06.2015 - Portage County Democratic Party


06.2015 - Portage County Democratic Party
In This Issue
Call to Action
*** HQ Is Ours
JUNE 2015
Headlines in Wisconsin Political news this past
week could not have been in starker contrast.
The good news:
Russ Feingold has announced he is running to take his
rightful place in the US Senate in 2016.
* Calling all Volunteers
• Walk Wisconsin
• Raffle Tickets
• Energy Fair
• 4th Parade
• Portage County Fair
• PCDP Annual Picnic
* 3rd CD Convention
* Election of Party Chair
* Basket Requests
* Non-Profits get new home
* Pics
* Ex. Brd.
* Newsletter Thanks
* Book Sale
* Union Made
* Miscellaneous
By the time you receive this
newsletter, the final payment
will have been paid, the legal
paperwork will have been
completed for the PCDP
Headquarters and the building at
2220 Division St. will be
wholly owned by the PCDP.
To those of you that helped
make this possible
The reallyy bad
We Need You There!!!
on the Picnic
Joint Finance
Committee double-down on their promise to destroy
Wisconsin’s Public Schools.
Both of these announcements should be a “call to action”
for Democrats in Portage County and throughout Wisconsin.
Elections have consequences! The Republicans have made
that abundantly clear in Wisconsin beginning in 2010 and by
electing Tea Party candidates to the US Senate.
All of us need to make a commitment to help change the
course of our future by becoming involved at whatever level
is comfortable for us.
The PCDP has several opportunities for active participation
for its members this summer. You will find articles advising
you of these events in the following pages. If time or mobility
prevents your active participation, we can always use
donations for our fund-raisers. Your efforts to sell and/or
purchase raffle tickets that fund the Annual Democratic
Picnic is a great way to help the local Party.
PCDP meetings, the second Tuesday of each month, include
interesting presentations by community members, lively
conversations, visits by Democratic “movers and shakers”,
inspiring talks and often great snacks. There are
approximately 300 paid members in the Portage County
Democratic Party. We welcome each of you to join us for a
meeting, for a community event or perhaps to pick up
political buttons, campaign materials or to drop off materials
for our rummage sale or basket raffle. You might put a sign
in your yard, maybe “Feingold for Senate”? Whatever your
involvement, now is the right time to participate.
Walk Wisconsin, Saturday June 6th. Contact Jan Way, 715-572-5802 or
[email protected] if you can spare an hour or two between noon and 3 PM to hand out
water and snacks to the participants of the walk. The Dem’s tent is located on the corner
of North Point Dr. and Wilshire by the Sentry Golf Course. It is a pleasant task and an
excellent way to promote our party.
RAFFLE TICKETS are available: Pick them up at our June 9th general meeting. They will be available
from 6 to 10 PM. This is a great chance to reconnect with fellow Democrats, enjoy the planned
program, perhaps have a snack and find out what is happening on the local political scene. Our fantastic
volunteers will deliver tickets not picked up later to your home.
MIDWEST RENEWABLE ENERGY FAIR is June 19th through the 21st. The state party pays
the booth fee. Volunteers are there to greet visitors and hand out literature. We are
definitely among friends at this event, so conversations are stimulating and friendly.
Please contact Jan Way 715-572-5802 [email protected] if you can spend a couple
hours talking with fellow environmentalists.
4th Of July Parade in Stevens Point is on a Saturday this year and weather
permitting, we will again have our vehicles in the parade decked out in flags, banners and
yard signs. As usual, we will hand out candy and other trinkets to the kids (& kids at heart,
too) along the route. It is an easy walk (shortest parade in Portage County) and a pleasant,
fun time. If you can join us, please do. The parade line-up is at noon in front of the post
We are asking for candy donations and other items to hand out. Last year, Sue Hall donated
non-candy items and they were a hit with the kids. If you can contribute, please bring it to
the parade, bring it to our June meeting or contact Jan Way for pick-up. Thanks!
Portage County Fair in Amherst July 16-19. Volunteers are needed for all days for
shifts from 5 to 8 PM. Volunteers sell our raffle tickets, buttons and bumper stickers as
well as promote the announced Democratic candidates running in the 2016 electionFeingold, Clinton & Sanders. Our booth is located under the grandstand which is a
great location for visibility and it is cool there should the weather be scorching. Our
purpose is to encourage fairgoers to vote Democratic! Contact Jan Way if you are able
to help out. Even if you cannot volunteer, please stop by our booth to say “hi”. A
friendly face means a lot.
PCDP ANNUAL PICNIC - Sunday August 23, 2015 - Pfiffner Pioneer Park,
Stevens Point - 11:30 AM to 4 PM. Mark your calendar now! We will have food and
drink for purchase; a silent auction including theme baskets, a bake sale and you will
hear great speeches by local and State Democratic leaders. It’s a party for our party
and we need you there to help make it a success! The party is held rain or shine in the
Pfiffner Shelter on the shores of the Wisconsin River in Stevens Point. What could be more
fun - food, prizes, camaraderie with fellow Democrats and great speeches by our
elected officials?
Page 2
Wisconsin Third Democratic Congressional District Convention
Saturday May 2, 2015- Onalaska
The 3rd CD Convention was another enthusiastic gathering of Democrats discussing how we
plan to elect more progressive Democrats to office in future elections. There were 95 delegates
attending the convention, representing 17 counties. Thank you to these 12 delegates
representing the PCDP: Jack & Leigh Allgaier, Gary Hawley, Charlene Figge, Lois Lawler,
Elizabeth McDonald, David & Trudy Pederson, Katrina Shankland, Karyn Tank, Jerry Ugland and
Jed Williams.
The day started off with great speeches by elected officials from the 3rd CD. A rousing, fullthroated speech given by State Senator Kathleen Vinehout received a well-deserved standing
ovation. Representative Katrina Shankland also impressed the delegates with her
extemporaneous report on the ongoing budget hearings in Madison. US Congressman Ron
Kind fielded questions from the attendees and explained his stand on a variety of issues before
Congress in Washington, DC.
All six candidates running for Chair of the State Democratic Party also spoke. All had solid ideas
on how to improve the effectiveness of the state party, including allowing the county parties to
have more input in the operations in order to elect more Progressive Democrats to state and
local offices. No matter who is elected at the State Democratic Convention in June, we are in
for better times as a party. All six candidates agreed, “top-down” management does not work!
The last part of the meeting, and the best, dealt with resolutions to the Democratic Party
Platform. After editing and approval by the body, each delegate was able to vote for ten
resolutions. The top ten vote getters were then passed on to the state convention for voting
there. If approved at that level, they are added to the state platform, which provides directions
for our party. The ten top resolutions passed from the 3rd CD to the State Convention Resolution
committee for consideration (with the name of the county that submitted the resolution) are:
1. Reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act (Buffalo County)
2. School Accountability to all Voucher, Charter and Parochial Schools in WI. (Crawford
3. Restore Public Education (Grant & Jackson Counties)
4. Protect Wisconsin Retirement Fund (Grant County)
5. Restore Equal Wages for Equal Work for Women and Minorities (Jackson County)
6. Minimum/Living Wage (Trempealeau County)
7. Voting Rights (Portage County)
8. Wisconsin State Budget (Trempealeau County)
9. Stop Privatization of Programs Serving the Elderly & Disabled (Buffalo County)
10. Stop the Sale of State Properties (Buffalo County)
Those of us that attended this year encourage everyone to consider attending next year’s
3RD CD Convention. It is an excellent way to regain your fire and to meet other like-minded,
dedicated Democratic Party members.
Page 3
meeting of
The Wisconsin State Democratic Party Convention,
June 5 & 6 in Milwaukee is an especially important
convention this year because of the election of a new State
Party Chair. There are 5 very qualified candidates. Whoever
is elected will be charged with leading the Wisconsin
Democratic Party forward by helping to elect those officials
at every level who value the Wisconsin Ideal. In addition to the
election, the Convention Delegates will approve the Resolutions to the party platform
that will set the party’s priorities going forward. If you have never participated, please
consider attending as a delegate at next year’s convention. It is an exciting, grassroots,
and inspirational weekend for Democrats.
A Tisket, A Tasket, We are donating a Basket – The PCDP Executive Board has
agreed to donate a basket filled with products that represent Portage County to be raffled
off at the State Convention on June 5 & 6th. We are looking for items to fill the basket.
Proceeds from the raffle at the Convention benefit the state party’s efforts to recruit
candidates. If you have an item or can purchase and donate something “that speaks of “
Portage County, drop it off at the HQs on June 2nd between 6 and 9 PM or contact Karyn
Tank 715-344-8009 or [email protected] to arrange for pick-up. This is a great way
to “advertise” our special Wisconsin area!
More Baskets Needed – Please remember PCDP when doing your spring-cleaning.
We can use those quality items you no longer use or want for the silent basket raffle we
hold in conjunction with the Annual Picnic. The basket raffle is always a hit and a good
moneymaker for the PCDP. We can take your donations now. Contact Karyn Tank with
questions or for pick-up. 715-344-8009 or [email protected].
Kevin Mc Adams, the President of the Central Wisconsin
Center for Non-Profits, was the featured speaker at the
about the ac
May 12th membership meeting. McAdams told the group
about the recent acquisition of the former Masonic Lodge in
in Steven Point as a Non-Profit Center. Currently the Center
houses Justiceworks and the 2617 Club, but is actively seeking
additional non-profits to share the facility.
McAdams explained that JusticeWorks is a non-profit
Community justice program dedicated to the
advancements of programs and practices that secure
relationships between victims, offenders and their
communities-with an emphasis on Restorative Justice where
the offender becomes accountable to those harmed. The
2617 Club supports drug and alcohol programs in Portage
The Non-Profit Center is currently raising money to update the
Facility. The program was well received by the group.
Page 4
Democratic Party State Candidate Hopefuls Visit PCDP Members
Jeff Smith
Joe Wineke
Penny Bernard Shaber
Candidate for Vice Chair
With Jason Rae
Katrina “Wows” the
Crowd at the Convention
PCDP Delegates at 3rd CD Convention in Onalaska
Senator Julie Lassa
speaks to PCDP members
at a recent meeting
Photos by Jerry Ugland and Trudy Pederson
Page 5
PCDP Executive Board
Chair, Gary Hawly
1st Vice Chair, Jan Way
2nd Vice Chair, Trish Baker
3rd Vice Chair, Jack Allgaier
To the left is the listing of the Executive
Board members. Please feel free to contact
anyone of the members with questions
and/or concerns. The Executive Board
meetings are open to any PCDP member
and are held the first Tuesday of each
4th Vice Chair, Anne Arndt
Statutory Chair, Michelle Bjella
Treasurer, Jerry Ugland
Secretary, Carol Gawlik
CD Rep., Earl Spangenberg
At Large 1, Glen Fink
At Large 2, Ned Grossnickle
At Large 3, Jody Hurrish
At Large 4, David Pederson
Thanks to these persons who support
this newsletter with their donations.
Their support helps keep members upto-date on PCDP events and projects.
We welcome your contributions of any
amount and acknowledge those persons
who contribute $25 or more to the
publication. Thank You!
Walter Hetchler
Patrick Schulfer
Robt. Ellingson
At Large 5, Karyn Tank
At Large 6, Jed Williams
Newsletter Editor,
Trudy Pederson
College Dem President,
Sam Scarpaci
ExOfficio Col Rep., Tyler Smith
PCDP Headquarters
2220 Division St.
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Page 6
Membership Matters
Jerry Ugland, Treasurer, reminds us that you
can verify your membership at any meeting.
Please check with him at the front desk.
Community Happening of Interest
SPARTA (Stevens Point Retired Teachers
Ass’n.) is holding a BAG book sale,
June 3-5, 9 AM to 8 PM at Jackson School
in Stevens Point.
Thurs. $5/bag, Fri. 2 bags for $5. Collector’s
Corner ½ price.
Help them make the move.
Profits benefit area charities and
From our friends at Wisconsin AFL-CIO and Local Labor 411…
On Memorial Day we honor the brave men and women who gave their life protecting our
country and our liberty.
Memorial Day is also the official “kick-off of summer activities. Our friends at Labor 411 have
compiled a listing of union made goods that support the persons that value the freedoms we
share and the quality of life unions helped build in Wisconsin and across the nation. Remember
to say thanks to a veteran and honor union members by purchasing products produced in union
shops. Here is a partial listing…refer to it often and find more Wisconsin Union Made goods at
Sausages, Brats & Hot Dogs
Patrick Cudahy
Ball Park
Butterball etc.
Better Cheddars
Chex Mix
Bain de Soleil
Beverages Aplenty
Beer, Water, Juice & Soda
Ice Cream
Good Humor
Prairie Farms
Korber Headwear
******* ******************************************************************************************************
Miscellaneous and Important…
HQ Use - As reported by Karyn Tank, Executive Board member and keeper of numbers, OUR Headquarters hosted
5 meetings with a total of 57 persons in attendance in April.
Parking - If you find the lot near Belt’s full of ice cream aficionados, remember the alternative parking lot south of HQ
by Skipp’s Bowling Alley is often nearly empty on meeting nights.
Dave Obey Award - It is not too early to start thinking about whom you will nominate for the Annual Dave Obey
Leadership Award. The award is given at the Annual Picnic to the individual member that exemplifies the qualities
Congressman Obey demonstrated throughout his 35 years in the US Congress. More information and the application
will be included in a future newsletter.
Wisconsin Public Education Network - provided these facts after the Joint Finance Committee vote to “take over”
public schools in Milwaukee and Racine last week.
• 870,652 students attend Wisconsin Public Schools in 2014-15.
• 0.06 o/o (526) of these students applied for private school tuition vouchers for 2015-16. That number is
20 o/o less than the number who applied last year despite the expansion of the program.
• 81 o/o of vouchers will go to student already attending private school in 2015-16.
Polls show the majority of Wisconsinites oppose paying more for vouchers and support investing more in the public
More Taxpayer-funded private school tuition is an expensive entitlement Wisconsin doesn’t want and can’t afford.
The choice is clear: Wisconsin families choose Public Schools!
Page 7
Program for June 9th Meeting
John Regnier , veteran of WWII, is into his 90’s and still actively shares the
experience he and other troops of the Third Army’s 182nd Medical Battalion had
when they stepped into Othrdruf Camp near Gotha, Germany in 1945 when he
was just 23 years old. Othrdruf was a Nazi run slave labor camp. Othrdruf was
the first concentration camp the Allies liberated but by the time they got there
only a handful of survivors were left.
Portage County Democratic Party Headquarters
Socialization begins at 6:30
Program & Meeting to follow
John Regnier will join us for his
presentation at 7 PM
Authorized and paid for by Portage County Democratic Party Jerry Ugland, Treasurer