April 2015 - Robinson Middle School


April 2015 - Robinson Middle School
d Calend
n update
s visit:
of Event
For a
April 2015
Amy Champlin
Secretary—Kim Meller
Assistant Principal
Stephanne Seals
(7th grade L-Z, 8th grade)
Assistant Principal
Eric Malashchuk
(7th grade A-K, 6th grade)
State Assessments: State Assessments are underway! So far things have run rather smoothly…we have only experienced a few minor glitches! We will continue with assessments at
every grade level until April 23. You can help your students prepare for assessments by getting them to school on time, making sure they have had a good night’s sleep, and making
sure they have a nutritious breakfast!
No School: Mark your calendars! There is no school on Friday, April 17 (conference release
day) and Monday, April 20 (inservice). The last day of school for all students will be Thursday,
May 21.
5th Grade Visitation Day and Orientation: Robinson will be welcoming incoming 5th graders
from Hyde, College Hill, Adams, and Washington for a visit to our school during the school
day on Thursday, April 30th. There will be NO SCHOOL for current Robinson 6th graders on
April 30th. On the evening of April 30th, we will invite ALL incoming 5th graders and their parents to come to Robinson 6:00-7:30 p.m. for an orientation session.
8th Grade Dance: Parent volunteers are needed to help with the 8th grade dance on Friday,
May 15, 6:00-8:00 p.m. An initial meeting for interested parents will be held on March 30 at
6:00 p.m. in the Robinson Library. Other meetings and times will be determined at this
meeting. Decorations, food, and a theme will be discussed. Please remind your student that
they have to be in good academic standing in order to attend the dance on May 15.
8th Grade Promotion: Mark your calendars! The 8th graders will celebrate their completion of
middle school on Thursday, May 21st in the Robinson gym. The program will start promptly
at 9:00 a.m. A reception with cookies and punch will be held on the south patio after the
program. Eighth graders will be released to their parents immediately following the program!
Dress Code Reminders: As the weather gets warmer, please keep our dress code guidelines
in mind! A copy of the dress code can be found in the student agenda or on our website.
Shorts and skirts must be fingertip length. Shirts (even if worn under a sweater or jacket)
must have sleeves. Shirts with plunging necklines or inappropriate words/pictures are not
acceptable. Leggings may not be worn alone; they may be worn under shorts or skirts that
are fingertip length. Torn/shredded jeans—if the tears are above fingertip length, leggings
or shorts must be worn underneath. Sagging pants are not allowed…pants should fit securely
around the waist! Students who are not in compliance with the dress code will be asked to
call home for a change of clothes. If a parent cannot be reached, students will be assigned
to in-school suspension until the dress code issue can be resolved.
State Assessment Season Is Upon Us
The testing window at Robinson will open the week before spring break on March 10 and
the last scheduled assessment will occur on April 23rd. Due to the many factors involved
with the assessments, our testing schedule is quite complicated, with various grade levels
and subjects being assessed simultaneously throughout the window. Attendance is essential during these
times, so please keep that in mind when scheduling appointments. For specific dates and times of
testing, please contact your child’s teachers.
These summative assessments provide information about the depth and breadth of what students have
learned. They are entirely computer based, and are used in the state accountability system. The students will
be taking the assessment on the Kansas Interactive Testing Engine (KITE), which allows them to respond to a
variety of technology enhanced items. In addition to the traditional multiple choice items, students will be
dragging & dropping, filling in blanks, plotting points on a graph, labeling images, sorting, selecting from drop
downs, etc. You may be wondering what types of assessments your child will be taking. Below is a brief summary of what is assessed at each grade level.
Multidisciplinary Performance Task – MDPT
(2 Days)
Grades 6, 7, 8
Math Performance Task MPT (1 Day)
Grades 6, 7, 8
English Language Arts - ELA
(2 Days)
Grades 6, 7, 8
(2 Days)
Grades 6, 7, 8
Grade 7
Social Studies
Grades 6 & 8
Day one includes reading and taking notes, etc.
Day two includes the on-demand writing prompt. Could be - Narrative, Argument,
or Informative/Explanatory writing.
Expected 3 – 5 paragraphs in length.
Students write directly in the KITE system.
Test to Speech feature is enabled on this test, so. . .
ALL students will need earbuds or headphones
Students are asked to solve a problem and write how they solved it.
This takes one class period.
Could take as much as 50 minutes but could also be as short as 15 minutes.
4 parts
Part 1 – 25 items
Part 2 – 15 items
Part 3 – 15 items
Part 4 – 15 items
4 parts
Part 1 – 25 items
Part 2 – 15 items
Part 3 – 15 items
Part 4 – 15 items
Multiple Choice
Same as last year but fewer items and only items aligned with new standards
Part 1 and Part 2 =
50 minutes but may take longer
Field Test
The Beginning Band students have nearly completed a year of instruction and have
made incredible progress!
Now would be a good time to start shopping for an instrument for next year
(students who are currently renting a school flute, clarinet, trumpet or trombone.)
The 3 main music stores in town may have “nearly new” instruments to sell this time
of year. Beat the “back to school” rush! Information has been sent home with your
students regarding shopping for an instrument. You can always contact one of the
band directors if you have additional questions. Our next concert is Thursday, May
14, at East High. I think you will be surprised how far the beginning band has come
this year!
The 7th grade band students are working on music for the spring concert which is Thursday, May 14. It would be a
good idea to check and make sure concert black clothes still fit! (Black pants/skirt, black shirt/blouse, black socks and
black shoes.) Check with your reed players (clarinet, saxophones) to see that they have 3 playable reeds in their
case. Brass players should have valve/slide oil. If your student has an instrument at home and one at school, they
need valve oil for the school instrument as well.
Middle School Band Festival is right around the corner – April 25. The band will be performing at Northeast Magnet
High School, time to be announced later, and, of course, parents are always welcome to come hear our performance if you can get away during the day. All students will need to wear their concert black for this performance
(black pants/skirt, black shirt/blouse, black socks, black shoes.)You might want to check now to make sure those
clothes still fit! The trip to the Festival of Music at Worlds of Fun is April 25. An itinerary will be sent home later this
month. Final concert is Thursday, May 14!
There were a total of 23 entries from the Robinson Band Dept. at Middle School solo/ensemble festival! Students
earned a total of six “2” ratings; sixteen “1” ratings (including the Jazz Band); and one “AP” (advanced performance)
to 8th grade percussionist, Sean Whalen!
The Robinson Jazz Band has been invited to perform at the luncheon of the Kansas Association of School Business
Officials convention to be held April 16, at the Hyatt in Wichita! We will be rehearsing every Tuesday and Thursday
morning at 7:00 am to prepare for this performance!
Science: Ms. Zongker
In sixth grade Science we will be doing a lot of fun and exciting labs. We will start out with using our microscopes again and we will be viewing animal and plant cells. The class will also have the opportunity to dissect
an owl pellet. This is the remains of an owl’s prey they cannot digest. We will also put the remains together
and identify the prey. As a class we will make a graph to represent the prey each group dissected. Your student will be constructing a solar oven for our Science Performance Assessment. This will be in April, but your student will need
to bring foil, plastic wrap, and tape to construct the solar oven. I will be providing the pizza box for the experiment.
Language Arts: Ms. Bailer and Ms. Pfannenstiel
Big Idea: Acceptance
Enduring Understanding: Accepting diversity strengthens community.
Essential Questions:
What does it mean to accept others?
How do we respectfully demonstrate acceptance of others?
What is the relationship between diversity and acceptance?
KCCRS ELA Topical Questions:
How does determining the meaning of figurative language help the reader analyze the impact of tone in a story?
What inferences can you draw from text by analyzing author’s use of style to describe characters? (RL.6.1)
How can summarizing a section of text help a reader determine a theme or central idea of the story? (RL.6.2)
When writing an informative/explanatory essay about the similarities and differences of two cultures and how the two
demonstrate acceptance of one another, how will students utilize the compare/contrast text structure strategy in organizing the
paper? (W.6.2a-f)
Unit Overview: This unit challenges students to examine the idea of acceptance in our diverse world. At the end of this unit, students should be able to analyze and evaluate the importance of accepting many diverse people, ideas and ways of life. Students will also focus on understanding how diversity can be found in both large and small settings and why it is essential to be
accepting. Suggested texts will help build understanding of respectful acceptance in multiple situations. The Close Reading selection, “The All-American Slurp” by Lensey Namioka, introduces students to a Chinese family that recently immigrated to the
United States. This short story will invite students to determine central ideas that impact answers to the essential questions. Students will have multiple opportunities to respond through writing, listening, and speaking. After reading “The All American
Slurp”, compare and contrast American and Chinese cultures including information about the Lin and the Gleason families’ ideas and ways of life. In your paper, include evidence of acceptance of the other’s culture by both families.
Social Studies: Ms. Thach
Myths are the oldest and most powerful of all story forms. They often carry an important message for a culture or a
group. Students are continuing their study of Greek mythology through gods, goddesses, and
mythical creatures and develop an understanding of what their purposes are. Lastly, please take
about 5 minutes a day to talk about current events with your child.
Math: Ms. Meitler and Mr. Franks
We are starting a new unit called Covering and Surrounding. This unit will help students gain a deeper understanding of perimeter, area, and surface area. Students will be given a new book to use during this unit. The book looks like a workbook, but
students are not allowed to write in it . Students will have these books checked out to them, and they will return the books at
the end of the unit. Just like any other textbook, students are responsible for returning the book in good condition. If the book
is damaged, lost, or stolen, the student will be charged $10 to replace the book.
State testing started in March and will continue through April. It is helpful for students to get plenty of rest every night, and eat
a good breakfast every morning. We have a limited window of time to get all students tested, so attendance is very important
during the testing. Parents can talk with their student about the testing dates, as students will have different testing schedules.
As always, it is good to practice their basic facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on a regular basis at home.
Frequent practice allows your student to gain confidence and ability to be a better mathematician. Also, remember to sign
your student’s agenda once a week. Students use their agenda as a communication tool between school and home, so we
hope that you’ll look it over and use it to discuss what your child is learning every day.
Thank you to all the families who came to Robinson for our
7th grade Astronomy night!
Students who attended
were able to show off their rockets, see Jupiter using the telescope, learned about surviving a crash landing on Mars, and heard a
speaker from the Lake Afton Observatory teach us about the solar system. It was a really fun evening and was really great to see all
the kids excited about showing off everything they have worked on in science class!
Math students are working on statistics and geometry during 4th quarter.
Students will be allowed to use calculators on
several of these assignments. If you are planning to purchase a calculator, the TI-30xIIs model is the best. (They cost approximately
$15 and will work for 7th grade concepts into high school. Make sure to have students write their names on their calculators since
many students have the same kind!) Students should bring homework home every night on Monday through Thursday. Continue to
check agendas and ask your student to show you their completed homework.
This quarter in Language Arts, students will be exploring the theme of Choices. We will be reading several fiction and
nonfiction selections and analyzing the impact of the choices we make. This unit will culminate in an essay about how each of these
selections relate to each student’s life.
Mrs. Levy’s 7th grade class has been learning about personal narratives and will be writing one in class. The students are reading Freak
the Mighty and completing various individual and group activities connected with the book. They are discussing setting, characters,
and numerous types of conflict.
ZAP (Zeroes aren’t permitted): Did you know that there is FREE lunch tutoring for students who
need time to catch up on work? To come to ZAP, students need to bring their work with them to lunch and meet at the overflow
tables. Students bring their lunch and have a quiet place to work during lunch and recess time. The supervising teacher can help
them look up assignments they are missing, answer questions about homework, and help them get organized. Students who have a
D or F in three or more classes should be attending ZAP every day it is offered.
Science—Hard to believe we are almost 3/4 of the way through our school year! Thank you to the adults who helped make our
Rocket projects and 7th Grade Astronomy Night on Tuesday, March 10 such a success! We will finish the year with Astronomy with
many activities and a final project. We will cover the 4th R Unit – Healthy Relationships, Safe Choices, Connected Youth; with a five
day coverage of the District Curriculum on Human Growth & Development.
The 8th grade team would like to congratulate the following students for their participation in this year’s Family Engagement Night. There were some great acts and loads of talent.
Joseph Beauchamp & Nolan Cupp were the Masters of Ceremony
These gentlemen did a fine job leading us through the talented acts. RMS 8th grade students are full of talent so
we’d like to send a big shout out to them all;
Malia Levy
Isaiah Wisnger
“Barbie Beyonce Mix”
Dalania Anderson
Song&Praise Dance
Jaylin Mayhan/Jakayra Harris
Anna Duntz
Kianna Nwoji
“Let her Go”
“Take Me to The King”
“ I’m Not the Only One”
Christian McPherson
Talent Show Helpers:
Carissa Bilson
Rowen Mayo
Timya Williams
Destiny Duran
Brianna Durant
Mary Sinclair
State Testing
In other news the 8th Grade Team would like to mention that we have officially begun State Testing and we need all
our 8th grade students in school on time every day. We will continue State testing all month and into the month of
April so, please make sure students are in school and on time each day.
8th Grade Promotion
8th grade promotion will be here before you know it. We have lots of end of the year activities for those deserving
students, so keep encouraging all students to follow the school wide CHAMPS, be on their best behavior and come
to class prepared to learn. More information will be sent home regarding the end of the year 8th grade activities.
April 2015 Update for the
Robinson Foundation for Educational Excellence
We are truly grateful to the following families who have contributed to Robinson Foundation. In March, the foundation
allocated funds to Mr. Burrell to purchase a 3D scanner to be used with their new 3D printer. This scanner will enhance
the learning process currently in class and will be extended to other classes. Ms. Gaylene Zongker also received funds
for their owl pellet dissection. Funds were provided to give each student a pellet and for a resource manual for the lab.
THANKS TO THESE FAMILIES who have donated to Foundation for the 2014-2015 school year: Clay Becker Family, Kate
Blair-Dixon and Rene Peres, Patricia and Jeffrey Blessant, John Budde Family, Tracy Callard & Mark Barfield, Lowell and Patresa
Ebersole, Ralitsa Greene Family, Adam and Jennifer Halabi, Bram Hileman Family, Charles Jenney, Jacqueline Jessop Family, Andrew and Karen Knott, Mark and Suzanne Laycock, Chiaw-Weai Loo and Phuoc Le, Viswanathan Madhavan, Dan and Maria Mason, Jacob Mosher Family, Tamara Patterson, Jerry and Carri Siebenmark, Nitya Singh and Bharti Sinha, Amit Tamhane and
Vaidehi Likhite, Archibong and Ima Ukoefreso,Olivia Wilch Family, and Eric and Paula Zoller.
Your gifts ensure great opportunities continue to come to our students at Robinson. Please consider supporting the Robinson Middle School Foundation! Your donation makes a difference! Donations go directly to the
school, are immediately available, and 100% benefits our students.
Patresa Ebersole
Foundation President and The Board of Directors
Thank-You for supporting Rams Concessions This month we will be at Coleman & Stucky track!
Your support is raising money for bleachers for our future practice gym. See you at the track meet!
Dairy Queen Night—5335 East Central
Tuesday, April 7 | 5 to 10 pm. Eat in or carry out and tell them you are a Robinson family. They will
give 20% back to our school.
Il Vicino Night—4817 East Douglas
Tuesday, April 21 | 5 to 10 pm. Eat in or carry out and tell them you are a Robinson family. They will
give 20% back to our school.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR for something new! Albero Restaurant Night; March 31, April 1 and April 2. Albero Cafe is the newest addition to College Hill’s classic atmosphere. Albero’s menu consists of made from scratch Italian
food, Paninis, and signature entrée dishes like penne marinara, spaghetti Bolognese and chicken parmesan Albero's is
located at 4811 E. Central. They will give 20% back to our school on these nights.
Save your BOXTOPS and put them in the collection box in the school office = $$$ for our school!
THANK YOU Albero Cafe, Chipotle, Dairy Queen, Il Vicino, Wine Dive and The Hill for being community
sponsors of our school.
Next Foundation Board Meeting
Tuesday,April 7 at 6 pm in the Robinson Library. All Robinson parents are welcome to attend. Some of the
present Robinson Foundation board members will be leaving us at the end of the year. If you have always
wanted to join the Robinson Foundation board, please plan on attending the meeting. By the April meeting,
we will be trying to fill vacant positions.
If you cannot attend this particular meeting, but would still like to be considered for a Board position let me
(Patresa Ebersole, President) know via e-mail, [email protected]
Aaron D. Reith
Aaron V. Baker
Aditi R. Kiragi
Aditya Joshi
Alejandro Diaz
Alexander Mandanis
Alexandria N. Stegman
Alissa R. Brown
Allinsipas A. Montoya
Allison J. Schul
Allison T. Feigeles
Allison X. Tee
Amberly Y. Tran
Anaya Parikh
Andre Nguyen
Andrew Li
Anthony N. Ngo
Aryan D. Waghmode
Ashby Schwanz
Azaria G. Au
Bayan A. Hudeib
Baylor J. McPherson
Brianna M. Ray
Brianna P. Durant
Bryan J. Lopez Vasquez
Caleb G. Wisinger
Chance D. White
Claire E. Ebersole
Colby Shieh
Connor M. Corns
Demarr D. Dunbar
Dialeen J. French
Dilara S. Celik
Divyankasri Padamati
Ellie M. Anderson
Ellyssa O. Roberson
Emma V. Reed
Empress Q. Weber
Eric L. Pham
Ethan H. Le
Faith Black
Gillian L. Mains
Gillian M. Bridges
Halle K. Wilson
Hayden G. Hackworth
Henry D. Dunn-Morse
Ian D. Yang
Ife-Oluwa F. Oduniyi
Jacob D. Baskins
Jacqueline E. Jessop
Jaden Nola
James B. Tran
Jasmine Y. Quah
Jayden C. Bowlby
Jeffrey A. Blessant
Jesse Methman
Jesus A. Miguel-Fernandez
Joelle M. Frady
John L. Budde
Joon Hee J. Ooten
Jordan M. Brooks
Jordan M. Fuller
Josephine A. Orf
Julian B. Peres
Kali M. Soyez
Kari E. Coster
Katerina Savvides
Katherine D. Baily
Kendrick H. Pham
Kevin T. Nguyen
Khawaja Saeed
Lauren E. Cho
Lauren I. Zoller
Lisa M. Perry
Lucas C. Laufer
Madeline I. Park
Maitri B. Ajmera
Makenna R. McFarland
Malhar Tamhane
Mallory A. Eldredge
Mara M. Howes
Marcos E. Vera-Bareiro
Marcy R. Verdeyen
Mark Severs
Maya M. Hall
Megan Li
Michael D. Ballos
Michaelann A. Yates
Miguel E. Rocha-Crandall
Montreal A. Allen
Morgan D. Kelley
Mya E. Respress
Natalie F. Knapp
Nathan T. Do
Nicholas J. Flores
Olivia A. Wilch
Paityn N. Chambers
Pearly M. Chitanavong
Praman Adhikari
Rachel O. Flores
Regan L. Carlson
Riley M. Mochowski
Rogelio Loera Lozano
Ronald E. Jr James
Ronan C. Hallacy
Samuel J. Hutchinson
Sarah Black
Sarwa Shah
Shaynon Deal
Silas B. Hicks
Tahsin Ahmmed
Tammy Do-Nguyen
Tayren J. Wade
Tevis J. Grant
Tiffany C. Stanton
Tina X. Pham
Tori A. Armstrong
Tristin V. Perry
Tudsaley Vongsena
Tyawn K. Jackson
Veronica Spillman
Vivian N. Le
Yoon Hee Choi
Yvonne Gonzalez
Zaccheaus R. Sutton
Zara Hassan
Ze'ev E. Barmor
Abdullah Ahmed
Daisy A. Roraback
Jesse E. Allison
Nora A. Lo Nigro
Abir Haque
Declan O. Peters
Jessica C. Roberts
Oliver L. Walcher
Adelyn R. Stultz
Delaney A. Shaw
Jim Huynh
Olivia M. Laycock
Adia C. Tolbert
Destani E. McGee
Joanna M. Johnson
Olivier A. Scholl
Akash Singh
Destinee D. Lowe
John M. Peaden
Phailin Rasynouvong
Alasyia A. Woods
Destiny R. Duran
Joseph P. Wilson
Puria Razinobakht
Alayna T. Nguyen
Devan C. Sparks
Josephine G. Goodpasture
Quan M. Nguyen
Alexandra Rocha
Diana Nguyen
Josiah E. Black
Rachelle L. Montgomery
Alitzah E. Roy
Douglas J. Sousa
Julia R. Carey
Raven R. Miller
Allen Dong
Edward T. Barfield
Kaelee M. Swartz
Raylee D. French
Allyssa N. Klutts
Elena N. Boucard
Kaelyn N. Swartz
Robert Safley
Alyssa H. Jones
Elise James
Kainoa L. Cortez
Ryelie P. Wear
Alyssa R. Byers
Ella E. Perkins
Kaitlin I. Park
Sade M. Thomas
Amar N. Kamalulrahim
Ellie Lisk
Kalley M. Jerrell
Samuel E. Flores
Amira D. Kamalulrahim
Eloise M. Lavacek
Karon M. Sears
Anna J. Peoples
Emilea G. Vazeos
Kassidy J. Wilson
Anna R. Duntz
Emily M. Snider
Katherine J. Seminoff
Ariana M. Felix
Emma G. Davis
Kayleigh R. Deaton
Ashley S. Kortkamp
Emma P. Rhoten
Korede S. Oyalami
Aubriana G. Alexander
Eric H. Son
Kristina Lincoln
Audrey R. Werner
Erika Velazquez
Ky Q. Le
Audrey Y. Ni
Erin R. Perry
Kyla Gatto
Austin S. Parcell
Esmeralda Miguel-Fernandez
Lena R. Jacobson
Autumn R. Weis
Esther Olorunfemi
Lizeth Sustaita
Ava A. Toebe
Fahmy Alhallaq
Logan R. Johnson
Averie M. Ashley
Gabreanna R. Figures
Luis F. Hernandez
Avory A. Norton
Gabriel C. Vannucchi
Luis F. II Ricalday
Bayonne A. Patton
Gabriel M. Murphy
Luke Severs
Brianna M. Demieville
Gabrielle D. Johnson
Luz P. Ordonez Samaniego
Brianna V. Wanjiku-Lyimo
Gavin R. Macy
Madeline B. Hoang
Britney W. Ma
Goretty Martinez
Madeline E. Halabi
Brookelynn E. Hootman
Gracyn K. McClain
Magan Stuhr
Bryanna N. Lowry
Haley Albrecht
Mallory L. Graber
Bryna S. McNair
Hayden J. Cahill
Maria A. Ibrahim
Brynn A. Walker
Hope G. Burgar
Marlon J. Toney
Caesar A. Cedillo-Silva
Hunter S. Phillips
Mason G. Metcalf
Caleb W. Rodgers
Ian Flores
Matthew R. Elzinga
Carli A. Siebenmark
Ty'vieone A. Agnew
Ian M. Lowe
Matthew T. Graber
Carlos M. Cedillo-Silva
Valor W. Adair
Ibrahim Soneviseth
McKenzie C. Dagel
Victoria A. George
Carson A. Scholler
Ihsan M. McCoy
Melissa C. Lofland
Victoria M. Rocha-Crandall
Cayden L. Hague
Isaac G. Mason
Melody A. Ukoefreso
Victoria R. Cocannouer
Christian A. Holley
Isiah J. McCosh
Mia D. Uzzell
Victoria R. Wagle
Clayton J. King
Jack O. Walsh
Mia P. Reddy
Vienne A. Boucard
Coltrane S. Curry
Jacob J. Mosher
Michael T. Charles
Whitney L. Nguyen
Cryshayla R. Profit
Jalen M. Taylor
Mileesa S. Yates
Zeal Black
Cryshonda L. Profit
James M. Nguyen
Milo G. Zibell
Zoe L. Moser
Crystal H. Vu
Javante J. Ewing
Noah L. Yust
Zoey C. Lee
Cyrus G. Laurie
J'ena C. Hills
Noelle K. Aylward
Zoey Zibell
Samuel G. Aylward
Sarah L. Foster
Savannah L. Kirk
Sean P. Whalen
Shanai Freeman-Griffith
Sierra S. Williams
Spencer D. Spradling-Woods
Srinivasan Madhavan
Stella R. Lovingier
Suzannah R. Young
Sydney P. Knott
Sydni T. Wagner
Sylvia G. Cameron
Tashanna A. Johnson
Taylor P. Kelley
Thien M. Huynh
Thu B. Phung
Thuan G. Nguyen
Timileyin J. Oyalami
Truman P. Nguyen
Truong Nguyen
Tyler B. Anderson
Tyler M. Offutt
Aaliyah N. Shelby
Cha'lyse Andrews
Janaya A. Cruz
Nicholas A. Miller
Aaron C. Eakins
Charles E. Cotton
Jayda Thompson
Nolan W. Cupp
Abel Velasquez
Christine Huynh
Jaylin J. Mahan
Addison L. Heil
Christopher A. Harris
Jenna C. McFall
Paige C. McCain
Adolfo Diazdeleon
Christopher L. Davis
Jerrhon T. Williams
Airyn A. Griffin
Christyne R. Lavelle
Jessica A. Lowry
Aiyanna M. Fox
Clay A. Becker
Je'wan L. Neighbor
Akadias C. Smith
Cree A. Carmichael
John A. Reed
Alan G. Soto Valdez
Cypress N. Sallee
Jolie Peng-Williams
Alaunteyah K. Carter
Dalania L. Anderson
Jonathan S. Turner
Raven M. Cook
Alexandria R. Gehman
Damien L. Kimball
Joseph L. III Bunch
Raymon Buchanan
Alexia R. Moll
Daniel C. Peaden
Joseph M. Beauchamp
Reanna L. Howell
Aliasa Ibn-Malang
Deaires L. Miller
Jude York
Rebecca E. Franks
Kaeden M. Davis
Rija Z. Nazir
Kale A. Parks
Rowan A. Young
Kamryn L. Pitcher
Rowen T. Mayo
Keaton A. Pedrino
Roxzana G. Martinez
Alycia R. Haynes
Alyssa D. Reed
Amanda L. Albrecht
Amarion L. Dennis
Amina Soneviseth
Anasia N. Pryor
Andrew J. Seiber
Aneesa M. Kamash
Angelica E. Peterson
Ari C. Barmor
Ayden S. Chalfant
Belah S. Rusk
Betsy Chairez
Bianka R. Esquivel
Birch S. Taylor
Bradley J. Roswurm
Breenasia Jameson
Briar L. Libby
Britani A. Johnson
Brooklyn A. Fuller
Bryan Garcia
Cade W. Jett
Carson J. McAnarney
Deanna J. Miller
Dejuan J. McPhaul
Derron O. Butler
Devon J. Gibson
Eliana I. Nichols
Eliott R. Dibben
Ella J. Townsend
Emaan Syed
Emony D. Plummer
Ephraim C. Morris
Gabriele M. Hanlan
Grace L. Pierpont
Grelan J. Long
Gwendoline O. Keefer
Harald Hernandez
Havyn K. Jerrell
Isaac R. Teakell
Isabella J. Chavez
Isabelle C. Schafer
Izayah M. Brown
Jackson Foster
Jackson Hudgins
Jackson P. Foster
Casey A. Steward
Jacob L. Lubrano
James R. SircoulombGoodwin
Casey M. Lollis
Celia P. Eichbauer
Carter R. Weathers
Kennadi Graham
Khiesha R. Smith
Kori E. Prevatte
Lauren D. Shryock
Leslie S. Luna
Levi L. Walsh
Pippa L. Bennett
Porter W. Hutchins
Prakriti Ravi Anikode
Raelynn M. McPherson
Ralitsa E. Greene
Sadie J. Eaton
Sha-Maury R. Straughter
Shara N. Johnson
Shea B. Snodgrass
Sierra R. Pixton
Liliana G. Smith
Skyler R. Gill
Lillian G. Reed
Sofie Moore
Logan D. Bodenhamer
Steven Pham
Logan K. Russell
Stuart M. Ulrich
Madalyne R. Robinson
Tayler E. Sullivan
Madison V. Daigneault
Tia Giang
Maliyah P. Dawson
Tianna M. Mulsow
Marcos M. Hernandez
Timiya Williams
Max M. McCollom
McKinsey A. Holt
Mesa M. Hall
Mikayla T. Clemons
Miranda S. Baty
Miriam S. Antuna
Toby J. Coogias
Tony Hong
Tri T. Nguyen
Tyler A. Santana
Tyler D. Kelley-Best
Morgan J. Rico
Wetu Y. Kalomo
Ja'mia J. Jackson
Nathan P. Vo
William J. Funk
Jamya D. Harris
Nia Butler
Zoey A. Uhrig
Adair, Valor W.
Adhikari, Praman
Ahmed, Abdullah
Ahmmed, Tahsin
Albrecht, Amanda L.
Albrecht, Haley
Alexander, Aubriana G.
Allen, Bodin B.
Allen, Montreal A.
Anderson, Ellie M.
Armstrong, Tori A.
Ashley, Averie M.
Au, Azaria G.
Baily, Katherine D.
Baker, Duante O.
Barmor, Ari C.
Barmor, Ze'ev E.
Baty, Miranda S.
Beauchamp, Joseph M.
Bennett, Pippa L.
Black, Faith
Black, Josiah E.
Black, Zeal
Blessant, Jeffrey A.
Bodenhamer, Logan D.
Boudreaux, Zachary V.
Bowlby, Jayden C.
Bridges, Gillian M.
Buchanan, Raymon
Budde, John L.
Bunch, Joseph L. III
Burgar, Hope G.
Burgin, Bishop
Butler, Torrodrick J.
Byers, Alyssa R.
Carlson, Regan L.
Celik, Dilara S.
Chamberland-Aedo, Daniel A. II
Chitanavong, Pearly M.
Cho, Lauren E.
Choi, Yoon Hee
Cocannouer, Victoria R.
Compton, Kennedy A.
Connett, Brookelle K.
Connett, Caden E.
Coogias, Toby J.
Corns, Connor M.
Cortez, Kainoa L.
Coster, Kari E.
Cruz, Janaya A.
Daigneault, Madison V.
Davis, Emma G.
Davisson, Mallory E.
Deal, Shaynon
Deluna, Daisey S.
Demieville, Brianna M.
D'Empaire, Russell
Diaz, Alejandro
Diazdeleon, Adolfo
Do, Nathan T.
Dong, Allen
Do-Nguyen, Tammy
Dotterer, Jacob
Dunbar, Demarr D.
Dunn-Morse, Henry D.
Ebersole, Claire E.
Eckberg, Joel R.
Eichbauer, Celia P.
Eldredge, Mallory A.
Elzinga, Matthew R.
Fay, Matthew
Feigeles, Allison T.
Felix, Ariana M.
Flores, Nicholas J.
Flores, Samuel E.
Foster, Jackson
Foster, Jackson P.
Foster, Sarah L.
Fox, Aiyanna M.
Frady, Joelle M.
Franks, Rebecca E.
French, Dialeen J.
Fuller, Jordan M.
Funk, William J.
Garnes, Zaria S.
Gehman, Alexandria R.
Giang, Tia
Gonzalez, Yvonne
Goodwin, Alyson E.
Graber, Matthew T.
Green, Eurland D.
Griffin, Airyn A.
Hackworth, Hayden G.
Hague, Cayden L.
Halabi, Madeline E.
Hall, Maya M.
Hallacy, Ronan C.
Haque, Abir
Hassan, Zara
Haynes, Alycia R.
Hills, J'ena C.
Hoang, Madeline B.
Holt, McKinsey A.
Howes, Mara M.
Hudeib, Bayan A.
Hutchinson, Samuel J.
Huynh, Thien M.
Ibrahim, Maria A.
Jackson, Tyawn K.
James, Ronald E. Jr
Johnson, Gabrielle D.
Johnson, Joanna M.
Johnson, Shara N.
Jones, Gracia L.
Kalomo, Wetu Y.
Kamalulrahim, Amira D.
Kelley, Morgan D.
Kiragi, Aditi R.
Klapps, Devon
Klutts, Allyssa N.
Knapp, Natalie F.
Knott, Sydney P.
Lavacek, Eloise M.
Layacek, Olivia M.
Le, Ethan H.
Le, Ky Q.
Le, Vivian N.
Lee, Zoey C.
Li, Andrew
Li, Megan
Liggins, Destiny R.
Lo Nigro, Nora A.
Long, Grelan J.
Lopez Vasquez, Bryan J.
Lowry, Bryanna N.
Lowry, Jessica A.
Ma, Britney W.
Madhavan, Srinivasan
Mandanis, Alexander
Martinez, Goretty
Mayo, Rowen T.
McClain, Gracyn K.
McFarland, Makenna R.
McGee, Destani E.
McPhaul, Dejuan J.
Medina, Jaime Jr
Medlin, Aleck E.
Metcalf, Mason G.
Metcalfe, Jonas O.
Miguel-Fernandez, Jesus A.
Mitchell, Whitney B.
Mochowski, Riley M.
Montoya, Allinsipas A.
Morris, Ephraim C.
Mosher, Jacob J.
Murphy, Gabriel M.
Nazir, Rija Z.
Ngo, Anthony N.
Nguyen, Alayna T.
Nguyen, Andre
Nguyen, Diana
Nguyen, Kevin T.
Nguyen, Quan M.
Nguyen, Truong
Nichols, Eliana I.
Ooten, Joon Hee J.
Orf, Josephine A.
Oyalami, Korede S.
Padamati, Divyankasri
Parcell, Austin S.
Parikh, Anaya
Paz, Nathan Y.
Pedrino, Keaton A.
Peng-Williams, Jolie
Peres, Julian B.
Perkins, Ella E.
Perry, Erin R.
Perry, Lisa M.
Perry, Tristin V.
Pham, Eric L.
Pham, Tina X.
Pierpont, Grace L.
Pitcher, Kamryn L.
Pluenneke, Lydia L.
Quah, Jasmine Y.
Rasynouvong, Phailin
Ray, Brianna M.
Reddy, Mia P.
Reed, Emma V.
Reed, John A.
Reith, Aaron D.
Respress, Mya E.
Rhoten, Emma P.
Roberson, Ellyssa O.
Roberts, Jessica C.
Rocha-Crandall, Miguel E.
Rocha-Crandall, Victoria M.
Rodgers, Caleb W.
Roy, Alitzah E.
Russell, Logan K.
Saeed, Khawaja
Safley, Robert
Sallee, Cypress N.
Scanlon-Featherby, Aidan O.
Schafer, Isabelle C.
Scholler, Carson A.
Seminoff, Katherine J.
Severs, Luke
Severs, Mark
Shah, Sarwa
Shieh, Colby
Singh, Akash
Smith, Liliana G.
Solter, Bethany N.
Son, Eric H.
Sousa, Douglas J.
Sparks, Devan C.
Spillman, Veronica
Stegman, Alexandria N.
Steward, Casey A.
Stultz, Adelyn R.
Sturdevant, Tyler J.
Sustaita, Lizeth
Syed, Emaan
Tamhane, Malhar
Taylor, Birch S.
Taylor, Katlin M.
Tee, Allison X.
Thomas, Sade M.
Thompson, Jayda
Toebe, Ava A.
Tolbert, Adia C.
Tran, Amberly Y.
Tran, James B.
Ukoefreso, Melody A.
Ulloa, Katianna
Vanlandingham, Isabel C.
Vongsena, Tudsaley
Vu, Crystal H.
Wade, Tayren J.
Wagner, Sydni T.
Walsh, Jack O.
Wanjiku-Lyimo, Brianna V.
Wear, Ryelie P.
Weathers, Carter R.
Weber, Empress Q.
Weber, Ian J.
Weis, Autumn R.
Wells, Billy J.
Werner, Audrey R.
Whalen, Sean P.
White, Chance D.
Wilch, Olivia A.
Wilson, Halle K.
Wright, Jonathan J.
Yang, Ian D.
Young, Suzannah R.
Yust, Noah L.
Zibell, Zoey
Zoller, Lauren I.
Albrecht, Amanda L.
Greer, Camyia E.
McGee, Destani E.
Radford, Deitrick L.
Albrecht, Haley
Hackworth, Hayden G.
Meade, Taylor J.
Reed, Emma V.
Anderson, Ellie M.
Haque, Abir
Mitchell, Whitney B.
Robinson, Madalyne R.
Anderson, Tyler B.
Hicks, Silas B.
Morris, Ephraim C.
Roswurm, Bradley J.
Aylward, Samuel G.
Hileman, Stephen A.
Mulsow, Tianna M.
Sears, Karon M.
Ballos, Michael D.
Hill, Sierra L.
Murphy, Gabriel M.
Severs, Mark
Barfield, Edward T.
Hoang, Madeline B.
Neighbor, Je'wan L.
Baskins, Jacob D.
Huynh, Christine
Ngo, Anthony N.
Bennett, Pippa L.
Huynh, Thien M.
Nguyen, Alayna T.
Blessant, Jeffrey A.
Ibarra, Scarleth
Nguyen, Diana
Bodenhamer, Logan D.
Ibn-Malang, Aliasa
Nguyen, Kevin T.
Budde, John L.
James, Ronald E. Jr
Nguyen, Thuan G.
Calloway, Caleb J.
Jameson, Breenasia
Nguyen, Tri T.
Carmichael, Cree A.
Kelley, Morgan D.
Nguyen, Truong
Cho, Lauren E.
Kinnaird, Michael A. II
Ni, Audrey Y.
Cocannouer, Victoria R.
Kiragi, Aditi R.
O'Brien, Grace E.
Coleman, Jo-Lea M.
Klutts, Allyssa N.
Offutt, Tyler M.
Compton, Kennedy A.
Kortkamp, Ashley S.
Owens, Joseph F.
Corns, Connor M.
Le, Ethan H.
Oyalami, Korede S.
Davis, De'Qwan L.
Le, Ky Q.
Oyalami, Timileyin J.
Do, Nathan T.
Le, Vivian N.
Parcell, Austin S.
Dork, Andy
Lee, Zoey C.
Patton, Bayonne A.
Eakins, Aaron C.
Li, Megan
Peaden, Daniel C.
Eaton, Sadie J.
Libby, Briar L.
Peng-Williams, Jolie
Wanjiku-Lyimo, Brianna V.
Ebersole, Claire E.
Liggins, Destiny R.
Perry, Erin R.
Warne, Kathleen H.
Eckberg, Joel R.
Lincoln, Kristina
Pham, Eric L.
Washington, Christopher
Eichbauer, Finnegan T.
Lisk, Ellie
Pham, Steven
Weber, Empress Q.
Frady, Joelle M.
Loera Lozano, Rogelio
Pham, Tina X.
Weber, Ian J.
Giang, Tia
McCain, Paige C.
Plummer, D'Yonzae R.
Wilch, Olivia A.
Gibson, Devon J.
McCosh, Isiah J.
Quah, Jasmine Y.
Yang, Ian D.
Shieh, Colby
Smith, Akadias C.
Son, Eric H.
Sousa, Douglas J.
Taylor, Aidan L.
Taylor, Katlin M.
Taylor, Kyra L.
Tee, Allison X.
Thompson, Jayda
Tran, Amberly Y.
Tran, James B.
Uzzell, Mia D.
Vera-Bareiro, Marcos E.
Vongsena, Tudsaley
Vu, Crystal H.
Waghmode, Aryan D.
preibteam.robinson.usd2 .org
ommunity Ser ice
Remember that hours are due to be turned
in by the first week in May. If you are
interested in ideas for opportunities,
please look at the weekly newsle er for
8th Grade Field Trip
n May 8th we will be taking the 8th
graders on a field trip to College ill Park
from 9 30-1 30. A permission slip will be
coming home in April.
The Lady Rams finished their
Basketball season in 3rd place
with an overall record of 9-5.
Congratulations, Lady Rams!
You are invited to
the 6th Grade
Pre-IB Family
Night on
Thursday, April
16, 2015 from
ur Robinson Rams team competed in the ichita Regional
Science lympiad on February
21st at Andover Central igh
School. The team earned medals in twenty of twenty three
events, coming in third overall.
The team now advances to the
state competition on April 4th
at ichita State. Congratulations to the team for their hard work. The team this year is much younger than
in years past, with nine of the competition team members in seventh grade and only six being in eighth. This
speaks highly to their success as we have faced teams with several ninth graders and mostly eighth graders
on their squad. It also makes the outlook for next year especially grand.
n Saturday, March 7 the Robinson team
placed 4th at the 2015 Kansas MAT U TS competition in Topeka. Teddy Barfield, Megan Li, Seenu Madhavan, ulian Peres, Mel Tamhane.
n Friday, February 27, 103 students from Robinson took part
in the local istory Day Competition. The following students
placed in their categories and will move on to the state competition in April Tudsaley ongsena placed second in the istorical Paper category. Teddy Barfield won first in Individual Performance, and Liliana Smith and Alyssa placed first in group
performance. In the individual documentary category, Mel
Tamhane placed third, and Eloise Lavacek took second. Ma
raber, Truman Nguyen, and Korede yalami won third place
with their roup Documentary. osie oodpasture placed third
and Nick Flores placed second in the Individual Exhibit category. In roup Exhibits, Kali Soye and Riley Mochowski placed
third, and Ashley Kortkamp and olie Peng- illiams placed second. Congratulations to all the students who
participated, and especially to those who will be moving on to the next level of competition. o Rams
De ire
Su anne
Dicus-Sul man
Trishaun warrior
Thank you to all the student
council students who helped
make our WSU celebration
day a great success! Numerous students showed up
wearing their best Shocker
gear to show support for
our hometown team!
The next meeting for Robinson PTSO is at 6 p.m. Monday, April 13 in the library.
We welcome parents,
teachers, students and staff
to join us as we talk about
the eighth-grade dance,
Staff Appreciation Week
and look ahead at the 2015
-16 calendar. Please join us!
Yvonne Gonzalez—7th Grade
Keaton Pedrino—6th Grade
Dalania Anderson—8th Grade
The name of our department has changed from Categorical to Applied Academics. Anytime you read anything about Applied Academics, they are talking about students in Rooms 123 and 124.
For April, students in Mr. Livingston and Mrs. Lo Nigro’s class will be learning Geography by examining,
“Americans on the Move?” The chapters will include: (1) A Good Place to Live; (2) Exploring New Lands; (3) Finding a
Safe Place; (4) The Promise of Gold; (5) Trains Change Histor; and (6) People on the Move Today. Our Life Skills lessons will include: (1) We are Moving- Changing Address Form; (2) New Town Map- Reading a Map (3) Safe at
Home; (4) Pack Your Bags; (5) Time to Leave- Reading a Plane and Train Schedule; and (6) Search for my Dream
Important Events in April:
Thursday, April 9 - 8 Graders attending Southeast High School next year will be at Southeast from 1:00-2:00.
Friday, April 17th- No School- Conference Release Day
Monday, April 20th- No School- District In-service Day
Thursday, April 30th- No School for 6th graders- 5th Grade Orientation—7th and 8th graders come to school, 6th graders stay at home
Thursday, May 14th- 8th Graders attending East High School next year will be at East from 9:00-10:30.
Congratulations to the Robinson NAL Team on a Great Season!
Throughout the season, Robinson's NAL team exhibited great skill, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
The team placed second in the district league and ended the season with a record of 9-1. Because of their excellent record and ability, the team was invited to play in the National Championship. Though they did not advance to the next level, the team once again displayed the great
skills and teamwork they had throughout the regular season. The NAL coaches could not be
prouder! Ms. Sims and Ms. Coldiron would like to thank all of the team members, parents, and
volunteers who worked so hard to make this a successful and fun season!
ASP would like to thank everyone who attended the program after school this year. We hope you made
some new friends and learned some new skills. Please note that the last day this year is May 7th 2015. WE
hope everyone has a successful remainder of the year and a blast of a summer. See you in the Fall.
Spring cleaning? Don’t forget to recycle
If it’s Paper and it tears, put it in the Bin; Don’t forget the Plastic and the Tin!
Robinson Middle School participates in a recycling program. The program helps Youth Sports here in Wichita. Robinson has been so successful with our program we won $200 for our Science Department! You are welcome to help
us out The recycle poly carts are red and green; located on the south side of the courtyard off Bleckley under the
windows beyond the ramp. Cardboard only in the green recycle bin in the NE corner of the south parking lot.
We can collect:
books (hard & soft)
manila folders
glossy advertising
all envelopes
colored paper
all types of junk mail computer paper magazines
laminated paper
phone books color/workbooks
white paper
Paper clipped, stapled or rubber banded is OK!
We can even collect: food packaging, plastic, aluminum, and steel; PLEASE empty and rinse!