PGW Photo Comp Categories


PGW Photo Comp Categories
2015 Annual Photo Competition
2015 Photo Competition Categories
We’re are looking for photographs that depict the New Zealand farm and farming life via the following
categories. We want to hear from you why you think your photograph is a good representation of New
Zealand farming and what it means be a Kiwi farmer.
From the
Ground Up
From sowing the
seeds to the first
season’s harvest, from
the full bloom of
flowers to fruit ripe for
the picking; show us
the many ways your
crops prosper.
Ready, Set,
It’s a Dog’s
Show off your skills
and timing, and
capture images that
demonstrate the
energy and activity on
a Kiwi farm.
Let’s give it up for
man’s (and woman’s)
best friend! Show us
the farm dog in all its
glory – hard at work
and at play.
A Land of
Many Acres
Capture the unique
and diverse landscape
of New Zealand farms:
from high country, to
the rolling pasture hills,
to the dairy flats. Show
us your pride of place!
Capture modern
farming in New
Zealand today – the
innovative tools and
technology that
provide efficient and
sustainable farming.
The Faces of
People are at the heart
of farming. Capture
New Zealand’s faces
of farming, both young
and old (and
everything in
between!), through
your camera lens.
Capture the bizarre
and beautiful
partnerships on farm –
whether that’s two of a
kind or an interspecies friendship!