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Full page photo - Brown School: Master of Public Health
Methodological Innovations in Public Health Education: Transdisciplinary
Problem Solving
In 2008, the faculty of the
Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis
designed a Master of Public
Health program centered
on transdisciplinary problem
solving in public health.
We have described the
rationale for our approach,
guiding principles and pedagogy for the program, and
specific transdisciplinary competencies students acquire.
We have explained how
transdisciplinary content has
been organized and delivered,
how the program is being
evaluated, and how we have
demonstrated the feasibility of
this approach for a Master of
Public Health degree. (Am
J Public Health. 2015;105:
S99–S103. doi:10.2105/AJPH.
Edward F. Lawlor, PhD, Matthew W. Kreuter, PhD, MPH, Anne K. Sebert-Kuhlmann, PhD, MPH,
and Timothy D. McBride, PhD
improving public health education through case studies and
blending disciplines has been
made for the past decade,1,2 setting
the stage for interdisciplinary and
transdisciplinary education that
will build workforce capacity in
science and practice to solve
complex public health problems.
In 2008 the faculty of the
Brown School at Washington
University in St. Louis embarked
on the design of a Master of Public
Health (MPH) degree program
that would operationalize this
mandate for public health education.3 The charge to the faculty
was to begin with a blank slate and
be innovative yet be sure to integrate all the requirements of the
Council for Public Health Education
for an accredited program. The
Council for Public Health Education
was highly supportive of this approach to program and curriculum
development from the outset.
Working across disciplines to
address a common challenge can
take different forms. Multidisciplinary work is typically characterized by a sequential or additive
combination of ideas or methods.
Interdisciplinary approaches involve sharing and coordination
across fields but with participants
still anchored in the models and
methods of their own discipline.
By contrast, transdisciplinary approaches involve developing
shared new frameworks that integrate and extend concepts and
methods from among different
disciplines, thereby transcending
disciplinary boundaries.4---6 Our
Supplement 1, 2015, Vol 105, No. S1 | American Journal of Public Health
focus on transdisciplinary problem
solving had its roots in a broader
institutional philosophy of public
In 2008, Washington University launched a university-wide
public health initiative dedicated
to involving all seven schools—
architecture, arts and sciences,
engineering, business, law, medicine, and social work—in collaborative public health research and
teaching. The integrating structure, the Institute for Public
Health, appointed 165 public
health scholars from across these
seven schools. The Brown School,
a longstanding and premier school
of social work with a long history
of contributions in mental health
research, also committed itself
to the ideal of transdisciplinary
professional education in public
health focused on breaking down
academic silos and integrating
nonacademic and nonpublic
health-focused community partners into the educational model.
The initial concept of the MPH
program was explicitly transdisciplinary. Student recruitment
materials, curricular design, community partnerships, and faculty
recruitment all reflected this priority. The uptake of this idea was
immediate and enthusiastic: the
school recruited faculty and students who were looking for this
approach to public health education and research.
The public health faculty of the
Brown School reviewed the latest
thinking and key concepts from
the literature on transdisciplinary
science,7---15 consulted with leaders
of the transdisciplinary movement,
and invited numerous faculty
from other public health schools
and programs to learn about
models and challenges in providing transdisciplinary education.
Especially influential in this process was the work of Daniel Stokols on transdisciplinarity, team
science, and evaluation, which is
captured in this recent definition
of transdisciplinarity:
An integrative process whereby
scholars and practitioners from
both academic disciplines and
non-academic fields work jointly
to develop and use novel conceptual and methodological approaches that synthesize and
extend discipline-specific perspectives, theories, methods, and
translational strategies to yield
innovative solutions to particular
scientific and societal problems.16(p6)
Several central ideas emerged
from the process of bringing
transdisciplinary approaches into
the curriculum planning process:
Teaching and student work
should engage the relevant
communities, leaders, and organizations necessary for problem
understanding and solutions.
Public health education needs to
encompass the entire arc from
underlying science to the organizational, social, and policy
challenges of interventions.
Public health education should
be intensely applied and problem
driven, with students pushed to
design and implement solutions to
important real-world public
health problems that draw on
evidence when it is available but
also are innovative and feasible.
Lawlor et al. | Peer Reviewed | Commentary | S99
The courses should integrate
team-based learning.
The core innovation that resulted
from this process was the creation
of required transdisciplinary
problem-solving courses, or, as they
came to be known, TPS courses.
We followed guidance from the
Council for Public Health Education to develop competencies that
span the five core disciplines of
public health and the seven crosscutting thematic areas.17 However,
neither Council for Public Health
Education guidance nor the
Council on Linkages Between
Academia and Public Health
Practice’s Core Competencies for
Public Health Professionals18 includes competencies focused on
transdisciplinary education. So we
developed a set of competencies
for transdisciplinary problem
solving in public health. In an
iterative process among faculty
members, we established seven
such competencies that conveyed
the base of knowledge and skills
we expected students to master.19
These are as follows:
1. Explaining why the complex,
multifactorial nature of problems in public health and
health disparities requires
a transdisciplinary approach
2. Describing how social, economic, behavioral, environmental, and biological conditions contribute to health
outcomes using theoretical
approaches drawn from diverse disciplines
3. Distinguishing the features
of transdisciplinary collaboration
4. Defining problems in a transdisciplinary way and developing shared conceptual
frameworks from disciplinespecific theories and models
5. Developing and applying
processes that integrate and
promote transdisciplinary
perspectives, contributions,
and collaborations
6. Applying transdisciplinary
solutions to public health
problems using appropriate
analytical tools drawn from
public health or other disciplines
7. Demonstrating the ability to
communicate transdisciplinary research evidence to key
stakeholders to influence
policy and practice
As is typical in any MPH curriculum, the competencies to be
developed in each course were
spelled out in the syllabus. In
addition, we mapped TPS competencies by course in a matrix that
indicates which courses are responsible for the primary development of each competency and
which reinforce or extend each
competency. This process flagged
course---competency gaps and
helped us adapt courses accordingly. The goal was to have each
competency developed in more
than one TPS course.
The conceptual framework for
this educational program, drawing
from Stokols,20 looks to evaluate
the quality, appropriateness, and
implementation of problemsolving approaches; the competencies acquired by students; and
the long-term capacity of graduates to advance innovative public
health solutions. Because this approach is embedded in professional education, our framing and
criteria for evaluation are somewhat different from those applied
S100 | Commentary | Peer Reviewed | Lawlor et al.
to transdisciplinary science or
transdisciplinary collaboration.15
These distinctions are important
because much of the literature on
transdisciplinarity focuses on the
behavior of scientific teams, in
which intellectual products are the
outcome of interest, or collaboration, in which the outcomes of
interests are the dynamics and
behavior of groups or teams. In
public health graduate education,
we are interested in both the
competencies and skills of students
to perform this style of public
health practice as well as the innovation and utility of solutions
that are produced for improving
public health.
Several evaluative domains
guide this curriculum and approach to public health education.
First, does the intermixing of disciplines, scientists, practitioners,
and community produce original
and productive reframing of public health problems and generate
effective solutions? Second, does
the transdisciplinary approach
help develop skills, competencies,
habits of mind, and the propensity
to work effectively with others to
solve public health problems?
Third, does this educational approach produce distinctive lifelong
career choices, transdisciplinary
work styles, and an innovative
impact in public health?
The first domain is assessed by
the work products themselves,
including judging performed by
clients and external organizations.
Ultimately, the outcome test of
these courses is whether the proposed solutions are implemented
in policy or practice. The second
domain is assessed by evaluating
competencies for transdisciplinary
work, most directly by reviewing
students’ culminating experiences.
The formal and rigorous assessment of transdisciplinary skills and
competencies is still evolving in
our program. Deeper questions
about the capacity of students to
engage in effective group work,
thoroughly integrate disciplines,
and incorporate the arc of cells to
society in formulating solutions
will need more careful conceptualization, measurement, and evaluation. Although we have plans to
longitudinally assess the lifetime
application of this transdisciplinary
approach in graduates’ careers, it will
take time for this measurement to
Every TPS course begins with
the identification of the multiple
factors that influence a specific
public health problem. Students
are coached to recognize how the
problem is defined and addressed
by different science and practice
disciplines as well as how it may
be seen from the perspective of
those with different political
ideologies. Students must demonstrate the ability to integrate these
ideas into a more comprehensive
understanding of problem and
Non---public-health-focused community partners play an important
role in many TPS courses and can
be engaged in a variety of ways.
For example, a course may be
structured to have students apply
transdisciplinary thinking to priority needs of a community partner.
In a TPS course on criminal justice,
students work on policies addressing the occupational experiences of
corrections officers—a need identified by the Department of Public
Safety. At semester’s end, the Department of Public Safety invited
students to present their solutions
to the Division of Corrections personnel department and the mayor’s
office at the city hall.
Community partners also can
provide insight into problems
American Journal of Public Health | Supplement 1, 2015, Vol 105, No. S1
from a nontraditional public
health perspective. For example,
horticulturalists from the Missouri
Botanical Garden have instructed
students in a TPS course on the
built environment on sustainability practices such as rain gardens
and the use of plants in and
around homes. Neighborhood
stabilization team members from
the city of St. Louis have described
their role in improving housing
and safety for residents in urban
neighborhoods. Finally, external
partners can be engaged in evaluating the transdisciplinary solutions that students generate. This
often occurs through participation
on review panels at the end of
a TPS course. In one such course
on health disparities, agency
leaders from Social Services and
Tobacco Control in Missouri selected and actually implemented
a student proposal to connect food
stamp recipients in the state with
the Missouri Tobacco Quitline.21
In the first five years of our
MPH program, we developed 16
TPS courses that collectively were
offered 34 times. Three additional
courses codeveloped with or
taught by faculty from the School
of Law, the School of Design, and
the Department of Anthropology
also were approved as TPS
courses. Our courses tackled public health challenges such as child
obesity, global undernutrition,
pregnancy outcomes, sexual
health, tobacco, and child maltreatment.
Although all TPS courses adhered to the requirements, goals,
and competencies spelled out
previously, faculty were encouraged to innovate how their
TPS course was structured and
delivered. As a result, a variety
of approaches emerged, with
courses varying in (1) the selection and organization of transdisciplinary content, (2) the relative
emphasis placed on transdisciplinary understanding versus
solutions, and (3) the instructional
model for delivering transdisciplinary learning.
An example of this framework
and outcome of a TPS approach is
the Healthy Families Initiative
Implementation student team project
in remote rural India.22 This project
was part of an eight-week TPS course
on implementing public health interventions in developing countries that
was jointly sponsored by the Brown
School and the IKP Centre for
Technologies in Public Health.23
Student teams collaborated with
practitioners, scientists in India, nongovernmental organizations, and
community residents to design and
evaluate novel interventions for
stubbornly challenging public health
problems. Projects included improving cardiovascular health, reducing
oropharyngeal cancer, reducing diarrheal disease, addressing dental
disease, and reducing high levels of
anemia among women. In Healthy
Families, the reduction of maternal
anemia was conceptualized not as
the delivery of appropriate micronutrients but rather as a complex sequence of understanding the epidemiology of maternal anemia (which
affects 59.3% of pregnant women in
the Thanjavur district), diagnostics;
cultural and social determinants of
nutrition, the evidence about effectiveness of educational and provider
strategies, compliance behavior, appropriate and innovative evaluation
criteria, and systems design for
Organizing Trandisciplinary
Our TPS courses have used
three approaches. The first, cells to
Supplement 1, 2015, Vol 105, No. S1 | American Journal of Public Health
society, organizes disciplinary
perspectives by levels or pathways
of influence on a public health
problem. This approach was popularized in biomedical and health
science research communities and
embraced by the National Institutes
of Health and other institutions.21,24 It considers how biological, behavioral, environmental,
policy, economic, and other processes and factors—as well as the
interplay among them—contribute
to a public health problem. As an
example, a TPS course on obesity
examined how bacteria in the gut
microbiome, biological mechanisms that regulate metabolism,
lifestyle behaviors such as diet and
activity, agricultural and economic
policies, and food marketing and
labeling regulations can influence
obesity. Considering these perspectives together brings a richer
understanding of obesity causes
and challenges students to generate a more integrative model of
obesity prevention.
A variant of this approach focuses on spheres of influence that
are not inherently hierarchical as
are the levels of an ecological
model but rather that operate
within a single level, such as the
social environment. For example,
a TPS course on child maltreatment explores how youths affected by violence or neglect are
likely to be involved in many
health and social service systems
including child welfare, law enforcement, courts, medical care,
mental health care, and housing
shelters. Understanding these
touch points and the goals of each
system prepares students to think
more broadly about potential opportunities for a coordinated and
effective response.
Other courses have used a
strategic blending of selected disciplinary perspectives. By contrast to TPS courses that examine
a problem from many different
angles, this approach focuses on
a few handpicked disciplines that
may be ripe for integration, with
promising but untapped synergy.
It reflects a purposeful exploration of the intersection between
disciplines to solve a public health
problem. For instance, one TPS
course sought to integrate health
and social services systems to reduce the prevalence and impact
of smoking in low-income populations. The course focused on
practice disciplines in public
health (tobacco control) and social services (food security) as
well as theory and research from
the field of organizational behavior, specifically within public
agencies.25 Students in this
course worked in teams to develop integration strategies and
presented these as proposals to
agency leaders.
Understanding vs Solutions
Each TPS course covers the
continuum from understanding to
solving a public health problem,
with corresponding goals of helping
students think and act differently
on the basis of a transdisciplinary
perspective. But the relative emphasis on understanding versus
solving varies from course to
course. For example, a TPS course
on pregnancy outcomes strives for
a deeper understanding of the
myriad exposures that contribute
to adverse maternal and child
outcomes. Others, such as a health
disparities course in which students learn to communicate effectively about social determinants of
health to policy makers and the
public, emphasize generating
promising solutions.
These differences reflect the
background, interests, and orientation of the instructor but also
the maturity of the knowledge
base on a particular public health
Lawlor et al. | Peer Reviewed | Commentary | S101
challenge. They are often reflected
in the kinds of assignments or
products students complete in
a course. For example, TPS
courses focused on understanding
might culminate in the development of integrative causal models,
whereas solution-focused courses
could generate specific strategies
for prevention.
Instructional Models
Most instructors have delivered
their TPS courses using one or more
of four instructional approaches, each
with its strengths and limitations.
Team teaching pairs instructors from
different disciplines central to the
course content. Besides the obvious
advantages of broader expertise, this
model also tends to draw students
from different disciplines across campus (usually those of the participating
instructors), which can create valuable interactions among students with
different training and perspectives.
But we have found it can also create
administrative challenges assigning or
dividing teaching credit for instructors
as well as allocating limited seats in
the class across schools.
Some TPS courses consider so
many disciplines that no two instructors could reasonably be
expected to have deep knowledge of
all content to be covered. In these
cases, some TPS courses have opted
for an expert-of-the-week model.
Like team teaching, its main advantage is the breadth of expertise
students are exposed to. However,
we have found this guest speaker--dependent model hard to sustain
because leading experts may not be
consistently available to contribute
every semester or year, especially to
a course outside their school or
department. Recording their live
contributions for future use seems
a reasonable solution to this challenge.
Several TPS courses use a design studio approach modeled
after architectural training. Design
studio work focuses on time-limited
projects (usually one semester)
addressing “complex and openended problems” through “rapid
iteration of design solutions.”26(p349)
It is informed by frequent formal
and informal critique from peers
and instructors as well as by precedent—examining past solutions to
problems deemed relevant to the
current project. In some TPS
courses, students spend up to half of
each class session (60---90 min)
working on transdisciplinary solutions to a public health problem.
During these periods, instructors
provide students with feedback and
suggestions. Students typically spend
much more time working on their
solutions outside class than in class,
but the design studio approach ensures that they receive regular
feedback throughout the development process. In our experience, this
type of learning is initially unfamiliar
to many public health students and
requires coaching (and coaxing) to
get meaningful peer critiques early
on. It is a better fit for solutionfocused TPS courses.
Finally, some TPS courses have
been taught in situ, in environments
as diverse as rural India, Haiti, and
Washington, DC, and have relied
much more on experiential learning,
faculty supervision, and field applications. These courses are so popular among students we have had to
adopt a competitive application process for enrollment because demand
exceeds course capacity. On the
down side, they are extremely timeconsuming to plan, logistically complicated, and expensive to execute.
A critical element in creating
the environment for transdisciplinary public health education,
S102 | Commentary | Peer Reviewed | Lawlor et al.
reinforcing its importance, and
promoting a distinctive style of
education is recruiting and retaining faculty who exemplify this
approach. The school’s faculty
recruitment process purposely
selects talented faculty with
the training and aspirations to
engage in team science and transdisciplinary learning. A faculty
committee investigated research
environments—such as the Bell
Labs—that leveraged transdisciplinary scientific approaches.
An internal network analysis of
faculty research and teaching investigated cross-disciplinary faculty research, teaching, and service
activities. The Promotion and
Tenure Committee took up the
issue of how transdisciplinary research and education could be
credited and recognized in promotion and tenure reviews. School
administrators recognized that
many TPS courses would require
resources beyond what is needed
in a typical course and created
a specific budget to support them.
In short, institutional support and
engagement at all levels of the
school have been critical to building this approach.
Transdisciplinary public health
is a concept that is compelling in
principle but difficult in practice.
As schools and programs of public
health continue to innovate with
new approaches to address complex public health problems, the
experiences we have described
show that it is feasible to provide
transdisciplinary graduate education in public health, with significant innovation in teaching
methods, partnerships, and even
the recruitment and promotion of
faculty. We do not presume that
our approach is the best or only
way to organize and deliver
transdisciplinary public health education, but we hope that sharing
it will contribute to growing discussion and action on this important topic and help public health
educators think about ways to integrate transdisciplinary learning
Although we have not yet conducted a formal evaluation of our
TPS model, we have gathered
evaluative data in several forms.
We adapted our standard course
evaluation to include special items
for TPS courses (e.g., assessing
how well the course fostered
a transdisciplinary approach, included perspectives from diverse
disciplines, or used a cells-to-society
approach). We also have substantial anecdotal evidence of impact
from the perspective of faculty
members, students, and prospective students.
Faculty members’ interest in
developing and teaching TPS
courses quickly grew to the
point that we had to implement
a multistage committee process
to review, approve, and track
TPS-designated courses. Student
demand for the courses also grew,
and many wanted to take TPS
courses beyond the program requirements and use them to fulfill
elective credits. As a result, we
have had to control registration to
ensure that students needing to
meet their TPS requirements have
enrollment priorities over those
who have already completed the
In addition, every year a significant portion of applicants to our
MPH program indicates (without
solicitation) that their interest in
our program is closely tied to our
transdisciplinary focus. Part of this
almost certainly reflects prospective students customizing their
applications to match our program’s identity, but it is equally
clear that there is a sizable niche of
American Journal of Public Health | Supplement 1, 2015, Vol 105, No. S1
students with not only genuine
interest in transdisciplinary thinking but also undergraduate or
professional experiences learning
and applying this approach.
Finally, it is remarkable how
quickly, thoroughly, and palpably the TPS perspective has permeated our school’s culture and
identity. “Transdisciplinary” has
become as commonplace as
“population” or “prevention” in
any discussion of public health
and the Brown School. And it is
not spoken just by those in the
school but also by top university
leaders, board members, and
community partners.
Although influential and important public health leaders
have emphasized the importance
of training transdisciplinary
public health professionals, we
are still in a transitional period in
which careers, faculty incentives,
and professional reinforcements
have not caught up. It is important for the public health field
writ large to embrace this approach to create a cadre of
transdisciplinary scientists and
practitioners who will promote
systemic change. Students and
faculty are motivated to apply
this approach to public health
education and research. j
About the Authors
Edward F. Lawlor, Matthew W. Kreuter,
Anne K. Sebert-Kuhlmann, and Timothy D.
McBride are with the Brown School,
Washington University, St. Louis, MO.
Correspondence should be sent to Matthew
W. Kreuter, PhD, MPH, Kahn Family
Professor and Associate Dean for Public
Health, CB-1009, 700 Rosedale Avenue, St.
Louis, MO 63112 (e-mail: mkreuter@wustl.
edu). Reprints can be ordered at http://www.
ajph.org by clicking the “Reprints” link.
This article was accepted November 7,
E. F. Lawlor and M. W. Kreuter outlined
the article. All authors contributed to
writing and editing the article.
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