Habitat Blueprint SPRING 2010.pub


Habitat Blueprint SPRING 2010.pub
Spring 2010 Volume 12 Number 1
CCB # 155862
Florence Habitat breaks ground
for 17th house — first in future
10 home Keener Place tract
By Gayle Montgomery, FHFH Board Member
Under sunny skies with a large crowd of well-wishers,
Florence Habitat for Humanity broke ground Saturday,
February 20, on home number 17, welcoming the Libby
Rodriguez family to the site east of the old Senior Center on
15th Street.
Libby Rodriguez, a long time employee at Peace Harbor
Hospital, will live in the new four-bedroom home with her
children, Libby, Gabby, Melissa, Sammy, Josie, Max and
Laney. An older son, Edgar, is serving with the U.S. Armed
Forces overseas.
The single-story will be built at the corner of a new section of Nopal Street and 15th Street. The block-long section
eventually will be the home neighborhood for 10 Habitat
families in a planned unit development.
Libby Rodriguez began work at Peace Harbor hospital in
the housekeeping unit. Over the years, she earned her CAN
(Certified Nursing Assistant) certificate and now is working
on her registered nursing degree.
Upper left photo: L to R - Sr. Noreen Terrault CSJP, Chaplin,
Peace Harbor Hospital. Kate McBroom - Redwine, Executive
Director, FHFH. Max Rodriguez presenting the biblical
reading. Ginny Kelly, FHFH Rodriguez Family Partner.
View Florence Habitat’s Keener Place construction site at 15th & Nopal Streets
Site work has been completed and construction will begin
shortly. The property will be obtained via a land swap with
the City of Florence, and that transaction is now underway.
The city will gain a piece of property approximately the
same size that Habitat owned on the north side of Ninth
Street. Site development was financed under a grant from
the Meyer Memorial Fund.
Habitat Vice President Kathy Lenox praised the city
council and Mayor Phil Brubaker for their cooperation in
putting the deal together.
City Manager Robert Willoughby represented the city at
the groundbreaking ceremony. Final papers on the land
trade were to be signed later, but Habitat was given the goahead to begin site development in late December 2009.
The property has been graded and the new section of Nopal
Street is paved and curbs and gutters are in.
From the president . . .
Florence Habitat
for Humanity
Habitat is a bit like the seasons. We’ve been dormant during this
past year, at least in terms of visible achievements. However, just like
the seasons, there was a lot going on preparing for new growth and blooming in
the spring. Spring has sprung from the
ground, and unless the recent rain determines otherwise, the flowers will bloom,
the trees will sprout leaves, the grass will
need to be mowed and our world will look
Cal Applebee
Brian Castleman
Mike Hodulik
Bob Hawkins
The same will be true for Habitat. The
Board and ED have finally emerged from
a long series of meetings working out the
final details of development for Keener
Place. Keener Place is now a reality with 10 lots for future homeowners. The building committee has burst forth from it’s cocoon of winter
and is a busy force at the worksite.
The groundbreaking for Libby’s house, (the first home in Keener
Place) has occurred and growth has begun - the forms for the foundation are set and the slab is scheduled to be poured soon. You will see
this house grow almost as fast as your grass this spring.
Warren Kelly
Montee Kennedy
Kathy Lenox
Vice President
Ruth Marsh
Stephanie Mathews
Gayle Montgomery
George Myers
Gordon Robertson
Morgan Siegel
The Building Committee has grown to include a construction supervisor to oversee the work. Paul Leuschen, formerly of Spokane comes
with a history of construction and an associate degree in drafting and
a Certificate in Carpentry. The crew welcomes his expertise and help
as they move forward. The crew has also expanded with additional
volunteers. We welcome Paul and our new crew members.
The Family Selection Committee has sprung back to work and is in
the process of selecting our next families for Keener Place. The new
families will join the building crew and start accumulating the sweat
equity hours needed before they can begin work on their own homes.
Don Stewart
Bob Tauer
Gayle Waiss
Kate McBroom - Redwine
FHFH Executive Director
Todd Smitherman
FHFH Bookkeeper
Another not so visible growth, but an essential element to the overall success of Habitat, is the appointment of our Resource Development Director, Kathy Lenox. Kathy will chair a fund raising committee that will be responsible for coordination activities to meet the financial goals of Florence affiliate (long way to say raising money). A
very big job and we welcome Kathy in her new role.
Pat Stainbrook
Recording Secretary
Colin Jameson
Web Master
Paul Leuschen
Construction Coordinator
So, watch us grow and grow - we are definitely moving forward .
Russ James
Blueprint Editor
Don Stewart
Florence Affiliate - Habitat for Humanity International
P. O. Box 3302, Florence, OR 97439. Office location: Munsel Lake Plaza Blg., 4969 Highway 101, Florence, OR.
Phone: (541) 902-9227 Fax: (541) 902-7949 Web site: http://www.florencehabitat.org
Page Two
Blueprint of Florence Habitat for Humanity
Spring 2010
Habitat Day at Honeyman Nursery
Honeyman Nursery will feature Florence Habitat
on October 13, 2010 in their 12 Months of Giving
Awards. On October 13th, 10% of their sales will be
donated to Florence Habitat for Humanity.
Please consider buying your fall garden plants and
supplies on this day. Honeyman is located at 85089
South Highway 101, Florence. Fall item suggestions: mulch, decorative cabbage for winter color,
chrysanthemums and evergreen plants.
Sell-2-Share - Early Rhody
Festival of the Arts
Florence Arts on the Coast (FAC) will be hosting
the 2010 ‘Sell-2-Share—EARLY RHODY Festival
of the Arts’. This show, to benefit Florence Habitat
for Humanity, will be held on Saturday, April 24,
noon to 6 pm, and Sunday, April 25, 10 am to 5 pm
at the Florence Events Center. The show is open to
the public and admission is free. 10% of all gross
sales, along with 100% of all raffle proceeds, will be
donated to Florence Habitat for Humanity.
Find great Mother’s Day gift ideas! Come meet
the local artists while visiting the beautiful Early
Rhododendron flower show on site! Explore and
shop for some of the most wonderful art around,
made from many different media such as metals,
woods, glass, silver, paintings, pottery, beads, and
more. Items are all hand created and many are oneof-a-kind. Don’t miss this great opportunity to see
and purchase the unusual and unique items that
make Oregon Art such a pleasure to own.
Habitat Homeowner Provides
Maintenance Services
Our own Jack Hendricks-Davis, owner (together
with his wife Cristin) of House #13, has ventured
into the field of property maintenance and general
handy-person services. Together with his friend,
Dave Thomas, they will perform a variety of services
at very reasonable prices. It is surprising to see what
they can accomplish with respect to yard work,
home maintenance, wood-cutting, automobile or
lawnmower upkeep, rough carpentry or painting!
This is just the sort of thing our Family Support
Committee has been hoping for. Just give Jack a
call at 541-902-1478 and leave a message.
Spring 2010
Spring – at last! Not that we were hibernating this
winter! In fact our activities have been in the news.
Here is some follow-up on these stories.
1. The City of Florence is
proceeding with its plan to exchange ten lots on the east side
of the new block of Nopal
Street between 12th and 15th
Streets, for Habitat’s ten lots
between 9th and 10th Streets.
The exchange hasn’t occurred
but FHFH has met nearly all
the requirements set by the
City for it, to wit: the formation of a Planned Unit Development and subdivision on the south side of 15th
Street; construction of the public street and all water,
sewer, electrical infrastructure; creation of a nature
trail along the southeast side of the property; and, all
the meetings, approvals, plans, drawings, changes,
filings and recordings that development projects require. In the meantime the City has issued the permit
for construction of a home for Libby Rodriguez’ family on what is still City property.
2. The Siuslaw School Board decided to enforce a
2007 law allowing individual school districts to impose an excise tax on all new construction to help pay
for capital improvements to the schools. The legislation, Senate Bill 1036, is now part of the Oregon Revised Statutes at Sections 320.170 et seq. A sponsor
of the bill told me it was intended to exempt not-forprofit builders of affordable housing. In fact, by the
time the legislation became law the wording of this
exemption was so skewed that Habitat for Humanity
could no longer qualify. Thus it was left to individual
school boards to decide whether they would create
any exemptions and for whom. I petitioned the
Board to
As the new
from the
to part
the tax,
for Humanity,
to be
our affiliate.
for Libby’s
I’m proudontothe
those homes
go up,
and or
after the
matter this
is on
that good
at work
the School Board’s
14th agenda.
a better
place. I hope you support our petition. Dollars you donate for the construction of homes should not be diverted to other
purposes. FHFH has no profits that can be taxed.
Driving up the costs of building only reduces the
number of houses we can build and thus the number
of low-income families we can serve.
Blueprint of Florence Habitat for Humanity
Kate McBroom-Redwine
Page Three
Mailbox Magic
“The Art of Postal Possibilities
By Ellen Atkin
Habitat for Humanity and the Artists of Florence put a
unique stamp on your invitation to their 4th collaborative
Gala/Fundraiser for The Florence Habitat. We post your
invitation in a one of a kind, artist inspired mailbox. This
year our artists think outside the mailboxes that will range
from the beautiful to outrageously creative! Our artists have
made this one of the most anticipated spring social events in
town. With Red Rose Catering,
a no host bar, a silent and live
auction, a raffle and an incredible display of art, we invite the
community to the Florence Events Center, on
Saturday, May 15th from
6:00-8:30 PM. Admission is Free.
Below are listed activities that should be done annually,
semi-annually, quarterly or in the spring/summer months:
Check and clean kitchen stove and exhaust filters; clean
refrigerator & condenser coils. Clean garbage disposal with
tray of ice cubes, cold running water & ½ cup of vinegar.
Test and reset all GFI outlets.
Check, test and clean smoke alarms.
Check for leaks under dishwasher, refrigerator sinks and washing machines.
Check overhead garage door and electric eye.
Clean dryer vent and clean bath and laundry fans.
Inspect plumbing shutoff valves, replace if necessary.
Clean Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) filter.
Have fireplace & chimneys cleaned & inspected by certified chimney sweep.
Inspect & clean faucet aerators, shower heads, sink drains and overflows.
Annual maintenance of heating system – refer to manufacturer’s manual.
Check for tree limbs near or on roof.
Check vents, louvers and chimneys for birds nests etc. Clear as necessary.
Trim shrubbery away from building.
Check flashing around skylights, chimneys and roof for debris buildup.
Check exterior stained or painted surfaces – repaint if necessary.
Clean gutters and downspouts, exterior site and yard drains.
Check exterior cladding for splits, damage, rot, etc.
Seal masonry chimney, patio mortar joints, exposed concrete.
Check for cracks and voids in masonry and concrete – repair as necessary.
Check exposed caulking and weather stripping – replace if necessary.
Check septic tanks and pumps as necessary.
Maintain grading sloped away from building at 1 inch per foot for six feet.
By Bob Hawkins, Florence Habitat ReStore Manager
Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) has operated in Haiti for 26 years and has helped 2,000
families there. It has established a multi-year program to help 50,000 families recover from the devastation of the January 12th earthquake.
The first phase of the recovery program, which is already in operation, is to reestablish operations
and distribute emergency shelter kits. Phase two involves rehabilitation and cleanup, removing debris
and salvaging materials suitable for reuse. Next will come reconstruction, including transitional housing and core houses strengthened to prevent damage from future earthquakes. Finally, HFHI will establish more resource centers, playing an important role in the long-term recovery effort.
The cost of this effort is estimated to be $60 million, all of which will go to recovery/rebuilding, not administration.
HFHI has suggested several ways for local affiliates to help financially. Florence Habitat (FHFH) has chosen to help the
Haitian Recovery effort by donating 10% of its May ReStore sales. The ReStore was established more than three years ago.
It sells donated reusable building materials at bargain prices. Its mission is three-fold. Proceeds help build affordable housing in partnership with families here in Florence. Bargain prices help residents
ReStore 2010 Sales Dates
improve their homes, apartments and rentals. Reuse of building materials
keeps quality items out of landfills and protects our environment.
Donations are the key to our success. Many FlorApr
Find us at
ence stores, motels, the library, and the hospital have
5071 Highway 101
made donations, as have many local contractors. Most
North of Fred Meyer
donations, however, come from homeowners. Pick-up
behind Ron’s Paints.
is available for donations too big or awkward to fit in
Store hours:
personal vehicles. For more information on donations,
am - 1:00 pm
please call our ReStore Manager, Bob Hawkins, at
(541) 997-9845.
Our sales hours for May will be: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday May 6, 7, 8 and May 20, 21, 22. A full calendar of sales weekends is
on the left in this article and available at ReStore, which is located at 5071
Highway 101, behind Ron’s Paint.
Over time, our slogan has become “Neighbor Helping Neighbor.” Join the
hundreds of Florence families who donate to and shop at ReStore. In May,
help both your local neighbors and your neighbors in Haiti.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink
Page Four
Blueprint of Florence Habitat for Humanity
Spring 2010
Florence Habitat Annual Dinner
Help Habitat for Humanity
Letter from Jess Young published in the Siuslaw News
Volunteers honored January 11th
On January 11th about ninety Habitat supporters and volunteers
gathered at New Life Lutheran Church for our annual recognition
of the spirit and effort that makes FHFH such a success. It was a
wonderful occasion with plenty of great food. Guests of honor
were the main actors in our Keener Place development project,
Mayor Phil Brubaker, architect Paul Jensen, engineer Mike McAlister, landscape designer Lisa Walter-Sedlacek, surveyor Gene
Wobbe and City Manager Bob Willoughby, together with their
wives. A standing ovation was given in recognition of the hard
work they put into making Keener Place a reality.
Jim Kaul prepared and presented memory books, (with photos
and details of the very first Habitat houses), to the founders of
FHFH and to volunteers and contributors from the early days of
the organization. It was a great party!
Thank you to all the individuals, business and
organizations that have helped Florence Habitat for
Humanity to succeed in its effort to provide affordable housing to families in Florence. The program
started in 1998 with a small group of local people
forming a steering committee to determine interest
in the community. The result has been the building
of 16 affordable home units and making homeowners of 16 Florence families.
I am especially thankful to the City Council, the
mayor and the city planning and building department for their part in the completion of the last swap
of the Keener property for the property on 15th
Street. The infrastructure is about complete, and you
may see some building activity on the property early
in March.
In order for the Habitat work crew to build 10
home units on this property, more volunteer help
from individuals and organizations is desperately
needed. There is also a need for a retired person with
contractor and building experience to help with the
leadership of the regular building group and other
volunteers. Some men of the regular volunteer work
group who have been with the building program on
all 16 of the houses can no longer carry out some
tasks due to disabilities and aging.
Jess Young, Volunteer
Did you known that you are able to honor your family
and friends with special cards from Florence Habitat for
Humanity when they celebrate an occasion? We are able
to send anniversary notifications or birthday honors to
your loved ones . . . and you won’t have to worry that
your gift doesn’t fit or may be the wrong size, as a gift
from Habitat is perfect for everyone! Remember . . . A gift
to Habitat is well appreciated and is tax deductible.
A sincere thank you to all of our individual contributors…
Individual contributions received September 20, 2009, through March 26, 2010:
Applebee, Cal & Michelle
Bailiff, Diane M
Barnhart, James & Janet
Bereznak, E.M.
Biltz, Carl and Diann
Blackwell, Denise & William
Bookwalter, Joe and Diana
Bosket, Nancy L
Brauer, A. J. and Catherine
Brien, Clare
Brink, Doris L
Burley, James & Janet
Capen, David
Caples, Anne L
Cassel, Sabrina
Chapman, Cleora Jean
Cherones, Tom
Childs, Richard and Karen
Collier, Alice L
Spring 2010
Cook, Wilmer(Bud) & Mary(Judy)
Corliss, E. Nicki
Corsmeier, Frederick & Norrita
Coughlan, Nancy
Covey, Lois
Creager, Doris and Norm
Crippen, Jo Anne and Robert
Crocker, Father Frazer and Diana
Cross, Phyllis
Dalby, Arthur and Marjorie
deGray, Connie
Dickson, William & Phyllis
Dodich, T C & A M
Donmoyer, David
Dunning, Ray
Earle, Randolph & Bertha
Elliott, Stephen R
Emrich, Jacqueline E
Fedoruk, Andy and Sandy
Fennell, Marilyn
Fyfe, Ulva Marie Fund
Gale-Menser, Mary Ann
Gehlke, Richard
Gerber, W.F. & Martha
Ginter, Eran & Jeanne
Goodlin, Robert and Velma
Gordon, Richard C
Green, Gerald & Lynda
Green, Ronald & Catherine
Hain, W J & M J
Hammer, Margaret & Benjamin
Hampson, Howard and Patricia
Hawkins, Robert H & Clare S
Hefty, Bob and Jean
Helmuth, D.N. and A.M.
Herr, Bernie and Lucille
Hirsch, Paul & Janet
Hodulik, Michael and Jenny
Blueprint of Florence Habitat for Humanity
Holland, Marie
Holler, Dennis & Barbara
Horn, Brian & Georganne
Janowski, Ken and Lori
Jones, Marja
Kaasa, Shirley Kaul, Charles & Olga
Kaul, James
Kelly, Ginny and Garry
Kelly, Judith
Kelly, Patricia A
Kelly, Warren and Ruth
Kent, Leonora
Kiiskinen, Jon & Karen
Kilty, John & Patricia Janowski
Kirby, Anita
Knutson, Elton
Page Five
Contributors continued from page 5
Koning, Art & Jean
Ladies of Elks
Lane Community College Found
Lane, Joseph & Mary
Lauria, Rosemary
Lawson, Roy & Ramona
Lenox, Jack & Kathryn
M'Gonigle, John and Jo
Matthew, Elaine S
Matthews, Stephanie
McBroom-Redwine, Kate
McClelland, Karen D
McConnell, Bill and Jeanne
McLeod, Sharon
McMahan, John & Geraldine
McMicken, Craig and Joanne
Mills, David
Mullins, Mel
Myers, George and Eleanor
Myers, Mary E
Newell, Terry & Elizabeth
Nikodemus, Albert & Char
Noyes, Harold and Edna
Patton, Margaret M
Pennington, Charlie and Terri
Perry, James A
Petersen, Evelyn S
Peterson, Betty W
Peterson, Melvin & Betty
Pfeiffer, Tom and Delores
Prchal, Ronald and Cheryl
Preisler, Ron & Judy
Prisbe-Sutton, Barbara
Rash, James & Sally
Reed, Amy M
Richardson, Dix
Ruch, Nancy L
Schoeningh, Peter & Donna
Schug, Donald and Shirley
Shapiro, Howard and Alice
Shelton, Irene
Sherburne, Lt. Col. Jeanne
Sidebottom, Wilma
Sizemore, Judy P
Skidmore, Stephen C
Smith McCourt, Joy
Sobottka, Nancy & Shawn Murray
Spencer, Dean and Ramona
Stainbrook, Marvin & Patricia
Stewart, Glen & Patricia
Stewart, Stephen & Kathleen
Stotz, William and Zanah
Swanson, Mariam
Tevlin, Eunice
Uhlson, Jesse & Charis
Ulrich, Judy
Van Winkle, Gladys
W Thomas Construction
Waide, John & Cheryl
Warnecke, Steve & Donna
Wasserburg, Gerald & Naomi
Welles, Jeanne Trust
Willoughby, Bob
Woodworth, Nick and Lynn
Young, Toni D
Zeh, Larry and Patricia
In-Kind Contributors
Florence Mini Storage.
Habitat for Humanity International
James Genereaux
Jurgens Information Systems
Ken Janowski
Schneider Electric
Siuslaw Library
Warren Kelly
Honorariums & Memorials
Kilty, John & Patricia Janowski
Honor of Ken & Lori Janowski
Corsmeier, Frederick & Norrita
Honorarium Donation
Pichal, Ronald & Cheryl
Honor of Ron & Jean Edelman’s
50th Anniversary
Cassel, Sabrina
Honor of Ken & Lori Janowski
Kiiskinen, Jon & Karen
Honor of Libby
Herr, Bernie & Lucille
Honor of Garry Kelly
Kaul, Charles & Olga
Honor of Jim Kaul
Kelly, Ginny & Garry
Memory of Helen Howell
Kelly, Ginny & Garry
Memory of Joyce Hatton
Kent, Leonora
Memory of Jeanetta Blum
Kelly, Judith
Memory of Kathy Ingram
Kelly. Patricia A
Memory of Kathy Ingram
Kelly, Judith
Memory of Kathy Kelly
Holland, Marie
Memory of Norm Creager
Kelly, Ginny & Garry
Memory of William Barth
Newell, Terry & Elizabeth
Memory of Norm Creager
Noyes, Harold & Edna
Memory of Norm Creager
Smith McCourt, Joy
Memory of Norm Creager
Van Winkle, Gladys
Memory of Norm Creager
...as well as our business and community contributors:
Best for Hearing
Bishop Surveying Company
Central Lincoln P.U.D.
City of Florence
Clough Design Studios
Coldwell Banker Coast Real Estate Inc.
Copeland Lumber
Driftwood Shores
Dunn Appraisal Services
Empire Truss Company
First American Title
Florence Fred Meyer
Florence Glass Service
Florence Greeting Service
Florence Mini-Storage
Florence Safeway
Florence Shipping Solutions
Frames of Florence Gallery
Grocery Outlet
Dave Harrison Plumbing
Heceta Beach RV Park
Hammer Electric
Health Associates of Peace Harbor
Honeyman Nursery
Home Insulation
Hunter Douglas Fabrication
Integrity Plumbing
Jettmar Music
Jurgen’s Information Services
Johnston Motor Company
Kathleen and Nina’s Restaurant
KCST Radio
KFC - Kentucky Fried Chicken
Kimillia Enterprises, Inc.
Lane Interiors
Larson Doors
Laurel Bay Gardens
Leisure Excavating
Mystic Woods
Morgan’s Carpet
Mon Ami
North Fork Shingle Company
NW Specialty Contractors
Oldfield’s Appliances
Old Town Coffee
Page Six
On The Coast Printing
Oregon Federal Credit Union
Oregon Pacific Banking Company
Oregon Truss Company
Pacific Valuation Group
Papa Murphy’s
Ed Patterson Cabinets
Persons Electric
Pro Lumber
Prudential Pacific Properties
Gordon Robertson Construction
Ray Wells, Inc.
Ron’s Paint & Supply
Sandland Adventures
SELCO Community Credit Union
Siuslaw Financial Group
Siuslaw News
Siuslaw Tax Service
Siuslaw Bank
Siuslaw Valley Electric
Square D
Thompson, Phil & Toni
Thomas Construction
Tracy Wolfard Drywall
True Value Hardware
Viking Concrete
Voellinger and Hill CPA’s
Wakonda Brewing Company
West Coast Real Estate Services
Western Pioneer Title Co.
Western Title & Escrow
W.G. Peterson Woodworking
Whirlpool Corp.
Wobbe Surveying
Yale Lock Co.
Foundations, Organizations and
Grant Agencies
Autzen Foundation
Chambers Family Foundation
Chernoff Memorial Fund
Coquille Community Fund
Florence Chamber of Commerce
Florence Rotary Club
FM Global Foundation
Ford Family Foundation
Fun Bunch Square Dance Club
Fyfe, Ulva Marie Fund
Habitat for Humanity International
Habitat for Humanity of Oregon
Kiwanis International
Kiwanis Club of Florence
Ladies of the Elks
Lane County Commissioners
Lane County HACSA
Lane County Home Builders Association
Meyer Memorial Trust
McKay Family Foundation
Oceanwayside Management
Oregon Employees Charitable Program
Oregon Housing & Community Services
Owen and Jeanne Welles Fund
PacificCare Foundation
Peace Health Siuslaw Region
Presbytery of the Cascades
Republican Club
Sea Lion Caves, Inc.
SELCO Community Credit Union
Siuslaw Friendship Club
Siuslaw Outreach Services
Tom Cherones/Joyce Keener Fund
Three Rivers Casino
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Tuesday Club
United Way of Lane County
Western Lane Community Foundation
West Lane Republicans
Windermere Foundation
Faith Groups
Body of Christ
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Church of the Nazarene
Florence Area Jewish Havurah
Florence Christian Church
Florence United Methodist Church
Florence Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
New Life Lutheran Church
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
St. Mary’s Church Men’s Club
St. Mary’s Women’s Guild
Presbyterian Church of the Siuslaw
United Methodist Women
Blueprint of Florence Habitat for Humanity
Spring 2010
florence habitat committee reports
Volunteers Working Together
Building Committee . . .
The trailers are on-site and some work has begun on the
footings. New volunteers are welcome. Just call the
office and say when you are available.
Family Selection . . .
The Committee has been working hard, reviewing the
many applications received this winter, and hopes to
make a recommendation at the April Board meeting.
Family Partnership Committee . . .
An effort is underway to recruit new family partners for
the families to be chosen by the Selection Committee.
Also needed is a new chairperson to replace Ellen
Atkin, who plans to move away. Under discussion is a
mandatory home maintenance class for all newly
selected families.
Grant Writing Committee . . .
Our thanks to Western Lane Community Foundation
for a $1,100 grant which will purchase fiberglass ladders
for Keener Place. Applications have been sent to
Community 101 and to Autzen Foundation for
windows and construction materials.
Fund Raising Committee . . .
Florence Arts on the Coast is donating 10% of sales
receipts during the early Rhody Show, at the Florence
Events Center, April 25 and 26. Call Kathy Lenox at
997-0375 if you would be willing to help sell raffle
tickets during the show. Plan to attend the Mailbox
Magic auction, May 15, to see the creations of Florence
artists. Got stuff? Bring it to sell at the FEC Indoor
Yard Sale, June 5, from 8 am to 2 pm. Be sure to mark
your calendars for Sept. 18, BeachWalk 2010.
ReStore . . .
Is scheduling 2 weekends a month for the next 6
months. A booth for ReStore will be a part of the
Energy Fair, April 10 at FEC, 10:00-5:00.
Faith Relations Committee . . .
Souper Bowl fundraising initiative Feb. 7th raised
$574.25. Churches and other groups with newsletters
are being encouraged to advertise A Brush With Kindness in an effort to find volunteers interested in making
this program operational.
Family Support Committee . . .
Elenor Sullivan has delivered maintenance manuals to
all Habitat homeowners. We are looking for candidates
for membership in this committee as well as a new chair
person. Ideas are solicited from all with respect to planning an event that will attract Habitat homeowner attendance so that support issues can be discussed.
Blueprint Newsletter. . .
The editorial meeting for the 2010 Spring issue was held
on March 17, and printing set for the week of April 5.
Mailing is scheduled for the week of April 12th.
Committees, Chair Persons and Meeting Schedule
Faith Relations
Family Partnership
Family Selection
Fund Development
Family Support
Grant Writing
Newsletter - Blueprint
Public Relations
Site Selection
Spring 2010
John Reynolds & Bob Tauer
Lori Janowski
Ellen Atkin
Ginny Kelly & Roger Ranta
Kathy Lenox
Elenor Sullivan
George Myers & Lynda Green
Russ James
Gayle Montgomery
Bob Hawkins
Alice Sichting
Pat Reynolds
Florence Habitat committee meetings are held in
the Habitat Office, unless otherwise noted, at
Munsel Lake Plaza Blg., 4969 Highway 101,
Florence. For specific days and times, please call
the Habitat office at 541-902-9227, or view
committee schedules on the Calendar Page of
FHFH Website: http//www.florencehabitat.org
Blueprint of Florence Habitat for Humanity
Page Seven
Telephone 1-541-902-9227
I want to help . . .
Here is my gift for $ _______
I want to pledge
$ _______ per year. Payable annually or $________ per month.
Please contact me concerning sustaining donations, bequests, etc.
I can provide construction materials, discounted or at no cost.
I can donate land, or offer assistance in acquiring building sites.
I want to volunteer. Construction __ Painting __ Committee work __ Other __
I have experience in: _______________________________________________________
Name __________________________________________________ Phone _______________
Address ______________________________________________________________________
City ______________________________ State ____________________Zip _______________
Please return to:
Florence Habitat For Humanity
P. O. Box 3302, Florence, OR 97439
Permit No. 59
P.O. Box 3302, Florence, OR 97439