BlackBoard Building Block with LTI


BlackBoard Building Block with LTI
BlackBoard Building Block with LTI
Configure CoursEval .............................................................................................................................. 2
Installation ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Specify the connection ........................................................................................................................... 3
Select Messaging Options ..................................................................................................................... 3
Top Frame Message .......................................................................................................................... 4
Page Level Message .......................................................................................................................... 4
Pop-Over Message ............................................................................................................................ 5
The CoursEval Module .......................................................................................................................... 6
The CoursEval Tool ............................................................................................................................... 6
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COPYRIGHT  2014 Academic Management Systems, Inc.
BlackBoard Building Block with LTI
Configure CoursEval
Enable the CoursEval Remote Portal Interface
The Survey List URL will be used as the URL for the Building Block. This will be referred to
Enable LTI via the User Authentication screen
Set the Customer Key and Shared Secret. These will be referred to later
Set the Username Parameter to lis_person_sourcedid (the Building Block will send this
parameter via LTI to CoursEval)
Download and install the CoursEval Building Block WAR file in BlackBoard.
Configure the Building Block via Settings
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COPYRIGHT  2014 Academic Management Systems, Inc.
BlackBoard Building Block with LTI
Specify the connection
Select the Building Block Specify Connection option
Set the CoursEval Remote Portal URL to the CoursEval Survey List URL from above
Set the Consumer Key and Shared Secret to the values configured in CoursEval
Select Messaging Options
Most versions of BlackBoard support hooks that allow the CoursEval building block to add messaging
to inform the user that there are surveys to take.
Messages can include the count of surveys by including “##” within the text
Messages can be styled with large fonts and custom colors
Images can be included to catch the attention of the user
Messages are suppressed if:
1. There are no surveys available for the user
2. The user does not have a valid account in CoursEval
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COPYRIGHT  2014 Academic Management Systems, Inc.
BlackBoard Building Block with LTI
Access messaging configuration via the Building Block Operational Settings option. All messaging
options require the option to be checked and a message entered.
NOTE: BB Learn 9.1 SP13 and below work as expected. The first version of BB Learn 9.1 SP14
removed the hooks required for the messaging features to work properly. This was subsequently
patched. If you are on SP14 you must apply the patch that puts you on Release 9.1.140152.0 or higher
for these features to work.
Top Frame Message
The Top Frame message provides an opportunity to hijack the area above the top menu when surveys
are available for the user. Take when using this option as the message can push the BlackBoard menu
out of view. This may be used as a strategy to encourage students to take surveys if the MyCoursEval
module is included on the home page.
When enabled it will look like this:
Page Level Message
Page messages appear on most pages within BlackBoard, but not all. This message will continue to
show up until all surveys are completed.
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COPYRIGHT  2014 Academic Management Systems, Inc.
BlackBoard Building Block with LTI
These are a few examples of the enabled page message:
Pop-Over Message
The Pop-over message occurs once per login when surveys are available.
The Pop-over forces the user o
The pop-over forces the users to close the window.
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COPYRIGHT  2014 Academic Management Systems, Inc.
BlackBoard Building Block with LTI
The CoursEval Module
The CoursEval module can be enabled on the course home page or the Institution home page. The
module shows all pending surveys in a list and a link to launch CoursEval via LTI to provide a seamless
single-sign-on experience. The user will be placed on their CoursEval home page. This provides a list
of surveys for students and many options for faculty including access to evaluation reports.
If there are no available surveys, the link will still be present. This is necessary for faculty access and
enables students to access features related to past surveys.
The CoursEval Tool
If the Module is not an option a tool page can be used. The CoursEval Tool is identical to the module
Viewing the tool (note that the page message is enabled on this page):
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COPYRIGHT  2014 Academic Management Systems, Inc.
BlackBoard Building Block with LTI
CONFIDENTIALITY: This document may contain confidential, proprietary and privileged information, and unauthorized disclosure or use is prohibited.
COPYRIGHT  2014 Academic Management Systems, Inc.