
Welcome to
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JoAnn Short, Darlene Sauder, Brad
Enderle, Ron Rice, Deb Kauffman,
Sue Ruffer, Lisa Smith
“The Church on
the Corner Whose
Cornerstone is Christ”
We are a community of faith founded upon God’s Holy Word, preaching salvation through believing in
Christ as Savior. We seek to live in God’s truth, being obedient to His Word and following in His ways.
November 16, 2014
8:00 & 10:30
Welcome to our Worship of God!
Lighting of the Altar Candles and Ringing of the Tower Bells
(At the bell’s ringing, let us concentrate on Jesus and his promise of salvation)
Welcome, Scripture and Prayer
Galatians 4:4-7 (p. 1153)
* Hymn of Praise – #584
“It is Good to Sing Thy Praises”
* Passing the Peace of Christ
Thanksgiving Sharings
Children’s Message
Screen – “Praise Him, All Ye Little Children”
Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s
Lord’s Prayer (debts/debtors)
* (8:00) Hymn – #252
“Sweet, Sweet Spirit”
(10:30) Chancel Choir
Scripture Readings
“Jubilate Deo”
Genesis 1:1-2 (p. 1); John 14:15-17 (p. 1068)
“I Believe: The Spirit”
Prayer of Dedication and Sharing Our Tithes and Offerings
* Closing Hymn – #259
“Breathe on Me, Breath of God”
* Spoken Benediction
* Benediction in Song – #249, v. 1
“Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart7”
* Postlude
(10:30) Transition Into Memorial Service
November Mission-A-Month – CHRISTMAS CHEER
Welcome . . .
Guests and Visitors
Welcome to our worship of God! Please take a moment to complete one of the info cards in the
pew rack at each end of the pew and drop it in the offering plate once it is passed down the aisle in
the service. We hope you will find our service to be an uplifting and pleasurable time of worship
and that you will worship with us again. Learn more about us by visiting our Welcome Table at the
south end of our building or our website at www.stjohnsarchbold.org
Membership Orientation
St. John’s Christian Church offers periodic orientation sessions to inform people about beliefs,
ministries and history of this local congregation. Orientation includes three group sessions and
one home visit by one of the pastors. Please let Pastor Erich, Pastor Adam or Sue Grieser know if
you would be interested in attending future sessions offered.
St. John’s Christian Preschool
A learning, Christian environment geared for children 3-5 years of age. Sessions available are 2-day
(Tues/Thurs) morning and afternoon and 3-day (Mon/Wed/Fri) morning and afternoon and run
from September thru May.
Mother’s Room / Diaper Changing Station / Nursery Care
We have a Mother’s Room located near our sanctuary – just ask an usher for location. A diaper
changing station is in our nursery room just down the hallway from our sanctuary. Nursery Care
is offered during the 10:30 worship service for infants and pre-kindergarten children.
Children’s and Large Print Bulletins are available on a table in the sanctuary narthex.
Hearing Assistance is provided through our loop system for hearing aids with a “t” switch position.
This Week’s Congregational Prayer: O God of comfort and compassion, I come to you with
a hopeful and trusting heart. In my spoken words and in my deepest thoughts, I lift up to you
the needs of myself and the world around me. Sometimes out of necessity, sometimes out of
desperation, I fall into trappings of pain and fear. My soreness aches for your touch. My guilt
longs for your mercy. My spirit seeks your healing. Spirit of Life, come and raise me up. Blow
like a spring wind through the stale spaces of my being and send me on my way renewed. In every
experience, through every distress of mind and body, keep me ever mindful that your presence is
with me, O God, my greatest health and true salvation. Amen.
The Altar Flowers are given by David Sigg in loving memory
of his wife, Beth Sigg.
The Bulletins are given by Paul and Barb Sigg in loving memory
of their daughter-in-law, Beth Sigg.
Let’s Talk About It - This Week in Our Children’s and Youth Education:
Pre-K Class: We talked about being thankful and blessed this morning. What things are you
thankful for? How can you bless someone else today?
Faith Village: We continued the unit entitled “David, the King” which uses 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 10;
6:1-5, 14-15, 17-19 as its references. David needed God’s help to be a good leader to the people of
Israel. What are some other things about David that make him a good king?
Confirmation: The 7th and 8th graders studied the opening chapters of the Book of Acts, exploring
the formation of the early church. What characteristics of the early church are a part of our church
congregation today?
LOGOS: The 1st and 2nd graders made paper pumpkins and searched the Bible for verses about
thankfulness and gratitude. The 3rd graders studied Genesis 35-37, discussing how fearful Joseph
must have been when his jealous, angry brothers sold him into slavery. We learned it says not to
be afraid 365 times in the bible. Can we say and live, “The Lord is with me, I will not be afraid.”
Psalm 118:6? The 4th and 5th graders theme for the evening was “In Covenant with God.” We did
an activity and shared our personal covenant (agreement or promise) to God. We also discussed
having a Christ-centered life using a paper cross for demonstration. The kids then made their own
JYF: This past week, we talked about Jesus and his start as a teacher, healer, and leader. Pastor
Erich led everyone in a spirited game of human pinball. Thanks to all who supported the JYF
through their poinsettia orders.
Life Planning: We had a great time packing well over 100 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas
Child. Pray with us that these packages would be great blessings to all the children who will receive
them. Our next meeting is our Christmas gathering on December 10th at the home of Norm and
Ann Fether.
SYF Remix: We talked about relationships. What kind of relationships does God want us to be
involved in? Do any of your current relationships need to change?
Senior High Sunday School: We’ve started a new 3-week series all about family life and it focuses
on important topics like communication and understanding. This week we looked at James 1:19-27
and James 3:1-12, emphasizing three keys to healthy family communication: being quick to listen,
being slow to speak, and being slow to become angry. Which one is most important to you?
Discovery Daily Devotional Guides – The Oct/Nov/Dec Discovery Daily Bible Guides are available
in the literature rack outside the church office (suggested donation $2.50 each). Below is a list of
this week’s daily devotions you are encouraged to read:
November 17 - Face To Face With God ........................ Exodus 33:7-11
November 18 - Time For Intimacy ............................. Exodus 33:12-23
November 19 - Time For A New Beginning ................ Exodus 34:1-14
November 20 - Ready For The Radiance ................... Exodus 34:29-35
November 21 - Ready To Work ............................... Exodus 35:30 -36:7
- 36:7
November 22 - Finally Ready ............................ Exodus 40:1-16, 34-38
November 23 - Fundamentals Of Faith ............................. Psalm 93:1-5
8:00AM Worship Service (Sanctuary)
9:15AM Small Group Sunday School Class - Basic Prayer (TBD)
9:15AM Confirmation / Faith Village / Sunday School
10:30AM Worship Service (Sanctuary)
10:50AM Junior Church – 4 yr. olds thru 2nd Grade (Artisan’s Tent)
11:45AM Memorial Service for Beth Sigg – Congregation Invited (Sanctuary)
12:30PM Memorial Service Luncheon – Congregation Invited (Parish Hall)
3:00PM Depart on Bus for TGRM Chapel & Meal (Meet in Kitchen)
11:15AM Staff Meeting (Office Closed)
5:30PM 3rd Grade Basketball (Parish Hall)
6:15PM Spiritual Council (Fireside Room)
7:00PM Sister Chicks INC (Nancy Rupp’s
Rupp’s,, St. Rt. 2, Stryker)
7:30PM Consistory (Fireside Room)
9:15AM Bible Study – Exodus 33 (Fireside Room)
4:30PM CE Team (Pastor Erich
Erich’s’s Office)
5:00PM Community Meal – St. John’s
John’s Christian Meal Team #1 Hosting (Parish Hall)
6:15PM Men’s Breakfast (Home Restaurant, N. Defiance St., Archbold)
8:30AM Moms In Prayer (Upstairs Classroom)
9:00AM Fairlawn Auxiliary Quilting (Fairlawn Community Building)
5:50PM LOGOS Meal – Thanksgiving Night (Parish Hall)
6:00PM Alpha Course (Upstairs Classroom)
6:30PM Junior Choir (Sanctuary)
6:30PM JYF (Fireside Room)
7:00PM SYF (Youth Room)
7:30PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
9:00AM Mending (Fairlawn Activities Room)
4:00PM Set Up For Sunshine Children’s Home Dinner (Parish Hall / Kitchen)
5:30PM Sunshine Children’s Home Dinner (Parish Hall / Kitchen)
3:30PM Wedding – Alice Leu and Jon Leatherman (Sanctuary)
8:00AM Worship Service (Sanctuary)
9:15AM Small Group Sunday School Class - Basic Prayer (TBD)
9:15AM Confirmation / Faith Village / Sunday School
10:30AM Worship Service (Sanctuary)
1:00PM Advent Decorating (Throughout Church)
6:00PM Seekers (Wyrick’s, 3164 Escott Avenue, Toledo)
Next Sunday - November 23rd – Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon – “I Believe: The Church” by Pastor Erich Christman
Scriptures – Colossians 1:15-20, Ephesians 4:3-6
Audio of Our Worship Services available on our church web site, www.stjohnsarchbold.org, under
the Media pull down menu.
Pastor Erich’s Schedule – Pastor Erich will be out of the office this week from Monday thru
Thursday. Pastor Adam will be available for all pastoral care concerns and other matters of the
church in Erich’s absence.
Mending at Fairlawn – November is our month to provide volunteers for mending at Fairlawn on
Thursday mornings from 9AM to noon in the Fairlawn Activities Room.
Fairlawn Auxiliary Quilt – The auxiliary quilt is ready to be quilted, and St. John
John’ss is sheduled
to quilt on it this Wednesday, November 19th. The quilt is located in the Fairlawn Community
Building, which is open from 9AM to 9PM.
Christmas Care Package – The Mission Committee is making plans to send a care package to
Mackenzie Nofziger in time for Christmas. As she celebrates Christmas in Thailand this year, the
hope is to bless her with Christmas greetings and encouragement. On November 30th, there will
be an insert in the bulletin on which people can write out words of greeting and encouragement
as well as an exit offering for a free-will donation that will cover the purchase of the care items
and the postage for the package. Crissi Stuckey is handling this endeavor, so please contact her
(419-446-4686) if you have any further questions.
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes – We will be accepting completed shoeboxes until Friday,
November 21st. Please remember to mark the box for a boy or girl and what age it is appropriate
for (labels are available on a table in both the sanctuary and chapel narthexes).
JYF Poinsettias – Don
Don’t’t forget to place your order with a JYF youth (or call the church office) for
poinsettias. Two sizes are available - 6-1/2
6-1/2” at $10 each and 8-1/2”
8-1/2 at $20 each. Colors available
are red, white, pink and marble, and tomorrow is the last day you can place an order. Thank you
for supporting our JYF ministry.
Offering Information:
Current Fund
Current Fund
Current Fund
Actual Offering
Weekly Budget
5,221.13 $
6,414.35 $
5,345.00 $
6,414.35 $
8,482.82 $
6,414.35 $
4,842.20 $
6,414.35 $
Avg / Total
23,891.15 $
25,657.40 $
Total Income
As of November 7, 2014
YTD Totals
Fund Offering
Total Expenses
Benevolent Fund
Weekly Budget
Benevolent Fund
As indicated above, our current fund balance is running at a deficit of $14,081.44 as of November 7th. Please prayerfully
discern further support of the financial realities of our Christian ministries.
Missionaries Supported by Our Congregation and Their Current Prayer Requests:
• Dr. Shobha Arole & Ravi Arole – CRHP, Jamkhed, India
 Pray for the CRHP Farm, that it continues to demonstrate new farming techniques to local
farmers dealing with poor soil and drought conditions, with new focus on tree farming and
animal husbandry, as agriculture is the main livelihood in the area.
• Tony & Leila F. – Sapiranga, Brazil
 Prayer requests continue to be: good adjustments to the new field, for permanent housing, for
Tony’s permanent visa approval, for wisdom and good interaction with the team..
• Larry & Linda Rupp – Kajiado Children’s Home (KCH), Africa
 Pray for the Board of Trustees and the staff, that their administration efforts will provide
blessings in the lives of the children; pray for new church support for the home.
• Tom & Megan – The Islands, Africa
 Pray for peace for so many families on the islands. Pray for real reconciliation and forgiveness,
and for truth to reign in relationships.
• Judd & Becky McClarren – Departing for Ethiopia This Month
 Final documents and paperwork continue to be addressed – pray for perseverance..
• Matt Pardi – Great Commission Ministries, Bowling Green State University / University of Toledo
 Pray for student leaders to be raised up and equipped as the harvest field is large.
• Kyle Chase – Great Commission Ministries, University of Michigan
 Pray for Kyle in his shepherding students into a deeper walk with Jesus as he shares with them
in face-to-face discipleship conversations.
• Keith & Cheryl Wyse – Agape Family Life House, Langfang, China
 Pray for the Lord’s direction, protection and provision in all aspects of life at the Life House,
for staff, children, food, housing, the bakery, adoptions, medical needs, discipleship.
• Brian & Jamie Rauschenberger – New Life International, Haiti
 Pray for them as they visit supporting churches and share the good news of New Life.
• Jon & Rachel Doriot – Pioneers, Papua
 Pray for continued efforts to share the Gospel, for openness, peace and strength.
• Mackenzie Nofziger – International Christian School in Bangkok, Thailand
 Pray that God would continue to work in her students so they may know him better, and for
a ministry opportunity that Mackenzie may be starting soon.
November’s Prayer: Praying for Matt Pardi & Kyle Chase, GCM – Lord, I pray for your blessings
of wisdom and knowledge, understanding and patience, and hope and perseverance to be with Matt
and Kyle as they minister to college students. May your Spirit guide them in leadership, encourage
them with joy, and use them to bring you glory. I pray for the ministry staff on these campuses and
for the students; that they would know of your grace and mercy. May our congregation continue
to be in prayer and support of these vital ministries in today’s culture. Lord, may your discipleship
reign in the hearts of young men and women. In the power of the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer Joys, Concerns, Requests - Please Pray For:
• Family of Donna Belle (Dottie) Nofziger, who entered into the glory of the Lord on Wednesday
afternoon, and whose memorial service was yesterday.
• Dan Martinez, who had hip replacement surgery last Monday and is now home recuperating.
• Bill Barnhart, who is home from a short stay at St. Vincent Hospital last weekend.
• Kreighton Sims, one of our 8th graders, whose father, Greg Sims, has been diagnosed with cancer.
• Thelma Bartley, at her daughter’s home in Maumee, receiving home health care.
• Roger and Kay Merillat’s granddaughter, Chloe Merillat, who is receiving chemo treatments.
• Aprile Jennings, who is undergoing treatments for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
• Mary Jo Britt, who is recovering from a stroke.
• Robert Kuntz, who is in rehab at Fulton Manor.
• Dale VonDeylen, who continues to endure through a lengthy knee surgery healing process.
• Annie Foote, receiving chemo every three weeks through December 16th, then an additional 48
weeks of a trial chemo.
• Richard and Cathy Spiess, as Richard cares for Cathy who lives with Frontal Temporal Dementia.
• Kyle Ducey, stationed at Buckley Air Force Base, Aurora, Colorado.
• Jared Kuntz, stationed in Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
• Jacob Lesniak, stationed in Twentynine Palms, California.
• Braden Martinez, stationed in Afghanistan.
• Dennis LaPorte, stationed at Travis Air Force Base, California
• Steve Schink, stationed at the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut.
• Koltin Zimmerman, who is in basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina.
• All our students – Proverbs 16:20!
• All our home bound and care center residents.
Today’s Worship Servants
(8:00) Callie Rohrs
(10:30) Andee Grime
(Head) Justin Yoder
(8:00) Ken Nafziger & Len Stamm
(10:30) Ben & Sue Buehrer, Josh & Kasey Grime
(10:30) Brad & Aimee Roth, Eric & Sarah Nafziger
Nursery Staff
(10:30) Tim & Jamie Beck
(Nov 23) Bruce & Carrie Wooley
Sound Tech
(8:00) Angie Nofziger
(10:30) James Grime
Video Tech
(10:30) Dean Sauder
Computer Tech
(Both) Ricky Ruscigno
Worship & Song Leader (Both) Mike Meyer
(Both) Deb Schnitkey
Children's Message
(Both) JoAnn Short
700 S. Defiance Street • Archbold, OH 43502
Ph: 419-446-2545 • www.stjohnsarchbold.org
Pastor Rev. Erich Christman (Cell 419-551-0401)
Associate Pastor Rev. Adam Just (Cell 419-551-6499)
Administrative Assistant Sue Grieser ((offi
[email protected]
[email protected])
Director of Music Ministry Deb Schnitkey ([email protected])
Director of Christian Education Jenna Storrer ([email protected])
Preschool Administrator Sue MacDonald ([email protected])