 am Mass
9:15 am RCIA
12:30 pm Confirmation Prep
5:00 pm Anniversary Concert
Monday, October 20
10:00 am LaLeche League
6:00 pm FROG
7:00 pm 7th Grade
7:00 pm Confirmation Prep
7:00 pm Sunday Scripture
Tuesday, October 21
5:45 pm Yoga
7:00 pm Coffee House
7:00 pm Taize Prayer
Wednesday, October 22
9:30 am Scripture Study
10:00 am MOMS
6:50 pm Adult Choir
7:00 pm 6th Grade
7:45 pm AA & Alanon
Thursday, October 23
9:30 am Warm Up America
10:00 am MOMS
10:00 am 55+ Exercise Class
4:00 pm Teen Ensemble
7:00 pm Lector Training
7:00 pm What is Sacrament?
Friday, October 24
9:00 am Mass
7:00 pm Wedding Rehearsal
Saturday, October 25
6:00 pm Peace & Justice Movie
9:00 & 10:15 am Yoga
2:00 pm Major-Upleger
Wedding Service
5:00 pm Vigil Mass
Wednesday morning Scripture Study
Every week from 9:30-11:00 am
All are Welcome
We have just begun an in-depth study of the Acts of the Apostles. Read up
to chapter 3 and you are already ahead of us! No prep necessary. Drop-ins welcome. Childcare provided.
Contact David Nesbitt at: [email protected] for more information.
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Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
RCIA (the Rite of
Christian Initiation of
Adults) has officially
Have you or someone you know
been worshiping with us awhile but
aren't "officially" a Catholic? Would
you like to learn more about what full
initiation through our Sacraments of
Baptism, Eucharist & Confirmation
entails? This program is for you! We
meet (almost) every Sunday from 9:15
- 10:45 am from now until just after
Easter in the Library. We also are
pulling together a "Family" version of
the RCIA that will begin soon, so
your whole family can go through the
process of initiation together! So, if
you are thinking about "officially"
hanging your hat here at CTR and
want to learn more about our Catholic
faith, contact Lisa Brown at [email protected] or call 248-3914074 ext. 20 for a personal welcome,
answers to any questions you might
have about the process and a full
schedule of upcoming dates and topics. This first initial "inquiry" period
lasts several months and there is no
obligation or commitment required. All are welcome!
Senior Stretch & Stay
Strong Exercise Class
This class is held at Christ the
Redeemer and features meditation,
gentle stretching, and chair exercise.
Every Thursday, from 10:00 11:30 am in the Matt 2/3 room.
Instructor: Virginia Stagner Certified by The Arthritis Foundation
Financial Stewardship
September 2014
Sunday Contributions:
(Under) Budget
Fermenting Faith – Wine,
peace and justice
committee-try us, you
may like us!
The Peace and Justice Committee has set the 2014-2015 program
“Just Shopping”, alternative
giving bazaar. Saturday and Sunday
November 22/23, after all Masses.
This year, we will feature gifts from
PIME Missions, On the Rise Bakery, Work of Human Hands, Gifts
from Catholic Relief Services and
products made in the D at Cass
Corridor Community Services. In
addition to the popular Mud Mats
made from old tires collected from
vacant lots, CCS now offers flip
flops and glass coasters, all fabricated from recycled materials.
Lenten Movie Nights will
return Friday nights, March 6 and
13 at 6:00 pm.
Earth Day Expo, games, movie, info all about the stewardship of
Mother Earth. Friday, April 17,
6:30 pm.
The Peace and Justice Committee needs help! Are you a good
salesperson or poster creator? Do
you have a favorite ecology related
topic to share? Can you pick up
material from downtown? To volunteer for any amount of time,
please call Sue Donovan, 248-3931297. Everyone is very welcome to
drop in to our meetings on the second Wednesday of every month at
7:00 pm. Try us, you may like us!
come knit or crochet
with us!
Warm Up America is getting
ready for the cold season. Come
knit and crochet in the Mark room
at 9:30 am on: October 23, November 6 & 20, and December 4. Don’t
knit or crochet, they can teach you.
Questions Call 248-391-3473Virginia Buchanan, Maryann
Emick 248-393-1901.
Cheese, and Discussion
Every 1st & 3rd Thursday
of the month at 7:00 pm.
No prep needed, need not
attend in sequence. Drop-in
when you can.
Sparkling juice available.
Childcare provided.
Have you ever wondered how we
went from the teachings of the Apostles to the doctrines and dogmas of
today? Do you wish you knew more
about concepts such as original sin
and transubstantiation? Are you interested in learning about the differences between Catholics and the other Christian denominations? Looking
for some lively and friendly theological discussion? We will be exploring
significant theological topics from the
history of Christianity such as the
Trinity, Incarnation, Vatican I, II and
Thursday, November 6
Early Christianities
After the 2nd century A.D. there
were Christian communities throughout the Roman Empire. However,
not all of these communities considered the other Christian. There were
numerous groups professing that
they alone possessed the true teachings of Jesus while others retained a
distorted message. To modern Christians many of the beliefs of these various Christianities are outlandish and
completely contrary to Christianity as
we know it. From archons and aeons
to the dual existence of a cruel God
and a good God, learn abut the state
of Christianity following the lives of
the apostles.
holy land wood
Bethlehem Christian Families will
be visiting Christ the Redeemer the
weekend of November 15/16 bringing olive wood carvings. Sales from
these carvings help support families
in Bethlehem and help them remain
in their homes. Stop in Bethany and
support their work. Questions, call
the parish office.
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
middle east crisis discussion
Fr. Joe has been asked to participate in a discussion on ISIS and the Crisis
in the Middle East, hosted by the Islamic Studies department at University of
Detroit/Mercy. The discussion will be chaired by Saleem Salie,
the son of Imam Achmat Salie. Anyone is invited to participate.
Wednesday, October 22, 6:30-9pm in the Fountain Lounge of the Student
Center at University of Detroit Mercy McNichols Campus,
4001 McNichols, Detroit MI 48221
For Guests use the Livernois Ave Gate and go to Visitor Parking.
Cell Phone vs. Bible
“Wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat
our cell phones.
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it
What if we flipped through it several times a day
What if we used it to receive messages from the text
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it
What if we gave it to kids as gifts
What if we used it as we traveled
What if we used it in case of an emergency
What if we carried it around in our purses and pockets
We were constantly going over our minutes and data every month
We made sure our battery never ran low
What if our bible were just as important as our cell phone?”
- Anonymous
“What are you living for?”
A Spirit-filled Evening for Women:
Advent by Candlelight 2014
Our 15th annual Advent by Candlelight is quickly approaching. The event
will be held Thursday, December 4. Enjoy an evening of shared stories and
beautiful music; appetizers, desserts and candlelit conversation. What an ideal
opportunity to refresh our spirits as we enter the Advent season with a clear
focus on what is most important – making room for Christ in our sometimes
too-busy lives.
Those who wish to host a table this year should attend our annual lottery,
which will be held in the Chapel after 11:00 am Mass on Sunday, November 2.
At this time, each hostess may pick up their information packets and select a
table location (in the order names are drawn). The cost per table is $50.00.
Please bring your check, payable to Christ the Redeemer (Advent By Candlelight
in the memo line), when you come to the lottery.
If you would like to attend but are new to the parish or unable to get a table
of friends together, please call us. We will put you on our guest list and find a
place for you. If you have thought of hosting a table in the past but are not
sure, please give us a call. We are happy to walk you through what hosting entails.
Please call Kris Edwards (248-797-5921) or Amy McCarty (248.421.8220) if
you are unable to attend the lottery but would like a table or with any questions
you may have.
Page 7
Michigan Catholic
Conference Launches
2014 Election Website
On November 4, voters will cast
their ballots and decide the outcomes
of many important national, state, and
local races. This week, Michigan
Catholic Conference (MCC) launched
an election website, which provides
resources to encourage conscience
formation according to Catholic Social Teaching and Scripture as well as
participation in the political process.
These resources include a video made
in conjunction with diocesan and parish staff around the state about faithful citizenship, candidate survey questions and responses from the Attorney General and U.S. Congressional
races, and MCC materials about evaluating candidates. Parishes interested
in sharing the election website and
content on their own websites can
find banners available at
Thank you in advance for using and
sharing these resources
The Giving Tree
The season of sharing our blessings with others will soon be upon us.
Please assist us in helping individuals
from Lighthouse, Children’s Village,
and St. Dominic’s. We are asking for
your help in making Giving Tree tags.
If you can help, please meet in the
Disciples room on Sunday, November 2, 9:00 am-12:00 noon to assist
us in this annual event:
If you have any questions, please
contact Susan Arends at
[email protected], or (248)
Sacraments Celebrated
at Christ the Redeemer
On Sunday, October 12 the following babies were baptized at Christ
the Redeemer: Zakary Keith son of
Benjamin and Jodi Martin; Jack James
son of Jeremy and Kristin McParlan;
Cielle Annalyn daughter of Brandon
Meek and Milena Rodriguez Moran.
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Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Gospel of life
“Give to Caesar the things that are
Caesar’s; and to God the things that are
God’s.” (Matt 22:21)
Over the years, these words have
been widely quoted on the relationship between Christianity and secular
authority, and they come to mind
with the! upcoming U.S. and Michigan
Elections. Our governments are
much different from the Roman government of New Testament days, although the separation of church and
state at times becomes fuzzy.
What Jesus reminds us is as citizens we have an obligation to render
to the state whatever material and
personal services are required for the
common good of society. At the same
time, Jesus makes it clear that we are
citizens not only of government, but
also of the Kingdom of God. Civil
authorities are obliged to act with justice, to serve the common good, and
govern with the greatest respect for
the rights of people. This includes the
protection of life from the moment of
conception until natural death.
Every individual has a profound
religious dimension to his or her life.
Catholics are challenged to be light
and salt in the midst of the world. We
are called to transform the environments in which we live so as to make
them more human. When we defend
the sanctity and dignity of human life
in the face of abortion, euthanasia and
other life issues, we are promoting a
civilization of love.
In spite of all social pressures and
propaganda to the contrary, every
Catholic should imitate Christ. Step
away when you recognize that nonChristian cultural worldviews begin to
change the way you think. We are in
Christ; we have His light. And while
we are still in the world, we are called
to shine that light so that others
might know Him.
“Do not conform yourselves to this age,
but be transformed by the renewal of your
mind, so that you may judge what is God’s
will, what is good, pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2)
Bulletin advertising
opportunities available
world mission Sunday!
This year World Mission Sunday coincides with the beatification
of Pope Paul VI. This Pope gave
us the important document on the
importance of Evangelization or
the spreading of the Gospel to the
ends of the earth.
The new feast days of our two
great saintly popes are being observed this time. Last Sunday we
celebrated the feast of St. John
XXII who, before becoming Pope,
was the National Director for the
Propagation of the faith in Italy.
This coming Wednesday will be the
feast of St. John Paul II who gave
us the great document on New
Evangelization. All three of these
popes were instrumental in the
spreading and support of the
Church in the missions. Before
returning to His Heavenly Father,
Jesus commissioned St. Peter, our
first pope, to “Go to the ends of
the earth and preach the gospel.”
How well these successors of Peter
have continued that cause of extending the church throughout the
world. How beautifully our present
Pope, Francis, is doing the same.
We observe the annual day of
prayer and sacrifice for the missions
today. We unite ourselves also with
our fellow Christians all over the
world who with us attempt to share
our faith with others, especially
those who have not yet heard the
name of Jesus. Today offers us the
opportunity to join our missionaries
in the “holiest and greatest work of
the Church.”
Please be generous in supporting the Pontifical Mission Society
for the Propagation of the Faith.
Envelopes are provided in
your packets or provided in the
vestibule. Additionally, our tithing
committee will donate to this collection.
Terry Sweeney from Liturgical
Publications, our bulletin printer, will
be in our office the weeks of October
20 and 27, working on securing new
ads for the advertisement section of
our bulletin, as well as converting the
existing advertisers over to a new format. We need your help! Please consider purchasing an ad. Your ad and
participation makes our bulletin successful, and you attract customers.
If you would like to run an ad or
would like more information, please
call Terry at 248-877-7769 or email
[email protected].
pictorial directories
for sale
We have extra pictorial directories
and they are now on sale in the parish
office for a cost of $10. Supplies are
Questions please call the parish
Do you have a friend, neighbor,
co-worker, or relative who has been
struggling with the loss of a loved
one, loneliness, cancer, a layoff, relocation, divorce, a spiritual crisis, recuperation, single parenthood, or any of
countless other life challenges? Our
Stephen Ministers can provide them
with the focused care, encouragement, and support they need to make
it through the crisis. If you know of
someone who is hurting, talk with
our Stephen Leader who will instruct
you on how we can connect the person with a Stephen Minister It’s a
great way for you to show how much
you care?
For more information call Roger
Buches, 248-444-5750 or email Mike
Hayes at [email protected]
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Page 9
Volunteer Opportunities at Love INC
Are you looking for a way to serve?
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. – 1 Peter 4:10
The Clearinghouse
Our Clearinghouse is looking for Receptionists to answer phone calls
that come in to Love INC. Or, for a deeper involvement, consider a more indepth conversation as an Intake worker. Both of these roles seek individuals
who model Christ’s empathy, provide a listening ear and pray with those in
need. Both positions are available on Tuesday mornings beginning at 9:00 am.
Reception ends at 12:30 pm and Intake finishes at 2:00 pm.
Note Writer
Do you enjoy the lost art of handwriting letters? We are looking for a
volunteer to help write “Love Notes” of encouragement to our neighbors upon
follow up. This may be 2-3 hours once a week; schedule is flexible.
Prayer Ministry
Do you have a heart for prayer? We are in need of individuals that can
commit to praying for Love INC. You are sent a weekly list of prayer requests
for our clients, volunteers, and staff via email.
Clothing Closet and Personal Care Ministries
What about serving for an afternoon once a month at our Little Luxuries
personal care ministry? Or, maybe serve at our Clothing Closet, which has availability on the 4th Thursday afternoon of the month. Both of these possibilities
are serving our neighbors in three hours shifts.
Clearinghouse Volunteer Coordinator and Resource Coordinator
These two positions work hand-in-hand to bring together volunteers and
resources to help meet unmet needs in our community. Knowledge of our
community churches and serving agencies is requested.
Love INC gives Christians specific, manageable opportunities to put their
faith and love to work in the service of people in need. If you would like learn
more about volunteer opportunities, please call our Clearinghouse at (248) 6934357 and ask for Debbie Nelson or Jenny Hoder.
The Matching challenge Is Back!
A group of Christian businesswomen are challenging individuals to donate and they will match their contribution to Love INC of North Oakland
County. For every dollar you give, they will match, up to a total of $3,000.
Last year Love INC received over $6,000 as a result of this challenge! This
matching challenge has begun and will continue until November 30. You can
give online through our website: or mail your check today to Love INC of North Oakland County, PO Box 104, Lake Orion, MI
The month of September Christ
the Redeemer donated $6,028.21 to
the following appeals:
Catholic Relief Services
World Vision
Doctors Without Borders
International Medical Corps
Baldwin Center
Hope, Hospitality Warming
Center, Inc.
Catholic Charities
(Hispanic Outreach)
Catholic Charities of Southeast
St. Aloysius ChurchNeighborhood Services
Volunteers of America-Michigan
Salvation Army
Toys for Tots
Oxford/Orion FISH
Families in Crisis
Love INC
Circle of Faith
Looking for a group of spirit-led
women to join for a book discussion? Try our "Circle of Faith" women's group who meet on the first
Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm
in Cana. All are welcome and childcare is provided. We will begin reading and discussing the book Hinds'
Feet in High Places by Hannah Hurdard on Wednesday, November
1. Please come having read chapters
1 & 2 to discuss. For more info
please contact Sharron Gynet at 248391-0240.
St. Nicholas Project Update
Sign up will continue after Masses through the month of October for the
2nd Annual St. Nicholas Project. Families of all ages, seniors and singles are
welcome to join us for this parish wide day of outreach. All participants over the
age of 18 will be required to fill out a background check unless previously completed. Please check your calendars prior to committing to participate. The
agencies we work for trust that the work will be completed that day. Although
we cannot take requests for a particular job, please know what an important gift
you bring to our community and the agencies that so many in need rely on.
Feel free to call Lisa Pratt or Karen Swietlik in the parish office with any
it’s a girls night out!
Wednesday, October 29
5:00-9:00 pm
Starts in Centennial Park, Oxford
Donations of new underwear,
hats, gloves or mittens for women,
children and men will be taken for
Love INC’s “Little Luxuries”
Page 10
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
The following is the entire prayer list of Christ the
Redeemer Church. If you would like someone added to
the prayers please call the parish office.
For Our Parishioners
Mary Lauinger
Jessica Mae Powers
Chuck Goodell
Laurie O’Meara
Joe Aubrey
Robert Kurzyniec
Amber Mandalari
Maryalice Tomei
Dorothy Mazur
John Jarvis
Tony Gibbs
Jane Beckwith
Fred Lennox
Stan Kowalski
Carey Chappell
Karen Rawski
Ellen Higgins
Jim Sulinski
For the Military
…..our country’s military personnel especially those connected
to our parish.
For the Deceased
…..please remember in your
prayers the family of Mary Raynor
whose brother Raymond Mansfield
died; Ruth Johns mother of Sue
Lempicki; the family of Lori Calvano whose brother Bob Lang died.
For Loved Ones
Who Are Ill
John Bigger
Ed Sornig
Lauren Hughes
Stephanie Daly friend of
Judy Schramm
Rob Borucki brother-in-law of
Joe Rotman
Janice Pinelli sister of
Dave Pinelli
Christine Miller niece-in-law of
Theresa Bieser
Jim Anderson friend of
Bill Schramm
Abby Malik granddaughter of
Dorothy Barrick
Dan Rogers cousin of
Mary Strayer
Evelyn Winterfield sister of
Mary Elizabeth Murrary
Veronica Klepp mother of’
Deb Kiefer
Richard Welch father of
Theresa Myer
Carrie Starr friend of
Sharlene Carlile
Tom Jeszke brother of
Karen Rawski
Patty Bianchi daughter of
Stella Slimko
Cameron Collins nephew of
Susan Arends
Dave Lowe brother of
Kate Z.
Mary Sabo mother of
MaryAnn Emick
Christine Feurig friend of
Sue Watson
Trent Pence grandson of
Jeanne Harmon
Administrave: Sue Enjaian, ext. 10
ĞͲmail: [email protected]
Administrave: Dawn Cejka, ext. 11
Finance: Chris Spencer, ext. 12
Chrisan Service: Karen Swietlik, ext. 17 ĐƚƌƐĞƌǀŝĐĞΛĂŵĞƌŝƚĞĐŚ͘ŶĞƚĂŶĚ
Lisa Pra5, ext. 13, [email protected] ^ƚĞƉŚĞŶDŝŶŝƐƚƌLJ͗ZŽŐĞƌƵĐŚĞƐ͕Ϯϰϴ͘ϰϰϰ͘ϱϳϱϬ
Ponac Vicariate Website:
Maryalice Tomei, Administrave, ext. 14
ĞͲmail: [email protected]
ĂŝůLJͲCheck weekly bullen
Educaon ŚĂŝƌ͗ĂǀŝĚĂŶĚĞ͕Ϯϰϴ͘ϴϵϭ͘ϲϵϱϬ
We are a welcoming Chrisan community sharing in the mission of Jesus to proclaim the Kingdom of God. tĞƐƚƌŝǀĞƚŽΗŵĂŬĞĂĚŝīĞƌĞŶĐĞΗǁŝƚŚŝŶŽƵƌůŽĐĂůĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJĂŶĚƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚŝŶǁŚŝĐŚǁĞůŝǀĞ͘
Recognizing the importance of each individual member, we call forth the variees of gi!s, talents and