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4 Health & Wellness March
201 S - Tri -Cities Tennessee
SPRING FEVER: Help with Allergies
By Dustm Clalil, MD, Black Bag Family He althcare
will soon be on '0 warm ..
doys. I'cople will be enjoying ,he ou,doors
.gain. Hi ~ e" will be on 'he ..,il•.
Fi.herm.n will be back in ,he locol rivers angling for
SOme big ,rou'. FU'ure hall of f.tmers will be on ,he
diamond making off ,he ru" from the long winter lay
off. Spring brings !O mind pie....", though .. for
m. ny people, but il abo an bring Ihe d,,,,,d of
~nal allergi .. as wdl.
If you .uffer from .lIergi.., spring an be: . mise:rable
rime of year fur you. Your")",,, begin to itch. lh"e is
• 'ickJe in your thro ... Your nose sc:oJs up '" tigh' ,har
i, SttmS ,here is no way that it was m. de to bre. ,he
,hrough. If ,his dClCribc:s you, spring can go from
being. ,errilic ,ime of year!O one ,har you wish you
could . void,1I I"Serher.
TNadDg Allergic RhIDid.
People wilh allergies 10 ,ree pollen as ~II as orher
pollens are mOSt prone '0 devdop allergic rhinitis in
,he 'pring of the year. These allergies.rt the r.. uh of
,he body·, immune 5)'$tem "uling Ihe pollen .. if i,
wtre an infcoious agent like a virus or bacteria.
Ctrroin immune 'ys"m cell. rei ..... hist.mine. lhis
h;'Iamine co ..... blood vesocl. and mucous memb"'n.. to become swollen. The ,.. ul, is runny Or $tuffy
nose. irchy ")""'. {!.Iigue. and ""eroll fttling poorly.
There i5 SOme good nCW$. P«>ple who suffer from
allergic rhini.i. can make imprrwements in their
'ymp,om,. There is no single cure ,ha, worlts for . 1I
pc<>ple, but rhere are ,herapi.. . nd po5Sibly SOme life_
.tyle chang.. ,h.t may make a d",ma,jc difference.
lhe moS! popular op,ion of , ...,ing allergic rhinitis i.
,hrough the use of over ,he COunter Qnlihi,tamin~
mMi{a,ionl. ·lh..., mMidnes $top or slow ,he release
ofhi".min. from ,he body" immune sys"m. Many
pc<>ple get relief from ,h..., medicines, bUI for SOme
they art either no, dr"",ive enough or ,he side df""ts
can be ,roublc:some. SmrJid nASa! 'P"'!' are .no,her
Oplion for lrealmen!. Th= medicines aim 1o
d"" ....... the re:;ponSt of the immune 5)'$tcm in nu>l
p.... ges. O(.. n ,h..., nasol sprays are used on. doily
b.. i, ,hroughoul .l1ergy~n .nd .. ke a (cwd.ys 1o
begin working. On~ particular furmulation now
ai,,, for sale wi,hou. ,h~ need of a prescription.
excess allergtn. from ,h~ nasol passogcs as well as
soothing rhose: irrio;atM mucous mc:mbr>nes that
line nose. Wu";ng" mask con .lso be helpful
al,hough nor always p"""ical. However, if you ....
going 10 be: doing yard wo rk Or be: outside duri ng
times when pollen count •• re am,mdy elev .. ed,
wearing. mask can CUt down your expo<u", to
Ihose: . nnoying allergens. Cutting 0'" ~iry p,..,JUCll
(rom your diet might surprisingly give you some
",lief. ·lhere are al", many hnba! "N! "[urna,i,,,
,lxrapi~ which exi., Iha, have helped many people
deal with ,heir .llergy symp,om ..
If you need help n. vigaling Ihrough al lergy ~n
this year, give us . call a, Block Bag Family H ... lrh
Care. We pr>e<ice medicine wi,h an emphasis on
p<t$Onal rel1t ionships and p" , nering wi th Our
p .. icnt. to lind ,rea,ment ,hOI lits wi,hin their own
ide-as ofh..alth.
~lll(K ~II' fllMllY nWLTU(IIR(
There are steps ,h .. you COn , ake ,0 I.... n the imp""
of allergic rhiniti •. Nata! ",!int was"".re of.. n .ff",,tive in bringing .ome relief. lhe wal .. removes Ihe
[email protected]
No ~ .-orO<:cepl<Xl
ww w.tnhe ~ lt h~ nd w e l
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
March 2015
4 Spring Fever: Help with Allergies 20 Looking Ahead 10
Summer Adventures
National Nutrition Month
The Power of a Plant-Based Diet
8 Sinus
Do Antibiotics Help?
Sleep Aw areness Week
What is Your Sleep IO?
22 National Kidney Month
Poison Prevention
24 National
Week is March 15-21
""" Bristol Ortnotics
11 Spotlighting
and Prosthetics in Greenevil le
26 March Runn ing Events
27 Diamonds & Ice ladies'
TMJ $o.rfferors Have Another
12 Option
lor Relief
Luncheon: Raise Money for
Healing Hands Health Center
13 How to 0100se 0ph1haIm0I0gist
14 Ate Stem Cells the Next Penicil in? 28 Be Oaring...Try Something New!
16 Color&etal Caoeer Awareness 29 Spring is Wildflower
Hunting Season
COIor«:tal Cancer is Preventable.
Treatable and Sealable
of Reverse Mortgages to Buy
18 aUseHome
is Gaining in Popularity
Agape Women's Services ...
Empowering Women
"Love LocaL.A Food Truck
30 Event"
- March 29th
fs a fact, . you an: what you eat Junk in?
You're going to fcd li ke junk. Quality food in?
You're going 10 feel good! II's Nanonal Nutrition
Momt t - great time 10 focu, on what you an: puning
inlo your body. Whal you "feed your face" deteonines
in large pan how you feel, your m<)()d, your energy
le,,,I, your metabolism, aIld your health,
I am
astounded al the obc:sily epidemic in our nalion . . . and
specifically our neck of the woods. All you have todo
""", ,,,,",,,
is look around aIld you will sec that oyer 213 of all
pe<>ple are overweighl and Over ./3 are obe~ . That
means a majority of the population is not only not healthy. but they don't feel
good either. But there are some simple strategies you can employ today that
can help you fed beuCT_ lmosl immediately, Here are mine: Drink al least
64 ounces of water a day. Avoid all soda. including diet Eat whole foodsfoods thai haven'l been processed .. . the kind your Gramma used 10 make.
Oh, and sinee Sleep Awareness Week is in Mareh (see page 21). II)' 10 sleep at
least 7_g hours. nighl. For more nutritional insighl on the power of whole
foods. be sure 10 see pages 6 -7, Just doing lhose four small, simple things can
lead to big changes OVCT time. Speak ing of making some changes. be Sure 10
read page 28 for some ideas on how 10 spice up your life Ihis spring. And
finally. catch pages 26--27, 29 and 30 for some fun idcas on local aClivities this
month. Remember. Ihe whole point o f good health is 10 be able 10 enjoy the
li,·es and relationships thai God has g iven as gifts to us. May you enjoy those
gifts and the gift of health TODAYI
Recipe: Roasted Spring Vegetables
tn I>onor of the e,'CT_<O""Icome Spring season and
Na,ional Nutrition Month.
here ;s a l ... ty-----y~1 ''''Y
hcallhy-rccipe 10 add 10
your .-epcrtoirc,
Spiritual WeUness
Gilling: Good for the Mind.
Body and Soul
. I pound II$SCIf\OO spring veg·
etables (such as CatrOIS.
aspaTagus, radishes, spring
onions, or.ugar snap pcas), trimmed or peeled if"~. cut imo
sarne-si~c pitt<:s
·4 unpceled garlic do"cs
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Ko<her sail, freshly ground 1"'1'1"'"
'ib '
Trl-CltNs T."""•• _ _
W. llnu. M. ".u/"" ClIn be fOI>n<1 in 01* 800 TO>Cities Ten.-...- me<Jic.a1 facitilift. including: hO$pital, ', <IOCtOr$', e/lOropracIOr$' and
""'1,,1 otfic. •. Find. COI>Y of your FREE Heal'" & Wolin,,. MagaziM in Bri$IOl .
JOhnson City. Kingsport and Su,rounding
To g et yo ur a rticle pub lished and for ad rates, c all 61 5.584.1 833
"' . . --.. . . _. _. . . .--priof _._.--J odi@ tn hea lt ha n d w el l ness .com
'''''''''TII..CmU1V€$SEEIEOLT>< l lOEUlESS_ IO' S. .... _
_ _ .. ... _
_ ... ,
""I ... _
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or m>-emES
, 1III-<:ITIES TEt£SSEE IEOLT><' WEUHESS _ _ ... '\;/'t .. _ _ do .. '"
_ _ _ .... __ Tlll--ClTlESTEt£ssee
...... - . ._
... _
. _"' _
.. .. _ _ _
~ ss
Preheat oyen to 450". Combine ,'cg<:1ables, garlic, and oil in • large bowl. Season
with ""II and pcP'f'Or: U... 10 coat. Spread oUl in a single I.~r on a rimmed baking
sheet Roasl, stirring halfway through, until tender. g<>I<I<:n brown, aIld ch....-ed in
spotS, about 20 minutes. Sen'e
or at room temperature.
If yo\I "-lit, h U llhy '~dpe 1"-1 yo\Ilove. send It In]
Em. llit to Jodl@tnhu lth. ndwell •
'oo: .:..
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. : :"::::
" ":::"www.tnhe~lth~ndwe
" ' '';;';';';;;;; ~;;;;;;:;;;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==
6 Heillth & Wellness March
T r i·Citle5 Tennessee
The Power of a Plant-Based Diet
By Monique Richard MS, RON, LON
t'5 National Nutrition Month and I want to
shout from tho: rooftops lbout the goodness
and need for incorpolllling more fruil5, vegctables. ,,·hoIe gnins. planl-based proICins (and
wal ....) into ....... daily diet,. Ifs time 10 STOP going
·on a diet· and Staft Ihinkinll lbout your diet as
ovenll choices you make for your health... al
e'·ery meal, every day. When you incorporate
these chanIn ac:rordinll \0 your individ",,1 needs
(as advised by your registered dietitian nutritionist
and physician), lho: changes heain to happen
almosl immediately-more CllCrgy, weight management (loss or gain ). blood glucose o;ontrol,
beller systemic functions, more sound sleep.
radianl skin and 50 much more ... things you may
not cven be able to see or fecI.
Th c evidenced-based researeh on thc impact I
vegctarian. or plant-based diets. cannot be
refUIed. Physicians have seen coronary artcry
discasc reversed. lab markers for diabetes sig·
nifieantly altcred. and medications for high
blood pressure, cholesterol. and diabeles reduced
or eliminaled entirely.
Plant-based diet apc:rtBrenda Davis. RON stated
al lhe first ann",,1 Plant·based Prevenlion of
Disease confcnmce in Ashevilk:. NC, "1"lIc
:;cien<;e is o;ompIicated, but the solution is limple.
The rnc-arch on tho: pow .... and posili,·e health
OUlcomcs of a ,,·hole foods. plant-based diet has
~ around for yean and years. but if " ·e don·1
gi'~ our JNtients and clients the option to go IlIat
mute. the answer will IUIOlNlically be • ·no:n
Davis, • key play .... in I major diabetes intervention research project in Majuro, Manhall Islands
and eo-author of ninc books. has s«n first·hand
the dnmalic clwlgn on an enlire population
implementing I plant-based diet.
--"' .... ""'""-
( '·l~"'"
juI<e(I ...... ~
Prota ln, Carbohydrat.s, and Fat
Yes, I know what you're thinking, " When do
}'O« gel}'O«' pro/ein r.n(/ er.n you gel tlWl<glt? ~
The: resounding anSw .... ~ ·· Yn.n Vegetarians
and '~gans can easily meet their protein needs.
Mosl Americans ~onsume IWO to ~ times
the protein t~t they need dai ly; if lhe body
isn'\ using il and runs OI.It of storage spa~es, the
protein win be broken down and stored as fal.
Instcad of protein from animal SOUll:es like
chicken. turkey, eggs, or beef you can get i\
from legumes (beans, peas. and lentils).
soybean prodOCIS like tofu, tempeh, veg.
etablcs, quinaa, scitan, and nuts. The legumes
and beans are nUlrilional ··powerhouses:· as
they contain many essential vitamins and
minerals, as well as fiber. are sati sfying and
very easy on the purse Siri ngs.
Healthy f.ts like those in olives, eanola. sunflower
and olive oils. nuts and nut bunCTS. and avoc~
an: very important to our diets. but 19ain keeping i'
\0 a minimum and not going o,·o:rboard is the foo;us..
Remember lhough.just beause a ~gewian , wears
off Iwnbura;ers and peppc:lOni pizza doesn', mean
potatO chips and ~hccsc pizza are healthier or more
nutritious. Gettina a variety ofthcsc macronulrienlS
in lhe right amount from whole foods is key 10
aen ina an the necessary nutrients.
let·s see what thai looks like and dispel some.
Caldum and Vitamin D
oRen ineorrecl. pereeptions. Plant·based diets can
Cal~ium and Vitamin 0 are very importanl for
he healthy Ind adequate for ali ages if done corevcryone. Hone density is determined in adoles_
= tly. Children and adolescents' age groups are
cence and young adulthood and Vitamin D and
no neeplion. The amount of~alories each person
calcium help build Strong bones and su pport
needs as weli as pereenlage in each maeronutrient
growin, bodics. Therefore. including good
category (carbohydrates, prolein. and fal) is
(yC$ lhey are a carbohydrate!), and whole
sources o f calcium in our d iet every day is necesessenlial to making sure needs are mel. Next.
sary. Good sources of caleium include: tofu made
micronutrienls (vitamins. minelllls) and fluid
wilh caleium sulfale (refer 10 the label). figs, beans.
an~ient grains, and bulgur).
n«d5 also should be assessed and met.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Tri - Ci t ies Te nn e ss e e - March 2:015 Health & Wellness
To get started or Slay on track you can check out
these trusted websites and resources:
- The Vegetarian Resource Group- www,
• http://www.vegetariannutrili.1n.nel
• hltp :l/
• Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
On vegan diets
lofonnalion provided by lIeg<l";.n NUlrilion •• diet<li<
pn<1i« group of the AOademy of NUlrilion .nd Diet<lios
h11p;/I......"'.<o'rii/1I.0"""'bli<1oonlrnl ... px?id=6J74
A«<Mr:d>01)' 23. 201 S.
h11 P JIwww''''1 ,orJI"utshcllltecn_vel,pdf
tahini (sesame bUller), green leafy vegetables
(collard greens. mustard grecni. and hie). and
ca!cium-fortified soymilk, ready· to-eat cereals,
and orange juice. which are often f'1rtified with
Vitamin D. as well. Vitamin 0 is also made in the
skin from sunlight-jUST 15-20 minutes '1f
natural sunlight exposure is sufficient.
VItamIn 812
If you c'1ntinue eating eggs and l'1w-fat dairy
products (3 lacto-ovo-vcgetarian . lacto-mcaning
milk, '1vo-meaning eggs). Vitamin BI2 should
not be of C'1ncern as y'1U sh'1uld be getting the
l\X[uired am'1unt. Good sources include Vitamin
B 12·f'1rtified foods-nutriti'1nal yeasT. soymil k.
meat analogs '1r ready-to-cat cereals. Be iUre to
read the labels. If you decide to be a vegan (no
animal products). however. then a Vitamin Bl2
(robalamin) supplement is recommended of no
more than 100 percent of the Daily Value ,
A vegetarian can meet their iron needs while
avoiding the saturated fat and cholesterol found
in red meat and animal products. Consuming a
There are a variely of reasons an individual
food with high levels '1f Vitamin C (like citrus
chooses 10 follow a planl-based diel, Or become
fruits. orange juice, tomatoes. and broccoli) at
a vegelarian. From refusing 10 conlribule 10
each meal WiTh ir'1n rich foods (Think spinach.
factory fanning practices, staving off heart
beans, and those listed below) increases iron
disease Or related health problems, to helping
absorption . Foods containing good sources '1f
""ntribute to a more sustainable and "green"
iron include: tofu. dried beans. black-eyed peas.
environment, as well as religious prncticcs, to
chic kpeas, pinto beans. poTatoes with skin,
taste and tolerance preferences. No mailer the
101 Me<! Tecb Parkway, Johnson City, TN 37604
cashews. enriched pasta. oatmeal. spinach. dried
423·794-SSS0 I www.
reason for choosing a plant_based dict. it can be
fruits, fortified breads and cereals . blackstrap
a healthy. beneficial. and enjoyable choice for
you. your family. and all ages alike.
molasses. beet greens. and watermelon.
________________________ www.tnhe a lth a nd we llness .com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8 Health & Wellness March
ZO 15
Tri,Cit'es Tennessee
Anlibiotk:s w. Not Help If_
When oInusitis is Qused by i ....... or iIlitatIon In
tm- air (Iibe ciprtne smote). intibiDtlcs wiI not
help it ~ better_ Acute s.inusItis will IImosI W\W!is, caused by I..wus. typIQlty ItiU lor less Ihon
• weeks and occurs In> than 311me'1 per ye .... Acute vI~ sinusitis usuoolly O«\ItS Ifter hovint: In upper ~ory
,~ ~ better 01'1 its own. It is better 10 ~~
and !<Ike a"tibiofics only ...tIeto they .... nHded.
Takin& antibiotic:s 1iiIIIen they .... not nHded an
boe harmful. ~nd ~ lIeicl to _need sicIt
ff/Iect$.be cI'~rmea. ~ _ i •• nd stomKh
PiIn, More severe sicIt ff/Iect$ ~ i"I<e/y occur.
incJo.Id;rc ~ttoreatenirC iDertic ructions.
I<io;Iroey tOlitily. and severe skin reKtions.
inWtil, or 4 sinus inlKllon. O«\ItS wilen lhe oinu>es
and MullN~ become Inftomed. If you or \'OUf
child Is dillnosed "';Ih sinusitis, lhe infection does
not need 10 boe trUled vrilh antibiotics unless you or ........
child has lane bKlerial sinusitis, which Is QuMd by bKlw.
A£ute bicteriaI sinusitis an tau up 10 4 _ks and suba(ute
batt,....1 oInusitis an 1;1" • 10 12 weeb, occurri". less lIMn.
timn per yelr.
.,fIectIDo ..
Chronic sllIU'Ioitis typIQlty lists mew-. Ihon • weeks ind O«\ItS
more thin. HfI'IH per year. If you Ire diilnc>sed with chronic
sinusitis. you should vlsil a speci.rlHsl for e-nIUitlon. Chronic
slnusit15 an be caused by nasal ~ or IUmors, aHeflies. or
resp<"'tory tl'Kt Inlections (... ",1. bacterial. or lu .... I). 4n1Of'I
other rea'lOtls.
causes of " Sinus Infection
• Most sinus Infections are aused by I "'rus
• 5'nus ~s _ "'~ caused by ~
• Other QUses 01 sinusitis Indvcle:
Each time you or \'OUf child takes in Intibiotic.
the batterii th;ot normally live In your body (on
lhe skin. In the Intestine. In the mouth ind nose.
etc.) i re more li kely to b« resiSlane to .nti·
biotics. Common Inlibiooo Qnnot IOllltitectionl
QUsed by these resistant germs.
5/cnS and Symptorm of • SIn... Infecdon
. ~.,-.
• NHiI concefIiDnI<liKmrwe
• Pounasal drip(mucusdripsdownlheltwwt hom the nose)
• Avoid close contact with ~ who t-.r.e cokIs
or other upper rt$pItitory InlKtlons
• Avoid lmDkin& or RjIOSUt"t to second hand StI'IOIo:.nd do not ~ children 10 second hand StI'IOIo:-
• Use. de"n humidifier 10 moioten lhe air it home
Walk-In Clinic
. .....) J . :• •• •• :.1*
........., ) "" . . . 5:00....
500...)· J " " . . . 5 . , .
See. HooIthcare P,c . . .. If You orYouotOlild lias:
AntIbIofks are NHded W!\en*.
Sometimes anHbiotics m~ boe needed II the sinus Inlection is
likely to be QUsed by bacteMi. By .skln, about your 1YfTlptom.
and <loire a ~mlnation. • heiltllcare ~r an
do:-termlne if you or your child needs .ntibiotics.
• Kftpyouand\'OUfchilduploelitewith
recommended Immuniutions
Operating H ours
• Fiti&ue
• Bid Mith
Your healthcare prcNlcltr Qn Otttrmine II you or your child ha.
sinusitis and If trUlment fs needed. II your child is younler than
three months of ale and ,,",. /ever. ~·slmport.nt to alwayo call
your he.~h< provider rllnt away.
• P~'1ODcI ""net hyaiene
Call Ahead •..
or Just Walk-In!
• Temperature hlcher Ikon 100.4" F
• Symptcrr\$ lho! list ~ tkon 10 clays
• Multi~ episodes of oInusitis In the put yeir
• Symptoms t.... t iltt not rtliewd with DYtr·lhe-coumer
Rest over·the<ounter medici"... and ether self·
Qtt methods m~ help you or .,.,...,. child feel
boetter. Reme",boer. ilwayo use .,.....,.·tI>e~teI"
products IS directed. M;ony .,.....,.·Ihe<ountel"
products lItt not , _,., .. nded lor chiId~
ycuncer tkon cerUin 11K.
If symptoms continue for mott tIYn 10 daY', s, hfilu/• • follow·up . ppolntment with • health", ,,,
provider for re ·e v,/u. lfon to . voId .ny compll" t/ons .
. AlI~
• Pol lutants (airborne <:hemiCIls or Irritants)
• fungal inlections
• Slructu",1 pooblem. wilhln In. nasal cavil'(
• A welk imm ...... oyslPIII
Hew to Feel 8etter
)II _ T... .-..u.,-.s.IIIlI.
"'-t: 4U,.,....5590
[ouII : " ~~
Did you know?
• You do not hiVe 10 be a p<oli<!nt of State of
Franklin HealthC<ore to be treate d in our
Walk·ln Clinic.
• No appointment needed .
• FOf your protection, we have Sick and
Well Lotobie~_
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COnlact Info rmation
• Ifyoy lIrt currently a State of Franklin Health·
care patient. we hiVe i ccess to your records.
This access makes your visit so much mOre
efficient and effective.
• 'Nt treat adults and chlldttn _
• If ntecH-d. we will al so help you establish
with a Prim. ry Cire Pllysiclan.
A Tradition of Eye Care Excellence in EastTennessee since 1942
) p. "I
'-.!. a s e r
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Call Ahead Healthcare is Here!
Call Ahead and fa us know you art on your way...
orjust Walk-In!
Walk-In Clinic
Operating Hours
Frid.)' I ',W NO _ .:(It pOl
I ,:IIt .... ,,10 pm
s._y I ':OII .... !:eo pm
: U.I. 79-I.M'MI
I:... U, ~. llIi.Io@', .....
~",....... roL'"
........... ,.....",.- ".
================W~W~W~.'~'~"'~'~"~h . ndw ________________
10 Health & Wellne$$ Mlrch
201 S
Tri-C i ties T enn e ssee
Yef'\'OI'II! knows th.'It
tee~rs wtfer from
acne, but " - vou evotr had
adult? II's actually not t~t uncommon for
an idtJlt to suffer from acne breakouts. But. ~t
FIoct~ hoomolle ~ ~ eao.ost
acne brukouts, which is why women tend to see
bre~kouts iround the time of their period, as well
is during pregnancy and menopause. It may also
appear when startina or discontinuins birth
control pills.
1. Hormolln.
2. 5ttHs.
Studi~ have shown it relationship
between stress and flare·ups of ilene. Stress ColIUseS
oor bodies to product ITIOf1! of the hormone
androgen, whidl ColIn stimulate the oilalands lind
hair Iollielt's in the sldn, prodoona: iCfle.
Blilckheads are a mixture of dead skin eels and oil
that let trapped in the pore:s of the !-kin. Pimplt-s
(an develop when blidlheiids become inflamed,
iI<ld they an turn into wtliteheids. There are
ma....., owr·the-.:ounter products Wt Qn be used
to treal mild acne. Keep in mind. however, tllat it
takes time. Non-prescription treatment ColIn takA!
several weeks before the acne slarts to Improve.
Also, be ureful when IooIdna for an adult acne
product. Most acne mediColitions are seared for
teenasers who tend 10 have oily skin. For most
adults, leenige acne products are far too drying
and may irritate your skin. A trial-and-error
approach may be necelisary for adull acne. If you
are pregnanl or breastfeedina. be sure to speak to
-,.-oor physician prior to starting over-the<OlJnter
products. If you're having trouble findinl a product
thilt worl<s, speak with -,.-oor dermatologist.
c:ornedogenic" or «"
4. Genetics. It's sad to~, but vou un simply hilYe
iI g('netit predis-position for adult acne. If someone
in your bmily has had this condition, vou ~ " inhefited it from t/w-m.
Some rnedKations have a side
effect of ausilli acne. If vou " - developed M1
ilene ~~1rOU'I lind hilYe just narted a new medica·
tion, you may want to talk to VOUr physic,.n . If it's
known tllat ilene is a potentl.1 side effect of the
medi<;.;ltion, -,.-oor doctor may be able to switch VOU
to a different rMdication.
Treatment depends on
lhe type and severity
of your ilene. Acne
comes in many shapes
and Sizes-from simple
blackheads to painful,
scarring. cystic acne.
If you have suffered from a bid outbreik of
acne that has left embarrassln, scars, speak to
your dermatolog ist. While lighl acne scars can
fade over time, scars left by cystic ilcne may be
Improved w ith procedures such as Iilser resurfaclnl or mkrodermabrasion.
Tht Import.ilntthlnl to remember about adult
acne Is that Just as with teenage acne, there are
treatments ....iilable. II stllndird, over-thecoonter prodoos aren't working for you,
contact your dermatologist for an appoinlment
for an tvatuation and to diKUSS treatment
options to help you iKhleve clearer, kealthier
Iooklnl skin.
3. Hllr Ind Ikln ure prodUdi un 1110 cause
bre.kouti. If you've noticed Ihal you break out
ITIOf1! when usins amln products, check the labels.
Make sure vou only buy products labeled non ·
5. Medication .
When deanln, VOUr skin, remember 10 be
,entle uslna VOUr flnaertips to apply non.brasive deaners. There Is no need 10 scrub
your skin. Harsh scrubbin, of tke skin un
worsen acnt. Wash with lukewirm water twice
• day and after sweatinl. Use products that are
alcohol·free. Avoid ·picking« or ·pOppinS"
,cne lesions as this increases the risk of scarring
.nd can lead to further flare-u ps.
Cystic acne is the most severe type of acne and
occurs when oil and dead skin C<!'lis blJild up deep
in Iht h~;r follicles in t ke ~kin. This type of acne
,ctu,11y forms deep cysts in the skin that can
periodially rupture, causing a boil-like bltml$h.
Cysti~ acne can be painful. Ie<ld to scarrin" and
requires a trip to the dermatolOllst. Th is Ii
needed whether you're a teenager or an adull.
Gene",lly, be<:ause the acne is so dteply
embedded in the skin, 0",1 me1liColitions art
usua lly necessary to dear up the outbreak. Your
dermalologi~t may <1150 prescribe a topical cream
or lotion to help decrease bacteria and reduC<!'
the Inflammation. Your dermatolOli$1 will also
give you <l daily relimen to help keep the breakouts from reoccurring.
To schedule an ippointment for an examination
by one of our pro-.iders, ali uS at one of our
IoColItions lisll!4 below. For more information,
10 to our website at
kin IS port (4231146-4961
1300 West Stone Drive
Bristol (423) 764·7131
3183 West State Street
Johnson CIty (413)928·9014
1021 West Oakland Avenue
- - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Tri-Cittes Tennessee - March 2015 Health & Weiness
Spotlighting Bristol Orthotics and
Prosthetics in Greeneville
By W~I Graybeal CPII...PO
y 1984 QUr family busincss had grown from 'he original office,
Kings]lQn Brace and Limb in ""wn,own Kings]lQn, ,0 a scoond
office, Bri"ol Onhollcs and f'ros,hclics in 8rillol TN, and finally '0
opening Greeneville OnhoI:its and ProsIhclits in down,own Greeneville_
Some or the loca l OI1hopedic surgeons including Dr. Chaprnarl had enoouragcd
my papIIw. Bob GnybeallQ opm up an off>ee in GlffMVillc and Ilw i$ ..'hen
my ww;1c Twy Graybeal opened up shop. The onJi ....1 offICe opened rigln
behind Gremc.-illc: (Jnbopedic Clinic 011 Sprnc:er S,red and evenlUllly IIIQ\-od
10 S04 Jus,is Drive.
w, June B,;"ol Orthotics and Pros,hetics off>eially i0oi< O'Ier ,he Greeneville
office. and i, is now 'hird genera,ion owned and opnaled. In lIIis offie(: we
have 'wo full lime p!'a(:,i,iooen "-00 Ke all or 'M: on/IoIic . nd mas,ec,omy
neros. After many yea~ we now h,,,,<, Stacy Harkle road back in Greeneville
Keing .11 or our cuSlom and non-cuS!Om orthotic.. SLilcy is a GlffI1evilie
!\ll'ive . nd enjoys seeing many familiar faces coming in u patients now to Ke
her. A cenified ptdonhisl. a mlStecl<lmY fmer, an orthotic filler and a licensed
OfthoIiSI. Slacy is fa,""",s for saying, "I la,v: fUI !" And s/t.c is. All of that just
10 ... y s/t.c can ~ any pan of tlte body and = t f.,.,. problems, 100. One
ofSlaCy" many talents is trea,ing the patient as I whole pcnoo... s/t.c figura
oot what ..
bes, and communicates tha, 10 the patient, She Io>-u I challenge and "";11 wOO:"";lII your ordering physician IQ &d you back 10 your best-
Penny Carson is also I GlffMVilk nati\'<' and Ittordina 10 C\'t!r)'OIIC in the
off>ee Mkno.., C'lCf)'QI'M: in '''''..... PenDY wOl'ks with masttc,omy patients.
diabetic shoes and in~ and oIT the shelf onhoties; she .151.1 "-"ists SlaCy
with CUSlom orthotics and adjustmenls. The mood in lite offic.. is always
lively when Penny, Stacy and Joy are culling up and enjoyina whal 'hey do_
Patients commenl alllhe lime lha, Ibe ... ladie. know how 10 1«:., you with
«:&]'Itcl and help you wilh yQUr problems but lhey also know how to Ingh and
enjoy Ihe doy. Penny is uger 10 go oul .nd wOfk with palienls in nursing
homes and home: visits as neroro_ With many years of experience and her
penonal «:lllionships wilhin lite community, Penny brings. gT<:at assel 10 Ihe
Gtftm:villc offICe.
people in 'he communily and enjoys
gcuing palienll back '0 walking
after an ampuLillion.
leamina new 'tcltnQlogy, Terry is
IIQW ccnifiro as an i· Limt41 hand
proslhc1ist which allo.., DUr
company 10 oITer bionic lcchnology
for upper limb 1mpU1c:CS. When il
comes 10 diffICUlt fining and ~Ii­
eatro proslheti<: $OCkets lhis is ..i>nc
TnT}' cxe(:l.. By oITcri"ll hand
castina teehniqllC$ in pros1hcIi<:
sockets and hand shapi"ll of molds.
Terry un make s ure th. socket filS
well; he lo'-.s it when a pa,ien, smiles and loves the fi,. Wilh over 40 yean of
experienee Terry brings old and new ways !Ogethcr and oITers a complele experi_
e"". fOf any ampule(:,
If you are in no:cd Df any kind of onhOlic or prollhelic device picase c.1I uS at
800-524-444701' in Greeneville our local number is 423·63&_2670. w. are
Iocatro "' S04 Justis Driv. just off of liE near Lau",lin hospital. We accep'
most insuflncc and Ittept walk_in pa,ients as ,,·cll. We Ire proud 10 be in
GlffMVill.1I an extension of OUr company, IKIW in it. 401h year and (hird gen_
era'ion <l"1ICI'ship.
Wanted: Occupational Therapists to
train amputees how to use the iLimb™
Call us at 800-524-4447.
"-or more i~formolio~ or 10 $chedul.. on fJ{)IIO;mmcm,contacl
8mlof Orrhnlic.s & Proslh..licJ (2/ I-IJ()().jU-4447 or """.brUlOlooi1dp.COf1I.
Joy Fulton is DUr ffQllt person al the GrttllCvillc off>ee.
Joy hails from
Florida and is alad 10 be he«: in lite mountains lway from lhe Flonell heal.
Joy ans...·rrs ,he phone, schedules patients. bills ,he illSUr&nCe, and work. with
,he dnt:\Qr 10 al'l .11 of,he papeno-ort, needed 10 ensure you ha~c ,,-hal ,,-. need
in ord.cT 10 deJi\'C1' your produce Joy is al50 kTlQwn for crao:kina tIM: whip and
makina lite offkc run smoolhly. Sta<:y ... ys lhal Joy will "'ab Sure you Slay
busy. and if you're bnathing you ha,·. lime ,0 see I pllient. II takes 'his
teamwork 10 gel Ihings done wilh excepli""al qUllity and faS! lum around
limes. Whelher it is explaining wha, insurance covers or researching whal
paperwork is ne(:ded 10 pro~ide a cen a;n ilem, Joy can gellhe job don._
TnT}' Graybeal conlinues
prostheli<: paTients in Orccnc-ville and alsoolTm
a clinic in s..vil'M11c and home visits bctv.ttII Gremevilk and Sevierville P">'
'lidi", onltoIic and prosthe!ic care. Tcny tu>dcrsIands ..'hat i( taka 10 make a new
ampu,« f«1 oomfonable about asking quwiCHlS. H.. il very excited to meel
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.tnhealthant!welinul.COm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
12 Health & Wellness March
l015 - Tri-Citles Tennessee
o you ever find
it difficult to
chew Of yawn
due 10 pain, dicking or
locking in your j a",;? 00
you suffer from head ...,hcs, neck pain, ringing
Of sluffinocss in the ean?
A common 5Ot.U'CC of many of thesc symptoms is
from the u:mporo-mandibular j<lint, better kOO"l1
as TMJ orTMO (temporu-mandibular disorder).
ones abo"e often
with TMJ issues and
Of not treated. People with TMO can
e~pc:rientt SC\"CIC pain leading 10 signifICantly
limited function with wing. Wking. and other
common f\ll1Clions. Womat tend In upc:riellCe this
disorder more than men and it usually affects
people between the ages of 20 to 40. Fifty
~t of the population will experiente at leut
one or more of these symptoms in their life lime,
but only 7% ofthem seck lrealmenl.
The Joint
The TMJ is located just in front of the ean on ca<;h
side of your face. where the ja'" mo:eI$ the stull.
The j<lint i. supponed by • num~ of muscles, cartilage. ligarm:nls and an inlra-joint disk thai allows
the: joint 10 mOVe and adapt 10 a variety of moIions.
Common Causes of lMD
Thcre arc many proposed causes for T MO. One of
the most common of these is any hislory ofuawna.
fracture or blow to !he chin or jaw_ It i. propo5Cd
thaI these Iype of injuries arc the start of many jaw
problems lhat surface later in life. These injuries
commonly occur in children with normal play and
IoJlOI1S and -.e often no! painful in the jaw al the
lime of injUf)'. Rcpelili''e grinding o fille tttth. also
koo"l1 as bruxism. and clenching of the jaw
have bcen proposed 10 bccausesofTMO. PalienlS
who do Ihis arc often no!
of these: habilS
unless diseo>'Cfcd by a dentist due 10 abnormal
wcar pancms on the t«th or by a family mcm~
who hears it. HabiTUal gum chewing and nail biling
arc often causes of jaw pain due to thc rellCtili\'c SIreS!. Many denial problemsassoeialed with
mal-occlusion or misalignmenl of their t«th can
cause abnonnal wcar and lear to the: j<lint. It is also
vcry common for palienlS wilh high levels of
stress and an~iety 10 suffcr from TM I) due to
fmjuC"rli grinding or elenching of their leclh.
is very commonly found to be involved in
palients w ilh many of these symptoms. Some-limes the upper neck is found to be the primary
lIQuree ofthc ear, jaw or headache pain . A recent
swdy found that 44% of paticnts wilh cervicoIIcnic headache had TMO. This study also
showed that manual therapy lechniques direcled
al the jaw showed significantly d«reased
headache intensities and increased neck function
&fler thc lreatment.
Physical Therapy i l ' Gl'II8t Treatment
Option for TMD
Rocml litcralure Slt~ thaI 70% of po:oplc with
nou issues will benefil from skilled manual physical
tbcrapy. Manual thcnpy includes hands on 1Othniques In improve joinl moIion and reduce muscle
sti llness. triggcr points around the jaw to alleviate
stress on the disk andjoint. These mobilizalions arc
used In help the disk mo~'C in a normal way,
dc<:Tease pain, and increase mOIion. Specifie
man .....1 thcrap~ pru<:<:dures arc designed 10 help
reduce a '"lock" of the jaw due In a displaced disk.
SpecifIC e~=i~ are then ~bed to r:ontrol
and rcsIr.>nl motion at the jaw and help re-cdutale
the muscles swmunding the joint. Soft lissue mobilizalion techniques are hands on lechniques that arc
focused al the muscles around the jaw 10 reduce the
lhe trigger points and tendcmcss. Trigger point
dry needling (TON) is another lJealmcnl offered
by physical Ihc-rapists that has been shown to bc
elleclive in lrealing these lrigger points.
Highly TTlIined to Evaluat. and Treat TMD
The physical therapists at Results PhysiQlherapy
are highly trained 10 evaluate and treal T MO. We
will be happy 10 "'ork in conjunction with your
denlisl or physician for lhe: most ~hensive
lreatmenl possible. If necessary. we can Ilso refer
~ou Ina denlist who commonly lreats TMO. Most
health insurances now allow individuals 10 selfrefer 10 physical therapy wilhout a referral from a
physician or denlist.
Ll results
PHYSIOTHERAPY / RIsulls Phys lOlhe rJ py
Bristol (423) 75&1048
320 BnstoI West Blvd, Ste. 2A
Klnpport (423) 343-7570
444 CIrtd"Iidd St. $te. 102
.Iohnson City (423) 232-8302
101 Med Ted! Pa ll<way, Ste 301
Morristown (4231 585-5023
210 S. Cuntterl3nd 51.
For a a:wnpIete list of toea\IOI1S and ioIormatoon
Jaw pain and clicking can COITIC from any one of
Results I'hystolhe<all'f Center5, 1'15<1 us at
these structures, but most commonly the pain
comes from the muscles around the: j<lint or
abnormal ~ or degencr.1Itive changes 10 the
If you WOIJId kke indivldu~' Clu~non'
$mall disk in the joint during opening and dosing.
A thorough c~amination of your po$1ure, upper
an~wer...:l by a senior clinician vi~It
Postwe, IltCk mobility and muscle balano;c: around
IltCk and shoulder girdle is impcrati~'C to proper
ht! p;fJresults p "y.lot he rit py .com J
the jaw and neck play an important role in proper
treatment of the TMJ due 10 the significant influii' k-a· p hys!ca 1·lhera piS I
function of the j<lint.
ente these areas have on the joint. The upper neck
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www . ln" cJl l handwellncn.eom, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tri-Cities Tennessee· March 2015 Kearth & Wel lnes5
How to Choose an Ophthalmologist
By ..IoMson City Eye Clinic
phtha lmology is the branch of medicine
that diagnoses, treats and helps prevent
diseases and disorders 01 the eye, An
ophthalmologist provides it broad range of
~rvices not limited to correcting vision with
glasses or contacts, treating eye conditions such as
ReSf'arch an Ophthalmoloclst's Credentials
Using the list of names you have collected, make
sure the Ophthalmologist you are interested In has:
• A Medical Oegree from an accredited medical
school and residency program.
• Completion of additional, extensive training in
cataract, refractive or vision correction, strabismus
• Board certification Irom the OOard that makes
sense for your needs. A master list of medical
OOards can be found through the American
Board of Med ical Specialties.
An Ophthalmologist's Training and Credentials
An ophthalmologist begins his Or her training
with four year~ 01 med ical ~chooL The next ~tep i~
a minimum of four years as a resident. Once the
residency is completed, an ophthalmologist may
continue with an extra year or more of speci ali!ed
train ing in a fellowship program . These "subspe·
cia lties " concentrate on one aspect of eye care,
~uch a~ glaucoma, cornea, neuro·ophthalmology,
pathology, pediatric ophthalmology or ophthal·
mic plastic su rgery.
Once a physician has completed these aspects of
education, he may apply to be a certified member
of the American Board 01 Ophthalmology, the
American Osteopathic Colleges of Ophthalmol·
ogy and Otolaryngology Head and Nec~ Surgery.
Board membership requires frequent recertification and to accomplish that, the physician must
complete annual coursewo,k requirements and
take a recertification test.
How to Choose the Right Ophthalmologist
To find the right fit between you and your ophthalmologist, YOu'll want to identify possibilities,
research credentials and then assess the docto,'s
capabilitie~ lor partnering with you.
• Make a List of Possibilities
• Find other patients who are sati sfied with their
ophthalmologists. Ask them for the names of
their doctors.
• Check with your insurance company for a list of
ophthalmologists who work with your insurance.
• Is the doctor respectful?
• Does the doctor exp lain the meaning of difficult terms and otherwise communicate effectively with VQu?
• Ooes the doctor spend enough time
with you?
glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic reti nopathy and performing eye surgeries including
and lid and brow lifts.
• Licensure from the state in which you will seek
care. The Federation of State Medical Boards
provides a maste, list of licensing OOdies .
• Are you comfortable with this doctor?
Find ing the r ight ophthalmologist may seem
li ke a long, involved process, however, knowing
t hat this doctor may partner with you for the
rest of your lifetime makes it worth your time
and effort.
A.l.on ,'I<Ca<I',."1)
• A review of pOssible disciplinary actions. This
information can be difficult to find, but as public
record, should be found by inputting the doctor's
name and location into a search engine .
Assess an Ophthalmolollst's capabilities
Once you have vetted your list based on the
criteria aOOve, you'll want to ask the lollowing
questions to determine which doctors are worth
• Is this doctor on the list of providers who work
with my insurance?
• Does this doctor have admitting privileges at
my choice of hospitals Or does the practice
include an ambulatory surgical center?
./<f>"Iik1" o..I<l<y, lot I)
• Is this doctor's location convenient for me?
What are the office hours? I~ the office nearby,
located on a bus route or easy to access if I use a
• What happens if I cal l this doctor in an emergency? How quickly w illi get a return call?
• II the doctor is not available, is there someone
else who can help me when I make a phone call
or need an appointment ?
If you are satisfied with the answers, you'll need
to make an appointment, where you'll al~o
want to conSider these questions:
888.929.JCEC (5232)
• Compare these lists to find names in common
• Does the doctor see you within a fair amount
with your needs. You'll want to spend time
Medical Park
of time from your appointment time?
learning more aOOut them by researching their
credentia ls, specialties and capabilities or
Johnson City
• Goes the doctor li~ten to your que~tion~ and
110 Med T...:h Parkway
ou tcomes history.
not interrupt you?
________________________ www .lnhe althandwe ________________________
14 Health & Wellneu March
201 S
Trl-Cities T en ne ssee
Are Stem Cells the Next Penicillin?
By David Ebner, Stan Writer
han<:~ are ~t you ha~ heard about
stem ce-lls-t~ have ~ In the news
for years. 81,11 did you know Ihll Slem
c~ls are b!-ing used ri911f now in the Uniled Stat~
to trHI debililating lung diw~? s...ff~ of
disNws ~ke COPO, pulmon¥y ~brosls. emphysema and Intenlitiallung diwaw are re<eiving life
changing stem cell trealmenlS thllt jusl a f_ sharI
years 190 had not yet ~ lhougtll of as possiblfl.
Wilh further iKlvanc:emenlS In lhe study of stem
cells. the queslion Is posed: are Stem (~Is the ne~1
penicillin! Slem cells and penicillin both come
from humble ~innlngs and a((kitnl.1 discOll·
e ry, lhey Ire both used 10 trHI life threalenlng
conditions and dlwa~, and Just li ke penicillin,
Stem cell biojoglSlS have won Nobel Pflzes due 10
the PfaCllcal uws of Ihelr dlscoverl~.
Consider the hlstooy of penicillin. In 1939, while
Poland was surrende<ing to Hltlel's Blitzkrieg
German offensl~. a Scottish bioIo9lS1 by the ~me
of Sir Alexa nder Fleming was on his 10th year of
studying his accidenlal dlscowry named penicillin.
While on vacation with his family fa< the summer.
Fleming left lhe cullures he was worlUng on out on
his lab WOfhllllion. Upon returning. he noticed
lhal a fungus had started to grow on OOI! of the
cultures and commenled."1"hII's funny." After
further" stucly of the fungus. fleming obsefwd lhat
the mold produad • subst.tnce lhal killed marny
disuw-uusing i»cleril. Sir Alexand« fIo!ming
did not know the magnitude lhal his mold eIIperimenls wouid have in 1945 when the anlibiol:ic
would sa'o'l! lhousands of I~ on the French
beil<;;hfronl on o-~. II wasn't unli. lhal )'01. that
Sir Alexand« fleming was ~ for his
wvic:e 10 lhe medial ~ by being iJWarded lhe
Nobel f'Iize. In the 1950's" synlhetic form of penicillin was ~rsl designed .nd marss prodliClion
~an 10 create the antibiotic at an amazing pace
and for a relatively small e~penw. Since lhen. penl·
cilli n has been used In vast quantities around lhe
world and has sa~ millions of lives.
Today, OOI! dinic.lhe lung Institute. is
usi"'il adull Slem cells harvesled from
me p'1ie-nt's own fat blood and bone
marrow 10 provide similar healing
resulu fa< people with lung disuses.
Their wt'bsile.
tlates that they ha'le lreated over SOO
p'llenlS to date. The physician gille"S
the p'tient a IIrowth faclor that mul·
tiplies the Jtem cells inlO millions o f
healthy (ells before extracting the
Slem cells from the patient then they
wpafale Ihe (ells and reintroduce
Ihem Into the patient's body. The
result Is thallhe healthy ce lls re place
Ihe damaged ones found in the lungs.
Not only can Ihis slow the pfogres·
slon of the disease, bul il also wOfks
10 restore lung function.
The lung Institute's Medical Direclor.
Dr. 8urlon Feinerman, who has been
trulln9 p'tienlS wilh stem cells
slMe Ihe 1960's, said. -Slem ce lls are
very Important becauw Ih-ey offer a
differenl apPfOIch. InSlead of just
treatln9 symptoms and making the
IH'llent i Iinle more comfortable,
lJMr ~'-.y of penicillin _. an ..rty .....,.. .f&roulllllH"lakint stem (ells tar!Jet Ihe diwaw and can
repair the damaged tissue. It is a whole
MCllealiIMnc-u ch""", tIM r:oufW 01 MCI ..... -.rI1e1",.
new ball game and gives people
rulistic hope thil we can clwrllengl! the Incurable:
lhat wirrinted lhe 2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine,
lire adult Slern (ells. This type of stern c~1 Is found
.lust as people _e wilY aboul how penicillin
in fully developed individuals and flourish in all
might help fight in~S when first developed.
people regardless of I9E' or health.
lhere is ~ hesitation lhal stern ce-li technology can hetp Ireat diwIIst$.. ~, just like
MOSI cells found in Ihe body ha~ developed InlO
re<ognized by the scientific coma specific type of cel~ like a 5Itin cell or II brain cell.
munlly, SO have stem c~1 developments. If lhe
At the turn of the Wth century, biologists discov·
number of people successfully trealed wilh stem
ered thaI some cells (stem cells) hiM! not yel been
cells already Is any Indicalion, then it will
assigned as a certain Iype of cell. They are simply
undoubledly be heraided, li ke penicillin, as the
blan k (ells standing by to meel your body's
ground breaking medlcallechnology of ilS time.
needs. Stem cells being used to treal diseases can
be traced bac k to 1968 when the first bone
If you or • loved one suffers trom a ch roniC
Irans pla nt wa s used to Ireat a patlenl sufStem cells have also been stud ied e xtensivel y over
disease, t he speci a lists a t t he lun g
fering from leu kemia. Pl acing heallhy stem celis
time and have crepllnto Ihe nallonal dla~ue as a
Inslllule may be ab le to help. Vou ca n conla ct
Into a sick Indilfidual's body results in Ihe creallon
buzz word for certain political agend~s, partlcu·
lung Inslllute al (855) 914-3212 or visil
of only heallhy ce lls t ha t a re not infected wilh the
larly the stem cells found In fetu~. HOWflver, the
lunglnslilule.(omlhealth 10 find out iflhese new
diwase. In lurn, these ce lls rep lace the dlwased
aclual stem cells Ihal are now being used 10 Irell
ire right for you.
d iwaws In Ihe United Slates. and the same cells
ones and start 10 heallhe patient.
- - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.tnhe a lth; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5U 5t
Livinj: Better. Loca lly
"Love Local •.• A Food Truck Event"
FeilturlllfJ musk by My New Filvorltes,
food by Foodle Fiction, He a K's. Tonl's/Mlillilimn TlfCOS
........ __.__-.-_
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[email protected]
NO~ rw=kd "'" ......... <>1
Location: Steele Creek Pari\, Bristol, TN
Date & Time: Sunday, March 29th
2:00 - 4:00 PM, "'in or shine
Price: $10 adults, ch ildren under six are free
To purcnase tickets, visit VrWW.asdeyeloo,QrQ or call 27H23-l121
Ple<lse join us for a fun afternoon at Steele Creek Pari<. in
Bristol, TN to celebrate AppaIadl!.1fl Sustainable Development's
Important work and critical Impacts.
State of Franklio Healthcare Associates
For over 20 years, ASD has been creating and implementing
solutionS to our regiOn's challeoges by helping fanners stay 00
their ~nd, teachirIQ people where their food comes from,
providing food to those In need and WOI1<.lng to keep forestland
viable for future generations.
from local food trucks that will source as
many seasonal Ingredients as possible from local farmers al'ld
Enjoy delicious items
Monique Richord
food producers.
Registered Dietitian Services
-.---......... .........
301 Moo Te<h p. rtway. Johnson City. TN 37604
423·794·5550 I ,,·ww.wfba.r>Ct
16 Keafth & Wellness March
201 S - Tri·Cities Tennessee
Colorectal Cancer is Preventable, Treatable and Beatable
By GasIroeI1!eJ1Xlgy Associates
olon Cancer is often a silent discase that
has no sympt{)1l1S_ On average, lifeTime
risk is one in twenty people will develop
colon cancer. This is a cancer that is prevenlable.
Beginning at age 50 (age 45 fw African Americans
ICoording to American College of Gastroenterology), all men and women should be screened for
colorcctal cancer. 11>c ooloreetal cancer screening
tests are divided into two groups: cancer prevention
tests (colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, CT
colonography) and cancer detection tests (fecal
immunochemical test - FIT, stool occult blood,
stool DNA tests). Everyone should discuss the pros
and cons of these screening modalities with their
physicians. The cancer prevention Tests are preferred over the cancer detection tests.
A oolonoscopy is considered the gold standard of
colore.:tal cancer screening methods for its ability
to view the entire colon and both detect and remove
polyps during the same procedure. Recent studies
have shown that colon CanCer rates have decreased
with increased screening by colonoseopy.
What Is Colorectal Cancer?
O;>loreetal cancer is cancer of the colon (large
intestine) or the re<:tum. It develops from adenomatous polyps (grape-like growths that can appear on
the lining of the colon and rectum) that may
be<:ome cancerous over time.
• Colon Cancer is the third most frequently diagnosed cancer in both men and women with an estimated number of over 132,000 new cases in 2015
(American Cancer Society)
• An estimated 49,700 deaths are expected to occur
in 2015 from oolorcctal cancer which makes it the
second leading cause of cancer related deaths when
men and women are eombined (American Cancer
• Colon cancer is preventable - early screening
allows for removal of polyps that may progress to
• Colon cancer is trealable and beatable when
detected early (5 year survival rate is 90"10 when
colon cancer is found early at a localized stage and
treated early)
• Less than 40% of colore<:tal cancers
early be<:ause screening rates are low. Only
65% of adults, agc 50--75 arc current and up to
date on 0010rect81 screening (Center for
Disease Control and Prevention)
Unfonunately, not everyone with colon cancer
may expericnce symptoms early On.
"Iann symptoms may include:
• Change in bowel habilS such as diarrhea, eonstipaTion. vomiting
• Feeling that your bowel does not empty complctely
• Unexplained weiglltloss
• Constant tiredness
• Blood in stool (either brighT red blood or
black, tany stools)
• Finding that your stools are mOre narrow
appearing than usual
• Gas, bloating. fullness, cramping
Cancer docs not always cause pain so it's
imponant noltO wait to feel pain before seeing
your physician if you experience any of these
www.tnhe~lth~ndwe l
Who Is al Risk?
• Men and women agc 50 and oldc-r
• People with personal Or family histories of
colore<:tal tlncer or benign (not cancerous)
colore<:tal polyps
• People who smoke
• People who are ovc""eigllt or obesc. especially
those who carry fat around their waists.
• People who are not active and doIl't exercise
• Peoplc who drink alcohol in excess.
especially men
• Peoplc who cal a 101 ofrOO meat (such as be<:f,
pork or lamb) or processed meat (such as bacon,
sausage. hot dogs Or cold cuts)
- People with personal histories of inflammatory
bowel disease (such as ulcerative colitis Or
• People with family historics of inherited
colorcctal cancer or inherited colorectal
Tri-Cities Tennessee - March 2015 Health & Wei lneS5
What else un be done to prevent the development of colorectal uncerl
First and forcmost get serecned regularly to find and remove polyps, also:
• A high fiber (vegetables) and low fat diet Consume a healthy diet with an
emphasis on plant sourees; specifically:
o Choose foods and beverages in amounts that hclp a,hieve and maintain
a healthy weight Eat 5 or more servings ofa variety of vegetables and
fruits each day.
o Choose whole grains over processed (refined) grains.
o Limit your consumption ofproccsscd and red meats.
In addition to maintaining a healthy weight, adopt a regular. v.gorous
exercise plan
• Cessation of smoking
What is a colonoscopyl
Typically the most unpleasant part of having a colonoscopy is the bowel prep
prior to having the procedure . This is one of the most important steps of the
process. In ordcr 10 safcly maneuver through the natural curves of the colon
and adequately see the lining, the colon must be cleaned and free ofstool. You
will be prescribed a cleansing method, which usually involves drinking a
flushing solution. lrucatives. andlor enemas. In most CIIKS. you are asked to
consume only clear liquids and eat no solid food the day before your procedure . Your physician will provide advice on which medications are safe to use
up unlilthe day ofyourcolonoscopy.
A colonoswpy is typically an outpatient procedure_ VQU can expect to spend
less Ihan haifa day for completion. Sedatives will be administered 10 produce
a relaxed state. Your gastroenterologist will maneuver the colonoscope
through your bowel. Air is pla,ed intQ the colon fQT distention 10 allow good
visualization . In some people Ihis can create cramping. Turning the colonoscope around comers oflhe colon can also cause diseomfort. These are two of
the main reasons patients are given sedation_ If polyps arc fQund in YQIIr
colon. YQIIr physician will remove them. Polyp removal docs not produce
pain. Biopsies will also be obtained ifany other abnonnaltissue is seen. The
exam itself lI'lually lasts 15-45 minutes_ You will recover from the medicaliQO
effects quickly. You should plan not to drive a "chicle the rest ofthc day.
Please contact our office or talk with your physician about sereenmg for
coloreetal cancer. Jt could save your life.
Experienced Professionals
innovative digeslive care
Klas· pon
IlS West 1Uvinc: 1\ood. S";te 3...
King>potl. Ton"'5$« 3766(1
8 <;"01
215 Mediesl "',k Bouk,
Bristol, T<n",.occ 37620
. t'..;...~
,o.bitlgdon, vitgW> 24210
TO sehedule an appointment witJt our office. call us at one 01 00' Tri·CIties loeatlons:
Kingsport - 135 West Ra>'lne Road (423) 246·6777
Bristol - 235 Medical Park Blvd. (423) 274·6350
Abingdon, VA - 616 Campus Drive (423) 274·6350
www.tnhe~lth~ndwe l
Or visit us online at WW'II'.gastrotn.rom.
18 Health & Wellness March 2015 Trl-Cities T ennessee
Use of Reverse Mortgages to Buy a Home Is Gaining In Popularity
Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) for Purchase LetsThose Age 62+ Buy a Home Without Monthly Mortgage Payments""
By- ~
~ ope"""
the flOtlt door 10 your new home. 1\'. poorMct-the 110..... of
vour dream •. Imqine how IlaWY iMI"\I theft malles vou. Now imali""
~ tNt home without needi"l to .... monthly """",ate ~ts. •
~ and rnQfe ,t.meriQn. ate 52 or cider a .... usi"l a ~ ... rw;jaI product (;lilted a
Homf Equity COIIW<ston MottP,f {HECM) for Purcha ... 10 buy a new home
without the spect ... of monthly mortpjIf po.yrnent .. ThIe product is also .... ferred
to IS H4P for short or .own.e rnQf\pJe for JIU~.
HAP is a ,rowi", tll!fld with many oIde' -""frlun. Iooki ... to -richt-si ... • to a
home that will allow them 10 SI.ay the.e for the duration of ttte; • • tIl .... ment.
Con,!de. that the number of hou..,hoIds heaMd by sometI"" ate 70 or oIdef will
.u. ", by 42Wo from 2015 to 202S, a lIudy by >larvard Univernty.' And
9 1" of ... nlors nid they wanted 10 .tay In thel. own 110......'
To help olde. Amerlc.on. mOIl' Into a home In wMch they un live mote comfort·
abty. the ~eral " O<Illn, Ad mlnl'lfltl"" IF .. A) laur.c;hed the HECM fo r Purchase
pro"am In 2003 to make it ulle ' to ".ht·"lt o ..... ,ocale.
>lowever. despite the wea ..... use of H4 P; It is <rill a largely unknown h<:>me flna r.c;·
when tombir.ed with concetn. about havire
Ire option. ThIs ~ of awa ....
enough money to live tom~bIy In .... tI .... Mf<'t. Ie-. many q ualified borrowers
uncle< the Itssumptlon that ITKIYirc 10 a new home is no! on 0f>rI0n for them.
Though no! the richt option for -vone. an H4P (;lin help qualified borrowers
maintfin theW ""st tel. imprOYe ash flow, or rnQfe ul-i/v aflord • rnQfe expen·
siw home or addJrlonitl uPl",det.
_'""'--_-*......... _'............
I'+Iot .. o•• , ...
. ... H[(M 10 _ _ _ p . , - _ ...... "'.IMtUrity.-.t.
I . State fit !he _
.. ~ ""'""" _
CeRe .. lot ........... Stod;o-. \lOIS) fIt_
~;tO ...
: c:ru.;,. eo. ...... d ~ lot ..... 'Mel. ............. 1he Global SodaI
Ene""",," _ _ CGst:lt .. Go ..... IO.h ~ McIIonoufII_
l . ...... _
~ wanted to build. and we wanted to h_ . nIte house; satid RM F H4 P dient Dolores
Salon. "We looked inlo COfIYtntional IeNn.: we looked Into CO<MntIonill mortcages: we
alw Ioo~ InlO t~ (H.'I. or lUll ~ne: for ~ out of OUt """~. And all thine:' <onsld·
e ... d. woo came around to the [".P). And we don't ~ we I mortp", ~ment. and
we . tl il hive a very beautiful hou .... We aff no! $!fiPped /0, ash and we Idlillave Our
nest eu . So ~ I>Is worked 0'" .....11y well'-
Reunt ltudies tonftrm a t .... nd that Is com lnl lMOI.u tt. cla'itv t iCh yeilr: the number
of r.ou$fhold, headed by thOlt al e 62 and older I. 'U " lnl a. the 8;lby Boomers hit
the ir .eti.~m~nt years. And they wint and expect to spend the ir .etl rement in the ir own
l>ome . An H4P mi! ht be an att.actlve option to help accomplish thitlOllI /or tht 10.000
A..... tlcans tu,nin. 62 ewery di V... e.tlmlttd by the U.S. C ~n.u. Bu r ~au.
U.inl a reverse lTIOftpf:e for purchase "n allow qu.,ifted borrowers to keep a la'llt r
amount of their taSll lnvellments in plact to continue ,rowinc, wIIit. buyinl 1M homf
wile ... they pian to _nd the test of t/\elf lives.
The,t aff! many 'tlOUtUt avai~bIe to learn fIIOf1! about t~ HECM for ""rcllase
PfOI",m. Indudlne: the U.S. +!ouslrc and U!l»n Development (HUO) weboite.
You un also contoKt Antel campbell. YOU' lOCAL Ikensed Reverse MotlpJe and
HECM for PUlCNse lPK!;tlist with Rtven.e Mortp.e Fundin.llC IRMf). by a.ine
IUl) nl-l109. She tan uplaln 1M beneflIt of on H4P and OIhe<consM:Ie",tIons. VISIt
www. ~rselnfo.tSenlon.tom.
......... ~ Ht:(M F<>< _
.. Spo:!_ H ~7 TN ~ Leftder li<tftoe 11511)3..
v... li<tftoe MC-5715. CI ;tOto - . . ~ Fundintl
toSS _
St., 2nd _
. ' 1 ,.:........
HI 070)). NMtS ID . 1019M1. _~ ..... A,II1titIMS ","",' wed.
Thiomrt ..... hM _ _ ' ...1c .oj, H 0 .d. ",luuedby HUO.FtIA."''''''
TN u.: ...... . 1InOJ v... u.: ...... . Mt S7n
CI ;tOt. - . . . ...."".." Fund ... LLC.
l.4SS _
$I •• 2nd Floot.
_ . NJ07mJ. NMI.$ IO' 10199-11 •
NMtS ' IOI99-!1
Get more detailS In one quick converntion.
A Reverse MortS3se Specialist WIth Mo.tS3se Funding
(RMF), Ancet Campbell (NMLS. 506567). is an u pe.iented HECM
for Purchase specialist serv inS t he T.i·Cities TN ind SW VA atea. She
is available at 423 773-3309 o. acampbe ll @.eversefundin,.com to
help Inform qua lified borrowers .nd .uldentlil .eal estate p.ofes·
sionals. w_. Reverselnf04Senlors.<om
EFAX: 888-573-9027
D, REcr:
~umpbcll @rcvcrscfund l
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RM F .. ,' R"
.",. ".M , '"~'''~,.'''
""" .K~'cl>(' ln f04S~mul"S.cum
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www .tnhe a lth an dw
Tri-Cities Tennessee - March 20 IS Health'" Wellness
Agape Women's Services• ••
gape Women's Services provides testing
and information for pregnancy and sexual
health issues offered in a caring and con·
fidcntial setting. regardless of race. religion or
income. We offer a variety of servites, including
medical pregnancy testing and limited ultrasound.
We do not offer aboniQlls or referrals for abonions
but believe that every wOman considering
abortion needs to have allthc facts and know all
the options available to hcr.
Getting all the facu
If yw'rc thinking about having an abonion and
finding a clinic, it is imponam to remember that
abonion is a medical procedure. 00 you know there
arc several types of abonion and which type you
will have? Whal are the risks associated with each
one? Do yw have any rights with abonion providers. and ifso> what arc they? 11 is SO important to
know all the facts so that you can make an informed
decision. and wc can hcll' by providing infOTmation
that wi ll allow you to understand ywr choices and
your jm:gn.ancy. Are you really jm:gnant? Arc you
al risk for a nalUral miscarriage? Or do you have a
- - CAll -
tubal jm:gnancy requiring immediate medical allen_
tion? Ilow far along arc yw? Agape Women's
Services is here to discuss your health. explain your
OJltions and hell' you consider the choices before
you.----abonion. parenting or adoption. Did you
know that today you have many J>arC1lting and
adoption options to consider? Wc are here to help
yw understand them so that you Can make the right
choice for yw AND for your child.
Additional services
If you have chosen abortion in the past and have
questions Or are dealing with the aftermath of your
choice, we also otTer On<X>n-one conversations Or
an 8·weck small group designed to help you as you
sort through the fallout of that choice, whether it
has been recent or decades ago.
In addition 10 the pregnancy related services.
Agape Women's Services otTers medical STT
testing. for both women & men. and education QIl
sexual health, lifestyles and relationships.
We also make available parenting classes for
parents with children ages prebom - 17 years old,
anger management classes and parent conflict
classes. For expectant and neW morns
,,'C provide HOPE
classes, which provide education and
suppan, as well as
allowing her to earn
needed products (diapers. clothing. ele.).
Agape Women's Services
An Unplanned Pregnancy Comes
With A Lot Of Questions ...
We Have Answers!
Johnson C ItyPreg n ancy. com
s Services
If you wou ld li ke to ma ke an appointment or to tal k with uS about any of
our services, you can do so by going to our website at m orcaliingusat 423-928-2273 .
ALL of our services are confidential and free ... we are here for YOUI
www.tnhe a lth a ndwe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
20 Health & Wellness March 2015
TIl-Cities Tennessee
By Abigail Weaver
To add IOIho appeal ofsummer camp,.,1ho
Y. Iho ful ler Kingspon family YMCA
bc:H",'cs in cmuring that '-''''Y child and
l«nlw Ihc: chanc. 10 go 10 camp. Tluofs
" 'hy 1bc: Y offen IllWlCiai assistall« 10
1hosc .... ho "",lify and panncrs "ilh LEAPs
10 make il ",,"ihle. [I·,.bo why Iho Y
GfTen care for kids willi special r.eeds.. We
,,-anI .... eryone 10 IInc Iho opponunity IG
make lasling memories .1 summer camp.
ummer ~ak ,.., me'" many Ihings for ditfrn:nt kids and families.
AI 1M Y. Summer mans o..y Camp t ; _ posili,·c. fun.filled spin
on Iongdays. whkh influcn«S spirit. mind and body.
When you ~roll your child in YMCA Day Camp thi, $limmer, you can do SO
imowi"llbc: Y ofTn'S. uniq\le and
unr~ublt e~pmen«.
We work
childro> disco"er thei, full poIen,;.I. ",hile they have lou: of fun' OIh<n have
asked, "What', your secret?" The Y doesn't h..'c IItCrdS but works hard to hire
the right counKlon into 11M: Y fami ly 10 build rela,iOll$hips and a ",~1com;ng
environmcnllO an.
With our multi.fKcled aW' Q&C:h. Ihe YMCA StreSses the importance of
engaging kids 10 make them feel like Ihey belong, increasing their selfconfidence, abiliTy 10 make friends, and help grow their imaginations. Developing character, ",wardinil good behavior and daily inspirations are also a large
pan of improving 5pinl al YMCA t amp.
Our cGunsc lGrs are carefu ll y chosen in order
lG provide a posilive experience. compl.,c
wilh personali~ed, Ihomed club aclivilies
every "'ook. challenging lhe campers 10
apply lbeir minds and learn ~ skills. Ily
holding 10 • IGw camper lG counselor rllio,
lhe: Y finds Ihe bonds and role modd pouibililies come quilt easily wilh moll kids.
BoIh counselors and kids find Ih.y are
SIrt'U:hc:d 10 learn AND have fun when lbe
weekly field lrips come .Iong.s ..... U!
1l0.0..,,·cr, we can'l fOfJeI .boul all lbe opporIunilies
IG ben.fil and 51Tmglhcn lhe: body! Ulilizing daily
group pmos, oong ;nl~l;onal aboul physical
..el i~ily. lICNina he:llihy sn..eks and " " imming t\Ioll
days per "'"«k ."he: KinJSpon Aqualic C~ler are jusl
some of lhe ways ..... can cncou",1I" he:lllhy Ii" ina in
OUr camper$.
For lhe summer 0(2015. lhe Y is going "OfT lhe:
Rails"10 explon: lbe Uniu,d Stales. Wilh a
lik.,his. yO\! simply h..·• 10 gear up your imogi.
Dalion! Gel ready 10 ''''vel 1hc: cwnlly lhi.
summer in Ihe Professor's "i ll uallra;n in sea",h
of lhe coumry', mGSI 'nleresling Iindmark •. A
fun. energelie. program for rising I sl·51h graders.
Professor I.Can.TraveI.A 101 will lead your
camper from eOO5l lG COlli .... hile fGSlering lhcir
journey 10 learn who 1hc:y are and hG .... far they
can go in their 0"11 lives.
For our Middle Schookrs. lhe Y . Iso ofTen HYPE Camp for rising 6th-9th
gn.dc:rs. The: 1hemc (or 2015 is ''Choose Your Ad\"1,ntu",:' The: gool GfHYPE is
lG keep the$c I.... eens and lttIIS ..el;'·e by involving Ibcrn in ","«kly ,'GIUnl"'"
opportunities and leadership ..e1'v;Ilcs .... hilc ha~ing fun. making mends. and
learning how 10 entbrate 1hcir fulUR".
So,..haI will il be for your kids? If you lra'~1 wiih the: Y ihis lUmmcr. know "'..,
an: campina for our spirils. minds and bodies.
!'Of mm if1lorm1t1oo:
Wenrnom Centlf, Grelter KlnpPOfl Flmlly YMCA. SlJlh Anne Walke!" I t
423.765.\l 1 20/ 1W.lke~kpt.cwt
~ kpt.cwt
While .... e recGgoi~e some families must
have saCco s«ure •• nd (un care for kid,
duc 10 wGrk obligalion •. we also know
some familiesj u.t have. dcsir. (Gr Ihcir
kids 10 ha~e fun while Ihey're oul of
school. For kids in cilher $ilUaliGn, Ihe
YMCA nGw Gffers Spee i. lly Ci mpi
wilh an advanced lwil1 On learning and
fun. Science, exp lGring. Amer;e.n Girlll
Dolls, warriors. Quiddilch. dinosaurs, ..
Gur spccia!ry c.mps are here 10 meellhe
in1.re5ts Gf your camper! II lving fun
and leaming_ ifl wltal YMCA specialty
www .tnh ea lth .. nd -
Tri-Cities Tennessee· March 2015 Health'" Wellness
What is Your Sleep IQ?
True or False?
ounn, PHP. 1'0<" ","In re....
F. I•• . Whil. VOI" l>o<Iy re",. VOI" bfOln <Iofln·t. An
9O.k furw;tionl", tl>e r>e<t
.,.In dun ... >lee!> 9fe!1'''' u, fo, . I.......... r><!
~"""JI'" one """,~" nltht un _ n , _ lrem ,",nf", or t\H>ctioninf normollv·
Tru • . Mo>t oduK, fIftO .rour><! . iJht hou" of , 1"'9 '" lunction .. their To determine \'OU' ~"'9 nHd •
..... P un~1 _ on \'ou, own ...wishou' on .Iorm <10<1<. Fw .Ien? n ..·• _ r ..... P fIftO. 'Iou eon t.O(h
\,ou .... f to ..... P Ie ... b<n not to nHd Ie ... IH9
_ m "",k.. _ fHI.~ ....." 11_ 1>.... 1>,.; enotJfl> PHP
F. I•• . SIHp 10.. eou .... leepl ...... 6«<dom. like • w. ,m or d .... room. me<.1y UM1<lsk$ rt.
Res';", In 1>«1 wI,h 1'>1" 0'\'10$ _
cmnot ..tIs!v _, t>od\", _
for .....p.
Tru •. Rest I. not •• ub.t.ut. lor s1Hp. Sleep is .. """....1'1 to he.nh •• food .r><! w.ter. When VOl' don't I.t
'he s1Hp _ fIftO. \'OU' ~ build. up ..... P debt. Sooner or ~ter. this debt fTI<I" be I>OId .. with .leep.
Snorl", is not ~rmful.,1onf os I, doe"," df"u,b "'''"''F. IH. Snori", mo'Y Indieot.'he~. of .1n-t~~I ... >lee!> d;",rOe< coIled .... P .pne •. People with
>Iee!>._ ...,.., loudly or>d up re90.tedly dun", tl>e niCIlt. , .. pO", for breW>. These r.90.ted . w.kef>.
ire> Ie;>d '" severe ~ .... piness. M.ny people with >lee!> .pne . . ... unow..ellley _."" eondition.
c~,.. nlfh •.
Tru • . Thoush m.ny peopO. f. iI'0 _ m ber their d,•• m., d,oomi", doe. OCCU' for ....1'1 penon .....1'1 nlent.
Dre. m.... mos' "".;0 dU'inl REM or fO pki eve _m.n' .1... p
TIle oIde, _ ~t 'ile "'_ """,. 01.1_ _ _.
F.I •• . Sleep _
rem.l., un<h.nced th,""lhout .du l'l>oo<I. 0Ide, people who >lee!> Ie ... t nish' tor><!'o
..... P more du,lnl ttl. dOV· " Il<>Ol .... P hlbit •• p.ln or n•• Hh cor><!mon. .... pIrc MficuK •• phy>lc:ion
eon help
NO m'''er how .....P'I VOl' or., 1'0<' eon II:>ru _fHIf ", .tov. .... k•.
F. I•• . If vou're ..... VI'
VOl' eon f.11..... P .nywher •. W• • 1", po»il>. '" f. 11•• Ie.P for • ~ second •
• r><! not.....", rt. These "mlc:ro<leeps" eon be d'nee' ou, ~ they n.p_ wh.n vou'''' d,"'",
"_'re PHPY- fOism, 'he volume of VOI" ~ is •
"'01' '0 "01' . wM. drM",.
F. IH. 1'IO\'i",. rodio, . - ' " ,um •• r><! openinl not , ..... WoY> to keep .IeeVl'
beeoUH'heIr effecn .... short~lIIOd. If vou're Il0\0,,, 'rwbie 'fO'V\nI . ... ke while dlivi .... '1'1 to ~I over ... sole
pIooe.r><! take . short nop or _ . eoffe<noted drink. The bW ",lutlon is to ... "'" . ft.r '10001 niJht'. >Iee!>.
. wOl'....." wi'hou. ,_'mer".
F. I•• . S-... P disor<l .... don" di"P90O< without t'."ment. Tre .. ment mOl' be beh_r.llfor ..ample, loInl
'" .leep.r><! wokl",.t'he .. me ~me ....1'1 mi. pho,mO(olotlieol. "'fJIeol or. c""'l>no~on . Untr •• ted ..... P
di""d .... mOl' h _ _ k>u. COIl""lU"""" th .. ~ vou' n••
Qu.lity of Iii •• ><hooI.r><! work 9Orfor·
m.nt.,.r><! ,.IotIon.nlps. Wone. untre.ted .1e.P disor<l .... eon Ie.d to oc<ld.nt •• r><! d •• th.
HoWd you do? n'. i><Obobly soIe'o .. y that moo( Amerieon •• re not ,.!tInl the .mount of .leep .h.. they
need. ~ I. cruel.lot .1I'1es. SI..p provid ••• n opi>Ol1unity for the body to '.poI i,.r><! rej"""n.t. ~ ..". In
0 ...... periment •• nlm.l. dep'lIIOd .n~re ly of .leep loot . 1/ immu .... fu",,~on .nd die<l in lu" • m.",., of ..... ks.
M.ny of the m.jor re.tor.~"" fu""tIon. In the body like mu><1e ",,""h, ~ .. u. r.l>Olr. protein .... nthesi ••• r><!
,..,....h I>ormo~ ,.Ie... occu ' """tiy. or in som. eo.... on ly. dun .... leep
k_ofAdeq . . ... SII"' ...... :
Improw ~mory
o LMlor>f~ '
Curb Infl.mmotion
'\pu, C~OtMty
Improw<i Pdhlotk
Improw<i ~o '''''''
o ktt~ , A"~nlion
o Improw<i m.taboli,m
lower Stf~,
o Improw<i mood
H........... Somo Tips for . Good Nip'" SlHP:
o Avoid coff.i .... ofter Z:OO PM
o Avokl • h~.vy ~o l 'lent before ,leepinl.
o ~ . . p liJht' lowered in the .... ni ....
o TI'1 ~ntl~ nmch i.... nd d_ br~ ..hi ... rilht bekn bed.
o 'Un9Iul" I,om .1I.lectfon"" one hou, befo,. bed .nd kNp.M
.Iectron"" in .nother
. fter bedtime
o \'ou, bedroom. ",Imin .. comfortoble hoven.
Cle .. d of.1I din .. ction,.nd n .....
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w ww.tnhe ~ lt h~ nd w e l lness com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
22 Health & Wellness March
201 S - T",Cities Tennessee
March is National Kidney Month
na popular singer.songwrilCT Joni
Mitchell ask«l. "Don'1 il always seem to go
that you don't know what you've got till it's
gonc"-a question that could have been aim«l at
peoplc with kidney disease. The kidneys playa
crucial role in maintaining overall health, but are
rarely app=iat«l until they 1xcomc damag«l and
can no long\:1" do their jobs.
Top 5 Jobs Kidneys 00
Do you !mow what your kidneys do c'"Cf)' day to
keep you ~..hhy? ~ an5"'er is quite a 101:. ~
kidneys play an important role in keeping your
body functioning properly. H= are the S top jobs
~a1thy kidneys perform.
I. Remove waste, and exlr1l fluid. Your kidnc:ys
act like a filter to remo"e wastes and cxtra nuid
from your body. Your kidneys filter aOOm 200
quans of blood each day to make aOOut I to 2
quarts of urine. The urinc contains wastes and extra
nuid. This prevcnts buildup ofwasles and nuid to
keep your body healthy.
2. Control blood press~. Your kidneys nm:I
pressure 10 ""0<1< pooperly. Kidneys can ask for
higher pressure if it seems 100 low. or tl)' 10 lower
pressure if it scems 100 high by controlling fluid
levels and makina the hormone that causes blood
vessels to constrict.
3. Make red blood cells. Your kidneys make a
hormone called erythropoietin. Erythropoietin tells
hone nuuTOW to make red blood cells. R«I blood
cells carry oxygen from your lungs to supply all
your body's ~. R«I blood cells give you the
ene-rgy you nm:I for daily activilies.
4. Keep bone. hullhy. The kidneys make an
active form of vitamin D. You nm:I "iwoin D 10
absorb calcium and ~_ Cakium and phos.
phorus are important minerals for makin& bones
strong. ~ kidneys .. lso balance calcium and phos-phorus so your body ~ the right amount.
Kidney Disease
Many of I1lI don't give much thought to our hardworkina kidneys bul t~ truth is I in.l American adults
are at rislt for dc"eloping kidney disease. The main risk facton are diabetcs, high blood prnsure...
S, Control pH Levels. pH is a meaSure oflt(:id and
What Causes Chronic Kidney Disease?
family history of kidney failure and being age 60 or older.
baSC'o Your kidneys maintain a healthy balance of
The 1....0 main causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD) an: diabelcsand high blood pressure. which an:
responsible for up to tw/rthirds of Ihe cases. Diabetes happens when your blood sugar is tOO high,
the chemi(als thaI control acid levels. As edls
break down. they make acids. The foods you eat
causing damage to many organs in your body, including the kidneys and hean, as well as blood vessels,
can ei1her inc~1$C or the llntOUOI of acid in
nervcs and eycs. High blood pressur<:, or hypencnsion. occurs when the pressure of your blood against
your body. Your kidneys balance Ihe pH of your
the " 'alls of your blood vessels incrust'S. If uncontrolled, or poorly controlled.. high blood prcssu~ can
be • leading cause of hcan attacks, strokcs and chronic kidnc:y disease. Also, chronic kidney disease
body by eilher removing or adjusting the right
amounts of acid and buffering agents.
can cause high hlood pressure.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.tnheatth'ndwettnus.eom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Tri-Cities T ennessee
March 2015 Heallh &r Wellness
What are the Symptoms of CKD?
Most people may not have any severe
kidney disease is
advanced. However, you may notice that you:
oleel more lired and have less energy
o have trouble concantrating
o have a poor appetite
o have trouble sleaping
o have muscle cramping at night
o have IIwolien leel and ankles
o have puffiness around your
eyes, especially in the morning
, have dry, itchy skin and need to urinate
mora often, especially at night.
The NatIonal KIdney Foundetlon offe"
7 Golden Rulea of Prellent/on to lower your
chancea or lIettlnll kIdney d/auaa.
L Get regular ehed ,. up,
You \.ake your car in for I lune.up 10 make sure il runs
smoolhly. so ..... hy ..... ouldn·' you take eare of your body?
Your doclor ean check for kidney disease ..... ilh 2 simple
ecsts: a urine lese and blood lest A urine lesl called
albumin creaeininc ralio(ACR)checks iflhere is . pn»ein
called albumin in your urine. A blood lCSl called glolt\C1U·
lar !ihralion nle (G fR) Iclls how well your kidneys are
working eo remove wasec from your body.
2. Control Blood PRllure
High blood pressure can damage )'OIlr kidneys and
increase )'our clwl«$ of gelling kidnc)' disease. If your
blood press~ rcmoins high. your docklr may have you
take medicine. Making simple tweaks 10 your lifestyle,
sueh as cuning back on SIll and alcohol. losing excess
wright. and eXo:Kising can help keep)'Oll' blood prt'SSUrt'
in cbeck.
3. Control Blood Sugar
High blood sugar levels make lhe kidneys filter 100 much
blood. o.·er lime. ehis exIra work suasts lhe kidneys and
can cause damage . If you have diaheles. the best " " y 10
pro1cce your kidncys is to kccp your blood sugar well conlrolled. Your erealmenl plan may include diel. exercise.
and medicine 10 lower your blood sugar levels.
S. Exercise
You'~ heard if~fore and ....~·re JOin& 10 Sly il you must cxm:~. htlps:l,"
11oz1aeozTopic_ Fitness·Rehabilitation. Exm:iso: can help you \r.eep , healthy "~ight, conlrol
blood pressun: and eholcslerol. build strength and cnd~. and lower)'our elwl«$ ofgening
diseases such as dia~es. bean disease, and kidney disease. There arc many types of exm:iscs
that can help you stay heahhy including walking. houso:hoId chores, playing a sport. or aerobic
cxcn::isc (jogging, swirruning, biking, climbing stairs. or hi\r. ing).
6. Quit Smoking
By now )'Ou should know lhe many dangcrs associated with smoking. Smoking eauses
diseases in every organ oflhe body, including the kidneys. If you are nol able 10 quit smoking
on your own. ask your doclor about lreatmenl oplions.
4. Eat I Hea lthy Diet
A healthy dice plan, such as the DASH (Dielary Approaches
7. Do Not O vertllle Pain Medieinel
eo SlOP Ilypct1ension) DiC!. can help lower blood pressure
Using eoo much pain medicines callcd NSAJOs (non _steroidal anli-inflammalory drugs such
and lower your chances of gcn ing hean disease and kidney
as ibuprofen) may cause kidney disease. lAlng·ecrm use of NSA IOs, especially al high doses.
disease. The DASH ealing plan includes fruies, vegmbles,
reduces the blood flow 10 the kidney which cauSC5 harm eo kidney eissue. Ask your doctor
fat-tree or low·fal milk and milk products, whole grains,
aboul olher medicine 10 manage pain. such as acetaminophen.
fish, paultry. beans. $C.'Cds. and n ~el. 1I also has less sodium.
Soo.or«: N.--.I K-,. r _ _
sugars. fats, and red mealS.
_ :...-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Keafth & Wellness March 2015 • Tri-Cities Tennessee
National Poison Prevention Week is March 15-21
ore than 2 million pofsonings are r&ported each year to the poison cootrol ceoters across tile
country. More than 90 percent of these occur in the home. The majority of non-Iatal poisonings
occur in chi ldran young(\!" than six years old. And. poisonings are on<l of the l<lad ing causes 01
death among a.du~s. National Poison Prevention Week is a week naUooally designated to highlight the dangers 01
poOsonings and I"o:Iw to prevent them us<ng the following Medicine $afety Tops.
Week Coun ci l
Medicine Safety Tips
2015: March 15-21
• Ask babysiners. visitors. and houseguests to keep purses. briefcases 00" bags that contain
medicines up high. away and out 01 sight trom your children. The same rule a~ les when your
child""" 81"(1 visrting a Iriend 00" relative"s horne.
• Buy products in ~tanI packaging possl>Ie. But ~. chiId-<esisIant is
not childprool. and is designed to keep children away from the product fOO" a short ~me before
a parent notices.
National Poison Prcvl'ntion
\Clh l l / LJiT"09
, March 15_2 1,2015
• Use child-resistant packaging properly by closing the container tightly after use.
o II you think somoone has boon poisoned. call1 -8Q(}.222- 1222 to rea<::h your local
poison canter. This Nltiooaltoll-lree number works anywhere in tile U.S. 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week. 365 days a year.
So" PO.t.sONS
o Keep the poison ceoter toll-Iree number near your phone, or program 1-800-2221222 into your home and mobile phone.
o Read medicine and prodUCIlabets before each use and lollow d irectloos exa<::tly.
• Tell children what medic ine is and why you must be the one to give rt to tIlem.
, N<lver call medieir'\(l "candy" to get a child to
o N<lv(\!" ktave medicine out 00 a kitchen counter 00" at a sick ch ild's bedside.
o fWlays tum the light 00 when gMng 00" taking medicine. Check the dosage every time.
o Put 00 your glasses to read the labet when you need to take a medicine so that you
know you have the correct amount 01 the right medicine.
o Avoid tak ing medicine in Iront 01 ch ildren.
• Never take more than the prescribed amount 01 medicine.
• Never 'borrow' a hieod"s medicine or take old medicines.
• Tell your doctor what other medicines you are
counter medicine. vitamins and he!"bal prodUCts.
so you can avoid harmful or dangerous drug interactions. This includes prescriptions. over-the-
• Clean OU1the medicine cabinet periodically, and salety dispOSe 01 medicines that are expired or no longer oeeded.
• fWlays reiock the safely cap on e medicine bottle. If too medicine has a locking cap thai tums, twist
until you tmar tho! click or you cannot twist any more.
· 0001 remove medicine from a child-resistant packagtl and put tt On another lype of easy to open container.
o Read the labels 01 prescription and over·the-counter medicine
active ingredient
to make sure you are oot taking more than one product at a time with the same
• Use on~ the measuring device (dosing cup. dosing syringe. 00" dropper) that is inclOOed w ith your medicir>e. II a measuring device is not inch.>ded or you
do oot receive one. ask lorone from your phannac<st. Don·t s.ubstrtl.lte another rtem. such as a kitchen spoon.
• II you don1 understand tho! instructions on the medicir>e label. or how to use the dos<ng device (dosing cup. dosing syringe. or dropper). tal~ to your pharmacist or doctor before using the medicine.
• Never share 00" sell your prescription medicines.
• Moortoo" the use of medicirlllS prescribed 100" children and teenagers. such as medicines lor atterllion defi<:it disorder, 00" ADO.
• Koop medicines in their original bottles or contain1.1f"!5 wh/.In<.IVer possible. II you transfer medicines to another container, such as a pill minder or organizer,
store them in a pt""" that is 100 high lor e child to mach or """. since thesi! contain1.1f"!5 are of\an oot child-resistant. II possible. ensure the storage location
has a salely latch.
• Some medicines "'" dangerous when mixed
alcohot. ConsuH your doctor or pharmacist before drinking aloohot
you are taking a prescription or
over-the-counter medicine.
• Talk to your doctor before taking any vitamins or he!"balsupplements. They can interact with your medici"".
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .tnhe althandwe llness .com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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26 liea~h & Wallness March
2015 - Tri - Cities Tennessee
MARCH Health&Weliness
Running Events
Saturday, March 21
Saturday, March 7
Abingdon , VA
Thin Mint Sprint 5K & 1 Mile
Kids Run
• ••••••••••••••••
Saturday, March 7
limestone, TN
Joggin' For The Noggin' 5K RunIWalk
to Benefit The Crumley House
•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Friday, March 13
Abingdon, VA
Shamrock 4-Miler Presented
by CrestPoint Health, Johnston
Memorial Hospital, and the
Town of Abingdon
Saturday, March 14
Johnson City. TN
7th Annual Chasing Snakes
10K Road Race and 4K
Fun Run/Fitness Walk
Saturday. March 21
Abingdon, VA5K - Run for
St. Anne School
Saturday, March 21
Johnson City, TN
Run The Links 5K to Benefit
the Johnson City Senior Center
Bristol, TN
Seconds Count 5K Run/Walk
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Saturday. March 21
Greeneville, TN
Tusculum College Make-A-Wish 5K
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Wednesday. March 25
Kingsport, TN
Ruth Ketron 85th Birthday
Celebration 5K Walk/Run
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
..... ..
Friday, March 27
Johnson City, TN
Light It Up Blue 5K
Run/Walk to Benefit Autism Speaks
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Saturday, March 28
Kingsport, TN
An End To Silence 3K:
A Run For Endometriosis
Saturday, March 28
Johnson City, TN
Bitl Gatton College of Pharmacy
Apothecary Dash 5K
Saturday, March 28
Piney Flats, TN - Run
Ladies 5K Run/Walk
'Of" the
Slll'lday, March 29
Abingdon, TN
Virginia Creeper Marathon
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.tnhealthilndwe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Tri-Cities Tennessee· March 2015 Kealth & Wei lneS5
Ladies' Luncheon: Raise Money for Healing Hands Health Center
ealing Hands Health Center is having our
4th annual Diamonds and Ice Ladies'
FUndraising Luncheon on Wednesday,
April 15,2015 from 11:00 am 10 1:00 pm al Ihe
BrislOl Train Station.
Tickets arc SI25 each or Tables of 8 arc SI,OOO.
Each lickC1ltable includes lunch and a surprise bo~
generously donated by Gregory Isbell Company.
Gregory Isbell will be donating 199 pairs of faux
diamond earrings and one pair of stunning diamond
earrings valued at S5,OOO, everyone wins but One
lucky lady will take home lbe gnmd pri~e'
"Walking without pain... my life has been changed"
Topurchase your ticketortable please email Melissa
Sleward at ms!eward20 IO@yahoo,comorcallSarah
Phillips aI423·573-4327.
Cash. Chocks and Credil Cards arc accepted'
Healing Hands Health Center is a free medical,
dental. vision, ,hiroprac!ic, physical therapy and
counseling center Ihat provides quality, compassionate, charitable healthcare 10 working, uninsured residents in our contmunity. Hcaling Hands is
celebrating 59.000 patient visits and has provided
m'er 18 million dolllUS in free medication since
opening our doors in 1997.
Because someone in Sora' household works she was seen at
Healing Hands by volunteer
physicallherapist, Angie Foster,
and loge/her with Terry from
Bristol Orthotics and Prosthetics.
Sara was given a brace that was
customizable to her needs.
Each year. we continue to see increased demand for
our services and arc continually looking for ways 10
widen our reach and c~pand our coverage area.
Proceeds from this fundraiser will go to suppon our
Dental and Vision programs. two areas of need not
covered Ihrough the Affordable Care Act. Please
suppon Healing Hands as we fundraise 10 continue
providing charitable care to lhose in n«d.
Healing Hands
Health Center
210 Memorial Drive, Bristol, Tennessee 37620
www. h
Sara was born with Cerebral
Palsy and has been unable 10
walk wilh a normal gale/or much
0/ her life. After moving back 10
Bristol. Sara quickly recognized
Ihat she had very lillie options 10
receil'e care, as she was uninsured and /lnable to work. Sara
states that because she had "full
arm motion and could walk a
little", she was /lnable 10 receive
disability- Someone told her
about Healing Hands and our
mission to help the working,
uninsured. Sara desperately
wams 10 work, but couldn'l
beca/lse she was unable to walk
for more than 20 minutes without
having severe pain and stiffness.
Sara now walks with a normal gate and can stand/or long periods a/time. She is incredibly excited aboul returning to the workforce and credits the IQI'e. support and care she's
received at Healing Hands and from Bristol Orthotics and Prosthetics for gelling her
"back on her/eel. "
Sara says, "The people at Healing Hands make you /eellike every other pro/ld citizen in
Bristol and we are so lucky they are here. They give o/their time/or only a donation and
they'l'e definitely changed my life!"
www.tnhe~lth~ndwe l
28 Keatth & Wellness March
2015 • Tri-Cities Tennessee
Be Daring ... Try Something New!
By Klmberty Toby
atcly r have been inspired to try ncw
things! I cut my hair shon beeause r
wanted to know I could still be Kimberly
witoout my trademark long hair. You know what,
I have been having fun trying out new styles. and
I am proud of myself for challenging myoid ideas
about long hair and beauty.
In a couple of weeks. I am going to do a juice
cleanse which is something I have never tried (t
will write about this experience in a future anicle).
I dc.:ided that. as a health and lifestyle roach. I
personally should experience a cleanse if I am
going to recommend it to future clients. I am also
changing antiquated thinking patlcms about my
self worth. body image. and food beeause r realize
that some of my perspectives and ideas are based
on experiences that are no longer relevant to my
life as it is today.
Trying something new is a great way to welcome
spring and get Out of a winter rut, Or any rut for
that matter. Doing something new and different
inspires a sense of adventure and reminds you that
you arc in control of what you say, what you think.
and what you do in your life l We may nQt have
control over what happens in the political land·
seape, Superbowl games, Or the ever tluctuating
prices at the gas pump. but we can control what
we do to support our own health and wcllness.
Isn't it great to have that choice!
Do What You Love. , . Everyday!
As a health roach. I support clients in reaching
their wellness goals . I also encourage them to get
out of their routines and habits beeause it is
obvious that SOme of the routines they ha"e no
l{)1lger serve their new goals that they want tQ
achieve while they work with me. I have them
evaluate what they love to do as part of my 3·6·5
program. SQ. if a client IQves to dance. then. r
encourage them to take a class they have never
taken (c.g. a salsa class Or maybe even a Zumb.a
class. . Yes. I am a bit panialto Zumb.a).
As you write yQUr lisl, set aside any judgmcnt and
focus on what you love now, not whal you loved 5
years agQ. As we live each day, our cxperienccs
intluence whal we IQve and thai can change. so be
kind to yourself as)'Qu write OUI your list. One of
my loves is having a cup of coffee either at my
fawnte ooffcc shQp (perhaps you have secn me at
Blackbird Bakery doing Ihis very thing) or
cnjQ)'ing my java at h<:>me with nQthing to do but
cnjQy thai wann cup of comfon in my favoritc
mug. Ten years ago, this "..ould not have made my
list of loves.
the oountry if] wanted tQ be oold. uh.hem. pardon
the ooffee pun. enough to havc my coffee far away
from where I Ii,'e. May sound like a bil of a
streich, bUI I think being brave enQugh to think
outside oflhe proverbial oox is fun and healthy!
This spring, try something newoo.just f()l" )'QUI
About KImberly Toby
A half French. half East Tennes·
seean who currenlly leaches
After you have made a I;sl of five of your favorite
French and Public Speaking 10
things, then, think of a way you can inoorporate
high sehoolers in the Tri·Cities
them in some small way. everyday. lfyQU cannot
arca, Kimberly has a passion for
do all five, then. make il a goal to do al least one
sharing her journey about heahh
thing from )'Qur list everyday, even if it is for only S
and fitness in <:>rder to help QlIlers
somelive a more full and aulhentic lifc!
O n nighls
Ask yourselfwhal are 5 things you really lovc...
thing you 10"e everyday. then think of how you Can
Five things that, if you oould do every day, you
and Qn weekends, you can find her in histQfic
try something new based on what you IQve.
would. Wrile OUI a list oflhosc 5 loves. I find that
downtown BristQI leading Zumba classes and
we often do not take Ihe time to do what we love
emphasizing Ihat health and fitness can be fun.
Let's use my love forooffecas an example. I could
Kimberly has her B.A, in Speech CQmmun;ca·
tQ do. beeause we get caught up in the busy·ness
try drinking ooffcc at a new ooffee soop in a differ·
lion and her Master's in EducatiQn. She can be
of our lives. work. family, friends, church, school.
enl town. t could even go out of the statc or even
paying bills, etc.
reached at [email protected].
________________________ www.lnheatthilndwe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Tri-Cities Tennessee • March 2015 Health & Wei lneS5
Spring is Wildflower
Hunting Season
By Johnny Molloy
strong wind blew the budding warmth
away_ Fast_moving cloods scudded
overhead. I was hiking my usual loop at
ETSU's University Woods when SQrnCIhing caught
my eye. Violets blustered back and fonh in the gust.
proudly displaying their oolors. enjoying their day in
the Sun before a leafy tree canopy shaded them for
the remainder of the growing season. What excitement. sporring my first wildflower of the season'
Yes., reader. spring is finally here. This is the season
of rebinh, regencrntion ar.d traditionally the renewal
time for outdoor activities. Clothing manufactuTCTS
get out the shons and t-shins. Lawn mowCl'S and
garden prOOucts arc hawked_ Fishing gear gets
bought. And for a guy who writes books it means
spring book titles - publishers recognize that public
interest in the outdoors rises during this time. I can
track this same phenomenon on my website, latc fall and
then rise as the days get longer. After the first nice
days, hits go way up.
However. if you arc nOl writing books or oolumns it
simply means time to get outdoors. Even for those
who enjoy winter sports, the first emergence of buds
on a tree, or the pushing of a wildflower through the
leafy forest floor, or simply the warmth of the sun on
your face sparks an innate urge. This is when the
river runners sec spring rains filling the crecks and
riVCl'S. backpackers head for the mountains. and
hikers such as myself all have our heads down.
Why? BlX'ausc we're looking forwildflowers_
Wildflowers can be found all over. from the swamps
of Florida to the desert Southwest. from the Rocky
Mountains to the hills of East Tennessee, and along
the blackwater streams of south Mississippi. If you
arc looking for wildflowers, [ suggest buying an
area-specific guide, because different wildflowers
bloom at different times in different places. High
meadows of the Rockies ,,'on 't become colorful
until summer. whereas [havealreadyseen wildflowers popping up in our nlX'k of the woods.
Wildflowers develop their panicular characteris_
tics to best auraet insects for pollination.
ensuring perpetuation of their kind. Wildflower
hunting tUIlCS you to your surroundings_ It forees
you not only to look down at the ground but also
at sites and situations - the lay of the land if you
will- to find them. Once you find a certain type
of wildflower you begin 10 look for it in the
similar site and situation, say a moist, east-facing
hollow. Or in the case of another plant, along a
hillside seep. Or still another in an open meadow.
Even1ually, you learn where they won't be. And
then you wonder why. The position and place_
ment of any given plant or animal reveals its
place in the greater ecosystem.
The Kingsport Greenbelt , Bays Mountain,
Buffalo Mountain Park . and The Tweetsie Trail
are three great places to look for wildflowers in
the Tri-Cities. Bristol residents can head to the
Virginia Creeper Trail. Other destinations can be
found in the Cherokee National Fo",s! - Rock
Creek in Unicoi County. Clark Creek in Wash_
ington County, Horse Creek and Jennings Creek
and Paint Creek in Greene County, Laurel Fork
in Caner County and Gentry C",d in Johnson
County. Hiking trails travel along all the aforementioned streams, SO get out there and spot
your Qwn spring color. For an agglomeration of
trails in this area. eheck oul my book Five Star
Trails Tri-Cities Tennes;;ee & Virginia.
www.tnhe ~ lth ~ nd w e l
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Keatth & Wellness March 2015 - Tri·Cities Tennessee
"Love Local ....A Food Truck Event"
March 29, 2015 - showing the benefits of community partnerships
By Sylvia Crum, ASD Director of Communications and Development
win'.r rum, 10 'pring, ,hi, 1<;",,1 even' i,.
"a.<on .0 gn ouuide. En}or gr", .n,.n. inm,nl .nd gm' food . .• 11 fQr 1 ~I ca ....
On M",ch 29 . roin or ,hin<: 1! 5,..1, Cm:k Park in
S.i"ol TN, local non·p.on. App1lochi.n Sumin.ble
Dco...,lopm,n, (ASO) will p,,,'ncr wi,h local food trucks
.nd local musici1n. lOr i.', 3r<l . nnual Love Local
even'. lhi,
,heme is .ppropri1!cly nomed: Low:
Local ... A Food Truck even • • nd promores growing
COnsumer in'eres' in food trucks md ,heir imp>cu On
local economies.
Accordi~1! 10
Smarr Money, fOod <fuch a""unled
for 37 P"=nt of Ihe $1.4 billion in llretl """dinl!
/'eYenue in Ameria in 2011 - a 15 p"tcCnl increau
OWr rh. pz&1 fiw ~•.
Ticke" or. $ 10 for 1dulu, (indudes 6 food voucher$,
2 for e>eh nuck .nd • drin k voucher), Children
under 6, fru. Suppon'r$ or, encouroged '0 purchOlc
,icke" early. ot ; Sp>cc i. limired
to 150 gues",
Low: Local ... A food T'uck Evenl, in p>rtnc"hip wi,h
Sri"oll.. ,k> .nd Rec, will 1oca1101k> ,ogether '0
c=te .n .w:o.. nC$$ of 'he p>r!ncr, invol,-cd md ,he
food occess .nd food inoccuriry i.."es We f= in ,he
rcw<m. Eoch food truck_ including Foodic Fiction,
Me & K's . nd loni', H.w:oiin T.cos-will f.. ,ur. ",I..,
menu item, using local. in_SC2S0n ingrcclien" prorurcd
by ASO from local f.. m.... Gues" will en}or liW" mu.ic
by M, N.w Fd"";''', h.. p:l/
IIJ • nib"re '0 ASO's 2111h )'C'" of ",,,,i.., in 2015, ,he
bond hOI written • $Ong called Doddy', Plow which will
be performed live fur ,h. very fi", ,ime,
Community partnership! and Icx:aI
ASO', u .. u.ive Oim:'o" K.,hlyn Terry "",
"Wc've .re.. ed .n eVen, Ihot', .11 .bou, local people
coming ,oge,he, '0 tackle i.. ues. Food '""",
growing food .nd fceding people in nced i, ~If",,'ing
$0 m. ny communi,i ... round ,he co"""y. ASO doc.
a 10 1of work wi,h local f.,me ... nd ".., .re .I"",y, fo, w:lYS .0 h.lp ,h.m ... y on ,h.i, I.nd by
iden'il'ying oddi,ion.1 Quti.., for ,heir prod uct •. We
... food "uck> ••• mall ' ocal ..... and •• ,hey
grow in populorily, more cu"ome" will ask fQr locally
grown .nd r.iocd food. "
App>l.chi.n Su".in.ble ~ ..lopmen, i,d.di • .,ed
its mission '0 g'ow food, communi,i. . .nd
opportunilie. \0 build a Ihriving App.l>ehi.,
2015 mark> ASD', 20,h serving: Buchan.n,
Oickn",n, Lee, Russell. Seon, Smy,h, T... well,
W•• hing,on . •nd Wise coun,i .. in $Ou,hw."
.nd Green , H.mblen, H.ncock,
H.wkin., Sulliv.n, .nd W.. hing,on coun,i.. in
north e." T.nn ...... ASO oper.,.. 10 prog .. m,
in 3 0«'0": . u"ainabl. 'g'icuhur<:ffood .ystem
developmen" . u".in.ble fo,",,,ylwood products
.nd food = .... For mo" informa,ion pIc... vi.i,
Local money $pcnl h= $tars he'"
Kathlyn Terry con.inucs, "Loal money spen' here,
here :rnd
"",ngnlocaJ food ><en< ""d 1 "",ngn
economy. !t',.~, n'. lhis wo.k n:aJly has iRlp><:tS . nd
tal.cs roo' when you ha,.., all kinds of fulk> working
'oge<her '0 carry ,he md, ElICf)'Ihing will be "" up
wi'hin hcmng u.d sigh' dis'>n«:, 00 peopk can move
''''''00, .n}or being
li".n '0 gre>' music .nd
.uppon ASD', work. Now oJl we hoy<: to do is hope for
"""RI, sunny ...... ther, If the ...... ther doesn',
we al$O hove inside opac< .v:tilob!c,"
www .tnhe ~ lt h
.. nd we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Tri-Cities Tennessee - March 2015 Health & Wellness
GIVING: Good for the Mind, Body and Soul
By Jamey C8fTlIbeI1. CFRE
e~rly results~re
in, and it
Americans gave $456.7 billion to charity
in 2014. Th~t's a 9 percent intrease over
2013. Giving to everything from religious organizations. to social services, to education, Americans continue to be the most generous people in
the world.
Americ:.lns may give aw~y more money than any
other coontry in theworld, but how much is "morer
Yoo might be surprised. In 2013, 6<trna Group conducted a poll about donoo' trends in the United
States and found that more than half of Americans
sa;d they donated money 0< items (0< both) to a
cause they ured about in the previous Yf'<Ir.
According to Barna, a person's rel igious identification has a Jot to do with whether 0< not they
dOOi'lte to causes they believe in. Ev~ngelicals were
far more likely to donate money, items or time as a
volunteer. A total of 79 percent of those who identified them~ve-s as evangelicals donated money,
items 0< time in the previoos Yf'<Ir. Most peop~ (55
percent) ind icated they gave away $SOO OJ less per
ye~rwhi~ only 5 percent said theygave """ay more
than $5,000 per year.
It's easy to look at the numbers and do the math.
But all we get are more numbers, percentages.
etc. What I think is important is the motivation
behind the giving and the benefits of giving'
both for the recipient and the donor.
Hardly a day-goes by that I don1 receive some kind of
soIi<:~ation in the mail 0< by email. Some tome from
organizations we support and are interested in. but
most ~re not. Be<ng in the fundraising business
myself, I realize I probably receive more than the
avetage perwn just because I am interested in what
ot~ are doing and how they are communicating
with their current and potent;;,1 givers.
With so many "opportunities" how do we decide
where to invest Our gifts! Here at Christian
Medkal & Oen~1 Associations. we h<tve dozens of
efforts r.-quiring dono< funding- from healthcare
missions. to student ministry on 280 mechca! and
dental school campuses. to training national
surgeons in places like Kenya, Egypt and Ethiopia.
All of these endeavors need donor support in
order to be successful. But when I meet individually with donors. I don't "sell" what we are doing. I
ask what interests them personally and then seek
to find something we are doing that will help
meet their personal giving and ministry Ideology.
Then it be<omes a partnerShip, a relationship; not
just a transaction.
Giving is not just good for the recip'ent; it's also
good for the giver. Literally. In lOn, u.s. News
reponed that having money doesn't necessarily
make people happy, but giving it away-even if
you are not rich- is l i~ely to make you feel
wealth'er and, thuS, happier. In the report.. it was
cited that giving aw~y $500 has the same effect
on happiness as earning an extra $10,000. So if
you want to be happier, give away some money.
How about your physical hea lth? Does giving
impact that as well? You bet! Research suggests
volunteering may reduce the riskofheart disease.
There's also a study that indicates people who volunteer, whether it be serving at a community
soup kitchen or visiting nurSing homes. may
reduce their early mortality rate by 22 percent
compared to those who don1.
Ultimately, giving is a personal chOice. Even the
Bible says we are not to give as a result of ptessure
(rom anyone. "Each anemust giveas he has decided
in his /uwrt nor relm;tonrlyor under compulsion, for
God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7, ESV).
It sounds like the writer was already doing his
own research about giving and happiness!
Finally, let me en<ourage you to m~ ke 9iving ~
family activity. Involve your spouse and <hildren.
Let them see you give and volunteer and they
will view it as something importan\. something
they will want to do themselves. When the
benefits o( givin9 ~re applied at the (~mily level,
the results will be enjoyed by all involved.
Jamey Campbell Is Vice PreSident for Stewardship Development at Christian Medical &
Dental Associations. For more Information
about supporting CMDA's mInistry efforts
here In the U,S. and around the world, please
So why do _ gl"1 ls it bec.luse organizations
need Our money? I hope that's not the case. We
shoukl give bec.luse the people those organizations serve need OOr help. Maybe it's feeding the
hungry, or provid ing diapers forthe new bilbyof a
single mother, Or prov;ding healthca re to the uninsured, 0< helping kids in depressed are~s receive a
better educatkm. Al l these things are noble causes.
________________________ www . tnhealthilndwe ________________________