Hive & Forest - Chestnut Lane School


Hive & Forest - Chestnut Lane School
Chestnut Lane School
Chestnut Lane School
105 Chestnut Lane
Telephone: 01494 727415
Facsimile: 01494 725969
Email: [email protected]
Headteacher: Christine Plimsaul Cert Ed NPQH
5 May 2015
Dear Parents,
The children have settled back into school after the Easter break and have all
displayed an eagerness to learn. We are impressed with how much they have
developed and are working towards making our final Profile assessments in June.
Thank you for filling in and returning your topic webs; they have been very useful in
informing our planning for our exciting topics this term. Please find below
information about the Summer Term, as covered in the Reception Topic Meeting.
First half term
This half term our whole school topic is ‘Out of This World’. In this term we will be
looking at many different environments including ‘Underwater’, ‘Space’, ‘Desert’,
‘Jungle’ and ‘Volcanoes’. Children will explore the similarities and differences
between environments and we will try to recreate some in the small imaginative
area. Children will participate in scientific experiments including erupting a volcano
and trying floating and sinking with different materials. We will think about how to
look after the environment and learn the importance of recycling. During this topic
we will be considering the importance of healthy eating and will taste some foods
from around the world. In Literacy children will look at creating their own fantasy
settings and will also explore non-fiction texts. In Maths we will be looking at
capacity, sharing objects into groups and doubling.
Second half term
Next term our topic is ‘On Your Marks’, this topic will be related to sport. Children
will be encouraged to participate in team games, developing important social skills
and learning to follow rules. We will be trying a range of different sports activities
and using new equipment. Children will also be encouraged to think about the
importance of exercise and how to make healthy choices. In Literacy children will
have the chance to become ‘Sports Commentators’, recording their voices and
writing sports news! In Maths we will be looking at measuring distance and time
and we will practise dividing ourselves into equal groups to form teams of equal
If you would like any more information about the topics please speak to a member
of the Early Years team.
This term all Reception children have started going to the playground for morning
break. They are also attending two assemblies a week in preparation for their
transition to Year 1. We will be adapting our timetable throughout the summer term
to ensure children are ready for their next school year.
Our PE days continue to be Wednesday and Friday each week. Please ensure
your child attends school in their PE kit on these days. Plimsolls must be kept in
the cloakroom in your child’s peg bag.
Arrival / Collection
We have now started more structured lessons in the mornings, often beginning at
9:00am. It is therefore important to ensure that you arrive promptly each morning
so that children are ready to engage in activities. The classroom is open from
8:40am each morning and all children are expected to be in their room by 8:50am.
Please ensure timings are also kept to at the end of the day.
TES iBoard
Just to remind you about our TES iboard link. You can find a range of activities to
support your children in Maths, Literacy and Phonics. The iBoard link can only be
used on laptops and computers. The Early Years link is:
Thank you for your continued support,
The Early Years Team