Geomodeling Consulting Services


Geomodeling Consulting Services
Geomodeling Consulting Services
- Your trusted provider of 3D modeling services and solutions
At Blueback Reservoir we are in
the excellent and unique position to
provide geomodeling experts to the
E&P community.
We have a Consulting Group of
approximately 20 geologists and
geophysicists all of whom are expert
PETREL and/or RMS users.
Blueback has Offices in Stavanger,
Oslo and London and also ­currently
has consultants in Trondheim,
­Bergen, Copenhagen, The Hague,
Aberdeen and the Middle East.
backgrounds ranging from E&P
geological service companies and
even members of the original team
that conceived of, designed and
developed PETREL.
Blueback Reservoir can provide
experienced consultants on-site for
E&P clients, discrete project work
from the Stavanger Team, remote
working solutions using current
communications technology and
expert geomodelers for your most
challenging tasks.
w w w. b l u e b a c k - r e s e r v o i r. c o m
- Geomodelers
- Explorationists
- Production Geologists
- Geophysicists
- Geomodeling Support
Facies Modeling: Complex fault-associated
injected sands combined with chalk raft/
clast dispersion within mass flow sands in
the Danish North Sea.
Know what you want! At Blueback we have
expert modelers supported by software
developers who can write problem specific
workflows or PETREL plug-ins to provide a
tailor-made solution.
- Geomodeling
Consulting Services
• On site consultants working within assets teams
• Expert QC of existing models
• Unrivalled reservoir model building and reservoir
characterization knowledge
• Explorationists for licence applications
• TWT models, velocity models, depth conversion
• Borehole geophysics; VSPs and synthetics
• Extensive exploration, development and production geology experience
• In depth expertise of the following geographical
areas: North Sea, Norwegian Sea, West Africa,
Eastern and Western Europe
• On-site consultants
•A few days support or longer-term placements
•Quick turnaround of outsourced projects
•Remote and/or ad-hoc modeling support
•Customised modeling solutions
•Training and mentoring
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The Stavanger Team at the annual Blueback Seminar
Blueback Reservoir AS
P.O.Box 8034
NO-4068 Stavanger
Phone: +47 51 87 46 45
Fax: +47 51 87 46 34
[email protected]
w w w. b l u e b a c k - r e s e r v o i r. c o m
Past and Present Clients