Legislative Breakfast Update Breakfast & CLE


Legislative Breakfast Update Breakfast & CLE
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
8:00 AM - Registration and Breakfast
8:30 AM - CLE Seminar
1.0 MCLE Credit Pending
Country Club of Fairfax
5110 Ox Road Fairfax, VA 22030
$35 FBA Members/$45 Non-Members
Add $5 if registering after April 20th
The Fairfax Bar Association is pleased to present the 2015
Legislative Update Breakfast and CLE Seminar. Spend the
morning with Senator J. Chapman “Chap” Petersen (District
34), Delegate David B. Albo (District 42), Delegate Timothy D.
Hugo (District 40), and Delegate Scott A. Surovell (District 44)
as they discuss recent legislative actions that affect the legal
community and other relevant laws pending in the current
legislative session.
The CLE Seminar is preceded by a breakfast buffet.
Legislative Breakfast Update Breakfast & CLE - April 29, 2015
Make checks payable and mail to:
Telephone #:
Amount Enclosed: $
Fax #:
Zip Code:
To pay by credit card, please visit www.fairfaxbar.org and register online.
4110 Chain Bridge Road, Suite 216
Fairfax, VA 22030
Attn: Jana Sehrer
[email protected]
(p) 703-246-2740
(f) 703-273-1274
Registrants, instructors, exhibitors and guests attending the FBA events agree they may be photographed, videotaped and/or recorded during the event. The
photographic, video and recorded materials are the sole property of the FBA and the FBA reserves the right to use attendees’ names and likenesses in promotional
materials or for any other legitimate purpose without providing monetary compensation.