Newsletter - Everett Public Schools


Newsletter - Everett Public Schools
March 2015
From the Principal’s Desk
March Events
PTA Meeting –7 pm
Drop Everything & Read
Pajama Spirit Day
LIF Friday –1:30 dismissal
5th Grade Camp Auction
Wonder of Words
Literacy Night 5-7pm
LIF Friday –1:30 dismissal
20 No School– Teacher Work Day
Spring Conference Week
March 23-27
12:15 pm dismissal all week
Welcome to March Whittier families! As we near the end of February, I wanted to remind everyone of our annual PTA
Family Sock Hop Dance tonight, February 26, 2015 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. This is a great family event and a
big highlight of the school year. Families can dress up in their best 1950s attire and dance to some of the great oldies. Don’t
miss out on the fun! We will also be having our Spring Uniform Sale tonight as well from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. in the gym. It’s a
great opportunity to take care of your uniform needs for the remainder of the school year.
Mark your calendars for Whittier’s WOW! (Wonder of Words) Literacy Night that will take place on Thursday, March
12th from 5:00-7:00pm. We are celebrating literacy at Whittier by highlighting the outstanding growth and development
students are exhibiting in reading and writing on a daily basis. Students at each grade level will be presenting their work to
their families to show and demonstrate the learning process at each grade level. For example, kindergarten students will be
the experts in writing personal stories with their families using the kindergarten writing process and second grade students
are currently working on superhero comic books that they will present to their families. Avocados Mexican Restaurant will
be serving dinner from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria and the Whittier Book Exchange will also occur during the same time
in the gymnasium. At 6:00 p.m. students will take their families back to their classrooms and present their creative written
work as the highlight of the evening. It’s going to be a great event!
We will be hosting a Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) Parent Night this Monday, March 2 at 6:15 p.m. in the
Whittier library. Parents will have the opportunity to take a sample assessment on a Chromebook computer to experience
the technology based testing format and expectations for 3 rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. Dr. Catherine Matthews, the
district director of curriculum and assessment, will be our guest presenter for this meeting. Whittier students will be taking
the Smarter Balanced state assessment in April and May. Here is the district assessment schedule for all elementary tested
SBA testing dates for 3rd grade students: 4/14, 4/15, 4/16, 4/20, 4/21
SBA testing dates for 4th grade students: 4/22, 4/23, 4/28, 4/29, 4/30
SBA testing dates for 5th grade students: 5/5, 5/6, 5/7, 5/11, 5/12
Parents, students, and staff can access Smarter Balanced Assessment information at the Washington Comprehensive
Assessment Program (WCAP) Portal. You can even download the Secure Browser to experience all of the possible test
features such as text to speech and ASL.” The Practice and Training Tests require a current WAB browser including; Mozilla
Firefox; Google Chrome; Microsoft Internet Explorer 10; or Apple Safari. To access the practice and training tests, go to You can access the web based version of the test by selecting the Practice and Training Tests
icon on the right side column. You can download the Secure Browser by clicking on the Secure Browsers link on the right.
Spring Break-No School
March 30– April 3
April Events
PTA Meeting 7 pm
SBA begins for 3rd grade
SBA begins for 4th grade
Practice Test: The Practice Tests allows students, parents and staff to experience questions that look and function like
these that will be administered on the state assessments.
Training Test: The Training Test provides students and staff with the opportunity to become familiar with test-taking
embedded features and tools. Such as, highlighting text, flagging an answer to review later, and dragging and dropping answer responses.
Spring conferences will run from March 23 – 27, 2015. During conferences, school will be dismissed at 12:15 p.m. the
entire week. All families are invited in for a spring conference and you will be receiving information from your child’s
teacher very soon. Communication between home and school is vital to your student’s success so we would love to see
100% parent participation in our spring conferences. We look forward to seeing you here during conference week.
ATTENDANCE REMINDER: Please remember to call the Whittier office if your child will be absent for any reason. If we
do not receive a call or a note within two days of the absence, the absence will be recorded as unexcused. Please make sure
your child is at school every day and on time every day so we can teach them to the best of our abilities. Thank you for
working so hard to ensure that your child attends each day.
Parents, thank you for your continued support in making Whittier a great place for your children to learn and grow.
Let’s make it a great March!
-Tony Wentworth, Principal
***Kindergarten Registration ***
Tell your friends and neighbors! Kindergarten Registration began on February 2nd. Parents can
register their child at the school in their attendance area now. All children entering Kindergarten must be 5
years old by August 31st, 2015. You can download all necessary Kindergarten registration paperwork directly
off of the Everett School District Website. Questions? Please call Marci or Kim in the Whittier Main office at
Whittier Elementary School
916 Oakes Avenue, Everett, Washington 98201
Tony Wentworth, Principal
Marci Cooper, Editor
PTA President’s Message
Library Happenings!
Spring is almost here, the trees are blooming in our courtyard, and
the PTA-sponsored courtyard garden is coming alive, as well. The garden is
such a wonderful learning opportunity for our students! More springtime
fun and learning is coming this month, with our Wonder of Words (WOW!)
Night on March 12. It is always a great night, with dinner in the cafeteria
followed by multiple literacy activities in the classrooms. It’s an event not to
be missed! Your support of our PTA makes the garden and special events
like WOW! Night possible, and we sincerely thank you.
D.E.A.R. day is scheduled for Friday, March 6th and I
couldn’t be more excited. Drop Everything And Read day is a highlight for our building. We will be doing lots of reading and literacy
activities throughout the day. We have also set a goal to take and
pass 1,000 Accelerated Reader tests that day! Our record last year was 952, I know
we can do it! Along with DEAR day we will be having a spirit day which is pajama
day…could life get any better? Reading in our pajamas all day long! Looking forward to a wonderful DEAR day.
- Jocelyn Sievers-Bailey, Whittier Librarian
The Whittier PTA would like to invite you to the Smarter Balanced
Assessment presentation on Monday, March 2nd at 6:15pm in the
library. Dr. Catherine Matthews will be the guest presenter. Parents will
learn more about the Smarter Balanced Assessment, and have an opportunity to sample test questions on the same Chromebook computers your
students are using. Our monthly PTA meeting will follow at 7pm. We hope
to see you there!
The last day to hand in books for the book exchange is Friday, March 6th
as we have quite a collection to pick from on WOW night! Wonder of Words will
definitely be an event to attend. PTA has organized a dinner from 5-6 in the cafeteria and the BOOK EXCHANGE will be in the Gym at that time. After you have selected books you are invited to visit your child’s classroom from 66:45 to preview their work. Thank you for everyone who has
brought books to exchange, we are going to have a great night!
Julie Bell and Amy Denham, PTA Co-Presidents
Happy Birthday Dr. Sues! Theodor Seuss Geisel, better
known to the world as the beloved Dr. Seuss, was born in 1904 on
Howard Street in Springfield, Massachusetts. We celebrate his birthday on March
2nd and would like to honor his amazing achievements in Literature. At the time of
his death on September 24, 1991, Ted had written and illustrated 44 children's
books, including such all-time favorites as Green Eggs and Ham, Oh, the Places You'll
Go, Fox in Socks, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. His books had been translated
into more than 15 languages. Over 200 million copies had found their way into
homes and hearts around the world.
Literacy Night Book Exchange
Fifth Grade Camp Dinner & Silent Auction
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
Sunday, March 8th at 6pm
Come join Whittier staff and parents for a fun-filled
dinner and silent auction. The event will be held at the
Everett Firefighter’s Hall, 2411 Hewitt Avenue, from 5pm8pm. There will be many fantastic silent auction items to
bid on and a tasty Italian Dinner. All proceeds from this event go
toward offsetting the cost of 5th grade camp in the fall. The actual
cost to attend camp is around $ recent years, our camp
committee has been able to substantially reduce the cost to families and make it affordable for ALL to attend. Tickets are STILL
available for $25 per person. If you would like to purchase tickets
or make a donation, please contact the school office.
Important Reminder from the Office
If your student is going home with another student after
school, please make sure you notify the office via phone call or
note to let us know. For the safety of every student, the office
would like to document where each student should be going if
they are changing their normal routine. Thank you for your help!
We greatly appreciate it.
Whittier Sock Hop Tonight!!
Come and join the fun at Whittier’s
Annual Family Sock Hop! Have a ball swinging
to the oldies TONIGHT from 5:30-7:30 PM in the Whittier cafeteria. Come enjoy spending time with family and friends,
and twist the night away! 50’s style dress is optional. We'll
also have root beer floats for $1.00 while supplies last. Hope
to see you there!
A Message from the Health Team
We are still seeing quite a few students with seasonal
colds, elevated temperatures and the flu in the health room. If a
student is sent home from school because of an illness, we ask
that you please keep them home until they have been free of
fever (with no medication) or vomiting for 24 hours. This will help
promote the health and wellbeing of all students and staff at
Whittier. If you are unsure if your should send your student or
not, you can call the school for direction or go to
the Health Services Website located under
Student Support Services on the Everett School
District website.
Thank you all for your help. We want all
of our students to be happy and healthy while
attending our school.
-The Whittier Health Team
Spring Uniform Sale is Tonight!!
We will hold the Spring Uniform Sale in conjunction
with the Sock Hop on February 26th. The sale will run from 4:30
to 6:30 pm in the gymnasium.
There will be new logo wear available and
other new skirts, skorts, shorts, and jumpers. Gently used items will also be sold at great prices. All
proceeds from Uniform sales go toward our
Uniform Assistance program. If your child is in
need of Uniform Assistance, please contact the
main office for the paperwork.
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Free Tax Preparation
United Way certified volunteers offer FREE tax preparation for qualified
families at North Middle School, 2514 Rainier Ave., in Everett.
Beginning Jan. 21 through April 14, you can have your basic individual tax
return completed on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the North Middle School cafeteria. Please arrive
30 minutes prior to closing, no appointment necessary.
Be sure to bring a valid picture ID, current social security cards or taxpayer
ID numbers for all family members and dependents, W-2s, child care provider information, as well as current bank account information in order to
receive an electronic refund. Call 2-1-1 or visit the United Way website for
more information.
Educational Service District 189 Art Show
The ESD 189 Art Show for current students in grades 9 through 12
will be open for public viewing March 2 to March 13, 2015. Student
artists from around our region participate in this juried show, and
the winners advance to the state level of competition. The artists’
reception will be held on March 13, 2015, at 6 p.m. Public viewing
and the artists’ reception will be at the Community Resource
Center at 3900 Broadway, Everett, 98201.
Peachjar Eflyers are here!
Everett Public Schools launched a new electronic flyer communication tool called “Peachjar.” To view school-approved eflyers,
simply click the Peachjar button on your school’s website home
If you have not already received a welcome email from Peachjar
that includes a username and password, you can sign up for eflyer
email notifications by clicking on the Peachjar button on your
school’s website. You do not need to login to receive or view
school eflyers.
To ensure smooth delivery of this communication, we suggest
you add “[email protected]” to your email contacts. Note:
add “[email protected]” to your contact list just as written;
do not change it to the name of your school
When you receive your first eflyer, be sure to click “always display
This system is used exclusively for distribution of school-approved
flyers. Your email address will not be shared or used for any other
Getting in Contact with a Whittier Staff Member via email
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected]
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[email protected]
2/3 HC
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District RN
[email protected]
[email protected]
Health room
[email protected]
[email protected]
Main Office Inquiries
[email protected]
Whittier Attendance Line
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What is test anxiety? Test anxiety is the uneasiness or apprehension that a student feels before, during or after a test because of worry or
fear of failure. Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time; in fact, low levels of anxiety can motivate students to study and perform
well. However, when anxiety interferes with test-taking and learning it can cause students to blank out or have trouble paying attention, limiting their ability to think clearly and do their best work. The good news is that parents can help their children manage test anxiety. What does
it feel like? Some students report physical symptoms including butterflies, cold or clammy hands, headaches, nausea, being hot or cold, or
feeling faint. Others report feeling like they want to cry or even leave the room and not take the test. Still others feel angry or helpless.
What Can I Do As A Parent? The Practical First Steps
• Make sure your child has enough sleep, eats a healthy breakfast and gets to school on time.
• Make sure your child has the needed school supplies (notebooks, pencils, etc.).
• Doing well on a test is easier if a student has been consistently completing school assignments, including studying or reading. Encouraging
your child to complete homework each day is important and helpful. Specific suggestions
• Motivate your child to want to take a test. You can do this by reinforcing their efforts, including the studying and homework tasks, rather
than focusing on having to make a certain grade.
• Help you child reduce fear and anxiety. This can be accomplished with enthusiasm, praise and, at times, small rewards for giving their best
effort in spite of feeling worried.
• Anxious children tend to have many negative thoughts (I am going to fail this test or I will do badly on every test). You can teach your
child to challenge these ideas by looking at the evidence against each negative thought (do you really fail every test? What is likely to happen
if you study?). Finally, help your child to find a more optimistic thought to use whenever the negative ones arise (When I study I do pass
• Teach your child ways to relax through simple techniques such as deep breathing and meditation. Relaxation is a skill that requires learning
and practice, so keep the relaxation practices short and simple. Make it a family activity, where everyone takes the time to breathe deeply:
you can teach by example. Use the techniques yourself, for example, when you become frustrated while driving. Encourage your child to
practice in real life situations (e.g., before going to a stressful family event).
March 2015
Boeing Club 2:45-4pm
Smart w/Art 2:45-4pm
Robotics 2:45-4pm
PTA MTG 7pm in Library
Spanish 2:45-4pm
Moby Max Club 2:45-4pm
PTA 5th Grade Camp
Auction 5pm
Smart w/Art 2:45-4pm
Robotics 2:45-4pm
Spanish 2:45-4pm
Moby Max Club 2:45-4pm
Smart w/Art 2:45-4pm
Robotics 2:45-4pm
Spanish 2:45-4pm
Moby Max Club 2:45-4pm
Moby Max Club 2:45-4pm
Drop Everything & Read
Pajama Spirit Day!
Brick 4 Kidz 1:35-2:35pm
Moby Max Club 2:45-4pm
Brick 4 Kidz 1:35-2:35pm
WOW Night 5-7pm
Moby Max Club 2:45-4pm
Teacher Work Day
Conference Week
12:15 Dismissal All
April 1
Spring Break
Everett Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual
orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a
person with a disability in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
Designated to handle inquiries about nondiscrimination policies are:
Affirmative Action Office – Carol Stolz, [email protected], 425-385-4106
Title IX Officer – Randi Seaberg, [email protected], 425-385-4104
504 Coordinator – Becky Ballbach, [email protected], 425-385-4063
ADA Coordinator – Dr. Tony Byrd, [email protected], 425-385-4050
Address: 3900 Broadway, Everett, WA 98201
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