Here is the score sheet for the Project GLOC 2015 Online Wod #2


Here is the score sheet for the Project GLOC 2015 Online Wod #2
Project GLOC Online Competition Week Two Workout Two - RX
6 minute AMRAP:
3 double unders
3 box jump overs 20”
3 med ball sit ups 14 lbs
Increase the reps by 3 each round
6 minutes to establish a 1RM Hang Snatch
Workout Two - Scaled 6 minute AMRAP: 9 single unders 3 box step overs 20” 3 med ball sit ups 10 lbs Increase the reps of jump rope by 9 reps each round, and everything else by 3 reps each round. 6 minutes to establish a 1RM Hang Clean This week’s WOD is a two-part workout on a 12-minute running clock. There will be a 6 minute AMRAP, followed immediately by a 6 minute time cap in which to establish your 1 rep max hang snatch (Rx) or hang clean (scaled). Movement notes Double unders - The jump rope passes twice underneath the athlete during each jump. If the athlete is jumping in a double, single, double method (or any variation of double unders and single unders), only the double unders count. Single unders - The jump rope passes once underneath the athlete during each jump. An athlete may not count any double unders completed. Box jump overs/step overs - The rep begins with two feet on the ground on one side of the box. Rx athletes must jump onto the box, and then jump or step down onto the floor on the opposite side of the box. You do not have to open your hips on top of the box. Rx athletes may also complete a full box jump over, in which two feet leave the ground and two feet land on the floor on the opposite side of the box. If the athlete is jumping completely over the box, their feet must cross over the box (no splits), and they cannot touch the box with their hands at any point. The scaled athletes can step onto the box and step down onto the floor on the other side of the box. Both feet must touch the top of the box, and both feet must touch the floor on the opposite side of the box in order for the rep to count. Athletes do not have to reach full extension on top of the box. Scaled athletes may jump if they wish. Med ball sit ups- The rep begins with the medicine ball behind the athlete’s head. Ab mats are not required, but athletes must remain in the butterfly position with at least their heels touching throughout the entire movement. The ball must touch behind the athlete’s head and again in front of the athlete’s feet (Rx). Scaled athletes may touch the ball to the top of their feet. The rep is counted when the ball touches the ground in front of their feet or (for scaled athletes) the top of their feet. Both hands must stay on the ball at all times. Hang snatch - The athlete must snatch deadlift the weight up and come to a complete stop in full extension before beginning the hang snatch. The bar cannot dip below the knee to begin the hang snatch. The bar must travel into the overhead position in one fluid motion and may be caught in a power or squat position. In order for the rep to count, the athlete must reach full extension/lockout with the weight overhead and be in control of the bar. If your knee touches the ground or the bar touches your head, the rep is automatically terminated. Hang clean - The athlete must deadlift the weight up and come to a complete stop in full extension before beginning the hang clean. The bar cannot dip below the knee to begin the hang clean. The bar must travel into the front rack position in one fluid motion and may be caught in the power, squat, or split position. In order for the rep to count, the athlete must reach full extension with the weight in the front rack position, elbows visible in front of the bar and bar resting on the collarbones/shoulders (unless there is a mobility issue that prevents this). The athlete must be in control of the bar in the finish position in order for the rep to count. If your knee touches the ground, the rep is automatically terminated. Project GLOC Online Competition WOD 2 ­ RX Athlete Name: On a 12 minute running clock, 6 min AMRAP of 3 DU, 3 box jump overs, 3 medball sit ups. Increase rep scheme by 3 each round. Immediately following, 6 min to establish a 1RM hang snatch. 9 27 54 3 DU 15 DU 3 box jump overs 15 box jump overs 3 medball sit ups 15 medball sit ups 6 DU 18 DU 6 box jump overs 18 box jump overs 6 medball sit ups 18 medball sit ups 9 DU 21 DU 9 box jump overs 21 box jump overs 9 medball sit ups 21 medball sit ups 12 DU 24 DU 24 box jump overs 24 medball sit ups 135 189 252 12 box jump overs 90 12 medball sit ups 324 Total reps completed: 1RM Hang Snatch Attempts Athlete Signature: Judge Signature: 1RM Hang Snatch Final Weight: Project GLOC Online Competition WOD 2 ­ Scaled Athlete Name: On a 12 minute running clock, 6 min AMRAP of 9 single unders, 3 box step overs, 3 medball sit ups. Increase rep scheme by 3 each round, single unders increase by 9. Immediately following, 6 min to establish a 1RM hang clean. 15 45 90 9 single unders 45 single unders 3 box step overs 15 box step overs 3 medball sit ups 15 medball sit ups 18 single unders 54 single unders 6 box step overs 18 box step overs 6 medball sit ups 18 medball sit ups 27 single unders 63 single unders 9 box step overs 21 box step overs 9 medball sit ups 21 medball sit ups 36 single unders 72 single unders 12 box step overs 24 box step overs 24 medball sit ups 225 315 420 150 12 medball sit ups 540 1RM Hang Clean Attempts Athlete Signature: Judge Signature: 1RM Hang Clean Final Weight: