here. - St Peter-in


here. - St Peter-in
The Parish of St Peter-in-Chains
Parish Priest: Fr. Sean Carroll
Parish Secretary: Jennifer Graham-Dillon
Address: 12 Womersley Road, London N8 9AE.
Tel: 020 8340 3394.
Email: [email protected]
Sunday Masses
Weekday Masses
6:30pm (Sat) Mass
9:45am Sung Mass
11:15am Family Mass
7:00pm Evening Mass
9:00am (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
10:00am (Tuesday) Funeral Mass
9:00am (Saturday)
Saturday 9.30am-10.00am
Saturday 6.00pm-6.20pm
Morning Prayer
8:45am when there is a 9.00am morning Mass
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction
The Rosary is normally prayed in church
after 9.00am Mass on Tuesday and Friday
Friday - 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Saturday - 9.30am-10.00am
Welcome – We welcome James Ranger who was baptised at the Easter Vigil, Peter Cleak and Jason Craig who
were received into the Catholic Church and Anthony Dunn who, with the others, was confirmed on Saturday
night. Please keep all four in your prayers. Thank you to our RCIA Catechists who have worked for many
months with our candidates and to their sponsors for their support.
Thank you - We send our thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate Our Lord’s journey from His entry to
Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to his resurrection on Easter Day for all the work that was done, much of it behind
the scenes, to take us through the changing moods of the different events of the week. There are many of you
and you know who you are. We would however like to thank particularly 3 groups of our young people; the
children who really brought to life on Good Friday morning the characters Jesus met on His journey to the
Cross; the First Holy Communion children whose prayers and decorations make the petals of the daffodils on
the pillars at the back of church – stop and have a read – and finally the group of young altar servers who
added to the dignified celebration of the services this Easter. You are all a great credit to your families and to
the parish. Thank you! Fr Sean adds his thanks for your cards, generous Easter Offerings as well as your
donations on Good Friday for the collection for the Holy Places.
Confirmation 2015 – The following candidates will be making their Confirmation next Saturday, 18th April at
the 6:30pm Eve Mass – Laura Alyousif, Adair Bergin, Boni Cordova Dauncey, Annie Dickinson, Julia El-Hajjar,
Eddie Irwin-Helmer, Dominic Kitson & Dominic Myszczynski-Martial. The celebrant is Canon Shaun Lennard. All
parishioners are welcome to join the candidates in their special celebration. Kelsey Ashford & Rebecca Dawson
prepared at St Peter’s but will be making their Confirmation elsewhere at a later date. Please continue to pray
for our candidates.
Funeral Mass – It is with great sadness that we learnt of the death of parishioner Irene Rytter RIP last
Friday. Irene’s funeral will be held here at St Peter’s on Tuesday, 14th April at 10am followed by cremation
at St Marylebone Crematorium, East Finchley. Please keep the family in your prayers at this time.
Patrick O’Mahoney RIP – Please also remember in your prayers Patrick O’Mahoney RIP. The date of Patrick’s
funeral has not yet been confirmed.
Priest General Surgery - for anyone who wishes to see Fr. Sean without an appointment, he will be available
on Tuesday, 14th April from 5.00pm-7.00pm.
RCIA - Meeting resumes on Wednesday, 15th April, 7.30pm at the presbytery.
FHC Classes – Saturday Class meets on 18th April, 9.30pm-10.30am in LPR.
Monday Class meets on Monday, 20th April, 5.30pm-6.30pm in LPR, please arrive on time.
Parent Meeting – Tuesday, 21st April, 7pm at St Gildas’ School Hall.
First Holy Communion Masses will be held on Sunday, 17th May and Sunday, 24th May 2015 at 9.45am &
Charity concert here at St Peter in Chains church: Friday, 24th April, 7:30pm (doors open 7:10pm)
with refreshments. Please come and support - St Gildas’ School choir & violin pupils, and violinists Talia Ramos
& Pablo Castro, Duo Klier. Tickets £5, children free, (from school & parish offices) in aid of SEEDS our new
parish provision for families with learning disabled adult children. More info at
Parish Raffle Tickets will be on sale this weekend 11th/12th April after all Masses.
Soup run sandwich makers urgently required. Do you have 2 hours to spare once a month to join a team
of enthusiastic adults and often children. Please call Kit on 07507 138 582 or email [email protected].
Soup Run stocks are low – we need tins of tuna fish, corned beef and ham. If you are able to donate a
tin(s), please put in box at back of church. Many thanks.
Holy Trinity Concert – Wednesday, 15th April - Informal, entertaining concert of classical, jazz and light
music at Holy Trinity Church, Granville Road, N4 4EL, to raise funds for Haringey Young Musicians. Given by
tutors, parents and friends. Starts 7.30pm. Entry £7.50 (adults), £5 (concessions)
Come to Taizé - This August, 15th-24th, Westminster Youth Ministry are heading to Taizé for an
unforgettable, fun and spiritual adventure, and we invite the young people of Westminster Diocese to join us!
See noticeboard for details.
General Election 2015 - The Bishops have written a joint letter to all Catholics in England & Wales
encouraging us to participate and vote in the election and offering some key issues and questions for reflection
Copies are available at the back of the church. Please read the Letter and encourage others to do the same.
See also the pamphlet from The Catholic Union of Great Britain.
Day Conference: 'From Wiseman To Manning' This year is the 150th Anniversary of the death of Cardinal
Wiseman, first Archbishop of Westminster, and the appointment of Henry Edward Manning as his successor.
The Diocesan Archive is organising a day conference on Saturday, 9th May, between 10.30am and 4pm, at
Our Lady of Victories Parish Centre (just off Kensington High St), at which several leading scholars will explore
the contribution made by these two great English Cardinals. For a conference booking form, please contact
[email protected] or send a SAE to Manning Conference, c/o 16 Abingdon Rd, London W8 6AF. A donation
of £5 is asked per person. All are welcome.
The Sick and Departed – among the sick please pray for Marie Antoniewicz, Christian Overall, Antonio Neto,
Zintra Sansom, Maria Graham, Brenda Buzec, Patrick Garry, Amy Gordon, Ann Tomlinson, Annette Donivar,
Margaret Bradley, Patsy Bradley, Caroline Hilton, Karin Summers, Graham Summers, Joan Summers, Alex
Robertson, Helen Kozlowski, Lena Cavaciuti, Margaret Sibanda, Eileen Mac Avock, Margaret Whelan, Don
Brewis, Errol Curran, Roman Cholij, Adeline Oyekoya Erline Prescott, Francesco Nazzini, Maria Kuczwalski,
Margaret O’Connell, Margaret Payton & Caroline Stavrou. For Our Dead – Irene Rytter & Patrick O’Mahoney.
Going in to Hospital – If you or anyone you know is going into hospital, please register as a Catholic with the
hospital staff and let your Parish Priest know if you wish him to visit.
Home Visits – If you are sick or housebound and would like to receive Communion please let the parish priest
know so that he can arrange for a Eucharistic Minister to visit you at home.
Marriage - reminder that anyone planning to get married needs to give at least six months notice.
Newsletter deadline: - please submit items for the Newsletter before midday on Thursday.
Thank you for contributing to the Good Friday & Easter Sunday offerings. Please collect your new Planned
Giving envelopes as soon as possible if you have not already done so.
7:30pm - CONFIRMATION REHEARSAL – in church
10:00am – FUNERAL MASS – Irene Rytter RIP
5:00pm-7:00pm – GENERAL SURGERY – Presbytery – See Fr. Sean without an appointment
7:30pm – RCIA - Presbytery
7.30am-8.30pm – HOLY HOUR
12noon – FHC Catechism Class – Claire’s Group - LPR
Linen: Susan Fleming; Soup Run: Team D; Counting: Team C (13th)
Linen: Margaret Forkan; Soup Run: Team A; Planned Giving & Counting: Team D 19th/20th)
6:30pm (Sat) – 1st Reading – Gillian Spry,
9:45am 1st Reading – Margaret Forkan,
2 Reading – Martin Whitaker
7:00pm Michael Sherley - Dale
Readings: 1st Reading - Acts 3:13-15. 17-19 2nd Reading - St John 2:1-5 Gospel: Luke 24:35-48
- see website for background to the readings
Ministers of the Eucharist: 18th/19th April
6.30pm (Sat) Sarah Fleming, Sean Buckley, Steve Bethell
9:45am Margaret Forkan, Sr Odile Mahe, Regina Fleming, Sheila Clerkin, Sheila Doyle
11:15am Helen Bligh, Jenny Coleman, Katherine Quinn, Kathleen McGrath, Kayte Brimacombe
7:00pm Mary Maloney, Michael Woods, Nena Whitehead