Activity Fan Chart Navigation 1. Click on Fan Chart. This graphic


Activity Fan Chart Navigation 1. Click on Fan Chart. This graphic
Fan Chart Navigation
Go to the sandbox to do the first part of this activity.
3. Mouse over Henry and a Fan Chart link is displayed.
Click on the fan.
4. What happens to Henry?
5. What is the name of the wife showing just under
Place Moroni and Anna in the main position before
1. On the far left of the screen click Fan Chart.
6. Click on the arrow to the left of Lidia and then click
on the arrow to the right of Lidia. Write down the
names of Henry’s Spouses.
7. How many children does Henry have with the first
Nancy? ______________
2. Click on the arrow to the right of Anna and describe
what happens below.
8. How many children do Henry with the second
Nancy? ______________
9. How many children does Henry have with Lidia?
1 The above image is taken from my own account in
Family Tree and not from the sandbox. Clicking on the
arrow by the wife’s name will change from wife to wife. 14. Click on Moroni and when his summary card is
The left arrow moves to the first marriage and the arrow
displayed click PERSON.
on the right to the last marriage. The arrow by the
children allows other children to be displayed if there
15. What is displayed?
are more than 5 in the family.
10. What is the earliest date on the fan in the sandbox?
11. Place Moroni back in he main position of the fan.
16. Click View Tree just under Moroni’s name. What
is displayed on the screen?
12. Click on Henry and his summary card will show.
Click TREE on the bottom left of the card.
13. What happens to Henry?
One of the reasons most people do genealogy is to
extend their lines and show more ancestors. The fan
chart is a great way to display these lines in one location
2 so that a decision can be made about which line to work
17. How many dead end lines does Moroni have?
The above image shows a copy of a printed fan.
18. How many dead end lines are showing?
19. On the far right of the screen click Print.
20. How many generations shows on this chart?
21. Close the print window and sign out of the Sandbox.
22. Go to your own account at
and practice what you have learned in the sandbox