UPCOMING EVENTS - Little Falls United Methodist Church


UPCOMING EVENTS - Little Falls United Methodist Church
Little Falls UMC Weekly News
Sunday March 22nd, 2015
“A Welcoming Community of Faith, Hope, and Outreach
Sharing Christ’s love since 1825.”
Web Site: www.LittleFallsUMC.org
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lfumcnj
Phone: 973.256.0993
LFUMC Calendar of
Ministry Opportunities
22—Worship, 10am
22—Sunday School, 10:15am
22—Stewardship Meeting, 11:15am
22—”Do You Believe?” (Movie in Wayne)
(Meet at the church parking lot, 4pm)
23—Admin Council Meeting, 7:30pm
25—Bible Study, 7:30pm
26—Handchimes, 6:30pm
26—Choir, 7:30pm
27—Gems Girl’s Club, 7pm
27—Bethany Hope Circle, 7:30pm
(At the Billig Home)
29—Worship, 10am (Palm Sunday)
29—Sunday School, 10:15am
1—(No Bible Study)
2—Handchimes, 6:30pm
2—Choir Rehearsal, 7:30pm
3—Good Friday Service, 7pm
5—Easter Egg Hunt, 9:30am
5—Easter Worship, 10am
5—Sunday School, 10:15am
8—Wed Bible Study Group, 7:30pm
9—Handchimes, 6:30pm
9—Choir Rehearsal, 7:30pm
15—Wed Bible Study Group, 7:30pm
16—Handchimes, 6:30pm
16—Choir Rehearsal, 7:30pm
17—Unity Circle, 1:30pm
18—Afternoon Movie, 2pm
19—SPRC Meeting (Following Worship)
The Center for
United Methodist Aid
to the Community
CUMAC needs canned goods. LFUMC delivers
food to CUMAC in Paterson every Wednesday.
Please donate to CUMAC and our church food
pantry if able. Thank you!
In memory of the
wedding anniversary of
Joe & Jean Temple.
By Jean Temple.
By Emily Van Biert &
Rose Ziskin.
March 22nd, 2015
March 22nd, 11:15am: Stewardship Meeting
Sermon Series:
“Got Jesus?”
March 22nd, 4pm: “Do You Believe?
(See the insert for details)
Sermon Title:
“Shame & Glory”
March 23rd, 7:30pm: Admin Council Meeting
Jeremiah 31:31-34
John 12:20-33
Welcome to the Little Falls
United Methodist Church:
Thank you for worshiping with us today! If
you’re visiting, we hope you’ll feel welcome
here. If you’re seeking a church home, we’d
love to share more information with you
about our church’s many ministries. Also,
feel free to ask an usher or the minister for
a “Welcome Packet” if you did not receive one.
In addition, check out our Church website
(www.LittleFallsUMC.org), our Facebook
page (www.facebook.com/lfumcnj), and our
Church Newsletter (The Belfry) for a complete list of monthly activities and ministry
opportunities. Again, thank you for choosing to worship at LFUMC today. May you
feel at home here among new friends.
Worship, Sunday School at 10am.
Nursery care available for
ages 3 & under.
Emergency contact pagers
provided for parents while worshiping.
ELEVATOR: Please remember to please
raise the elevator floor so that it is visible
through the window. Failure to do so, shortens the life of the fuse, resulting in repairs.
Repairs can cost approx. $1,000 per visit.
Thank you for your help.
- The Trustees
March 25th, 7:30pm: Wed Bible Study
Fri March 27th, 7pm: Gems Girls’ Club
Fri March 27th, 7:30pm: Bethany Hope Circle
(At the home of Paul & Beth Billig.)
Palm Sunday: March 29th, 10am
Good Friday: April 3rd, 7pm
Easter Sunday: April 5th, 9:30am Egg Hunt &
10am, Easter Service
April 17th, 1:30pm: Unity Circle
April 18th, 2pm: Afternoon at the Movies
“The Grace Card”
April 19th: SPRC Meeting
(Following Worship)
April 21st, 12noon: Circle of Friends
April 21st, 7:30pm: Finance Meeting
May 16th, 12noon: UMW Victorian Tea
Tickets: $15/person
More info coming soon!
Please consider sponsoring Coffee Hour. You can
do so individually or partner with another church
member. It’s a wonderful time to bring cake, cookies, or desserts to honor or celebrate a special
time or person in your life such as birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations. You can bring your own
refreshments (and we will help set up coffee, etc.),
or our Hospitality Committee can help buy and set
up with your donation.
Please visit the sign up calendar in the
Fellowship Hall and speak with the
Hospitality Team: Rosemary Erickson, Marion Start
and Kathy Flannagan.
Little Falls UMC Community Food Pantry: The Little Falls UMC Community Food Pantry is stocked and ready to help our neighbors in need. Many thanks to everyone
who contributes to the stocking of our Pantry. If you are able to share in this local outreach ministry, we will continue to stock the LFUMC pantry with canned goods, cereals,
pasta, sauces, peanut butter, jelly, and other staples on an ongoing basis. Please designate where you want your food donations to go (either CUMAC or LFUMC Pantry) when
dropping them off by placing your bags or items on the appropriate, labeled shelves in the main hallway outside the sanctuary. Thank you for sharing!
Permanent List: Our Bishop, Rev. Dr. John Schol and his family; Our Superintendent, Rev. Manny Sardinas; Pastor Woo Min Lee; Urban Promise in Camden & Malawi; CUMAC. For local police & fire companies; Enterprise #2, Great Notch, & Singac; Eagle Rescue Squad.
Hospital/Recent Treatment: Esther Meder; Bob Eissmann (Hip Surgery 1/5); Evelyn Billig (Paul’s Mom);
Craig Davennport (Jean Scott’s nephew); Marilyn Belding.
Continuing Recovery: Esther Meder (at home); Frank Crouch; Betty Caceres (at home); Tom Passante
(home); Jane Flannagan (Care One); Charles Flannagan; Isabelle Oxley; Al and Norma Taylor; Carolyn
Breecher (Cathy Gritman’s sister); Ted Fischer; Gary Ziskin; Charlotte Wendel (PA).
Nursing Home/Rehab: Jane Flannagan (Care One); Mildred Dyke (PA); George and Fran Anderson (Cedar
Homebound: Bill Richardson; Janet Youngster; Dot Steller (Connecticut); Eleanor Schmitt (Denville); Jean
Ketterer (North Bergen); Marge Gambuti; Prayers for all our senior citizens who are dealing with the challenges of aging.
Military: CJ and Terri; Kenny Krattiger, US Marines; David Zallo, US Army; T.J Corchado, US Army;
Linda’s son, Staff Sgt. Michael Timms. We thank and remember all our veterans and their many sacrifices
for us.
Globally: For all those suffering in the middle east and for the atrocities to come to an end; Our elected
officials for wiser decisions and the ability to work with one another; An end to the turmoil in Syria, Egypt,
and other hotspots across the globe; For economic stability, so that all may have enough; For worldwide
peace, so that none will live in fear; For those dealing with addictions, and for their loved ones; For those
seeking employment.
Condolences: To family and friends of Dale Marsh at the passing of her Step Mother, Gladys Stout, in Daytona, FL; To the family & friends of Ruth Lisenby, who passed away, 1/26 at her home, at the age of 98.
Funeral held in Wayne 1/30; To the Tullo family and friends at the passing of Elsie B. Johnston, who
passed away 1/10. Funeral held at LFUMC on 1/15; To family and friends at the passing of longtime
LFUMC member, June Eissmann, 1/4. Memorial Service to be announced
Congratulations: To the Smith Family on the safe arrival of newborn twins, Joseph Stephen and Lexi Jean,
1/26; Michael & Megan Tullo on their wedding; For Kelly Smith and Eric Bruce on their engagement and wedding, Oct 2015.
OFFERING: $1,864
SCRIP: $1,925
TABLE: $230
UMCOR: $40
Children/Youth for the LFUMC “Year of the Child” Prayer List:
All children, youth, college students, and teachers; and for Cheyanne, Ella, Alyssa, Chance, Andrew, David, Jonathan, Adam, Merieka, Aubrey, Mike, Tina, Andrew, Ryan, Anthony, Ava, Emma, Peyton, Tessa, Chloe, Harrison, Chance, Gannon, Nadia, Cassandra, Ella, Alyssa, Kayla, and
Kyle. (Call/email the office with the first names of the children/youth for whom you are praying.)
Prayer Requests Received March 15th:
Marlaina M: Prayers for my co-worker’s twin sister Jan—very sick with seizures and stroke.
Andrew S: For Any Savi’s Father—for restored health.
Beth B: Mary Ann Swanson and family; Janelle Billig; The Downing Family; Matt & Ryanne.
Marilyn D: Victims of Cyclone Pam in Vanuatu; Melissa for healing; Karin for healing.
Debbie C: Nola—please help ease her pain; Robin—Dad’s health is failing.
Lori T: Doris & Luis—health; Ruth—Cancer recovery; Laura/Nicky who has C.P.
Kelly P: Wharton United Community Church for loss of Robin Steer—grief.
Linda T: Jason Timms—health.
Shirley J: Pray for comfort—Rosemary & Dick Beck; Pray for peace on earth good will towards man.
Emily VB: Janet Youngster; Glenn Van Biert; Veenstra Family.
Lynn M: Esther Meder in St. Joe’s; Ben Teitel—recovery.
Anonymous: For Esther Meder—congestive heart failure; Pray for the safety of hostages world wide; Zachary and his family for strength and healing; Janelle in Malawi; Jane Flannagan—at Care One.
MINISTRY on 3/29
This, That, & More…
Ushers: Kathy FlanIf you’d like to sponsor the altar flowers in honor or memory of a loved one or special event such
nagan & Lisa Potts
as birthdays or anniversaries, please sign up on the chart near the kitchen in Fellowship Hall. Make
Greeters: (Front)
checks payable to: LFUMC. On the memo line of the check, write “Flowers,” the date of
Rose Ziskin & Emily Van
Sponsorship and place it in the offering plate or submit to the church office. For more info, See
Biert (Back) Dale
Janet Dewes. Thank you.
Altar Flowers: Janet
Open Dates for Sanctuary Flowers: March 22nd & April 19th, 26th
Open Dates for Fellowship Food: April 19th & 26th
Fellowship Food: Jireh
Church COFFEE HOUR: It’s a wonderful time to hold a party or sponsor a coffee in celebration of a
Nursery Care
during worship
service for
children 3 &
(Parent Pagers
special time or person in your life. You can bring your own refreshments (& we can help set up
coffee, etc.), or our Hospitality Committee can help buy and set up with your donation. Please
sign up on the Coffee Hour Charts and speak with Hospitality Team: Rosemary Erickson, Marion
Start, & Kathy Flannagan.
The Altar Flower and Coffee Hour Sign-Up Charts are posted in
the Fellowship Hall by the kitchen.
Please remember Little Falls UMC in your will and estate planning.
Your ongoing support of the current and future ministries of LFUMC is much appreciated.
Thank you for helping to change the lives of this generation and the next.
4—Tina Predojevic
8—Doris Beesley
8—Cheryle Mitchell
8—Linda Timms
11—Sean Smith
12—Joann Miller
12—Glenn Van Biert
15—Brian Hofgesang
16—Rosemary Beck
16—Amanda Canfora
18—Charles Flannagan
24—Albert Zicker
25—Janet Dewes
28—Edie Hamilton
Through the month of
February we sold
$17,675, for a profit to
the church of $883.75,
but it has been a snowy
February. During February we only sold
$7,670. Please remember to call us during the
week for scrip deliveries if you are snowed in
on Sunday. We wouldn’t want you to go to the
grocery store and use
cash. Hopefully March
will be better, both in
scrip sales and in the
weather. We are projecting
$103,400 for a profit of
$5,170 for the year.
Thank you to all who
has participated in the
Scrip Program, “KEEP
- Peter & Janet Dewes