bulletin 020115 - Coshocton Presbyterian Church


bulletin 020115 - Coshocton Presbyterian Church
Time of Preparation
“Each life is made up of mistakes and learning, waiting and growing,
practicing patience and being persistent.”
- Dr. Billy Graham (b. 1918)
The Presbyterian Church
Coshocton, Ohio
February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Assemble in God’s Name
RINGING OF THE CHIMES - our call to prayer as the Body of Christ.
Be thoughtful, be reverent for this is the house of God. Before the service, speak to the Lord.
During the service, let the Lord speak to you. After the service, speak to one another.
The grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
And also with you.
(Visitors, please sign the fellowship pads in your pews and include your email. Thank you!)
Seek Ye the Lord
setting, Douglas Wagner
(with Pachelbel’s Canon in D)
Alice M. Hoover, organ
Clap your hands, all you peoples; shout to God with loud songs of joy.
God is awesome. Sing praises to God.
For God is the ruler of all the earth; sing praises with a psalm.
Clap your hands, all you peoples; worship God with songs of joy!
Let us worship God!
*HYMN 151
Crown Him With Many Crowns
*All who are able please stand.
Remember that our Lord Jesus can sympathize with us in our weaknesses, since in
every respect he was tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with boldness approach
the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Let us confess our sins against God and our neighbor.
The real “Last Words”
- Preach
- Make disciples
- Baptize
- Teach
- Commands, really for the Disciples
and for me.
But how seriously do I take them?
Preaching I leave to the professionals
(except, maybe, in a real emergency)
the same
Making disciples convincing
- I don’t do that either.
And even teaching
(except maybe in Sunday School
- if I can’t get out of it - )
More of the same.
So far I’m batting zero!
Jesus left me
- and you, for that matter in charge
(Maybe that was a bad choice!)
Lord, forgive me for ignoring your instructions your commands,
for my excuses for not doing your work,
And help me to hear
and obey
for the sake of the Gospel
and the Kingdom
left in my hands.
KYRIE ELEISON (Lord, have mercy)
Gloria Anderson
Hear the Good News! Christ died for our sins once and for all. He, the just, suffered for
the unjust, to bring us to God. Friends, believe the Good News:
In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God!
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
Lauda Anima
Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another. The peace of our Lord
Jesus Christ be with you.
And also with you.
(Let the people turn to one another, saying: “The peace of our Lord be with you,” and the
other responding: “And also with you.”)
ANTHEM (Celebration Singers)
Shall We Gather at the River
Caroline S. Heading, piano
Robert Lowry
arranged, John Coates, Jr.
Proclaim God’s Word
RESPONSE (small blue hymnal) to be sung before and after Children’s Moment
Where Children Belong
The peace candle reminds us to pray for peace in our families and in God’s world. Following the Children’s Moment, kids in grades Pre-K - 6 are dismissed to Sunday School. Childcare is provided for infants & toddlers with Judy Mizer in Rm. 205.
God of mercy, you promised never to break your covenant with us. Amid all the changing words of our generation, speak your eternal Word that does not change. Then may
we respond to your gracious promises with faithful and obedient lives; through our Lord
Jesus Christ. Amen.
Psalm 47
(pew Bibles, page 518, OT)
The Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
ANTHEM (Chancel Choir)
If You Search With All Your Heart
Craig Courtney
(Based on Jeremiah 29:11-14)
Acts 1:1-11
(pew Bibles, page 118, NT)
The Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Luke 24:44-53
(pew Bibles, page 91, NT)
Ready, Set, Wait!
The Reverend Ben George
The Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, O Christ.
*HYMN 319
(sing refrain at beginning and following stanzas 2 & 4)
Give Thanks to God
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us; and lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and
the power and the glory, forever. Amen.
Freely you have received, now, freely give.
Let us return to God the offerings of our time, talents and treasure.
OFFERTORY ANTHEM (Westminster Ringers)
Celtic Grace
Susan E. Geschke
Old Hundredth
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Ruler of nations and peoples, Head of the Church, Spirit of the Church, we
have vowed to give ourselves in every way as members of the body of Christ.
We are here to fulfill our vows and to give substance to our promises. Receive us and our offerings for the strengthening of your Church. We pray in
Christ’s name. Amen.
Go in God’s Name
*HYMN 371
Lift High the Cross
Fantasia on “Duke Street”
David Paxton
WITH PLEASURE WE GREET AND WELCOME ALL who have gathered for this time of worship.
May God's presence be real, meeting us at our point of need. Please make yourself known to worshipers
around you and to the leaders of worship. If you are a visitor, please write your e-mail address on the
attendance pad and/or on a visitor card and place it in the offering plate.
If you have a prayer concern, fill out a prayer card in the pew rack and place it in the offering
plate. A Prayer Box for prayer requests is also available in the Assembly Room.
Nursery Care for infants and toddlers is available with Judy Mizer & Linda Hostetler in Room 205
on the main floor of the educational building. Worship packets with quiet activities for children are on the
back pew.
We welcome back The Reverend Ben George as our guest preacher today.
Flowers are given in loving memory of Hazel and Bob Cochran from John and Judy Addy and
Greeters: Pat Miller, opposite elevator; Matt and Sarah Swigert, Fourth Street
Liturgist today is Andrea Bairas. Andrea rings with Westminster Ringers has recently finished
her term with the Board of Deacons.
Geneva Handbell Choir will rehearse at 11:30 a.m. in the handbell room.
Small Group Bible Study will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the parlor with Jeff Sycks.
MONDAY: Session will meet at 7 p.m. in the Fireside Room.
WEDNESDAY: Carol Choir will rehearse with Miss April & Mrs. Snyder from 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Crusaders Choir will rehearse with Mr. Putka & Mrs. Leppla from 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Chancel Choir will rehearse at 7 p.m.
Moving Spirit will rehearse at 8 p.m.
THURSDAY: Prayer Fellowship will begin at 10 a.m. Everyone is invited to be part of this time
of prayer and fellowship!
Westminster Ringers will rehearse at 7:30 p.m.
FRIDAY: Friday Night - Fun Night will be held from 6 p.m.-12 midnight in the parlor. Please
see Kirsten McPeck if you have any questions or for more information.
NEXT SUNDAY: Church School will be held from 9:15 - 10:10 a.m.
Worship will be held at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary. Reverend Carlisle will return to the pulpit.
Musical leadership will be provided by organist Alice Hoover and the Chancel and Crusaders Choirs.
SOUPER BOWL OF CARING: Youth will be at the various entrances to collect offerings today
for the Souper Bowl of Caring.
Immediately following worship on Sunday, February 8, a lunch will be provided by our
Fellowship Committee in the Fellowship Hall. An offering will be received to cover meal expenses. Twocents-a-meal banks will be available to receive our offerings for hunger.
The Annual Meeting of The Presbyterian Church of Coshocton is hereby called and will
begin at approximately 1 p.m. for the purpose of receiving reports and voting on the terms of call for Rev.
Jonathan T. Carlisle. A power point of 2014 activities will be shown. Copies of the 2014 Annual Report
are available today in the Assembly room and at the Fourth Street entrance.
Small Group Bible Study will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the parlor with Jeff Sycks.
DEVOTIONAL MATERIALS are available on the table in the hallway near the Fireside Room.
COMMUNITY FOOD PANTRY & FIRST STEP items can be placed in the box in the chapel lobby.
Thank you for your contributions!
LAST SUNDAY’S ATTENDANCE: Church School - 11 children & youth; 16 adults; Worship - 101
Rev. Carlisle and our congregation are on a Sabbatical/Spiritual Journey from October 6, 2014
through February 5, 2015 as an extended and deepened Sabbath time to listen to God. “Let anyone
who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches.” (Revelation 2:17)
Guide Jon and Sue on their homeward journey. Keep them safe from the let-down from
their blessed journey together. Keep our hearts and minds open to new learnings from
your Scriptures and from each other. Sharing our God-moments, may our spirits find joy
and peace. Thank you for this time together. Thank you for this time apart. Thank
you. Thank you. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.
Please include in your prayers:
Tom Miller - OSU Medical Center
Charles Bechtol - Signature HealthCARE
Mary Ellen Landschulz - Lafayette Pointe, Rm. #317
Isabel Cattell - Lafayette Pointe, Rm. #217, 520 E. Main St., West Lafayette, OH 43845
Charles Helt - Sterling Transitional Suites, 1126 Adair Avenue, Zanesville, OH 43701
Pauline Helt - Helen Purcell, 1854 Norwood Blvd., Zanesville, OH 43701
Marilyn Litton - Echoing Hills, Rm. #102, 36272 CR 79, Warsaw, OH 43844
Cloyd Campbell - Echoing Hills, Rm. #205
Lois Lee - 6620 Worthington-Galena Road, Worthington, Ohio 43085-2640
Janet & Jack Ashman, Joyce Brenly, Dan Cochran, Lawanda Getz, Paul Hunt, Paul
Landschulz, Barbara Moore, Chuck Snyder, Joann Starcher, John Unger, Tim & Shelly
Wilkin - home
(If you wish for your name to be removed from our prayer list, please
call Tina in the church office and let us know. Thank you!)
Jonathan T. Carlisle
Ministry of Christian Education
Erin R. Jobes, Director of Christian Education
Nancy Cox, Sunday School Superintendent
Sunday School Teachers
The Ministry of Support Staff
Christine E. Johnson, Church Office Administrator
BJ Taylor, Church Office Assistant
Jennifer Farrar, Custodian
Judy Mizer, Child Care
Steve Leavengood, Sound System
Barbara Wheeler, Head Usher
Office Hours
Monday - Friday - 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Phone: 740-622-0486
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.presbyteriancoshocton.org
Pastor Emeritus
Robert W. Millspaugh
Ministry of Music
Charles R. Snyder, Director of Music
Alice M. Hoover, Organist
Mark D. Wagner, Associate Organist
April L. King, Carol Choir Director
Sharon V. Sutton, Cherub Choir Director
The Church Choirs
Chad J. Putka, Music Ministry Intern
Helen L. Wright, Organist Laureate
All Members and Friends of
The Presbyterian Church in Coshocton
Sunday School
9:15 a.m.
Worship - Sanctuary
10:30 a.m.