Saguaro Sentinel - National Contract Management Association


Saguaro Sentinel - National Contract Management Association
Saguaro Chapter
March 2015
Source: Saguaro Pictures
Saguaro Sentinel
The NCMA Certification
(What It Can Do For You!)
March is here which means we are collecting nominations for those who
would like to be considered for Chapter Officer positions. Elections are
going to be held during our April meeting.
by: Chapter Officers –
Marty Bolt, CPCM, CFCM; and
Ina R. Merson, CPCM, Fellow
Being a Chapter Officer is a wonderful leadership opportunity, not just
personally but professionally. As a Chapter Officer you are a part of our
professional organization and are able to make a difference not only in
our chapter but in the Tucson contracting community. Nominations
should be forwarded to me no later than 20 March 2015.
Event: March 12th
If you have any questions, please contact a current chapter officer. They
will be happy to answer any questions you may have. The Chapter
Officer positions are listed below. The description of the duties and
responsibilities of the positions are available on our website at .
Chapter President
Chapter Vice President
Vice-President of Operations
Vice-President of Membership and Awards
Chapter Secretary
Chapter Treasurer
Communications Chair
Fellows Chair
Student Liaison Chair
Volunteer-Member-at Large positions
3:00 – 5:00 PM
See page 3 for more details
Pick up a new
at our March 12th Event
Pay $15 Fee at 4 Events,
Attend the 5th Event Free!
Is Your Contact Info
Connie Cobo
To check your NCMA
membership profile, go to, “Member
Login,” and then “View/Edit
Your Profile.”
NCMA Saguaro Chapter President
Any ?’s, call 800-344-8096
February 2015 Event
If you weren’t with us on February 12, 2015 at the Residence
Inn to participate in the workshop on “Current State of Small
Business and the Importance of the Contract Management Role
and Collaboration,” you missed a great presentation. Two
representatives from Raytheon—Bob LaPorte and Joanne
Arvizu and two representatives from the Small Business
Administration—Stephen T. Hart and Shivana Dubey
participated. Two handouts were provided. One was “DoD
Subcontracting Program: The Basics” and the other was a
listing of FAR and DFARS clauses impacting small business
participation. Hope to see you at the March 12th event!
Save the Date - April 2015 Event
“International Contracting (The Good, The Bad & The Ugly)”
By Debra Copp, Raytheon Program Manager
Thursday, 9 April 2015
7:30 – 8:00 am Registration
8:00 – 10:00 am Presentation
Congratulations to:
Connie Cobo,
Mark Gottshall & ay Event
Karen Spencer
on their 20-year membership
Cameron Graham &
Rodney Nielsen
on their 10-year membership
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Any Questions?
Chapter Officers:
President: Connie Cobo, 520-794-1639, [email protected]
Vice President: Marty Bolt, 520-665-7076, [email protected]
VP Operations: Paige Rorie, 520-204-7701, [email protected]
VP Membership & Awards: Chris Hughes, 520-794-5568, [email protected]
Communications Chair: Luanne McIntire, 520-663-8544, [email protected]
Historian: Ina R. Merson, 520-722-4865, [email protected]
Treasurer: Dan Thelen, 520-629-4830, [email protected]
Secretary: Aimee Newberg, 520-794-1159, [email protected]
Fellows Chair: Chuck Ostermeyer, 520-794-1137, [email protected]
Student Liaison Chair: Chris Ambrosio, 520-576-3161, [email protected]
 Welcome New Members 
Brandy Allen, Community Partnership of Southern Arizona
Andrea Canchola, Community Partnership of Southern Arizona
Karen Godzyk, Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy
For more information on the NCMA Saguaro Chapter, please visit
or contact us via email at [email protected].
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