Queen`s Messenger - Queen of Peace Parish


Queen`s Messenger - Queen of Peace Parish
Queen’s Messenger
Queen of Peace Church
2550 Millville Avenue ~~ Hamilton, Ohio 45013
May 2015
The Eucharist is the flame and source of
Love. Come linger with Jesus in adoration
on Friday, May 1st beginning after the 8:00 am Mass
and ending with Benediction at 3:00pm.. .. We have
Eucharistic Exposition with Benediction and
Confessions on every Wednesday starting at
Prayer Hotline
Do you know that we have a Prayer
Hotline which is available by phone or email? To request prayers or to be added
to the distribution list of those who pray for the prayer
requests please call Connie @ 887-6449 or e-mail her
at [email protected]
Hope you can join us at May Crowning after 11:00am
Mass on May 3rd.
Weekly Budget Requirement $12,800.00 *
Weekly Collection 11/12 Apr
Surplus for the week
Queen of Peace Honors for Second Trimester
Fourth Grade: Dominic Nadler, Emma Bohman, Joseph
Clair, Elizabeth Hudak, Erin MacDonlad, Sarah West,
Aavery Brown, Luke Fulmer, Benjamin Kaake,
Maya Mazes, Drew Willis
Fifth Grade: Claire Kuntz, Emma Melzer, Mallory Smith,
Jack Walsh, Brooke Auciello, Owen Daniels, Jake Graf,
Julia Kinsel, Lexi Krause, Nick Maraschiello,
Brooke Weisbrodt, Hannah Ballinger, Emma Danner,
Julia Kiep, Max Kramer, Emily Lagedrost,
Benjamin Olenick
Sixth Grade: A. J. Enginger, Maddie Thompson,
Nick Young, Isabelle Helton, Max Lauer,
Ashley McKinney, Ty. Reister, Colby Stolph,
Logan Imhoff, Cody Lowenstine, Elainia Nadler,
Charlotte, Spencer, Bobby Young
Seventh Grade: Caroline Castrucci, Adam Clements,
Morgan Nadler, Max Smith, Jackson Bryan, Julia Ulrich,
Gabriella Reising
Eighth Grade: John Berg, Dominic Gerdes,
Kaden Kimbrell, Joey Walsh, Will Enderle, Jenna Jarvis,
Andrea Schlabach.
Deficit for the year
( $ 1,893.36)
*Established by Parish Council
Remember to LIKE Queen of Peace Catholic Church on
St. Xavier Honors for the Third Quarter
Juniors: Lee Yates, Benjamin Harding
Senior: Colton Gebhart
Ursuline Third Quarter Honor Roll
Freshman: Ellee Cornett
Queen of Peace Website: queenofpeacechurch.net
We laugh, we cry, we make time fly... we
are best friends, my mom and I.
Page 2
Grant unto them eternal rest O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon
them. May they rest in peace.
Joseph B. Paproski father to Hank
Paproski, Francine Pence, Janet
Amy, Ruth Michael, Ted Paproski &
Judy Sizemore; grandfather to
Chris, Steven, Sarah Jonathan,
Stephanie, Anna, Alex, Jillian,
Zach, Tyler, Jacob, Jarrad, Allie; brother to Theodore
Paproski; Paula J. Noll wife of Butch; mother of Tami
(Aaron) Harding and Michelle (Gary) Jones, Nick (Lou)
Noll and Michael (Emily) Noll; grandmother of Shawn,
Stephanie, Tyler, Austin, Megan, Dallas, Brittani, Jacob,
Ethan, Lauren, Aiden, and Jocelyn; great grandmother
of Xae, Kylie, Anna & Corey.
Our prayers and
sympathy go out to all the family members.
Our Sympathy goes to the families of Judith Geyer
who passed away on March 19, 2015 & Evelyn
Winsted who passed away on March 30, 2015. Our
prayers and sympathy go out to all the family
New Parishioners
New Parishioners: The Elgie Family: Elyse, Nick,
Braydon, Aubrey, & Luna; The Boyd Family;
Andrew, Sarah, & Olivia; The Van Winkle family:
Rickey & Christy; The Moore Family: Terry, Nicole,
Logan, & Olivia;
We Bless the newly baptized:
Evelyn Hudak daughter of
Stephen; Olivia Nichole Boyd daughter
Andrew; Hunter Murdock Kendall son
Heather &
of Sarah &
of Tyler &
Life is a journey. When we stop,
things don’t go right. (Pope Francis)
Lasagna Soup
1 pound ground sausage, browned
1 yellow onion, diced
1 green bell pepper, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup tomato paste
3 teaspoons Italian Seasoning
1 (14.5 ounce) can petite diced tomatoes
2 (14.5 ounce) cans chicken broth
6 lasagna noodles, broken into bite size pieces
1 (15 ounce) container ricotta cheese
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese for serving
1. Place browned sausage, onion, bell pepper,
garlic, tomato paste, Italian seasoning,
tomatoes, and chicken broth in a 6-quart slow
2. Cover and cook on low for 6 hours.
3. Add broken lasagna noodles to soup
4. Cover and cook for an additional 30 to 40
minutes or until noodles are cooked through
5. Ladle hot soup into bowls
6. Add a spoonful of ricotta cheese to each bowl
7. Sprinkle liberally with mozzarella and Parmesan
cheese before serving.
(Serves 10)
Special Notice about Parking
The fire marshal reviewed the parking at Queen of
Peace. To permit ambulance and fire equipment access
to the front of church we will need to create and
enforce no parking zones:
-between St. Isidore Hall and the rectory;
-the hill up to the front door of church;
-the inner circle in front of the school;
We ask all parishioners to observe the no parking
zones. We will have the pavement painted in the near
future. Thank You, Members of Building and Grounds
Pope Benedict XVI: Silent adoration
In a world where there is so much noise, so much
bewilderment, there is a need for silent adoration of
Jesus concealed in the Host. Be assiduous in the prayer
of adoration and teach it to the faithful. It is a source of
comfort and light, particularly to those who are suffering.
Pope Benedict XVI – from his meeting with members of
the Roman clergy March 2, 2006
Page 3
Deacon Mike's Corner
I have constantly heard that Catholics practice
superstition with all of the "sacramentals" they use
such as water, oils, incense, relics etc. How do I
answer that?
Anointing was a way of investing someone with power in
the Old and New Testaments. An example of this was the
anointing of King Solomon upon his ascent to his throne (I
Kings1:39). This signified divine sanctification and
approval. It could also signify the consecration of someone
or something for a holy purpose. Anointing was also done
for the healing of the sick just as it is done today in the
Catholic Church.
It reads in Mark 6:13, "And they cast out many demons, and
anointed with oil many that were sick and healed them".
In Matthew 26:12 we read, "In pouring this ointment on my
body she has done it to prepare me for burial". Jesus
allowed the woman to pour oil on him and anoint him. If
Jesus allowed this, then obviously this is not superstition. If
it were superstitious, He would have been obligated to
correct her since he is the "Truth".
In James 5:14 we read, "Is any among you sick? Let him
call for the elders of the Church (Priests), and let them pray
over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the
Lord". This is especially found in the Sacrament of the
"Anointing of the Sick".
Additionally, in the Jewish Temple, all Jews had to wash
with water their face, ears, hands and feet before entering
into prayer inside the temple proper (Our use of holy
water). Jesus did! Additionally, in the Temple, there was
incense burning constantly as a sign of prayer wafting into
the Heavens. We also find incense even being burnt in
Heaven before the Father by the Saints (Rev, 5:8) as a sign
of our prayers.
In the past I have written on the use of relics. Refer to 2
Kings13:20-21, Acts 5:15-16, and Acts 19:11-12. The
Catholic Catechism has a wealth of info for further
We would all do well in paying attention to the command of
St. Peter in 1 Peter 3:15-16, "Always be ready to give an
explanation to anyone who ask you for the reason of your
hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence"! Are you?
We prepare ourselves by studying the Catholic Catechism,
Bible, and taking advantage of the various means to learn
more thru the RCIA program which is open to all Catholics
and those seeking to come into the faith, Bible study on
Tuesday evenings and Thursday mornings and evenings
(see bulletin) until May 14th. Listening to Catholic radio
89.5 FM and 740 AM, especially 2-8 pm you will find a vast
array of formats in which the faith or faith in action is
explained generally in a Q&A format. Many Protestants
listen and are drawing ever closer to the faith thru this great
programming. Also go to www.catholic.com for an
extensive array of info on questions and answers about our
Catholic faith. Are you listening? I would like to know your
thoughts....... Email me at: [email protected].
Saint Francis De Sales pray for us.
A Big Thank You from Saint Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent DePaul would like to thank everyone
for their contributions of money, paper goods and
personal care items. If you know of anyone who
could use help please tell them to contact the
Parish Office at 863-4344 Ext. 38
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my
spirit rejoices in God my Savior; Because
He has regarded the lowliness of His
handmaid; for behold, henceforth all
generations shall call me blessed;
Because He who is mighty has done great
things for me, and Holy is His Name;
And His mercy is from generation to
generation on those who fear Him. He
has shown might with His arm, He has
scattered the proud in the conceit of their
heart. He has put down the mighty from
their thrones, and has exalted the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good
things, and the rich he has sent away
empty. He has given help to Israel, His
servant, mindful of His mercy - Even as
He spoke to our father - to Abraham and
to his posterity forever.
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Opportunity Available
for someone with a green thumb and
an hour a week to tend to the plants
in the church. This could be at your convenience
with additional time needed during Christmas and
Easter. This would also be a “volunteer
opportunity” for qualifying tuition rates at the
school. Call Myrna Heister @ 887-1094 with any
questions in regards to the plants.
Page 4
A Note from the Second
Hi! What an exciting time
for Second Grade! We
are busy preparing for First Communion April
25th & April 26th. Come celebrate their receiving
this Blessed Sacrament with us!
Congratulations to the New First Communicants
Emma Ballinger, Caroline Boyle, Austin Carney,
Samuel Collins, Brady Cook, Ellie Daniels,
Addison Danner, Andrew Dennett, Carley Enginger,
Dylan Fleckenstein, Audrey Graf, Cameron Gregory,
Nathan Hammerle, Nikole Hanson,
Timothy Holley,
Emily Ivey, Ryan Jester, Jacob Kaake, Zackary Kramer,
Tommy Kremer,
Luke Lagedrost, Riley Lagedrost,
Kyle Lamberti, Claire Mazes, Sean Mazes,
Brady McFarland, Conner Meyers, Caroline Mignery,
Cayden Rhoads, Amber Rook, Claire Rumpke,
Madeline Schnieber, Maguire Smith, Kerry Snyder,
Josselyn Spencer, Zachary Strotman, Mary Summe,
Carson Thomas, Owen Tobergte, & Lucas Wilmer
Social Action Committee
Saturday, July 18, is the date for the Social Action
Committee's yard sale. Drop off is Wednesday
through Friday, July 15 through July 17 from 3 pm to 6
The Social Action Committee is again preparing and
serving meals throughout the year at Serve City, a
homeless shelter on East Avenue in Hamilton.
We extend our best wishes to Ms.
Linda Taylor, Q.P. School
S e c r e t a r y ,
o n
her Twenty Five years of service
to Queen of Peace Parish. Miss
Taylor was hired on March 26,
1990. Throughout the years we
have enjoyed your dedication and
enthusiasm for your job. We wish
you continued success for many
years to come.
Kroger Shoppers Attention
Kroger shoppers-- It's time to reenroll to support QP #80487 with
your Kroger rewards card -Last
year we were very close to
reaching our goal of 100 families supporting QP but
starting May 1st, all families must re-enroll or lose their
election of who they support. We truly appreciate your
support of this program and hope this year we can reach
our goal of 100 families supporting QP with their Kroger
Festival News
the back of church for
each family.
families received theirs
through their child’s
b ackp ack.
tickets are available to
sell, the second $50 Early Bird drawing is Monday, May
11th. The Main Raffle is a huge revenue for our festival.
The remaining 2015 dates are :
Wednesdays: June 17, July 29, August 19, September
30, October
21, December
and December
30 Saturdays: May 30, August 29, and October 31.
[email protected] 513-873-8498 or Vicki Cross at
[email protected] 513-708-6720 for information
concerning either event.
Bradford Place Card & Bingo Party
Bradford Place will be holding their annual Card & Bingo
Party on Wednesday May 6th from 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Admission is $10.00, Cards, Bingo, Flower Sale, Bake
Sale, Complimentary Light Lunch, & Cash prize raffle.
Booth chairs are
needed for the Garden Booth, Candy Booth, & Split the
Pot Booth. A co-chair is needed for the $25 for 25 Cents
Booth. Families that share this responsibility help
lighten the load and accommodates everyone’s busy
schedules. Please call the parish office or email festival
chairs at festival@qphamilton. org.
CHINESE BASKET BOOTH-Consider donating a
“themed” basket or other “high demand item” to this
year’s booth. School themed baskets have already
been sent to Room Mom’s. This booth is 100% profit
because of the generous donations from our school and
parish families. Small business owners and home party
consultants are encouraged to promote and donate!
Thank you!
Page 5
Page 6
A Mother’s Love
By Carol Matthews
A mother loves right from the start,
She holds her baby close to her heart.
The bond that grows will never falter,
Her love is so strong it will never alter.
A mother gives never ending love,
She never feels that she has given enough.
For you she will always, do her best,
Constantly working, there’s no time to rest.
A mother is there when things go wrong,
A hug and a kiss to help us along.
Always there when we need her near,
Around 1850, two organizations purchased land on
Greenwood Ave in Hamilton. Today we call them St
Stephen and Greenwood Cemeteries. Both cemeteries
have property on both sides of Greenwood Ave, with no
fences separating them.
St Stephen Old Cemetery is on the south side of
Greenwood Ave. In it contains some of our oldest
burials. It also has a special section for infant burials,
and many nuns are buried toward the front of the
St Stephen Old Cemetery is surrounded by Greenwood
Cemetery on three sides.
But upon entering St
Stephen’s Old, you will see a crucifix, and that tells you
that you have entered the Catholic cemetery.
Gently wipes our eyes when we shed a tear.
A mother’s prayer means so very much,
Believing in God and his gentle touch.
Keeping you safe both day and night,
Your mother’s prayer will time it just right.
So on this day shower your mother with love,
Gifts and presents are nice but that is not enough.
Give your mother a day to have some peace of mind,
Be gentle, be good, be helpful, be kind.
The crucifix has been in the cemetery for many decades,
but recently was vandalized and Jesus leg stolen. In
February, we hired a company to make repairs. And on
April 1, the beautiful crucifix came back to us. We invite
you to come see the past lives of the cemetery blended
with the new life of the crucifix.
Anyone wishing to make a donation toward the repair of
the crucifix can mail a donation to St Stephen, Attn:
Crucifix repair. Thank you.
Our final expression of faith as Catholics is the blessed
and sacred burial in a Catholic cemetery. This is our
opportunity to rest among fellow believers, awaiting the
resurrection to life everlasting in union with God.
St Mary and St Stephen Cemeteries still have plenty of
available space to serve future generations. And both
cemeteries have many burial options. St Stephen
Cemetery, 1314 Greenwood Ave, Hamilton Oh 45011
[email protected]
Page 7
Server Schedules will be emailed to parents, on the
website when available, in the Google Calendar, and
posted in the Classroom each Month
Mass Coordinators/ Lectors
May 2
S. Wilmer
M. Mergy
May 9
A. Helton
E. Fryer
queenofpeacechurch.net under the Ministry Schedules.
May 16
Deacon Jeff
B. Sander
May 23
M. Heister
C. Maraschiello
Dress Code
May 30
S. Wilmer
E. Fryer
A neat and reverential appearance is in keeping with the
minister’s role and belief in the presence of Christ in the
Eucharist. The minister’s attire should not detract from
that role. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
should see to it that their hands are clean. They should
also refrain from using strong cologne, perfume, or aftershave because some people have sensitivities to these
scents and because these fragrances often remain on
one’s hands and can be transferred to the Eucharist.
Extraordinary Ministers – Pants/slacks, dress/skirt,
(Clean, a nice shirt w/collar ), that covers shoulders. Wear shoes, dress shoes are best. Never wear
shorts, flip-flops, sweats, or hoodies, t-shirts, or
jeans. Bare shoulder or midriff, and low cut tops are not
appropriate. Take care also that clothing is well fitted,
not too tight and not too loose. High heels are a danger
so should not be worn. Simple jewelry is acceptable. Refrain from wearing bangle/bracelets. Sunglasses on the head are not acceptable. Proper attire
refers not only to what you wear, but also how appropriate it is for Mass. The Coordinator of the Mass reserves
the right to ask another minister to serve in your place if
you are not properly attired to serve as a minister.
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31
A. Korb
S. Krause
C. Baumgartner
B. Gfroerer
K. Hubbard
C. Holmes
M. Kramer
D. Streit
C. Holmes
M. Kramer
K. Watkins
C. Coakley
T. Stempfley
K. Watkins
J. Coakley
J. Krabbe
C. Sunderhaus
A. Boehm
E. Bowden
J. Krabbe
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31
ExtraOrdinary Ministers
May 2
May 9
May 16
May 23
May 30
P. Arno, K. Conner, Deacon Jeff, T. Falk,
J. Sander, W. Sander, S. Wilmer
Deacon Jeff, L. Greiner, Ta. Helton, J. Marshall,
K. Melchion, P. North, D. Robinson
P. Arno, Deacon Jeff, T. Falk, K. Forrest, L. Peter,
T. Peter, D. Robinson, S. Wilmer
K. Conner, Deacon Jeff ,E. Fryer, M. Heister,
A. Heister, J. Marshall, M. Mergy
Deacon Jeff, M. Graf, L. Greiner, K. Melchion,
J. Sander, W. Sander, S. Wilmer
1. Please try to be at Church at least 15 minutes
before Mass and let the coordinator know you are
May 3
May 10
2. Please Remember: If you are unable to perform
your ministry duties, you are responsible to get a
May 17
3. Proper attire is Required for the Mass. Dresses
must have hemlines that come approximately no more
than 3 to 4 inches above the knee. Strapless dresses,
tank top dresses, spaghetti straps, sleeveless shirts,
tank tops halter tops, short skirts, t-shirts, jeans, shorts,
and flip flops are not appropriate dress. Attire must
bring honor not scandal to the Mass.
May 31
May 24
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31
A. Dsuban, T. Dsuban, IV, A. Korb, J. McNamara,
Deacon Mike, D. Niehaus, H. Schmidtz
T. Baker, La. Krause, N. Krause, S. Krause,
C. Menche, D. Menche, Deacon Mike
C. Baumgartner, J. Baumgartner, A. Glasshagel,
G. Glasshagel, J. McNamara, Deacon Mike,
M. Streit
T. Baker, B. Gfroerer, C. Menche, J. McNamara,
D. Menche, Deacon Mike, H. Schmidtz
C. Baumgartner, J. Baumgartner, D. Hubbard,
K. Hubbard, A. Korb, Deacon Mike, D. Niehaus
J. Flaig, B. Flaig, K. Rooney, B. Strobl,
C. Sunderhaus, A. Boehm, K. Watkins
A. Boehm, S. Castator, G. Castator, L. Herold,
T. McKenna, N. Stempfley, E. Sunderhaus
S. Castator, G. Castator, J. Flaig, B. Flaig,
K. Rooney, N. Stempfley, B. Strobl
S. Castator, G. Castator, L. Herold, B. Hiner,
T. McKenna, B. Strobl, K. Watkins
A. Boehm, J. Flaig, B. Flaig, K. Rooney, B. Strobl,
C. Sunderhaus, E. Sunderhaus
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