The University of Dayton Alumnus, April 1949


The University of Dayton Alumnus, April 1949
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The University of Dayton Alumnus, April 1949
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APRIL • 1949
Announce Plans For
Fieldhouse Completion
by Clark Ash
Authorization to begin construction
on the long-awaited University of
D ayton fieldhouse was received M onday, April 4 according to Father
George J. R enneker, S. M ., president.
In making th e announcement
Father R enneker stated that although
the university Board of Trustee and
the Society's Provincial administration had approved the construction
and financial plans some month ago,
final approval had to b e received from
th e Superior General of the Society
of Mary, the very R everend Sylveste'r
J. Juergen , S. M. in Nivelles, Belgi um before th e contract could be
Construction of the $600,000 structure will begin as soon as plan receive routine re-inspection and th e
details of granting the con tract are
worked out. Geyer and Neuffer, D ayton architects, who designed th e tructure, say they could begin work on th e
campus within a week, if necessary.
Regarding the finan cial arrangements, Brother J erome M cAvoy, S.
M., University of Dayton business
manager, stated that there is on hand
at pre ent $310,000 of the estimated
" The University of Dayton is confid ent" , Father R enneker added,
" that the city of Dayton, alumni, and
friends will support this project to its
completion. On the basis of this confidence the administration feel safe
in b eginning construction of the
The fieldhouse, to be located between th e Albert Emanuel library and
the tadium, will have 4,200 permanent seats with an ab olute capacity
n ear 6,000. M easuring 151 ' by 220',
the building will house an oversize
gym floor s ubdivid e d into thr ee
Steel truss construction will eliminate the need for posts, allowing unobscured vision to the spectator . The
external appearance of the red-brick
structure has been planned to blend
with present campus buildings.
Commenting on the planning that
goes into such a building, Athletic
Director H arry Baujan stated: "You
FRONT COVER: May we pre ent
the director of the University of D ayton Pl ayers-John I. M cGrath, a sista nt professor of speech, who is giving Rosemary Busic, the lead in Our
Lady of Fatima, final in tructions.
Professor McGrath has been director
of the Pl ayers since 1946.
Vol. XV
April, 1949
Mary Shay '44 .
. . ... .. .. Editor
John "Stretch" Mahoney '48 ... ............................ . Sports Editor
"Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton,
Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879."
Issued Monthly-October through June
SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Association, $5.00.
Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni
Association of the University of Dayton."
For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is "The University of Dayton, Dayton, O hio."
only build a fi eldhouse once, so you
have to plan carefully. We believe we
have a building that is designed to
meet the needs of our greatly expanded physical education department. This fieldhouse will have expanded physical education facilities
for both boy and girl gym classes,
plus class rooms and offices for the
physical education department. That
was our greatest need.
"This should go a long way toward
improving our intercollegiate basketball program", Baujan remarked. "It
will make it possible for us to book
games with larger schools, and should
give us an intercollegiate program on
a par with any school in this section
of the country."
Geyer and Neuffer, architects, estimated that the building will take
approximately 15 months to complete.
Father R enneker expressed the hope
that the fi eldhouse could be dedicated sometime in the centennial
year, 1950.
An estimate of $350,000 was made
on the structure when it was originally planned in 1942, Father Renn eker said. Since that time increased
material costs and additions to the
plans have almost doubled the figure.
A great tribute is due the fund
raising committee headed by alumni
members Martin Kuntz, Clarence
Go iger, ai].d Charles Whalen, Sr.,
the results of their great efforts and
dreams are finally becoming a reality.
"The $310,000 now on hand", Father
R enneker said, "is the result of gifts
large and small from alumni and
friends of the university".
R.O. T.C. Ball
Scheduled April 22
The annual Military Ball, climaxing the U. D . post-lenten social affairs
will be held April 22 at Lakeside.
Continuous music will be provided
from 9 p. m. until 1 a. m. Band leaders, Karl Taylor and Les Shepperd
will alternate swinging their batons
for the enjoyment of all who plan to
Anne Griffin, queen of the Military
Ball a nd a sophomore education coed,
will be crowned by J eanne Stewart,
who was queen of last year' military
dance. Anne holds membership in
many campus organizations, among
them being Flyer's Hangar, W. A. A.,
C. S. M . C., and the Cheerleaders.
H er activities a one of the cheerleaders are mo t familiar to tudent and
A crack drill unit of the Pershing
Rifles, which will serve as an honor
guard for the queen, will present trick
maneuvers preceding the coronation
ceremony. 2nd Lt. Ray Lemming will
serve as commanding officer for this
R ay Rieger and Dan O'Connell,
two members of the R . 0 . T. C. Unit
will be responsible for the ballroom
Wall ace Ellifrit, general ch airman
of the '49 Military Ball, is being asi ted by D aniel M eyers, fin ances ;
Leo K essler, tickets ; Bernard Ambrose, publicity ; and William Fitzpatrick, advisor.
The Board of Directors of the University of Dayton Alumni Associa tion
were guests of the president, the Ron.
Edward Breen at a lunch eon on Saturday, M a r. 19 a t the Va n Cleve
Hotel. A bu iness meeting followed.
M embers of the board pre ent, in
addition to the Ron. Edwa rd Breen,
president were: F a ther George J.
Renneker, S. M. , pre ident, niversity of Dayton ; Joseph Qua tman, '38,
vice-president, a lumni a sociation;
board members, Frank Marsha ll, '31,
Sidney; Charles R eiling, Sr., D ayton ;
Elmer J. Will, '37, O sborn ; Brother
Elm er Lackner, S. M., registrar, U.
D. ; Brother J erome M cAvoy, S. M.,
busines manager, U. D. ; Hugh N.
Brown, publicity director, and Mary
Shay, '44, alumni secretary.
A fin ancia l report on the amount
of income from dues was given. A of
March 19, 459 alumni had contributed $2526.00, which wa an increase
over the previous year.
A suggestion was given by Charles
R eiling, Sr., tha t reunions be planned
on a five-year basis. All alumni within a five-year span cou ld celebrate
their reunion together.
Fra nk M ar ha ll told the board
about an alumni meeting to which
athletes of a bout twelve counties, as
well as the coaching staff from the
University of Dayton will be invited.
This meeting i scheduled for early in
M ay in the northwestern pa rt of the
sta te of Ohio . .John Westerheide, '42,
will serve as chairman of the meeting
to be held in Minster.
The board decided tha t a letter
simila r to the one mailed Ia t year for
the purchase of football tickets, both
season books and individual game
tickets be mailed to all alumni again
this year. Thi letter will be mailed by
June 1.
Di sc uss ion follow ed a bout th e
alumni's participa tion in the Triple
Centenary to be celebra ted by the
University of Dayton and the Society
of Mary. The week immediately preceding Homecoming will feature an
Open House at the University, speakers - faculty, alumni and students, who will participate in noonday luncheon clubs and special meetings during that week.
A resolution was adopted by the
board tha t when the Centenary Committee has b een formed, action should
be taken by the Alumni Association
Board in favor of cooperating with
any plans of the University of Dayton.
A motion was made by Frank M arshall, seconded by Brother .Jerome
WHO attended a luncheon meeting on Mar. 19 are left to right: Elmer J . Will ,
'37; Frank G. Marshall, '32; Brother Jerome T. McAvoy, S. M.; Charles Reil ing, Sr.; Edward Breen, '30, president, Alumni Association; Father George
Renneker, S. M., president, U. D.; Mary Shay, '44; Brother Elmer Lackner,
S. M.; Hugh N. Brown, publicity director; and Joseph Quatman, '38, vicepresident, Alumni Association.
McAvoy, tha t the president of the
alumni association be empowered to
appoint a ny committee to work with
the administra tion of the University
and to participate in the Univer ity
of D ayton Centenary progra m. The
motion was unanimously carried . Mr.
Breen appointed Elmer Will to act a
liaison officer between the alumni and
the Univer ity of Dayton Centennial
Committee. Mr. Will accepted the appointment.
Mr. Marshall expressed the a ppreciation of the board to the Ron. Edward Breen, president, for the very
fine luncheon.
The date of the next meeting was
set for a Saturday luncheon in M ay.
At this time the board will be guests
of the University of D ayton.
Bro. Andrew Weber, S. M ., professor of mechanical engineering, at
the University of D ayton, was the
guest of President Truman at his conference on Industrial Safety. The
meeting was held in Washington,
March 23, 24, and 25.
The study of the status of industrial
safety and the discussion of corrective
measures was the purpose of the three
day meeting.
M embers of Sorosis of the University of D ayton were guests of the club
at a "Coke and Pretzel" party on
Thursday, M arch 31, a t 8:00 p. m.,
at the Loretto. A gab fest, cards and
refreshments were en joyed. Plans were
made for the next general meeting in
April at which time the newly-elected
officers will be installed .
Rose D. Rothberg, '40, president
has announced the following committees for the year 1949-50.
Campaign Committee:
Julie Timmer, ' 43; Connie Neff, '44;
Pat Zink, '44; Mary Ellen Reinhard.
Centennial Committee:
Martha W. McKenny, '38; Mary
Shay. '44; Virginia Stoecklein, '39;
Harriet Theodose, '46; Mary Jane
Burns, '47.
T ea Committee:
Connie H. Varley, '40; Isabel S.
Noonan, ' 39; Eileen Quinlisk, '48;
Marjorie Carroll, '45; Mary B. Fitzharris, '42.
Award Committee:
Eileen Fiel, '39; Martha M. Lan downe, '41; Rita McGarry, '48; Catheri ne Stich. '45; Elaine Glossinger, '44.
Fund Committ~>e:
Virginia L. Hoyer, '39; Rose K. Lemming, '41; Mary F. Freer, '46.
$2665.00 TO DRIVE
As a result of the '49 campaign for
solicitation of dues to date, April 6,
contributions have been received
from 484 members totaling $2,665.00.
W e are happy to report that this is an
increase over the same period last
If you have not already ent your
check to the Alumni office for $5.00
- the annual dues, may we ask you to
do so at your earliest convenience. W e
have almost reached the h alf-way
mark in our goal of 1,000 contributing
members. With your h elp let's make
it this year.
W e would like to th ank the following m embers of the associa tion who
have already contributed to the 1949
U. D . Alumni A sociation membership drive.
W. H. Adams, Jr., Zanesville, 0.
Joseph C. Adlard, Piqua, 0.
Gus Akerland, Dayton, 0.
E. Raymond Arn, Jr., Dayton, 0.
William G. Ashman, Akron, 0.
Joseph C. Bach, Dayton, 0.
J, K. Bailey, M.D., Dayton, 0.
Jacob C. Baker, Cuyahoga Falls, 0.
Otto P. Behrer, Cincinnati, 0.
F. G. Belanich, Euclid, 0.
Charles Benbow, Dayton, 0.
L. A. Bentz, Dayton, 0.
A. C. Bergman, Dayton, 0.
John E. Bersuder, Dayton, 0.
Elise I. Biechler, Jr., Chicago, Ill.
Raymond F. Biedenbender, P eoria, Ill.
George B. Binlein, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Helen M. Bistrek , Dayton, 0.
A. V. Black, M.D., Centerville, 0.
W. K. Blaire, Shawnee, 0.-$10
Clarence E. Bleicher, Grosse Pointe,
Raymond F. Blosser, New York, N.Y.
Mathias N. Blumenthal, Chicago, Ill.
Paul J, Boeke, Princeton, N.J.
Charles H. Boesch, Dayton, 0.
Carl E. Bohnert, Charleston, W.Va.
Herbert S. Bohnert, Cincinnati, 0.
Lee B. Bohnert, Cincinnati, 0.
Robert E. Borchers, Dayton, 0.
Matthew Boylan, Dayton, 0.
John H. Bramlage, White Plains, N.Y.
William K. Bramlage, Dayton, 0.
Hon. Edward Breen, Washington, D.C.
Burdell Brewer, Dayton, 0.
Norman Brinkman , Readin g, 0.
Huston Brown, Dayton, 0.
Jerome U. Brown, Dayton, 0.
R. C. Brown, Jackson Heights, N.Y.
Carl H. Brunner, Bluefield, W. Va.$25
George M. Buchard, Dayton, 0.
Lawrence C. Bucher, Cincinnati, 0.
Richard K. Bucher, Dayton, 0.
William H. Buehrle, Dayton, 0.
John M. Burgmeier, Chicago, Ill.
Pat H. Cain, Nashville, Tenn.
Martha E. Cameron, Seattle, Wash.
Francis C. Canny, Dayton, 0.
Florence Carr, Dayton, 0.
Robert E. Carrigan, Muncie, Ind.
Richard M. Carson, Dayton, 0.
Virginia M. Carter, Dayton, 0.
Vincent J. Castrop, Detroit, Mich.
J, J, Caveney, Wheeling, W.Va.
Miriam Losh Chalfant, Dayton, 0.
William W. Chapin, Dayton, 0.
Marjorie M. Chapman, Dayton, 0.
Dorothy Clark, Dayton, 0.
William C. Cline, Cincinnati, 0.
Charles M. Conway, Dayton, 0.
Michael J. Costello, Dayton, 0.
Thomas Coughlin, Oeveland, 0.
John W. Craig, Cincinnati, 0.-$10
A. J. Cron, Minneapolis, Minn.
Ed. T. Crow, Bay Village, 0.
A. D. Crowley, Union, N.j.
John L. Crowley, Avalon, Pa.
Msgr. Francis T. Culley, Dayton, 0.
Whelan W. Culley, Memphis, Tenn.
John W. Cunningham, Dayton, 0.
Albert T. Dana, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Edith R. Davies, Glen Ridge, N.j.
Blanche A. Davis, Rochester, N.Y.
Elizabeth 0. Dawley, Day ton, 0.
Leon J. Deger, Dayton, 0.
Robert J, Deger, M.D., Dayton, 0.
Thomas E. Deger, Grosse lle, Mich.
Urban Deger, Dayton, 0.
Charles G. Dehler, Cleveland, 0.
Joseph A. Dell, Fostoria, 0.
Clemens B. Demann, Dayton, 0.
Joseph R. Desch, Dayton, 0.
James T. Devaney, South Bend, Ind.
Henry K. Dexter, Dayton, 0.
Harry j. Dick, M.D., Dayton, 0.-$10
Rev. Joseph H. Dick, Chicasaw, 0.
Edward C. Dill, Dayton, 0.
Albert N. Dirscherl, Troy, 0.
Jean Whelan Doheny, Berea, 0.
Joseph 0. Donovan, North Hollywood,
Frank j. Doorley, Dayton, 0.
Mae Driscoll, Chicago, Ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Dryden (Lois
Kramer), Dayton, 0.
John M. Duchak, M.D., Dayton, 0.$10
Rev. G. W. E. Dunne, Toledo, 0.
Gilbert R. Eichelberger, Centerville, 0.
Anthony Engelhart, Dayton, 0.
George M. Early, Dayton, 0.
Jean R. Edgington, Dayton, 0.
Charles P. Eisenhauer, Dayton, 0.
Kay Ens, Dayton, 0.
j. W. Evans, Owensville, 0.
Manley G. Farm, Dayton, 0.
Federico L. Ferrara, Monterrey, Mexico
John Ferree, Los Angeles, Calif.
Rev. Joseph Finan, Lewisville, 0.
H. F. Finke, Sr., Dayton, 0.-$10
Herbert M. Finke, Dayton, 0.
William F. Flanagan, Dayton, 0.
Walter J. Fleck, Tiffin, 0.
Joseph F. Fletcher, Dayton, 0.
Urban G. Focke, Dayton, 0.
William H. Focke, Dayton, 0.
Jack L. Foose, Dayton, 0.
Paul E. Foy, M.D., Troy, 0.
Richard T. Frankensteen, Detroit,
Benjamin W. Freeman, Cincinnati, 0.
Dwight R. Freidline, Dayton , 0.
William A. Fritz, Dayton, 0.
Lt. Col. Francis S. Gabel, Arlington, Va.
Manuel Garlikov, Dayton, 0.
Earl E. Gebhart, Dayton, 0.
Landis Gephart, Waltham, Mass.
Carl F. Geppert, Wilmette, Ill.
Cha:-les H. Gerber, Dayton, 0.
0. j. Gerhardstein, Dayton, 0.
Ralph A. Gerlach, Mansfield, 0.
Charles H. Gerwels, Dayton, 0.
Michael J, Gibbons, Jr., Dayton, 0.
Leo B. Glaser, Jr., Dayton, 0.
Thomas H. Glick, Toledo, 0.
Louis E. Goldkamp, Dayton, 0.
C. H. Gosiger, Dayton, 0.
James J, Grace, M.D., Springfield,
Robert E. Gray, Dayton, 0.
William J, Green, Dayton, 0.-$10
M. V. Grisez, Canton, 0.
Gerald C. Grout, M.D., Dayton, 0.
Philip L. Grimes, Huntington Park,
Rev. George Gude, Cincinnati, 0.
Philip M. Gundlach, St. Louis, Mo.
1st Lt. J, B. Haberer, Camp Hood, Tex.
John J, Hacker, Ironton, 0.
Carl J, Halm, Cleveland, 0.
Rev. James R. Haley, Owensville, 0.
W. P. Haley, D.D.S., Dayton, 0.
Ray M. Harris, Portland, Ore.
Albert T. Hart, Dayton, 0.
Harry Hartke, Jr., Cincinnati, 0.
Paul H. Hartman, Forest Hills, N.Y.
J, J, Hartnett, Dayton , 0.
Mathias H. Heck, Dayton, 0.
Paul Heckman, Dayton, 0.
Rev. Francis j. Heider, Batavia, 0.
Joseph Heidkamp, Cincinnati, 0.
Ray G. Helmig, Dayton, 0.
Anthony Hemmert, Mt. St. Joseph, 0.
Howard R. Heppner, Oldenburg, Ind.
John F. Herkenhofl', Minster, 0.
Paul W. Herking, Milford, 0.
H. J, T. Herzog, Cincinnati, 0.
J, Joseph Hettinger, Jr., Louisville, Ky.
Mother M. Hildburg, Bernharts, Pa.$20
William C. Hill, San Juan, P.R.
Samuel V. K. Hipa, Honolulu, T.H.
Charles Richard Hirt, Cincinnati, 0.
John T. Hoban, Dayton, 0.
Daniel j. Hobbs, Dayton, 0.
John P. Hochadel. Salem, 0.
Carroll A. Hochwalt, Dayton, 0.
Msgr. Frederick G. Hochwalt, Washington, D.C.-$10
N. C. Hochwalt, M.D., Dayton, 0.-$10
AI j. Hodapp, Dayton, 0.
Rev. Charles Hollencamp, Norwood, 0.
Eugene A. Hollencamp, Dayton, 0.
Francis j. Hollencamp, Dayton, 0.
j. H. Holscher, Chicago, 111.-$10
Louis A. Holtman, Dayton, 0.
Jack L. Homan, Dayton, 0.
Robert W. Hommel, Dayton, 0.
Anthony G. Horvath, Dayton, 0.
C. Richard Horwedel, Rocky River, 0.
Virginia Lehman Hoyer, Dayton, 0.
George lgel, Jr., Columbus, 0.
Jack lngberg, Dayton, 0.
Herman J, Jacobs, Columbus, 0.
Louis R. jacobs, Dayton, 0.-$10
Frank J, Jankiewicz, Detroit, Mich.
Clem G. Jauch, Dayton , 0.
Lawrence j. Jauch, Dayton, 0.-$10
Joseph G. Jeckering, Dayton, 0.
James S. Jenkins, Dayton, 0.
James R. Jones, Pacific Palisades, Calif.
Thomas A. Joseph , Zanesville, 0.
Raymond M. Kahn, M.D., Dayton, 0.
Eleanor E. Kai ser, Dayton, 0.
W. F. K ea ting, Ashtabula, 0.
Erdine Kelbe, Dayton, 0.
William P. Kelly, Greenville, 0.-$10
(Continued on Page 5)
(Continued from Page 4)
Albert J. Kemper, Chicago, Ul.
Alan H. Kempner, Jr., White Plains,
Martin Kimmel, Wayland, N.Y.
Victor M. Kimmel, Wayland, N.Y.
Roland Kinder, Bellbrook, 0 . -$ 10
Walter C. Kinzig, Dayton, 0.
Joseph A. Kirby, Sr., Dayton, 0.
Norbert J, Knostman, Minster, 0.
Frank J. Koehl , Huntington \Voods,
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Koehler,
(Edith A.), Dayton, 0.
Urban G. Koo, Cincinnati, 0.
Albert A. Kramer, Dayton, 0.-$ 10
Arthur G. Kramer, Dayton, 0.
Wilbur A. Krame r , Dayton , 0.
W. J, Krantz, Akron, 0.
Edward H. Kremer, Da yton, 0.
Eugene F. Kreu sch , Dayton, 0.
Leo D. Kricker, Portsmouth, 0.
Frank Kronauge, Dayton , 0.
A. J, Kuntz, Cincinnati, 0.
Peter Kuntz, Dayton, 0.
Richard Kuntz, Dayton, 0.
William Kuntz, Dayton , 0.
John J, Ladner, Chicago, Ill.
Martin S. Lancaster, Owensboro, Ky.
Emerson H. Landis, Dayton, 0.
George E. Lang, Dayton, 0.
Edward W. Lange, Covington, K y.
Edward C. Larkin, Albany, N.Y.
Col. William T. Larkin, Albany, N.Y.
Maurice J. Leen, Jr., Dayton, 0.
Joseph L. Leibold, Dayton, 0.
J, Carl Le ininger , New York, N.Y.
Theodore F. Lienesch, Dayton, 0.
Robert Lipp, Dayton, 0.
Eugene C. Litkowski, Dayton, 0.
Mark F. Litteken, St. Louis, Mo.
Ralph C. Lohrey, M.D. , Euclid, 0.
Garland E. Lotz, Dayton, 0.
James E. Love, Dayton, 0.
William J, Lukaswitz, Dayton, 0.
Frank J, Macklin, Alexandria, Va.
George A. Madden, Richmond, Ind.
Thomas E. Maher, Dayton, 0.
J, E. Mahlmeister, Dayton, 0.
AI. H. Mahrt, Chillicothe, 0.
V. C. Malloy, M.D., Akron, 0.-$10
George W. Markus, M.D., Dayton, 0.
Margare t Ann Markus, Dayton, 0.
Frank H. Marshall, Sidney, 0.
Joseph R. Martinez, Jr., Santa Fe., N.M.
Louis M. Marzluft, Arcadia, Calif.
M. J, Marzluft, Berkeley, Calif.
R. Eugene May, Lakewood, 0.-$ 10
William E. Mayer, Cleveland Hts., 0.
Eugene A. May I, Dayton, 0.
J. E. Mayl , Akron, 0.
J. Ellis May), Dayton , 0.
Loui s J, McAnespie, Dayton, 0.
Edgar J, McBride, Dayton, 0.
Jeannette K. McCann, Morristown , N.J.
Paul P. McClellan, New York, N.Y.
Charles T. McClosk ey, New York, N.Y.
A. P. McDonald, M.D., Dayton, 0.
N.C. McGreevy, Xenia, 0.
Thomas A. Medley, Owen sboro, Ky.
Paul J, Me iners, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
H enry W. Merland, Cincinnati, 0.
Edward M. Miller , Chicago, lll.-$10
John T. Moore, Da yton , 0.
Charles Dale Miller. Dayton, 0.
Richard C. Miller, M.D., Dayton , 0.
Edward A. Millonig, M.D., Dayton, 0.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Milne, (Janice
Noyes), Dayton, 0.
Bernard C. Moore, Albuquerque, N.M.
Joseph Moosbruger, Rockville Center,
L.l., N.Y.
M. F. Moran, Xenia, 0.
R ev. Francis Mueller, Cincinnati, 0.
L. R. Mulcahy, Kew Gardens, N.Y.
Joseph Mulhall, Owosso, Mich.-$10
E. L. Murphy, Dayton , 0.
Joseph B. Murphy, Dayton, 0.
R ev. Christopher Murray, Knoxville,
Jerome J. Muth, Dayton, 0.
Paul G. Muth, Dayton, 0.
Richard H. Neal, Dayton, 0.
T. F. Nealon, Sherborn, Mass.
Frederick T. Neumann, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Andrew E. Nickol , Baltimore, Md.
Duncan Obee, Toledo, 0.
Alice E. Ohmer, Dayton, 0.
Paul P. Ohmer, Cincinnati, 0.
Ruth M. Ohmer , Dayton, 0.
William C. Olsen , Osborn, 0.
Margaret E. O'Ne il , Dayton, 0.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Padley ( Shirley
Wurstner), Dayton , 0.
James G. Parker, M.D., Delaware, 0.
Marguerite M. Parrish, Pontiac, Mich.
Clem Pater, Jr., Hamilton, 0.
Rita M. Perfili, Dayton, 0.
Charles E. P eterman , Champaign, Ill.
R. A. Pfarrer, M.D., Dayton, 0.
Glenn W. Pfister, Jr., M.D., Cincinnati,
R. F. Pfister, Mexi co, D.F., Mexico$ 10
George A. Pflaum, Dayton , 0.
Don Pinciotti, Toledo, 0.
Alice A. Planinshek, North Lima, 0.
Joseph T. Poelking, Dayton, 0.
V. E. Poe ppelmeier, Manchester, Conn.
Louis G. Pohl, Cincinnati, 0.
Robert T. Potter, Dallas, Tex.
Anthony A. Pozelnik, Cleveland, 0.
Paul B. Purpus, Dayton, 0.
Jack D. Puterbaugh , Centerville, 0.
F. T. Quatma n , Lima, 0.-$ 10
George B. Quatman, Lima, 0.
Joseph T. Quatman, Lima, 0.
Charles B. Quinlan, D.D.S., Lima, 0.
C. J. Ramu s, Adrian, Mich.
Henry A. Rauch, Dayton, 0.
Louise Rauch, Dayton, 0.
E. J. Reagan, M.D., Miamisburg, 0.
Henry C. R echtien, Jr., Florissant, Mo.
Charles J, Reiling, Dayton, 0.
John A. Reiling, D.D.S., Dayton, 0.
Walter A. Reiling, M.D., Dayton, 0.$10
Leo Reilly, San Francisco, Calif.-$10
Robert C. Renner, Dayton, 0.
John A. R etter, Dayton, 0.
Roxana Re u ssenzehn, Dayton, 0.
Don E. Ri st, Ironton, 0.
John H. Ritter, Milwaukee, Wis.
Alice Blaeser Robert, Dayton, 0.
Milton A. Roberts, Geneva, N.Y.
Charles Rodway, Dayton, 0.
Ralph J, Rohner, Akron, 0.-$ 25
Robert G. Rohner, Akron, 0.-$ 10
Urban E. Rohr, Fort Bliss, Tex.
William Rosencrans, Dayton, 0.
Arthur C. Routzong. Allentown, Pa.
Nelson J. Ruddy, Cincinnati, 0.
Herb. H. Ruhlmann . Minster, 0.-$10
William J, Rupert, Columbus, 0.
Charles Runpert , Jr., Washington, D.C.
Edward P. Ru sh , Wayne, Mich.
Rt. Rev. Msgr., Ca rl J. R yan , Cincin·
nati, 0.
Thomas A. Sa brey, Columbus, 0.
J. Howard Sach s, Dayton , 0.
Reuben R. Saek s, Dayton , 0.
Edward G. Sander, Dayton, 0.
Eugene R. Santaella, Santurce, P.R.$ 10
Ramon A. Santaella, Mazatlan, S ina loa,
Edward F. Satalia, Shaker Heights, 0.
R. J. Sating, M.D., Lakewood, 0.
R. J. Saurine, Dayton, 0.
Charles E. Sam·ine, Arlington, Va.-$7
Anthony P. Saup, Zanesville, 0.
Dolores M. Savino, Dayton, 0.
Ri chard L. Sayr e, Newtown, 0.
R ev. William L. Scanlan, Camden , 0.
Arthur Scarpelli , Dayton, 0.
Joseph J. Schae fer, New York, N.Y.
Robert E. Schaefer , Dayton, 0.
Richard Schantz, M.D., R emington,
Robert Schantz, Harvey, Ill.
Elwood E. Schardt, Dayton, 0.
Richard \V. Scheiber, Tiffin, 0 .
Lee E . Sch eid , Fontana, Calif.
Harry J. Sch elll•aas, Piqua, 0.
Charles W. Sche u, Dayton, 0.
Edward J. Schlei, Dayton, 0.
W. 0. Schleinitz, Dayton, 0.
Ca therine M. Schmitz, Dayton, 0.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wm. Schne ble, (Marijane Spitle r) Dayton, 0.
Martin Schne ble, Dayton, 0.
Paul A. Schneble, Dayton, 0.
Richard C. Schneble, M.D., Dayton, 0.
Richard J, Schneble, M.D., Dayton, 0.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Schn eble,
(Mary Graziano) Terrace Bay, Ont.,
Joseph A. Schn e ide r , Ste ubenville, 0.
- $ 10
Francis M. Schnurr, Sandu sky, 0.
Edward C. Schoen, Chicago, Ill.
Leo Showel, Toledo, 0.
Rev. Albert Schreck , Oxford, 0.
Charles W. Schroll, Dayton, 0.
J, R. Schroll, Dayton, 0.
Fred W. Schulenberg, Dayton , 0.
John E. Schuler, Wyandotte, Mich.
Rev. John Schuler, Newport, K y.
Joseph R. Schulkers, Reading, 0.
N. W. Schweicher, Lakewood, 0.
James L. Schwering, New York, N.Y.
Niall M. Scully, M.D., St. Louis, Mo.
William L. Seiden stick er , Columbus, 0.
Ralph E. Shanahan, Wilmington, 0.
Theodore A. Sharpenter, Aurora, Ill.
Mary Shay, Dayton, 0.
Arlena L. Sh erard , Dayton , 0.
Joseph M. Shimanek, LaGrange, lll.
Raphael J. Shouvlin, Springfield, 0.
Arthur L. Shroyer , Dayton , 0.
H enry Silbereis, Dayton, 0.
Joseph E. Simon, Wyandotte, Mich.$10
W. L. Slagle, M.D., Dayton , 0 .
Corwin A. Smith, M.D., Dayton, 0.
Rev. Francis Smith, Cincinnati, 0.
Paul M. Spahr, Maj., Washington, D.C.
T. K. Spalding, Charleston , W.Va.
Paul R. Stagmaie r , Chattanooga, Tenn.
John C. Ste inlage, Jr. , University City,
Cyril A. Stelzer, Marquette, Micl1.
Eugene W. Stenger, West Carrollton,
Walter T. Stephan s, Akron, 0.
Joseph Stermer , Maj., Arlington, Va.
Frank B. Stilwe ll, Jr., Dayton, 0.
William E. Stoecklein , D ay ton, 0.
J. Edwin Stolz, Jr., Da yton , 0.
Robert A. Stra sser , Dayton, 0.
Lawrence W. Stra ttn er, New Rochelle,
Continued on P age 6
Continued from Page 5
Margare t Reiling Strobhar, Dayton, 0.
F. G. Stroop, Dayton, 0.
William L. Struck, Dayton, 0.
Cliff Stuhlmueller, M.D., Hamilton, 0.
Fred Sturm, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Charles F. Sucher, Dayton, 0.
Louis A. Sucher, Dayton, 0.-$10
Robert Swartzel, M.D., Dayton, 0.
Emmell Sweetman, Urbana, 0.
Stephen E. Szabo, D.D.S., Dayton, 0.
C. E. Taylor, Dayton, 0.
Louis A. Thacker, Dayton, 0.
John R. Thalheimer, Da yton. 0.
George E. Thoma, M.D., St. Louis, Mo.
Thomas J. Thomas, D.D.S., Dayton, 0.
Louis A. Timmer, Dayton, 0.
John W. Torpey, New H yde Park, N.Y.
Louise Hammond Van Horn, Temple
City, Calif.
Edmund Velten, Westbury, L.l., N.Y.
Rev. Robert Von Kaenel, Piqua, 0.
Rt. Rev. Msgr. R. Marcellus Wagner,
Cincinnati, 0.
Robert H. Wahl, M.D., Dayton, 0.
Hugh E. Wall, Sr., Dayton, 0.
Hu g h E. Wall, Jr., Dayton, 0.
James R. Wall, Dayton, 0.
Victor Walling, Bellevue, Wash.
A. J. Walsh, South Bend, Ind.
Charles A. Walter, North Hollywood,
Leo F. Walter, Dayton, 0.
Richard 0. Weber, Akron, 0.
William F. Weber, Cincinnati, 0.
Vincent B. Weckesser, Dayton , 0.
Richard A. Welsh, Dayton, 0.
T. E. Wenthe, Lincolnwood, III.
Charlotte Wentz, Dayton, 0.
Charles W. Weprin, Dayton, 0.
Robert A. Werner, Knoxville, Tenn.
John J. Werst, Louisville, Ky.
Charles C. Westhrock, Dayton, 0.
Adam F. Westerkamp, Cincinnati, 0.
Charles W. Whalen, Jr., Dayton, 0.
H. E. Whalen, Sr., Dayton, 0.
Herbert E. Whalen, Jr., Dayton, 0.
Richard Wharton, Dayton, 0.
Kathleen Whetro, Dayton, 0.
James F. White, Toledo, 0.
Joseph D. White, Dayton, 0.
John C. Wick, Jr., Hobbs, N.M.
Henry G. Wickham, Red Bank, N.J.$25
Roman Wiggenhorn, Dayton, 0.
Col. Don L. Wilhelm, Jr., Minneapolis,
Louis P. Wilks, Chicago, III.
Eugene Witchger, Saginaw, Mich.
Richard Withrow, Esq., Dayton, 0.
Walter J. Woeste, Dayton, 0.
Joseph Wohlschlaeger, Springfield, 0.
George L. Wolf, Akron, 0.
William H. Wolff, Dayton, 0.
J. H. Yearling, Columbus, 0.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Zahn, (Virginia
Finke) Dayton, 0.
Ramon D. Ziegler. Dayton, 0.
Paul H. Zimmer, Cincinnati, 0.
Georl!'e E. Zimmerman, Dayton, 0.
R. J. Zimmerman, Dayton, 0.
Andrew Zittel, Jr., Forest Hills, L.l.,
Robert J. Zolg, Phoenix, Ariz.
William A. Zolg, San Leandro, Calif.
UNIT presented Father John Mao, STL, Ph. D., LL. D., Chancellor, Archdiocese, Nanking, China a check for $25 in his mission of securing aid for
'C hinese students, are left to right: Joyce Rhoades, John Fu, James Ho, and
Nancy Niswonger .... Photo courtesy of Geo. Oshiro.
1875- Th e a ! umni association
would like to salute, J. E. H amburger,
Celina, Ohio, the oldest known living
al umnus, on his active participation
in the association .
1902- Sympathy is extended to
Charles J. Hoban on the death of his
wife, Julia E. on M ar. 25.
1905- The V ery Reverend Monsignor Charles A. Ertel, presented
three awards at the annual Ca tholic
Youth Organization dinner at Our
Lady of the Rosary Church, Dayton.
1910- Mrs. Gilbert R. Eichelberger, widow of the late Mr. Eichelberger, report that she appreciates
receiving the Alumnus, and "the
games are a thrill over my radio" .
1914- Sympathy is extended to
Father Francis Smith, pastor of H oly
Angels Church, Cincinnati on the
death of his brother, Charles, a member of the Dayton City Commission.
1916- Al J. Cron, branch manager
for the National Cash Register Co.,
in Minneapolis, participated on the
sales and marketing panel of the University of Minnesota class in Business
Administration in cooperation with
the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. This is his 35 th year with the
192o--Dr. Carroll A. Hochwalt was
elected a member of the board of directors of the Monsanto Chemical
'Company a t its annual meeting in St.
Louis. Huston Brown, president of
the Joyce-Cridland Co. , addressed a
recent luncheon of the Agonis Club,
1922- R amon A. Santaella, Carn aval Y Escob edo, Mazatlan, Sin.,
M exico, is the Mexican representative
on the Board of International R elations, International Association of
Lions Club, which is composed of 27
different countries.
1925- N. C. M cGreevy is the district supervisor, investment department of the National Life In urance
Company in Dayton.
1926- W . A. Blake, traffic department, Inland Manufacturing division
of the General Motors Corporation,
participated in the 89th meeting of
the Ohio Valley Transportation Advisory Board. Bill was a member of
the LCL (Jess than carload ) committee.
1927- Joseph F. Goetz, Lt. Col.,
USAF, is chief of Motion Pictures
and Entertainment for the Air Force,
Continued on Page 7
Continued from Page 6
which includes the production of
" live shows" for the Berlin Airlift.
Louis Makley was elected to the R eserve Officers Association's executive
1928- Lee E. Scheid, F ontana,
Calif., is resident engineer for San
Bernardino county of all Federal Aid
(highway ) con truction. Ed. Powers
was active in the D ayton Safety
Council's a nnual contest.
1929-T. K. Spalding, Ch arle ton,
W. Va ., is assistant general m anager
of the O wens, Libbey-Owens Gas D epartment. His fa mily includes two
boys and a girl. John Will, Centerville, 0 ., representing the Knights of
Columbus Toastmasters Club, was
one of six contestants the winner of
which will enter sta te competition in
April. George Kirschmer, Rose Bank,
L. I., New York, was a campus visitor.
193o-William P. K eane, Dayton,
was named assistant City Attorney to
h elp in the prosecutor's office in handling Police court cases. Bill received
his law degree from Cincinna ti. Prior
to World War II, he served as deputy
in Probate Court. Harry D. Becker
took an active part in the designation
of "American Legion Birthday" during M a rch . Lt. Col. and Mrs. Francis
S. Gabel, Arlington, Va., were recent
campus visitors. The Hon. Edward
Breen, representative from the Third
Congressional district of Ohio, and
president of the U . D. Alumni Association will introduce a bill in Congress for the establishment of the
United States Air Force Academy at
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. H e
recently was host to a group of
Julienne High School, (Dayton ) students who were visiting the nation's
Capitol. Prosecutor Matthias H.
H eck addressed members of the senior class a t Julienne High School on
the fun ctions and responsibilities of
the County Prosecutor's office.
1931- Congratula tions are extended to Lt. Col. and Mrs. Blaire A.
Froehle on the birth of their second
son, John Arthur on Saturday, March
5 in Yokohama, J apan. George W .
H eck of the Monsanto Chemical
Company is chairman of the D ayton
Section of Automotive Engineers. His
term will expire in O ctober, 1949.
M artin Kimmel, postmaster, Wayland, New York, reports that several
alumni from tha t a rea are pl anning
to come to the Hilltop for Homecoming this year.
Continued on Page 8
Coach Joe Quinn has announced
a revision of the University of D ayton
1949 Track chedule.
Wilberforce State will be in Dayton
a t the U. D. Stadium to open the
track season on April 30. Previously
the Flyers' cindermen were to open
their season at Louisville against th e
U niversity of Louisvill e.
The revised track schedule is as
April 30 . . Wilberforce State at Dayton
May 6 ....... Louisville at Louisville
May 14 . . . .
. . Toledo at Toledo
May 17 ... Ohio Wesleyan at Delaware
May 20 .
. . Xavier at Dayton
May 26 . .. . . Triangle Meet at Dayton
Back from the b asketball war
Coach Tom Blackburn ch ecked his
acc umul a t ed m a il a nd th en a nnounced the University of D ayton
1949 golf schedule.
Golf schedule:
3 ....
Miami at Oxford
5 .. . . . .... . . Xavier at Dayton
27 .
. . . . . . . Triangular Match
. . .. . .. . Marshall at Dayton
. . . . .... Ohio Intercollegiate
Miami at Dayton
. . . . Marshall at Huntington
Ohio U at Athens
. . . . .. . . Xavier at Cincinnati
University of Dayton's 1949 Baseb all Schedule revised a of Mar. 28.
April 22-Wright Field at Wood City
23-Moraine at Triangle Park
26-Frosh Team at Oxford
27-Wright Field at Wood City
29-Wilberforce at Soldiers
30--Toledo at Wood City
1-St. Paris at Wood City
4-Salem College at Wood City
9-Xavier at Cincinnati
10-Frosh Team plays Miami at
Soldiers Home
12-West Virginia U at Morgantown
13-Salem College at Salem, W.
14-Marshall College at Huntton, W.Va.
17-Miami at Soldiers Home
IS--Cedarville at Wood City
19-Wilmington at Wilmington
20--Wilberforce at Wilberforce
23-Cedarville at Cedarville
24-Xavier at Wood City
26-Miami at Oxford
All games at Wood City, Wright
Field, the Flyers home fi eld will begin
a t 3 :00p.m.
May 3
James M. Harris
D anny Piloseno, line coach under
Joe Gavin, resigned from the Flyers
coaching staff on March 16 to accept
a po ition at Boston University. Line
coach under Aldo (Buff ) Donelli,
Piloseno left the University of Dayton
in time to be in Boston for their spring
practice which began April 1.
Appointed to the U . D. Coaching
staff to fill the vacancy created by
Piloseno was James M. H arris, Notre
Dame alumnus and form er assistant
to Bill K ern a t West Virginia University.
Harris is an experienced veteran,
breaking into the coaching game as
an assistant to Dr. Eddie Anderson
a t Holy Cross in 1933. When Anderson took Greeley's advice a nd moved
west to Iowa University, H a rris made
the trip as line coach. After pulling a
three-year hitch in the Army Air
Corps, Harris emerged to take over
the line coaching for Bill K ern at
West Virginia and helped to mold the
first Mountaineer team to defeat
Pittsburgh in fifteen years. With the
exodus of K ern and his staff in 194 7,
Harris rested from his football labors
during 1948.
Graduating from Notre D ame in
1938, Harris played a rugged guard
for the Irish during ' 30, ' 31, and ' 32.
H e prepped a t H . S. Linsley Institute
in Wheeling, W . V a., and is married
but has no children.
Of him, Gavin says, " We're very
fortuna te to get a man with th e vast
experience and backgrouhd of H arris.
H e comes highly recommended by
Eddie Anderson."
Continued from Page 7
1932- Judge Robert M cBride, municipal clivi ion Dayton court , was
toa tma ter for the annual Catholic
Youth Organization dinner held recently at Holy Rosary church. Hubert S. Kline, Frigidaire Division,
General Motors, was appointed to a
state membership committee chairmanship for the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers.
1934- Mrs. Jeannette McCann,
Morristown, New J ersey, was a campus visitor. Bob Schantz, Harvey,
Illinois, who has been with the Sherwin-Williams Company for the past
12 years, has been appointed head of
a new lab called Household Products.
Hugh Wall, Jr. , Dayton attorney, introduced Father James A. Magner,
Procurator, Ca tholic Univer ity of
America, at the Critics Forum sponsored by the International Federa tion
of Catholic Alumni.
1935- Miss Mary Horrigan, pre ident, Dayton Council of Catholic
Nurses, presided at their a nnual
breakfast following which the honor
society of the D epartment of Nursing
Education, University of Dayton,
were guests.
1936- Congratula tions are extended to M ax and La ura Phillippi on the
birth of th eir on M arch 28.
1937- Congratulations a re extended to Mr. a nd Mr . Robert Lipp on
th e birth of their third son, W alter
J oseph on F eb. 23.
1938- Congra tula tions are extended to Mr. and Mrs. D an H obbs, D ayton, on the birth of th eir baby girl,
Sharon Ann, born M ar. 14. The
H obbs h ave a nother child, D a nny,
2 ~ years old. Da n is per onnel m anager of the Huffma n M anufacturing
Company, Dayton. The Ga rland E.
Lotz's have two children, a daughter
6 and a son 1 ~ year old . Mr. Lotz
is employed a t the D ayton Oil Compa ny.
1939-Tyrus D. Winter, M.D. , announces the opening of his officegynecology a nd obstetrics- in the
Lister Building St. Louis, Mo. Mr.
a nd Mrs. Alex Rudzienski a re being
congratulated on the birth of their
da ughter, Vera Agnes on Feb. 1. Mi
Marguerite Krebs of the D ayton
D airy Council wa the principal
speaker at the educational meeting
of the Ohio Gamma Chapter of D elta
Th eta Chi
a tional Sorority. The
Willi am A. Fitzpatrick, Jr.'s, h ave
n amed their son Pa trick K evin. H e
was born on Sunday, Jan. 31. Sympathy i extended to A. Wm. Schneble
on the death of his mother, Beatrice
H elen, on Feb. 23. Survivors also include another on, Dr. Richard J.,
'41. Donald J. Coan, linen buyer,
Joseph Horne Compa ny, Pittsburgh,
was a campus visitor. Sympathy is extended to Otto Zink on the death of
his mother on Mar. 3. Congratulations are extended to Jacob C. Baker,
Cuyahoga F alls, Ohio, who successfully passed the bar examination for
the State of Ohio. H e is a F ebruary
'49 graduate of the Akron Law
School. At the present time, he is in
the T ax Department of the Firestone
Tire a nd Rubber Company.
194o-Mr. and Mrs. James Gibbons, Gua temala City, a re the proud
pa rents of a son, James Stephen, born
on M a rch 6.
1941- Congra tulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Robert H all on
the birth of their son, Bruce Robert
on Feb. 23. Dr. a nd Mrs. Paul
Wehner are being congratulated on
the birth of their daughter, Julie
Louise on M arch 23. Sympathy is extended to Whelan W . Culley, Jr. , on
the death of his fa ther, on F eb. 20, in
M emphis, T enn. Mr. a nd Mrs. Norma n Englert are being congratulated
on the birth of their da ughter, Jill on
Feb. 23:
1942- Congra tula tion are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strobhar
on th e birth of their da ughter, K a thleen Edith on M a r. 2. K a thleen has
an older sister, M a ry Frances. Mr.
and Mr . Bernard " Beno" K eiter are
the proud parent of a bundl e from
h eaven on St. Pa trick's day. They
called her K a thleen . Mi s Betty Lou
K oors h as returned from a trip to
Miami Beach. J o eph E. Dunn, who
previously resided in Springfield, 0 .,
is now re iding in Poughkeepsie, ew
1943- Congratula tions are in order
for Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Pohl, Cincinna ti, on the birth of their son, Robert Louis on M arch 3. Ca pt. and Mrs.
Frederick A. Wells announce the
birth of their second daughter, D eborah Gail, on ov. 18, 1949. Ca pt.
Wells is now tationed at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin as a n instructor
in the R . 0 . T. C. Unit there. Brooks
T. Carson, Jr., and his brother Lloyd
T., are listed among those who passed
the State Bar examina tion . M a ry
Weigand Warnick is now residing in
1944- Mr. and Mrs. Pa ul E. Kronenberger are being congratulated on
the birth of their second daughter,
Susan J eanette, who was born on
Thursday, M a r. 10, in D ayton. Mr.
and Mrs. Burk Neff are also the proud
parents of a second da ughter, Vicki
Ann, born M a rch 5, in D ayton. Jennie-Belle Campbell i now Mrs. H arry
Coppus, Jr., and is residing in Tiffin.
1945- Ann e P e nn e ll ha s be e n
spending a few months visiting Florida, the Bahamas and Cuba. Charles
and J anice Noyes Milne a re being
congra tula ted on the birth of their
son, Greg Wilson on M ar. 12.
1946- Alice D. Millar is affiliated
with the United Sta tes D epa rtment
of Sta te in Belgium.
1947- Word from Don Pinciotti
informs us that he is absorbing a lot of
Florida sunshine. H e is in pring
training with the M emphis "Chicks" .
King Bradow was a recent campus
visitor. Congratulations are extended
to Mr. and Mrs. J ohn W. Fitzharris
(Miriam Loge ) on the birth of th eir
da ughter, M ary Kramer on Tuesday,
M a rch 15. J ack Weldon from Paducah, K entucky, was a recent campus visitor.
1948- Dennis Griffin, who i completing gradua te work on his m aster's
degree a t Iowa Sta te, wa a recent
campus visitor. Ed . Freeh, who is doing graduate work at M . I. T ., h as
been ent to Oak Ridge, T enne see by
M. I. T. Gene Vonderemb e wa a recent campus visitor. H e is working on
the City D esk for the Lima ew . Leo
Buse was a! o a campus vi itor. H e i
moving back to Cincinnati, where he
i employed in a shoe factory. M ary
Eillen Quinlisk's engagement and
approaching marriage to Thoma
H a nlon, Pittsburgh, h as been announced . They will be married M ay
14, a t Corpu s Chri ti Church,