
Elementi poti / Hiking Trail Features:
Izhodišče: Polzela (grad Komenda)
Tip poti: tematska pot
Dolžina: 16,7 km
Zahtevnost: lahka, planinska krožna pot, rahlo vzpenjanje in spuščanje
Vrsta poti: Tematska-turistična-učna-planinska-krožna pot
Potreben čas: 4 h 30 min
Višinska razlika: 426 m
Najnižja točka poti: 310 m
Najvišja točka poti: 736 m
Potek in opis poti / Inbound and route description:
Polzela – Podvin pri Polzeli – Dobrič – Polzela
Pot popelje v svet naravnih in zgodovinskih znamenitosti, mimo edinega obnovljenega malteškega gradu v
Sloveniji ter se povzpne na Goro Oljko, kjer stoji mogočna cerkev. / The hiking trail takes up past various
natural and historical attractions, as well as the only renovated Maltese Knight's Castle in Slovenia. From
there, the trail leads to the top of the Mount of Olives, where a majestic church stands.
Zanimivosti ob poti / Points of interest on the way:
grad Komenda (Polzela) / Komenda Castle (Polzela)
park in graščina Šenek z učno potjo (Polzela) / Šenek Castle with its park and an educational path (Polzela)
cerkev sv. Miklavža (Vimperk) / the Church of St. Nicholas (Vimperk)
rojstna hiša Neže Maurer (Podvin pri Polzeli) / The birth house of the Slovenian poet Neza Maurer (Podvin pri
kužno znamenje (Dobrič) / Plague monument (Dobrič)
Bolčinova hiša (Dobrič) / The Bolcin's house (Dobrič)
cerkev sv. Križa na Gori Oljki / The Church of the Holy Cross at the Mount of Olives
nahajališče termalnih voda Slatine (Polzela) / Thermal springs Slatine (Polzela)
Pot se prične pri gradu Komenda na Polzeli, kjer si je možno ogledati čudovito obnovljen grad, opremljen v
štirih stilno arhitekturnih prvinah: romansko, gotsko, renesančno in obdobje srednjega veka. V gradu je tudi
obnovljena horizontalna sušilnica hmelja in VIT točka Ekomuzeja hmeljarstva in pivovarstva Slovenije, v
njem pa je predstavljen tudi Malteški viteški red in ostali eksponati. Pot se nadaljuje do parka in učne poti v
Šeneku, kjer si je možno ogledati preko sto let stare drevesne vrste in čudovit pušpanov nasad z angleškim
vrtom, belimi klopmi in sprehajalnimi potmi. Pot se po gozdni poti nadaljuje proti naravnemu parku Slatine
ter se prične rahlo vzpenjat, vse do Vimperka, kjer je cerkvica sv. Miklavža. Nato pot nadaljujemo proti
Kopanku, kjer nas čaka delno lesena in delno zidana rojstna hiška naše velike pesnice in pisateljice Neže
Maurer. Pot se strmo nadaljuje po gozdu vse do razcepa za Goro Oljko kjer je kužno znamenje – štiristrani
zidani stolp, ki so ga postavili v čast na črno smrt, ki je v teh krajih razsajala v prvi polovici 17. stoletja.
Kmalu zatem se na levi strani na hribu mogočno bohoti Bolčinova hiša s črno kuhinjo. Na najvišji točki na
736 m visoko se ponaša mogočna cerkvica sv. Križa na Gori Oljki s čudovitim glavnim oltarjem delo
kiparja Ferdinanda Galla, ki je uprizoril apostole z Jezusom pri zadnji večerji v naravni velikosti. Posebnost
Gore Oljke pa je tudi podzemno svetišče in čudovit razgled po bližnji in daljni okolici. Neposredno ob
cerkvici pa stoji planinski dom, kjer se je možno okrepčati in odpočiti. Pot je primerna za čez vse leto in za vse
starostne skupine.
The trail starts at the Castle of Komenda in the middle of Polzela, where you can see a beautifully restored
castle, which equipment represents four architectural styles: Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance period and the
Middle Ages. Inside the castle you can also see a renovated horizontal hop drier, a part of Eco-Museum of
Hop-Growing and Brewing Industry in Slovenia, in which the objects of the Sovereign Military Order of
Malta and other objects are exhibited. The trail continues to the park and the educational path, where you can
see over a hundred years old trees of different varieties and a magnificent box tree plantation with the English
garden, white benches and the strolling paths. The trail then continues through the forest towards the natural
park and thermal springs Slatine, where it slightly starts to climb, all the way to Vimperk, where you can find
the church of St. Nicholas. Then you will continue towards Kopank, to the partly wooden house, a birth place
of our great poet and writer, Neza Maurer. After that the trail rises steeply through the forest to the Mount of
Olives road split, where the Plague Spot Warning stands – a four-sided stone column, built as a memory of the
plague or black death, which was ravaging through these parts in the first half of the 17 th century. Soon after
that, on the the hill on your left side, you will see the Bolcin's house with the preserved black kitchen inside.
At the highest point of the trail, 736 m above the sea level, stands a magnificent church of the Holy Cross at
the Mount of Olives with an extremely attractive main altar, the work of the sculptor Ferdinand Gallo, with the
apostles and Jesus at the Last Supper, all of them in natural size. What is unique about this church is an
underground sanctuary and a wonderful view of the surroundings. Next to the church there is a nicely
maintained mountain home with food service and a possibility to rest. The trail is accessible during all year
round and suitable for people of all ages.
V bližini poti so naslednje zanimivosti:
Cerkev sv. Marjete
Park in graščina Šenek
Muzej starih traktorjev
Cajhnov kozolec
Near the trail there are following attractions:
 the Church of St. Margareth,
 the Park and the Mansion of Senek,
 the Old Tractors Museum,
 Cajhn's Hayrack,