Sons of Norway Elvesvingen Lodge 1-582


Sons of Norway Elvesvingen Lodge 1-582
Sons of Norway Elvesvingen Lodge 1-582
Speaker of the month
Mark DeGarmeaux
March 14, 2015
Listen to the stories of the pioneer Norwegian Pastor,
Ulrik Koren, from Iowa. Mark translated four volumes of the
collected works of Pastor Koren, and will share some highlights
with us.
Mark is a native of Wisconsin. At Bethany Lutheran College, he teaches organ, languages, and religion. He is an
ordained pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, and has
edited and translated several books.
Attention! At our March
meeting, we will be doing a
simple nomination for the
next president of the lodge.
Please come prepared to
give your best suggestion
for president. Thank you!!!
March servers:
Lois Anderson & Delores Buege - co-chairs
Duane & Janice Ahlness, Eric & Ellen Ahlness,
Beth Barriga, Genevieve Carlson, Viola Gunsolus, Jim & Shirley Moody, Lois Otto, Marian
Qualset, Allen & Jane Torgerson, DuWayne &
Gudrun Kjelshus, and Elizabeth Mueller
If you are not able to attend
the meeting, we would still
love to here from you.
Please contact one of the
board members to suggest
Calendar of Events
March 14, 2015
Mark DeGarmeaux
Presenting the works of Norwegian
Pastor Koren
Sons of Norway Elvesvingen Board Members:
Vice President:
Lois Kitzmann 344-1684
April 11, 2015
Diane Lambrecht: Norwegian stories
Financial Secretary: Linda Stelter 388-7139
Lynnell Pemble 245-3805
Beth Barriga 202-1269
Past President
Dean Kluge 317-0683
John Bungum 327-1278
Social/Cultural Director
April 12, 2015
International Festival
Minnesota State University-Mankato
May 9, 2015
Elvesvingen Nordic Dancers
Sons of Norway Elvesvingen Lodge 1-582
A letter from the President
Welcome to March everyone!
This is the month of National Peanut Butter Lover’s day…...March 1st.
This is the month of National Old Stuff Day….March 2nd…..This is not celebrating how
much old stuff you may possess. Instead it is about looking at all the same old stuff we do
every day and ponder on ways to improve and make new habits.
This is the month of National Dentist Day...March 6th...Know any good Dentists? Let them
know you are happy with your smile.
This is the month of National Alfred Hitchcock Day...saw any of these great movies lately?...
This is the month of National Pi Day...March 14th… know...Pi...3.14159265359….
Shall I go on?? March is an awesome month!
We have a super program for you at our lodge gathering on the 14th of this
month…………………….MARCH!!! I look forward to seeing you then.
Dean Kluge
P.S. It is also National Woman’s History month...greet your favorite WOMAN and say
thanks for all they have done in the past and all the stuff they currently are doing.
Roger Saman
Cathy Kluge
Sonja Swanson
Janet Hoffmann
Arlys Sletta
Deloris Saman
Pamela Borchert
Viola Gunsolus
Betty Bjornson
Sheryl Sheimo
Adrian Lo
Sons of Norway Elvesvingen Lodge 1-582
Delicious desserts
A surprise performance from the Mankato Riverblenders
With Joel Botten joining the quartet
Our Bingo callers
Karen Abbott (Calling the numbers in English)
Mark DeGarmeaux (Calling the numbers in Norwegian)
Valentine Cookies made by Dorothy Redding
Sons of Norway Elvesvingen Lodge 1-582
The Digital Age Goes on...
The Nordic Dancers are still
looking for more dancers to
join the group. There are currently not enough members to
perform. Come alone or as a
We are now on Facebook!
Check out
Contact Oren or Karen Quist at
385-1426 for more details on
meeting times.
Librarian Needed!
our need
We are still looking for someone to tend our Norwegian
bookshelf. The librarian is not
required to attend each meeting.
-Set out books at meetings
-Label books with Lodge name
-Take inventory of books
A reminder you of our mission statement:
The mission of Sons of Norway is to promote and to preserve the heritage
and culture of Norway, to celebrate our relationship with other Nordic
Countries, and provide quality insurance and financial products to our
Thank you for sharing this mission with us!
Sons of Norway Elvesvingen Lodge 1-582
If you've been following Viking Magazine's special 3-part series on legendary Norwegians then you're already in
the know about the ten important men and women born after 1900 who were featured in the February issue. But,
how much do you know about these five trailblazers—born during the same time period—who also left a lasting
impact on their homeland?
In the February Issue of the e-Viking newsletter, Rolv
Wesenlund is one more Norwegian leader.
Rolv Wesenlund — Comedian (1936-2013)
A multi-talented man and much beloved, Rolv Wesenlund was one Norway's most popular
comedians from the 1960s through the 90s. A gifted musician, Wesenlund started his career
in the music industry, first competing in amateur jazz competitions and later becoming a
jazz journalist for state broadcaster, NRK. Wesenlund then moved to London where he
spent time working in the record business. Later he returned to Oslo and it was there he
would become part of Norwegian pop culture history through the popular TV series "Og
takk for det" (And thanks for that) and his best-known film characters Marve Fleksne and
Bør Børson. Other highlights to his credit are film favorites, Mannen som ikke kunne le (The
man who couldn't laugh, 1968) andNorske Byggegklosser (Norwegian Buildingbricks,
Aside from his comedic talents, Wesenlund also penned several books, directed plays and
was an advocate for causes impacting senior citizens. He was also appointed a Knight First
Class of the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav.
At the time of his death in 2013, then Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg praised the uplifting
and good-natured style of Wesenlund's comedy saying he "made small folks big." In honor
of the late comedian the Norwegian government held his funeral at state expense.
Sons of Norway
Elvesvingen Lodge 1-582
P.O. Box 1091
Mankato, MN 56002
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