BeagleBone Demo Board Preparation


BeagleBone Demo Board Preparation
Application Note 113
Evaluating VTOS with a BeagleBone
October 9, 2014
AN113 – Evaluating VTOS with a BeagleBone
Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 2
Download Kozio Installers ......................................................................................................................... 2
Install Kozio PC Software and Evaluation Kit ......................................................................................... 2
BeagleBone Bare Board Preparation ....................................................................................................... 3
Use USB for VTOS Communications .................................................................................................................5
BeagleBone Demo Board Preparation ...................................................................................................... 7
Example VTOS Commands & Scripts .................................................................................................... 10
Building Your Own VTOS ....................................................................................................................... 11
Additional Contact Information .............................................................................................................. 12
About Kozio, Inc....................................................................................................................................... 12
© Copyright Kozio, Inc. 2014
AN113 – Evaluating VTOS with a BeagleBone
This document takes you through the process of running VTOS on a TI BeagleBone (AM335x) system. It describes
how to run VTOS on a bare BeagleBone processor board and also describes how to run VTOS on a BeagleBone
with three additional capes: an RS232 cape, a weather cape, and an LCD3 cape. It also describes how to
download the required installers and how to configure the Kozio PC software used to communicate with VTOS
running on the Beaglebone.
Provided with this evaluation is an installer that includes documentation, pre-built VTOS binaries for a three
BeagleBone system configurations, and VTOS example scripts.
After completing the configuration steps below, use Integration Workbench™ to interact with VTOS running on
the processor board, perform hardware testing, troubleshooting, and general exploration.
Download Kozio Installers
The Kozio support site provides the installers needed for this evaluation. In some cases, they may have been
delivered to you on a USB jump drive.
Create a new Kozio Support account and log into the support site, Instructions are provided
on the main support page. Only users who are registered with Kozio will be allowed accessed to the support site.
To request registration, email [email protected].
Log into your support account at
Click on Software Downloads
Download these installers from the Kozio support site:
 The latest VTOS Suite, e.g. KOZIO-VTOS_SUITE-3.0B08-install.exe;
 The latest Sitara AM335x processor package, e.g., Kozio_2014-08-08_Sitara_AM335_Advanced.exe
 The latest kit installer, e.g., Kozio_2014-10-09_Kozio-TI-BeagleBone-Eval.exe
Install Kozio PC Software and Evaluation Kit
1. Run the three installers you downloaded from Kozio Support in this order:
 KOZIO-VTOS_SUITE-3.0B8-install.exe
 Kozio_2014-08-08_Sitara_AM335_Advanced.exe
 Kozio_2014-10-09_Kozio-TI-BeagleBone-Eval.exe (Choose any destination folder, such as C:\kozio).
2. The first installer will create two new folders for the Kozio software, and the last installer will create a KozioTI-BeagleBone-Eval folder containing evaluation files.
3. Email [email protected] with your MAC Address to request an evaluation license.
a. Retrieve your MAC Address by using the Windows cmd.exe program. From the Windows cmd.exe
prompt, execute “ipconfig /all” and copy the Physical Address of your preferred connection.
b. Send that value to [email protected] and Kozio will email you a temporary license file.
4. Copy the received license file to the Kozio installation data directory (e.g., C:\ProgramData\Kozio).
© Copyright Kozio, Inc. 2014
AN113 – Evaluating VTOS with a BeagleBone
5. Copy the “vtos-example-scripts” folder from the Kozio-TI-BeagleBone-Eval folder to the “myTests” folder.
(e.g., C:\ProgramData\Kozio\myTests. This is a hidden folder by default, but you can enter the full path
name in Windows File Explorer.)
6. Once VTOS Suite is installed, you will find useful documentation in the Kozio Install directory under the
“docs” folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\Kozio\docs.)
After completing the installation, use the three new icons on your desktop to launch the Kozio software products.
vAccess Config 3.0
Workbench 3.0
VTOS Builder 3.0
Use vAccess Config to configure the communication between your computer and VTOS
running on the processor board.
Use Integration Workbench to communicate with VTOS running on the processor board.
And use it to execute commands, tests, and test suites and view the results.
Use VTOS Builder to configure and generate a new VTOS binary image files for a new
processor board designs.
BeagleBone Bare Board Preparation
Follow these instructions if you want to run VTOS on a bare BeagleBone board with no capes. The other option
is to skip to BeagleBone Demo Board Preparation.
1. Remove the micro SD card from your BeagleBone (BB).
2. Copy all the files from Kozio-TI-BeagleBone-Eval\vtos-using-uart0-connection to your micro SD Card. You
must overwrite all the old SD card files.
3. Plug the updated SD Card into your BeagleBone.
4. Connect the USB cable to a free USB port on your PC and to the micro USB connecter on the Beaglebone.
5. About nine seconds after connecting the USB cable and powering up the BeagleBone, you should see the
four User LEDS flash ten times. If not, press the reset button on the BeagleBone and try again.
© Copyright Kozio, Inc. 2014
AN113 – Evaluating VTOS with a BeagleBone
Configure vAccess for VTOS Communications (UART0)
Use vAccess Config and create a new communication setting for your BB:
1. If don’t already have a BeagleBone fixture defined, click on the plus sign icon (on the far right) to Add New
Fixture. Hover over the plus sign icon and Add New Fixture fly-over text will appear.
2. Replace the “Fixture X” text with BeagleBone
3. Select Serial (SLIP) for your PC to DUT Connection
4. Use for your Fixture IP
5. Use COMX for your COM Port. Use Windows Device Manager and expand Ports (COM & LPT) to determine
the correct COM number. If you don’t know, leave Device Manager open and unplug the 6-pin serial to USB
cable connected to your BB, watch which port disappears, then reconnect the serial to USB cable. For
example, enter “COM92”
6. Select OK
Use Integration Workbench for Executing VTOS Commands
Launch Integration Workbench. If Integration Workbench was running, close it and start it up again. Adding or
deleting fixtures requires that you restart IW.
Look for “DUT online” in the lower left-hand corner of IW. Once online, type “test.sdram.quick” to verify VTOS
is running and executing commands. When successful, you will see 5 SDRAM tests pass.
Next, load the appropriate command tree for your reference board. From IW:
Click on File -> Load Command Tree
Browse to C:\Program Files
Click on beaglebone.kct
© Copyright Kozio, Inc. 2014
AN113 – Evaluating VTOS with a BeagleBone
Click on Open
The new command tree is loaded and you can run commands appropriate for your reference board. As a
note, all VTOS commands for Sitara AM335 Advanced are listed, but *not* all commands will work
unless your board supports them and they have been enabled in VTOS Builder and through scripting.
That topic is not covered in this guide.
Use USB for VTOS Communications
If you want to use USB to communicate between Integration Workbench™ and VTOS™ running on a BeagleBone,
a version of VTOS was included that enables the USB Device port and communicates over the USB cable. Follow
the instructions below to use this version of VTOS.
1. Remove the micro SD card from your BeagleBone (BB).
2. Copy all files from Kozio-TI-BeagleBone-Eval\vtos-using-usb-connection to your micro SD Card. You must
overwrite all the old SD card files.
3. Plug the updated SD Card into your BB.
4. Connect the USB cable to a free USB port on your PC and to the micro USB connecter on the BB.
5. About nine seconds after connecting the USB cable and powering up the Beaglebone, you should see the
four blue User LEDS flash ten times. If not, press the reset button on the Beaglebone and try again.
6. When VTOS powers up, a new Kozio USB Virtual COM Port device will appear under Windows’ Device
Manager. You will need to update the driver software for this new device. Use the Update Driver Software
menu option under Device Manager and browse to the folder Kozio-TI-BeagleBone-Eval\kozio-usb-virtualcom. This will install koziocom.inf. You only have to do this once.
© Copyright Kozio, Inc. 2014
AN113 – Evaluating VTOS with a BeagleBone
Note: The IP Address configured under vAccess Config is a different when using USB. Also note that
the COM port may not be persistent. When you power cycle the BB, Windows may assign a new
COM port.
Configure vAccess for VTOS Communications (USB)
Use vAccess Config and create a new communication setting for your BB:
7. If don’t already have a BeagleBone fixture defined, click on the plus sign icon (on the far right) to Add New
Fixture. Hover over the plus sign icon and Add New Fixture fly-over text will appear.
8. Replace the “Fixture X” text with BeagleBone
9. Select Serial (SLIP) for your PC to DUT Connection
10. Use for your Fixture IP
11. Use COMX for your COM Port. Use Windows Device Manager and expand Ports (COM & LPT) to determine
the correct COM number. The correct COM port will look like Kozio USB Virtual COM Port (COM91).
12. Select OK
Use Integration Workbench for Executing VTOS Commands
Launch Integration Workbench. If Integration Workbench was running, close it and start it up again. Adding or
deleting fixtures requires that you restart IW.
Look for “DUT online” in the lower left-hand corner of IW. Once online, type “test.sdram.quick” to verify VTOS
is running and executing commands. When successful, you will see 5 SDRAM tests pass.
Next, load the appropriate command tree for your reference board. From IW:
Click on File -> Load Command Tree
Browse to C:\Program Files
© Copyright Kozio, Inc. 2014
AN113 – Evaluating VTOS with a BeagleBone
Click on beaglebone.kct
Click on Open
The new command tree is loaded and you can run commands appropriate for your reference board. As a
note, all VTOS commands for Sitara AM335 Advanced are listed, but *not* all commands will work
unless your board supports them and they have been enabled in VTOS Builder and through scripting.
That topic is not covered in this guide.
BeagleBone Demo Board Preparation
Kozio uses a BeagleBone plus three capes as a standard demonstration platform. The capes from bottom up are:
an RS232 cape, a Weather cape, and an LCD3 cape – all part of the BeagleBone family from Circuit Co. Follow
these instructions to run VTOS on a BeagleBone Demo system.
1. Remove the micro SD card from your BeagleBone (BB).
2. Copy all files from Kozio-TI-BeagleBone-Eval\vtos-using-rs232-connection to your micro SD Card. You
must overwrite all the old SD card files.
3. Plug the updated SD Card into your BB.
4. Assemble the demo system as required by plugging the RS232 cape into the BeagleBone processor
board, then plugging the Weather Cape onto the RS232 Cape, topped off by the LCD3 Cape.
 Note: The RS232 board’s SW1 has switches 1 & 2 set to ON. Jumper the UART1_TXD and
UART1_RXD. The Weather boards’ SW1 has switch 1 set to ON and switch 2 set to OFF. The
LCD3 board’s SW1 has switch 1 OFF and switch 2 ON.
© Copyright Kozio, Inc. 2014
AN113 – Evaluating VTOS with a BeagleBone
5. Connect the USB to Serial cable to a free USB port on your PC and to the RS232 cape on the Beaglebone.
From the processor’s point of view, this is UART1. (The folder Kozio-TI-BeagleBoneEval\siig_usb_to_serial_02-1415 contains Windows drivers from SIIG for the type of USB to Serial cable
used by Kozio.)
6. Connect an Ethernet Loopback Plug to the processor board for off-board loopback testing, and a USB
flash drive to the USB connector on the processor board for USB enumeration testing.
7. Connect the micro USB cable to the Beaglebone processor board. Connect the USB cable to a free USB
port on your PC. This will power up the Beaglebone. You know VTOS is running when you see the four
blue LEDS flash ten times, and you see “Kozio VTOS BeagleBone” displayed on the LCD3 cape.
Configure vAccess for VTOS Communications (RS232/UART1)
© Copyright Kozio, Inc. 2014
AN113 – Evaluating VTOS with a BeagleBone
Use vAccess Config and create a new communication setting for your BB:
13. If don’t already have a BeagleBone fixture defined, click on the plus sign icon (on the far right) to Add New
Fixture. Hover over the plus sign icon and Add New Fixture fly-over text will appear.
14. Replace the “Fixture X” text with BeagleBone
15. Select Serial (SLIP) for your PC to DUT Connection
16. Use for your Fixture IP
17. Use COMX for your COM Port. Use Windows Device Manager and expand Ports (COM & LPT) to determine
the correct COM number. The correct COM port will look like Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM71).
18. Select OK
Use Integration Workbench for Executing VTOS Commands
Launch Integration Workbench. If Integration Workbench was running, close it and start it up again. Adding or
deleting fixtures requires that you restart IW.
Look for “DUT online” in the lower left-hand corner of IW. Once online, type “test.sdram.quick” to verify VTOS is
running and executing commands. When successful, you will see 5 SDRAM tests pass.
Next, load the appropriate command tree for your reference board. From IW:
Click on File -> Load Command Tree
Browse to C:\Program Files
Click on beaglebone.kct
Click on Open
The new command tree is loaded and you can run commands appropriate for your reference board. As a
note, all VTOS commands for Sitara AM335 Advanced are listed, but *not* all commands will work
© Copyright Kozio, Inc. 2014
AN113 – Evaluating VTOS with a BeagleBone
unless your board supports them and they have been enabled in VTOS Builder and through scripting.
That topic is not covered in this guide.
Example VTOS Commands & Scripts
Use Integration Workbench to interactively execute scripts, test suites, diagnostic tests, test methods, and lowlevel commands. Follow the examples below to view scripting in action.
The folder “Kozio-TI-BeagleBone-Eval\vtos-example-scripts” contains two sub-folders with a variety of example
scripts. The beaglebone folder contains scripts for the bare BB board, and the beaglebone_ demo folder
contains scripts for the BB Demo configuration.
Kozio uses the extension “ksc” to indicate a Kozio script file. The Kozio scripting language is based on pForth with
many extensions added by Kozio. Keep in mind that commands are preceded by parameters following the
postfix convention.
NOTE: The sections below describes some examples. You need to have Integration Workbench running and the
“DUT online” for all of these examples to work properly. For the examples that list a script file, drag the script
file onto the black console window of Integration Workbench before executing the command. Each script file
defines one or more new commands. If you get an error message similar to “No command with this name is
defined”, the script was not interpreted by VTOS and the new command was not created.
Ambient Light Sensor
Execute “als.poll” from the Integration Workbenck prompt (“kozio>”). This command
will read ALS values and display them in an infinite loop. Use the “Esc” key to abort.
Execute “eeprom.program” to transfer eeprom.txt from the PC to the DUT, program it
into the EEPROM on the RS232 Cape, and then dump EEPROM contents after the
LCD3 Buttons
Execute “button.poll” to run this infinite loop where the GPIO signals for the LEFT,
RIGHT, UP, DOWN, and ENTER LCD3 Cape buttons are polled, and when pressed, the
display is updated. Push the ENTER button on the LCD3 Cape to exit.
Touch Screen
Run “test.disp.touch” to test the touch screen. The test will put up cross hairs for
every touch point and runs for 10 seconds.
Display Header
This script automatically runs and decodes the Beaglebone header data stored in the
Humidity Sensor
Run “humidity.poll” to display raw and converted temperature values, as well as raw
and converted relative humidity values. Press ESC to exit.
LED Testing
Run “test.leds” to run the newly created test suite which uses the newly created tests.
All six LEDs will flash for a few seconds. Run “tree test.leds” to see what diagnostic
tests are included in the suite. Run “report test.leds” to see test results.
Pressure Sensor
Run “pressure.poll” to display raw and converted temperature values as read from the
pressure sensor on the weather cape. Press ESC to exit.
Production Test
Run “test.production” to run the newly created test suite. Run “tree test. production”
to see what diagnostic tests are included in the suite. Run “report test. production” to
see test results. Be sure to remember to plug in the Ethernet Loopback Plug.
© Copyright Kozio, Inc. 2014
AN113 – Evaluating VTOS with a BeagleBone
Run “test.sdmmc” to run the newly created SD Card test.
SDRAM Settings
This script will display SDRAM settings.
Run “test.uart” to run a test of both UARTs. Since we are using UART1 for
communications with Integration Workbench, we skip the interrupt test on UART1
(which would fail). Also, we used U designators in the test names to provide a clearer
report. Run “report test.uart” to see the results.
Building Your Own VTOS
You can use VTOS Builder to create your own VTOS image file.
1. Launch VTOS Builder.
2. Click on Project > Create Project.
 Enter a project name, such as “beaglebone_demo”.
 Select the Sitara_AM355_Advanced processor family.
 Click on Create.
3. Expand the Reference Boards tree in the left pane. Select and hold “beaglebone_ demo” and drag it onto
the empty node on the right pane. This will bring up a dialog box labeled Device Tree Definitions.
 Note: You would use the beaglebone_ demo configuration to create a VTOS for the Kozio demo
configuration which includes the RS232, weather, and LCD3 capes. USB, at IP Address, will be the VTOS to PC communication channel that you must configure under
vAccess Config.
4. Click on Save and Close.
5. Click on Build > Build Params.
 In the Output grouping, for VTOS Executable, add “vtos.beaglebone” to the end path.
 Click Save.
6. Click on Build > Build
 Click on Yes to save changes.
 You should see New VTOS was generated successfully.
7. Copy the newly created vtos.beaglebone.img file to your Mico SD Card.
8. Cycle power to run the new VTOS.
9. If you want to see the LEDs flash on power up, follow these additional steps:
 Copy Kozio-TI-BeagleBone-Eval\demo-beaglebone\led.ksc to your new project vtosfs folder. Mine
was here: C:\Users\username\Kozio\VTOSBuilder\projects\beaglebone\vtosfs
 Modify C:\Users\username\Kozio\VTOSBuilder\projects\beaglebone\vtosfs\main.ksc and add these
two lines to the very end of the file:
o INCLUDE /vtosfs/led.ksc
o #LED.all 10 led.flash
 Click on Build > Build
 Copy the newly created vtos.beaglebone.img file to your Mico SD Card.
 Cycle power to run the new VTOS. You should see the LEDs flash after has booted.
© Copyright Kozio, Inc. 2014
AN113 – Evaluating VTOS with a BeagleBone
Additional Contact Information
Kozio, Inc.
+1 (303) 776-1356
[email protected]
About Kozio, Inc.
Kozio, Inc. is the leading provider of software solutions for embedded hardware design verification and
production test. Kozio empowers engineers with at-speed functional test tools, and high-speed programming
tools, needed to quickly verify new embedded designs for design correctness and production readiness. A
special purpose embedded application is easily configurable for your custom hardware and comes with a
memory, bus, and peripheral subsystem test suites. Quickly identify and troubleshoot hardware failures with
direct hardware access and a powerful scripting language. Kozio products extend coverage; provide fast booting,
fast test execution, and high-speed programming; an extensible test bench, and user configurable production
test scenarios. Kozio can save up to 75% of your test program development costs.
© 2013 Kozio, Inc. All rights reserved. Kozio, VTOS, Integration Workbench, vLink, VTOS-POST, VTOS, SequenceRunner, and SequenceReporter are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Kozio, Inc. All other trademarks and products are the property of their respective owners.
© Copyright Kozio, Inc. 2014