Homework 4


Homework 4
EE103, Fall 2014-15
S. Boyd
Homework 4
1. Inverse of a block matrix. Let B and D be invertible matrices of sizes m × m and n × n,
respectively, and let C be any m × n matrix. Find the inverse of the block matrix
0 D
in terms of B −1 , C, and D−1 .
• Your goal is find matrices W , X, Y , and Z (in terms of B −1 , C, and D−1 ) that
= I.
Use block matrix multiplication to express this as a set of four matrix equations
that you can then solve.
• You can get an idea of what the solution should look like by considering the case
when B, C, and D are scalars.
2. Affine combinations of left inverses. Let Z be a tall m × n matrix with linearly
independent columns, and let X and Y be left inverses of Z. Show that for any scalars
α and β satisfying α + β = 1, αX + βY is also a left inverse of Z.
3. Properties of pseudo-inverses. For an m × n matrix A and its pseudo-inverse A† , show
that A = AA† A and A† = A† AA† in each of the following cases.
(a) A is tall with linearly independent columns.
(b) A is wide with linearly independent rows.
(c) A is square and invertible.
4. Orthogonal matrices. Let U and V be two orthogonal n × n matrices.
(a) Show that the matrix U T is orthogonal.
(b) Show that the matrix U V is orthogonal.
(c) Show that the 2n × 2n matrix
1 U U
2 V −V
is orthogonal.
5. Sensitivity of solution of linear equations. Let A be an invertible n × n matrix, and
b and x be n-vectors satisfying Ax = b. Suppose we now perturb the jth entry b by
6= 0 (which is a traditional symbol for a small quantity), which means that b becomes
˜b = b + ej . Let x˜ be the n-vector that satisfies A˜
x = ˜b, i.e., the solution of the linear
equations using the perturbed right-hand side. We are interested in kx − x˜k, which is
how much the solution changes due to the change in the right-hand side.
(a) Show that kx − x˜k does not depend on b; it only depends on the matrix A, , and
(b) How would you find the index j that maximizes the value of kx − x˜k? By part (a),
your answer should be in terms of A (or quantities dervied from A) and only.
(c) Try this out in Julia with
A = 1/3
the following values:
 
1/3 1/4
1/4 1/5 ,
b = 1 ,
1/5 1/6
= 0.1.
To prevent numerical imprecision errors, use the following code to build the data.
A = [1/2 1/3 1/4; 1/3 1/4 1/5; 1/4 1/5 1/6]
b = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
epsilon = 0.1
Which j do you pick to maximize kx − x˜k, and what value do you get for kx − x˜k?
Check your answer from part (b) by direct calculation (i.e., simply finding x˜ after
perturbing entry j = 1, 2, 3 of b).
6. Julia timing test for linear equations.
(a) Determine how long it takes for your computer to solve a system of n = 2000
linear equations in n = 2000 variables (with invertible coefficient matrix) using
Julia’s \ operator. You may use the following code.
A = 1 + rand(2000, 2000)
b = ones(2000)
@time A\b;
(b) Julia is rather clever about how it solves systems of equations with \. Determine
how long it takes for your computer to solve the following system of n = 2000
linear equations in n = 2000 variables.
L = 1 + rand(2000, 2000)
for i = 1:2000
for j = i+1:2000
L[i, j] = 0
b = ones(2000)
@time L\b;
(c) Can you explain why the times differ by so much between the two systems, i.e.,
what is special about the matrix L as opposed to A? Make a hypothesis about
what you think Julia is doing behind the scenes.
7. Interpolation of rational functions. In this problem, you will find a rational function
(i.e., ratio of polynomials)
c0 + c1 t + c2 t2
f (t) =
1 + d1 t + d2 t2
that satisfies the following (interpolation) conditions:
f (1) = 2,
f (2) = 5,
f (3) = 9,
f (4) = −1,
f (5) = −4.
Your job is to find numbers c0 , c1 , c2 , d1 and d2 for which these conditions hold.
(a) Let x = (c0 , c1 , c2 , d1 , d2 ). Explain how to formulate this problem as finding a
vector x that satisfies a system of linear equations Ax = b. Be sure to specify
what A and b are.
(b) Solve the system of linear equations in Julia to find the coefficients. What do you
get for your vector x? Plot the rational function f using the plot_rational_interp
function provided in the file rational_interp.jl, which can be found on the
course webpage at ee103/julia_files/. The following example shows the usage
of the plot_rational_interp function.
x = ones(5)
Please include your code and plots as part of your answer.
8. Orthogonal 2 × 2 matrices. In this problem, you will show that every 2 × 2 orthogonal
matrix is either a rotation or a reflection (see page 65 of the book).
(a) Let
a b
c d
be an orthogonal 2 × 2 matrix. Show that the following equations hold:
a2 + b2 = 1,
a2 + c2 = 1,
ac + bd = 0,
Hint. Consider QT Q and QQT .
b2 + d2 = 1,
ab + cd = 0.
c2 + d2 = 1,
(b) Whenever we have an equation of the form x2 + y 2 = 1, we can find an angle θ
such that x = cos θ and y = ± sin θ (i.e., either y = sin θ or y = − sin θ). Using
this fact and part (a), show that we can find θ such that
a = cos θ,
b = ± sin θ,
c = ± sin θ,
d = ± cos θ.
(c) Suppose we pick d = − cos θ. What are the two possible matrices we get for Q?
(d) Given a 2-vector x, let’s try to visualize the effects of transforming x by Q. That
is, let’s visualize what changes between x and Qx. Compute the numerical value
for one of the matrices Q you obtained in part (c) for θ = π. Pass your Q to the
plot_orthogonal_transform function provided in orthogonal_transform.jl.
Give a one sentence interpretation of what is happening in the plot, and include
a printout or drawing of the plot. The following code gives an example of how to
use the plot_orthogonal_transform function.
Q = [cos(pi) 0; 0 cos(pi)]
(e) Suppose we pick d = cos θ. What are the two possible matrices we get for Q?
(f) Repeat part (d) using one of the two matrices you obtained in (e) and θ = π/2.
Give a one sentence interpretation of what is happening in the plot, and include
a printout or drawing of the plot.
EE 103 mid-point survey. Please print this page, circle the responses you feel apply to you,
and turn it in separately, without your name (i.e., anonymously).
1. How much of the material we’ve covered so far have you seen before?
• Most of it.
• Some of it.
• None of it.
2. How is the general pace of the course?
• Too fast.
• Too slow.
• About right.
3. About how long does it take you to complete the weekly homeworks?
• 0-5 hours.
• 5-10 hours.
• 10-20 hours.
• Over 20 hours.
4. How would you describe the homework problems?
• Tedious.
• Fascinating.
• Some of each.
5. How has Julia worked out for you?
• Who is Julia?
• I got Julia to work on JuliaBox, but not on my own computer.
• I got Julia set up on my own computer.
• Julia is super awesome.
6. How do you find the textbook?
• There’s a textbook for this course?
• I use it as an additional reference to lecture.
• I’ve read all the assigned chapters.
• I read the entire thing twice a day.
You’re welcome to write any additional comments or suggestions on the reverse side of
this page.