BB 75 E - Vandex A/S


BB 75 E - Vandex A/S
Praktiserende Akupunktører
byder velkommen til:
PA’s Temadag den 2. november 2013
”Depression” v/ Jasmine Uddin
Udover at belyse TCM perspektivet, når det
handler om at behandle depression, vil Jasmine
også se på overordnede emner, såsom hvordan
psykisk sygdom defineres og sættes i
bås/kategoriseres i samfundet.
Jasmine er en ildsjæl, der har beskæftiget sig
med akupunktur i 32 år. Udover sin klinik i
Brighton, arbejder hun kontinuerligt på at
udbrede kendskabet til og højne uddannelsesniveauet indenfor akupunktur. Hun er
medstifter af og formand for den Europæiske
TCM Organisation ETCMA.
Jasmine Uddin
Hygge – samvær – undervisning – viden
Kom og mød gamle kollegaer – og træf nye
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Side 1
Praktiserende Akupunktører
byder velkommen til:
Jasmine Uddin vil undervise i Akupunktur og depression (let forståeligt engelsk).
Læs mere på side 3.
Tid, sted og program
Lørdag den 2. november 2013 kl. 9.00 – 17.00 på First Hotel Copenhagen, Molestien 11,
2450 København SV
8.00 - 9.00 Buffet ved ankomst. Besøg samtidig vore udstillere og gør en god handel.
9.00 – 17.00 Undervisning v/ Jasmine Uddin
10.30 - 11.00 Formiddagskaffe/the/vand
12.30 - 13.30 Frokostbuffet inkl. 1 øl eller sodavand,
15.00 - 15.30 Eftermiddagskaffe med udvalg af kager, chokolade og frisk frugt.
PA-medlemmer kr. 300 (kostpris). Elev-medlemmer kr. 250.
Gæster/ ikke-medlemmer kr. 900. Prisen inkluderer ovennævnte forplejning.
Til PA’s sekretær Ann Jette Riis: [email protected]
Sidste tilmelding tirsdag den 22. oktober 2013.
Betaling til Sparhobro 9363 - 4340101478 - HUSK NAVN PÅ BANKOVERFØRSEL!
Tilmeldingen først gældende ved betaling.
Kurset giver 8 timers efteruddannelse.
Vi glæder os til at se dig!
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Side 2
Praktiserende Akupunktører
byder velkommen til:
Jasmine Uddin BA (Hons), BAc., Clin Ac (Nanjing), FBAcC
Jasmine has been continuously in practice for the past 32 years, having originally qualified
at the International College of Oriental Medicine (ICOM) in East Grinstead in the UK in
1981. She subsequently supplemented her acupuncture education with three visits to
Nanjing College of TCM for additional clinical training in 1986, 1989 and 1991.
Apart from practice one of her other main interests has been in developing acupuncture
education standards. She began her teaching career in 1981, teaching at ICOM for 4 years,
followed by teaching at the London School of Acupuncture and TCM, which later became
incorporated into the University of Westminster, where she was a senior lecturer.
She gave up teaching in 2001, in order to devote more time to her work at the British
Acupuncture Council (BAcC), the main professional body for traditional acupuncture in
the UK. She was Chair of the BAcC for 7 years, from 1996 to 2003 and then President for
the next 3 years. She chaired its Education Committee for 10 years and co-authored a
number of educational documents for the BAcC, which have been much admired by other
acupuncture bodies.
Jasmine has sat on the British Acupuncture Accreditation Board (BAAB) for the last 20
years in a variety of roles, and is currently its vice-chair. The BAAB is an independent
body which accredits professional acupuncture courses in the UK.
She was awarded a fellowship from the BAcC in 2008 for her services to the profession.
She has also helped organise and run the European School Leaders Day in Rothenburg for
the European Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (ETCMA) for the last five years.
She is the Editor of the European Journal of Oriental Medicine (EJOM), the professional
journal of the BAcC, works for the BAcC as an education consultant and is President of the
Her original degree was in sociology and she became interested in Jungian psychology
when she was studying acupuncture. As a result how ‘medicine’ is organised in society
and the relationship between psyche and soma have always been perspectives that have
informed her work.
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Side 3