Pre-k Alhan Book


Pre-k Alhan Book
 The Golden Censer (Teeshory) The golden
censer is the
Virgin, her aroma
is our Savior. She
gave birth to Him;
He saved us and
forgave us our
Tee-shory ennob
te ti-Parthenos,
pes-aro-mata pe
asmisi emmof,
afsoti emmon,
owoh ka nen-novi
nan e-vol.
}sour/ ;nnoub te
pec;arwmata pe
pen|c|w|r: acmici ;mmof
afcw] ;mmon: ouoh
af,a nennobi
nan ;ebol. Alleluia. This is
the day that the
Lord has made.
Let us rejoice
and be glad in it.
O Lord save us.
O Lord straighten
our ways.
Blessed is He,
who comes in the
name of the Lord.
Alleluia Fai Pe-­‐Pi Alleluia fai pe pi
ehoo eta epchois
entenonof emmon
enkheetf: o
ekenahmen o
epchois ekecoten
enjefethneo khen
efran emepchois:
All/louia. Vai pe
pi;ehoou ;eta ;P|o|c
marenyel/l ;nten;ou
nof ;mmon ;nq/tf: ;w ;
ek;enahmen: ;w ;P|o|c
nenmwit: ;f;cmarwou
t ;nje v/;eyn/ou
qen ;vran ;m;P|o|c: |a|l.
Through the Intercession (St. Mary-­‐ Hiten Ni) Through the
intercessions, of
the Mother of
God Saint Mary,
O Lord grant us
the forgiveness of
our sins.
Hiten niepresvia:
ente te theotokos
ethowab Maria:
epchois ariehmot
nan empiko evol
ente nennovi.
ni;precbia: ;nte
]ye;otokoc |e|y|u
Maria: P|o|c ari;hmot
nan ;mpi,w ;ebol ;nte
The Cherubim Worship You (Ni Sheroobim) The Cherubim
worship You, and
the Seraphim
glorify You,
proclaiming and
"Holy, holy, holy,
Lord of hosts.
Heaven and earth
are full of Your
holy glory."
Nee sheroobim
se oo osht
emmok: Nem ne
serafim se tee o
oo nak: Ev osh
evol evgo emmos
Je agios agios
agios: kirios sava
oth: ep leerees o
oo ranos: Ke ee
gee tees agias:
soo doxees
ceouwst ;mmok: nem
niCeravim ce];wou
nak: euws ;ebol
eujw ;mmoc:
Je ;agioc ;agioc ;agioc:
cabawy: ;pl/r/c ;o
ouranoc ke ;/ g/:
t/c ;agiac cou dox/c.
As it Was and Shall be (Os Pereen) As it was and
shall be, from
generation to
generation, and
unto all the ages
of the ages.
Os pereen ke
esteem apo
geneas ees
genean tos e o
nas toun e o non.
Wcper /n ke ecte
ectin ;apo geneac ic
genean ke pantac
touc ;e;wnac
twn ;e;wnwn: ;am/n.
We Worship You (Tenoosht Emmok) We worship You
O Christ, with
Your good
Father, and the
Holy Spirit, for
you have (risen /
come) and saved
us. Have mercy
on us.
Ten oo osht
emook o
Pee ekhristos:
nem Pekiot en
aghathos: nem
Pee apnevma
ethowab: je (ak
ee) ak sotee
emmon. Nainan
Tenouwst ;mmok ;w
P|,|c: nem
Pekiwt ;n;agayoc:
nem pi;Ppneuma |e|y|u:
je (aktwnk / ak;i)
akcw] ;mmon nai
Blessed are You (Ek esmaro oot) Blessed are You
indeed, with Your
Good Father, and
the Holy Spirit, for
You have come
and saved us.
alithos: nem pek
yot en agathos:
nem pi epnevma
ethowab: je ak-ee
ak-soti emmon.
K;cmarwout ;al/ywc:
Pekiwt ;n;agayoc:
nem Pi;pneuma
eyouab: je
akcw] ;mmon.
Amen (x3) Your Death (Ton Thanaton) Amen. Amen.
Amen. Your
death, O Lord, we
proclaim; Your
holy Resurrection
and Ascension
into the heavens,
we confess. We
praise You, we
bless You, we
thank You, O
Lord, and we
entreat You, O
our God.
Ameen amen
ameen ton thaton
Soo kirie
katangelo men:
ke teen Again soo
anastasin: Ke
teen ana lee
Epsin soo entees
oo ranees se o
molo ghoomen.
Se e noo men se
evlo ghoomen si
ev kharis toomen
kieerie: ke theo
metha soo o
Theose emon.
Am/n ;am/n ;am/n:
ton yanaton cou
kataggelomen ke
t/n ;agian
cou ;anactacin ke
t/n ;anal/'in
cou ;nt/c ouranic
ce ;omologoumen:
ce ;enoumen ce
eulogoumen ci
Kurie: ke de;omeya
cou ;o Yeoc ;/mwn.
Have Mercy Upon Us (Eleison Eemas) Have mercy upon Eleison eemas, o
us O God, the
Theos, o Pateer,
Father the
o Pantokrator.
Ele;/con ;/mac ;o
Yeoc ;o Pat/r ;o
May their Holy Blessings May their Holy
blessings be with
us. Amen.
Glory to You, O
Lord. Lord have
mercy. Lord have
mercy. Lord,
bless us. Lord,
repose them.
Ere po esmoo
Doxa see Kirie:
Kierie eleison:
Kerie eleison:
Kerie evlo gee
soun: Kerie ana
pavson: ameen.
Ere pou;cmou |e|y|u
swpi neman: am/n.
Doxa ci Kurie:
Kurie ;ele;/con
Kurie ;ele;/con:
Kurie eulog/con:
Kurie ;anapaucon:
Agios Holy God, holy
Mighty, holy
Immortal, who was
born of the Virgin,
have mercy upon
Agios othi os:
Agios es sheros:
Agios athanatos: o
ek partheno
egenni tees
elayson imas.
Holy God, holy
Mighty, holy
Immortal, who was
crucified for us,
have mercy on us.
Agios othi os:
Agios es sheros:
Agios athanatos: o
estavro tees dimas
elayson imas.
Holy God, holy
Mighty, holy
Immortal, who rose
from the dead and
ascended into the
heavens, have
mercy on us.
Agios othi os:
Agios es sheros:
Agios athanatos: o
ana stas ekton
nekron me
anelthon yes ton
oranon alyson
Glory to the Father
and to the Son and
to The Holy Spirit,
now and ever and
unto the ages of
the ages. Amen.
Agioc ;o Yeoc: agioc Ic,uroc:
agioc ;Ayanatoc: ;o ek
genney/c: ;ele;/con ;/mac.
Agioc ;o Yeoc: agioc Ic,uroc:
agioc ;Ayanatoc: ;o ;ctaurwyic
di /mac: ;ele;/con ;/mac.
Agioc ;o Yeoc: agioc Ic,uroc:
agioc ;Ayanatoc: ;o ;anactac
ek twn nekrwn ke ;anelywn ic
ouranouc: ;ele;/con ;/mac.
Doxa Patri ke Uiw
ke ;agiw ;Pneumati: ke nun
Doxa patri ke eio,
ke agio, epne
ke ;a;i ke ic touc ;e;wnac
vmati: Ke nim ke a twn ;e;wnwn: am/n.
e, ke estos ei
onaston ei onon
O holy Trinity, have
Agia ;triac ;ele;/con ;/mac.
mercy upon us.
Agia trias elayson
Amen Alleluia (Conclusion) Amen. Alleluia:
Glory be to the
Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit:
now and forever
and unto the ages
of ages: Amen.
We cry out saying:
O our Lord Jesus
Christ: bless the air
of heaven bless the
waters of the river,
bless the seeds and
the herbs.
Ameen alleloia zoxa
Patree ke Eio ke
agio Epnevmati, ke
neen ke a-ee ke
yestos e-onas ton eonon ameen.
Ten-osh e-vol engo
emmos je o penShois Esos
Pekhrestos, esmo
ni-a-eer ente etfe,
nem ni-mo-oo emifyaro, nem ni-siti
nem ni-sem.
May Your mercy
Mare peknai nem
and Your peace be a tek-hirini oy ensoft
fortress to Your
Save us and have
mercy on us: Lord
have mercy: Lord
have mercy: Lord
bless: Amen: Bless
me: Bless me:
Behold, the
repentance: Forgive
me: Say the
Soti emmon owoh
nai nan, Kerie leison
Kerie leison, Kerie
ev-logison ameen,
esmo eroy esmo
eroy, yes ti-metania
qo ni e-vol go empiesmo.
Am/n: |a|l doxa Patri ke
Uiw ke agiw Pneumati: ke
nun ke ;a;i ke ic touc ;e;wnac
twn ;e;wnwn ;am/n.
Tenws ;ebol enjw ;mmoc:
je ;w pen|o|c I|/|c
P|,|c: ;cmou ;nia/r ;nte ;tve
nem nimwou ;m;viaro
nem ;enici] nem nicim.
Mare peknai nem
oi ;ncobt ;mpeklaoc.
Cw] ;mmon ouoh nai nan.
Kuri;e ;ele;/con
Kuri;e ;ele;/con Kurie
eulog/con ;am/n: ;cmou ;eroi
: ;cmou ;eroi: ic ]metanoi;a:
,w n/i ;ebol jw ;mpi;cmou.
Palm Sunday Response (Osana) Hosanna in the
highest, this is
the King of
Israel, blessed
is He who
comes in the
Name, of the
Lord of Hosts.
O-sana khenni-etitshosi, fai be ep-oroo
embis-raeel, efesmaro-ot enje feethneio, khen efran
emip-shois entenigom.
Wcanna qen
n/et[oci: vai
pe ;pouro ;mpIcra/
l: ;f;cmarwout ;nj
e v/eyn/ou:
qen ;vran ;m;P[oic ;
nte nijom.
Thok Te Ti Gom + Thine is the power,
the glory, the
blessing, and the
majesty, forever
Amen. Emmanuel our
God and our King.
+ Thine is the power,
the glory, the
blessing, and the
majesty, forever
Amen. O my Lord
Jesus Christ,
Starting from the
11th hour on
Tuesday, this part
is added:
(my good Savior.)
Starting from the
Eve of Friday, this
part is added:
(The Lord is my
strength, my praise,
and has become my
holy salvation.)
+ Thine is the power,
the glory, the
blessing, and the
majesty, forever
Thok te ti-gom,
nem pi-o-oo nem
pi-esmo, nem piamahee sha eneh
amen, Emmano-eel
pen-nouti penoroo.
Thok te ti-gom,
nem pi-o-oo nem
pi-esmo, nem piamahee sha eneh
amen, pa-Shois
Esos Piekh-restos,
(Pasoteer enaghathos,)
Ta-gom, nem paesmo pi-epshois
af-shobi nee, afsotereia ef-owab.
§ Ywk te ]jom nem
pi;wou nem pi;cmou nem
pi;amahi sa ;eneh ;am/n:
Emmanou/l pennou]
§ Ywk te ]jom nem
pi;wou nem pi;cmou nem
pi;amahi sa ;eneh ;am/n:
Pa|o|c I|/|c P|,|c:
(paCwt/r ;n;agayoc:)
(tajom nem pa;cmou pe
P|o|c: afswpi n/i
eucwt/ri;a efouab.)
§ Ywk te ]jom nem
Thok te ti-gom,
nem pi-o-oo nem
pi-esmo, nem piamahee sha eneh
pi;wou nem pi;cmou nem
pi;amahi sa ;eneh ;am/n.
First Gospel Response: Palm Sunday Hosanna in the
highest, this is
the King of
Israel, blessed
is He who
comes in the
Name, of the
Lord of Hosts.
O-sana khenni-etitshosi, fai be ep-oroo
embis-raeel, efesmaro-ot enje feethneio, khen efran
emip-shois entenigom.
Blessed be the
Father and the
Son and the
Holy Spirit, the
perfect Trinity.
We worship
Him and glorify
Je efis-maro-ot enje
efiot nem epshiri, nem
pi-ep-nevma ethowab, ti-reias et-jek
evol, ten-oo-osht
emmos ten-ti-oo-o
Wcanna qen
n/et[oci: vai
pe ;pouro ;mpIcra/
l: ;f;cmarwout ;nj
e v/eyn/ou:
qen ;vran ;m;P[oic ;
nte nijom.
Je ;f;cmarwout ;n
je Viwt nem
Ps/ri: nem
Pi;pneuma |e|y|u:
etj/k ;ebol:
tenouwst ;mmoc
ten];wou nac.
Annual Gospel Response Blessed are they in
truth, the saints of
this day, each one
according to his
name, the beloved
of Christ.
oo-nia to khen omethmi ni ethoab ente
pai eho-ou, pi owai pi
owai kata pefran ni
menrati ente pi
Intercede on our
behalf, O lady of us
all, the Mother of
God, Mary, the
Mother of our
Savior, that He may
forgive us our sins.
ari presvevin e-ehri
egon oten chois inev
teeren ti theotokos,
Maria ethmav
empensotir entif ka
nen novi nan evol.
Pray to the Lord on
our behalf, O
beholder of God the
Evangelist, Abba
Mark the Apostle,
that He may forgive
us our sins.
Tov empeshos eheri
egon o pithe-orimos
enevangelestees avva
Markos piapostolos
entef kha nenovi nan
Blessed be the
Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit,
the perfect Trinity.
We worship Him and
glorify Him.
je efesmaroot enje
efiot nem epshiri nem
pi epnevma ethoab ti
etrias etjik evol ten
ou-osht emos tenti oou-nak.
Wouniatou qen oumey/i:
n/|e|y|u ;nte pai;ehoou:
piouai piouai kata
pefran: nimenra] ;nte
Ariprecbeuin e;hr/i
ejwn: ;w ten|o|c ;nn/b t/ren
Maria ;ymau ;mpenCwt/r: ;n
tef,a nennobi nan ebol.
Twbh ;mP|o|c ;e;hr/i ;ejwn: ;
piye;wrimoc ;n;eu;aggelict/c
: abba Markoc
pi;apoctloc: ;ntef ,a
nenobi nan ;ebol.
Je ;f;cmarwout ;nje Viwt
nem ;pS/ri: nem
pi;Pneuma |e|y|u: };triac
etj/k ;ebol:
tenouwst ;mmoc ten];wou
Gospel Response: Resurrection Alleluia alleluia,
alleluia alleluia,
Jesus Christ
the King of
glory, has risen
from the dead.
Alleluia Alleluia,
Alleluia Alleluia, Esos
Pekhrestos eporo
ente epoo, aftonf evol
khen ni-ethmo-ot.
All/louia |a|l:
This is He who
is worthy of
glory, with His
good Father,
and the Holy
Spirit, both now
and forever.
Fay ere pi oo erep
reby naf, nem pek yot
enaghathos, nem pi
epnevma ethowab,
yes gen tee no nem
sha eneh.
Vai ;ere pi;wou
For blessed be
the Father and
the Son, and
the Holy Spirit,
the perfect
Trinity, we
worship Him
and glorify Him.
je efesmaroot enje
efiot nem epshiri nem
pi epnevma ethoab ti
etrias etjik evol ten
ou-osht emos tenti oou-nak.
all/louia |a|l: I|/|c
P|,|c ;Pouro ;nte ;p;wo
u: aftwnf ;ebolqen
er;prepi naf: nem
Pefiwt ;n;agayoc:
nem Pi;pneuma |e|y|u:
icjen ]nou nem
sa ;eneh.
Je ;f;cmarwout ;nje ;
Viwt nem ;Ps/ri:
nem Pi;pneuma |e|y|u:
etj/k ;ebol:
tenouwst ;mmoc
ten];wou nac.
Resurrection Hiten Ni for Archangel Michael Through the
of the
trumpeter of
Michael the
head of the
heavenly, O
Hiten nieperesvaya ente
piapostolos entee
anastasis mikhaeel
eparkhon enna nifiowee epshois...
Hiten ni;precbia: ;nte
picalpict/c ;n];Anac
Mi,a;/l ;p;ar,wn ;nna
niv/;ou;i: ;P|o|c...