What`s Inside: - Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church


What`s Inside: - Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church
Oglethorpe Presbyterian
February, 2015
Cindy Alexander
Planned Giving Ministry
"Lunch & Learn" Sunday, February 22!
What’s Inside:
All are invited to a free catered lunch in Fellowship Hall on
Sunday, February 22, immediately following the worship service. This luncheon is a chance to gather for fellowship and to
introduce our new Planned Giving Ministry, which we have
named The 1949 Society in honor of the year Oglethorpe
Presbyterian was founded.
Planned Giving is a wonderful way to remember Oglethorpe
Presbyterian in your will and estate planning, and to honor
what this church means to you. We are not asking for any
contributions right now, just that you prayerfully consider remembering Oglethorpe Presbyterian in your legacy giving.
Our luncheon will feature, Robert Hay, Ministry Relations Officer with the Presbyterian Foundation. He will speak on how
members can benefit the church through planned giving options.
To RSVP, or for more information, contact the church office:
404.233.5469, [email protected].
404.233.5469 ٠ www.opcbrookhaven.org ٠ [email protected]
Prayer List
(page 2)
Monthly Calendar
(page 3)
Missions (page 4)
Christian Education (page 5)
New Members’
Class (back page)
Movie Night
(back page)
The Rev. Marthame Sanders
Pastor/Head of Staff
The Session of OPC met on December 21 and January 18 and the
following items were decided:
The Rev. Dr. Linda Hawthorne
Called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, January 18, to:
 to amend church by-laws
to call for a three person
Officer Nominating Committee;
 to nominate Steve Allison as Nominating Committee member-at-large
and Margy Jones as
deacon member;
 to recommend the Pastor’s terms of call for
Approved holding communion at
least once during the summer
Authorized the Office Manager
and Head of Staff to approve
parking lot rentals
Approved a congregation-wide
evangelism study during the
Easter Season called Engage:
Parish Associate
Lauren Wright
Student Pastor
Program and Support
Cheryl Hartman, C.C.E.
Office Manager
Director of Christian Education
ext. 221
[email protected]
Dr. Tim Hsu
Music Director
[email protected]
Alexandria Stephenson
Communications Assistant
[email protected]
Francisco Flores
Beverly Moon
[email protected]
Lynnette Kachel
Convened a Chapel and Sanctuary Task Force with representation from Buildings & Grounds,
Evangelism, Preschool, Worship, Mission, and Staff
Authorized the Clerk to contact
members to inquire about their
membership status
Approved a provisional budget
through February 28, 2015
Assistant Director
[email protected]
Pastor Emeritus
The Rev. Dr. Fitzhugh Legerton
All Members of OPC
9:45am Sunday School
11 am Worship
Next Deadline
February 20, 2014
In Memoriam
Alva Stanford Boggs
( Weston Manders’s grandfather)
Norma Gutierrez
(Earline Wilcott’s friend)
The community is our congregation.
Mary Ann Hawthorne
Suzanne Schatz
(Lynnette Kachel’s friend)
People in Our Prayers
Angela Olsen (Kristi Stephenson’s step
-sister); Alton Allen (Lesley Cole’s father); Paul Poley, Debbie Smith (Mike
Poley's family); Ken Wilkerson
(Heather Bogle’s friend); Randy Petty;
Joe & Stacey Yeager; Jim & Anna
Coulter; Betty Dalziel; Penny Hill
(Executive Presbyter, Presbytery of
Greater Atlanta); Barrett Bouska; Amy
Chance; Patricia Livingston (Georgia
Gunter's cousin); Sam Whitfield, Georgia Lozoff, Steve Greene; Roland
Greene (Steve Greene's friends and
family); Mary Ann Edmonton, Ed Colburn (Earline Willcott's friends); Don
Levine (Balmers' friend); Mark Heimiller (Kelly Norris' nephew); Bill Bertolet
(Donna Poseidon's father); Mallory
Kate (Brian Pierce's friend); Horace
Cox (Bill's father); Tricia Igleheart
(Cindy Alexander's friend); Mary Smith;
Dennard Family; Merritt Pearson (Jan
Thomas' friend); Roberta DaVia; Lee
Marley; Mary Shanks; Jean Williams;
Janice Dixon (Diane Powell's cousin);
Diane Powell; Steve Hayner (Columbia
Seminary President); Tyron Mackall
(Samantha Cassidy's friend); Bill Coble; Grant Gossling (Rachel Isley's
family); Christina Wu (Judy Dominick's
mother); Barbara Pinson, Eleanor Frazier, Christopher Gummere, Judy
McKinley (Genie Stringer's friends);
Chris and Dakota Matthews (John
Gunter's family); Joe Hensley (JoAnn
Kearns' father); Bob Allison (Steve's
father); Jerry Crouse and Sophie Essex (Victoria Weaver's friends); Lee
Andrews (Elizabeth Sanders' mother);
Louise Timmons, Doug Hill (Timmons'
family); Tyler Harmon (Mary Ann Hawthorne's friends); Brian and Connie Delinski; Dave Kelley (Diane Leyburn's
cousin); Jeff & Erin Schneider, Lawrence Docherty (Betty Dalziel's friends
and family); John Suder; Steve Cunningham (Beth's brother); Mary Ratliff;
Dolly Azar (Coulters' friend); Jane
Newton (Kyle's family); Frances Bockman (Marthame Sanders' cousin); Rachel Galotti; Al Paul; Hilde Hildebrandt
(Chris Hagler's mother); Mary Zumot;
Martha Stoy; Florence and Helen Ottah
Aleh (Florence's mother); friends at
Journey Night Shelter; Heath Rada
(Moderator of the Presbyterian Church
Calendar: January, 2015
Regular Meetings
(except when noted elsewhere)
9:00- 9:45 Sunday School for all ages
10:00am Worship
February 1:
music: Tim Hsu; Chancel Choir; liturgist: Jeff Morris; usher/
greeters: Cindy Alexander, Ruth Anderson; usher/counters:
Donna Poseidon, Jim Anderson; sound/open: Jesse Rappole;
refreshments: Jen Allison; PowerPoint: Tamara Lopata; nursery:
Geoff Stephenson.
February 8:
music: Tim Hsu; Chancel Choir; liturgist: Jeff Chance; usher/
greeters: Carol Moore, Cortlandt Minnich; usher/counters: Nancy Minnich, Adam Weaver; sound/open: Bill Cox; refreshments:
Linda Hawthorne; PowerPoint: Samantha Servidio ; nursery:
Gabby Paterson.
February 15 (communion):
music: Tim Hsu; Chancel Choir, Handbell Choir; liturgist: Linda
Morris; usher/greeters: Emily & Thomas Paterson, Pat Morrison;
usher/counters: Mary Lee Williams, Brock Timmons; sound/
open: _____; refreshments: Pat Morrison; PowerPoint: Kelly
Norris; nursery: Steve Allison.
February 22:
music: Tim Hsu; Chancel Choir; liturgist: Georgia Gunter; usher/
greeters: Jean Cox, _____; usher/counters: Mary Ann Hawthorne, Victoria Weaver; sound/open: _______; refreshments:
Svetlana Sobolevskaya; PowerPoint: Christopher Soltis; nursery: Geoff Stephenson.
March 1:
music: Tim Hsu; Chancel Choir; liturgist: Eleanor Timmons; usher/greeters: Charles Hawthorne, Eleanor Davis; usher/counters:
Paul Reynolds, Georgia Gunter; sound/open: ______; refreshments: Mary Frances Jung; PowerPoint: Brian Pierce; nursery:
Gabby Paterson.
March 8:
music: Tim Hsu; Chancel Choir; liturgist: Weston Manders; usher/greeters: Steve Greene, Ric Paterson; usher/counters: Eka
Cox, Brandon Cassidy; sound/open: _______; refreshments:
Lisa Kelly; PowerPoint: Christopher Soltis ; nursery: Jen Allison.
March 15:
music: Tim Hsu; Chancel Choir, Handbell Choir; liturgist: Ingrid
Kelly; usher/greeters: Kelly Norris, Paul Reynolds; usher/
counters: Jardon Bouska, _____; sound/open: Jean Cox; refreshments: Julia Berry; PowerPoint: Mary Ann Hawthorne;
nursery: Kristi Stephenson.
10am Food Pantry at Suthers Center
8pm Alcoholics Anonymous (FH)
5:15pm Centering Prayer (Parlor)
6:15pm Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)
7:30pm Chancel Choir (Choir Room)
10 am Food Pantry at Suthers Center
8pm Alcoholics Anonymous (FH)
Third Sundays after Worship
Session Meeting
Fourth Saturdays
OPC Serves Dinner at Journey
Calendar Events
Go OUt to Lunch at Oglethorpe University on Sunday, February 1!
Souper Bowl Sunday is February 1!
Book Club is Monday, February 9 at
Libba Sweeney’s house. We will be
discussing Father Melancholy’s Daughter by Gail Godwin.
Our next church workday is Saturday,
February 14, from 9am to 12pm.
Our Ash Wednesday service will be
February 18 at Brookhaven Christian.
Our new members’ class will begin
meeting Sunday, February 15, at
Adult Day of Dunwoody will host a Virtual Dementia Tour on February 25.
Emily Texter
Led by by Dr. William Plumer Jacobs 200 years
ago, Presbyterians have given a home to children
in need: Thornwell Home for Children in Clinton,
We will start building our 14th Habitat for Humani- South Carolina.
ty home in early May! First, however, we and our
partner churches must raise the funds necessary You can support Thornwell by giving Campbell’s
to pay construction costs. Our fundraising goal is barcodes with 1 or 5 point value or General Mills
$3000, and we will be asking for your donations
Box Tops for Education.
during worship in February. Please make your
check out to Oglethorpe Presbyterian with
In the church hallway, there is an envelope
"Habitat" on the memo line. You can put your gift marked for your contributions.
in the offering plate or send to the church. Thanks
for your support!
Thank you for caring!
Habitat for Humanity Build!
For almost 30 years, Journey Night Shelter at
Druid Hills Presbyterian Church has provided dinner, hospitality, a shower, a safe night's sleep,
breakfast, and counseling for up to thirty homeless men who are actively seeking work.
We bring dinner to the Shelter the 4th Saturday of
each month. More than bringing dinner, our visits
are about encouraging people to seek God's
dreams and God's best for their lives. You can
participate by providing dinner (or team up with
For Christmas, OPC members and friends donat- friends!) to bring a main dish (like lasagna, chicked presents to 20 men at the Journey Night Shel- en tetrazzini, chicken and rice), vegetable, salad,
ter. The Mission committee stuffed mesh bags
dessert, and ice tea and lemonade for approxiwith toiletries and socks and delivered the premately 15-20 men.
sents on Christmas Eve. We had as much fun
planning, wrapping, and delivering as the recipi- To participate, sign up on the sheet on the bulleents. We hope to make this an annual project!
tin board in the hallway.
Kristi Stephenson
2015 Annual Women’s Retreat
March 13–15
This annual event has become a highlight of our
year. The three large cabins, set beside a fastflowing river in Ellijay, are the perfect place to
gather together for contemplation, study, worship,
food, fun, and fellowship. Our weekend will be led
by Rev. L’Anni Hill, our summer pastor last year.
The weekend includes study, worship, rest, and
relaxation. We always return home relaxed and
ship or you can contact Linda Morris or Georgia
Gunter for more information. Please let us know if
you wish to help with the Retreat Planning Committee.
Cost is $150 with $50 deposit due upon sign-up.
The remaining amount is due by February 28.
Please make checks payable to OPC.
The sign-up sheet will be in the narthex after wor- Come join us!!!
program at Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church and
is required of everyone in the church who works
with children as a staff or volunteer.
The class is designed and written by Darkness to
Light (D2L.org) and is recommended by many
churches and organizations who work with children for parents and staff.
On March 8, you will have another chance to
learn how to help keep your child(ren) safe from
Sexual Abuse. We will be offering a class from 2
to 4:30pm called Stewards of Children.
If you are interested in attending, please contact
Cheryl Hartman ([email protected]) in
the church office to reserve your space.
This class is a part of our Partners in Prevention
Our Children’s
Sunday School!
Donna Poseidon
Free Movie Night on February 28
New Members Class
On Saturday evening, February 28, we will show
Disney’s hit movie Frozen on the big screen in
the sanctuary!
Interested in learning more about Oglethorpe
Presbyterian Church? Want to know what makes
us tick? Just curious what a "Presbyterian" is an- Elsa herself will be there to greet children at 6pm
with the movie starting at 6:20pm. Bring a camera for pictures!
Come learn with us on February 15, 22, and
March 1, at 9:45am in the Parlor. Questions?
Invite your friends, and come prepared for an
Contact Pastor Marthame
evening of family fun. There is no admission
([email protected]).
charge. Popcorn and water will be available.
Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church
Sunday School for All Ages: 9:45 am ٠ Worship:11am
404.233.5469 ٠ www.opcbrookhaven.org ٠ [email protected]
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Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church
3016 Lanier Drive, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30319