Resource Guide - Michigan Campus Compact


Resource Guide - Michigan Campus Compact
the Michigan College Access Portal
explore careers
Register for the MichiganCAP
1. Navigate to
2. Click on the “Register” button in the lower right corner of the screen
A. Select “Student-High School” from the dropdown menu, and click “Submit.”
B. Complete a form with personal information.
i. This information will be used within the Portal to populate college applications, so it is important that it is
Navigate the Portal’s explore careers Feature
1. At the top of the page, hold the mouse over “Planning” and then click “Explore Careers.” Then click “Begin.”
2. You can use numerous criteria to explore careers that fit your interests. Choose from these criteria along the left
side of the page to begin your career search!
A. The first category of search option is called “Interests.” Six different interest areas are available to choose
from. You may choose up to three. You will see the list of careers in the center of the page begin narrow in on
your choices. Having trouble choosing interests? Take the “What do I like?” quiz first, and come back!
B. Another search option is called “Values.” Again, you may choose up to three of the work values that appear
on the screen to view jobs that fit with the values you selected. Having trouble choosing values? Take the
“What do I Value?” quiz first, and come back!
C. A third search option is to explore careers by favorite school subject. In the “Subject” menu, you can
choose from nine different school subjects to find careers that use these skills. You can select as many
of the subjects as you would like.
D. A final search option is “Education Level.” Select the education level that you hope to achieve to see the
careers that you could attain. You can choose more than one if you’re undecided.
Regardless of the search criteria you use to explore careers, as you select them the list of careers in the center of
the page will grow smaller and smaller as it narrows in on your unique combination of interests, values, favorite
subjects, and aspired level of education. You can learn more about each career by clicking on its bolded title.
You can also save your career exploration searches by clicking on the “Save Filter as” box. This will allow
you to return to your searches each time you log into the Michigan College Access Portal!