Albany Forest Drive Website: Website: Albany Creek QLD 4035


Albany Forest Drive Website: Website: Albany Creek QLD 4035
Albany Forest Drive
Albany Creek QLD 4035
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14 November 2014
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents/ guardians
As we head towards the end of term, I remind students and
parents that our same high standards and expectations of
student behaviour, attendance and performance will continue.
We have celebrated our talented student’s
successes in many forums over the past 5
weeks - at the Gala Opening of XPAC,
Dance night, Music night, Strings
Extravaganza, Combined Bands night, Art
Exhibition and Sports Awards evening. Next
Wednesday 19th, we celebrate student
academic excellence by acknowledging individual academic
awardees at the Awards Night. This is the culminating
ceremony for students, parents and staff, recognizing a
yearlong application to learning and the individual successes of
students. I look forward to sharing this celebration with you all,
in the XPAC auditorium.
Lyn Ruttley
On Friday 21st, we farewell year 12 students and wish them
every success in their lifelong learning journey. At their
graduation ceremony we take the opportunity to reflect on
their learning, and their participation in a great school. Thank
you to all the School Leaders who have been led ably by the
School Captains Pia Di Trapani and DJ Grear. Once again thank
you to their teaching staff, who have facilitated quality learning
outcomes. A very BIG thank you to Year 12 Coordinator Mr
Aaron Jobbing for his creativity, commitment and diligence in
working with young people.
Amy Capstick (Year 8)
Angus Murray (Year 8)
Aaron Bowen (Year 9)
School finishes for year 10 and 11 students on Friday 28th and
I wish each student a happy and safe holiday and look forward
to seeing each one of you refreshed for the New Year.
All resources, including library books and text books, must be
returned to the Library and Text Book Hire Room.
All outstanding fees must be paid, so that you can rejoin the
Textbook Hire Scheme in 2015.
• Year 10 students may collect their school report on
Thursday 11 December at 9.30 in the MPC.
• Year 11 Students may collect their school report on
Thursday 11 December at 11.30 in the MPC.
Mathematics Department
ICAS Mathematics Achievements 2014
This year 30 students across Years 8 - 12 participated in the
International Competition and Assessments for Schools annual
test. Many of these students achieved excellent results and
were rewarded with Certificates of Merit (3), Credit (14), and
Distinction (3) as follows:
Distinction (achieved in the top 2%-10% of
Credit (achieved in next 25 % of participants)
Alexander Royce (Year 10) - Zoe Huang (Year 9)
Jessica Cameron (Year 10) - Brendan Lynch (Year 9)
Tianna Salvati (Year 10) - Matthew Cook (Year 9)
Caitlyn Pauling (Year 11) - Imogen Barker (Year 9)
Savannah Morrall (Year 11) - Marissa Bowen (Year 9)
Justin Van Der Walt (Year 11) - Kaylee Fletcher (Year 8)
Connor Britton (Year 8) - Alex Nickerson (Year 8)
Merit (achieved in the next 10% of participants)
Nicholas Moseley (Year 9)
Tahni Forrester (Year 10)
Nathan Cameron (Year 12)
These students will have Certificates presented on a parade.
Participation certificates for all other students will be delivered
to the class teacher. Congratulations to all students.
Lyn Bennett
HOD Mathematics
XPAC Performing Arts Centre Gala
Moreton Bay Youth Art Awards
The Music and Performing Arts Centre is now officially opened
to students and staff.
Junior Section
The Gala Performance was held on Friday 24th October
officially opened by the honourable Tim Mander and was a
great success. Our students performed proudly and we had
a fantastic audience made up of parents, past and present
students and some very special invited guest. Thank you to all
families and staff that contributed to the evening we are looking
forward to many future events to be held in the centre.
Community bookings for the Centre are open; all enquiries can
be made to [email protected]
2D 1st Prize $200 Sam Johnson ‘Peachy’
3D Prize Erica Fraser Humphry the ‘Blue Dotted Dragon’
Senior Section
2D Merit Award: Meka Lasen ‘Animation Forget to
3D Prize 1st prize $200 Cassidy Hardingham ‘Mother
3D Prize 2nd prize Shannon Almond ‘What’s the Big
People’s Choice Award - Sam Johnson ‘Peachy’
Congratulations to all students involved in this exhibition and a
special thanks to the art teachers Ms Bray, Ms O’Sullivan, Ms
Grainger and Ms Musumeci for supporting these students
Deb Ruellan
HOD – Performing Arts
Dance Showcase
The first year of the Dance Showcase staged at XPAC
presented our performers and audience with a wonderfully
staged production of teacher and student devised
choreography. We had an audience of 500 people attend the
evening and are thrilled at the way our dance students
performed on the night. The showcase is a culmination of all of
the performance work completed in class throughout the year
and a presentation of our eisteddfod routines for families and
friends. It is a major production for our students each year and
we wish to thank our fantastic dance teachers Ms Jayne Fien
and Ms Rhiannon Farlow for their talents and commitment to
these dance students. The evening was a great success due
to the time, talent and commitment of our students and the
support of our dance families.
Music Night
The Music Night this year was a fantastic opportunity for our
students to perform in the new centre and celebrate their
achievements for 2014. This year we showcased the
development of each of our ensembles and the instrumental
music tour to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. We thank all of the
year 12 students for their commitment, talents and hard work
this year. They have all been great leaders in their ensembles
and we wish them well for their musical futures. A special
thanks must also go to our instrumental music parent
committee for their work to support our students. This year our
President - Kerry Couper, Secretary – Dell Gavin and Treasurer
– Robyn Bowen have done a fantastic job keeping
communications with parents and supporting fundraising for
the group throughout 2014. This year we will farewell many
of our year 12 families and would like to thank them for
contributing to the success of the program over many years.
Many thanks to our instrumental and music teachers this year
for their work in the music department – Mr Lefever, Mr Nagy,
Ms Savage, Mr Stylianou, Ms Munchow and Mr Burdett.
Years 8 – 11 Students Exiting ACSHS in
If you will be leaving Albany Creek State High School in 2014
and not returning in 2015, please collect a Student Exit Form
from the Administration Block. This must be completed by a
Parent/Guardian and returned to the Office in advance, with the
date of exit on the form. This information assists in the planning
of classes for 2015. Thank You
Operation Christmas Child
This is the fifth year that our school has been
involved in the Operation Christmas Child
project. The Albany Creek State High School
students and staff work alongside the
residents from the Albany Creek AVEO
Retirement Village on this collaborative
Samaritan’s Purse mission. This year we have packed 108 shoe
boxes with gifts for children in developing countries. Thank you
to all the families that provided shoe boxes, wrapping paper
and gifts for our 2014 effort. This year many people created
their own gifts to be included in the boxes, including some of
our Year 9 Shop A students, who with Mr Wilson have been
making wood turned helicopters and cars. A big thank you to
Ms Musumeci’s Year 10 VCY class, Ms Allt, Mr Harris, Ms
Fitzgerald and Mr Cook for their support and Amanda Railton
from AVEO who works together with Ms O’Sullivan to set this
project up each year. On behalf of Albany Creek State High
School we presented a cheque for $1000 towards postage for
the shoe boxes, which this year will be going to children in
Papua New Guinea.
into school operations. There are ten meetings per year which
last roughly an hour and a half.
Lisa O’Sullivan
Teacher – The Arts
Year 11 Events
Currimundi Leadership Camp
Year 11 camp, as it is every year, was the highlight of the
year for many of the students who stayed at Currimundi during
mid-October. This camp, designed to expand upon the
leadership qualities we have developed throughout our
schooling life, provides an opportunity for students to step
outside their comfort zone and truly embrace the exciting
prospect of being a leader throughout year 12. There were
a multitude of activities undertaken during the camp, from
challenges such as the giant swing which forced many students
to overcome their fear of heights, to obstacle courses which
promoted teamwork and communication. All these activities
however assisted each individual to grow throughout the 3
days, as well as aiding the development of new friendships and
bonds integral for the success of our cohort as a leadership
body in 2015. Overall year 11 camp was a memorable,
rewarding and enjoyable experience for all students involved,
and one which we will all remember for many years to come.
Claire Boughey
Senior Jerseys 2015
The senior jersey is optional and your year 12
student of 2015 child does not have to
purchase this item.
The senior jersey design has been discussed
at length and a final design has been agreed
upon. We are using a sportswear company,
Classic, for the 2015 jerseys. The design can be seen below.
The total cost for this jersey is $70.00. If your son or daughter
wishes to purchase the jersey for 2015, we require the full
payment of $70.00 no later than Tuesday 25 November. All
outstanding school fees must be paid prior to payment for
the senior jersey.
Students will have the option to have either their first or last
name as identified on OneSchool as the name on the back of
their jersey.
Vicki Tong
Year 11 Coordinator
P&C News
The P&C association will be looking for at least two new people
to join its Executive Committee next year to take on the
positions of Secretary and Treasurer. We are a small group
tasked with running the tuckshop & the uniform shop which are
two essential services for our students. We also have an input
The election of Executive Members takes place at the Annual
General Meeting each March. If you are interested in these
positions next year please contact Kerry Frances, current
Secretary at [email protected] and Roslyn Hayes,
current Treasurer at [email protected] for more
information on these volunteer positions.
The final meeting for the year was held on 11th November. The
first meeting for the New Year is on 10th February commencing
at 7.00 pm in the Administration Building Staffroom. We look
forward to seeing you there.
Kerry Frances
P&C Secretary
ACSHS Library collecting for The Smith
Family Donate-a-Book Appeal
This year, Albany Creek SHS Library is
assisting the Moreton Bay Library Service to
support The Smith Family by collecting cash
donations and new children’s books for The
Smith Family Donate-a-Book Appeal.
Help make a difference to a child with the gift of a new book.
Place your new book, or a gold coin donation, in the
collection box in the Albany Creek State High School
Library. Books and donations will be forwarded on to the
Albany Creek Library and will then be given to The Smith Family
for distribution to families in need throughout the Moreton Bay
Region. The Appeal is currently underway and continues to 5
Gayle Crooks
Funding Support for families of children
with special needs
There are a range of government and community based
organisations which offer financial support to assist families.
A selection of these has been included in this newsletter for
interested parents – Funding/Support Grants.
Year 8 & 9 Student Textbook Return
The end of the year is fast approaching when all textbooks
must be returned to Resource Hire. Students will be issued with
a list of resources on loan in their name. Please contact the
Resource Hire Co-ordinator Claire Fitzgerald on Ph: 3325 6376
should any book be misplaced or damaged.
Please also ensure that all lockers are emptied and the keys
are returned to Resource Hire.
Year 10 & 11 Student Textbooks
With only a few weeks of school left for the Year 10 and
11 students, it is important that ALL textbooks on loan from
Resource Hire and any locker keys are returned to the
Resource Hire room in M21 ASAP. Students have been issued
with details of books on loan in their name. If any textbooks
have been misplaced or damaged, please let Resource Hire
know so that an invoice can be issued to avoid delays on the
last day of school.
Questions regarding Subjects
Do you have any questions regarding subject
Any queries, please phone the Resource Hire Co-ordinator
Claire Fitzgerald on Ph: 3325 6376.
Year 12 Exit Passes
ALL Year 12 students are to collect an Exit Pass from
Resource Hire in M21.
The Head of Department is the person responsible for
specific curriculum or program management. If you have
any concerns regarding curriculum or class room activities,
please contact:
Ms Natascha
Technology Counsell
Ms Julie
Ms Lisa
The Arts
Ms Deb
• Complete the top half of the form only and sign at the
Ms Wendy
Mr Michael
• Return ALL textbooks promptly – all Year 12’s should
already have received a list of textbooks out in their
Ms Peta
Mr Dez Wells
Mr Geoff
Mr Luke
• Ensure no monies are outstanding
• Clean out your locker and return the key to Resource
Ms Gayle
Mr Troy
Ms Sue Foley
Ms Denise
Ms Lyn
Please note the following :
• Even students who did not enter into the Resource
Hire Scheme this year will need to complete an Exit
• Return laptop, case and charger
ALL textbooks must be returned and all monies paid before
deposits will be given back to students.
Lost Property
The pile of lost property has grown during the school year, with
many items still unclaimed. If you have lost an item, (especially
school jackets) please come along to M21 to have a look.
At the end of the year and any unclaimed school uniforms will
be passed to the Second Hand Uniform Shop for re-sale and
all other items will be donated to Vinnies.
Support Team
Uniform Shop
Wearitto Uniform Shop (Next to the
Multipurpose Centre)
Open: Monday Wednesday and Thursday 8am – 10am
Payments can be made by EFTPOS or cash only
Orientation days for Year 7 & 8
Open between 8.00am to 11.00am
Our support team are very helpful in assisting students in
particular areas, please contact:
Ms Peta
School Nurse
Mr Matt
Mr Clayton
Ms Helen
(Literacy /
Numeracy) Thomas
Mr David
Defence Transition
ATSI (Aboriginal &
Torres Strait
Islander Support
Year 7
Monday 1st December 2014
Year 8
Tuesday 2nd December 2014
Please visit the uniform shop to discuss payment options or
other uniform requirements. We are happy to chat to you to
discuss your needs.
2015 Wearitto Albany Creek HS uniform shop hours:
Monday 19 January to Friday 23 January 9am to 1pm
Tuesday 27 January & Wednesday 28 January 8am to
Thursday 29 January & Friday 30 January 8am to 11am
All students are required to wear the new polo from Tuesday 27
January 2015
To avoid the rush please purchase your uniform requirements
Polos are priced at $26.50 each.
Second Hand Uniform Shop (co-located with
Wearitto Uniform Shop)
Open: Monday Wednesday and Thursday 8am – 10am
Lost Property
Lost Property is situated in the Resource Hire Room in M21.
All students and parents are reminded to clearly name ALL their
belongings, especially school jackets and USB sticks.
Named items can be easily returned to their owners. Any
unclaimed school uniforms will be passed to the Second Hand
Uniform Shop for re-sale at the end of the school year. All other
unclaimed lost property will be donated to Vinnies.
Payments can be made by cash or cheque (ID required) only
Hire of Hall
Any queries please ring Jennifer on 0413 274 751
Hire of the Hall is $25/hour – Sprung Timber Floor: Suitable for
basketball, volleyball, dance, martial arts, etc. Please contact
Vince on 3325 6333
Donations of Second Hand Uniforms
The P&C is seeking donations of second hand uniforms. Has
your child out grown their uniform or perhaps is leaving the
school? Why not donate their uniforms to the P&C? You can
drop them off to Jennifer or to the school office.
Resource Hire
Opening Hours: 08:30 – 12:30 Monday to Friday
The Resource Hire Room is situated at the end of M-block in
Room M21
In order to borrow books, students must:
• enter the Resource Hire Scheme
• have a valid ID Card
• have returned any overdue loans
Please check the books issued to your child and return
immediately any book which is in need of repair. Students are
reminded to write their name neatly inside the front cover and
not to lend their book to anyone. The book issued to them
is the one which must be returned. It is the responsibility of
each student to ensure that all text books are handed into the
Resource Hire Co-ordinator and not dropped off at the office or
handed to teachers.
English and SOSE texts are used on a 6 weekly rotation and
must be returned promptly in readiness for the next class to
use. New books will not be loaned out until the previous book
has been returned.
At the end of the school year, all textbooks are to be returned
to Resource Hire and any damages / losses will be charged to
the student.
Insurance cover for students
Some school activities and physical education, particularly
contact sports, carry inherent risks of injury.
Parents are advised the Department of Education and Training
does not have student accident insurance cover for students.
If your child is injured at school as a result of an accident or
incident, all costs associated with the injury, including medical
costs are the responsibility of the parent or caregiver.
Some incidental medical costs may be covered by Medicare.
If you have private health insurance, some costs may also be
covered by your provider. Any other costs must be covered by
Student accident insurance pays some benefits in certain
circumstances should your child have an accident.
It is up to all parents to decide what types and what level of
private insurance they wish to arrange to cover their child.
Please contact your insurer or an approved Australian
insurance broker if you wish to take out student personal
accident insurance cover for your child.
Update your details form
From time to time family circumstances change, for example,
custody issues, addresses, new phone numbers and
emergency contacts.
ID Cards
It is critical that the school has the correct information on
students. The school will not release a student to someone who
is not listed as a contact on our system. Please ensure your
emergency contact details are correct.
Students are required to have their ID card on them at all times
as it must be used when borrowing text books, library books
and when signing in and out at the office.
Attached is a Change of Details Form, please complete and
return to Admin with accurate information if your circumstances
have changed.
When making payments students are required to show their ID
If your card is lost or damaged a new one can be ordered from
the Resource Hire Room at a cost of $4.00.
New students to the school can come to the Resource Hire
Room in M21 to have their photo taken and order an ID card.