Lorenzo SCILLITANI: 2 pubblicazioni 2014


Lorenzo SCILLITANI: 2 pubblicazioni 2014
10th International Scientific Conference "eLearning and Software for
Education" con il contributo From Moodle to Open Educational Resources:
educate to seismic risk in Italian primary school between experience and
prospects for development. Bucharest, April 24 - 25, 2014.
1. Reconsidering the Vasari Zibaldone: Some Observations and Methodological
In the Zibaldone of Giorgio Vasari, the manuscript marked with the number 31 in
the Vasari Archives of Arezzo, various projects and decorative letters of the
artist's hand and his correspondents are preserved: there are also two… more Time: 3 PM to 5 PMLocation: Berlin, Hegelplatz, Dorotheenstrasse 24/1, Fifth
Floor, 1.50 Event Date: March 27, 2015 Organization: Renaissance Society of
America - congresso internazionale;
2. Il Battistero e il Pantheon: Vincenzio Borghini e il mito di Florentia romana, con
Emanuela FerrettiTime: 9 AM to 11 AM Location: Florence, Piazza San
Giovanni 7 Event Date: Nov 25, 2014 Organization: Opera di Santa Maria del
Fiore - congresso internazionale;
3. "Michelangelo, Vasari e Borghini: la tradizione fiorentina come nuova identità
medicea, con Emanuela Ferretti by Eliana Carrara Time: 3 PM to 7 PM
Location: Urbino, Palazzo Albani, via Timoteo Viti 10, Aula B3 Event Date: May
15, 2014 Organization: "Il mito del bianco in architettura" convegno organizzato
da Grazia Maria Fachechi, Carlo Albarello e Massimo Zammerini Congresso.
a) Ricerca e insegnamento all’estero:
1. Febbraio 2014, professeur invité all’École Nationale des Chartes, Parigi;
b) Convegni, seminari, workshops internazionali (in sedi estere):
1. La pratique italienne de la diplomatie au Moyen Âge tardif: entre
communication, information et négociation, conferenza pubblica all’ENCSorbonne, Parigi, 25 febbraio 2014;
2. Appointing to an office. Political choice, documentary practices, and archival
uses in late medieval Italy, seminario al workshop internazionale su The
Materiality of the record – a workshop on sources, nel contesto del progetto
AR.C.H.I.ves, ERC Junior Grant, PI F. De Vivo, Birkbeck College, University of
London, Londra, 2 giugno 2014;
3. La construction d’un langage politique: correspondance politique et stratégies
d’argumentation dans l’Italie du Quattrocento, lezione al Séminaire des
médiévistes, UMR 5648 CIHAM, Lyon, 7 maggio 2015;
4. Ambassades et ambassadeurs en Europe, XVe-XVIIe siècles: pratiques,
Eecritures, savoirs, images, convegno internazionale Parigi 26-28 novembre
2015, comitato scientifico F. De Vivo (Birkbeck College, London), R. Descendre
(ENS Lyon), W. Kaiser (Paris I e EHESS), I. Lazzarini (Università del Molise),
C. Lucas-Fiorato (Paris III) S. Péquignot (EHESS), F. Senatore (Federico II).
1. 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies (May 8-11, 2014) (Kalamazoo,
MI, USA) con la relazione The Presence of Authorial and Editorial Errors in the
Golden Legend and the Abbreviatio in Gestis Sanctorum;
2. 2nd Conference On The Hagiography Of Cyprus “From saint Epiphanios to
saint Neophytos the Recluse (4th – 12th centuries)”, Paralimni (Cyprus), 12th –
15th February 2014, con la relazione The “Vita Latina” of saint Epiphanius;
3. Seminario GAHOM, diretto da Marie Anne Polo de Beaulieu, Ecole des Hautes
Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), con la lezione Le Purgatoire de saint
Patrice, Paris, EHESS, 9 dicembre 2014;
4. Atelier Gloses et commentaires bibliques: enjeux et méthodes de l’édition
organisé par Francesco Siri (IRHT) dans le cadre du séminaire de Nicole Bériou
(EPHE) «Exégèse et prédication dans le Moyen Âge chrétien occidental»,
Paris, IRHT, 2 décembre 2014 con la lezione «Gloses et chaînes bibliques
sources des recueils hagiographiques»;
5. Conference Conceptions of Philology, University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA),
September 21-23, 2014, con il contributo Normal Anomalies in Medieval
Editions: Auctor, Auctoritas, Utilitas.
1. Research seminar “Beyond Identity”, given at the School of Global Studies,
University of Gothenburg, Sweden, September 18, 2014;
2. Participation as a speaker to the Conference “Trials that Shook the World”, , IL.
Paper’s title: “The Spanner Case: Or, Why Some Trials Do not Shake the World
Northwestern University, Evanston, May 19-20, 2015:”.
1. Seminario „Visual Themes“ : Portrait and Memory. A Typological Sketch
28.4.2014, Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin.
2. Conferenza: Time out. Old Age in Twentieth-Century Philosophy
2.6.2014, Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin.
3. Relazione al convegno „Ageing. Histories, Mythologies and Taboos“: Person,
time, body: modeling old age in twentieth century philosophy 30-31.1.2015
University of Bergen (Norway).
4. Relazione al convegno „Max Kommerell (1902-1944). Zur Aktualität von
Lektürepraxis und Traditionsbildung“ : Kommerell und Aristoteles 13-16.6.2015:
Villa Vigoni (Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum für Europäische Exzellenz).
5. Relazione al convegno „Historia conceptual y método de las constelaciones“:
Constelaciones esteticas del idealismo14-16.10 2015: Universidad de Valencia.
6. Soggiorno di ricerca all’estero presso il Wissenschaftskolleg di Berlino
7. Borsa di studio del DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) per un
soggiorno a Berlino Gennaio-Febbraio 2015:
1. 13th International Conference on English and American Studies. “A Genrebased Approach to Teaching ESP Writing: The Case of English for Tourism”.
Beyond Words: Crossing Borders in English Studies. Jagiellonian University,
Cracovia, 24-26 Aprile, 2014;
2. “Growing Gray and Gay: The Representation of Ageing in Omovies”. Diversity
and Super-Diversity: Sociocultural Linguistic Perspectives. Georgetown
University, 13-15 Marzo, 2015;
3. “‘I’ll never be young and cute again’: Ageing Gay Men in Popular Culture”.
Masculinities and Representation International Symposium, Università degli
Studi di Napoli L’Orientale, 22-23 Maggio, 2015.