The Decider & The Decider Life Skills Workshops


The Decider & The Decider Life Skills Workshops
CBT & DBT based skills for individuals and groups with mental
health problems. The Decider: A Skills Manual is suitable for those
who work with adults and young people with moderate to severe
mental health problems, including child/adolescent mental health
services, high intensity primary care, and secondary care mental
health services.
The manual and workshops are for all trained and untrained
mental health professionals, including nurses, nursing and health care assistants, social
workers, psychologists and psychological therapists, occupational therapists,
psychiatrists. Learn more about The Decider: A Skills Manual or purchase a copy now
via the order page.
run over TWO full days, starting
with an introduction about The Decider and The Lifejacket Metaphor on the first half day.
Michelle and Carol then demonstrate how they teach and present the 32 skills. The
workshop is fun, creative and innovative - and probably very unlike anything you've
attended before!
The aim is to demonstrate to clinicians how they can use the skills effectively within their
professional practice, whether in groups or with individual clients. Inevitably,
participants will also find themselves using the skills in their own personal lives.
Participants at previous workshops have included: mental health nurses, social workers,
occupational therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, probation staff, therapists, trainees
and support workers.
We recommend that at least 2 individuals from a team attend the training together.
We come to you to deliver the training. You provide the teaching room, participants
and refreshments.
Trusts and organisations are welcome to contact us to arrange a workshop. The inhouse workshops accommodate 40 attendees. All attendees receive a copy of The
Decider: A Skills Manual
UK - South and Midlands
(£125 per person)
UK - North*, and Ireland (North & South)
(£144 per person)
*UK - North = north of Manchester/Doncaster
© The Decider
All rights reserved. The Decider Skills 2 day workshops equip professionals/individuals with a manual, ideas
and a structure for teaching and enabling their or their service’s clients to use the skills effectively. You are
encouraged to use The Decider material and resources for therapy purposes only. The workshop does not
enable or licence you to teach other professionals in workshops or seminars or to otherwise use or
commercially exploit The Decider materials in any way.
THE DECIDER LIFE SKILLS Trainer Manual and Handbook
contain 12 of The Decider skills for young people, adults and children Proactive mental health!
The Decider Life Skills enable everyone to learn effective coping skills
before they need them and build resilience. The skills are simple to learn,
effective, memorable and fun.
Ideal for use in schools, youth groups, low intensity primary care
services, GP surgeries, prison and probation services, businesses, care
services, education services, student support services.
The Decider Life Skills Trainer Manual and workshop are for teachers, youth leaders,
university lecturers or student support teams, GPs, school nurses, health visitors, social
workers, HR personnel, occupation health professionals, general nurses (adult and child),
low intensity primary care teams, parents and carers. Learn more about The Decider
Life Skills or order the manual and handbooks.
The workshops run over ONE full day and consist of a theoretical introductory
presentation, then a demonstration of the 12 skills and opportunities for delegates to
practise teaching the skills. Throughout the workshop, Michelle and Carol use
demonstrations, props, role play, music, visuals and lots of humour!
The workshop is fun, creative and innovative - and probably very unlike anything you've
attended before!
The aim is to demonstrate how you can use the skills effectively within their various life
roles, whether in groups or with individuals. Inevitably, participants will also find
themselves using the skills in their own personal lives.
We come to you to deliver the training. Your organisation supplies the attendees, the
venue, the refreshments and the presentation facilities (projector, speakers & white
Costs are for 1 one day workshop with up to 40 delegates attending, including a copy of
The Decider Life Skills Trainer Manual and The Decider Life Skills Handbook for each
UK - South and Midlands
(£62.50 per person)
UK - North*, and Ireland (North & South)
(£75 per person)
*UK - North = north of Manchester/Doncaster
© The Decider Life Skills
All rights reserved. The Decider Life Skills 1 day workshops equip professionals/individuals with a manual,
ideas and a structure for teaching and enabling their students/employees/family to use the skills
effectively. You are encouraged to use The Decider Life Skills material and resources for educational or
therapy purposes only. The workshop does not enable or licence you to teach other professionals in workshops
or seminars or to otherwise use or commercially exploit The Decider Life Skills materials in any way.