Click April Newsletter - pg


Click April Newsletter - pg
Pleasant Pastures - April 2015
Sunday School: 10:00 am
Sunday Café: 9:45 am
Traditional Service: 10:55 am
There Is No One Here But Family….
Pleasant Garden United Methodist Church
4834 Pleasant Garden Road
P.O. Box 188
Pleasant Garden, N.C. 27313
(336) 674-5711
Contemporary Service: 8:45 am
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Angel Gang
Administrative Council Minutes
Pleasant Pastures, April 2015
10 & 11
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Birthday Fundraiser
Chicken Pies
Caregiver College
Confirmation Retreat
Fellowship Dinner
Finance Corner
From The Pastor
Helping Hands
Holy Week Schedule
Honors & Memorials
Knotty Knitters
Lay Servant Recognition
Mark Your Calendar
Meal & A Mission
Meetings to Remember
Mobile Meals Dates
New Members
Newsletter Note
Our Staff / Our Vision
Prayer & Card Ministry
Prayer Concerns / In Bound List
Sanctuary Flowers (3 month schedule)
Senior Luncheon
Summer Camp
Sunday Café
Thank You Notes
The Upper Room
United Methodist Women
Women of Faith
Worship Associates
Youth Meetings
March 29 (Palm Sunday)
9:45 am - Sunday Café
10:00 am - Sunday School
10:30 am - Children’s Donkey Walk
11:00 am - Worship with special music by the Choir
12:00 pm - Hot Dog Lunch & Easter Egg Hunt
March 31
12:15 pm - Prayerful Tuesday
6:30 pm - Prayerful Tuesday
April 2 (Maundy Thursday)
7:00 pm - Worship Service with Communion
April 5 (Easter Sunday)
6:30 am - Sunrise Service in front of Sanctuary
7:15 am - Sunrise Breakfast in Fellowship Hall
8:45 am - Easter Contemporary Service
10:00 am - Sunday School
11:00 am - Easter Traditional Service
April Meetings to Remember
Fellowship Dinner 4/1 @ 5:30 pm
Finance Committee 4/7 @ 6:30 pm
Red Hats - Ladybugs 4/8 @ 10:00 am
Trustees Executive 4/9 @ 9 am
UMW Fellowship Circle 4/12 @ 6:00 pm
UMW Afternoon Circle 4/13 @ 2:00 pm
Angel Gang 4/13 @ 5:00 pm
Meal & A Mission 4/15 @ 7:30 am
Education Committee 4/19 @ 4:00 pm
Knotty Knitters 1st & 3rd Mondays @ 1 pm (Starbucks)
Food Distribution Outreach Every Tuesday &
Thursday @ 10:00 am
Thrift Store Every Tuesday & Thursday and
1st & 3rd Saturdays @ 10:00 am
CIA Youth Meeting Every other Wednesday @ 6:30 pm
Choir Rehearsal Every Wednesday @ 7:00 pm
Handbell Rehearsal Every Wednesday @ 8:00 pm
Pleasant Pastures, April 2015
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FROM THE PASTOR…Red Cross Partnership
Recently we’ve begun to partner with the American Red Cross on a couple of things:
1) BLOOD DRIVE – This will be held in our Fellowship Hall on Thursday,
May 28th. Thanks to JoAnne Davis, who is a nurse and a great motivator, for
organizing & leading this effort.
2) EMERGENCY DISASTER SHELTER – Several church leaders met with the
Regional Director and Coordinator about utilizing our facility in times of
disaster. PG UMC has done this in the past, but the designation and agreement needed to be renewed.
There’s an old adage which says “90% of success in life is showing up”, and it is true that our presence makes
an impression upon people. I believe the same is true for the Church! “Being there” for people in their times
of need is what we are called to do. Remember Jesus’ parable about the Sheep and the Goats? He implies that
when we feed the hungry, quench thirst, welcome strangers and visit prisoners we have done it for him. To
“be there” for our community in times of crisis is a tremendous witness to our faith and Lord. Jesus would be
proud we are supporting their mission.
The American Red Cross is an outstanding organization. They exist to provide organization, communication
and services to people and communities in emergencies. They are very open to partnering with churches and
very dependent on volunteers to do their work.
Donating blood seems so easy and simple that often we assume plenty of other people are doing it. Yet the
Red Cross annually has shortages during the summer months. Ask a person who has ever been sick, in an
automobile accident, or injured in combat how important it is to have blood available for them in those times.
Have you put May 28th on your calendar? I’m donating. Will you?
The Emergency Disaster Shelter means we will be willing and ready to open our Fellowship Hall, kitchen and
bathrooms to people in our community (or a neighboring one) as a temporary home. Trained volunteers will
be recruited soon to help support the Red Cross’ operation of it. Would you consider coming to the church
one evening for a training session?
Thanks for being a church that cares! Partnering with the Red Cross is just one of many ways we can stand
ready to help others in our community. In doing so we are shining the light of Christ for the glory of God, and
for all to see.
Grace & peace!
Meal & A Mission For Men
Join the men of the church on Wednesday, April 15, at 7:30 am, for “Meal & A Mission”. We
will meet at Cracker Barrel on Elmsley Street, at 7:30 am, then come back to the church to do
a short mission project. We will be done by noon. The project might be one the Trustees need
done around the church, building a wheelchair ramp, or anything else! Talk to Pastor Mark if
you have questions. Get ready for some good fellowship and to get the Lord’s work done!
Thank you to everyone for your help!!
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Pleasant Pastures, April 2015
Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinners
April 1 @ 5:30 pm - United Methodist Men
Join us at for a meal by the campfire of hamburgers, hot dogs, desserts and drinks! Proceeds
will help provide funding for the youth attending overnight summer camp at Camp Tekoa in
Hendersonville, NC.
May 6 @ 5:30 pm - Trustees
There are no Wednesday night dinners in June, July, or August.
Do you have kids or grandkids that might enjoy a week of summer camp? Consider Camp
Tekoa, our WNC Conference Camp, that has a full program of all types of camps for all ages.
If you are interested, please pick up a brochure outside of the church office. You can also learn
more at
United Methodist Women News
Several opportunities for United Methodist Women are offered during the month of April. The District
Prayer Breakfast for 2015 will be held on Saturday, April 18th. If you plan to attend give Shirley Chafee, our
treasurer, $5.00 to pay for your breakfast by April 7, 2015. Shirley will complete your registration and send
the money to the Northern Piedmont District United Methodist Women. We will carpool at the church and
leave at 8:30 am to go to Rehobeth United Methodist Church. Breakfast begins at 9:00 am. Barbara Campbell
a retired deaconess will be our speaker at 10 am. A memorial service for United Methodist Women we have
lost during 2014 will be held at 10:00 am.
If you would like to complete a health kit for missions, directions can be found on the table near the
church office. A box will be placed under the table to collect the kits by Sunday, April 12, 2015. Please follow
the directions very carefully.
The Fellowship Group and the Afternoon Group of United Methodist Women will continue the Spiritual
Growth Study - “How Is It With Your Soul?” We will meet on Sunday, April 12th at 6:00 pm and Monday,
April 13th at 2:00 pm. The Fellowship Group will not meet on Easter Sunday our regular time. We will have
many events to celebrate Easter at our church on that day.
The third session of our study will prepare our hearts to share our faith with family, friends, our
community, and to welcome the stranger. Strategies, Scripture, and Worship will be a part of the program.
We invite all women in our church to join us for these programs. United Methodist Women support over
100 mission projects in the United States. We contribute to the programs that help Women, Children, and
Carolyn Smith, President
United Methodist Women
You Are Invited to Sunday Café
Please join us for coffee, light refreshments and fellowship each Sunday morning
from 9:45 am to 10:00 am, in the fellowship hall.
Afterwards, please feel free to attend one of the Sunday School classes.
Pleasant Pastures, April 2015
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Tommy Brown
Tommy joined PG UMC on March 22nd, 2015 by profession of faith. He enjoys golfing,
watching Nascar and fishing. Tommy is a Panthers fan and grew up in Greensboro. He is
married to Kim; they have a daughter, Colby, and the Browns live at 1197 Legacy Fare Drive
in Pleasant Garden.
Diana Clark
Diana joined PG UMC on March 22nd, 2015 as a transfer from Grace UMC in Greensboro.
She enjoys drawing, painting, bridge, scrabble, music, theater, reading, and volunteering at
Bell House and “Adventures in Learning” at Shepherd’s Center (both are in Greensboro).
Diana has a daughter (Linda Kearns West), son-in-law (Harley West) and grandchildren.
Diana resides at 925 New Garden Road, #708 in Greensboro.
Beverly Henderson
Beverly joined PG UMC on March 22nd, 2015 as a transfer from Centenary UMC in
Greensboro. She is a North Carolina native, but has lived in the central United States and on
the west coast. Beverly enjoys gardening, music, and watching birds in her backyard. She also
loves her pets: 2 cats, a dog and a pigmy goat. She and her husband David live at 6775
Branson Mill Road in Pleasant Garden.
Spencer & Melinda Housh
Spencer & Melinda joined PG UMC on March 22, 2015. Spencer was raised in Elkton, VA,
attended VA Tech, and is an engineer with M.G. Newell in Greensboro. He is a Washington
Redskins fan and, of course, follows the Hokies. Spencer also plays golf and custom designs/
builds golf clubs. Melinda is from Ohio originally and attended Strayer University. She is
passionate about Yorkie rescue. In fact, she is founder and president of the non-profit NC
Yorkie Rescue, Inc. The Houshes live at 5071 Foxburrow Road, Greensboro.
Finance Corner 2015 (As Of 03/24/2015)
A small reminder that our General Fund balance includes the $10,000.00 loan from the Emergency Generator
Fund. We have had this loan since 2013. I would like us to have a goal of repaying this loan in 2015.
Bob Eberhart, Treasurer
Starting Balance 2015
General Fund
Designated (NB)
$ 28,666.41
Building Maintenance
$ 16,680.82
Income YTD
Expenses YTD
$ (60,644.78)
$ (15,834.19)
Balance YTD
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Pleasant Pastures, April 2015
On March 4, the Education Committee hosted a Chili Cook-Off to benefit our Confirmation Class
Retreat to Lake Junaluska. Your participation helped raise over $600. Thank you to everyone for
your outpouring support, we couldn’t have gone without it!
Chili Cook-Off Results:
1st Place - Barry & Cheryl Pillow
2nd Place - Joy Martin
3rd Place - Mary Lockhart
4th Place - Phyllis Stuart
Youth Meetings/Events In April
Christ In Action
April 1st @ 5:30 - Wednesday Night Dinner (Fundraiser Lunch
for Youth going to Camp Tekoa)
April 8th @ 6:30 pm - Regular meeting
April 17th - Midnight Bowling
April 22nd @ 6:30 pm - Regular meeting
April 26th @ 12 pm - C.I.A. Youth Lunch
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
“It only takes a spark to get a fire going, and soon all those around can
warm up to it's glowing. That’s how it is with God’s love, once you
experience it. You spread His love to everyone. You want to pass it on!”
During the Confirmation Retreat at Lake Junaluska, this childhood hymn
kept coming to mind as the confirmands and chaperones (affectionately
called old people) enjoyed a wonderful spiritual awakening. The rain did not
dampen the teaching, growing, and learning during our weekend together.
Chaperones Joy Martin and David & Susan Smith, may have received the
greatest gift of the weekend - which was watching the children show a true
desire to learn more about opening their hearts up to God’s love for them,
enjoying getting to know one another, and seeing the light of Jesus shine
brighter. Not to mention this group (Anna Hubbert, Cameron Kirkman,
Noah Martin, Lucas Price, Maggie Ramsay, Elaine Smith, and Grayson
Wright) was among the best behaved and attentive of the attendees.
Confirmands and chaperones alike were engaged by speaker Andy
Lambert who is part best pastor you ever had, part storyteller and part
comedian. His message truly spoke to the children as they were challenged
to take the fire that Jesus’ love places on your heart and spread it, the gospel,
to those you meet. Through class time we were able to learn more about the
true meaning of prayer, which is keeping in conversation with God. We
attended a class on service where we realized we all have the same calling,
to serve, but we have different platforms. Our service can be simple as long
as it follows that call to serve. Through group challenges, we learned more
about one another and how to communicate as well as appreciate our
differences. We can then come together for the purpose to serve our loving
God. Learning the history of the Methodist church was another element of
this special trip. The children went on scavenger hunt for historical
information, stood at the pulpit of John Wesley, and were enamored by a
lock of his hair. Lead in worship with music, sharing lots of laughter,
hearing touching stories - the memories from our Confirmation Retreat will
forever shine like the fire for Jesus shines in our hearts!
Susan Smith
Pleasant Pastures, April 2015
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Sanctuary Flowers
April, May and June Sanctuary Flowers
5th - Whitesell Family
3rd - Price Family
7th - Guffey / Workman
10th - Pat Fields
14th - Price Family
26th - Susan Eubanks
24th - Jim Siske
A 2015 Sign-Up Calendar
is located in the Sanctuary
entrance area.
Thank you for the
beauty your
flowers add to our
time of worship.
Kim Kirkman
George Redmond
Tina Lunsford
Margaret Ruth
Wayne Bowman
Amy Ryan
McKenzie Price
Lazetta Day
Donna Bowman
Sylvia Spence
Beverly Henderson
Brenda Taylor
Tracey Kivett
Bitsy Amick
Ann Johnson
Lou Preston
Syd Schenk
Jeremy McNabb
Michael Nichols
Larry Proctor
Terry Callicutt
Monroe Brown
Brandon Hunter
Martha Boren
Gray Boren
Allen Bullins
Bill Greene
Maddie Vaught
Dennis & Tina Lunsford
Charles & Martha Kirkman
Will & Kristy Eubank
Kevin & Alicia Keeton
Doug & Ina Hockett
Richard & Alice Bullis
David & Lauren Lewis
Jeffrey & Stephanie McNabb 4/24
*If your birthday or anniversary is
listed incorrectly or is not listed,
please contact the church office
([email protected] or
674-5711), so that we can
update our records. Thank you!*
May 2 - Bake & Plant sale from 8 am - 1 pm. You can purchase delicious homemade
baked goods and beautiful plants for your home.
May 3 - deadline for our special Mother’s Day bulletin. The cost will be $2.00 per name
and the money will go towards the Children and Youth ministries.
May 10 - Breakfast Celebration for Moms, The Story study & New Members.
May 28 - Red Cross Blood Drive
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Pleasant Pastures, April 2015
(Through March 15, 2015)
Phil Way
Jim Siske
Gary & Virginia Faulk; Mitchell & Glenda Faulk; Susan Eubanks; Sherry &
Larry Proctor
Lucille Hylton
Parma & Robert Holt; Jim Siske
Blaine Siske, Sharon Siske & Grady Siske; Virginia & William Griffith;
Dr & Mrs T.E. Siske; Stanley & Diane Cichowicz; Mrs. Melrose Stocks;
Jane Christopher; Tommy Arrington; Rosa Nesbit and Charles Neellely;
Bill & Sharon Greene; Shirley Chafee; Mitchell & Glenda Faulk; Marsha &
Fred Crumpler; Gary & Virginia Faulk; Susan Eubanks; Frances & William
Rule; Suzanne Boren; Sherry & Larry Proctor; Charles & Mary Routh;
Margaret Ruth
Jim Siske; Gary & Virginia Faulk; Susan Eubanks
Gary & Virginia Faulk; Mitchell & Glenda Faulk
Tommy Arrington; Jim Siske; Craig & Karen Hendrix; Keith & Alison
This is the church’s acknowledgement of memorials received from members.
Non-Members receive a mailed acknowledgement.
Senior Resources of Guilford
Travelers Trip to
Shatley Springs Inn &
The Ashe County Cheese Factory
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Shatley Springs Inn/Ashe County
Cheese Factory
$65 (includes lunch)
7:45 am pick up at Moriah UMC
8:00 am pick up at Greensboro
Senior Center
8:30 am pick up at Shady Grove Wesleyan
Ray Trapp (336) 373-4816 ext. 265
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
The program is sponsored by Senior Resources of
Guilford, a United Way Agency, in partnership with
the Recreation Commission of Pleasant
Garden and Pleasant Garden UMC
10:00 am
10:30 am
11:15 am
12:00 pm
Chit Chat, Puzzles & Announcements
Program - Health Screenings
Trivia Puzzle, Birthdays, Anniversaries
Invite your friends to join you!
Reservations required, please call 674-3002. Please
make your reservations by the Friday
before the meeting.
Pleasant Pastures, April 2015
Page 9
We extend heartfelt sympathy to the family of Bea Smith who joined the Church
Triumphant March 22, 2015. Our love and care surround you during this most difficult
Stephen Kimel (3-25/Jane & Gene Kimel), Peggy Thompson (3-22/Cheryl Pillow’s
mother), Gene McFarland (3-19/Stephen Martin), Family of Bea Smith (3-22),
Jonathan Venable (3-15/Hospitalized), Ronald Osborne (3-15/Family of Nancy Jo
Smith), Jeannine Hines Stubble (3-15/Terrie Brown), Charlotte Crotty (3-4/Alan
Marshall’s mother), Family of Richard Drake Semino (3-3/Pat Fields’ grandson),
Family of Benny Mason (3-3/Doris Johnson’s brother), Julie Christopher (3-1/Weekley
family), Vicky Amidon (3-1/Susan Smith)
2015 Confirmation Class, Herbert Burnette, Trey & Meghan Clenney Family, Arnold Marion, Vanessa
Matthews, Dana Smith, Eula Toomes
Prayer Requests will remain on the list for one month unless you notify the church office otherwise. Prayer
Request cards are available near the sanctuary entrance and main office door. Please continue to pray for our
church and the people on the list.
The Upper Room Daily Devotional Guide
for March - April is available in the
Sanctuary entrance area.
Retirement Homes:
Private Homes:
Ann Dixon
Danby House
3150 Burke Mill Rd.
Winston Salem, NC 27103
Gina Faulk
510 E. Sheraton Park Rd.
Pleasant Garden, NC 27313
Ronda Stevens
C/O Donna Bowman
6590 Hunt Rd.
Pleasant Garden, 27313
Kemp Gordon
Brighton Gardens
1208 New Garden Rd.
Greensboro, NC 27410
Kristin Strader
Howell’s Walnut Creek
5709 US 70 E.
Goldsboro, NC 27534
Clapps Assisted Living
Pleasant Garden Rd.
Pleasant Garden, NC 27313
In Nursing Homes:
Hazel Quate
Room 322
Clapps Nursing Home
Appomatox Rd.
Pleasant Garden, NC 27313
Mildred (Mickey) Warfe
Room 105B
Herbert Burnette
Room 807B
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Pleasant Pastures, April 2015
Pleasant Garden United Methodist Church
Administrative Council Meeting March 1, 2015
A called meeting of the Administrative Council was held Sunday, March 1, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. The purpose of
this meeting was to obtain Council approval for two major Trustees projects and the funding of these projects.
Sanctuary Video System
Stephen Martin distributed copies of the proposal from Audio/Video Enterprises, Inc. This proposal, dated
October 22, 2014, covers the following:
Equipment & Materials
NC sales tax
$ 1,231.16
Installation & training
$ 3,500.00
System Price
Since this proposal is slightly outdated, the total cost is subject to change. Also, this proposal does not cover the
cost of any electrical/electrician expenses. That cost will depend on the amount of electrical work that needs to
be done at time of installation and the electricians to be hired for this project. We were reminded that our
church has two members who are electricians. Installation of this system will occur as soon as possible.
Renovation/Replacement of Heating System
Dennis Lunsford distributed copies of the proposal, dated February 27, 2015, from Kay Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. This document explained the “Scope of Work” to be done, including removal and disposal of
existing outdated equipment, and section by section installation of new equipment. The total price for this work
is $169,181.00. In addition to these expenses, there is a $2,000 charge for engineering survey. This brings total
cost of heating system replacement to nearly $172,000. Work on removal of old equipment will begin March
16, 2015 for areas that do not affect the sanctuary. Any work on sanctuary heating equipment will be delayed
until after Easter which is April 5, 2015.
Funding Recommendation
The Endowment Committee had recommended to the Administrative Council that, based on earlier estimates,
$187,000 from the Clendenin Estate be set aside to fund these projects. However, following discussion by
Council members, the funding motion was changed to set aside $200,000 which should fully cover these
projects. The amended motion is as follows:
The Endowment Committee recommends to the Administrative Council that we set aside Clendenin estate
funds totaling $200,000 for boiler/heating system ($172,000) and installation of sanctuary video equipment
(Approximately $22,300 plus electrician costs). The Endowment Committee also recommends that the
remainder of the Clendenin estate be transferred to the UMF as soon as possible.
The amended motion was seconded and passed unanimously with no opposition.
Committee members suggested that the $5,400 balance on hand that had been set aside for video equipment
now be available for upgrading the sanctuary sound system, but there was not Council motion or vote for this
The next regularly scheduled Administrative Council meeting will be held Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Submitted by Virginia Faulk, Chairperson Administrative Council
Pleasant Garden United Methodist Church
Administrative Council Meeting March 15, 2015
Virginia Faulk, Chair called the meeting to order.
Lillie Granger reported for the Evangelism Committee. Lillie stated the committee plans to develop a type of
welcoming package for all the first time visitors to the church. The committee also has contacted all visitors
who have signed a yellow visitor slip. The Evangelism committee will participate in the Fellowship Brunch,
Sunday, May 10, 2015. They will join with the Children and Family Ministry committee to put on a
Community Fun Fest on Saturday, June 6, 2015.
Phyllis Stuart reported for the Worship Committee. The events of Holy Week were reviewed. On Palm
Pleasant Pastures, April 2015
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Sunday the church begins with Sunday school and a donkey walk, followed by the traditional service which
will have an Easter music program presented by the choir. On Thursday, April 2, there will be a Maundy
Thursday worship service with communion and special music. Sunday, April 5, we celebrate Easter, beginning
with an Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30 am, a breakfast served by the men, contemporary service, Sunday
school, and traditional service. Sunday May 10, a brunch will celebrate Mothers’ Day and the conclusion of the
study of “The Story.” Class teachers will be recognized. There will be no Sunday School.
Tina Lunsford reported for the Education Committee. She reviewed the events mentioned above that
involved her committee. The Confirmation Class had a successful trip to Lake Junaluska. The Chili Supper
raised $600 to help off set the expenses of the trip. The education supply room downstairs will be cleaned up
and organized. Her committee has set a goal to increase Sunday school classes and receive 12 new families
with children age 15 and under. A scrapbooking event held on a youth night was a success. Thanks for all who
participated. The photographs and creativity of the youth were evident. A new study will continue in the fall for
all Sunday school classes. Gene Kimel will plan a trip for older adults.
Co Nichols reported that the Food Pantry and Thrift Store had been open for one year. The Food Pantry
has received $14,951 and the Thrift Store has made $10,624.15. One hundred eighty-nine people have been
served by the Food Pantry.
Several opportunities for United Methodist Women will be offered by the Northern Piedmont District.
Saturday, March 28, there is a workshop on Human Trafficking at Bennett College from 10 am to noon. The
District Prayer Breakfast will be held at Rehobeth United Methodist Church April 18. A car pool will leave the
church at 8:30 to arrive for the 9 am event. Methodist Women will meet on Sunday, April 12th at 6 pm and
Monday, April 13th at 2 pm to continue our study, “How Is It With Your Soul?” This session will prepare our
heart to share our faith with family, friends, our community and to welcome the stranger. Strategies, scripture
and worship will be a part of the program.
Nancy White, Lay Leader reported that attendance has increased. She felt the entire church ministry has
broadened. She thanked the trustees for the care of our building. She encouraged members of the Council to
attend the prayer services held on Tuesdays during Lent. She and Mark encouraged members to attend a
workshop on reaching younger adults that will be held at Front Street United Methodist Church, Burlington,
March 27 and 28. Please let either of them know if you plan to attend so that you will be registered.
The Staff-Parish Relations Committee reported that our new secretary is doing an excellent job.
Bob Eberhart gave the treasurer’s report. The fund balances as of 3-10-15 totaled $48,441.17. Bob reported that
all local church expenses are being met; to make our quarterly apportionment payment, we will have to increase
our giving.
Virginia Faulk, for the Finance Committee, announced that there will be a church plant sale and bake sale,
Saturday, May 2, 2015. She also reported on the Endowment Fund. The Clendenin Estate money is being
moved to the church accounts at the bank. Part of the funds will be used to finance church repairs and the
remainder will be invested at the United Methodist Foundation.
Larry Proctor gave the Trustees report. Work will begin this week to remove the boiler system. A bid
received to pave and stripe a new parking lot in the amount of $65,000. It also includes additional handicap
signs. There will be 46 parking spaces. The Church will have a new insurance policy beginning April 15.
Pastor Mark Weekly asked for volunteers to host a table for PGUMC at the Discover Good Living Expo &
5K hosted by the Town of Pleasant Garden, May 2. Please let Mark know or call the church office. Mark had
received a letter about AED safety. He wondered if the church should consider getting this device. There will
be a meeting March 24 at 4 pm with the American Red Cross to determine if our building will become a
disaster shelter for the community. The Red Cross would provide food, cots and supplies; volunteers would be
recruited. In early June there will be a fundraising breakfast to benefit Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church in
Rockingham County.
The business concluded; the meeting adjourned.
Carolyn Smith, Acting Secretary
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Pleasant Pastures, April 2015
Abby Kirkman,
Brenda Venable,
Nancy White
Mike & Angela
Gilbert Kirkman,
Mark Kirkman,
David Smith,
John Whitesell
Carolyn Smith,
David Smith
Tommy Arrington,
Wilbur Berry,
Jack Chatham,
Larry Proctor
Tommy Arrington,
Carl Corning
Rick & Carla
Gary Faulk,
Nelson Ingram,
Gene Kimel,
Alan Marshall
Mitchell Faulk,
Bill Greene,
Tom Johnson,
Jamie Lockhart
Donna Bowman,
Sherry Proctor
During Sunday School and both services, we offer a Nursery for children from birth to 5 years old.
Sunday Fun Packs are available in the Sanctuary entrance area (or see an usher) for your school-age
children during the worship service.
Chimes are provided by Youth of the church.
Mrs. Pumpkins’ CHICKEN PIES
2015 Mobile Meal Delivery Dates:
March 30 - April 3
Call Jim Siske, 674-2145, for information.
Chicken Pies are available for
purchase at $12.00 each.
You may select a pie with or
without vegetables.
*All proceeds go to the Building Fund.
Helping Hands
NEED A RIDE? Call if you need transportation to your doctor, church or pharmacy.
Below is a list of our Helping Hands drivers at this time. You may call any of them when you need a driver; if
that person is not available, please try calling another person on the list.
Jane Kimel 674-0162
Jane Christopher 674-9256
Shirley Chafee 674-8023
Janice Phillips 674-6202
Martha Kirkman 672-2555
Angela Drum 449-9895
Co Nichols 674-2972
JoAnne Davis 674-2177
Dolores Eberhart 674-2052
Byron White 674-0085
Pleasant Pastures, April 2015
Page 13
Northern Piedmont District 2015 Lay Servant Training
Congratulations to Mitch Mathews who was named District Director Emeritus as he
retired from District Lay School this year. Mitch accepted the role as Director for
Lay Servant Ministries in 1989. This year they had about 150 participants enroll; 80
were enrolled in the Basic Course for Lay Training, they also had 7 advanced
courses, all of which were going on simultaneously. Mitch said he is humbled God
allowed him to see so many people learn and develop their skills over this time.
Thank you Mitch for your service in this important ministry!
District Superintendent Rev. Dr. Nancy Rankin presents the plaque to Mitch
Matthews for long years of service as District Director of Lay Servant Ministries.
Caregiver College - April 25th
If you are caring for a sick loved one and need answers, you can find the help you need in an
upcoming one-day intensive training event for home caregivers set for April 25 at Randolph
Community College. This seminar will offer a variety of topics on issues of caregiving in the home
and will be of special interest to family caregivers and volunteers, as well as allied health professionals. The
event will also support those who care for individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities.
RCC’s seventh annual Caregiver College, scheduled for 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 25, at RCC’s
corporate training facility in the Continuing Education and Industrial Center on the Asheboro Campus, will
feature keynote speaker Heather McKay, an occupational therapist and dementia care specialist.
The registration fee for the Caregiver College is $25, which includes lunch, program booklet, and access
to vendors. Limited scholarships are available for personal caregivers. The deadline for respite care is April
10. Call RCC at 336-862-7980 or 336-633-0268 to preregister.
Registration/Check in - 8-9 am
Session - 9 am - 3 pm
Seating will be limited - Register today!
For more information or to register, call (336) 862-7980 or (336) 633-0268
You are seen. You are known. You are free.
Connect with a community of women that gets what you’re going through…
And with the God who loves you more than you know.
October 9-10, 2015
Friday: 7 pm - 10 pm; Saturday: 9 am - 5 pm
Time Warner Cable Arena, Charlotte
Ticket prices are $109 each, Friday night lodging approximately $80 per person,
and Saturday boxed lunch $12 each
For more information, contact Susan Eubanks: 336-558-4435 or [email protected]
Deadline to register through PG UMC: April 15, 2015
Page 14
Pleasant Pastures, April 2015
The Bereavement Committee would like to express our sincere
appreciation for the beautiful tablecloth given by Wendy & Kevin
Bennett, Kendall & David Murphy, Terrie & Mike Brown and Dana
Smith. Our committee appreciates your kindness of this gift.
Bereavement Committee
Thank you to everyone on the Education Committee that made the Chili
Cook-off a success. Thank you to all that brought their own special
chili! We were able to raise over $600 for the 2015 Confirmation Class
weekend retreat.
Tina Lunsford
Thank you to all who made our scrapbooking adventure so enjoyable – Susan Eubanks, Virginia Faulk, Frank
Loflin, Sandra Riggins, Dana Smith and Brenda Venable! The CIA Youth Group had a great time creating our
pages. We look forward to completing even more pages to publicize all of our activities. Please see our
handiwork in the Church Narthex!
Thank you to Phil Way for his special gift to help fund our youth room renovations! We hope to be in the
room very soon!
C.I.A. Youth “Christ In Action”
Happy Birthday and Thank You!
We are especially thankful to our Church members who celebrated their birthdays by contributing to our
Birthday fundraiser. We collected $65 in honor of: Bradley Faulk and Sara Hubbert.
Angel Gang
April 13, 2015
5:00 p.m.*
*Note new time!
Knotty Knitters
The Knotty Knitters meet on the 1st & 3rd
Mondays of each month from 1-2:30 pm at
Starbucks on Elm-Eugene. All are welcome
to come and join us!
Prayer & Card Ministry
If you are looking to make a commitment to a very
worthwhile cause, please give some thought
to joining our Prayer & Card Ministry.
Call Janice Phillips, 674-6202, if you are willing
to help with this ministry.
Pleasant Pastures, April 2015
Page 15
APRIL 2015
5:30 pm Fellowship
6:30 pm Confirmation
7:00 pm Choir
8:00 pm Handbell
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
(Church Office
10:00 am Food
Distribution Outreach Closed)
10:00 am Thrift Store
7:00 pm Maundy
Thursday Communion Service
Thrift Store
Easter Sunday
Flowers - Whitesell
6:30 am Sunrise Service
7:15 am Sunrise Breakfast
8:45 am Contemporary
10:00 am Sunday School
10:55 am Traditional
1:00 pm Knotty
10:00 am Food
Knitters (Starbucks on Distribution Outreach
10:00 am Thrift Store
6:30 pm Finance mtg.
6:45 pm Girl Scout
Troop #40744
10:00 am Red Hats Ladybugs
6:30 pm CIA Youth Mtg.
7:00 pm Choir
8:00 pm Handbell
9:00 am Trustees
Exec. Mtg.
Fellowship Hall
10:00 am Food
Distribution Outreach
10:00 am Thrift Store
8:45 am Contemporary
9:45 am Sunday Cafe
10:00 am Sunday School
10:55 am Traditional
6:00 pm UMW Fellowship
2:00 pm UMW
Afternoon Circle
5:00 pm Angel Gang
10:00 am Food
Distribution Outreach
10:00 am Thrift Store
6:45 pm Girl Scout
Troop #40744
7:30 am Meal & A
6:30 pm Confirmation
7:00 pm Choir
8:00 pm Handbell
CIA Youth
10:00 am Food
Distribution Outreach Midnight Bowling
10:00 am Thrift Store
8:30 am UMW
District Prayer
10:00 am Thrift
Store Open
8:45 am Contemporary
9:45 am Sunday Cafe
10:00 am Sunday School
10:55 am Traditional
4:00 pm Education
1:00 pm Knotty
10:00 am Food
Knitters (Starbucks on Distribution Outreach
10:00 am Senior
10:00 am Thrift Store
6:45 pm Girl Scout
Troop #40744
Professionals Day
6:30 pm CIA Youth Mtg.
7:00 pm Choir
8:00 pm Handbell
10:00 am Food
Distribution Outreach
10:00 am Thrift Store
10:00 am Food
Distribution Outreach
10:00 am Thrift Store
6:45 pm Girl Scout
Troop #40744
6:30 pm Confirmation
7:00 pm Choir
8:00 pm Handbell
10:00 am Food
Distribution Outreach
10:00 am Thrift Store
Flowers - Susan Eubanks
8:45 am Contemporary
9:45 am Sunday Cafe
10:00 am Sunday School
10:55 am Traditional
12:00 pm CIA Youth Lunch
Pleasant Pastures, April 2015
Our Staff
Pastor’s Office
Pastor’s Cell
Pastor’s Home
Director of Music
Church Organist
Church Secretary
Church Office
Fax Number
All Members
Rev. Mark Weekley
(336) 674-5711
(336) 482-1647
(336) 285-7893
Mrs. Elizabeth (Beth) Golden
Mrs. Elizaveta Auvil
Mrs. Joy Martin
674-5711 or 674-5775
Pastor’s E-mail
Church E-mail
Treasurer’s E-mail
Church Web Site
District Web Page
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Page 16
Pleasant Garden
United Methodist Church
4834 Pleasant Garden Road
P.O. Box 188
Pleasant Garden, N.C. 27313
May 2015 Newsletter Deadline
We must have your articles, pictures,
meeting dates and announcements no later
than April 15th. Material received after
April 15th will be used in the June 2015
newsletter. Please email your information
to: [email protected]
Our Vision
Our vision is to become a congregation marked by:
Spiritual awakening and nourishment;
Diverse and powerful opportunities to
worship, learn, and serve;
Discipleship in the Wesley Group format;
Creative outreach ministry that meets
real needs;
An organizational structure that energizes
lay ministry
More Family News in your May Newsletter….