Important: From Coorparoo SS. The school Newsletter is now


Important: From Coorparoo SS. The school Newsletter is now
24 February 2015 Term 1 Week 5
On The Wings of Wisdom
Coorparoo State School
Coorparoo State School Handbook 2015
Student Absentee Line – 3421 0360
From the Principal
Keith Warwick, Principal, [email protected]
This Thursday and Friday sees 1300 state school Principals meet at the Convention
Centre. The focus for the two days is school improvement. Principals will complete a
range of whole group sessions combined with small group master classes. The two
days provide an excellent opportunity to reflect upon the journey at Coorparoo,
connect with Education Queensland’s future plans and sample the examples of great
practice taking place at across the state’s schools.
The school barely skipped a beat during last week’s inclement weather. Student
behaviour was excellent and focused. Thank you to families for making the drop off
and collection processes as smooth as they were. Well done to staff for ensuring that
children were safe and focused upon learning.
Assistant Regional Director Karen Howes completed a three hour school
performance visit at the school last week. Ms Howes had the opportunity to meet
with the leadership team and interrogate our work to date. She also took part in a
data conversation with one of our teachers. Feedback from the visit included:
“Dear Keith
Sincere thanks for your warm welcome and investment of time in hosting my recent
visit to your school. I value the opportunity that the reduced ratio of schools provides
me to develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of the contexts of the schools
in my new cohort. Please pass on my thanks to the members of your school team for
their enthusiasm and willingness to engage with me in meaningful conversation
about the school.
I particularly appreciated the opportunity to observe the data meeting format and to
speak with you candidly about where the school is at on the journey towards
improvement. I consider the time spent in your school to be critical to the evolution of
our professional relationship and appreciate your openness in discussing your
leadership role with me.
This letter provides some feedback from my visit and a reminder for both you and me
about our discussion. During our discussion, you highlighted the following areas as
your focus for improvement during 2015:
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
Saturday 28 February
Kinderkarneval, Brisbane German
Club, 11:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday 1 March
Clean Up Australia Day
Thursday 5 March
Book Fair Afternoon Tea
Friday 6 March
School Photos
Be SAFE: using all playground
equipment particularly the flying
fox and monkey bars.
School Parade
Thursday 2.15pm for Years 1-6
In this issue:
(click to read more)
School Photos
HPE News
Music News
Library Innovation Centre News
Diary Dates and Meetings
School and Community News
P&C News
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1. Reading, Writing, Numeracy
2. The SOAR Framework
3. Ongoing implementation of the pedagogical framework
4. Coaching program
5. Ongoing development of the assessment framework
As I committed, I have framed my feedback below, around the relevant domains of
the National School Improvement Tool, as a function of the School Performance
Assessment Framework. I made the following observations:Explicit Improvement Agenda
The improvement agenda which has been framed around Reading, Writing and
Numeracy is clearly articulated by all members of the Leadership Team.
Analysis And Discussion of Data
The data meetings with year level teams and individual staff should support the
development of data literacy for staff. During the data meeting that I observed, an
enormous amount of valuable information was available and communicated to the
teacher. Consider taking a single focus within that dialogue to support your
improvement agenda. I would be interested in the outcomes of your further
interrogation of the NMS data for your school.
Targeted Use of School Resources
The flying squad intervention model, aligns well to the improvement agenda. Data is
used effectively to identify and target relevant support to students.
Expert Teaching Team
Capability development for staff via a coaching program is positive. Mapping the
ongoing development for each teacher via an individualized plan against an agreed
framework or set of practices, would provide clear direction for the teachers involved.
The appointment of Iris as a Master Teacher provides enhanced opportunities and
strength to your team.
Effective Pedagogical Practices
The school’s work on high yield strategies with Yvana Jones should continue to build
effective pedagogical practice within the school.
I appreciate the challenges and opportunities which characterize your setting and the
diligence and commitment with which you approach your role. I look forward to
working in partnership with you to continue to progress the improvement agenda at
Class Photos and
Individual Portraits will
be held on
Friday 6 March 2015
There is important
information regarding the
Photo Shoot further in this
Please read this
Information carefully.
From the Deputy Principal
John Kennedy, Deputy Principal, [email protected]
The Learning Place is the Education Department’s enterprise-wide online learning
environment for discovering, connecting, sharing and growing new ideas and
knowledge. The Learning Place has two different areas, for staff and for students, and
provides safe and secure access to an innovative range of digital tools, resources and
spaces for teaching and learning.
The Learning Place supports the online needs of users. Staff and students can:
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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build knowledge through connected learning communities
create and publish personalised learning experiences
search and explore online resources aligned to the Queensland and Australian curriculum.
The student space which includes edstudios, virtual classrooms and iconnect environments, allows students to discover new
digital tools, resources and spaces created by their teachers to support seamless learning between school, work, home and play.
In this learner-centric environment, students have more flexibility and choice over how and when they learn. They move from
being consumers of information to creators and publishers of new knowledge.
There are three different areas within the student space to cater for the needs of the different year levels and students are
automatically directed to their appropriate phase site for their age. Ask your child today to demonstrate their understanding of
the digital environments they are being exposed to by their classroom teachers.
From the Deputy Principal
Mark Craswell, Deputy Principal, [email protected]
“Reading to the mind is what exercise is to the body.” Richard Steele
The ability to read is one of the strongest predictors of future success. Although reading can be taught in the classroom, it must
be practised! When children voluntarily read, they practise and enforce what they are taught. There is a strong association
between the amount of reading for pleasure and reading achievement.
With this in mind, it is essential students read daily, both in class and at home. Reading needn’t always mean books. Brochures,
manuals and instructions booklets, for example, are equally valuable materials for the avid reader. The importance is to assist
students in selecting suitable reading material.
In the “Daily 5” we talk about I PICK Good-Fit Books:
I select a book and look it over, inside and out.
Purpose: Why might I want to read it?
Interest: Does it interest me?
Comprehend: Do I understand what I am reading?
Know: Do I know most of the words?
Then, build stamina! Practise, Practise Practise…
From the Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy
Jinder Kaur, STLaN [email protected]
The schedule for NAPLAN tests for 2015 is:
Tuesday 12 May
Language Conventions and Writing
Wednesday 13.May
Thursday 14.May
The provision of broad and comprehensive teaching and learning programs at our school prepares students for NAPLAN tests.
Year 3 students who are sitting for the tests for the first time will be made familiar with the format, language, response types and
time constraints of the Reading, Language Conventions, and Numeracy tests before they take the tests. Further information for
parents is available at:
If you have any questions or wish to clarify anything please contact your child’s teacher in the first instance.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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From the Literacy & Numeracy Coach
Iris Van Sloten, [email protected]
Research from Stanford University, California, has shown that all students have the potential to achieve well in Maths. The i dea
that only some students can do well is incorrect. Brain scans and other technologies have proven that brains can adapt and grow
in response to any learning opportunity. Sure, some students may work faster than others but this is because these students
have had multiple opportunities to make brain connections during childhood. Students need to understand that high
achievement comes from hard work and that everyone has the potential to achieve (except for students with diagnosed learning
disabilities). The author of this study, Jo Boaler, has these messages to share with students:
1. Everyone can learn maths to the highest levels. To do this, children need to have a ‘growth mindset’ (meaning, our brains are
growing), believing that they can learn anything and the more work they do the smarter they will get.
2. Mistakes are valuable. When students make mistakes, their brains are growing. Of course, it’s important to discuss where they
mistakes were made so they can understand and learn from them.
3. Questions are really important. Research has shown that question asking is linked to high achievement.
4. Maths is about connections and communicating. It’s important to represent maths in different ways and for students to
understand that there is more than one way to answer a question.
Share this information with your child and get them asking questions. Remember it’s important to encourage a growth mindset
and not a fixed mindset (ie. I am no good at maths and I never will be). We need students to understand that it’s okay to make
mistakes because this is when our brain is making connections and growing.
Active School Travel Launch
Active School Travel Launch - Thursday 5 March
On Thoughtful Travel Thursdays we encourage students to travel to school by walking, cycling, scootering, carpooling or catching
public transport.
For our first Thoughtful Travel Thursdays we are providing a FREE breakfast of fruit and cereal to all students who travel
Also you can wear one item in the colour of your house! By being an active traveller and wearing your house colours, you will
earn points for your house team and get a stamp in your Active Travel passport. The winning house will be awarded the Active
School Travel trophy on parade.
See you there!
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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SCHOOL PHOTOS Class Photos & Individual Portraits
 This year the school has elected to have both class photos and portraits taken by AdvancedLife
 School Photo Day is FRIDAY 6 MARCH. Please make sure your child is on time, as there is a tight
schedule and if they are late to school, they may miss out.
 Special Note to Parents/Caregivers of Year 6 Students (including 6/5H):
IMPORTANT: Please ensure that all Year 6 students arrive at school at 8.10am; they are to wait in the Courtyard outside the School
Hall. ALL YEAR 6 STUDENTS (including 6/5H) ARE TO BE PHOTOGRAPHED COMMENCING AT 8.15AM, starting with the School
Leaders. If they aren’t there on time, they will unfortunately miss out on being included in the Class and Group Photos.
 Please ensure that your child is in Prep Uniform or, for Grades 1 to 6, Formal School Uniform (including black shoes) on Photo
day (see below).
 If you have any questions, please ring Sue Dixon on 3421 0330 or email on [email protected].
Prep Uniform – Boys
Gold and black sports shirt with Coorparoo crest
Black shorts
Grey socks with gold and black stripes
Black enclosed footwear (trainers or leather school
Boys’ Uniform - Years 1 to 6 (Formal)
Grey shirt with gold and black stripes on pocket and
Black shorts
Grey socks with gold and black stripes
Black enclosed footwear (trainers or leather school
Prep Uniform – Girls
Gold and black sports shirt with Coorparoo crest
Black culottes
Plain gold socks
Black enclosed footwear (trainers or leather school shoes)
Girls’ Uniform - Years 1 to 6 (Formal)
Dress made of grey Coorparoo check fabric or;
Over-blouse made of grey Coorparoo check fabric, worn with black
Plain gold socks, or Black tights
Black enclosed footwear (trainers or leather school shoes)
Hair accessories should be in school colours (black, gold and/or grey)
 For the convenience of our school community Advancedlife have now introduced Online Ordering. School photos can now
be ordered and paid for using a secure online Web Portal. Please note: Photos can still be purchased using an envelope.
These envelopes are being distributed to each family today—Tuesday 24 February. If you use the envelop option to pay,
please have your child bring it to school on the day of the Photo Shoot, and hand it to their class teacher. IF YOU HAVE
 The Advanced Photography envelope encloses a flyer giving six options (A to F). This year our school is taking all options, so
please indicate the one you prefer.
 The preference of our school is that Orders and Payments be made through the Web Portal as this reduces the
administration and associated order issues related to the return of cash & envelopes on photo day.
 To place your online order visit and enter the code- 1RV 66P FBH. A full set of instructions on
how to order can be found on the back of the order flyer. The order code can also be found printed on the envelopes
supplied by Advancedlife. Please be aware that1.
All Online Orders should be placed on or before our day of photography (6 March 2015). Please Note: Once orders are
closed a LATE FEE will apply.
The Online code above Web Portal may also be used to order previous years’ sports and other group photos at any time.
All Online Orders placed through the Web Portal will be returned to school for collection.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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Megan Carpenter [email protected] , and Kim Godson [email protected]
Our annual Cross Country will be held on Monday 9 March. Please note the earlier date this year. This is due to a large number
of representative trials taking place in the last couple of weeks of school. All students (Prep-6) will be involved. Please find a
distance guide below (please note the distance has changed for the students born in 2006; they will now run a 1km course). Age
Champions (8-12years only) will be presented with medallions on the parade following Cross Country.
Preps: 300m
Year 1 and Year 2: Approx. 600m
Students born 2007 (8years) and 2006 (9years): 1km
Students born2005 (10years): 2km
Students born 2004 or 2003 (11 and 12years): 3km
11 Years (2004): 9.05am
12 Years (2003): 9.35am
10 Years (2005): 10.05am
9 Years (2006): 11.05am
8 Years (2007): 11.35am
Year 2 (regardless of Year of Birth): 12:05pm
Year 1 (regardless of Year of Birth): 1:25pm
Prep (regardless of Year of Birth): 1:45pm
Students born in 2005, 2004 and 2003 are eligible to attend in-school trials. It is highly important that students attend in-school
trials on the dates and times specified in Newsletters. If students are absent due to illness on the day of in-school trials, they
must bring a note to Miss Carpenter or Mrs Godson, in order to be considered. Selection in Lytton teams is highly competitive, so
there is an expectation that if students are coming to an in-school trial, they have had/are having experience playing the sport
they are trialling for. There are sign-up sheets at the HPE office for interested students.
Any 12 year old students who would like to be considered for a place in the Met East Baseball team (12-14 year olds), please see
Miss Carpenter ASAP.
Rugby League (10, 11 and 12 years)
School trial re-scheduled due to bad weather (nominated students will be informed of new date)
(Lytton Trial date: 18 March)
Girls and Boys (10, 11 and 12 years)—2 March, 12.30pm, Carey Field
(Lytton Trial date: Boys—30 March, Girls—23 April)
Girls and Boys (10, 11 and 12 years) —10 March, 12.30pm, Carey Field
(Lytton Trial Date: Girls—26 March/Boys—TBC)
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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Boys (10, 11 and 12 years)—Monday 16 March, 12.30pm, Carey Field (Lytton Trial Date—30 March)
Girls (10, 11 and 12 years)—Tuesday 17 March, 12.30 pm, Carey Field (Lytton Trial Date—30 March)
Cross Country training is currently being held on Monday and Friday mornings before school at Carey Field. Whilst we have been
running age group sessions the last couple of weeks, we will now be joining altogether to practise running the course. Therefore
training for all age groups will be Monday 8.00am-8.30am and Friday 8.00am-8.30am*. We will need some parents to help
supervise parts of the course.
*Due to school photos on Friday 6 of March, a make-up training session will be held on Wednesday 4 March. The breakfast will
take place after this session.
There will be Cross Country breakfasts held on Friday 27 February and Wednesday 4 March. Donations such as bread, jam and
margarine/spread and UHT milk would be appreciated. Breakfast will be held at the courtyard near the Hall.
Annelle Vogler, Music Teacher, [email protected]
There are still some children who do not have a Mini Music book for Music lessons. The Uniform Shop no longer stocks this
resource, however, you are able to place an order directly through Schoolstuff by ringing 3391 7000 or placing an order online at It would be great to see every child in the school with this necessary book by next week, if possible.
Enrolments are now open for any boys and girls, aged seven years and up, to join the Australian Youth Choir. If you would li ke
more information, please collect a brochure from the Music block or ring 3366 1664 or go to the website
If your daughter loves to sing, maybe she would like to join the Australian Girls Choir. Any school aged girl is eligible to join this
choir. If you would like more details, please collect a brochure from the Music block or ring 3256 0207 or go to the website
Sue Fish and Arja Fels
At Coorparoo State School WE do … In fact there is one living in our school right now. That’s right!
In our very own Bell Tower.
In fact, the children at Coorparoo State School have been charged with the very special responsibility of
caring for him until his mum Adalinda and the Dragonologist return from their quest. You see, they need
to find a new home for the other dragons - a safe habitat where all creatures might live in harmony. We
have embarked therefore; upon a quest of our own …We have been thinking about a royal name for the
baby and we’re learning about reptiles so we can teach the baby about his family. We’re writing him
stories and letters and we’re thinking about all the other endangered animals in the world that face
serious challenges of diminishing habitats.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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In conjunction with the Queensland Literacy and Science curricula and, with respect to
the upcoming Kings, Queens & Castles Book Fair, (March 2 – 6) we are capitalising on
the power of utilising quality texts during library sessions. Integrated with Drama, Art
and Technology to engage the students, observations to date demonstrate how well the
children’s descriptive language is developing. In response to imagery, the students are
employing highly evocative language such as: ‘The Wizard’s beard was like steam
coming from a dragon’s nostrils’… the creativity is infectious and will naturally spill over
to other key learning areas… Stay tuned and don’t forget Book Fair – first week in March.
If you would like to attend our Book Fair afternoon tea where you are invited to browse
the shelves and celebrate the lovely literature on display in the Hall, kindly fill in the slip
on the invitation at the end of this Newsletter and return to school before Thursday 26
Clean Up Australia Day 2015
Great News! Member for
Greenslopes, Mr Joseph Kelly will be
joining us on Sunday and has kindly
donated a commemorative Clean Up
Australia cap and t-shirt to be won by
lucky draw, by two lucky students on
March 1!
Congratulations to Sasha L from 4C who has been awarded a Highly Commended award
at this year’s Artforce Awards for her Traffic Signal Box. You can see her “Wise Owl”
Traffic Signal Box on the corner of Stanley Street East and Lisburn Street,
Artforce is a Brisbane City Council project managed by Urban Smart Projects.
Year 2 students, Harry W and his family spent Wednesday morning with the Prime
Minister and his wife for the turning of the sod ceremony at the building site for
Hummingbird House, a cause that is close to their heart.
You can view the full story here
This week …
Diary Dates and Meetings
Payment Deadlines
School Activities
P&C News
Community News
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
So let’s show our community the
famous Coorparoo spirit! Sign up for
Clean Up Australia Day 2015 and help
Coorparoo State School to clean up
Bowie Flat Wetlands on Sunday March
1, from 8.00am to 10.00am. We will
meet at the park rotunda near the
Boongall Road entrance.
Please wear: a hat, sturdy shoes, long
pants, long sleeves, sun screen, insect
repellent, gloves
To Bring: a water bottle, a garbage
bag, a smile!
Schools Clean Up Day
is set for Friday February 27. Students
and teachers will lend a hand to clean
the school environment after Big
Cathy Holyoak, Iris Van Sloten, Jenny Rienks
(Green Team Teachers)
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Tuesday 24 February—Inaugural School Council Meeting
Saturday 28 February—Kinderkarneval, Brisbane German Club, 11:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday 1 March—Clean Up Australia Day
Thursday 5 March—Book Fair Afternoon Tea
Friday 6 March—School Photos
Monday 9 March—Cross Country Carnival
Wednesday 11 March—Music Sub-committee AGM, 6:30pm, Music Block
Friday 13 March—Year 1 Toohey Forest excursion, 1D, 1M and half of 1B
Monday 16 March—Year 1 Toohey Forest excursion, 1L, 1R, other half of 1B
Wednesday 18 March—Wildlife on Wheels Prep Visit
For future events please visit the School Events Calendar
Friday 27 February $19.00 - Year 1 Toohey Forest excursion
Wednesday 4 March $9.00 - Prep Wildlife on Wheels Visit
When making payments to the school online please include the Invoice Number as your payment reference. Failure to include a
valid reference number can often mean that payment isn’t assigned to your child’s account.
Karyn Milne, School Banking Coordinator, [email protected] or 0407 114 181
Please ensure your child’s yellow deposit book has their new class written on the front cover. This saves us and the office ladies
a lot of time!
A huge thank you to our volunteers last week. We had Konio Kepui, Leeanne Howcroft and Jody Foster. It is wonderful to see
some new faces helping out with the student banking. Your help is much appreciated. We look forward to meeting more
parents/carers who are able to assist us in processing banking on Wednesdays.
We have had a problem with the printer in the staff room and have been unable to get up to date token balances. You will notice
we haven’t written those on the back of deposit butts for two weeks. I hope to have that problem resolved this week.
Please check when your students are selecting a reward item on the card that they are choosing one which is available this term.
The following items are available for 10 tokens aside from the current 2015 items. They are blue wallets, slap band rulers, beach
balls, headphones, Knuckles games, Pat moneybox, Projector cups, Pru and Spen moneyboxes, scented pencils, Sea Streamers,
Shark key rings, and swim bags. These are available until all gone! If you don’t have a reward card from last year, please write
reward order on note paper with student name, student ID and class with request for item. Place this in deposit book. These
reward items are ordered and usually given out the following week.
We had 15 new students join banking last week. Wow! It was a huge banking day. The school makes $5 for each new student
banker and 5% commission on each deposit. Every little bit helps the school.
Contact the P&C - [email protected]
P&C MEMBERSHIP & AGM - Wednesday 18 March at 7:00pm
The P&C’s AGM will be held on Wednesday 18 March at 7:00pm in the school Library. The following people can become
members of the P&C Association:
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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a parent of a child/student attending the School
staff member of the School, or
an adult who is interested in the school’s welfare
The Principal of the School is automatically a member of the Association.
Did you know ...
Parents are not automatically a member of the P&C – you need to fill in a membership application.
All existing memberships lapse at the AGM.
Becoming a member of the P&C does not mean you are committed to taking on a task (although we always welcome
If you aren't a P&C member, you are still welcome at our meeting but you are not entitled to vote on any motion
presented at the meeting.
You can join later in the year, however only at the end of a meeting. This means if you attend a meeting and are
particularly passionate about a decision, you will not be able to vote that night.
Membership forms (along with our Just One Thing and Voluntary Contribution forms) have been sent home via the eldest child
in the family. You can pick up a copy from the Uniform Shop or email the P&C Secretary on [email protected].
Please complete and submit the form via the front office before the AGM on 18 March 2015.
Each family should have received a note explaining how you can help the P&C contribute to improving the learning outcomes of
every child at Coorparoo State School. There are three ways you can help - through a financial contribution, volunteering your
time and by joining the P&C. Your support in returning the forms ASAP is greatly appreciated as it will assist with planning for
events, activities and purchases this year.
Don’t forget! Donations to the Building Fund are tax deductible!
Lost your form? Contact [email protected] for a replacement.
SOCIAL FUNDRAISER – Trivia Night, Saturday 21 March, McCahon Hall
Make sure you keep Saturday 21 March free for a fun night of eating, drinking, games guaranteed to cause a giggle ... and the
occasional trivia question.
This year's theme is Junk to Funk - don't spend a cent on your costume - we're all about sustainable fashion. We are currently
considering a ticket price that includes simple catering and a bottle of wine (or two) for the table. Watch this space for mo re
information – or keep up to date on Parents of CSS Facebook page -
Winter Uniforms
Winter Uniforms need to be ordered on between Friday 13 February and Thursday 26 February.
Please note you will need to pre-order and pay for these, as we do not carry stock of our winter uniforms.
When you order, you will be able to select delivery to your child’s classroom or collection from the Uniform Shop.
We will receive orders back from our suppliers at the start of Term 2, as they are made to order.
Alternately, we also have a good supply of second-hand winter uniforms available from the uniform shop for $5.00 each.
The Parent Rep Scheme is a fantastic initiative as it supports and promotes communication within the school community.
We are currently seeking volunteers who would be willing to take on the role of Parent Rep for their child's class.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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It is a fun role that can be shared amongst several parents in the class. Thank you to the parents who have already come forward
to take on this role.
Please check with your child’s teacher or send me an email to see if they have a Parent Rep for your child’s class.
The amount of lost property is increasing. Parents are asked to please name all belongings and to check the Lost Property
locations regularly.
One parent has come forward so far this year to help with this task.
We are hoping to find some more volunteers to assist as managing the huge amounts of lost property at our school is a
mammoth task.
If you are able to assist please email Leisa Whybird [email protected]
Kate, Station Master, TramStop 26 [email protected]
Crispy Chicken Wrap
Crumbed chicken breast strips with fresh, crunchy salad and mayo. Delicious!
Hello, I’m Kate your TramStop 26 Station Master. I have two sons, aged 10 and 12. I love cooking with produce from our garden.
One of my favourite meals is Vietnamese rice paper rolls with lots of vegies and fragrant mint.
A huge thank you to all those students who waited so patiently for their Shrove Tuesday pancakes last week. We underestimated
how long it would take to flip 520 pancakes (including gluten free) and the students were wonderful. We will take all the
learnings from this to the next Tuckshop event and promise you won’t have to wait so long!
We love receiving feedback, both positive and constructive. If there is something new you’d like to see on the menu, or anything
you miss, please let us know.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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You are invited to our family event on Thursday 5 March from 3:00 – 4:30pm
Our Book Fair Family Event is a Dragon Afternoon Tea and will be available for the price of a gold coin donation. This will be
held in the Innovation Centre Courtyard.
Join the fun and help encourage your child to enter THE KINGDOM OF BOOKS through the multi-literacies available at the
The royal treasures will be on display in the hall for sales and viewing so you can visit as a family. Every sale benefits our
wonderful Library and Innovation Centre. This support enables our school to purchase resources that deliver the
curriculum in meaningful and relevant ways.
Please join us in making our Book Fair the biggest success EVER!!
Please provide details and return at your earliest convenience.
Sue Fish & the Innovation Centre Team
Please return to the Office YES! We will be attending The DRAGON Tea!
NAMES OF ADULTS ATTENDING_____________________________________________
I/We will be attending with COORPAROO State School Students
No. of other children attending
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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