Side 1301 - ENG


Side 1301 - ENG
[email protected]
* atelier
1301 Sarah, the daughter of the lord and lady of the manor, * herren og fruen på >
and her husband, called Otis, work as teachers
at the boarding school established at the manor.
Together with the rest of the governing body,
they knock () around some ideas and plans.
They want to fit out / up () a new room as a studio
for arts and crafts.
An old quaint and pictoresque mill,
* godset
* tumle med ( ide, plan )
* indrette ngt. som ngt.
* idyllisk
* malerisk * (vand- ) mølle
quaintly and pictoresquely situated,
( særegen / gammeldags )
* =
10 in a pictoresque setting on the banks (pl.) of the pond,
* i … placering * på området ved bredden af > * dam
is to be converted into a studio where the students
can take art and crafts lessons / classes.
Weeds are poking througn cracks in the foundation.
* rage op gennem ngt.
The lord has a vivid picture of the old mill when it was
* levende
still working.
He can still picture all the activity around the mill,
and he easily pictures some of the people working there.
In the winter, when only clumps of grass
* billede
* & i funktion
* forestille sig ngt.
* … ng.
* klump af ( græs )
had poked up through the snow on the banks of the pond,
* rage op gennem ngt.
20 the kids had fun poking holes in the ice with sticks.
* rage hul i ngt.
At a time when the government was accused of relying on
* =
paint-by-numbers policies, the lord had found it difficult
* ~ på forhånd fastlåst, fantasiløs
to picture what the future might hold for the manor.
* forestille sig hvxx -
Painting a gloomy picture of the economy,
* male >
* dystert
and painting a harsh picture of the government,
* …
* barsk, skarp
an article had painted a gloomy / grim picture of the future.
* …
Taking a sharp jab at the government,
the article had taken a sharp jab at the government’s plans.
Just a few years ago the picture had been very different.
* foretage >
* dyster, grum
* skarpt
* … af ng.
* … af ngt.
* angreb på ng.
* … på ngt.
* billedet
30 The overall picture for the manor had been encouraging. * overordnede >
Painting / portraying the government in a bad light,
* billede af ngt.
* ~ fremstille ngt. >
the article had painted / portrayed the government as
* =
a gang of subversive socialist.
* samfundsnedbrydende
* billede, ~ udsigt for ngt.
* i et dårligt lys
* som ngt.
1302 Always trying to picture how to save the manor,
* forestille sig hvxx
the Lord had, however, never pictured the manor as a school * … ngt. som ngt.
and never pictured his children as teachers one day.
As a child, the old lord usually did as he was told
as his father used to knocked him around / E& about.
He never pictured the manor housing a boarding school
* … ng. som ng.
* slå ng. / behandle ng. strengt
* forestille sig ngt. at -
and never pictured his son and daughter working as teacher. * - - - ng. at * rum
* ‘ knalde ‘ / lægge < sammen
and a wall between two rooms is knocked through.
* væg
* banke igennem <
10 In a cavity they find a dead rat.
* hulrum
To make a big studio, two rooms are knocked into one,
Otis prods at the mummified rat with a stick.
* skubbe til ngt. * mumificere ( selv / ngt. ) * med ngt.
Poking the mummy with a stick, he pokes it onto
* skubbe ngt. * mumie * med ngt * skubbe ngt.+ adv.
a dustpan.
* fejebakke
The studio has a couple of picture windows.
* ~ panoramavindue
Everything needs painting.
* ~ at blive malet
Having cleared the crumbling plaster off some walls,
* rense >
a plasterer daubs new plaster onto the wall.
Daubing the wall with plaster, he plasters the wall
* hensmuldrende
* pudser
* tilsmøre ngt. med ngt.
* pudse ( væg )
* overpudse >
20 Some paint (<work ) has started to peel,
* maling ( malerarbejde )
so the walls are full of paint chips.
* ~ flis af maling
or they use paint stripper to remove old paint.
* afskallende
* murværk
* maling
* malings* male ngt. i >
* mat
The painter gives most surfaces two coats of paint:
* maler
* lag
* blank (-hed)
Some woodwork only needs a fresh coat of paint.
blank maling
* ~ en ny gang maling
The house is full of paint pots (or paintpots) .
* malerbøtte
The paint has to be stirred before use.
* omrøre ngt.
30 The painter stirs the paint – he stirs and it stirs easily.
They buy the pots of paint, tins E/A cans or of paint
at the paint dealer at the paint shop.
* omrøre /
røre rundt i ngt.
* bøtte maling
* farvehandler
* skalle
* slibe ngt. ( ned )
* ~ fjerner
The rooms has been painted in dull drab colours.
of gloss ( paint ) or matte / matt E/A mat paint .
* af ngt.
* klaske ngt. på ngt.
as he plasters `over the original brickwork.
Walls with peeling paint have to be sanded ( down )
* puds
* gråbrun
* maling
* mat
* omrøre
røre rundt
* omrøres
* dåse maling
* farvehandel
1303 A dark drab scullery is converted into a brightly lit
* mørk
utility room painted in a light colour.
* nytterum
* kedelig
* bryggers
They paint the walls with gloss ( paint ).
( vaske-, fyr-, hobbyrum )
* male ngt. med ngt.
The walls of the studio are painted white to maximize
* male ngt. ( en farve )
the natural light.
* ~ i klar farve >
Taking a break, Sandra pokes at the paint dust
* rode rundt i ngt.
Jabbing at the sketch with her stick, she introduces Otis
10 to her idea.
* oplyst
* malet i > * lys
* farve
* ~ glansmaling
* maksimere ( lys )
A brightly painted door needs a fresh coat of paint.
with a stick, drawing a rough sketch of an idea.
* klart
* med ngt.
* malet
* malings-
* støv
* tegne > * grov * skitse af / til ( ide )
* stikke ud efter ngt.
* med ( pind )
Jabbing at a detail with his finger, Otis makes a comments. * - = -
* med ( finger )
They paint the outer walls with water-resistant paint.
* male ngt. med >
They paints the outer walls yellow.
* male ngt. >
‘ Wet paint,‘ a sign says.
* ~ nymalet
The other rooms are painted in bright colours too.
* male ngt. i >
Some cables ends, left poking out of the walls,
* rage ud af ngt.
need electrical fittings.
* ( lyse ) farver
* tilbehør
The painting is an example of the pictorial traditions,
* billedmæssig
daubing the wattle between the half-timbering with daub:
a mixture of clay, mud etc.
So the half-timbered house had mud-built walls
made of wattle and da(u)b or stud and mud.
A wattle-and-da(u)b hut may have no half-timbering,
and a mud hut may be made of sun-baked mud bricks.
Sandra and Otis both spend a lot of their leisure ( time ) /
spare time working in the studio.
Their baby sleeps in her pram E/A baby carriage.
* maling
* gul
They put up an old painting to decorate one of the walls.
20 The painting pictures builders, dressed in drab,
* vandfast
* afbillede /
* bygnings- * ubleget / gråbrun kraftig
skildre ngt.
uld el. bomuldstof
* tilklaske > * grenflet- * bindings- * med > * lerblanding
* ler
* mudder
* ~ bindingsværk
* fletværk og ler
* ~ lerklinet
* afstivning og mudder
* ~ lerklinet
* lerhytte
* hytte
* solbagt
* fritid
* =
* barnevogn
30 Looking at the tiny head poking out of the blanket
* rage ud af ngt.
the assure themselves that she’s fast asleep.
* mudder-
* mursten
1304 The studio is well equipped as its fitted out / up with
* være ( vel- ) udstyret
all kinds of equipment for art and crafts.
There are easels where the cavases can be put on.
* staffeli
Working with art has become their hobby / pastime.
* & fritidsinteresse
Sandra has drawn since her childhood, and painted too.
* tegne
Drawing and painting well, she is very artistic.
* kunstnerisk
Already as a child, she showed artistic painterly talents.
* kunstnerisk
Inspired by the manor’s collection of paintings by different
* udstyret med ngt.
* lærred
* sætte < på <
* male
* malermæssig ( talent )
painters, she has drawn and painted painterly pictures.
* male >
10 She has drawn and painted landscapes, portraits
* tegne >
* male ( landskab etc. )
still life(s), and abstracts ( abstract paintings ).
* stilleben
* abstrakt ( … billede )
* kunstmalerpræget
She has done / made / drawn / painted self-portraits.
* lave / = / tegne / male >
Sandra has her own paintbox and a `palette.
* malerkasse
* billede
* ( selv- ) portræt
* palet
The studio has a collection of art books with a lot of pictures. *
Showing pictures of both people and landscapes,
* billede af ng&t.
there are prints of drawings, watercolours and paintings of * tryk af > * tegning > * akvarel > * maleri af ng&t.
both people and landscapes by famous artists.
Monet, Renoir, van Gogh, and Turner prints are made
* af ng.
* tryk, reproduktion
* fremstille <
among many others to make it possible for ordinary people
20 to have a picture by a famous artist.
* billede ( lavet ) af ng.
The cave paintings bear / give witness to prehistoric
expressions of art.
Sandra knows of some famous artists mainly from articles
* hule-
* maleri
* give vidnesbyrd om /
vidne om ngt.
in their encyclopedia where you only get their life stories
* livs-
painted with a broad brush.
* male ( en historie ) med den brede pensel
She has read a few biographies of famous artists
* biografi om ng.
where the biographer gives a picturesque description of
* biograf
their usually bohemian, checkered and chaotic lives.
* bohemeagtigt
To kill time, she often draws a picture ( of something ).
* historie
* billedrig
* omtumlet
* slå tiden ihjel
* tegne >
30 Doing / making a drawing, she uses a pencil or charcoal * lave ( tegne ) >
to do / make either a pencil drawing or a charcoal drawing. * =
Many of her pictures, drawings and paintings,
portray the idyllic landscapes around the manor.
* tegning
* blyants- * =
* kaotisk
* liv
* billede ( af ngt.)
* blyant
* trækul
* trækuls-
* ngt. forestille / beskrive ngt.
She also portrays nature as wild as powerful.
* ng. beskrive / fremstille ngt. som ngt.
Sandra portrays herself as a happy amateur.
* betegne / beskrive ng. som ngt.
* =
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1305 Before doing / making a painting,
* lave ( male ) >
she often does / draws / makes a few rough sketches.
* udføre / tegne / lave >
A friend of Sandra’s wants an artist to paint her daughter’s
* maleri
* rå
* skitse
* male >
picture, and as she considers Sandra a skilled, capable,
* ngs. billede ~ ( male ) et billede af ng.
and competent portrait painter, she asks Sandra
* portræt-
* maler
to paint her daughter for her.
* male ng.
* for ng.
Before painting a picture of the daughter,
Sandra want to draws her picture
So before painting the daughter’s picture,
* male >
* billede af ng.
* tegne >
* ngs. billede
~ et billede af ng.
* male >
* ngs. billede
~ et billede af ng.
10 Sandra draw pictures of the daughter.
Painting the daughter’s portrait,
Sandra paints a full-lenght portrait of her .
* tegne >
* billede af ng.
* male >
* portræt
* =
* = ( i fuld længde ) af ng.
The daughter’s portrait paints well.
* ~ være velegnet til at male
Working with objects in the foreground, background,
* genstand
or middle ground, Sandra may paint () out an object.
Painting in a light or pale colour, it may be difficult to
paint over a bright and vivid dark colour.
The daughter is / looks a picture just like her mother
* forgrund
* mellemgrund
* baggrund
* male ngt. ud / væk
* male i / med >
* lys
* bleg
* overmale ngt.
* klar
* livlig
* ~ være billedskøn / se … ud
* farve
* mørk ( farve )
who is as pretty as a picture too.
* ~ være billedskøn
20 Besides being / looking the picture of health,
* ~ være billedet på ngt. / udstråle ngt. * godt helbred
the daughter is the picture of maturity beyound her years.
* billedet på >
Portraying the daughter’s face as happy but serious,
* modenhed
* alder
* udover
* portrættere ngt. som ( adj. )
Sandra portrays the daughter as a happy but serious person. * … ng. som ( subst. )
She paints in oils or acrylics ( acrylic or oil paints ),
but also paints in watercolours ( watercolour paints ).
Using different paintbrushes, she changes between
broad and fine brushes.
When she puts the finishing touch to the painting,
* male >
* ~ med olie-
* …
* vand- / akvarelfarver
* bred
* fin
* =
* pensel
* afsluttende
* anstrøg til ngt.
* pensel- * strøg
30 Making an abstract such as an abstract painting,
* abstrakt ( kunstværk )
she may daub paint on the canvas.
* smøre / klaske ngt. >
she may make a few strokes of the brush.
* =
* malerpensel
a few brush strokes give the painting the finishing touch.
Having daubed the canvas with paint,
* acrylfarve (-r)
* give ngt. det fuldendende anstrøg
* oversmøre / -klaske ngt.
* ~ penselstrøg
* …
* billede
* på lærred
* med ngt.
1306 Sandra prods Otis into painting.
When he starts painting, and paints unskillfully,
he’s no more than a dauber who is just able to daub.
So step by step, daubing a number of canvases,
and producing a number of daubs, he developes more skills.
* tilskynde ng. til ( at - ) ngt.
* uøvet, ~ amatøragtigt
* klatmaler
* klatmale
* skridt for skridt
* oversmøre / klatmale ngt.
& hen ad vejen
* klatmaleri
‘ Practice makes `perfect, ‘ Sandra says encouragingly.
* ~ øvelse gør mester
Otis finds many techniques difficult but nevertheless
* teknik
makes a good stab at them.
Every time he has / makes / takes a stab at ( mastering )
10 the techniques, he acquires more skills.
* ~ gøre et godt forsøg på ngt.
* - - - ( at - ) ngt.
* mestre >
* teknik
Sandra goads () on Otis with ( words of ) encouragement. * anspore ng. med ngt.
* opmuntring
( opmuntrede ord )
Enjoying painting, he needs no prodding / encouragement * ikke behøve nogen tilskyndelse
to go on.
* til at -
An artist easily daubs his artist’s smock.
* tilsvine ngt.
They buy their painter’s tools at an art shop.
* ~ malergrejer
They also buys picture frames.
* billed- / maleriramme
The shop also sells painting books or colouring books
* malebog
such as paint-by-numbers books for childring.
* ( kunstner- ) kittel
* kunst- ( artikel- )
* butik
* male-efter-numre-bog
Sometimes Sandra and Otis just knock around / E&
about the house.
* tusse rundt
* i ngt.
One day they decide to buy a new TV.
Buying a high definition flat-screen / -panel television,
* høj
* opløselighed
they are astonished to realize how clear the picture is
* klar
on their HDTV.
* high definition tv
The picture on their old TV suddenly appears very blurred
in comparison.
One evening a boring film at a time starts to get exciting
when an angry wife starts poking fun at her husband.
Angrily jabbing at him with her finger,
she then jabs him in the chest with her finger.
As a responce to her jabs, and while rediculing his wife,
* fladskærm
* billede
* billede
* sløret, uskarpt
* gøre grin med / latterliggøre ng.
* stikke ( pludseligt ) ud efter ng. * med ( noget spidst )
* … ng. ( voldsomt ) i ngt.
* med ( finger )
* ( pludselig, voldsom ) stik
* latterligøre ng.
the husband stabs his finger at her chest,
* stikke >
* finger
and then stabs her in the chest with his finger.
* … ng.
* i ngt
* mod ngt.
* med fingeren
1307 As Sandra realizes that Otis has fallen asleep in front of *
the TV, she pokes / prods him playfully in the ribs.
She pokes / prods him ( in the ribs / side )
with her finger to wake him up.
* prikke ng. i ngt.
* ribben
* … ( i ngt.) >
* med ngt.
She pokes / prods her finger into his ribs / side.
* prikke ngt. ind i ngt.
So the next time when Sandra falls asleep watching TV,
Otis pokes / prods her ( in the ribs / side ) with his elbow.
* puffe ng. ( i ngt.) med ngt.
He pokes / prods his elbow into her ribs / side.
* … ngt. ind i ngt.
Having both given the other one a playful poke / prod
* give ng. >
* puf
10 ( in the ribs ) ( with their finger or elbow ) to wake them up, * i ngt.
* med ngt.
either enjoy taking a poke at the sleepyhead and the way
* ~ gøre sig lystig over ng. / ngt.
they look or sound when asleep in a sitting posture.
* siddende
Watching the news, they’re frightened, shocked, and upset
at the harrowing television pictures of the famine victims.
* positur, stilling
* frygtelig etc. <
* ( tv-) billede af ngt.
The victims are / look the picture of misery.
* ~ være billedet på >
Feeling a stab of pain in the chest,
* stik af smerte >
Otis and Sandra both feel a stab of pity and guilt.
* --- >
The misery stabs their conscience.
* ~ gør ondt i >
Wen the fire in the fireplace has almost died out, the fire
20 needs to be given a poke and perhaps more firewood.
* give >
* i ngt.
* medlidenhed, medynk
* ilden
* rode op i >
In a boxing match, a boxer with a good left jab
* ( kort og hurtigt ) stød
* slå ng. hårdt
They watch a little / a ( little ) bit of a game of tennis.
* en smule af ngt.
The grand slams like Wimbledon, French Open, US open,
* = ( * storslået
* ~ opvarmning
Jones knocked () out his opponent in the first round.
* blive slået ud
His opponent got a real walloping.
With Morris out of the picture, Jones is likely to win
the Grand Slam tournament and the Grand Slam Cup.
* ild
* få >
* en ( ~ ordentlig ) gang klø
* brag ( af dør etc. der smækker ) )
* knockout / ‘’ vind eller forsvind ‘’ ( turnering )
In a `knock-up, the players knock `up before the game.
30 He walloped his opponent 3 – 0.
* ( en gang ) puffen
* støde ( hurtigt og kort ) mod ng.
He walloped his opponent who got a real walloping.
and Australian Open are `knockout tournaments.
* skyld
* ngs. samvittighed
So having poked the fire, they may put () on more wood.
jabs skilfully at his opponent.
* elendighed
* ~ varme op
* tæske ng.
* få >
* ude af billedet
* =
* en ( ~ ordentlig ) omgang klø
* ~ gå i byen
1308 One day Sandra’s brother, called Ollie, wants to
go to town just to knock around / E& about ( the town )
* ~ tage til byen
( with a collegue called Tom ).
* med ng.
They spend some time poking around / E& about
in a bookshop but find nothing.
* daske omkring
* lede rundt omkring
In the evening they go to the pictures / movies,
* ~ gå i biffen
and afterwards they want to paint the town red.
* male byen rød
The film has won three Academy Awards, called Oscars ,
* =
* =
including Best Picture.
* bedste film
10 After the film they have supper in an Italien restaurant.
* få / ~ spise >
Having spaghetti bolognaise, Ollie pokes at the spaghetti
* ~ på >
* restaurant
* puffe til / rode i ngt.
with a fork to mix it with the meat and tomatoe sauce.
* med ngt.
Having grilled meat with trimmings /A& fixings,
* tilbehør
Tom prods at the ingredients with his knife and fork.
* aftensmad
* skubbe til ngt.
* med ngt. ( spidst )
After their supper, going to a more riotous / uproarious part * løssluppen
of the town, Tom suddenly feels an irresistable urge to pee.
In order not to wet himself / his pants / his knickers,
he has to have E/A take a pee in a bush.
* tisse
* ~ tisse i bukserne
* ~ få sig en tissetår
So he quickly pokes his head around the corner of a wall
20 to check that nobody is coming.
* stikke hovedet rundt om ngt.
The wall is daubed with grafitti.
* overplastre ngt. med ngt.
* =
Grafitti painters have painted pictures, slogans, and tags * …maler * male > * billede * & slagord * grafittimalersymbol
on the wall.
* på ngt.
Soon after, they stop at a pub to quench their thirst.
* slukke >
Having had a poke around, they push their way to a place * ~ rette et undersøgende
* sin tørst
* mase sig vej til ngt.
blik omkring
near the bar, not surprisingly next to an attractive young lady.
Soon they get into a conversation with the young lady.
They find out that she’s going out drinking and celebrating
* gå ud for at -
some good news.
30 She has had a tumour removed, feared to be malignant / * tumor
* fjerne ngt.
* ondartet
Waiting for an answer, the pain has stabbed in her chest.
* smerte
To her great relief, the tumour appeared to be benign /
* godartet
* stikke i ( brystet )
non-malignant / harmless.
Even if she’s happy to be restored to health,
she feels sick of being poked and prodded by doctors.
* ikke ondartet
* ~ gjort rask igen
* ~ være godt træt af at -
* puffet og trykket på
1309 Suddenly raising his voice in anger, a guy at the bar
angrily stabs / jabs / prods the air as the guy next to him
* prikke ( op i ) luften
loudly takes a poke at / teases him, calling him a cuckold.
* ~ gøre grin med / drille ng.
The tease goads () on the guy with insults.
* drillepind
Having however poked holes in the tease’s story,
* ~ gennemhulle >
the victim of the teases asks the tease to stop
* drillerier
poking around / E& about in his business.
* snage i >
His wife is, by the way, infamous for being
* hanrej
* tirre ng. med ngt.
* historie
* affærer
* forresten
an incorrigble / inveterate { cock- / prick-tease.
* uforbedrelig / indgroet
10 The tease victim always feels a stab of jealousy
* stik af >
when his wife can’t help teasing other men.
* pirre ( en mand uden seriøs hensigt )
Sick of prurient curiosity, the husband is sick of prying
and prurient regulars, poking their nose into his marriage.
Nevertheless, keeping on making fun of the husband,
the tease keeps on poking fun at / rediculing him.
Stabbing / jabbing / prodding the air with a pen,
the barman tries to stop the tease.
* pik
* drillepind
~ narrefisse
* jalousi
* nyfigen, lummer
* nysgerrighed
* sexfikseret
* stikke sin næse i ngt.
* gøre grin med ng.
* latterliggøre ng.
* prikke ( op i ) >
* luften
by maintaining that he has poked his wife,
* kneppe ng.
20 a third guy at the bar loses his patience.
* drille ng.
The tease goads him into intervention / intervening.
* tirre ng. til ( at - ) ngt.
So goaded beyond endurance, the third guy intervenes.
* tirret
Jabbing the tease ( in the ribs / side ) with his elbow,
* stikke ng.
Poking the tease ( in the ribs / side ) with his elbow,
* med ngt.
* drillepind
When the tease keeps on mercilessly teasing the husband * nådesløst
the third guy jabs his elbow angrily in the tease’s ribs / side.
* nyfigen
* indgriben
* gribe ind
blande sig
* udover det udholdelige
* i ribbenene
* med albuen
( ngt. spidst )
* i ngs. ribben / side
i ribbenene / siden på ng.
* … albuen >
* skubbe ng. i … med …
the third guy he pokes his elbow angrily into his ribs / side
* … albuen ind i …
to make him stop teasing.
* drille
Turning around, the tease jabs a finger at the third guy .
* stikke >
Feeling provoked, he jabs at the third guy with a finger.
* stikke ud mod ng.
* finger
* ud mod ng.
* med ngt. ( spidst )
30 He jabs him angrily in the chest with a finger
* stikke ng.
* i ngt
as he jabs his finger in his chest in retaliation
* … ngt. ( spidst )
* i ngt.
* med ngt.
* til gengæld
[email protected]
1310 While stabbing his finger at the third guy’s chest,
* stikke >
* finger
and once again stabbing him in the chest with a finger,
* … ng.
* ngt.
the tease pokes his other hand into his pocket
* stikke hånden i lommen
without being noticed.
The backup eventually prods the tease victim into action.
* tilskynde ng. til ngt.
It prods him into jabbing at the tease with his fists
* … ng. til at -
from behind.
* i ngt.
* med ngt.
* støde til ng. med ngt.
The jab turns out to be a fatal move as, a moment later,
* nævestød
* fatal, dødelig
* udspil
* udstøde >
* dødsrallen
the tease victim sinks to the ground uttering a death rattle. * synke til jorden
10 As blood was streaming from his chest, it was obvious
that every attempt at revival / resuscitation would be in vain. * genoplivning
Petrifyed for a moment, the tease slowly realizes that
* forstenet
he has jabbed / stabbed his tease victim ( in the chest )
* stikke ng.
with his flick knife E/A switchblade knife.
* med ngt.
Having jabbed his knife into his tease victim’s chest,
he has jabbed / stabbed his tease victim to death.
* i ngt.
* springkniv
* stikke >
* kniv
* … ng.
* i ngt.
* til døde, ihjel
~ dolke ng. …
Everybody in the pub is shocked at the murder.
When the ambulance arrives, the paramedics have to
accept ( the fact ) that the murder victim has lost so much
* & konstatere at -
20 blood that every attempt to revive / resuscitate him
* genoplive ng.
would be in vain.
When the police arrive, the murderer is arrested,
and the corpse / dead body is photographed.
Interviewing the witnesses, the police are trying to
build up a picture of what happened.
Not until the the police have finished their interviews,
Ollie and Tom are allowed to leave the pub.
* ( politiet ) afhøre ng.
* opbygge >
* billede af ngt.
* afhøring
Poking into peoples private lives and businesses as usual, * stikke snuden I ngt.
journalists already poke about / around outside the pub
* ~ snuse omkring
30 asking both searching and tactless questions.
* undersøgende
& borende
* taktløs, indiskret
1311 Shocked, downcast, and dejected at the fatal accident, * nedtrykt
* =
Ollie and Tom have a hard time enduring the rest of the night * udholde ngt.
intil they can catch a bus home in the morning.
Even if they knock () back quite a few stiff drinks
in order to get through the rest of the night,
* nedsvælge ngt.
* stiv >
* komme igennem ( svær tid )
they still feel shocked and downhearted at the fatal stabbing. * nedtrykt over ngt.
-`As they arrive at home, the news has already spread
throught the local radio.
‘ Middle-aged man knocked () off in a stabbing,’ it said.
The autopsy / post mortem shows that the victim
10 has received a single stab in the chest.
So having died of a single stab wound to the heart,
he was killed with a single stab to the heart.
Yet everyday life at the school has to go on.
* drink
* fatal, dødelig
* knivstikkeri
* slået ihjel
* i et knivstikkeri
* obduktion
* få >
* dø af ngt.
* knivstik i ( brystet )
* stiksår
* dræbe ng. med ngt.
* mod / i hjertet
* stik
* =
* hverdagslivet
One day, Ollie and Tom have to give evidence at the trial.
* aflægge vidneudsagn
Going in Tom’s old car, they both agree that they’d prefer
a car with a little more poke.
At a time, they have to take a diversion E/A detour
20 as there’s some roadworks E/A <work on their way
* skub i
* ( anvist ) omkørsel
The road workers are in the process of widening the road. * vejarbejder
A navvy (E) is a manual labourer employed in
excavating for or building roads, railways, canals etc.
Driving on a bad road, they poke along at about 40 km
an hour.
* være i gang med at - * udvide ( vej )
* ~ jord og betonarbejder
* håndens -
* rode afsted med x
In court the accused pleads self defence.
* plædere / påberåbe sig >
A testimony given at court in fact paints / portrays
* vidneudsagn < give
the murder victim as the real troublemaker.
Having listened to the accused, Ollie and Tom agree
30 that he is not as bad as he is painted.
At the bar he actually is / looks the picture of guilt.
* arbejder
vej- / jernbanearbejder
* udgrave til ngt.
* selvforsvar
* ~ beskrive ng. >
* som ngt.
* ikke så slem som ng. er gjort til
* være / se ud som et billede af >
* skyld
~ ligne skyldigheden selv
1312 The studio gets a lathe installed.
* drejebænk
It’s a machine that shapes pieces of wood by turning them
against a fixed cutting tool such as a chisel.
* stemmejern
Sandra and Otis want to learn how to etch.
* radere, lave ætsninger
Etching is a method to cut or corrode a design on
* ætsning
* skære >
* ætse >
* aftegning
motiv, mønster
a piece of stone, metal, glass, etc.
Etching is a method of making prints from a plate,
* ætsning
10 covered with an acid-resistant ground, on which a design * syreresistent / -modstandsdygtig
is drawn with a needle.
An etching is a printed picture made by etching.
* radering
Copper corrodes in acids.
* kobber
The plate is then placed in corrosive acid, the exposed
* ætsende
lines being eaten away as the acid corrodes the metal.
* korrodere, ætses
tæres, nedbrydes
* blotlægge
* ætse ngt.
Otis wants to etch a design on a copper plate.
* ætse / radere ngt. på >
As he etches lines into the copper,
* … ngt. ind / ned i ngt.
he etches a design in the plate.
When the plate is etched with a design,
20 he daubs the plate with ink.
He spreads the ink all over the design
in order to charged all the furrows with ink.
Provided that only the recessed lines retain ink,
the design is transferred to paper by rolling under pressure.
An old tin tankard has someone's initials etched on it,
and a glass tankard is etched with a date mark.
An engraver has engraved the initials on the tankard,
and engraved the tankard with the date mark.
Engraving is the process or art of etching designs on
* syre
* kobber-
* plade
* … ngt. i ngt.
* … med >
* oversmøre / -klaske ngt. med ngt.
* tegning
* blæk
* sprede / brede ngt. ud over ngt.
* lade / ~ fylde >
* fure
* forsænket
* op med ngt.
* tilbageholde ngt.
* drikkekrus
( evt. m. låg )
* =
* initialer
* ridset, raderet
indgraveret på ngt.
* dato* mærke
* gravør
* ind- / gravere ngt. på ngt.
* … ngt. med ngt.
* gravering
30 wood, stone, metal, etc. by cuttting or corrosion.
An engraving is an engraved design or a printed picture
* gravering, stik
made by engraving a design on wood, stone metal etc.
* gravere / stikke / ridse ngt. på ngt.
and printing the design on paper.
* indgraveret
1313 The moisture of the air corrodes some metals.
A rustproof metal or an alloy like stainless steel,
doesn't corrode in moist air.
* fugtighed
* korrodere / ætse ngt.
* ~ rustfri
* legering
* ( pletfri ), rustfrit
* stål
* fugtig
The corrosive effect of moistness causes rust spots.
* korroderende
* fugtighed
So as damp weather rusts metal, careless keeping
* fugtigt ( vejr )
* få ngt. til at ruste
easily rusts unprotected implements, machines and engines. * - = Exposed to dampness, unprotected metal parts may rust.
* fugtighed
Exposing an object to wind and weather spreads the rust
* sprede >
* rustplet
* opbevaring
* redskab, værktøj
* ruste
* rust
& få rusten til at brede sig
so a rusting object may eventually become covered with rust. * rustende
10 It’s important to look for signs of corrosion and rust.
* =
* korrosion, tæring
A rusting / rusted / rusty gate needs to be restored.
* rustende / rusten / =
Some of the bolts are rusted in.
* ruste fast
Some rust-bound nuts and washers are rusted solidly,
* fastrustet
and some bolt heads are rusted away.
The painter grinds the rusted iron as it’s very important
to clean off any corrosion / rust before applying paint.
* møtrik
* ruste
* helt fast
* ruste ngt. væk
* slibe ngt.
* rusten
* tæring / rust
He gives the gate an anti-corrosion / -rust treatment.
* ~ rustbeskyttelses-
He treats the gate against corrosion and rust
* ~ rustbehandle ngt.
with corrosion- / rust-preventing substance
* rustbeskyttende
20 before he paints it with an anti-rust paint .
* rustbeskyttende
They hope the corrosion protection will last for years.
* rustbeskyttelse
In the late evening they admire the freshly-painted gate
* nymalet
etched against the golden sky.
* skive
* behandling
* ~ skarpt aftegnet mod ngt.
One day, Ollie’s has a visit from a consultant.
* have besøg af ng.
‘ Just to put / keep you in the picture – there has been
* ~ gøre / holde ng. orienteret
some changes here recently,’ Ollie informs him an goes on,
‘ Let’s take a look at the big picture and forget the details.
* ~ se på det fulde perspektiv
30 ‘ I get the picture,’ the consultant answers perceptively.
* ~ forstå situationen
and adds a highly perceptive comment.
* yderst …
‘ That’s very perceptive of you to see it that way,’
Ollie concludes.
* << af ng. at *
* klart opfattende
indsigtsfuld, indforstået
1314 ‘ If your supplier hasn’t replied by next week,
you’ll have to call them and give them a prod,’ the consultant
* give ng.
reminds Ollie.
* påminde ng.
Not long ago the consultant has had to quit his job
in the previous firm as he had a stab in the back.
* prej, påmindelse
* få en kniv i ryggen, blive faldet i ryggen
A collegue has stabbed him in the back.
* ~ stikke en kniv i ryggen på ng., falde ng. i ryggen
The consultant was sacked by the executive manager
* administrerende >
* leder
even if the latter had poked around / about in the consultant's * rode søgende rundt i ( et rum )
office but found nothing incriminating.
* inkriminerende, ~ juridisk belastende
10 Just before this, the deceitful middle manager has been
* mellemleder
noticed to have poked his head around the door to check that * stikke hovedet rundt ud af >
nobody was coming before he has poked a message
* stikke ngt. >
under the executive manager's door.
* ( ind ) under ( døren )
An executive manager executes important decisions.
* udføre ( beslutning )
Ollie invites the consultant to the tennis court.
* invitere ng. til ( et sted )
He invites him for a game of tennis.
* - - - ( til en oplevelse )
Although his tennis is a little rusty,
* ~ ude af træning
he invites the consultant to have a game of tennis with him.
Ollie lends him a tennis racket.
20 The consultant borrows Ollie’s best racket.
* døren
* invitere ng. til at * låne ng. ngt.
* ketcher
* låne ngt.
A clay court has a clay surface.
* ler, ~ grus-
Rust-coloured dust comes off on their tennis shoes.
* rustfarvet
After the match, tiredness is etched on their faces.
* ~ stå præget >
Both their faces are etched with tiredness.
* ~ være mærket af ngt.
* bane
* ~ grusbelægning
* grus
* ~ smitte af på ngt.
* i ngs. ansigt
‘ It’s better to wear out than rust out, though,‘ they agree. * hellere slides op end ruste op
Unimployment is having a corrosive effect on society,
and corrodes the public confidence in the political system.
To gratify a certain curiosity of the consultant,
Otis invites questions from him.
Otis pictures his harrowing experiences so vividly
30 that the consultant half believes he was there.
Ollie’s memories are deeply etched into him.
* nedbrydende
* nedbryde >
Everything is engraved on / in his memory,
engraved on / in his mind, and engraved on / in his heart.
* tillid / tiltro til ngt.
* tilfredsstille >
* nysgerrighed
* invitere til ( spørgsmål ) fra ng.
* skildre > * sindsoprivende * oplevelse
* levende
* halvvejs tro at * stå ( skarpt ) præget / sat sig dybe spor i ng.
Everything is etched on his memory, etched on his mind, * … i >
and etched on his heart.
* effekt / virkning på ngt.
* hukommelse
* … sind
* … ‘’ hjerte ‘’
* præget / prentet i >
* - - - sind
* ngs. hukommelse
* - - - ‘’ hjerte ‘’
[email protected]
* billedskæring/ -hugning
1315 The old manor has a some richly carved doors
* udskåret
with a lot of interesting carved work.
* ~ billedskærer-
* udskåret / -hugget værk
* arbejde
The carver has carved / chiseled his initials on the door.
* billedskærer
* skære ngt. på ngt.
They use a varity of chisels when they carve.
* mejsel / stemmejern
* udskære / -hugge
Carvers may carve / chisel in both wood and stone.
* billedskærer / -hugger
They carve / chisel a piece of wood or piece of stone into
* udskære, udhugge / = ngt. til ngt.
* skære, hugge / = i ngt.
a pattern or image: a picture, relief, figure, sculpture or statue. * mønster
They carve / chisel the object into the shape of a person
* afbildning
billede, figur
* form / skikkelse
af ngt.
* udskære, udhugge / = ngt. til >
or other things by cutting away material from wood or stone.
* udskære / -hugge ( materiale )
10 Many carvers has carved / chiseled Virgin Mary
* udskære, udhugge / = ngt.
and Jesus Christ – carved / chiseled them in wood or stone. * - - - ngt. i ( træ etc. )
Using wood chisels, woodcarvers skilled in woodcarving * stemmejern * træ- /
make woodcarvings such as wooden images in the form of
* træ- / billedskærerarbejde
* træ- / billedskærerværk
* træ* afbildning
woodcuts or wood(en) sculptures and wood(en) statues.
* træsnit
Using cold chisels, stone cutters or stone carvers make
* ~ stenhugning / -skæring
* ~ mejsel
* sten-
* hugger
stone cuttings or stone carvings – reliefs, sculptures
* * ~ stenhuggerværk / -skærerværk
and statues of sandstone, limestone, marble or soapstone.
* lim- / kalksten
A stone cutter and perhaps his team of cutters may cut /
* marmor
* fedt- / klæbersten
* ( billed- ) hugger
* hugge >
20 chisel / carve a huge statue out of a single piece of stone. * mejsle / udskære ngt. ud af ngt.
A sculptor makes sculptures – works of art that are
* skulptør
solid figures or objects made by carving or shaping wood,
stone, clay, metal etc.
* skulptur
Sculptors may sculpt living beings or other objects.
* ~ lave skulptur af ngt.
Skuiile in sculpture, they may sculpt a figure in marble.
* skulpturering
They may sculpt it from a single block.
* - - - af ngt. fra ngt.
They may sculpt a bust in clay.
* ~ modellere >
They may sculpt an abstract out of shreds and patches.
* ~ opbygge / udforme >
A stonemason, stoneworker or monumental mason is
30 occupied in stonemasonry / <work at a stoneworks.
Cutting and dressing stones, a monumental mason
* - - - af ngt. i ngt.
* buste
* i ( ler )
* abstrakt
* stenhugger
* =
* ~ stumper
og stykker
* =
* stenhugning
* =
* stenhuggeri
* tilhugge ngt. * tilvirke, ~ tilhugge / udsmykke ( sten )
often cuts / chisels / carves letters on stones.
* indhugge / mejsle / indgravere ngt. på ngt.
Old crumbling masonry has begun to fall down.
* murerarbejde, murværk
So a mason builds up a new masonry in the old wall.
* murer
Having acquired a knowledge of masonry,
* murerhåndværk
he builds with stone: natural stones, bricks, tiles etc.
* bygge med ngt.
* =
1316 A person may be a Freemason – a member of
* frimurer
a secret order – the Free and Accepted Masons – having
* ~ frimurerordenen
for one of its objects mutual assistance among its members.
The Freemasonry is keept secret.
* frimureriet
There may be freemasonry (U) of a group of people.
* hemmelig broderskab
instinktiv forståelse
Attending a pottery class, Sandra takes up pottery.
* pottemageri
She takes classes in pottery and ceramics.
* & pottemagerkunst
10 They learn how to make a piece of pottery,
* lertøj
a piece of ceramics, and a piece of earthenware.
* keramik
In the pottery or potter’s shop, there’s a potter’s bench
with a potter’s wheel.
The wheel plasters Sandra and her clothes with wet clay
so she ends up plastered in clay from head to foot.
She often plasters her hands with hand lotion
in replacement of the skin’s natural moisture.
A moisturizer is a moisturizing lotion which moisturizes.
* keramikmageri / -kunst
* & fajance
* pottemageri
/ -værksted
* pottemagerhjul
* pottemager-
* tilsøle ngt. med
* sølet ind i ngt.
* ~ fra top til tå
* indsmøre ngt. >
* lotion
* som erstatning for >
* fugtighedskrem
* fugtighed
* -givende
The moisturizer / E& <ser moisturizes / E& <ses the skin. * =
* stentøj
of flint.
pokes a hole in the clay and throws it into a round shape.
* give fugtighed
* fugtiggøre ngt.
20 Stoneware is made of clay that contains a small amount
She puts potter’s clay on the revolving / throwing table,
* bænk, bord
* pottemagerler
* ~ drejeskive
* presse
* hul i ngt.
* dreje ngt. til ngt.
Having shaped the clay into a dish, basin, bowl, pot, jar, * forme > * ler * til > * fad * skål * skål * potte * krukke
jug, pitcher, or vase, she may put handles on.
* kande
* dunk
* vase
va:z / veiz / veis
In England a jug has a wide opening with a lip for pouring
* tud
liquids while a pitcher is larger, has a smaller opening
* væske
and is used for holding liquids: in America it is vice versa.
She bakes the pottery in a kiln / a potter’s oven.
* hælde >
* brænde >
* pottemagevarer
30 It gives a jar when a piece of pottery jars against another. * skurren
It jars on the ear too, when a door jars on the hinges,
and a window jars in the frame.
* skurre i ørerne
* skurre i >
* pottemagerovn
* skurre mod ngt.
* … på >
* hængsel
* ramme
1317 They intend to make exhibitions of their wares ( pl. o-f ) * udstilling
including her pottery and ceramic art.
* varer
* lertøj
* keramik-
Most of the ceramicware is made of colour-glazed pottery. * -vare
Flower vases are popular as most people appreciate
a vase of cut flowers.
* glaseret
* pottemagerler
* blomstervase
* afskårne
You can see a salad bowl, fruit bowl, and sugar bowl.
* salatskål
Earthen pots, jars etc. are made of baked clay.
* ler-
Earthenware as earthenware pottery and art work
* lertøj
* blomster
* frugt-
* potte, krukke, kande
* hårdt
10 Jam is stored in a jam pots and honey in honey pots.
* syltetøjskrukke
In England potted meat and potted fish have been cooked * ~ henkogt
* honning* … fisk
* kød
Today containers are made of materials like metal, glass ,
In the past, they used a water jar for carrying water.
* vandkrukke
porcelain and plastic.
* lervarer
* lertøjs-
are made of hard baked clay.
and preserved in small containers.
* sukker-
The pots and pans in the kitchen are made of metal.
* gryde
* pande, kasserolle
They use waste pots, jars and cartons for paint and brushes. * affaldsFor safe packaging, they swathe pottery in corrugated
* emballering
* svøbe / indhylle ngt. i >
* ~ bølge-
cardboard, put it in a box, and stuff it with wood shavings.
* pap
* træ-
* spåner
~ høvlspåner
20 The factories use foam packaging.
A family of art dealers have carved() up their business
for the benefit of each of the members involved.
* skum-
* ~ emballering / emballage
* ~ opdele ngt.
Sandra has a successful reputation and career as an artist.
Her decision was never carved in stone.
* mejslet i >
* sten
~ urokkelig
She never intented to carve a career in the art world,
or carve out a place for herself.
* ~ tilkæmpe sig >
* karriere
* … sin egen ( plads )
At Christmas the family has roast turkey.
* stegt
A turkey has a wattle.
* kalkunhals, hagelap
The smell of the roast makes everybody’s mouth water.
* ngs. ( mund ) ~ tænder
30 Otis carves, and for carving the turkey,
* skære for
he uses a carving knife and a carving fork.
* forskærer kniv
( A bread knife may be with a serrated blade / edge. )
* brød-
* skære ngt. for
* kniv
* -gaffel
* savtakket
Otis carves all the guests a piece of meat.
* udskære ng. ngt.
A grown-up carves a small child their piece of meat.
* skære ng. ngt. ( ud i mindre stykker )
They have a rich moist cake for dessert.
* fugtig
The children wipe their mouth on the back of their hand
* tørre ( munden ) af på ngt.
while the adults wipe their mouth on / with a serviette.
* løbe i vand
* - - - på / med ngt.
* blad
* skær
1318 More potty about each other than ever, Sandra and Otis * ~ småtosset med ng.
sometimes just spend the day pottering about / around.
Pottering away their time, they potter around the house,
and potter around in the garden and the potting shed (E).
* drysse / nusse omkring
* ~ drysse tiden bort
* & gå og rode i ngt.
* - - - ( i ) ngt.
* ~ plante-
* skur
They have become potty about gardening.
* vild med ngt.
The garden is surrounded by a wattle fence.
* vidje- / pileflet-
When gardening, they sometimes stir the topsoil.
* ~ lave havearbejde * rode op i ngt. * overfladejord
When they dig in the soil with a spade, it may jar on
* spade
some pot shards, or sherds of pottery, glass or metal.
* potte-
10 They potter with potted /E& pot plants of many kinds.
* sysle med ngt.
* hegn
* skurre mod >
* skår, stump
* = shard
* potte-
* plante
Potting plants, they pot them in flowerpots and jars.
* potte > * plante * potte ( plante ) i > * ~ urte- * krukke
To keep the soil moist, they water their potted plants
* fugtig
* vande ( plante )
with a watering can /A& pot or sprinkling can
* vand- * kande
having a spout with a perforated nozzle.
* tud
Burning some garden refuse E/A yard waste, Otis
* overbrusnings- * ( vand- ) kande
* mundstykke
* haveaffald
goes off in a trance even if the smoke makes his eyes water. * ~ falde i trance
Daydreaming, he seems lost in reverie / a daydream
* dagdrømme
* øjnene >
* løbe i vand
* fortabt i > * drømmeri
* dagdrøm
so Sandra gives him a prod / poke in the back to wake him up. * puf / stød i ngt.
Acid rain may have acidified the soil in the garden.
* syreregn
* forsure ngt.
20 Some flowers have diffent colours in acidic and basic soil. * sur
* basisk
Potting compost is good quality soil.
* potte-
The colour of some flowers indicates the acidity of the soil.
* surhed (-s) / -grad
The colour indicates that the soil has acidified.
* blive sur
Waste gas has caused strong acidification of air, soil,
* ~ røggas
and waters, and caused much damage to nature.
‘ Thank you, ‘ Sandra says quite acidicly
when she has had a bite of a fruit that was very acidic.
One morning when they hear some moos,
* kompost, ~ muld
* forsuring
* surt, syrligt
* sur, syrlig
* muhen
they see the farmer prodding and goading a couple of cows. * drive ( dyr ) afsted
30 Using a cattle prod / goad, he prods, jabs and pokes
* kvæg- * stav * prikke til > * støde til > * puffe til ng.
the cows to make them move forward.
Giving the cows a sharp jab / prod / poke in the rump
* hårdt
* stød
* prik
* puf
* i rumpen
with his prod / goad, he drives them into a cattle transporter. * med ngt.
Today much of the butchery is done at a slaughterhouse
* drive ng. * kreatur- * transportvogn
( spidst )
* slagteri ( aflivning og udskæring )
* slagteri
or `abattoire (E) where animals are slaughtered / butchered. * slagte ( dyr )
The cows moo, unaware of their sad destiny / fate
fast approaching.
* muhe
* skæbne
* hurtigt
* komme nær
~ snarlig
1319 One afternoon, they are going to visit some friends.
When they arrive, nobody is stirring in the house.
* bevæge / røre sig
They find their friends pottering about in the garden.
* nusse / pusle omkring
Their two boys play at fencing with a couple of sticks.
* fægte med ngt.
‘ Don’t poke an eye out with those sticks,‘ a parent warns.
* stikke ( ngs. øje ) ud >
* med ngt.
The hostress makes a pot of frothing coffee.
* kande
She spoons the ground coffee into the filter bag.
* transportere ngt. med ske * malet
She uses a spoonful of coffee from the coffee canister
( + adv. / prep. )
* skefuld
for each cup of coffee, and a spoon for the coffee pot.
* skefuld
10 Frothy coffee has froth on top.
* skummende
* skummende ( kaffe )
( kaffe )
* i > * filterpose
~ kaffefilter
* dåse
* kaffe-
* ~ kande
* skum
They stir the coffee with a `coffee spoon.
* omrøre / røre rundt i ngt.
Instant coffee are sold in coffee jars or coffee bags.
* ~ pulver ( -kaffe )
* kaffeske
* krukke / glas
* pose
The husband begins poking around / about in a cupboard * rode rundt i ( skab )
looking for their holiday pictures / photographs.
So their friends give a pictorial account / record of
last their journey; he had whisked her off to Paris
* billedledsagende
* beretning
* ~ pludselig hive ng. et sted hen
The have got nice pictures / photos of their journey.
* have >
* billeder / foto fra ngt.
A picture / photo may be blurred / out of focus.
* billede / foto
* sløret / ude af fokus
The host and hostess say that Otis and Sandra are
* ~ værtsparret
20 welcome to eat with them but they have to take pot luck.
* ~ spise, hvad der er for hånden
… `...
It’s put luck whether anything will be a success or not.
( In the US, they have a potluck when everyone invitet
brings some food to eat. )
They have some leftover meat from a beef casserole.
and some leftovers (pl.) from a pot roast and a pot of stew.
( A casserole ( dish ) is an ovenproof container with a lid,
* ~ baseret på forhåbning
* ~ sammenskudsmåltid
* levnet
* levninger
* ovnret
vegetables etc. that are cooked inliquid in an oven.
30 Having cut the beef into small pieces,
the host mixes all the leftovers together in a casserole.
While the casserole in the oven set to a high heat,
he whips up a bowl of salad.
Finally stirring the stew with a wooden spoon,
he stirs some thickener / thickening into the stew.
* gryde- * steg
* ~ gryderet
* ~ stegeso, ovnfad m. låg
and used formaking casserroles i.e. hot dishes with meat,
A roasting dish is a flat hollow ovenproof container. )
* ovnret
* ~ ildfast
* ~ stegefag
* skære ngt.
* i ( små ) stykker
* sat til >
* høj
* ~ knalde ( mad ) samm
* omrøre / røre rundt i ngt.
* røre ngt.
He stirs in a few teaspoonfuls to thicken it.
* ~ irøre >
He stirs continously until the casserole thickens.
* røre rundt
* varme
* skål ( med ) ngt.
* træ-
* ske
* jævning
* ud / op i ngt.
* teske(fuld)
* fortykke / jævne ngt.
* sammenkogt ovnret
* …s
[email protected]
1320 Cooking pasta, the host skims () off the scum (U).
* skumme ngt. af
Skimming the pasta,he skims the scum off the pasta.
* skumme ngt.
He takes care not to scald himself.
* skolde ng.
* ( uønsket ) skum
* skumme ngt. af ngt.
He rinses the pasta with cold water so it wont stick,
and, giving it a slight stir, he rinses the scum from the pasta.
* skylle ngt. med / i ngt.
* skylle ngt. væk fra ngt.
He opens a window as it’s like an oven in the kitchen.
* som ( i ) en bageovn
Usinf a pair of `oven gloves / mittens,
* ovn-
* handsker
he takes the burning hot casserole out of the oven,
* brændende
and puts it on a heatproof dish mat on the table.
* ~ ildfast
10 He can do with a pair of pot / kettle holders
* ~ grydelap
when he carries the hot pot of spaghetti.
It's a fact that when the host whips () off his apron,
he has whipped () up a delicious dinner in 20 minutes.
* klæbe
* varm
* ~ bordskåner
* ~ knalde ( måltid ) sammen
They use a pair of tongs for picking up the spaghetti.
* ~ tang
They use a ladle with a large bowl for ladling
* øse, øse- / potageske * fordybning
the scalding ( hot ) casserole on top of the spaghetti.
Eating their food with a tablespoon,
the children blow on the first piping hot spoonfuls.
* øse ngt. >
( med øseske )
* skoldhed
( flydende substans )
* på ngt.
skoldende ( varm )
* spiseske
* puste på ngt.
* rygende
* varm
People pass each other the salt cellar and pepper pot eE / * peberbøsse
10 eA the salt shaker and pepper shaker.
A salt bowl with a salt spoon for table use
salt box in the kitchen contains coarse salt.
In an attempt to whip up / incite / rouse the children,
* saltbøsse
* =
* salt- * skål, kar
* salt-
* salt- * ske
* ~ kar
* groft
* ~ stille ng. ngt. i udsigt
if they clear the table.
* rydde ( af ) >
the children whisk () away plates and cutlery E/A flatware.
Having poured whipping cream into the bowl
* ~ lige med et fjerne ngt.
* piskeris
to beat, whisk, and whip eggs or cream to a froth.
* piske ngt. til ngt.
A tin of mixed fruits is shared out on dessert plates
where each portion is topped with the frothy mixture.
They eat the vanilla cream dessert with dessertspoons.
* bestik
A: knive
* ~ piske-
30 Sometimes she uses a whisk or an egg beater,
she stirs the egg paste gently into the whipped cream.
* bordet
of their electric whisk, the hostess whips the cream until stiff. * ~ elpisker
Having beaten up some yolks and vanilla with sugar,
* salt
* ~ opildne ng.
their mother holds out propect of dessert to them
Almost before she has finished her sentence,
* bord- * brug
* piske op >
* bestik
* fløde
* piske >
* fløde
* hjulpisker
* skum
* blomme
* med ngt.
* røre > * ( ægge- ) pasta * op / ud i > * ~ flødeskum
* fordelt ud
* toppet
* vanilje
* flødeskun
~ råcreme
* dessert
* dessertske
1321 Making a pot of tea to go with the fruit whip, the host
* potte / kande ( te )
put five teaspoon(<ful)s ( tsps ) of tea in a large teapot.
* teskefuld
Those who take milk and sugar in their tea pour milk from
* ~ fromage
* tekande
* ~ drikke ( te ) med ( ngt. ) / bruge ( ngt. ) i ( teen )
a milk jug E/A pitcher, and spoon sugar from a sugar bowl. * mælke-
* kande
* sukker-
They stir the tea with a teaspoon.
* omrøre ngt. med >
They stir the milk and sugar into their tea.
~ røre rundt i ngt. med ngt.
* røre ngt. i ngt.
They stir in milk and sugar until the sugar has dissolved.
* =
As everybody joins in, they whip through the dish washing.
* ~ stryge gennem ( opvask )
End up playing cards, they all put money in a pool,
* pulje
10 and after each game, one of them wins the pot / kitty.
Even if Sandra and Otis had pots of money, they'd never
put the pot on / lash out on anything in gambling.
You may now and then win the jackpot in some
* skål
* teske
* ~ gå i opløsning
* den endelige pulje
* ~ masser af penge
* ~ sætte en masse penge på ngt.
* =
* vinde jackpot / den største gevinst
games of chance but to win the jackpot in the national lottery
* ~ hasardspil
is a crock / pot of gold.
* krukke / bætte guld, ~ urealistisk rigdomstilgang
‘ When I met my wife, I hit the jackpot,‘ Otis adds.
* ~ få jackpot / den store gevinst
Talking about going shooting, they lash ( out at ) / criticize * jagt til fods
a whippersnapper for potting the game.
* kritisere, ( lange ud efter ) ng.
* ung, ubetydelig vitigper * bare plaffe på > * jagtvildt
/ -prås
He always takes a pot shot at the game.
20 The fact is that he can’t even pot a sitting duck / target.
It’s getting late when the host gets the poker in order
to poke / stir the fire for the last time.
They have drunk three pots of tea.
* ~ usportsligt skud på ngt. bare for at skaffe bytte
dårligt sigtet / fra tæt baghold
* ramme >
* ~ nemt mål
* ilddrager
* rode op i ( ild )
* for sidste gang
* potter ( af ) ngt.
Rain suddenly pelts the windows; it's pelting down outside. * piske ( mod ) ngt.
Lashing / hammering / pounding at the windows,
heavy rain lashes / hammers / pounds against the panes.
* piske / hamre mod ngt.
* -=-
There's a pelting rain: rain is coming down in buckets.
* ~ det er øsende regn
The wind beats the rain in Sandra and Otis' faces
* slår >
* regn
as they pelt out to their car parked in / on the drive (<way ). * styrte ud
30 The wind whips Sandra's hair around her face,
so her hair whips into her eyes.
As Otis backs the car out, and they back out of the drive,
a branch whips across the side window.
* det øser ned
* det regner i spandevis
* i ( hovedet på ng. )
* i / på > * indkørsel
* piske ngt. rundt om ngt.
* slaske ind i ngt.
* bakke ngt. Ud
* bakke ud af ( indkørsel )
* slaske tværs over >
* side-
While rain lashes against the windscreen E/A windshield, * piske mod >
* ~ rude
* forrude
the ( windscreen / windshield ) wipers have a hard time
* ( vindues ) visker
wiping () off the pelting rain whipping across the window.
* viske bort <=> ngt. * piskende * regn * piske hen >
over ngt.
The wind whips the rain across all the windows.
* piske ngt. hen over ngt.
1322 In the morning,it's still pouring outside.
* det øser ned
( The ) rain still pours down.
* regn >
It's pouring ( with ) rain E/A it's pouring ( down ) rain.
* det øser ned
so Otis and Sandra put up their umbrellas.
* slå paraply op
They are careful not to poke anyone in their eye.
* stikke ng. >
The local grocer took pot `luck when he took over
* købmand
the grocer’s, the grocery or grocery store (eA).
It’s pot luck whether he can keep the pot boiling
* øse ned
* i øjet
* ~ tage, hvad der kommer
og håbe på det bedste
* købmand (-shandel / -butik )
* <<
* & holde sagerne
/ økonomien i gang
or the project will go to pot.
* gå i vasken
10 Although he doesn’t expect a crock / pot of gold,
* usandsynlig præmie / belønning
he hopes for a thriving business in the general store(<s E&)
* livlig
The jovial grocer is a pot-`bellied man who's joviality,
helpfulness and willingness arouses much sympathy.
Mentioning his pot `belly or pot inside his tight overall,
he jokingly says it’s like putting a quart into a pint pot (E).
* ~ tykmavet
* købmandshandel
( med bredt udvalg i mindre by )
* & gemytlighed
* godmodighed
* vække >
* sympati
* ~ topmave, vom
* kittel
* ~ anbringe ngt., hvor der ikke er plads
( a pint is one half of a quart and 1/ 8 of a gallon )
As one of his peculiarities and peculiar habits,
he likes to wear a gaily coloured bow tie that jars / classes
with the rest of the outfit.
His bow tie and the rest of his outfit jar / clash.
* livlig
* koloreret
~ spraglet
* imod ngt.
* butterfly
* skurre mod hinanden
20 He’s up and in full swing before the others begin stirring. * i fuld sving
New optimism is stirring throughout the county.
* opstå
At the grocer’s they buy groceries : a carton of milk,
* købmandsvarer
* røre på sig
* karton
some pots or cartons of yogurt ( yoghurt / yoghourt ),
* bæger
a packet of porridge / rolled oats, a packet of margarine,
* pakke * grød- / valsede * havregryn
a tub of butter, a plastic bottle of ketchup,
* bæger ( smør )
a tube of mayonaise, a bag of remoulade, etc.
* tube
They usually drink skimmed `milk or skim `milk.
* skummet mælk
At the dairy they skim whole milk.
* mejeri
as they skim the cream from the full-cream milk,
* skumme ngt. fra ngt.
30 They buy an oven-`ready chicken at the butcher’s.
* ovnklar
On their way home Sandra and Otis often take a jar –
* skurre >
* =
* plastik-
* pakke
( margarine )
* flaske
* pose
* skumme ngt.
* ~ sødmælk
* ~ sødmælk
* slagter / -forretning
* krus ( øl )
a glass of frothing beer with a good head of foam –
* topskumme
a glass of foaming beer with thick froth on top.
* skumme
* skum
In the evening Sandre and Otis just stir an omelet A/E <te, * røre ngt.
* & æggekage
and stir-fry thin strips of vegetables and meat.
* lynstege ngt.
* ~ top
* skum
* strimmel
1323 Sandra one day goes to the village on her bike.
A street in the village is in a bad / poor state of repair.
* ~ i dårlig / ringe vedligeholdelsestilstand
Suddenly Sandra feels a slight jar when she’s hit
* stød
by a wobbling cyclist trying to avoid a pothole.
* slingre
* ~ stort nedslidt hul
The jar knocks / throws her off balance.
* ~ skubbe ng. ud af balance
As she loses her balance, she has a fall with her bicycle.
* miste balancen
The fall gives her a nasty jar.
* give ng >
The fall seems to jar every bone in her body.
* ryste ngt.
There is a great stir; the crowd is in a stir.
* opstandelse, ståhej * i uro / bevægelse / opstandelse
10 The accident stirs up their feelings.
* komme ud for et fald * med ngt.
& falde / vælte
* et ( grimt ) stød
* ophidse / antænde >
* følelser
Sandra’s bad condition stirs universal pity.
* vække ngs.
The poor repair of the roads stirs up discontent(<ment).
* dårlig * vedligeholdelse * vække > * utilfredshed
* almindelig
* medfølelse
- `tent
Feeling a stabbing pain, Sandra is rushed to the hospital.
* stikkende ( smerte )
Sandra has an anti-tetanus jab / shot / injection.
* stivkrampe-
* stik
The alarming news gives the whole family a jar.
* give ng. >
The bad news jars Sandra's mother; tears scald her eyes.
* chokere / ryste ng.
His eyes are moist as scalding tears pour down her face.
* fugtig
Wiping her eyes, wiping () away the tears,
* tørre > * øjnene
* chok
* svie i >
* øjne
* sviende ( tårer )
* tørre ( tårer ) bort
she wipes her eyes on the back of her hand.
* - - - ( af ) på ngt.
20 Having pulled out a handkerchief, she keeps sniffing
* tage ngt. frem
and wiping her eyes and nose with her handkerchief.
* tørre ( øjne og næse ) med ngt.
* snøfte
Otis doesn’t stir from the chair by her bedside.
* røre sig fra ngt.
In the morning, though, a noice stirs him from sleep.
* forstyrre / vække ng. fra ngt
When the screeches of the birds stir the silence,
* skrig
* bryde tavsheden
* smil >
* røre sig på ngs. læber
she fortunately wakes up with a faint smile stirring her lips.
Her lips moisten with difficulty as she moistens her lips
before speaking.
* blive fugtig
* være ved ngs. seng
She has beoken her middle finger, but apart from that
* langefinger
* uskadt
The doctor repairs her wounds and applies plaster(s) (E): * behandle >
sticking plasters (E) or Band-Aids (E/A).
Her broken finger is provided with a cast: a plaster cast
made of plaster of Paris, which is made of gypsum.
* sår
* plaster
* hæfteplaster
* =
* gipsbandage
* =
* ( brændt ) gips
A simple treatment will repair her wounds.
* ~ få ( sår ) til at hele
Her finger in plaster, and her body a mass of bruises,
* i gips
she repairs her general condition by a few days rest.
* fugte ngt.
He is at her bedside throughout her stay at the hospital.
30 she is relatively unharmed, unhurt and uninjured.
* ~ ved ngs. seng
* ( ubrændt ) …
* masse
* stødmærke
* genoprette / -vinde > * almene * tilstand
* hvile
1324 Not damaged beyond repair,
* ~ så beskadiget at ngt. ikke kan repareres
the bike is not irrepairable.
* ~ ude af stand til at blive repareret
As it’s repairable, Otis takes it to a bicycle repair shop.
* ~ til at reparere
As it isn’t past repair and it’s worth having it repaired,
* <<
the bicycle repairer takes the bike in for repair.
* cykel-
* det er værd at få ngt. >
* ~ cykelsmed
* tage ngt. >
The repairman repairs the bike.
* reparationsmand
He has to scrap the buckled front wheel, and replace
* kassere / smide ngt. væk
the front fork and the mudguard E/A fender.
The sparkling new spokes connect the hub with the rim.
10 Otis buys a repair outfit.
* repareret
* til reparation
* reparere ngt.
* ekset
* forgaffel
* ~ skærm
* funklende
* ege
* nav
* fælg
* reparationssæt
He keeps their bikes in repair.
* ~ vedligeholde ngt.
The accident caused quite a stir.
* forårsage >
The accident stirs the question of street and road repairs, * rejse >
and why the streets and roads are not kept in repair.
* ~ værksted
* opstandelse / ståhej
* spørgsmålet vedr. >
* holde ngt. >
* ~ vejarbejde
* i stand
~ vedligeholde ngt.
Many of the streets and roads are in bad / poor repair.
* i dårlig / elendig stand
Numerous complaints about streets in need of repair
* som trænger til reparation
havn’t yet stirred the county council into action.
The tasks of the council is a question of priorities.
* sætte ng. i gang
* være et spørgsmål om >
20 The voters must stir in the matter if they want the county
* prioriteringer
~ prioriteringsspørgsmål
* lægge > * sag * rækkefølge efter > * forrang
~ prioritere opgaverne
* ~ gøre noget ved sagen
council to give a task a high priority.
* give en opgave >
The county council puts the tasks in order of priority.
Such accident stirs correspondents to writing
letters to the editor.
The accident has created a stir in the press.
‘ Come on, stir yourself - You’re late ! ‘ a headline says.
* høj prioritet
~ prioritere en ogave højt
* læserbrevsskribent
* til at -
* opildne >
* læserbrev
* vække >
* røre / opsigt / sensation i ( pressen )
* ~ mande sig op
The letters stir up anger.
* vække ( vrede )
Some letters begin to take pots / potshots at the council.
* ~ fyre løst rettede skud af mod ng&t.
The reader’s letters must have stirred the conscience of
* læserbrev
fyre kritik af mod ng. på må og få
* ~ vække
* ngs. samvittighed
the council as they soon give a high priority to the task.
* give høj prioritet / forrang til ngt.
30 Street and road repair is high in the list of priorities.
* ~ højt prioriteret
& give ngt. …
It’s a task with a high priority.
* =
‘ It’s a top priority, ‘ the council proclaims,
* have første / top prioritet
not without being suspected of vote catching.
Most politicians angle for votes
by taking a pot shot at their opponents.
* ~ stemmefiskeri
* fiske efter stemmer
* ~ rette udokumenteret kritik mod ng.
[email protected]
1325 So a road gang is hired to repair all the roads
* vejarbejdersjak
and streets full of holes.
* & hullet
Where the roadmenders or navvies (E&) are working,
a sign says , ‘ Road Up ‘ or ‘ Road under Repair. ‘
If a road is temporarily under repair, there may be
a diversion E/A detour and diversion / detour signs.
A road and a bridge will remain closed until
essential repair work has been carried out.
* hyret til at -
* vejarbejder
* reparere ( vej )
* =
* ~ vejarbejde
* midlertidig
* omkørselsvej
* omkørsels-
* under reparation
/ istandssættelse
* skilt
* grundlæggende * reparationsarbejde * udføre ngt.
As the bridge is closed during repairs
* under >
10 the trafickers have to make a detour (E) /
* reparationerne
~ medens reparationene / istandsættelsen står på
* foretage en omkørsel
take a diversion E/A a detour.
* tage en omkørselsvej
The county council hope to have repaired the omission.
* genoprette >
* det forsømte
& undladelsessynd
People may make a diversion to go and look at something. * gøre en afvigelse
AN EXHIBITION [ eks`hibi$ên ]
Sandra and Otis have been knocking () about a plan.
* tumle med ( en plan )
They are thinking about an idea and discussing a plan
exhibiting their works of art together.
* udstille ngt.
So having a joint exhibition.
20 Sandra and Otis prepare a pictorial catalogue.
Ollie takes some pictures / photos of Sandra and Otis.
* fælles
* udstilling
* billdeinkluderende
* tage billede / foto af ngt.
Sandra and Otis have their picture taken in front if the mill. * få sit billede taget
The picture on the cover of the catalogue shows Sandra
and Otis in front of the picture-postcard old mill.
Ollie writes an article about his sister and brother in law,
* billede viser ngt.
* ~ malerisk
and endeverours not to paint a rosy or false picture of any
* formå at -
of them.
The article paints / portrays them as public-spirited
* male et rosenrødt / falsk billede af ngt.
* portrættere ng. som ngt.
* igangsætter
30 Painting a vivid picture of both of them, the article
* ~ tegne >
paints a vivid picture of their very different life stories.
* =
* samfundssindet
* ( levende ) billede af ng.
… af ngt.
1326 The day of the preview of the exhibition comes.
* ~ fernisering
* oprinde
Sandra paint her nails and lips.
* male >
The old mill has a chimney.
* skorsten
Tom has decorated the chimney / E& chimney stack.
* ( ydre ) skorsten
The flags and ribbons flaunt in the wind.
* pyntebånd
* flagre, vaje, vifte
A chimney sweep(<er) cleans chimneys.
* skorstensfejer
* ( indre ) skorsten
One of the guests has mistaken the time.
* tage fejl af ngt.
‘ Aren’t you a bit previous ? ’ the exhibitor asks.
* … tidligt på den
The music comes from a stack hi-fi system.
* stabel-
10 There was an electrical fault in a connection
* fejl i ngt.
so the faulty connection had to be replaced.
* fejlbefængt
They have brought a lot of stacking chairs
* negl
* læbe
* udstiller
* skifte ngt. ud
* ~ som kan stables
which stack when not in use.
* ~ kan stables
The tables are stacked with glasses and snacks.
* proppet med ngt.
It’s an inviting sight, and it gives an inviting smell.
* indbydende
There is a selection of differently processed cheeses.
* forarbejdet
fristende, lokkende
`prêusest /A& `prå~
Most of the food we buy today is processed in some way.
* forarbejde / tilvirke ngt.
Some guests display their wealth with much ostentation.
* vise / udstille ngt.
Some newly rich are ostentatiously dressed,
20 wearing showy clothes and ostentatious jewellery
while others display an ostentatious simplicity of their dress.
* med ( megen ) tilstræbthed
/ ~ brask og bram
* nyrige
* tilstræbt påfaldend
prangende, pralende
* =
* =
* smykkeudstyr
~ smykker
* tilstræbt, tilsyneladende
One of the guests is in pictures.
* i filmbranchen
Collecting paintings and other pictures by various artists,
* maleri
* billede
some of the guests collect oil paintings, acryllic paintings,
* olie-
watercolours, drawings, sketches, etchings,
* akvarel
and photo(graph)s both in black and white and colour.
* foto (-grafi )
An art dealer or picture dealer from an art shop
or art gallery may buy some works of art.
Most artists probably hope to make works of art that
* kunsthander
* akryl-
* tegning
* skitse
* ~ sort-hvid
* malerihandler
* =
* radering
* farve
* kunsthandel
* kunstgalleri
30 pack a ( hard / hefty / powerful / real / strong etc. ) punch / * rumme >
that pack a wallop.
* maleri
* ( lavet ) af ng.
* nævestød
~ ( kraftig / voldsom / rigtig / stærkt ) indtryk
* …>
* kraftigt slag
1327 A source of irritation when having a conversation
* kilde til >
* irritation
~ irritationsmoment
is when chatterboxes intrude.
* sludrechatol, -bøtte
There is a jarring note of triump in their voice
* skurrende / irriterende
when some of them display their know-it-all attitude.
* bedrevidende
Most of their chatter is froth.
* snakken, knebren
At a time there is a terrible jabber.
* plabren, knebren
Jabbering away, people love to jabber about what
* plabre / knebre løs
they have most at heart.
* tone / skær af ngt.
* ~ tom snak
* … om ngt.
* have ( mest ) på hjertet
Some people’s either frothy or nonsensical chatter
* intetsigende
* forvrøvlet
10 jars on the ears of both Sandra and Otis.
* skurre >
* i ørerne på ng.
& i ngs. ører
It sometimes jars on their nerves.
* ~ gå ng. på nerverne
It jars on their feelings when people don’t respect privacy.
* ~ støde ng.
Some people love to boast about their achievements.
* prale af ngt.
Some boasters brag about their wealth.
* =
They may brag that they are destined to be privileged.
* prale af / med at -
‘ I’m predestined to live in luxury, ‘ one of them brags.
* forudbestemt til at -
’ I was born to indulge in luxury,’ he jabbers.
* knebre
A bragger loves to brag to everybody.
* pralhans
A braggart loves to brag to everybody about anything.
* pralhans / -hals / -røv
20 A flaunter, likewise, loves to flaunt his riches (pl.),
* bestemt til at * sige / udbryde pralende
* prale overfor ng.
* prale til ng. om ngt.
* pralhals
It is discouraged.
* prale af / med ngt.
* paradere / stoltsere /
vigte sig med ngt.
* ~ det er ugleset / ikke velset
A bragging young man brags that he’s got a lot of talent.
* pralende, pralrisk
The flaunty braggart even flaunts his vices openly.
* pralrisk
show off his expensive car, and flaunt his fine clothes
* rigdomme
* =
* prale af / med at -
* stille ngt. til skue
vigte sig af ngt.
* last, synd
umoralsk opførsel
He braggingly, flauntingly, and flauntily reveals his affairs. * pralrisk
He has invited a young woman to go on holiday with him.
* invitere ng. til
‘ If you’ve got it, `flaunt it,’ he brags.
* du skal ikke sætte dit lys
He openly exhibits his bad manners.
under en skæppe
* udstille ngt.
He makes an exhibition of himself.
* gøre sig uheldigt bemærket
30 Some children’s behaviour invites trouble too.
Packing () off an unruly child from the room,
* sige / udbryde pralende
* invitere til ngt.
* sende ng. væk fra ngt.
the flaunter banishes the child to the outside.
* forvise ng. til ngt.
Having promised to calm down, the child proceeds to
barge about, making a noise and touching the exhibits.
* udenfor
* fortsætte med at * buse omkring
* lave larm
* udstillingsgenstand
Still clamouring to a fault, the child is banished from
the show room, and packed off to the outside.
* larme
* i urimelig grad
skrige, skråle
* udstillingslokale
* forvise ng. fra ngt.
* sende ng. afsted
1328 The boasting, bragging, flaunting, and ostentation
* praleri
of the newly rich only invite an ostentatious yawn
* invitere ( til ) ngt.
from both Sandra and Otis.
Their real friends are neat without being ostentatious.
* ordentlig, proper
They believe neither in flaunting one’s virtues
* prale af / med ngt.
nor in flaunting one’s vices.
* =
* demonstrativ
* stillen til skue
vigten sig
* gab
* pralende
* ( frækt ) stille ngt. til skue
Sandra and Otis are far from being exhibitionists,
* exhibitionist
and exhibits no signs of exhibitionism.
All the same they exhibit signs of pride in respons to
* exhibitionisme
* fremvise / udvise ngt.
10 the positive reaction of the reviewers.
* anmelder
Sandra is invited for an interview.
* invitere / anmode ng. om
She invites questions from the reviewer.
* anmode om ngt. fra ng.
Sandre and Otis sell a lot, and some of the proceeds of
* overskud / provenu fra ngt.
the exhibition go to the running of the school.
Ollie sends two rolls of films away to be processed.
* fremkalde ( film )
The processing only takes one day.
* -lse
Besides from picture or art gallery,
* billed-
* kunst-
* galleri
a picture or other work of art may also be sold and bought
at a picture sale or at a sale of works of art, especially
* billedsalg
20 at an auction of paintings and other works of art.
* auktion over ngt. ( ~ maleri- / kunstauktion )
An auction house sells things in auction.
* auktionshus
When a number of items are up for auction,
* komme på …
an auction is hold in the auction room
* holde …
where the auctioneer directs the auction.
* auktionarius
Each lot, consisting of a single item or a group of items,
has a number at the auction.
* auktionslokale
* lede …
* byde ng. for ngt.
Bidding against each other, people among the audience
* byde mod ng.
put in / make their bids for the things they want to buy.
* komme med >
30 Most people have a maximum for how much money
they want to bid ( the auctioneer ) for an item.
* byde ( ng. ) for ngt.
Sold for the highest bid, an item is sold to the highest bidder.* bud
may auction ( () off ) most things left by the deceased.
* på auktion
* nummer, portion
What am I bid for this painting ? the auctioneer asks first.
The heirs / inheritors of the estate of a deceased person
* kunstsalg
* bud for ngt.
* byder
( den højest bydende )
* ~ dødsbo
* bortauktionere ngt., lade ngt gå på auktion
( auktionere ngt fra )
Both sellers and the auction house hope ( that ) every lot
coming under the hammer fetches a good price at auction.
* komme under hammeren * indbringe ngt. * ved …
1329 Another quite noteable guest is called Al.
* bemærkelsesværdig
He’s not as black as he has been painted, though.
* ikke så slem, som man bliver gjort til
The only jarring note at his reputation was
* mislyd ved
his bragging about spreading his net for women.
* sprede >
He has now stopped spreading his net.
* net
* efter ng.
~ have sine garn ude / være ude med nettet
* holde op med at* =
Sandra and Otis are neither content nor satisfied with
* tilfreds med ngt.
a potted version of his holiday with his new girlfriend, Ann.
* nedkogt, forkortet
She finished commercial college ( A& business college ) * afslutte >
last year, but her boyfriend kept devaluing her work,
* nedvurdere >
10 and kept disparaging / belittling her achievement.
* = >
As he kept running () down her and her achivement,
* = >
and her achievement, she broke ( off ) her engagement /
* slå op med ng.
E& finished with him.
* =
‘ Lets repair to the coast, ‘ he had suggested
On their way to the beach they had passed a meadow:
a water meadow newly washed with dew.
Walking along the beach along the water’s edge,
20 they stopped to play ducks and drakes.
* arbejde
* = >
and kept speaking slightingly / disparingly about her
Having met Al, she had been invited to his summer house.
* handelsskole
* præstation
* =
* ng.
* begive sig / søge til ( et sted ) ( form. / hum. )
* eng
* … , der oversvømmes * fugtet med / af
* strand
* dug
* vandkant
* lege >
* ænder
* andrikker
~ slå smut
They skimmed stones ( across / over the water ) (E).
* stryge
The stones skimmed the surface of dead calm water.
* stryge hen over ngt.
They watched a flock of web-footed birds
~ slå smut på ngt.
* flok
resting on the beach and in the shallow waters.
* sprede vingerne
The flight of birds skimmed over the sea,
* flok
* over ngt.
* ~ blik stille ( vand )
* net-
* hvile sig
Alarmed by human beings, the birds spread their wings.
skimming the surface of the water.
* sten
* fodet
* fugl
~ svømme fugl
* lav
* stryge henover
* =
A stream hindered Al and Ann from getting along / on.
* hegn
In order to get across / over the stream, they had to find
* komme ( tværs ) over ngt.
* hindre ng. i
* komme videre
30 a narrow place where to jump ( across / over ) the stream. * hoppe ( tværs ) over ngt.
The storm had washed () out some of the embankment
* skylle / erodere ngt. væk
The rain had washed () away part of the path.
* skylle ngt. bort
The flood stirs up mud, and washes new channels through * hvirvle ngt. op
the bottom lands of the wash.
In some places the topsoil washes away
while it settles in other places.
So the landscapes are sculpted by the forces of nature.
* landområde i bunden
* overfladejord
* vold
* skylle ( kanal ) gennem ngt.
* lavvandet område
marsk, vade
* skylle bort
* aflejre sig
* ~ formes af >
* ~ naturkræfterne
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1330 Suddenly at a sea `wall, built to check the tides,
* dæmning
they were meet with an unpleasant / offensive / obnoxious
* ubehagelig
acrid / pungent / strong / bad { smell / odour.
* skarp * stærk * stærk * dårlig * lugt * & hørm
* tilbageholde / standse ngt.
* frastødende
* modbydelig
from scummy water: water covered by a thich scum (U).
* dækket af >
* uvelkommen skum
/ overflade masse
* forurenet ( med ngt. )
* affald
The area was fouled and littered with rubbish /A& trash.
* forurenet >
Only scummy people drop litter /A& garbage.
* gemen, tarvelig
All kinds of waste(s) was / ( were ) washed ashore.
* affald
All kinds of detritus / debris of everyday life,
* smide >
* =
* blive skyllet >
spild, -evand
* nedbrydningsskabte småstumper
* i land
di`traitês `de(i)bri~ E/A dê`bri~
both from household waste(s) and toxic industrial waste(s)
* husholdningsaffald
10 had washed ashore.
* skylle >
* giftig
* i land
Factories spread along the river front.
* brede sig
Many factories are negligent in avoiding spillover
* forsømmelig med at -
so spillover has fouled and polluted the ground.
* flodbred
* =
Polluters are the scum of the world.
* forurener
They are scumbags as pollution is a disgrace.
* udskud
Scum (pl.) like that are worthless.
* =
Waste water gushes from several waste pipes.
* spildevand
Discharge water and sewage gush out of the pipes,
* spildevand
and gush directly into the sea.
* … ud i ngt.
20 The sewers lead rainwater together with household
* kloak
waste water which contains excreta (U).
* spildevand
* affaldsprodukter
* tilsvine /
forurene ngt
/ -løb
* =
* afskum
* skændsel
* strømme fra ngt.
( om hul )
* kloakvand
* regnvand
* spildevandsrør
* … ud af ngt.
* husholdnings -
* ekskret ( urin & fækalier )
The continuous waste and repair of the bodily organs
lead to excretion of waste matter.
Some waste is excreted from the kidneys
as liquid waste matter called urine.
* slid, nedbrydning
* udledning
* affaldsstof
* udlede ngt. fra ngt.
* flydende
* urin, tis
The liver excretes bile which is passed to the bowels.
* galde
When a person has a movement or bowel movement,
* have > afføring
they empty, move or open their bowels.
Indigestable food elements are passed out of the body
* tarme
* =
* ufordøjelig
30 by a bowel movement as a solid waste matter called
* afføring
a bowel movement, excrement (U), faeces (U) or shit.
* afføring
Many of the pipes are full of leaks.
* nyre
* excrementer
* fækalier
* lort
* læk, utæthed
Foul air and polluted water leaks out of the leaking pipes, * forurenet /
and contaminates the air and the ground.
The unbearable stench from the polluted and foul air,
ground and water makes them turn around.
The repulsive stink immediately makes them turn back.
* forurenet * sive ud * lækkende
Ildelugtende ( luft )
( vand )
* forgifte, besmitte ngt.
* ulidelig
* stank
* forurenet
* & ildelugtende
* frastødende
modbydelig, ulækker
* stank
* vende hjem
/ -ad
So they turn their face homeward.
* ~ vende næsen hjemad
1331 The stench of industriel irresponsibility hangs in the air. * stank
Setting their face homeward, they agreed that somebody
ought to beard the lion in its den.
Having set their face for home, they talked about
* ~ vende næsen hjemad
* trække ng. i skægget
* løve
* hule
~ vove sig ind i løvens hule, ~ trodse ng.,
* <<
a tanker disaster: the disastrous stranding of a tanker.
* tanker
when it ran aground on a shoal.
* løbe på grund
* kartastrofe
* kastrofal
* lavvandet sandbanke
Nobody died in the disaster but there was (a) great fear of * i katastrofen
leakage and a resulting leakage.
Quite right, the tanker sprang a leak.
10 Having a leak, the tanker started to leak.
* stor frygt for ngt.
* lækage
det, at der går / er en læk
* ~ springe læk
* læk, lækage
* lække
In the beginning it just leaked a small amount of oil.
* … ngt.
The leakage was rather limited.
* den lækkede mængde
As the waves washed over the deck,
* skylle over ngt.
water leaked into the tanks, and oil leaked out of the tanker.
* skylle ngt. ud i ngt.
The oil washed along slowly.
* skylle afsted
A storm soon washed the oil along,
* skylle ngt. afsted
Disaster (U) struck, however, when the tanker capsized,
20 and crude oil spilled into the ocean.
* … ud af ngt.
* strømme / sive ind i ngt.
The water washed oil into the sea.
and washed it up on the beach.
* deraf følgende * lækage
* … op på ngt.
* ( en / -n ) katastrofe indtræffer
/ opstår
* råolie
* kæntre
* løbe over og ud i ngt.
The wreck started gushing: it was gushing oil.
* lække
* lække ngt.
A gush of oil emerged from the ship as thousands of
* strøm
* komme til frem
gallons of oil disastrously gushed out, and water gushed in. * katastrofalt
The spillover spilt and floated rapidly.
* … ind
* & flyde ud, sprede sig
The spill was a disaster as the spill was soon widespread. * overløb
The spillage was a environmental disaster, a catastrofy
* strømme ud
* katastrofe
* =
* overløbsubstans
* miljømæssig
worse than many a natural disaster as thousands of seabirds * naturkatastrofe
died in the disastrous spillage.
Pieces of wreckage which were washed away,
30 little by little washed ashore in the disaster area.
* katastrofal
* overløbssubstansen
* ( blive ) skyllet bort
* skylle i land
Not until many years the flood had washed the beach clean. * … ngt. rent
Some wrecked ships sink to the profound depts of the sea. * dybtliggende ( dybde )
* katastrofeområde
1332 Getting home, they felt a slight chill from the windows.
* kølighed
Al lit a small fire to take the chill off the room.
* ~ fjerne køligheden fra ngt.
He used a spill to light the fire.
* fidibus ( af pind / snoet papir )
Rest (U) is essential after hard work so they’ll just
* hvile
have a quick wash and a short rest before dinner.
* en ( hurtig ) gang vask
In the evening Al prepared a simple meal.
* tilberede ngt.
There is little wastage from a lean cut of meat.
* spild
As there was little left, they might as well finish the steak.
* gøre en ende / kål på
So they finished ( () `off / up ) the steak at one meal.
* spise ngt. op
* et kort hvil
* mager
* udskæring
spise ngt. helt op
10 They washed down the steak with red wine.
After a few stiff drinks, Ann filled her glass so full
that the drink spilled over.
As the drink spilled over onto the table, Al just
wiped up the spills on the table with a cloth.
* i ( et ) måltid
* skylle ngt. ned med ngt.
* stærk
* drink
* løbe over
* løbe over ned på ngt.
* tørre ngt. op
* det spildte
As not much was left, they might as well finish the liquer
* ~ gøre en ende / kål på ngt.
So they finish () off / up the liquer.
* =
Ann finished her drink with one gulp.
* ~ gøre en ende på / tømme ngt.
Having finished () off / up her drink with one large gulp,
drikke ngt. helt op
* =
drikke ngt. helt op
Ann gushed over Al’s courtesy in a gush of emotion.
* falde i henrykkelse * belevenhed
20 ’ Do I sound fuddled / tiddly ? ’ Ann had asked.
over ngt.
* ~ snaldret, småberuset
* i ( en ) slurk
* overvældende
udbrud af ngt.
’ Not at all Al, ’ All had gushed.
* udbryde ( utroværdigt overstrømmende )
While the candles had wasted in burning,
* stearinlys
Ann and Al’s their mutual affection grew.
They embraced and kissed before they went to rest.
* svinde
* gensidig
* kærlighed
* omfavne hinanden
* gå til hvile / ro
Spending a restful night, they had a good night’s rest.
* tilbringe
* rolig
* få en god nats
In the morning they embraced / hugged each other again. * omfavne, kramme / = ng.
They put their arms around each other and hugged.
* trykke i sin favn
* hvile
1333 There’s a bathroom with a bath and a shower.
* badeværelse
* badekar
* brusebad
* ~ ligge-
* badekar
The bath E/eA ( bath>) tub is a lie-down bath (<tub)
which some people prefer to a sit-down bath (<tub).
* badekar
* sidde-
* =
Many people clean ( themselves ) up every day.
* ~ gøre sig ren, vaske sig
In order to get cleaned up, they wash every day.
* ~ blive ren
Using water, soap and a flannel E/ face> E/A washcloth
* vaskeklud
to wash themselves, some people wash completely.
* vaske sig
* vaske sig ( over det hele )
People may have eE/eA take a shower.
* få / tage >
Sometimes, when Al wants to have eE/eA take a bath,
* få / tage sig et bad, tage bad
10 he wants to have a long soak in a hot bath.
In the old days most people who wanted to bath (E o-f)
or bathe (A o-f) had to go to the baths (pl.).
* ( et ) bruse- / styrtebad
* ~ lade sig gennembløde
* i et ( varmt ) bad
* bade
* =
* badeanstalt
ba:d z
People who went to the swimming baths (o-f),
usually swam in the indoor a swimming pool.
* svømmebad
* svømme
* & svømmebasin
Swimming is good exercise.
* svømning
They had a shallow pool for non-swimmers.
* lavvandet
In the old days most people couldn’t swim, though.
* <<
Al ran a bath for them while they prepared themselves to
* ~ lade vandet løbe til et bad
have a bath.
* bassin
* ikke-svømmer
* forberede sig på at -
* tage ( et ) bad
20 They plaster themselves and each other in body shampoo. * smøre ng. ind i ngt.
There was a `bath mat in the tub so that you don’t slip.
* bademåtte
* glide
They used a gentle shampoo for frequent washing.
* mild, skånsom
* vask
They used the shower to rinse the lather out of their hair,
* skylle >
and rinse the lather off their bodies.
* ( sæbe-) skum
* skylle ngt. af
Their wet hair was plastered to their heads.
* ( være ) klasket til ngt.
Having dried her hair and body with a bath towel,
* tørre ngt. med >
Ann plastered her body with a fragrant moisturizer.
* ud
* bade-
* håndklæde
* smøre ( kroppen ) med > * velduftende * fugtighedscreme
Al had an extra toothbrush for Ann.
* tandbørste
As they brushed / cleaned their teeth,
* børste / = ( rengøre / rense ) >
30 the toothpaste foamed in their mouths.
Al rinsed his mouth with water and a disinfectant rinse.
* tandpasta
* skylle ngt. med ngt.
* tænder
* skumme
* skyllemiddel
1334 Looking into the mirror, Al realized he looked unshaven * ubarberet
so as he needed a shave, he had a shave after his bath.
Mixing shaving soap or shaving cream with hot water,
he made thick lather with his shaving brush.
* barbering
* =
* barbersæbe
* sæbeskum
Soap lathers in tiny soap bubbles.
* sæbe
Standing on a `bath mat in front of a mirror,
* bademåtte
he lathered his unshaven face until the lather
* -creme / -krem
* barberkost
* skumme
* bittesmå
* sæbe ngt. ind
* sæbebobble
* ubarberet
-` -
had softened and conditioned his beard for shaving.
* blødgøre ngt. > * gøre ngt. * skæg * til * barbering
egnet >
Wearing a dressing gown E/A, a robe or bathrobe,
10 he shaved using a razor.
He uses a safety razor, as using a ‘cut-throat `razor
seems too him a risky business.
Instead of buying new razor blades people ofter buy
disposable razors.
* badekåbe
* =
* barbere sig
* barberinstrument
* barbermaskine
* rage-, barberkniv
* risikabelt
* foretagende
* barberblad
* kasserbar-, ~ engangs-
Soap doesn’t lather well in cold hard water.
* skumme
Some people buy shaving foam in a container.
* barberskum
He sometimes uses a shaver: an electric `razor.
* elbarbermaskine
Clean-`shaven, he rinses his face with clean water
* glatbarberet
from the cold tap.
* koldtvandshanen
20 He rinses the face flannel, facecloth E/A washcloth
* skylle ngt.
in the sink / ( wash>) basin eE/A washbowl.
* håndvask
* elektrisk
* vaskeklud
* ~ lade skægget vokse
He only had a beard for a short while as a girl soon
have skæg
* have skæg
So he became clean-shaven.
a clean-shaven head.
Yet Al never wanted to have a shaven head.
30 Having used the toilet, he flushes the toilet.
* =
* skægget
* glatbarberet
* barberet ( hoved )
* barbere ngt.
* glatbarberet
* barberet ( adj.)
* skylle >
* toilettet
~ skylle ud
He cleans the toilet bowl after usage if needed.
* WC- / toiletkumme
Shaving hair off every part of their body,
* barbere ( hår ) af ngt.
people may shave every part of their body.
* =
* barbere skægget af
One of his friends has a bearded face and a shaved head. * skægget
He shaves his head every day to present
* barbermaskine
* skylle ngt. med ngt.
Growing a beard, Al was once a bearded man.
persuated him to shave () off his beard.
* barbermaskine
* barbere ngt.
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1335 When Al invited Ann for a sail, she absolutely
* sejltur
gushed enthusiasm, and gave Al a big hug.
* overstrømmende udtrykke ngt.
* omfavnelse
Al felt happy holding Ann in a tender embrace.
* i en (øm ) omfavnelse
When he took his girlfriend for a sail,
there was a chill in the air.
* tage ng. ud på en sejltur
* kølighed
In order not to catch a chill, they were wearing sweaters.
* få en forkølelse, blive forkølet
In the chill morning, a slight wind was stirring in the trees.
* kølig
The slight breeze stirred the leaves.
* ~ sætte ngt. i bevægelse
They walked rapidly, their hands buried in their pockets.
* hurtigt, rask til
få ngt. til at bevæge sig
* med hænderne begravet i lommen
10 Carrying a bag, Al could only bury one hand
* begrave >
in one of his pocket.
* i>
The boat was moored to a somewhat higher quay.
* fortøjet til ngt.
Having agilely jumped down into the boat,
* adræt
Al offered Ann his hand, shouting,’ Quick, jump.’
* bevæge sig
* ( sin ) ene hånd
* ( sin ) ene lomme
* kaj
* hoppe ned i ngt.
* tilbyde / række ng. sin hånd
* springe
Ann nimbly jumped down from the wharf.
* adræt
She was extremely nimble on her feet.
* adræt
* kaj
* på fødderne
A few seagulls were swimming in the harbour,
* måge
* svømme
* stime
* = ( forbi)
and Ann noticed a shoal or school of fish swimming past.
Children often jump into the water from the breakwater.
* hoppe / springe >
20 While their sailing boat was leaving the harbour,
a speedboat took off skimming the waves.
* stryge hen over >
A dinghy was rocked by the wash of the speedboat
and the wash from its propeller.
* hoppe ned fra
* jolle
* i vandet
* bølge
* vippe ngt
* skvulpen fra ngt.
Al let the boat hug the shore.
* ( båd ) holde sig tæt til kysten
The shore and the cliffs are washed by waves all the time
* overskylle ngt.
so the hillsides wash frequently.
* mole
* sø, dønning
* skrue
* vaskes væk, eroderes
Suddenly, however, the wind was rising.
* vinden >
The wind and waves frothed the sea.
~ det blæser op
* få ( havet ) til at skumme
* rejse sig
As the wind was getting up, the breaking waves
30 got foam crests that eventually frothed the sea.
Heaving breakers and strong winds whipped the water
to froth.
The frothing and foaming breakers left wide areas
of the sea covered with froth and foam.
* <<
* brådsø
* skum-
* top / kam
* dække ( havet ) med skum
& kam af skum
* svulmende
* brådsø * vindstød * piske ngt. >
* til skum
* skummende
* =
* skum
* =
1336 Ann seemed to enjoy the fury of the elements:
* elementernes rasen
the raging storm and the raging waves.
* rasende
The wash of the waves drenched Al and Ann.
* sprøjt
Although much of their conversation was drowned
* drukne / overdøve ngt.
* gennembløde ng.
by the wash of the frothing waves, suddenly , however ,
* brusen
there was a pregnant pause.
* ildevarslende
After a conspicuous and ominous silence,
he realized something had reduced Ann to silence.
Was she afraid a huge wave might wash them overboard.
10 There was a pregnant silence.
* skummende
* tydelig
* ildevarslende
* bringe / tvinge ng. til tavshed
* skylle ng. overbord
* ~ sigende
* tavshed
She was silent: silent as the grave.
* tavs
Waves of nausea washed over her.
* bølge af >
Waves of nausea washed through her.
* rulle igennem ng.
He recognized a look of mute appeal.
* genkende ngt.
He realized what had put her to silence
* bring ng. til tavshed
when she turned her face towards the foaming white water.
* tavshed
* … som graven
* kvalme
* overvælde ng.
* stum
* skummende
A liquid gushed out of her mouth.
* strømme ud af ngt.
A gush of liquid poured repeatedly out of her mouth.
* strøm
Her eyes were swimming with tears.
* øjne >
* gentagne gange
* ~ være vædet af
* tårer
20 The waves were swimming before her eyes
* svømme foran ngs. øjne
as she rested her chin in her hand.
* hvile / støtte
* hage
The wind and waves inclined the cabin walls.
* få ngt. til at hælde / skråne
* kahyt
The rest of the way back, Ann sat mute in a corner
* resten af
of the cabin, keeping close to the inclined wall
As if waiting for the waves to capsize the boat,
she sat in the corner hugging the inclining wall
Hugging the sloping wall, her chin resting in her hand,
* vejen tilbage
~ på resten af tilbagevejen
* klemme sig ind til ngt.
* kæntre ( båd )
* klemme sig ind til ngt.
* hældende
she sat in complete silence, her eyes swimming with tears. * i fuldstændig tavshed
Water spread regularly across the inclined floor.
* stum
* hældende
* hældende
* hvile
* ~ med tårevædede øjne
* sprede sig / -s
She seemed to say a silent prayer.
* hen- / udover * skrå
* gulv
* (for-) holde sig tavs
tie stille
* sprede sig * op og ned ( ad ) /
* hældende * gulv
frem og tilbage ( over ) >
* stille
She probably prayed silently.
* bede
30 Keeping silent, she avoided looking at the water
spreading up and down the inclining / sloping floor.
* ~ i stilhed
1337 They finished the sail in total silence.
* afslutte
* sejltur
She sat silently `by while he put into port.
* ~ forholde sig passivt
She remained silent while he unrigged,
* forholde sig
and stayed silent until she was on firm ground.
* i total tavshed
* ~ søge havn
* rigge af
/ forblive tavs
* =
* ( være ) på fast grund
Her head swam as she swayed dizzily.
* ~ det svimler i ens hoved
The strong wind stirred up dust from the ground.
* hvirvle ngt. op
On solid ground they recuperated in gloomy silence.
* på fast grund
Although their first sail was a total disaster,
* katastrofe
* komme sig
* slingre
* knugende * stilhed
after a while of oppressive silence, she said gushingly,
* knugende
10 resting her head on Al’s shoulder,‘ I love to sail with you.’
* anbringe / hvile ( hovedet ) mod / på ngt.
Even though she looked pale after her seasickness,
he found her no less attractive / an attractive woman.
Though she sometimes seemed a bit of a gusher,
he found her to have a nimble mind.
Still oppressed by the sail on the menacing sea,
they got back in profound, deep, and dead silence.
* svimmelt
* stilhed
* overstrømmende
* bleg
* ~ anse ng. ( for ) adj. / subst.
* ~ overdreven sentimental person
* anse ng. for at * knuget af ngt.
* dyb
* have et >
* kvikt
* sind
& være et kvikt hoved
* sejltur
* faretruende
* =
They had a good rest in the afternoon.
* få sig et godt hvil
United in sympathy by their joint experiences,
* forenet * ( i ) sympati /
* =
* stilhed
they finished up (E) totally in love.
* fælles * oplevelse
~ gensidig velvillig følelse
* ende med at være ngt.
* resten er historie / ~ kendt
The rest is `history.
Ann talks about Al morning, noon and night.
* morgen, middag og aften
Ann plasters her bedroom wall with photos of Al.
* plastre ngt. til med ngt.
As she keeps plastering photos of him over a wall,
* plastre ngt. ud over ngt.
she has soon photos of him plastered all over the wall.
* =
* frieri
1338 For many years Al has been wedded to his work.
Being married to his work for quite a while,
he has had no marriage plans so far.
* gift med sit arbejde
* =
* ægteskabs- / giftemåls-
But soon Al, in a jokingly tone, gives way to his feelings
when he admits, ‘ I’ ve been courting / wooing you (o-f)
* plan
* ~ lade sine følelser komme frem
* gøre kur til ng. , gå på frierfødder overfor ng.
from the first time I saw you – and as we’ve been courting
* komme sammen ( før ægteskabligt )
long enough, I think it’s time I propose. ‘
* fri, foreslå ægteskab
When he so proposes to Ann, she accepts his proposal
* fri til ng.
* ~ sige ja til ngs. frieri
in a gush of tears.
* udbrud / strøm af >
10 She wasted no time ( in ) accepting his proposal.
* spilde ngt. med at -
* tårer
Having proposed ( marriage ) to Ann, and having her yes, * foreslå ægteskab til ng. , ~ fri til ng
Al feels blissfully happy about getting married.
Al is a suitable candidate for her matrimonial projects.
* ovenud lykkelig
* blive gift
* passende / egnet ( kandidat )
* giftermålsplan
Her idea of bliss is a matrimonial home,
* lyksalighed
and a spouse in domestic bliss.
* ægteskabligt
* ægtefælle
* hjemlig
Al asks Ann’s parents for their daughter’s hand.
* anholde ng. om ngs. hånd
He asks them for her hand in marriage.
* =
The old-fashioned parents consider their daughter
to have reached marriageable (o-f) age.
* giftefærdig ( alder )
20 As the parents consider her to be a marriageable girl,
* … ( person )
they are agreed on giving their daughter in marriage to Al.
* være enige om at -
Al is profoundly grateful.
* dybt
The parents feel happy to marry their daughter.
* bortgifte ng.
They feel relieved to marry her to a native person:
* lettet over
* hjem
* =
* give ng. til ægte til ng.
* ... til ng.
* indfødt
a native born person, belonging to the indigenous population. * =
* =
Wanting to marry () `off their daughter or son, some parents * bortgifte ng.
want to marry () off their children only to people of rank.
* bortgifte ng. til ng.
Ann’s parents don’t approve of marriages of convenience, * fornuftsægteskab
and don’t believe in mixed marriages.
* blandet ægteskab
30 Their coming son in law is a manager by occupation.
* svigersøn
His civilian occupation ( his occupation in civil life )
is an celebrated advertising manager.
* civil / borgerlig
* velanset
It’s a gainful occupation and he’s quite a celeb.
* indbringende
Al occupies an office on the top floor.
* ~ have >
He has embraced a trade suited to his abilities.
* gå ind i >
* direktør
* =
* ( af ) beskæftigelse
* =
* civile
* liv
* ~ reklame
* & levevej
* kontor
* direktør
* celebrity
* på øverste etage
* erhverv
* passe til > * evner
( håndværk, handel, service )
1339 In the old days a suitor had to get the agreement of
* bejler, frier
the parents if he wanted to marry their daughter.
* gifte sig med ng.
The parents might reject a suitor who had courted /
wooed their daughter.
* få ngs. accept
* afvise ng.
* gøre kur / bejle / fri til ng.
* =
So a man’s suit was rejected at the insistance of the girl’s * anmodning om ægteskab
parents if they refused to marry their daughter ( to him ).
Strongly pleading his suit, the rejected suitor might
woo for a reconsideration.
Further attempts to woo might prove useful.
* til ng.
* plædere / tale for >
the parents, however, might not grant his suit.
* efterkomme ngs. …
When people contract a marriage ( form.),
* presse på med >
* indgå ægtaskab
* fornuftsægteskab
exclusively for the sake of money or social position.
* af hensyn til ngt.
* kammeratægteskab
* ægteskab
permitting the divorce of a childless couple by mutual
* skilsmisse
consent, leaving neither spouse legally responsible for
* enighed, samtykke * hverken den ene
* gensidig
20 the financial welfare of the other.
In other countries or at other times, arranged marriages,
* ægtefælle
eller den anden
* arrangeret ægteskab
marriage by capture or by purchase, plural marriage,
* bruderov
and communal marriage have been practised.
* gruppeægteskab
Wanting their daughter to marry her social ambitions `up,
* anmodning
* ægteskabsbureau
they may contract a marriage of convenience
A companionate marriage is a form of `matrimony
* genovervejelse
* anmode, bønfalde
* anmoder
who are looking for somebody to marry.
* anmodning
* anmode om / bejle til >
10 No matter how utterly the suitor might press his suit,
A marriage bureau introduces people
* afvise
* bortgifte ng.
* brudekøb
* flerkoneri
* forene / forlene ngt.
some parents hope to marry up social ambition with celebrity, * … med ngt.
as they hope for her to marry her ambition up with a celebrity. * =
* berømthed
* =
Giving their daughter away in marriage to a celebrity, they * give ng. bort til ægte
achieve their lofty ambition by marrying up their daughter.
So some parents want their daughter to marry a notable,
30 while others just want her to marry money.
When Al takes Ann in marriage, Ann’s parents
marry up their daughter with a well-off man.
The parents marry their daughter up with a respectable,
well-to-do man.
To be honest, they didn’t want her to marry below herself,
* høj
* gifte sig med ng.
* bortgifte ng. opad
* notabilitet
* gifte sig til ngt.
* tage ng. til ægte
* … ng. med ng.
* velhavende
* … ng. med ng.
* velhavende
* gifte sig under sin stand
and didn’t want to marry () off their daughter to someone poor. * bortgifte ng.
* til ng.
[email protected]
1340 Al and Ann organize the wedding celebrations.
* ~ bryllupsfest
Somebody spills the beans before it’s officially announced, * ~ plabre ud med / røbe det hele
so the couple’s marriage plans are soon a leaked secret.
As the news was leaked to the yellow press,
details of the plan soon leaked out.
‘ Advertising manager to wed local beauty, ‘
a tabloid announces.
* giftermåls-
* plan
* lække ngt. til ng.
* sive ud
* gifte sig med ng.
* tabloidavis
* plastret ud over ngt.
Marrying Al, Ann marries into the newly rich.
* gifte sig med ng.
* selvfølgelig
Obviously their marriage is going to be a church wedding. * =
* … ind i >
* finde sted / * ( i ) kirke
* bryllup ( ej så alm. )
* kirkebryllup
* gifte sig ( ej udv. tid )
They both look forward to their wedding day.
* bryllupsdag
They feel they are wedded by common interests.
* sammenknyttet af ngt.
Al has embraced the Anglican Church.
* tilslutte sig / gå over til ngt.
Their friends could heard wedding bells.
* høre >
They are getting married in the local church.
* blive gift
The church has a lofty tower, and a lofty nave.
* højt
They are getting married in two months.
* =
The wedding party takes place at a nearby inn,
* ~ bryllupsklokkerne ( ringe )
* højloftet
* bryllups-
* sammenkomst
* passende ngt. for >
and a suitable place to have a wedding breakfast.
* passende ngt. til at
so the local priest is going to marry the happy couple.
As they shall be married by the local priest,
* forestå ( ved ) >
and celebrate the marriage service.
* =
As the celebrant at the celebration of the Eucharist,
the priest has officiated at the Communion service.
* bryllups-
* reception
* måltig, middag
* bryllup
* =
* forrette >
30 as he has been leading many church services.
* …-
* vie ng.
he is going to celebrate the wedding,
They know the officiating priest
* skib
* gifte sig
a suitable place for a wedding reception,
The local priest is going to officiate ( at ) the wedding
* ( de ) nyrige
* bryllup
The couple plan to wed in the summer.
20 They are marrying on a Saturday.
* hemmelighed
* ~ sladderpressen
Their picture is plastered all over the newspaper.
10 Of course their wedding has to take place in a church.
* lækket
* vielse
* vielsesretual
* forrettende
* lede / forrette ngt.
* celebrant
* kirke ( -lig )
* handling
~ gudstjeneste
* forrettelse af >
* nadver
* forrette >
* nadver
* ( herre- ) skrædder
* dameskrædder
1341 Al wants a tailored pinstripe wedding suit.
* skræddersyet * nålestribet
so he will have a suit made to measure.
* ~ sy efter mål
He wants a tailor-made ( & bespoke E/A custom-made )
* ~ i tre dele
and a waistcoat E/A vest.
* vest
* bukser
One of Al’s business connections tailors.
* ~ drive skrædderi
He has a tailoring business,
* skræderri* =
10 As he is a bespoke tailor, he offers bespoke tailoring.
* bestillings- * skrædder
As the tailor measures Al for a tailot-made suit,
he takes his measurements.
* lave >
* jakke
* forretningsforetagende
and runs his own business in tailoring trade.
in the tailor’s workshop behind the tailor’s shop.
* sæt tøj
* skræddersyet, & med-kunden-aftalt
three-piece suit consisting of trousers E/A pants, a jacket,
Al makes an appointment with the master tailor
* bryllups-
* aftale med ng.
* …- * skræddersyning
~ syning efter mål
* mester  * skrædder-
* værksted
* skrædder-
* … forretning
* måle ng. til ( brug for ) >
* skræddersyer
* tage ngs. mål
So the tailor tailors a bespoke E/A custom-made suit to Al. * ( skrædder- ) sy > til ng.
* syet på bestilling
~ skræddersyet
* fingre
You need nimble fingers for that job.
* adræt
Within a month he has tailored the suit for the wedding.
* skræddersy ngt. til ( en anledning )
The suit, of course, fits Al, and suits him too.
* selvsagt
Clever tailoring can flatter your figure.
* klog
~ være fingernem
20 The tailor makes the man.
* passe ng. ( i størrrelse )
* skrædderkunst
* ( = ) klæder skaber folk
A ladies’ tailor tailors the wedding dress to Ann.
* dameskrædder / -ri
Using a tailor’s dummy, the dressmaker
* skrædders
tailors the bridal gown to Ann’s build and figure.
* klæde ng.
* forskønne ngt.
* brudekjole
* attrap
* dameskrædder
~ gine
* skræddersy > * brudekjole * til > * kropsbygning * =
The fabric has a flimsy structure.
* stof
Fortunately the flimsy fabric tailors well.
* & skrøbelig
The veil covers her head in a froth of white lace.
* brus af ngt.
Dressmaking is difficult if the fabric tailors badly.
* dameskrædderi
* ~ være dårligt / slemt at sy
Both cloth and hair may bleach in the sun.
* bleges, affarves
* i solen
In the summer the sun’s rays bleach Ann’s hair.
* ~ solstråler
* tyndt og fint ( lavet )
* & vævning
30 In the winter she bleaches her hair blonde with a rinse
* … ngt. ( farve )
containing bleach.
* blegemiddel, affarver
When she washes the bleach out ( of her hair ),
she washes out the bleach with a gentle shampoo.
She’s going to wear flimsy underwear,
and flimsy wedding shoes.
* ~ være nemt at sy
* knibling
* blege / affarve ngt.
* skyllemiddel
* vaske ngt. ud ( af ngt.)
* ---
* mild ( shampoo )
* ~ tyndt og fint lavet ( undertøj )
* spinkel
* brude-
* sko
1242 The dressmaker dresses some famous stars, too.
The actors change their clothes in a dressing room
and in England sports stars too.
In a shop a `fitting room or dressing room (&A)
is a room or cubicle where you can see how clothes look.
However much you try to dress it up,
working in the intertainment business is mostly drudgery.
* klæde ng. på
* ~ omklædningsrum
* ~ prøve rum
* aflukke, kabine
* pynte på ngt.
* ~ surt slid
A dresser helps an actor with dressing.
* påklæder
Not fully dressed the actor can’t go to the stage
* fuldt påklædt
10 at the `dress reheasal.
* påklædning
* kostume- / generalprøve
The dresser may urge the actor, not dressed yet,
‘ Hurry up and get dressed ! ’
In the theatre there is the ground floor, the dress `circle
or first `balcony, the second balcony etc.
Some of the women claim ( that ) they don’t have
anything flattering and suitable to wear for the wedding.
* skynde på ng.
* ~ skynde sig at blive klædt på
* gulvet
* klædelig
* =
It would be unsuitable to discuss it at the wedding:
* upassende at -
unsuitable for the guests to disguss at all at the wedding.
* … at -
20 Everybody will be suitably dressed for the party, though.
* passende
Her wedding outfit may be the only trousseau
she brings with her at marriage (U).
Ann designates her bridesmaids.
* balkon
The try to find a suitable moment to discuss the problem.
Today very few girls collect trouseaus / trouseaux (pl).
* påklædt
* passende
* have på til ngt.
* tidspunkt at -
* klædt på til ngt.
* brudeudstyrsgenstand
* =
* =
* giftermål
* udpege ng.
* brudepige
Designating some of her friends to be her bridesmaids,
* … til at -
Ann designates some of her friends ( as ) members of
* … ng. ( som ) ngt.
the bride’s party and the bridal party in the wedding.
* brude- * hold * brudepar- * hold * ved > * bryllupet
A bridesmaid is typically a young unwed woman of
* ugift
marriageable age, and often a close friend or sister.
* giftefærdig
30 She attends to the bride at the bridal preparations
* tage sig af ng.
* bryllups-
* forberedelse
on the day of the wedding or marriage ceremony.
* bryllup-
* bryllups-
* ceremoni
The principal bridesmaid, if so is designated,
* førstrangerende
* brudepige
may be called the chief bridesmaid or maid of honour,
* leder-
or matron of honour if she’s married.
* ~ æresbrudekone
A junior bridesmaid is a girl who is clearly too young
* =
* ~ brudepige
* æres-
* junior
* brudepige
to be married but who is included as an honorary bridesmaid. * æres-
* =
1342 Al asks his brother to be his best man.
* ~ forlover
… `…
A best man attends to the bridegroom
before and under the wedding ceremony.
* brudgom
* bryllupsceremoni
Al’s brother never married.
* gifte sig
Living a bachelor’s life, he says, ‘ I’m unmarried,
* ungkarle-
I guess I’m not the marrying type.
* liv
* ugift
* ~ giftelysten
* =
& typen, der gifter sig
Before the wedding, Al has a stag night / party E/A
* kronhjorthan
* nat / fest
~ polterabend
a bachelor party with his male friends.
Ann has a hen night / party E//A a bridal shower
* =
* høne, hunfugl * nat / fest * ~ brudefest før brulluppet
~ poltreabend
10 with her female friends.
The bride wears a becoming dress with daisies
spilt casually over the white ground of the crepe dress.
* klædelig
* spredt ud over ng.
Gaily coloured pattern doesn’t suit everybody.
* spraglet
A lot of guests are invited to the wedding /& marriage,
* bryllup
and a lot of onlookers will come to the wedding.
* margerit
* bund
* farvet
* mønster
* =
* dekoreret / pyntet med ngt.
More than a hundred are present at their wedding,
* ved ngs. bryllup
so, having filled up the nave, the guests spill over into
* midterskibet
the adjecent aisles: ailes adjecent to the nave.
* tilstødende
20 The guests have dressed themselves and their children
* klæde sig / ng. på >
in their best clothes so they dress well and fashionably.
* i ngt.
to get up and get dressed.
Dressed in dressy clothes, the dressy guests
are smartly dressed.
So the grown-up guests wear formal dress: having put on
their Sunday best, they all wear evening dress (U).
* klæde ng.
* tilskuer
The church is beautifully dressed with flowers.
Some children dress quickly when their parents tell them
* crepe / krep ( kjole )
* brede sig ind i >
* sideskibe
* stødende op ngt.
* klæde sig
* moderigtigt
* klæde sig på
* stå op og tage tøj på
* klædt i >
* elegant, formelt
* smart
* påklædningsbevidst
* påklædt, klædt på
elegant, formelt
* tøj, påklædning
* søndagstøj
* selskabstøj
… `…
The women, wearing evening or cocktail dresses,
* aften- / selskabskjole
have put on make-up to cover any blemish.
* skavank, skønhedsfejl
30 Some of them are dressed to `kill.
* ~ ( være ) klædt opsigtsvækkende elegant på
A transvestite / tranny is dressed as a woman.
* klædt på som ngt.
1344 Some of the male guests wear a two-piece suit :
* ~ jakkesæt
a lounge suit E/A business suit which has matching jacket
* forretningdjakkesæt
and trousers or pants made of the same fabric.
* struktur
Some men wear grey morning dress (U) including
a morning coat E/A a cut away.
* fritids-
vævning, stof
* ~ jaket
* ~ jaketjakke
An officer is dressed up to the `nines:
wearing full dress uniform (U), he is dressed to the nines.
* ~ stadset ud
* ~ galla-
* uniform
* =
… `…
Most guests would never wear dress unsuitable for them, * bære / gå med >
* tøj
or unsuitable for the occation.
* … for ngt.
10 A little boy wears a sailor suit.
* ~ matrostøj ( til drenge )
* upassende for ng.
Dressing the part, the guests look the part.
* ~ klæde sig til lejligheden * se ud som man skal til <
The onlookers wear more casual clothes or dress badly.
* tilfældig, skødesløs
Some guests are casually dressed in jeans and a T-shirt
dagligdags, uformel
* tilfældigt etc.
( rollen )
as they find there is no need to dress up.
They come as they are although they are expected
by many guests to dress for a wedding.
’ These people ought to get a dressing-down,
* tøj
* klæde sig
* klædt i ngt.
* klæde sig finere ( på )
* komme som man er
* klæde sig på til ( bryllup )
* ~ balle, overhaling
- `…
and somebody ought to dress them down,’ a guest snaps.
Some people have no dress sense.
20 Some are mutton dressed as lamb.
* kritisere, irettesætte
* vrisse
skælde ng. ud
* ~ sans for korrekt påklædning
* fårekød tilberedt som lammekød
~ alt for ungdommeligt klædt
You never dress entirely in black for a wedding.
* klæde sig i ngt. til ngt.
The spillover of guests fill the adjecent aisles to capacity. * overskydende ( gæster )
The chuch is crowded to bursting point.
* fyldt til >
Wearing a bridal veil and carrying her wedding bouquet,
* brudeslør
the bride is walked up the aisle by her father.
The bride is a picture and her frothy white wedding dress
is a picture.
* fylde ngt.
* bristepunktet
* brudebuket
* ~ føre ng. op ad kirkegulvet
* ~ være billedskøn
* let og elegant ( kjole )
* =
Both the bride and her beautifully finished wedding dress
look a picture.
* færdiggjort ( kjole )
* ~ se billedskøn ud
30 In a froth of snow-white laces, she certainly
* i et brus ( af ) >
* snehvid
looks a picture.
In a froth of lace (U) as white as snow, she is
as pretty as a picture (o-f).
There is a breathless silence under the lofty vault:
the beautiful arches.
* ~ helt op
* knipling
* <=
* kniblingsværk
* hvid som sne
* ~ billedskøn
* åndeløs
* hvælving
* stilhed
* ~ højt hævet
* hvælving
hvælvet loft
[email protected]
1345 At the marriage service, the officiating priest
* bryllupsritual
joins Ann and Al in marriage.
* forene ng. i ægteskab, vie ng.
The bridegroom brings the `wedding bands.
* forrettende udøvende
* vielses-
* ring
First the priest asks the bride, ‘ Do you take this man to be * vil du tage denne mand til at være >
your husband ? ‘ and when she has answered yes, he asks,
* din ægtemand
‘ Will you love and honour him till death do you part ? ‘
* vil du elske og ære ham til døden jer skiller
First the bridegroom then the bride puts a wedding ring
on the ring finger of the other one.
* vielsesring
The priest asks the bridegroom the same questions,
10 ‘ Do you take this woman to be your wife
and will you love and honour her till death do you part ? ‘
Exchanging wedding wows, the groom and bride
reply to the questions with a devoted yes.
The priest then asks the audience,’ If anyone has
any objection to this marriage let them stand forward.
As nobody stands forward, the priest now pronounces
* bryllups-
* løfte
* besvare ngt. med >
* hengivent
* ja
* indvending overfor ngt.
Ann and Al to be lawfully wedded husband and wife, stating
( that ) what God hath joined let no man put asunder.’
* hvad gud har forenet, skal intet menneske skille
The newly married / newlywed couple may now kiss.
20 So the newlyweds kiss each other.
* ~ nygift par, brudepar
* =
At this moment, the emotions of many guests spill over.
* følelser
Some guests brim over with emotions as their hearts
* strømme over med ( følelser )
overflow with emotions.
* strømme over
* =
They can’t check their tears.
* tilbageholde
The gushing guests bubble over with gushing remarks.
The bride and bridegroom enter into matrimony.
* tårer
& lade være med at græde
* overstrømmende * strømme over med >
* =
( person )
( bemærkning )
* træde ind i ægtestanden
`matrimêni E/A -mouni
United in the holy matrimony, she is his lawfully wedded
wife, and he is her lawfully wedded husband.
Ann is now married to Al.
30 The wedding ceremony occupied about half an hour.
* hellige ægteskab
* lovformlig
* ægteviet
* =
* gift med ng.
* vare / tage x ( tid )
The doors open and the audience spill out of the church.
* myldre ud
Spilling into the churchyard, people spill slowly.
* sprede sig >
A marriage provides conjugal rights for the spouses.
* ægteskablig
They are supposed to confine themselves to conjugal love.* begrænse sig til >
* ud på kirkegården
* rettighed
* =
* =
* ægtefælle
* kærlighed, erotik
* bryllupsfest
1346 After the marriage ceremony, the newly married couple * de nygifte
* fejre >
celebrate their wedding at a wedding reception.
After the wedding, the married couple, the next of kin,
* bryllup
* ægtepar
* …s-
* redeption
* den nærmeste familie
and all the other wedding guests look forward to celebrate
* bryllupsgæst
at the wedding breakfast and wedding party.
* ved >
The married couple receive a lot of wedding presents.
* få / modtage >
Having had a lot of presents, Ann and Al thank
* =
all kith and kin (o-f) for the presents.
* feste
* ~ bryllupsmiddag
* ~ …fest
* bryllupsgave
* gave
* takke ng. >
( kun trans.)
* for ngt.
* venner og frænder
They have a lot of the family silver or family plate (E).
* sølvtøj
10 In America silver or silverware includes utensils
* sølv / -tøj
such as cutlery or flatware (A) made of stainless steel.
rustfri ståltøj
* bestik
* sølv- / guldtøj
* husholdningsredskaber
* =
As silver if exposed to the oxygen in the air, eventually gets *
stained, it has to be polished or put in a chemical bath.
* misfarvet
* bad
Home from work, most people like to dress down.
* ~ klæde sig mere afslappet på
The married couple each gets a tracksuit / jogging suit
* træningsdragt
consisting of a tracksuit jacket and tracksuit bottoms //
* træningstrøje
a jogging jacket and jogging trousers E/A pants.
* =
A sweatsuit (A) or sweats consist of a sweatshirt
and sweatpants.
* træningsbukser
* træningsdragt
* træningstrøje
* -bukser
20 Ann also gets a jumpsuit and a trouser suit E/A pantsuit. * =
Al also gets a boiler suit or overalls (E) or coveralls (A).
and a pair of dungarees (E) or overalls (A).
* buksedragt
* kedeldragt
* overalls
Al and Ann each get a wet suit for diving.
* våddragt
Other divers use a diving suit or diving dress.
* dykkerdragt
A diving suit is unsuited for svimming.
* uegnet til ngt.
( A suit of armour is used for warfare,
* ~ rustning
* krigsførsel
and a spacesuit is used for space travel. )
* rumdragt
* rumrejse
* populær-
* ~ videnskablig- ( bog )
They get a popular science book including a lot of
colour plates.
* farve-
30 A picture shows an amadillo with its protective shell
* bæltedyr
of protective plates.
* plade
* ~ plancher
* beskyttelses-
Some animals have razor-`sharp teeth.
* ( barberblad ) ~ syleskarpe
The book describes the scientific study of plate `tectonics:
* pladetektonik / kontinentalpladestruktur
the movements of the tectonic plates.
Earthquakes are caused by tectonic plates
bumping into each other.
* ~ kontinentalplade
* jordskælv
* støde ind i ngt.
* skal
1347 The book describes how the wind and animals spread
* sprede ngt.
pollen and seeds.
* pollen
A nebula is a bright area in the sky consisting either of
a mass of gas or dust or of a cloud of stars.
* frø
* stjernetåge
A sun may be any star around which planets move.
* sol
Ann and Al only have a nebulous concept of astronomy.
* tåget
Sunspots sometimes appear on the sun’s surface.
* solplet
* opfattelse
1348 In the evening and night, the wedding party celebrate
* bryllupsselskab
at a wedding feast and wedding festivities at the inn.
* feste
* festmåltid
* bryllups-
The dinner is £ 45 a plate plus £ 5 per person for sundries. * pr. kuvert
* festlighed
* diverse ( udgifter )
The wedding is an occation of great festivity,
creating a festive atmosphere.
* anledning / lejlighed til ngt.
* festlig, opstemt
An and Al have arranged a seating plan together.
* ~ bordplan
The table arrangement or seating arrangement
* =
wasn’t easy to make.
They aim at suiting all their family members.
* festivitas, opstemthed
* sigte mod at -
* tilfredsstille /
gøre ng. tilpas
* bordherre / -dame
10 They aim to choose the dinner partners so that they
* =
suit the particular interests of one another.
* indpasse ngt. til ng.
Children may have to sit on a cushion at the dinner table.
* pude
A family consists of parents, sisters and brothers,
* familie
grandparents ( grandmother and grandfather ),
grandchildren ( granddaughters and grandsons ),
* børnebørn
great grandparents and great grandchildren,
great great grandparents etc.,
uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews and nieces,
* onkel
granduncles etc.
* gran-
20 The kin (pl.) or the kinsfolk (pl.) consist of kinsmen
* slægt
and kinswomen, descending from the same ancestors.
Some relatives are near of kin.
* kvindelige … * nedstamme fra * stamfader/ -moder
( pl.) aner
* slægtning
* ~ nærbeslægtet
At a marriage, members of two families not of kin
* ikke i slægt / beslægtet ( med hinanden )
* =
* tante
* kusine
/ fætter
* slægstninge
* nevø
* niece
* mandlige …
are hereby related by marriage.
Ties of kindred exist more or less among kindred,
while ties of kinship may develope both between people
of kin and not of kin.
The `in-laws (pl.) are the parents-in-law ( father-in-law,
and mother-in-law ) sister-in-law, brothe-in-law etc.
* beslægtet gennem >
* ægteskab
& besvogret
* bånd af > * slægtsskab * blandt ng.
* slægtninge
* … af >
* åndsslægtsskab >
* mellem ng.
~ åndsslægtskabsfølelse
* svigerfamilie
* svigerforældre
* svigermor
* svigerinde
* svigerfar
* svoger
1349 The restaurant’s reputation is without a blemish.
* omdømme, ry
* uden
* skamplet
~ pletfri
A cook places the dough on a baking sheet.
* dej
* bageplade
He uses a sheet of stainless steel.
* plade
They sometimes bake doughnuts (A often donuts )
* =
and kindred ( fo. ) cakes.
* rustfrit
* stål
* beslægtet / lignende ( slags )
Much kitchen furniture is made of stainless sheet metal.
* pladestål
Much fruit and many vegetables need washing.
* skylning
Making a salad, the cook washes a lettuce and other
* salat
* skylle >
* salathoved
vegetables thoroughly before he cuts the ingredients into
* grundigt
10 pieces, and mixes them with salad dressing.
* salat-
They use iceberg `lettuce or a kindred salad, cucumber
and French dressing which is a mixture of oil, vinegar etc.
When they blanch the vegetables, they put them
in boiling water for a short time.
* iceberg salat
* dressing
* lignende slags
* fransk dressing
* salat
* agurk
* eddike
* blanchere ngt.
They sometimes use sundried tomatoes.
* soltørret
Salads like potato, pasta, and fruit salad may be mixed with * salat
mayonnaise, crème fraiche or yogurt / yogh(o)urt.
A salad may be made with curd or kindred products.
* kvark
Curds are made by precipitation when milk turns sour.
* = ( & pl )
20 By an enzymatic / enzymic precipitation,
* beslægtet, lignende
* udfældning
* enzymatisk
* =
the milk curdles as the enzyms precipitate a white soft solid. * koagulere
The precipitate, called curd, precipitates after a while.
Preparing a perfect meal, a cook must waste some food.
He selects the best parts of the raw material,
and throws the rest away.
* enzym * udfælde ngt. * fast masse
* udfældningsprodukt
* udfældes
* lade ngt. gå til spilde
frådse med ngt.
* ~ råvarer
* resten
There is little wastage from a lean cut of meat.
* spild
It seems such a waste to throw good food away
* spild
just because of slight blemishes.
* mager udskæring
* plet, skavank
The new cooks hate to see good food go / run to waste.
30 The manager hates unnecessary waste.
* gå til spilde
* spild
Last year he blanched at the economic figures:
he blanched visibly when he was informed of the wastage.
* blegne ved ngt.
* blegne
* synligt
* spild
[email protected]
1350 The food waste and waste food may be thrown into
* madaffald
a waste bag or waste bin.
* skraldepose
A waste-disposal unit, a waste disposer or Disposal ™
* affaldsmad
* -bøtte / -spand
* affaldskværn
is a machine, connected to the waste pipe of the kitchen sink, * afløbsrør
for cutting food waste into small pieces.
Rubbish as in household rubbish and garden rubbish
* affald
is the usual word in British English for the things that you
throw away at home in a rubbish bag or rubbish bin.
* affalds-
The streets will be littered with rubbish if people don’t
* skraldespand
A beautiful place is easily blemished by litter.
* skæmme ngt.
Refuse collection and refuse disposal takes place
* affalds-
If a dustman spills a bin or sack of rubbish,
the rubbish may spill all over the pavement.
In America, inside the home, trash is dry material while
garbage tends to mean waste food and other wet material.
In America the garbage and trash should go
* have…
* affalds- / skraldebøtte / spand
/ skraldepose
* tilsvine ngt.
10 throw their rubbish in a dustbin or litter bin.
when the rubbish is collected by the dustmen or binmen (E).
* husholdnings…
* indsamling
* …-
* bortskaffelse
* skraldemand
* spilde fra
* brolægning, E& fortov
* affald
* affald
into a garbage ( can ) or trash can and be collected by
* affalds- / skralde-
20 garbage men or garbage collectors.
* skraldemand
bøtte / spand
If a bag, bin or can (A) is filled to overflow,
the waste or rubbish, garbage (A) or trash (A) spill easily.
If a garbage man (A) spills a can of garbage and trash,
* ~ overfylde ngt.
* spildes
* skraldemand
the garbage and trash may spill all over the sidewalk (A).
* fortov
Refuse as in domestic refuse or household refuse
* affald
is a formal word and is used in both England and America.
So a refuse collector is either a dustman or a binman (E),
a garbage collector or a garbage man (A).
In the winter when the paving may be covered
* =
* husholdnings-
* =
* renovationsarbejder
* overfladebelægning
30 with a sheet of ice and water, the refuse collector may slip * tyndt lag
* glide
as well as the dustcart (E), refuse van or refuse lorry (E),
* skraldevogn
* -bil
* -lastbil
the garbage truck (A) or refuse-collection truck may skid
* skraldevogn / -bil
* =
* skride
on the icy road surface (E) or icy pavement (A).
* vejbelægning
‘ I get the picture, ‘ Al assures.
* ~ se det for sig
The refuse is taken to the refuse dump: rubbish dump,
* losseplads
rubbish heap or rubbish tip.
* =
* =
* =
1351 The cooks have prepared a huge spread for the party.
Soup easily spills so it’s easy to spill soup.
* måltid
* spildes, løbe over
If a cook fills the bowl too full, the soup might spill out of it * fylde > * ~ terrin
onto the table cloth, or worse onto the guest’s clothes.
To prevent soup from spilling, its important not to
fill the bowl of the spoon to overflowing.
If soup spills over, it may spill over onto the table,
or worse spill on people’s clothes.
A waiter must not spill onto the table
10 or spill on people’s clothes.
If a waiter spills food – spills it onto the table
or worse spills it on people’s clothes – he’s in trouble.
* spilde ngt.
* fuld
* flyde ud af ngt.
* spildes, flyde / løbe over
* fylde >
* fordybning ( i skeen )
* flyde / løbe over
* - - - ( og spildes ) på ngt.
* - - - ( og spildes ) på ngt.
* spilde på ngt.
* --* spilde ngt.
* - - - på ngt.
* =
A guest can have a large plate of soup.
* tallerken ( -fuld ) ( af ) ngt.
The main course is served from dishes and platters.
* servere ngt. ( fra ) >
The waiters serve the guests a plate of the main course.
* … ng. >
They serve a plateful of the main course to each guest.
* …>
When a waiter serves a guests with food from a platter,
* betjene / forsyne ng. med ngt.
the peas easily spill.
* dybt fad
20 Some guests like the main course to swim in sauce.
* tallerkenfuld af ngt. >
* sovs
* sovs
* skille
A guests may eat two platefuls or more.
* tallerkenfuld
A well-mannered person waits till he has finished chewing * være færdig med at -
* spildes
~ ryge / trille af / ned
* båd
~ sovseekande
* tygge
* begynde på at-
A cup of coffee finishes the meal.
* ngt. afslutte ngt.
The four-course dinner finishes with coffee and cognac
* ngt. slutte med ngt.
or liqueur ( a kind of sweet liquor ).
* til ng.
* svømme i ngt.
Some sauces easily curdle.
before he starts talking.
* flat fad
* tallerken ( -fuld ) ( af ) ngt.
* ært
The sauce is served from a `sauce boat.
* til overflydning
* likør
* alkoholisk drik
* ~ få sig >
* en hurtig drink
Some people have a quick drink before they leave home,
and some have a quick one whenever there’s a chance.
* en lille en
30 The party is in full swing right from the start.
* i fuld sving
1352 The waiters carry out dishes, and piles of dirty plates:
* fad
soup plates, dinner plates, dessert plates, side plates,
* suppe-
and tea plates.
The cutlery E/A flatware is plate:
not solid silver or gold but silver or gold plating.
* stabel af >
* middags( dyb )
( flad )
* ( te ) ~ kage-
* tallerkener
* dessert-
* tallerken
* spise- og serveringsbestik
* plettøj
* massiv
* belægning
* guld-
Most of it is silver plate and just a few things are gold plate: * sølvplet
usually brass washed with silver or gold
Many kind of things are plated with a metal wash,
* side-
* messing
* overtrukket med ngt.
* ( være ) belagt /
* ~ belægning fra væskebad
pletteret med ngt.
or other hard substance.
10 Ordinarily most people use a stainless steel cutlery set.
* ~ til daglig
In America holloware means silver dishes for serving,
* ~ sølvfade
and cutlery means all kinds of sharp knives.
* knivtøj
The bridegroom carves the iced wedding cake.
* skære ngt. for
The cake is iced (E): it is covered with icing (U,E).
* glasseret
The confectioner has let the cake chill for an hour
* konditor
before he iced the cake (E).
He uses icing sugar or confectioners’ sugar:
powdered sugar.
In America a cake is frosted: covered with frosting.
* glasseret
* bryllupskage
* glassur
* glassere ngt.
* flormelis
* =
* glasseret
20 The party sing a song – one of the numerous works
which has spilled from the composers pen.
* flyde fra >
The composer has wed the tune to the verse.
* ~ tilpasse ngt. til ngt.
All the guests enjoy the marriage of lyrics and tune.
* ~ forening af ngt.
Lifting his fingers rhythmically from the fret,
* gribebræt
* glassur
* pen
the guitar player accentuates the rhythm by muting the strings. * dæmpe ngt.
Using a mute, the trumpet player plays a muted trumpet.
* lyddæmper
When an opera singer from among the guests takes over
the microfone, she steals / hogs the limelight
* stjæle >
with a very surprising performance.
* med ngt.
30 She steals the show / limelight / scene from the rest
* stjæle billedet fra ng.
of the band.
The live music is the icing on the `cake.
* ~ prikken over i’et
Some rock bands are famous for trashing hotel rooms.
* smadre ngt.
* lyddæmpet
* billedet ( rampelyset )
1353 A few guests leave before midtnignt.
To finish with, the rest have a midnight snack.
* til at slutte af med
So the festivities finish with midnight snacks.
* ngt. slutte ( af ) med ngt.
* resten
* ~ natmad
Platters full of sandwiches are served for midtnight snack. * flat fad
Most guests finish with a sandwich on a plate,
or a plate of sandwiches, and a beer.
Having soup, most guests take a single plateful
while some eat a couple of plates of soup.
A glutton eats three platefuls of soup.
10 Some guests finish up with a sandwich,
* =
* ng. slutte af med ngt.
* på en tallerken
* tallerken ( -fuld ) ( af ) ngt.
* tallerkenfuld
* tallerken ( -fuld ) ( af ) ngt.
* grovæder
* tallerkenfuld af ngt.
( jærv )
* ng. slutte af med ngt.
just washed down with a mineal ( water ) or a soda ( water ) * skyllet ned med >
containing mineral water or soda water equal to fizzy water. * mineralvand
The music hasn’t finished yet.
* være sluttet
The band keeps getting an encore.
* få >
* mineralvand
* soda-
* sodavand
* ~ bobble-
* vand
* opfordring til et ekstranummer
The `repertoire finishes with three encores
before the band finishes the show off.
Having a saucy smile on their faces, the band finish off
the show with a saucy joke and a saucy song.
The night finishes in a singalong /E& a sing-song
* repertoire
* vovet, smøret
* vovet
* =
* slutte med ngt.
* fællessang
* =
The festivities finishes at 3 o’clock in the morning.
* slutte kl. x
The wedding has been picture-`perfect (A)
* lige after bogen
of legend.
The wedded pair are pictured as a very happy couple,
and well suited.
* =
* < med
* samles >
Many marriage customs can be relegated to the sphere
* =
* afslutte ngt.
20 at which everybody join in community singing (U).
and Ann’s has had a picture-perfect wedding day.
* slutte med ngt.
* =
* henføre til ngt.
* beskrive ng. som ngt.
* passende til hinanden
* i fællessang
1354 Imagining a truthful husband and a lifelong marriage,
* forestille sig ngt.
Ann pictures a happy husband and a happy marriage
* -=-
Imagining ( that ) her husband will be truthful,
she pictures ( that ) All will always be truthful to her
As she imagines Al truthful, she always pictures him
truthful to her.
As she imagines Al a truthful husband,
she always pictures him a truthful husband.
Imagining him to be truthful,
10 she pictures him to always be a truthful husband.
As she imagines him staying true
she pictures him staying with her till death them part.
As Ann imagines Al as truthful,
* - - - at * -=* forestille sig ng. ( som ) adj.
* - - - ng. ( som ) subst.
* -=* foredtille sig ng. at - , ~ - - - at ng. er ngt.
* -=* - - - ng. at - , ~ - - - at ng. gør ngt
* -=* forestille sig ng. som adj.
and imagines him as a caring husband,
* - - - som subst.
she always pictures him as truthful,
* & beskrive ng. som adj.
pictures him as a caring husband,
* - - - ng. som subst.
and always pictures their marriage as happy.
* - - - ngt. som adj.
Imagining / picturing herself in another situation,
* forestille sig selv + prep.
she sometimes imagines / pictures herself
* - - - selv >
20 ( as / being / to be ) unhappy,
* - - - ( som / at være ) adj.
( as / being / to be ) someone else,
* - - - ( som / at være ) ng.
( as / doing / to do ) something else,
* - - - ( som / at gøre ) ngt.
perhaps back in her childhood or in the future.
* tilbage i ( barndomme )
She imagines what it would be like,
* -=-
* forestille sig hvxx -
pictures who would be with her,
* -=-
imagines where they would be,
* -=-
pictures when it might be,
* -=-
imagines which possibility she’d prefer,
* -=-
pictures whether it might be possible,
* -=-
30 and imagines how it might be possible.
* -=-
* i ( fremtiden )
[email protected]
* hvedebrødsdage / bryllupsrejse
1255 Going on a skiing holiday for their honeymoon, Ann
* tage på > * en ( ski ) ferie * som bryllupsferie / -rejse
and All will be on holiday E/A vacation on their honeymoon.
* ferie
A travel brochure pictures the ski resort in picturesque
* =
* på ( deres ) …
* skildre
* skisportssted
* malerisk
terms so they have a picturesque description of the place.
They check up on the skiing facilities
and the precipitation.
* =
* undersøge vedrørende
* nedbør / -smængde
There is a high average snowfall for the ski resort.
* gennemsnits-
A fall in the temperature may precipitate the moisture
* fortætte >
10 of the air so the moisture precipitates as rain or snow.
As Ann and Al are going to honeymoon in Austria,
they shall spend their honeymoon in the Alps.
* skifacilitet
* snefald
* fugtighed
* -s
* ~ være på bryllupsrejse + adv.
* tilbringe >
* hvedebrødsdage
They will be on their honeymoon for two weeks.
* være på >
They going on a holiday tailor-made just for them.
* ferie
All packs a single suitcase while Ann packs two cases.
* pakke ngt.
* kuffert
Al packs a striped shirt and a chek(<ed) jacket:
* =
* stribet
a dark blue and green check jacket.
* Østrig
* Alperne
* bryllupsrejse
* skræddersyet til ng.
* =
* tern (-et )
* =
They have a sponge bag E/A washbag each.
* ( * svamp * taske / * vasketaske ),
The honeymooners look forward to go skiing.
* bryllupsrejsende
20 The jumping-off place / point is far from the airport.
~ toilettaske
* stå på ski
dyrke skisport
* rejseudgangspunkt
Al checks the check-in time at the airport.
* tjekke / kontrollere /
He checks with the railway company what time the train is
undersøge ngt.
* kontrollere hos ng. hvxx -
leaving and check which platform (E) the train departs from. * … hvxx
They check which track (A) the train departs ( from ) (A).
* =
At the day of departure, a train has jumped the track.
* afgang
As a train has jumped the rails, there is a delay in
* -=-
the train traffic.
They only had a snack for breakfast
* tjekindtidspunkt
* perron
( spor)
* =
* forlade <
( afgå fra )
* hoppe / løbe af sporet
* forsinkelse i ( trafik )
* ~ lille smule mad
so they have a mid-morning snack at a snack bar.
* ~ formiddags-
30 Its healthier to snack on fruit rather than chocolate.
* ~ spise ngt. som mellem- / hurtigt måltid
Both tea and soup are mere wash, though.
* afgå fra <
* tyndt pjask
* ~ mellemmåltid
* snackbar
1356 Most official markings are in stripes or checks.
* afmærkning
The `check-in is at least an hour before departure.
* indskrivning
They check `in an hour and a half before departure
* indskrive sig
so there will be time for a drink if they feel so inclined.
Luggage can be left at the left-`luggage ( office ) E/A
the checkroom for baggage.
The check-in is at a desk E/A counter in the terminal
for foreign departures.
They line /E& queue up at the check-in desk (E).
10 An official ticks (E) their names on the passengers’ list.
She ticks the passengers off by putting a tick beside
their names perhaps in a box.
In America people lined up at a check-in counter
where an official checks the passengers on a list.
The official checks the passengers off by putting a check
or check mark beside their names.
You may also put a mark against a name or an item
* stribe
* tern
* føle sig tilbøjelig til det
* bagagegarderobe
* =
* indskrivningssted
* skranke
* udenrigs
* stille sig / stå i kø
* & indskrivnings-
* skranke
* afmærke / tjekke ngt.
* tjekke / mærke ng. / ngt. af
* hak
* felt
* stille sig / stå i kø
* check-in
* skranke
* afmærke / tjekke ng.
* tjekke / mærke ng. / ngt. af
* tjekmærke
* sætte >
* på ( liste )
* sætte >
* hak
* ved side af ngt.
* et mærke ved ngt.
& afmærke / -krydse
by means of a cross.
When they check `in their luggage (eE), some people
20 realize they have to pay for the excess `baggage (EA).
When Ann and Al have check their bags and cases `in,
their luggage is put on the plane by baggage handlers.
Having checked (A) their baggage (eA),
people go to the departure lounge.
* indskrive >
* tjekke ngt. ind
* bagage* indskrive >
They travel first class as there is more room
* rejse på …
the departure gate.
* ~ arbejder
* bagage
* venterum
* tjekke / undersøge ngt.
Carrying their hand luggage / baggage, they go to
* bagage
* bagageovervægt
Ann and Al check () out the prices at the duty-free shop.
to spread out in first class.
* kryds
* brede / strække sig
* håndbagage
* gate
* første klasse
* München
1357 The Customs check (<s A) the luggage: they ( it )
* toldvæsnet
check(s) the baggage for drugs, weapons, and sundry other
* … ngt. for ng
* tjekke / undersøge ngt.
* =
* diverse
items such as goods on which duty has not been paid.
Suspected of drug smuggling, a traveller is mauled /
* betale told af ngt.
* ( blive ) maltrakteret
taget hårdhændet fat i / blive befamlet
savaged by a customs officer.
* - = - ( af ng. )
* toldbetjent
A suspected criminal is caught during a routine check.
* tjek, undersøgelse
The police check `up on his statements,
* tjekke / kontrollere / efterprøve ngt.
and check `out his alibi carefully.
* =
* alibi
* tyskland
Munich is the provincial capital of Bavaria.
* provins-
Like Germany as a whole, Bavaria is a preoccupation:
* tidligere besat område
a preoccupied country or preoccupied part of a country.
* hovedstad
* Bayern
* tidligere besat
One might imagine oneself back in the Second World War. * føle / tro sig hensat til ngt.
At the Holocaust, prior to and during World War I I,
* holocaust
kæmpebrand / -katastrofe
the Nazies were guilty of systematic mass extermination of
* nazist
Jews, and other ostracized groups in concentration camps. * jøde
Jews were persecuted in all the occupied countries.
* masseudryddelse
* udstødt
* koncentrationslejr
* forfulgt
20 The Nazies established a lot of concentration camps,
many of them occupying a vast area.
* optage / fylde >
* besat ( land )
* udbredt
The Nazies aimed at wasting all Jews and Jewish influence. * tilintetgøre ng. / ngt.
The prisoners were systematically mauled / savaged
by the guards and by experimenting doctors.
* område
* jødisk
* mishandle / maltraktere ng.
-` -
As fugitives from tormentors and hopelessness,
some prisoners carried out fugitive ideas of escape.
Like the lions maul / savage a buffalo,
* flygtning fra ( ng&t. )
* plageånd
* flygtig ( ide )
* flugt
fierce and vicious guard dogs may maul / savage prisoners
* maltraktere >
~ angribe og flå i ng.
* bidsk, glubsk
who made an attempt to escape.
* gøre et ( vanskeligt ) forsøg på at -
A guard would move in to finish off a fugitive prisoner.
30 He would finish the fugitive off with his riffle.
* gøre det af med ng.
* =
* bøffel
( bison )
* =
* flygtende
* flygtning
1358 Besides hunger, wasting diseases ravaged the camps. * udtærende ( sygdom )
The prisoners had absolutely no room to spread out
in their sleeping accomodations.
Bad possibilities of hygiene and infestation of vermin
* hærge ( sted )
* brede sig, strække ud
* sove* hygiejne
* indretning, ~ sted / plads
* hærgen af >
* skadedyr
made the prisoners spread all kinds of diseases.
As all camps and prisoners were infested with vermin
such as rats and lice (a louse), the diseases spread easily.
Epidemics raged through the unhygienic camps.
* sprede ( sygdom )
* befængt med / hærget af >
* rotte
* utøj
* lus
* sprede sig / -s
* rase + adv.
* uhygieinisk ( sted )
Few measures were taken to check the rapidity with which
10 the epidemics were spreading.
The prisoners were soon wasted by disease
so their frames looked horrifyingly wasted.
* kontrollere / standse ngt.
* blive hærget / udtæret af ( sygdom )
* krop, legeme
They could do little to prevent the spread of disease.
* skrækindjagende
-sbygning, skikkelse
* spredning af ( sygdom )
Those who weren’t exterminated in the gas chambers
* udrydde / tilintetgøre ng.
by the end of the war were liberated in a terrible condition
with thin, wasted bodies and faces, arms and legs.
* afmagret
Due to extreme emaciation, no feelings were pictured on
* gas-
* afmagring
* hærget
* kammer
* aftegne sig
their emaciated faces.
* afmagret
Words can hardly paint the scene.
20 The sight chilled them.
* ord kan næppe >
* beskrive
* sceneri
* give ng. kuldegysning
What they saw chilled their blood.
* ~ få blodet til at isne
The sight sent a chill down the liberators’ spine:
* sende > * kuldegysning * ned gennem * befrier * ryg~ få det til at løbe koldt ned ad ryggen på ng.
it sent a shiver down their spine.
* =
It struck a chill to their heart; it made their blood run cold. * ~ få blodet til at isne
* =
They felt a chill of anxiety, apprehension and fear.
* ~ få kuldegysning af ngt.
The sight freezed their blood: it made their blood freeze.
* ~ få ngs. blod til at isne / stivne
* =
It curdled their blood: it made their blood curdle.
* ~ få ngs. blod til at isne / stivne
* =
Many victims of persecution who survived in the camps
* forfølgelse
still wasted away with grief if not wasting away with illness.
* hentæres af ( sorg )
30 Millions of victims of war suffered a wasted life
* plages af >
even though some of them spend the rest of their life
in the vast `melting pot of American society.
* smelte-
* … af ( sygdom )
* forspildt ( liv )
* ~ digel
Broken in body and mind, and therefore hypersensitive to * nedbrudt på sjæl og legeme * overfølsom overfor ngt.
spine-chilling and spine-tingling situations,
* ~ gysfremkaldende
these people were often mistaken as spineless individuals.
* uden rygrad, karaktersvag
A spineless animal has no spinal column and spinal cord. * rygsøjle / -rad
* rygmarv
Some spiny plants and animals have spines.
* pigget
* pig
1359 The areas under German occupation contained
* tysk
a great part of Europe; part of France stayed unoccupied.
* ikke besat
The British and French armies weren’t able to check
the advance of the German army on the continent.
The French and British troops weren’t able to contain
* besættelse
* omfatte ngt.
* hindre / stande >
* fremmarch
* opfange ( angreb )
the German attacks and contain the enemy at Dunkirk at 1940.* binde ( fjenden )
Occupying more than half (of) Europe
* besætte >
* halvdelen af ( et område )
and more than half (of) the countries,
* halvdelen af ( nogle områder )
the Germans occupied the half of France but only half of it.
* besætte >
10 As the might of Germany wasted,
* magt, kraft
the war was an uphill battle for the Germans.
* opadbakke
Having wooed fame, Hitler and the Nazies
had wooed their own destruction.
* det halve af >
( et område )
* halvdelen af >
( et område )
* svinde
* kamp
* bejle til >
* berømmelse
* --- >
* tilintetgørelse
Germany has had a chequered /eA checkered history.
* ( ternet ), ~ broget ( historie )
Burdened by reparations (ol.) after the Great War, it had
* tynget af >
sunk into an economic and political morass / quagmire.
* krigsskadeserstatning
* synke ned i >
* morads, hængedynd
So Hitler succeeded in whipping up the masses.
* oppiske >
Crowds after crowds were whipped up to a frency.
* blive opildnet / ophidset til >
Hitler wanted Byelorussia ( White Russia ) and Ukraine
* Hvide Rusland
* masserne
20 so German settlers could receive grants of land from
* tildeling af ngt. fra ng.
the government.
The German occupants of the land were supposed to
provide the Third Reich with grain.
* hysteri, vanvid
* besidder af ( land )
* korn
Many battles ended in a bloodbath.
* ende i >
* blodbad
The Nazies were guilty of spilling millions of soldiers’ blood. * udgyde >
Night after night, the noise of the air-raid warning,
the anti-aircraft defence ( anti-aricraft artillery or guns ),
* ngs. blod
* ~ luftalarm
* antiluftsskyts
* luftværnsskyts
* -kanon
* bryde > * stilhed  nattens
~ nattestilheden
30 Flying over Germany, an American airman would say he’d * ~ flybesætningsmedlem
and allied bombardment broke the silence of the night.
* bombardement
pass a huge spread of land and a huge spread of waters.
* strækning
The airmen hoped they had silenced the enemy’s guns.
* <<
* af land
* …
* af vand
* bringe ngt. til tavshed
& ødelægge ngt.
* faldskærms* udspring
They were all trained in doing / making a parachute jump. * lave >
so in case of a fatally-hit plane, the airmen tried
* alvorligt ramt
to jump from the plane and hoped to parachute to safety.
* springe ud ( med faldskærm ) * ~ svæve i faldskærm
Some people go parachuting for the thrill of it / for kicks. * tage på faldskærmsudspringstur
* ~ for spændingens skyld
[email protected]
1360 At D-Day a fleet of allied aircrafts made a large number
of parachute drops over France.
* faldskærms-
As the planes dropped their parachute troops, the sky
was teeming with parachuters falling slowly to the ground.
The allied laid many German cities `waste.
* nedkaste >
* nedkast
* =
* myldre med ngt.
* tropper
* faldskærmsudspringer
They laid `waste to some big cities in bombing raids.
* lægge ngt. >
* tysk
* øde
~ ødelægge / udslette / tilintetgøre ngt.
* -=* ~ gennem >
* bombe* togt
A fire spread rapidly to adjoining buildings.
* sprede sig til ngt.
As the fire spread, and the flames soared up into the air,
* spredes
* tilstødende
* stige op i >
* luften
a furious gale of burning hot air was sucked through
* rasende * storm * brand varm ( luft ) * suget + adv.
10 the streets towards the center of the city.
The fire used up all oxygen, and the temperature rose to
* stige til ngt.
such a hight that it was impossible to prevent the spread of fire. * spredning ( af ild )
Fires were raging out of control.
* ildebrand
* rase
So the strong winds spread the fire across the whole city. * sprede ngt.
Ravaged by a sheet of flame, these cities were
laid waste in a holocaust.
* ud over ngt.
* ~ flammehav
* altomfattende katastrofe / -brand
Many big and historical cities were razed to the ground
* raseret
* til grunden
by allied bombers so many German big cities were almost
* bombefly
completely obliterated by allied aerial bombardments.
* udslette / tilintetgøre ngt.
20 A shut-down plane might scythe through buildings.
* pløje sig ( skære sig som en le ) gennem ngt.
* luft-
* bombardement
The real purpose of much of the bombardment, however,
was to demoralize the civilians in retaliation and revenge for * som hævn >
the Blitz, the German bombings of England in 1940.
Unrest in the affected English cities had then
* blitzen
* uro, røre
at once spilled over: spilt over into the rest of the country
* brede sig >
and united the British in fighting the Nazies.
The British were ready to fight to the finish.
30 The fires cut a `swathe through the woodlands.
They have cut great `swaths in the woods.
Sometimes the one side held the enemy in check,
and sometimes the other side kept the enemy in check.
As the soldiers often met with a check,
long and futile war wasted the country.
* … til ngt.
* kæmpe til det sidste
It’s always questionable justifying spilling innocent blood. * retfærdiggøre at Forest fires laid waste much of the woodlands.
* - - - for ngt.
* udgyde >
* uskyldigt
* blod
* ~ ødelægge ngt.
* skære >
* et bånd gennem ngt.
~ bane sig en vej ødelæggende gennem ngt.
* skære >
* ( omfattende ) skår i ngt.
~ gøre stort indhug i ngt.
* holde ng. >
* i skak
* =
* komme ud for en forhindring / standset fremfykning
* nytteløs
* udmarve ( et land )
1361 Defeated soldiers usually sue for mercy.
In the Russian battlefields during the merciless fights,
many soldiers sued in vain the enemy soldiers for mercy.
In September the meteorologists forecast night frosts.
* bede om >
* barmhjertighed
* nådesløs
* bede >
* forgæves
* meteorolog
* forudsige ngt.
* ng. om <<
* natte-
* frost
Already in September they forecast night frost
so a night-frost (E) warning was announced for Russia.
They forecast a freeze (A) in the night
* =
* & advarsel om …
* frost ( -vejr )
* om natten
~ nattefrost
so a freeze (A) warning was announced for the night.
* frost-
There were clear nights with some ground frost.
* klar
* advarsel
* nat
* ~ frost ved jordoverfladen
10 So after a hot summer, the Russian battlegrounds
suddenly had cold temperatures and slight frost:
* kold
a weather condition in which the temperature
* vejr-
drops below freezing.
* ryge ned under >
* ~ frysepunktet
* falde ned under >
* frysepunket
As the night temperature fell below the freezing point,
the landscape in the morning was covered in a bank of
* banke af >
freezing fog and frosty mist.
* ~ frost-
Frost or rime – a thin layer of ice – formed on the ground
and other surfaces.
* temperatur
* let
* tilstand, ~ situation
* tåge
* ~ frost
* ( rim- ) frost
* rimfrost
* frostdækket
The lakes froze over in November.
/ -beklædt
* fryse helt til
Even if the frosted soldiers hid in the frosted vegetation
* <<
on the frosted ground, they were easy targets in the frosty air
* frostfyldt
as their exhalation(s) formed clouds of frosty mist.
* udånding
* smelte sammen med ngt.
* =
* ~ rimtåge
As the winter grew harder and the frost grew more severe, * ~ blive hårdere
there were more than twenty degrees of frost
* dis
* rim ( -frost )
When everything seemed covered with rime and hoar frost, * rim
20 one frosted landscape seemed to melt into another.
* frost
* ~ blive strengere
* graders
* frost
& frostgrader
so it was hard frost.
As the German armies were short of supplies,
* det var hård frost
* ~ mangle >
they suffered many frost damages in the severe frost,
* frost-
30 especially during the frosty nights.
* frostfyldt
Chilled, frozen and shocked to the bone, most soldiers
were chilled / frozen / shocked to the marrow.
In the sharp frost, many german soldiers suffered from
* skade
* streng
* frost
* afkølet / frossen / chokeret
* helt ind til benet
~ opleve kulden / chocket gå gennem marv og ben
* … marven
* streng
frostbite (U): frostbitten fingers and other frostbitten
* ~ forfrysning
body parts exposed to frostbite.
* udsat for >
A great many German soldiers were frozen to death
* forsyning
* blive frosset >
* frost
* ~ forfrysningsramt
* lide af >
* =
* ~ forfrysning
* ihjel
by the extremely freezing temperatures.
They froze to death eiter on the battlefield or in retreat.
* ~ frost-
* temperaturer, ~ grader
* fryse ihjel
* på tilbagetog
1362 Allied and Soviet occupation forces from each side,
* okkupations-
headed by a great number of tanks, took possession of
* tank
as much unoccupied territory as possible.
* ikke besat ( territorium )
At long last the German armies were forced to
sue for peace.
* bede om ( fred )
* rase i ( x tid )
After the war, in the beginning of the allied occupation
* besættelse
The occupation forces of the Great Powers, however,
10 stayed in Germany for many years.
* tage > i besiddelse
* langt om længe
The war had raged for six years.
of Germany, disease and hunger wasted the population.
* styrker
* hærge / udmarve / afmagre ng.
* besættelses-
* styrke
Eastern Germany had to pay reparations (pl.) to the Soviet * betale / yde >
Union while the U.S.A implemented an opposite idea.
Implementing the Marshall Plan, the U.S.A. carried out
the European Recovery Program, in Europe.
* ~ stormagt
* krigsskadeserstatning til ng.
* iværksætte / virkeliggøre / gennemføre ( ide )
* … ( plan )
* =
* europæisk
* genopretnings-
Breaking new / fresh ground, the plan blazed a trail.
* bane en ny vej
Contrary to the after-effect of the First World War,
~ være banebrydende
* eftervirkning
* program
* svide >
* spor
~ bane en ny vej
the U.S.A. this way hoped that Germany would never again
be inclined to wage war in order to repair a defeat.
* tilbøjelig til at - * føre krig * rette op på > * nederlag
The implementation of this unconventional, controversial * iværksættelse /
* usædvanlig
* stridskabende
gennemførelse af >
20 ground- / path-breaking, trail-brazing, and pioneer(<ing) * banebrydende
policy turned out very successful.
Every year, in the countries involved, there is a two-minute
silence in commemoration of the victims of war.
Several monuments in memorial of the victims of the war
* stilhed
* til minde om ng.
* ~ mindesmærke for ng.
are set up, and many battles and heroes are commorated in
* være mindet i ngt.
books and films.
In many places the streets are silent and deserted.
* ~ ligge øde og stille hen
when people gather together in silent groups to commorate
* samle sig
the victims of war.
* tavs
30 After the commemoration, people speak in muted voices * mindehøjtidelighed
and walk silently through the streets.
* mindes ng.
* dæmpet ( stemme )
* tavs, stille
A soldier, hiding in a unoccupied house, saved his life.
* ikke beboet
Having surrendered vuluntarily by spreading his arms
* overgive sig
* frivilligt
* holde ( armene ) spredt
over his head, and praying for mercy, he prayed for his life. * ( med hænderne ) * bede om nåde * … for sit liv
over hovedet
God grant (subj.) that he may live.
* give at -
His prayer was granted: An officer granted his prayer.
* ngs. bøn > * ( blive ) belønnet * belønne > * ngs. bøn
~ ng. blive bønhørt
~ bønhøre ng.
Granting him a pardon, he granted him his life.
* give ng. >
* tilgivelse
~ benåde ng.
* skænke ng.
* liv
~ benåde ng. for dødsstraf
1363 The bus has picture windows.
* ~ panoramaruder
English cars may have a heated rear window
while an American car may have a rear defroster.
* opvarmet
* bag-
* rude
* bag- ( rude )
* afiser
The icy road may be covered with dangerous black ice.
* isbelagt / -glat
The icing on the road makes it very dangerous to drive.
* overisning
A big lake is covered with a sheet of ice.
* lag af is
Some ships are left ice-bound in the ice-bound harbour
* siddende fast i isen
* sort, ~ gennemsigtig
* is
~ isslag
* lukket til af is
* i resten af ( vinteren ), & … ud
for the rest of the winter.
An ice-breaker is used in icy waters.
* isbryder
* isfyldt
10 It’s strong enough to break thick ice, and force a navigable * sejlbar
passage through ice or make a way through heavy ice floes.
When the sun suddenly breakes through,
the passengers in the sunny side are melting with heat.
Although the sun shines, it’s freezing cold outside
* is-
* flage
* sol
* bryde igennem
* solsiden
* solen
* ( være ved at ) smelte
* skinne
so the nearby passengers on the other hand are freezing
* derimod, til gengæld
every time a door opens.
It’s freezing in there near by the open door
as the passengers are chilled by a chill draught E/A draft.
* af varme
* is- / hundekoldt
* fryse
* ~ is- / hundekoldt
* afkøle ng.
* kold
* trækvind
No other seats are unoccupied, though.
20 The sun being in the driver’s eyes, he protects his eyes
* ( ubesat ), ~ ikke optaget
* sol
* være i ngs. øjne
~ ng. have solen i øjnene
against the sunbeams with a pair of sunglasses or shades.
Snowdrops appear in many places.
* solstråle
* solbriller
* vintergæk
Once in a while, though, the landscape is blanketed in fog. * ( landskab ) dækket / indhyllet >
When the landscape is covered by a blanket of fog,
and a heavy fog blankets the light, the visibility is poor.
* i tåge
* tæppe af ngt.
* indhylle / skjule ngt.
‘ It’s a blankety-blank fog,’ the driver grumbles.
* noksagt
As they are nearing the Alps, snow covers the frozen
* sne
* sigtbarhed
* ringe
* snerre, vrisse
beklage sig, skælde ud
Now and then there is a queue of traffic.
* kø af >
* traffik
~ traffikkø
A low snowfall shows that there has been a light snowfall. * ~ tyndt lag falden sne
* let
* snefald
30 ground in spots where the snow has settled.
* frossen
* ~ blive liggende
* pletvis
It freezes when the temperature is below the freezing point: * det fryser
* frysepunktet
below 0 0 C ( zero degrees Celsius or centigrade ) which is
* nul
the freezing point of water.
* frysepunkt for ngt., & ngts. …
When it’s frost during the night, the cold weather
freezes the ground.
* frost
* ~ gøre ngt. frossent
* grad
* Celsius
1364 Water has a freezing point of 04 0 C.
So water freezes at 0 0 C when the temperature falls
below 0 0 C which is the freezing point of water.
* frysepunkt på x 0
* fryse til is ved x 0
* frysepunkt
Ice has a melting point of 0 0 C.
* smeltepunkt på x 0
So ice melts at 0 0 C when the temperature rises
* smelte ved x 0
above 0 0 C which is the melting point of ice.
* smeltepunkt
In some places, it thaws.
* det tør, det er tøvejr
When or where the weather becomes warm enough
to melt snow and ice, it’s thawing.
* smelte ( sne )
10 When the temperature rises above the freezing point,
* frysepunkt
it starts to thaw: a thaw has set in.
* det tør
When the snow thaws and the ice thaws,
* smelte
the snow and ice turn back into water after being frozen.
On the road, the clean white snow turn to gray slush.
* sjap
The slushy roads make all the cars dirty.
* sjappet
When the first snows of winter covers the ground,
* sneforekomst
They make snowmen, and have snowball fights.
20 They pelt each other with snowballs.
Melting snow is most suitable for making a snowman
or a snow hut.
During the day, the snow may show signs of melting,
and sun may melt away the snow.
* ivrig efter at * snemand
* smeltende
* sne
& tøsne
* snehytte / -hule
* frossen ( jord )
The snow soon blankets the ground in places
( den ) frosne
* dække ngt.
* i sneen
* sneboldkamp
* egnet til at -
* =
* =
* tø < op
* stedvis
sine steder
* snedække / -tæppe
* =
* nyfalden
They whip through the customs in no time.
* stryge gennem ( tolden )
The high snowfall shows that there has been
* ~ tykt lag falden sne
a heavy snowfall.
* lege
* smelte ngt. bort
The frozen soil will take a long time to thaw out.
30 as they enter Austria.
* ( is ) tør
* smeltning
* solbeskinnet
A blanket of newly fallen snow covers the landscape
* sætte ind
* overdænge ng. med ngt.
In some sunlit places, the sun has melted the snow away.
until a snow blanket covers the ground all over.
* tø / -vejr/ -brud >
* ( sne ) tør
as the temperature keeps up, the snow and ice melt;
children are eager to play in the snow.
* <<
* kraftigt
They had a snowy January.
* med meget sne
It may freeze already in September.
* blive / være frostvejr
* snefald
In the spring, the melting of the winter snows
make the watercourses swell with meltwater.
* smeltning af >
* ~ snefald
* svulme af >
* smeltevand
[email protected]
1365 The bus stops at a checkpoint.
* kontrolpost
There are border guards at the checkpoint crossing.
* grænsevagt
Many Austrians consider Germany their spiritual `home.
* østriger
Surrounded by snow-clad mountains,
* sneklædt
* =
* overgang
* åndelige
* ~ hjemsted
the road hugs the river winding its way
* ligge tæt ved ( flod )
in the snow-covered valley.
* snedækket
* sno sig vej
So the bus driver is busy hugging the road.
* holde sig på >
Sudden turns make it vital to keep a check on your speed.
* holde kontrol / øje med ngt.
Most villages hug the river.
* ligge tæt ved ngt.
10 During the winter, part of the river freezes
* fryse til
so the river has frozen in many places.
* være frosset til
The river doubles in size during the spring thaw.
* tøbrud
The river continously wastes the rock of the mountain.
* bort- / nedslide ngt.
The mechanical and chemical disintegration of rock
* nedbrydning
produces detritus / debris.
* vejen
* nedbrydningsmateriale
di`traitês `de(i)bri~ E/A dê`bri~
Waste of erosion forms many landscapes.
* nedslidning
* erosions-
The steady wastage of erosion has formed the river valley. * - = As the wastage is transported by the flow of the river,
20 the moving waste on the river bed wear away the rock.
* nedslidningsmatriale
* =
* bortslide ngt.
* skisportssted
The ski resort had snow last week.
* få sne
It has snowed heavily: it snowed heavily for two days.
* sne
* voldsomt
Snow has fallen heavily in the mountains.
* sneen
* falde / dale
50 cm of snow has / have fallen.
* ~ der er faldet x sne
Although there has been a heavy fall of snow,
* voldsomt snefald
the main roads are kept free of snow by snowplougs E/A
* sneplov
snowplows, snowblowers and salt spreaders.
* =
* snefræser
* … i ( x tid )
* ~ tæt
* spreder ( person / maskine )
30 Up in the mountains, the traffic noice is muted by the snow. * dæmpe ngt.
The muted sound of slow traffic is a charm of the village.
* dæmpet
The cars must have `snow chains on the wheels.
* sne-
They should arrive at the hotel by noon / midday.
* ved middagstid
* kæde
1366 They `check into the hotel at noon / midday.
* indskrive sig
* om middagen
It’s a hotel with a restful atmosphere.
* afslappet, rolig
The reception manager checks the guests `off.
* tjekke / hakke ng. af
He checks off the guests as they arrive.
* =
He ticks `off (A)the guests’ names as they arrive.
* =
He ticks their names off on a list.
* =
One of the hotel suites is fitted out as a honeymoon suite. * suite
* indrette ngt. som ngt. * bryllupssuite
række af værelser
Carrying their suitcases, the porter takes them to the bridal * kuffert
* bryllups`su~/ sju~tkeisiz
suite stretching out in the glaring light of the high `noon.
* suite
* ligge udstrakt
* lige midt på dagen
10 The suite gets the sun both in the mornings, at noon
* få sol
and in the afternoons.
* eftermiddag
Rays, shafts and beams of bright, midday sunlight
flood into the rooms.
All `in, they spread themselves out on the double bed.
* =
* stråle, stribe
* =
* =
* sollys
* vælde ind i ngt.
* helt udkørt
Being done `in, they spreadeagle on the bed.
* brede sig
strække sig ud
* være helt udkørt * ~ sprede arme og ben ud til siden
Dead `beat they lie spreadeagled E/A <eagle on the bed.
* & dødtræt ( kun subst. )
The sunlit lofty suite is furnished with beautifully finished * soloplyst
pieces of furniture.
* med …
* højloftet
* møbleret
* stykker
* fuldendt
* møblement
~ møbler
There is a refridgerator E fo / A in the kitchen:
* køleskab
20 The fridge E/ o-f A `icebox is a fridge-`freezer
* =
so they can have iced `water E/A `ice water:
* isvand
water chilled with ice.
* afkølet med ngt.
They can make iced `coffee and iced `tea,
or have an ice-`cold beer.
In the old days they used an icebox to chill the food.
* isskab
The iceman used an `ice pick to break an ice bar into
* ismand
30 Huge icicles hang from the neighbouring snowy roofs.
The distant snow-clad mountain ridges,
* -te
* iskold
* drikkevare
The suite has the most spectacular views imaginable.
* køleskab med fryser
* ~ iskaffe
Some beverages are best served chilled.
smaller pieces.
* isskab
* øl
* afkølet
* køle ngt.
* is-
* ( hakke ), ~ syl
* is- * stang
* tænkelig, man kan forestille sig
* enorm * istap * hænge ned fra ngt. * snedækket
* sneklædt
* bjerg-
* kam
Mountain top is a blanket term for summits and peaks.
* tæppe  * sky~ skydække
* ~ fællesbetegnelse * ( bjergs ) højeste top * lavere …
Later in the day the clouds melt away.
* senere på /
On a clear day you can see the snows of Zugspitse.
op ad dagen
* & i klart vejr
and snowy moutain tops rise in a blanket of cloud.
* sneklædt
* -top / -tinde
* ( smelte bort )
forsvinde, opløses
* snemasser
One shade of white melts into another on its snowy slopes. * nuance * smelte sammen med ( nuance ) * sneklædt
Some mountains are snow-capped all the year round.
* ~ med sne på toppen
1367 Listning to Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite,
* Ildfuglen
the newly weds unpack their cases.
* pakke ngt. ud
* suite
* kuffert
They keep champagne on ice in an ice bucket or ice pail.
* på is
Champagne is best served chilled.
* afkølet, kold
Ann wants to spread the content of her case on the bed,
* sprede ngt. ( ud på ) ngt.
so she spreads out her things on the bed.
* hele året rundt
* iskølespand
* =
* … ngt. ud på ngt. på
Spreading the content, she spreads out all her things.
* sprede ngt. ( ud )
Having spread her things out all over the bed,
* =
… over
she puts her clothes in place in the wardrobe.
* lægge ngt. på plads
10 Still a lot of things are spread over the whole suite.
* spredt over ngt.
There is plenty of room to spread yourself out.
* brede sig /
The skiers both go cross-country skiing
* skiløber
brede sine ting ud på
and down`hill skiing.
This year their inclination is downhill skiing,
as they prefer downhill to cross-country.
In a skiing shop they rent a pair of downhill skis,
ski sticks or ski poles, and a pair of downhill ski boots.
* ~ løbe langrend
* løbe nedadbakke / slalom
* hang / tilbøjelighed
* slalom
* ~ langrend
* skisportsforretning
* ski-
* stav
Their boots must fit.
* passe i størrelse
In the shop they check the bindings so these fit the boots.
* binding
20 The ski dress suits Ann: light green suits her.
* slalomski
* =
* støvle
* passe til ngt.
* klæde ng.
* =
A scarf gives a feminine finish to her ski dress.
* tørklæde
* anstrøg til ngt.
One-piece ski suits are widely worm; they are all the rage. * ~ ud i et * ~ af mange
They both ski quite well so they will need neither
a skiing instructor nor skiing lessons at the nursery slope
* ~ stå på ski
* skiinstruktør
/ -lærer
or bunny slope (A).
* ski- * lektioner
/ -undervisning
* brede / folde ngt. ud
He spreads the map out on a table.
* … på ngt.
Ann and Al take the ski lift up the snowy mountain slope.
* ski-
* lift
* hælde
The valley soon spreads beneath them.
* brede sig ud
The ski lift takes them all the way uphill
* opadbakke
In the highly situated snowfields above the snowline
* piste
* snedækket
* gondol
The ski lift slopes steeply uphill.
to the mountain wasteland.
* begynderbakke
Al spreads out a map of the pistes.
30 People enter the gondola as soon as it is at rest.
* ~ rasende / vildt populær
enormt på mode
* skråning
* i hvile, holde stille
* opadbakke
* nedenunder
* ødemark
* ~ vidde med evig sne
the snow never melts completely, so you can go skiing all year. *
* snegrænse
The white snows of the resort spread for kilometres.
* snemasser
Much of the ski resort lies in the wastes of the mountains.
* ødemark (pl.)
1368 They have built snow fences to check drifting snow,
* snehegn
and snow barriers to check avalances.
* sne-
Still villages are destroyed in avalances:
snowslides and snowslips, landslides and landslips.
Houses are buried under several feet of snow.
* brede sig ud
* standse /
tilbageholde ngt.
* barriere
* fygende ( sne )
* lavine
* af …
* større …
* mindre sneskred
* … jord- / sten-
* blive begravet under ngt.
The occupants are buried alive when the houses collapse. * beboer
* begrave levende
The ski resort spreads out all the way from the wastelands * udbrede /
* ødemark
strække sig
of the mountains to the bottom of the valley.
The pistes are spread out over the whole valley.
* sprede ngt. ud over ngt.
10 Spreading all over the valley, the pistes spill down
* brede sig, ligge spredt
the mountainsides and mountainslopes in all directions.
* bjergside
* bjergskråning
The ski resort, with a variety of ski slopes and tracks
* skibakke
* spor, bane
such as ski runs and pistes, occupies a wide area.
* løjpe
The pistes spill down the slopes.
* brede sig nedad ngt.
The gentle pistes must slope gently down
* hælde / skråne nedad
while the steep pistes must slope steeply down.
So some pistes are laid out on gentle slopes,
so they incline gently towards the valley.
Other pistes are laid out on steep slopes
20 so they incline steeply towards the valley.
* optage / fylde ngt.
* bakke
* =
* ( an-) lagt + prep.
* svag
* skråning
* hælde / skråne ( svagt ) mod ngt.
* stejl
* <<
* < ( stejlt ) < mod ngt.
There are arrows showing where the pistes go.
* pil ( -skilt )
The arrows showing which way the pistes go
* hvilken vej ( en vej ) går
are inclined either towards the top or towards the valley.
* brede sig
* hvor ( en vej ) går hen
* hælde ngt. mod ngt.
Skiers should observe the blanket rules for skiing.
* ~ alment gældende
* regel
Ann and All don’t like it when a piste hugs a `precipice:
* ligge tæt op ad ngt.
* stejl bjerg / klippe skråning
a precipitous slope of a precipitous cliff or mountain
* stejl
* & høj
-` -
dropping precipitously away from the piste down to the vally. * hælde > * stejlt * væk ( fra ngt.) * ned ( mod ngt.)
They choose a piste to suit their particular needs and skills. * passe til ngt.
‘ If you choose a piste not too difficult, it suits me fine –
30 it’ll suit me very well, ‘ Al admits.
As the first to go Ann skis down the slope,
and her better half follows suit.
When they ski down the pistes, they check the speed,
and stop by making turns as in slalom or by snowplouging.
Beginners often spread their legs
* passe én fint
* … helt …
* som den, der starter
* bedre halvdel, ~ ægtefælle
* stå ( på ski ) ned ad ngt.
* stå / løbe
( på ski )
* ~ følge trop
* kontrollere /
bremse >
* farten
* ~ pløje med skiene
* sprede >
* benene
when they should ski with their feet close together.
When some skiers go skiing, and some snowboarders
* med >
* ~ samlede fødder
* snowboarder
go snowboarding, they ski and snowboard off piste.
* tage ud at … * stå på snowboard * udenfor pisterne
1269 Ann and Al both wear a quilted ski suit, warm enough
* quiltet
for laying back on the snow and have a rest.
* lægge sig tilbage
Taking a rest in the midday sun, Al rests his head
* dragt
* ~ i sneen
* tage sig et hvil * middags- * solen * hvile > * hoved
on a small backpack, using his rucksack (&E ) as a pillow
* på >
* rygsæk
while Ann lies on the snow, her head pillowing on Al’s arm.
* ligge
* i sneen
Lying in the warm spring sunshine, they enjoy the warmth
of the noonday sun as sunglasses rest their eyes.
* hovedpude
* bruge ngt. som hovedpude
* middags- ( sol )
* snebold
They start to snowball, and have a snowball fight.
* kaste med …
Cold wind and icy slopes don’t suit them.
* =
* ( forårs- ) solskin
Suddenly Ann makes a snowball and snowballs Al.
10 They have a midday meal at a mountain restaurant.
* ~ få sig et hvil
* ~ give ( øjne ) hvile
* kaste … efter ng.
* sneboldkamp
* middags-
* måltid
* bjerg- ( restaurant )
* ikke passe / være rart for ( norm. neg.)
If the skis come out of control, a skier may lose his balance. * miste >
Tumbling over, a skier may be lucky to tumble into
the deep snow so his fall is cushioned by the soft snow.
The branches of a trees may act as a check on a skier’s
precipitate, headlong fall.
* balancen
& få overbalance
* tumle / vælte omkuld
* … ( ind ) i ngt.
* fald
* afbøde <
* virke som afbødning på
* hovedkulds
* =
pri `sipitêt
Al imagines precipitating himself down a black piste.
The smile freezes on his lips as he looks down the piste.
Freezing with terror, he freezes in his tracks as he
* styrte sig
* sort
* piste
( en af de sværeste pister )
* smil
* fryse
* på ngs. læber
~ ngs. smil stivner
* ( blive ) stiv af skræk
* være naglet til stedet
20 realizes that the slope has an inclination of about 45 0 .
* hældning på x
A slope of about 45 0 is a precipitous slope for skiing.
* hældning på x
The angle of inclination is about 45 0 .
* vinkel
A lot of skiers join a line / E& a queue for a ski lift.
* ~ stille sig i kø til ngt.
Some line up / queue (up) for the chairlift.
* ~ stille sig i kø til ngt.
Lining up / queu(e)ing (up), and moving forward by / in
* & stå i kø
* meget stejl
* & skråning til at -
* hældnings-
* stolelift
* ved / i >
fits and starts, they are never long in the lift line / E& queue. * ~ ryk
* være / stå ( længe ) i >
Instead of placing themselves in the tail of the line / queue, * stille sig >
some cheaters / E& cheats try to jump the `line / `queue.
* ( i halen af )
~ bagest i >
* springe køen over / over i køen
Many skiers are dressed in loud, glaring or garish colours * klædt i
30 while Ann is wearing a ski suit in muted shades of rose.
Most children wear snowsuits.
* ski-
* skrigende
* dragt
* ( lift ) kø
* køen
* =
* afdæmpet
* spraglet
* ~ nuance af ngt.
* ~ flyverdragt
One evening Al suddenly catches sight of an owl as it
* ugle
spreads its wings to swoop down immediately afterwards.
Having swooped down on its pray and caught it
* sprede >
* vingerne
* slå ned
* - - - på ngt.
with its pointed talons, it finishes () off its pray with its beak. * spids * ( fugle- ) * gøre det
klo, klør
af med ngt.
* ( kraftigt, krumt )
Either a long-eared or eagle owl, it had quite a wing span. * langøret
It’s wings had a spread of nearly a metre.
* ørn
* ugle
~ lille / stor hornugle
* udstrækning
Unlike this owl, the snowy owl is white, arctic and diurnal. * sne-
* ugle
* vinge-
* arktisk
* fang
* dagaktiv
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1370 Every day a chambermaid changes the sheets,
* stuepige
and makes the bed.
* ~ rede >
Changing the bed, she changes the bedlinen.
* skifte >
* lagner, ~ sengetøj
* seng
* skifte >
* sengetøj
* skifte >
* sengelinned
/ -sengetøj
* …s* kurv
She puts the dirty laundry in a laundry basket,
and takes it to the laundry room where it’s laundered.
The hotel has laundry service.
Arranging the bedclothes / bedcovers, the chambermaid
puts freshly laundered snow-white linen on the bed.
Changing the pillowcases / pillowslips,
* beskidt
* vasketøj
& snavsetøj
* ~ vaske
* rum
* vaske, tørre ( og stryge ) ngt.
& vaskeri
* have
* vasketøj
* service
~ tilbyder tøjvask
* sengetøj
* lægge > * ny- * vasket
* på sengen
* hovedpudebetræk
10 the maid puts clean pillowcases / <slips on the pillows, * lægge >
and puts clean sheets on the bed every day.
* snehvidt
( linned )
* rene
* lægge >
* =
* rene
A sheet covers each mattress of the double bed
* madras
The guests have a sheet with either blanket or
* ( uld- ) tæppe
* på hovedpuderne
* lagner
* på sengen
a ( continental ) quilt /E& duvet a on top to sleep underneath. * ~ dyne ( vattæppe eller dundyne )
Finally the bed is covered with a bedspread ( A& spread ) / * sengetæppe
a bedcover E/A comforter / o-f coverlet or counterpane
* =
which may be another blanket or quilt.
* sengetæppe
Spreading the bedspread ( on the bed ),
* brede ngt. ud
the maid spreads it out on / over the whole double bed.
* … på ngt.
20 The sheets are as clean as the driven `snow.
* så rene som >
Every night they enjoy the snow of fresh linen
* ~ ren hvidhed
* … på ngt.
* ~ nyfalden
* sne
as they slide between fresh sheets
* glide ned mellem >
* friske lagner
and lay back against the pillows.
* lægge sig tilbage mod >
* hovedpude
Often they don’t take the trouble to remove the bedspread. * ~ ulejlige sig med at Having a pillow talk, they talk about sundry matters:
anything under the `sun.
Having had breakfast in bed, they throw back the covers
and leap out of bed.
At home they have different bedding (U).
30 They have a double mattress, and use stretch sheets
* ~ forelsket snak i sengen
* ~ mellem himmel og jord
* ~ sengetøjet, man har over sig
* springe ud af ( sengen )
* sengeudstyr
* stræklagen
down quilts / E& duvets and quilted eiderdowns covered in * dunbedclothes / E& bedcovers such as quilt / E& duvet covers. * sengetøj
Clean laundry – linens, bedlinen and table linen –
are kept in a linen cupboard E/A closet.
* forskellige
* dyne
* kviltet
* ( eder-) dunsdyne
* dyne-
* betræk
* rent vasketøj * hvidevarer * sengetøj
* linneds-
* dækketøj
* skab
1371 They want some postcards of the picturesque village,
* pittoresk, malerisk
- `resk
and the lofty mountains.
* høj
They send some picture postcards of the picturesque
hotel and the picture-postcard settings.
A card shows the village picturesquely situated
on a mountainslope.
* billedpostkort
* =
* postkortagtig
* omgivelser
* beliggende
* kort
* malerisk
* på en bjersskråning
Ann’s handwriting slopes backwards.
* hælde >
Once a toboggan spills it’s passengers into a snowdrift.
* vælte ngt. af i ngt.
* bagud
* snedrive
They all laugh as the snowdrift cushions their spill.
* afbøde >
* fald
10 Here and there the wind has laid bare pieces of rock
* blotlægge ngt.
with cushions of moss on it.
* pude af >
* mos
One day a skier takes a nasty tumble.
* komme uf for >
Having tumbled forwards, he hits a piece of rock.
* falde / vælte >
An eyewitness sends for help from the rescue station.
* sende bud efter > * hjælp fra ng. * rednings- * station
The driver of the rescue party checks the `snowmobile
* redningshold
at the edge of the cliff.
* ( grimt ) fald
* forover
* bremse / standse >
Coming to a skier’s rescue, the rescuers sometimes
wear snowshoes, and sometimes uses an ice axe /A& ax.
Blood gushes from a wound in the thigh of the skier,
* komme ng. til > * redning / hjælp
* isøkse
* strømme
* bjerg-
to check the gush of blood.
* standse >
The injured skier is taken to hospital.
* lår
* rednings-
Methylated spirit(s) is ethyl alcohol denatured
* hold
* tilskadekommet
* sår
* forbinde >
* bragt >
* hospital
* sår
* på hospital
* vaske / rense >
* ( operetions- ) ~ hospitals-
* sprit
* methylblandet spiritus * ethylalkohol * denatureret
/ alkohol ( kogesprit )
with methyl alcohol for the purpose of preventing its use as
* methylalkohol
an alcoholic beverage.
* drikkevare
Critically injured, the patient is in intensive care.
* ~ alvorligt, faretruende
(The two pieces of) the broken tigh bone must be
* lårben
30 joined together by a metal plate.
* =
* strøm af ngt.
As soon as he is admitted to the hospital, a nurse washes * indlagt på >
the wounds, and cleans the skin with surgical `spirit.
* redningsmand
* snesko
20 so the mountain rescue team had to dress the wound
* sammenføje ngt.
The nurses bathe the wounds, and apply a fresh dressing. * bade ngt.
She takes care not to bandage the wound too tightly.
* forbinde ngt.
All bandaged up, the patient is unable to wash ( himself )
* vaske sig
so a nurse washes him completely.
* snescooter
* vaske ng. >
A patient is lying on the bed completely swathed in plaster * svøbe / indhylle ngt. i ngt.
* plade
* forbinding
* over det hele
* gips
and bandages.
* bandage
1372 One day when there is a `ski-jumping contest
* skihop
Ann ans Al want to see ski-jumping.
* se / overvære ngt.
They watch the ski-jumpers skiing down the `ski jump,
and jump into the air.
* skihopper
* skihopbakke
* hoppe op i >
They jump a long distance: about 60 metres.
* hoppe x
The ski jump first has a steep incline downwards,
* hældning
and then in the end a slight incline upwards.
* =
* luften
* let / ringe >
* hældning
Last year the ski jump champion mauled his competitors. * ski hop
Most competitors fear a mauling from last year’s winner.
10 Last year’s winner finishes second ( pred. adj.), though.
* maltraktere >
* konkurrent
~ knusense besejre ng.
* konkurrencedeltager
* maltraktering
~ knusende nederlag
* slutte ( som ) >
* anden, ~ nummer to
This year’s winner doesn’t waste his competitors.
* vinde stort over ng.
At a downhill race, a downhiller finishes his first race
* styrtløb
two hundredth of a second outside the local record.
A banner between two poles marks the finish line
at the foot of the slope.
In his second race, the winner finishes a / one hundredth
of a second inside the record.
The winner shaves a tenth of a second off his best time.
* styrtløber
* over ( rekorden )
* banner
* stang
Some downhillers finish a lot down the list of results.
* slutte ( m. pred.)
* under ( rekorden )
* barbere ngt. af ngt.
* brøkdel af ngt.
* =
* slutte ( m. pred. adj.)
Prefering cross-country ski racing, cross-country skiers * langrendløb
compete in cross-country ski race.
* målstreg
* ved foden af bakken
Every year he has shaved off some fractions of a second. * … ngt. af ngt.
20 He has shaved some fractions off every year.
* afslutte ngt. + pred
* resultatliste
* ~langrends-
* skiløber
* ~ langrendsløb
Only a handful of skiers are in at the finish.
* være med >
It is a close finish as they have predicted.
* tæt
The favourite wins in the end but it is a tight finish.
* tæt
It’s a dramatic finish to the race.
* afslutning på ngt.
Number two and three cross the finish line together.
* krydse >
* i opløbet
* opløb
* forudsige
* afslutning / opløb
* målstreg
The placing has to be settled by a photo finish recording. * placering * afgjort ved > * foto  * mål- * optagelse
30 The finishers all get a diploma.
* person, der gennemfører
There are a couple of stadiums in the nearby town.
* stadion
The stadia are quite new.
* =
In winter sports Al and Ann’s inclination is`ice hockey (eE). * hang, tilbøjelighed
There are no matches on Mondays, which is a rest day,
but the tournament resumes on Tuesday.
* ishockey
* hviledag
* turnering
* gå i gang igen på ( tirsdag )
/ om ( tirsdagen )
1373 They want to go to see ice hockey.
As they want to go and see (E) some ice hockey
they decide to go to watch an ice-hockey match (eE).
Having decided to go seeing ice hockey,
they one evening go watching an ice-hockey match.
Going seeing / watching hockey,
* gå hen for at / og >
* ishockey
* gå hen og se ngt.
* =
* kamp
* tage afsted for i at * =
* =
British people say they go and see an ice-hockey match (E)
* ishockeykamp
while Americans say they go to see a game of hockey (A).
* ~ =
When British people say they go to a hockey match (E)
* se >
* gå til >
* hockeykamp
10 the Americans say they go to a game of field hockey (A). * ~ markhockeykamp
The players come out onto the ice with their sticks,
and play with a puck: a hard rubber disc.
One team – promoted from the Third Division last year –
hope for promotion: promotion to the First Division.
* isen
* stav
* puck
* gummi
* skive
* rykke op fra ngt.
* … til ngt.
* oprykning
They hope to be promoted: promoted to the First Division. * blive rykket op
* … til ngt.
It will be the high `noon of the player’s career.
( rykke op )
* højdepunkt af ngt.
The other team is threatened with relegation.
* nedrykning
They fear to be relegated: relegated to the Third Division.
* blive rykket ned
The coach fears to be relegated to an inferior position.
( rykke ned )
* forvise / henvise / degradere ng. til ngt,
20 He fears relegation to the role of assistent.
* =
The coach fears demotion: he fears to be demoted.
* træner
He fears to be demoted from coach to assistent coach,
* … fra ngt. til
and be relegated to the background.
* -ing
* varme op
Warming up, they are waiting for the refere’s whistle.
* =
Keeping a clean sheet in the first period, the local
* ~ holde målet rent
In the second period the visiting team makes a few
* degradere
* forvise / henvise ng. til ngt.
The teams are limbering up on the ice.
ice-hockey team build up a safe cushion of three goals.
* … til ngt.
* dommer
* fløjte
* ~ stødpude / sikkerhedsmarginen på ngt.
* mål
* udehold
spirited attacks.
* energisk / kraftfuldt / modigt ( angreb )
30 Every time a team spiritedly attacks and gets a goal,
* =
the supporters are jumping up and down with excitement.
* tilhænger
* hoppe ( op og ned )
The home team wins: it wins its home match.
* hjemmehold
The home crowd jump for joy.
* hjemme- * ~ publikum
* hoppe
A `spiritual, a Negro `spiritual, is their battle song.
* =
* slag-
The home team don’t intend to rest / sit on their `laurels.
* hvile på >
* i begejstring
* -kamp
* af glæde
* sang
* sine laurbær
1374 A team usually has more support in its home games
* opbakning
than in its away games.
* udekamp
* hjemmekamp
The visiting team lost their away match.
* =
Although they put up spirited defence in the final period,
* energisk / kraftfuldt / modigt ( forsvar )
and played with tremendous spirit, they lost.
A defeat may be a dispiriting experience.
* vældig >
* energi / kampgejst
* nedslående ( oplevelse )
Many teams stand up to a defeat in the wrong spirit.
* ~ klare ngt.
Graceless in defeat, they look totally dispirited.
* taktløs
Instead of trying to refuse to admit to their defeat,
* indrømme >
* i den forkerte ånd
* i nederlag ( -ets stund )
* nederlag
10 they should learn to accept defeat with (a) good grace,
* acceptere >
and relegate it to the back of their mind.
* forvise ngt. til ngt.
Gracious in defeat, the visiting team approached
the situation in the right spirit, and showed team `spirit.
* nedslået
* =
* yndefuld, ~ kultiveret
* med ynde
~ ( en ) god mine
* i nederlag ( -ets stund )
* i den rette ånd
* holdånd
Nevertheless, the matter cannot rest there.
* sagen kan ikke have sit forblivende
It’s a matter of utmost importance so the management
* det er en sag af >
/ ikke bero derved
cannot let the case rest there.
* yderste
* lade sagen >
* ligge ( der )
The management study the case with utmost care.
* med yderste omhyggelighed
The fault rests with the coach: the main criterion for
* fejlen ligge hos ng.
a coach’s success is the number of won matches.
20 The responsibility rests with him.
* ansvar >
* vigtighed
* ( hoved- ) kriteriet på ngt.
* ligge hos ng.
It rests with the coach to inspire the team.
* det påhviler ng. at -
It rest with the coach to justify his actions.
* -=-
He rests his arguments on lack of fighting spirit.
* basere ngt. på ngt. * mangel på ngt. * kamp- * ånd
As his whole argument may rest on a false assumption,
* hvile / bero på >
the final responsibility rests with the management.
* antagelse
* endelige
There are various criteria ( used ) for firing a coach.
* ansvar
& ansvaret i sidste ende
* kriterier ( brugt ) for at -
* påhvile / ligge hos ng.
The final decision rests with the management.
* endelig afgørelse
The caoch must admit defeat and let someone else try.
/ beslutning
* & erkende nederlag ( og give op )
It reste with the management to decide on a new coach.
* det påhviler ng. at -
* træner
* ~ ligge hos ng.
* bestemme sig for ngt.
30 The management decides to rest the issue on a period of * ~ lade > * sagen
probation for the assistent coach.
There the matter rests as the assistant coach
takes over the coaching for the rest of the season.
* komme an på ngt. * periode
/ spørgsmålet
* prøve ( = prøveperiode / -tid )
* der ligger 
* træning
* sagen
* for / i resten af ( sæsonen ) / ( … ) ud
All the players’ hopes now rest on the new coach.
* alle ngs. håb
God rest him: God rest his soul.
* gud være ng. / ngs. sjæl nådig ( ønskemåde )
* ~ knytte sig til ng.
The new coach may rest assured that the players will do
* ~ være forvisset om at -
their utmost; he rests assured they will do their utmost to win. * =
The fired coach rests his case.
* lade sagen ligge
[email protected]
1375 One day in the high mountains, having enjoyed
* ~ højfjeld
the mountain sun, Ann and Al realize a bank of livid clouds
* ~ højfjeldssol
suddenly beginning to darken the sky.
* formørke ngt.
* banke /
* blygrå ( skyer )
formation af ngt.
All the sky soon inclines towards the black.
* tendere mod ngt.
Ann and Al are chilled at the prospect of a blizzard.
* få kuldegysninger ved > * udsigten til > * snestorm
At first the snowflakes fall quietly then whirlingly.
* snefnug
Attacked by a snowstorm, Ann and Al are in a hurry.
* overfaldet / -rasket af > * snestorm
Headwind acts as a check upon speed.
* modvind
The blizzard stirs up the newly fallen snow,
* hvirvle ngt. op
10 and has soon obliterated all tracks.
* roligt
* hvirvlende
* bremse på >
* ~ have travlt
* fart, hastighed
* ~ nyfalden ( sne )
* udviske / -slette >
* spor
When there is a blizzard, even if they wear ski goggles,
* der / det er
skiers can hardly find the downhill piste and downhill ski lift.
* eftersøgningsmand / -skab
The searchers spread out to cover the area faster.
* ng. sprede sig
Passing a flimsy cottage, Ann and Al take a short `cut /
* skrøbelig, ~ usolidt bygget
They are too busy reaching home to worry about
the flimsiness of the bridge.
Struggling their way home really finishes them:
20 it really finishes them off.
* =
* … ( lift )
* vildfarende ( person )
* tage > * en genvej
~ skyde genvej
* =
* skrøbelighed
* tage livet af ng., ~ tage alle ngs. kræfter
* =
* iskold
Their faces, livid with cold, are as cold as ice
* blå af ngt.
* kold som is
~ iskold
Having discarded their jackets, they have a stiff drink.
* smide ( jakke ) fra sig / lægge ngt.
Al has a Scotch on the rocks: a drink of Scotch whisky
* -=-
with ice – only with pieces of ice.
* ~ briller
* bekymre sig om ngt.
Their hands are ice-`cold.
when they eventually reach their hotel down in the valley.
* ski-
* nedadgående ( piste )
Searchers check the pistes to guide stray skiers.
`short cut across a flimsy bridge.
* snestorm
* is
The lumps of ice are often ice cubes.
* isklump
Having a bath, Ann discovers a livid mark on her body.
* blåt
Hurrying home has cost her a livid bruise.
* =
* skotsk
* stiv, stærk
* =
* ~ isklump
* -terning
* mærke
1376 Having collected themselves, they borrow
* samle sig sammen, ~ sunde sig
a pack E/A deck of cards, and have a game of cards.
* ( pakke ), ~ spil af >
* kort
~ kortspil
* ( blivee ) maltrakteret
The cards were badly mauled by previous borrowers.
`Playing cards consist of four sets, each set called a suit.
* spille-
* kort
* spil med > * kort
~ kortspil
* serie
* kortfarve
* hjerte
* ruder
The red suits are called hearts and diamonds,
and the black suits are called spades and clubs.
A player follows suit or discards if he’s void of a suit.
* =
* spar
* klør
* bekende kulør * indholdsløs for /
may decide the game.
helt uden ngt.
* smide >
* kort
~ kaste ( et kort ) af
* afgøre >
10 As one tipple calls for another, they spend the rest of
* drink
the day tippling: tippling all kinds of alcoholic beverage.
* ( små-) pimpe
As he discards an unwanted card, that particular discard
* invitere til en til
* kulør
( = renonce )
* afkast
~ afkastet kort
* spillet
* resten af ( dagen )
* … ngt.
In the morning, asking for an ice bag, Ann gets an ice pack * ispose
to cool her aching head.
* =
* smertende
Having raged outside all night, the blizzard has raged out.
* rase
In the morning the whole town is snowed up.
* sneet til
As the houses are snowed up and snowbound,
* =
* tilsneet
and the roads are snowed up and snowbound,
* =
* lukket af sne
everybody is snowed in and snowbound in the morning.
* sneet inde
Only the snow-clearing vehicles are not snowbound.
* ryddet for ngt.
and the newly fallen snow is cleared from the paths.
* ~ nyfalden
happened in the night was obliterated by the intoxication.
If Ann had to stand up and be counted, what happened
* sneet inde
* snerydnings- ( køretøj )
20 Many roads are soon cleared of snow,
If Al had to show his hand, though, most of what
* & stilne af
* … fra ngt.
* sti
* ( være ) udvisket / -slettet af ngt.
* beruselse
* ~ bekende kulør
* ~ komme ud af busken
late at night was obliterated from her memory like all tracks
* ( være ) udvisket / -slettet fra >
in the snow were obliterated by the blizzard during the night.
* ( spor være ) … af ngt.
Going to bed with the sun and getting up with the sun,
* ( gå i seng ) med solen
they wake up in a pool of sunlight.
When the sun sets and the sun rises, the snow is shining
30 in the reflected rays of the setting or rising sun.
At sunset (U) or sundown (eA) and at `sunrise, dawn
* ~ passiviseret af sne
* ~ væld
* … står op
* nedgående
* ved solnedgang ( -tid )
or `sun-up, they admire the pinks and yellows of the sunset
* =
and sunrise.
* =
* ( stå op ) - - * sollys
* solen går ned
* stråle
* hukommelsen
One night it’s sharp frost: It’s a clear and frosty night.
* det er hård frost
There are twenty degrees of frost: twenty degrees
* x frostgrader, ~ x graders frost
* opgående
* ved solopgang
* =
* ~ frostklar
below the freezing point.
* fryse-
* punkt
1377 In the morning, they realize there is ice on the windows. * is
During the frosty night the windows have frosted over / up. * frostnat
The frosty weather has frosted the windows over / up.
* frostvejr
Some frosted windows are covered with frost while some
* ~ tiliset
frosted windows are just provided with frosted glass.
* blive overiset
* overise ngt.
* frost
tyndt islag
* =
* ~ matteret
So many windows have iced `over / up during the icy night. * ( blive ) overiset
* iskold ( nat )
The icy weather has iced () over the windows.
* … ( vejr )
* overise ngt.
As the icy wind has iced () up the windows,
* … ( vind )
* =
it’s difficult to look through the icy windows.
* isbelagt / -dækket
10 Twenty degrees of frost have frozen several locks,
* ~ få ngt. til at fryse til
water pipes etc. in exposed places.
The clothes have frozen solid on the line:
the clothes line or washing line (E).
* ~ blive stivfrossen
* & vasketøjssnor
Where the pipes have frozen, people have no water.
* fryse til
People have to thaw the frozen locks and pipes.
* optø ngt.
As the heat from the boiling hot water just slowly melts
* smelte ngt.
the frozen water, it may take some time to thaw () out a pipe.
The locals are still talking of the big freeze (E) of ’82:
* ( tørre- ) snor
* =
* optø ngt.
* frost ( -periode )
a period of long lasting frost.
20 Research has shown about 20 major repeated ice ages
* is-
* tidsalder
~ istid
going back billions of years.
Each glacial period, causing the ice caps to increase,
* milliard
* istids-
* periode
* is-
* kappe
& istid
until increasing temperatures caused the ice to retreat,
lasted for thousands of years.
Each interglacial period lasted for millions of years.
* mellemistids-
* periode
& mellemistid
The `Ice Age, the last glacial period, ended about
10, 000 years ago.
Many areas, the glacial landscapes such as moraine (U)
* istiden
* glacial
and moraines, are formed by glacial processes such as
istids-, gletcher* - bakker
30 glacial erosion and glacial deposits.
* … erosion
/ nedbrydning
* moræne- / istidsgletcher aflejringer
* =
* … aflejring
1378 Formed by snow on mountains, large masses of ice
that move down a valley is called a glacier.
* gletcher
Large pieces of ice that break off the glaciers in the sea
form icebergs.
* isbjerg
Only about 20% of an iceberg rises above the surface
of the water which means that about 80 % is submerged.
* neddykket, ~ under overfladen
The Little Ice Age was a period of particular severe winters, * den lille istid
glacial temperatures and glacial winds, that gripped
* iskold
* =
* ( gribe ) /
~ få et fast tag i ngt.
northern Europe in the middle of the second millennium.
* andet årtusinde
( tyvende århundrede )
Ann and Al have to check `out of their suite before noon.
* tjekke ud fra / ~ være ude af ngt.
Al has a current account so he can make out a cheque.
* checkkonto
So when they check out, Al pays the bill by cheque (E)
* tjekke ud
Making a cheque out to the hotel from his chequebook,
være ude og få betalt
* udstede en check til ng.
he writes out a checque payable to the hotel.
Writing a cheque for £ 150, he draws a cheque on
the amount of the bill plus a tip.
When the hotel cashes the cheque in the bank,
* =
* skrive … på x
* indløse >
* = / udbetale
20 In America, when you open a checking account
* & oprette >
you get a checkbook full of checks.
* -hæfte
* check
* betale med check
* checkhæfte
* betalbar / til betaling til ng.
* =
* drikkepenge
the bank pays the cheque.
* udstede >
* check
* checkkonto
* check
1379 They have spent a most agreeable holiday together,
* behagelig, herlig
and their faces have obviously caught the sun.
* ~ få sol / kulør, blive solbrændt
Austria was at its sunniests
* ~ vise sig fra sin solrigeste side
as they had sunny weather almost every day.
* solrigt / solskins- ( vejr )
They have pictures of their holiday.
* have billeder / foto af / fra ngt
They are pictured setting off on their honeymoon.
* ( være ) afbildet ( i færd med ) at -
They are pictured happy.
* ( være ) … + adj.
Looking fit and suntanned, they had their picture taken
* ~ sund og rask
in front of the hotel they stayed at.
* bo på ( hotel )
10 They look fit and tanned ( E& sunburned / <burnt )
* solbrænt
although their noses have been a little sunburned / <burnt.
* solskoldet
Images of people, animals, and plants decorate the walls.
* afbildning
of the hotel they stayed in.
* solbrændt
* tage afsted
* få sit billede taget
* bo på ( hotel )
They also saw icons / ikons: painted or wooden images of * ikon
Jesus and Virgin Mary or other holy persons.
* afbildning ( billede / statue ) af ngt.
Many icons today are manufactured in flimsy plastic.
* skrøbelig, ~ usolidt lavet
Some people made the sign of the cross
* gøre >
before these graven images.
* korsets tegn
* udskåret
They are images of devotion.
* afbildning
* ( sind- ) billede /
* hengivenhed
symbol på ngt.
20 Old Testament fundamentalists believe that
man is created / made in God’s image.
* mennesket blev skabt i Guds billede
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images.
* du må ikke gøre dig noget udskåret billede
In other religions people practice image worship of
* billed-
their gods by worshipping idols.
* tilbedelse af ng.
* gudebillede
A picture shows Ann in the lift.
* billede
Next time they travel to france by hovercraft.
* luftpudefartøj
A hovercraft hovers and rides on a cushion of air.
* =
They visit a place with the ruins of Roman villas and baths.
* vise ngt.
* svæve
* pude af ( luft )
* bade
Rain may wash lettering away.
30 The rain has washed away the lettering on a stone.
* vaske ngt. bort
* =
* bogstavmærkning
[email protected]
* reklamebureau
1380 Al’s advertising agency is housed in a suite of offices.
* have til huse i ngt.
swi~t af
The agency makes tailored advertisements
* skræddersyet
* suite, ~ forbunden række af >
( kontorer )
* annonce / reklame >
for all kinds of clients, and to all kinds of consumers.
* for ng.
* til ng.
The agency has to be in the swim: in the swim of things.
* ~ med på noderne / hvor det sker
They aim at suiting all their customers.
* tilfredsstille ng.
Most customers want tailor-made ads.
* skræddersyet
* annonce
= advertisement
The agency tailors the ads to meet individual requirements, * skræddersy ngt. til at -
and tailor the ads for special purposes.
So the advertising agency and the custumers
10 tailor their actions to those of one another.
Trying to agree a price either party suggest a price
to suit themselves.
* … ngt. til ngt.
* ~ samordne ngt. til ng.
* blive enige om ngt.
* som det passer en ( selv )
In the end, a price must suit both parties.
* passe ( til ) ng.
In order to agree on a price, both parties suit their side of
* blive enige om ngt.
the bargain to the price.
Some customers want their advertisments tailored to
* aftale
* side af >
* til ngt.
* skræddersyet til ng.
consumers in common, tailored to popular tastes,
* … til ngt.
and tailored for common purposes.
* … til ngt.
These ads are often tailored to the same pattern.
* tilpasse ngt. >
* ( syet efter samme mønster )
~ skåret over samme læst
20 Some customers want the spread of their advertisments
* layout af ngt.
tailored for special purposes.
* skræddersy til ngt.
So the designers must tailor the ads for special events,
and tailor the ads to meet the needs of specific groups.
* =
* =
A designer must be able to sacrifice inclination to duty.
* ofre >
An ad may cover a double page spread.
* layout
The designer must suit his style to his clients
* tilpasse ngt. til ng.
* hang, tilbøjelighed
~ lade pligten gå forud for lysten
so the agency is known to produce advertisments
which suit the time and the occation.
* passe til >
The finished product must live up to the customers
30 expectations.
The agency has no strict dress code.
* tid
* til pligten
* lejlighed
* færdig
* påklædnings-
* kode, reglement
1381 Image is very important in the business world.
Many advertisements are intented to improve
a company’s image.
People working at an advertising agency often claim
that advertising business marries art and business.
* image, ~ det billede / den opfattelse folk har af ngt.
* have til hensigt at -
* forbedre >
* image, ~ billede i offentlighedens øjne
* ~ reklame-
* bureau
* forene / forlene / sammenknytte ng. og ngt.
As it marries art to business, it marries art with business.
* knytte ngt. til ngt.
Some artists contempt, disdain and despise
* foragte / ringeagte / se ned på ngt.
the marriage of art and business.
As it’s impossible to spread the bulk of work over
* sprede >
attacked by a blizzard of papers.
* ~ overvældet af >
Every morning Al has a quick check to see
if any important letters have arrived yet.
* =
* pukkel af >
* arbejde
& arbejdspukkel
* =
* forening / forlening / sammenknytning af ngt og ngt.
10 a period of time, they are often very busy at the agency,
They are completely snowed under: snowed under with
* forene / forlene ngt. med ngt.
* ( snestorm ), ~ et væld af ngt.
* … med >
* ~ overlæsset / -bebyrdet
* arbejde
* foretage >
* et ( hurtigt ) tjek
A letter easily gets buried under a pile of papers.
* blive >
Some letters are relegated to the waste-`paper basket.
* henvise ngt. til ngt.
Al spreads the work among the staff members.
* fordele ( arbejdet ) blandt ng.
The staff members spread the workload among them.
* …>
* begravet under ngt.
* papirkurv
* arbejdsbyrde
* imellem sig
20 Al relegates some tasks to his secretary,
* henvise / overdrage ( opgave ) til ng.
and relegates some decisions to the staff members.
* - - - ( beslutning ) - - -
The staff members often spread ( out ) their work all over.
* sprede >
They discard a lot of papers: discard them as useless.
* frasortere / kassere ngt.
* … som ngt.
They spill discarded papers all over.
* komme til at sprede ngt.
A lot of waste `paper spills all over the floor.
* affaldspapir
* frasorteret
* være spredt
It’s an uphill struggle; the offices seem a disaster area.
* opadbakke 
Having all worked overtime one night, however,
* arbejde
it’s down`hill from there.
* arbejdsmaterialer
* kamp
* katastrofe-
* område
* ~ over
* det er >
* ned ad bakke
~ let nok
In the morning an office cleaner puts all the discards
30 in the waste-paper baskets before he empties
* rengøringsassistent
* ~ kasserede ting
* affaldspapir
* kurv
~ papirkurv
the waste-baskets (A) into a disposal sack.
* =
Working late reminds them of a `graveyard shift (eA)
* ~ nat- eller tidlig morgenskifte
It’s ( all ) downhill the next couple of days.
* det er >
* affaldssæk
* ( bare ) ned ad bakke
1382 One of the designers often wants to give the work a rest. * give ngt. en pause, ~ lægge ngt. fra sig
Always wanting to have a rest from hard work,
* have / få >
* ( hvile-) pause fra ngt.
* tage sig en …
he often takes a rest from his work.
Working late doesn’t suit the designer either.
* passe ( ej passiv / pres. part. ) ng.
It suits him to start work early in the morning
* … ng. at -
so if he never had to work late, it would suit him.
* det ville >
* passe ng.
He often slopes away (E); slopes away from working late.
* snige sig ( væk )
He can be very helpful but only when it suits him.
* det passer ng.
That style doesn’t suit the agency.
* stil
* passe ( til ) ngt.
10 If a staff member puts effort into his work to suit themself, * lægge energi i ngt.
* som det passer dem selv
and is inclined to slope off, he wooes discontent (<ment ). * være tilbøjelig / * smutte * bejle til > * utilfredshed
- `tent
have hang til at -
If he wants to quit the job that suits the manager fine.
* passe ng. >
They waste a lot of time waiting for him to finish his part.
* spilde >
They waste a lot of money in waiting for his job to be done. * … >
* fint / udmærket
* vente på ng.  at -
* tid på at * penge
* på at * på ng.
The manager wastes his efforts on him.
* … >
* ( sine ) kræfter
He wastes his words and wastes his time.
* spilde >
* ( sine ) ord
He’s wasting his time trying to explain to him why it’s
* … sin tid med / på at -
so important to observe the time of delivery.
The agency expects that a staff member finishes a sketch
20 in good time.
* overholde >
* tiden for >
* aflevering
~ afleveringsfristen
* færdiggøre / blive færdig med ngt.
* skitse
* i god tid
The customers expect the agency to finish a sketch in time. * færdiggøre >
Why should they waste money on a collegue
who is not able to work to a deadline.
The agency won’t like a customer
to have a legitimate grievance.
* … tiden / sin tid
* skitse, udkast
* i tide
* spilde ( penge ) på ng.
* arbejde >
* ~ op imod >
* en deadline / tidsfrist
* berettiget
* klage / -mål / -punkt
* have en / et >
If the staff don’t observe the deadline for delivery,
* ~ overholde >
* ~ tidsfrist for ngt.
or if any other grievance against them is legitimate,
* << rettet imod ng.
they'll waste an oppertunity to have another assignment.
* ( for- ) spilde >
It will be a wasted opportunity.
30 A meeting is a waste of time as the staff member seems
* <<
* mulighed /
chance for at -
* ( for- ) spildt
* opgave
* mulighed
* spild af >
* tid
& tidsspilde
unable to discard his bad habits.
Even if he has a legitimate excuse or a legitimate reason
for being absent, the staff member is a time waster.
Letting this man organize a job is a recipe for disaster.
* fralægge sig ngt.
* berettiget
* undskyldning
* & gyldig
* tids-
* grund
* ~ røver
* opskrift på >
* katastrofe
& oplagt …
If a designer can’t cope with the pressure of work,
he is a disaster as staff member.
He may eventually be discarded: discarded as a waster.
* hamle op med / klare ngt.
* ~ arbejdspres
* katastrofe som ngt.
* tilsidesætte /
* ~ umuligus
afskedige ng.
1383 Stress is often an occupational disease.
* erhvervsmæssig ( sygdom )
It may be an occupationally induced disease.
* erhvervsmæssigt
The effect of stress of work can spill over into home life.
* brede sig til ngt.
It might be downhill all the `way for a person’s health,
for his career, and for his marriage.
A discard’s career will go downhill
as he will have to discard all thoughts of promotion.
* påføret
* hjemme* liv
& livet derhjemme
* ~ gå ned ad bakke med >
* helbred
* karriere
* ægteskab
* tilsidesat /
* ( karriere ) gå ned ad bakke
udrangeret person
* fralægge sig / opgive ngt.
Stress is an accupational hazard / risk.
* erhvervs- ( mæssig )
A person handicapped by physical or mental defects
* & erhvervshæmmet ( person )
10 may be cured by an occupational therapist.
If occupational therapy won’t restore a person’s health,
they may be dismissed from their job as a legitimate result.
* helbredt af ng.
* ergo- * terapi
* risiko
* ~ ergo-
* terapeut
* genoprette ngs. >
* helbred
* afskedige ng. fra ngt.
* berettiget
Losing your job doesn’t have to be such a disaster.
* katastrofe
Some people are granted a pension by the government.
* bevilliget / tildelt / ydet af ng.
It’s not granted to everybody throughout the world to
* det er ikke ( enhver ) beskåret / givet at -
receive a pension: it’s actually far from granted.
Al legitimately argues that if a person isn’t
* … langt fra givet
* berettiget
suited for designing in the advertising business,
* egnet til at -
they are wasted as an advertising designer.
* spildt / ubrugelig / ikke egnet som ngt.
20 ‘ If they are not suited for a designer in this business,
* egnet som ngt.
they are not suited to be a designer here,’ Al reasons.
* … til at -
Some people who are used to have a cushy job
always want to get a cushy number(E).
Sometimes, in the advertising business,
recruitment is not keeping pace with wastage.
* behagelig, let, magelig
* ~ … tjans
* hvervning
Lack of jobs results in a huge wastage of talent.
* spild af ngt.
Even if a person is given a glowing recommendation,
* strålende
he may be unable to get a job.
What a tragic waste !
* argumentere
* holde trit med >
* fragang
* anbefaling
* sikken et ( tragisk ) spild
* … af ngt.
30 What a waste of talent !
Other times job hunters are being wooed.
* jobsøger
They may be wooed with perquisites such as
* … med ngt.
* bejlet til
* frynsegoder
tailored fringe benefits / E& tailor-made perks
* skræddersyet
offered by the firm.
* frynse-
* goder
* =
* =
1384 The problem about the self-willed designer snowballs. * egenrådig
As he doesn’t seem to be amanable to advice,
his lack of amanability snowballs the problem.
As the waster is eventually fired, the agency needs
* ~ vokse som en snebold
( vokse med stigende hast )
* lydhør overfor ngt.
* lydhørhed
* få ngt. til at <<
* umuligus
a new designer, suited to the agency, and suited for a career * passende / egnet til ngt.
in the agency.
A newcomer must be prepared to see a job through to
the finish, and not jump `ship.
* … til ngt.
* nyankommen
* gennemføre ngt. helt til >
* ~ vejs ende
* ~ rømme fra et skib
~ springe fra i utide
* kandidat til ( job )
There has been a number of suitable candidates for a job. * passende
10 There has been suitably qualified candidates.
The agency is out for a congenial collegue to suit its
particular needs.
A casual worker, though, seems suitable for the job.
* =
* være ude efter ngt.
* åndsbeslægtet
* passe til >
* behov
* ~ løst ansat
* passende / egnet ( job )
Being an agreeable person, he seems extremely agreeable. * behagelig
The new pleasant designer jumps the chance,
and jumps in at the deep end in his first job.
* =
* ~ ( ivrigt ) gribe >
* chancen
* ~ springe ud på det dybe vand
‘ That’s the spirit,’ Al announces.
* rette ånd / indstilling
The job seems congenial to the newcomer
* lige egnet / som skabt til ng.
* bekendtgøre
bebude, meddele
so he seems to have found congenial employment.
* egnet ( beskæftigelse ), ~ som skabt til en
20 As he enjoys a congenial working environmen,
* nyde ( godt af ) ngt.
the newcomer is co-operative and hard working.
* samarbejdsvillig
* -=-
That suits the agency’s book.
* ~ passe i ngs. kram
It suits the manager down to the ground.
* ~ passe ng. helt og aldeles
It just suits him.
* =
It suits him to a T.
* passe ng. på en prik
When the honeymoon period for the new designer is over, * hvedebrødsdage, indkøringsperiode
he seems tailor-made for the job.
* skræddersyet til ngt.
He proved to suit the action to the word.
* vise sig at -
As he has a razor-`sharp mind,
* knivskarp
* ~ lade handling følge ord
* forstand
30 and always checks his work before handing it in,
* kontrollere ngt.
he is soon recommended for promotion.
* ( være ) anbefalet / indstillet til ngt.
Al decides to promote the newcomer.
* forfremme ng.
He is employed on a permanent basis.
* ( være ) fastansat på >
He is promoted to a senior job.
* ( være ) forfremmet til ngt.
* varig
* forfremmelse
* basis
* ~ overordnet ( job )
He is promoted from odd-job man to a designer.
* … fra >
* altmuligmand
* til ( designer )
[email protected]
1385 Although there is no doubt about his suitability for
* egnethed til ngt.
the job, the newcomer’s promotion to a designer
* forfremmelse til ngt.
takes everybody by surprise.
* ~ overraske ng.
He is suitably affected when Al tells him the good news.
* tilbørligt, ~ som det sig hør og bør
The new job is certainly a promotion for him.
* forfremmelse for ng.
Although the newcomer had actually jumped ship
* ~ rømme fra et skib
just before he was employed on a casual basis,
* ~ ( blive ) ansat >
he jumps from odd-job man to a permanently employed
* på løs basis
~ løst ansat
* ~ stige direkte fra ngt. til > * fast * ansat ( designer )
10 It’s a job with excellent promotion prospects.
* avancements- / forfremmelses-
* udsigter
Since Ann moved in with Al, the newly weds share a flat.
* flytte sammen med ng.
They want, however, to share a house.
* - - - i hus
Many cities spread into the surrounding areas.
* brede sig >
Suburbs thus grow up as a result of the spread of a city.
* forstad
* dele >
* en lejlighed
~ bo sammen i …
* ud i ngt.
* udbredning af ( by )
The early settlers in the new suburbs for big city `spillover * nybygger, tilflytter
occupied the best land.
* sætte sig i besiddelse af ngt.
20 Having cut a swathe / swath through the contryside,
* overflod
* ~ gøre indhug i ngt.
development has affected vast swathes of the countryside.
* strækninger af ( frilandet )
The burbs (A) are pretty much plain vanilla (eA).
* forstad
Some people regard the suburbs as a wasteland
* kulturelt / intellektuelt udørk ( -en )
where suburban people live at the back of beyond.
* forstads-
* almindelig og ordinær
* leve
So suburbia is regarded as a culturel `desert
where suburbanites live in the middle of nowhere /
* forstæder & forstadskultur
* forstadsperson
* bagi
* bagi
~ i en udørk ( -en )
* kulturel
* ørken
* ~ i en udørken
live in the back of beyond.
Looking for a house, they have a wasted trip to begin with
as the owners aren’t in.
* <<
* spildt
* tur, udflugt
* være hjemme
30 Touring at random on an sunny and agreeably warm day, * ture * ~ omkring på må og få * solrig * behagelig
they don’t have a wasted day, though.
* spildt ( dag )
1386 Some of the unoccupied houses which have not
* ubeboet ( hus )
been occupied (o. pred.) for a long time are in poor repair.
* være beboet * i ringe > * ~ vedligeholdesestilstand
~ dårligt vedligeholdt
The house they one day buy is in a bad state of repair.
* -=-
As the house is in bad repair and in need of repair,
* -=-
repairs must be done to the house.
To remove a door’s inclination to stick, and make it shut,
a few milimetres have to be shaved `off the door.
* reparation, istandsættelse
* tilbøjelighed til at -
* høvl
He shaves a few milimetres off the door.
* tage x af ngt.
10 The walls are a washed-out dark colour
* udvasket ( farve )
so the painters give the house a yellow wash.
* maler
The walls look brilliant with a pale yellow wash.
* =
Some flimsy furniture has to be discarded.
* usolidt
and discard other pieces of furniture too flimsily made.
All pots and pans and other discards are scrap.
* binde
* lukkes
* rage / ~ tage ngt. af ngt.
The repairman uses a plane to plane the door.
So they scrap a flimsy table and some flimsy chairs,
* ~ trænge til istandsættelse
* høvle ngt.
* ~ strygning
* inventar
* kassere / smide ngt. væk
* kasseret /
smidt væk
* skrøbelig
* =
* kassere ngt. / * stykke møblement * usolidt ( lavet )
smide ngt. væk
~ møbel
* potter og pander
* ~ kasseret genstand
* skrot
Ann and Al can’t move in until after the repair of the house. * istandssættelse af ( hus )
The previous occupiers of the house were tenants
while Al and Ann are owner-occupiers.
* besidder / beboer af ( hus )
* ejer-
* bebsidder / beboer
20 Outstanding bills must be paid by the previous occupants. * udestående / ubetalt ( regning )
Much quarrel has occured between the previous owner
and the tenants in occupation before the house was sold.
* uenighed, strid
* ejer-
Some repairmen are engaged to renovate the house,
* reparatør
When they start doing the renovation,
the repairmen set about repairing the house.
So the repairmen set about the repair
* beboer
* opstå mellem ng.
* bolig- / besiddelsesforhold
The level of owner occupation has increased rapidly.
that is to say engaged to repair and paint the house.
* lejer
* besiddelse
* renovere / istandsætte ngt.
* reparere / istandsætte ngt.
* begynde på /
* renovering
gå i gang med ngt.
* - - - at -
* - - - ngt.
* reparation
which embraces inside and outside.
* omfatte ngt.
30 Engaged on the renovation, the plummer checks the old
* i færd med / optaget af ngt.
hot water tank: he check the tank for cracks and leaks.
* tank, beholder
A new tank and boiler are made of stainless steel plates.
* vandvarmer
The bathroom is provided with ceramic tiles.
* keramisk
* kontrollere ngt.
* … ( tank ) for ( revne, utæthed )
* plade
* flise
The tiler provides the tiled roof with some new tiles.
1387 Inside the house all was dark and muted.
* tegltækker
* tegltækket
* afdæmpet
A flimsy partition wall must be removed.
* skrøbelig, usolidt bygget
Many materials and much furniture are available
* tilgængelig
in a range of finishes.
The painters wash the walls down before painting them:
they wash down the walls with ammonia water.
The house is repainted in bright muted colours.
* tegl
* skille-
* række af >
* efterbehandling
sidste afpudsning
* vaske ngt. ned
* … med ngt.
* ( blive ) genmalet
If the painters apply the paint thickly, it won’t spread evenly * påføre >
* ammoniak* vand
& salmiakspiritus
* afdæmpet
* maling
* sprede sig / -s
* jævnt
brede sig ud
* ~ mineralsk terpentin
so they thin the paint with turpentine /E& white `spirit .
* fortynde ngt. med >
10 The painters apply extra coats of finish
* påføre ngt.
* lag
either a gloss or a matt finish.
* blank
* mat
The roof is leaking so water leaks into the loft.
* lække
* sive ind i ngt.
A builder repairs the leak in the roof,
* bygningshåndværker
and replaces a tinplate roof of an old shed.
He controls the horizontal and vertical constructions
by means of a `spirit level.
By means of the level, they make sure the construction
is tru to level.
The house has a suite of rooms: three rooms en suite.
* erstatte ngt.
* overfladebehandling
* =
* loft (-rum )
* læk i ngt.
* blik- ( plade )
* horisontal, vandret
* ~ libelle, vaterpas
* =
* ~ i vater
* & følge
* & i rækkefølge
* afslutte / færdiggøre ngt.
so they won’t be finished for another week.
* være færdig indenfor ( en uge mere )
They finish the repair off in less than a week, though.
* <<
The indoor architect tailors the house to the wishes
* tilpasse ( hus ) til ( ønske )
* beboer
The have a modern bathroom suite, and a bedroom suite.
* møblementssæt
Ann has a dressing table /A& vanity in the bedroom.
* toiletbord
In the living room / E& sitting room,
* dagligstue
they have a three piece suite with two armchairs and a sofa.
The top of the coffee table is a sheet of glass.
* tre-
* sæts
* sofabord
30 A giant double bed seems to occupy most of the bedroom.* dobbeltseng
When the house is ready for occupation,
they take the house together.
* skur
* vertikal, lodret
20 The repairmen need another week to finish off the repair
of the occupants.
* væg
* ~ indflytning
* ~ flytte sammen i hus
* =
* møblement
* glasplade ( norm. rektang. )
* optage ( plads )
1388 Ann and Al have a new nameplate on the door.
* navneskilt
The brass plate says Ann and Al Jennings.
* messing
Al wants to scythe the weed, and cut a swath(e) along
* slå / meje >
* plade, skilt
* ukrudt
* skår
( bar stribe )
* =
swå# ( sweid )
the drive so with a razor-`sharp scythe, he cuts a swath(e).
The house is a picture and the garden looks a picture
with beautiful sunflowers, chicories, great mulleins etc.
* barberbladskarp
* le
* se … ud
* ~ være billedskøn
* solsikke
* cikorie
* kongelys
A drystone wall (E) is overgrown with lichen and moss.
* stengærde
The mossy dry wall (A) inclines towards the lawn.
( u. mørtel )
* mosbegroet * =
To prevent the sunny garden from being overgrown with
* solrig
* overbegroet med ngt.
* hælde mod ngt.
* holde ( ukrudt ) i skak / ave
10 Al keeps the lawn in check; when he mows the lawn,
* … ( græsplæne ) …
he cuts the lawn as he cuts the grass.
* slå …
there’s a smell of new-mown hay.
The cold spring will provide a natural check:
* tilvejebringe >
and a suntrap outside.
* slå græs ( -set )
* græsslåmaskine
* nyslået
* rotor-
The house has a sunlounge or sunroom,
* slå ( plænen )
* slå ( plænen )
His motor mower is a rotary mower.
a check on the number of insects.
* græsplæne
* <<
weed, Ann holds the weed in check.
When he has mowed / mown the lawn with the mower,
* lav
* hø
* afbødning, begrænsning
* … af ngt.
* udestue
* =
* ( solfælde ) ~ solindhegning
They have deck chairs, sun loungers and sunbeds (EEE). * liggestol
20 Some loungers have armrests and a footrest.
On top of the sunbed there’s a foam mattress made of
foam `rubber.
* = sun lounger
* drømmeseng
* hvileliggestol
* armstøtte
* drømmeseng
* benstøtte
* skum (-gummi )-
* skum-
They have a sunshade or parasol on the sun terrace.
* solparasol
Some people do their best to keep out of the sun
* & undgå solen
while others uses a sunlamp to turn the skin brown.
The sunlamp produces ultraviolet rays.
* madras
* gummi
* parasol
* sol-
* terrasse
* ~ højfjeldssol
* =
* stråle
Too much sun ages the skin.
* sol ( -skin )
The terrace has a sundial.
* ~ solur
The house is just as they had imagined it.
* være som ng. forestiller / tænker sig ngt.
30 They had imagined the house just as it is.
* ælde ( hud )
* forestille / tænke sig ngt. som -
One night the countryside is bathed in moonlight.
* badet i >
A full moon bathes the countryside,
* ( månen ) bade ngt. ( i lys )
* måneskin
and bathes the front of house in a silver light
* … ngt. i >
* ( sølvskinnende ) lys
while the back of the house lies swathed in dark.
* svøbt / indhyllet i ( mørke )
Swathes / swaths of moonlight penetrates the darkness.
* bånd / stribe af ngt.
* gennemtrænge ngt.
1389 When they were first married, they both wanted
* i begyndelsen da de var gift
to start a family.
* ~ få børn
Since they were first married they wanted to raise a family. * siden begyndelsen af ngs. ægteskab
Looking forward to bringing up a family,
they are one day blessed with a ( fine ) healthy daughter.
Many times a day, the baby falls in a deep sleep:
it doesn’t easily wake up from a profound sleep.
* =
* velsignet med ngt.
* sundt og velskabt
* falde i >
* dyb søvn
* =
They go and `check on the baby by turns.
* gå ind / ud etc. for at kontrollere
Changing the baby, they change her nappy E/A diaper.
se om alt er i orden med
* skifte ng.
10 Her skin is as white as snow.
* ~ opdrage /
have børn
* på skift
* … ble på ng.
* hvid som sne
Once a month the baby has a health check
by a health nurse.
* få et helsetjek / en helbredsundersøgelse
* ~ sundhedsplejerske
A `baptism or christening is a ceremony in which
* dåb
a few drops of water are poured on a person
or they are covered with water to welcome them
into the Christian Church and often to name them.
Some Christians, the `Baptists, are members of
* baptist
a Christian Protestant Church that believes that baptism
should take place when a person is old enough
20 to understand what it means, and not as a baby.
They may go to their own Baptist church.
* =
* baptist
At a baptism or christning, a person is baptized /E& -ised * dåb
* dåb
* døbe
at a baptismal ceremony.
* dåbs-`At the baptismal service, the priest baptizes the baby Amy, * dåbshandling
her Christian name.
At the christning she is baptized a protestant too.
The priest christens the child Amy
with water from the baptismal font.
The priests baptize the child in the name of
30 the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit.
The Trinity – the Blessed or Holy Trinity –
is the union of these three persons in one Godhead.
* ceremoni
* døbe ng. ( et navn )
* ~ fornavn
( være / blive ) døbt ( protestant )
* døbe ng. ( et navn )
* døbe- / dåbs-
* font
* døbe ng. i ngs. navn
* Faderen, Sønnen og Helligånden
* Treenigheden
* guddommelighed
* den Hellige Treenighed
A baby may be called all names under the sun.
* ~ alverdens ( navne )
The child is a ray of sunshine.
* ~ solstråle
She has a sunny smile and a sunny disposition.
* ~ munter
* =
* gemyt
[email protected]
1390 A person may have a middle name too,
* mellemnavn
together with his surname or family name.
* efternavn
When a child is christened, a couple of godparents
may promise to be responsible for the child.
* =
* ( blive ) døbt
* gudforældre
The godmother and godfather are sponsors,
and the child becomes their Child of God.
* gudmoder
* ansvarlig person
gudfar / -mor
* gudbarn
* kernefamilie
10 A baby at once uses non-verbal communication
* & ikke sproglig
for instance by crying and soon by smiling
while it slowly begins to develope its verbal skills.
* sproglig ( færdighed )
Trying to give a verbatim / word for word repetition of
* ordret, ord for ord / =
smal phrases, Amy little by little learns how to verbalize:
* ~ udtrykke sig sprogligt
verbalise (&E) her feelings and wants.
* udtrykke ngt.
Al also enjoys to bath E/A bathe the baby.
* fornødenheder, behov
* bade ng.
Amy laughs when Ann or Al jumps her on their knee.
* ~ ride ranke med ng.
Every night, Ann or Al look at pictures in a picture book
* se på >
together with Amy before they put her to sleep.
* billed-
* bog
20 Amy repeats verbatim, and soon has a rich vocabulary.
* billeder
* gentage
* ordret (adv! )
* ordforråd
Amy is a verbally and musically inclined child.
* sprogligt
* begavet
Ann and Al enjoy Amys’s growing verbal repertoire.
* sproglig
* repertoire
Amy is a spirited girl: a high-spirited girl.
* livlig, rask
* =
She is a girl of spirit: a girl full of spirit.
fuld af gåpåmod
* =
* =
Although they wanted to have a large family,
* mange børn
they seem unable to have more children.
For some years they live happily as a family of three.
* familie på tre
Al is occupied in business while Ann is occupied with
* beskæftiget med / optaget af ngt.
* =
domestic / household chores.
* regelmæssigt / kedeligt / ubehageligt stykke arbejde
30 She is occupied with cooking and looking after the child.
* ( være ) beskæftiget med at -
Every Saturday Ann and Al are occupied shopping.
* - = --
Then the whole family is occupied in shopping together.
* -=-
They have a checklist of the things they must remember.
* kontrol- / huskeseddel over ngt.
They usually make a shopping list.
* indkøbsliste
1391 In the supermarket, many foods are chilled.
A quality control checker checks that the chilled foods
and the froozen foods are kept at a proper temperature.
* kølet ned
* kvalitets-
* klage
If a shop receives a verbal warning, the manager may
* mundtlig
At checkout the cashier /eA checker –
* kølevarer
* frostvarer
A complaint may be made verbally or in writing.
ask for a verbatim / word for word report.
* ~ kontrollør
* mundtlig
* skriftlig
* ordret, ord for ord
* ( supermarkeds- ) kasse
* kassedame
/ - ekspedient
a checkout assistent or checkout operator – enters
* =
every item on the till.
* artikel, vare
10 She rings the prices up by pressing the buttons.
* slå ngt. op ( på et kasseapparat )
Having rung up all the the goods, she finished the sale
whereby the cash register prints out the bill.
* =
* kasseapparat
* tjekke / kontrollere ngt.
To borrow a book at the library, Al or Ann have to show
* bibliotek
their ID before the librerian checks out the book in their name. * bibliotekar
as far as possible, the family spread the work among them.
* ~ notere ngt. til udlån
* fordele ngt. mellem sig
* =
Every day Amy helps Ann spreading the table
* ~ dække bord
She helps Ann spreading the cloth.
* sprede ngt. / brede ngt. ud
20 Spreading the cloth out, Ann spreads it on the table
After Ann has spread the cloth out on the table,
Amy helps her spreading the cloth ( out ) over the table.
In the morning everybody goes and gets washed up.
* tast
* =
Ann and All check the bill together.
The parents spread the workload between them, and,
* indtaste /
slå ngt. ind
* på kasseapparat
* dug
* … på ngt.
* sprede / brede ngt. ud
* -=* … ( ud ) over ngt.
* ~ gå ud og vaske hænder
They have pieces of toast or rye bread spread with butter * stykke ristet brød
together with an egg, marmelade, a piece of cheese,
or meat etc.
Ann uses a low-fat spread instead of butter.
* ~ smøreprodukt
They may have a cheese spread.
* ~ smøreost
Amy would like to spread butter on her toast herself.
* ~ smøre ngt. på >
30 She uses a spreader but even if she tries hard, she is
* ~ smørekniv
not yet old enough to spread her round of toast with butter
* ~ smøre ngt. >
or spread.
* ~ smørepålæg
* rugbrød
* ~ smurt med ngt.
* ( stykke ) ristet brød
* rundtenom
* med ( smør )
Cold butter won’t spread easily on a slice of toast.
* ~ smøres ud på >
* skive ( toast )
1392 Amy wants her egg fried on both sides
* stegt, ~spejlet
while her parents want their eggs sunny-side up.
* ~ … kun på den ene side
The parents drink freeze-dried instant coffee.
* frysetørret
Ann leaves the meat to thaw completely before cooking.
* tø op
The meat takes a long time to thaw out.
* =
She melts some butter in a roasting tin E/A pan.
* smelte ngt.
When the butter has melted, she puts the roast
* smelte
in the tin / pan and places it in the owen.
* ~ pulver ( kaffe )
* stege-
* ~ ( metal-) fad
They have roast and dessert that just melts in their mouth. * ~ smelte på tungen ( dvs. mørt og velsmagende )
10 The pudding has to chill for an hour until set.
* køle af
* stivnet
They may freeze the leftovers ( norm. pl. ) from the meal.
* ( dyb- ) fryse ngt.
Some meals are ideal for home freezing.
* frysning, ~ til at fryse
Some fruits freeze better than othes.
* ~ egne sig til …
They have a large freezer EA/E deep `freeze.
* ( dyb- ) fryser
In America they also call it a Deepfreeze or deep `freezer.
* =
Much frozen food has to be defrosted before cooking.
* dybfrossen
They often defrost a chicken.
* optø ngt.
When they unfreeze a chicken in the fridge,
* =
* mad
& dybfrostvarer
the chicken will take a long time to defrost.
* tø op
20 It might have to unfreeze for 24 hours.
* =
* ~ farsering
Sometimes they have to de-ice the freezer
* afise / -rime ngt.
* =
The family often do / wash the dishes (EA) together.
* vaske op
Using a washing-up bowl (E), a washing-up brush,
* opvaskebalje
and a splash of washing-`up liquid (E), they wash up (E).
* ( blive ) optøet
* & et døgn
A stuffing /&A dressing is placed inside.
so once in a while they defrost the deep freeze.
* levninger
* skvæt
* -børste
* flydende opvaskemiddel
Sometimes they rinse the washing-`up (E).
* skylle ngt. efter ( med rent vand )
Amy sometimes washes dishes (E)
* ~ vaske af
* vaske op
* opvask
while the other ones dry up.
* tørre af
30 In America they wash the dishes in a dishpan,
* ~ vaske op
using dishwashing liquid and a dishwashing brush.
* opvaske- * ( væske ), ~ middel * opvaske- * børste
They leave the dishes to drain before they dry them
with a `tea towel / a tea cloth EE/A dishtowel.
* dryppe af
* viskestykke
* opvaskebalje
* tørre ngt.
Amy doesn’t wipe up as wiping the dishes is more
difficult to handle.
They wipe the tables with a dishcloth E/A dishrag.
* tørre af
* tørre >
* ~ service
( tallerkener, fade, bestik )
* tørre ( bord ) ( af )
* karklud
1393 The cups, plates, dishes etc, are kept in a dresser (E):
* anrettermøbel med hylder og skabe
a Welsh `dresser.
* =
In America a dresser or bureau is a chest of drawers:
a piece of furniture for keeping clothes in.
Ann or Al wash the pots and pans, and rinse them with
hot water.
Sometimes after a party, the kitchen sink may still be full
of last night’s washing-up / dirty dishes.
When some people do the washing-up E/A the dishes,
10 they may forget to wash up a few things.
* kommode
* skylle ngt. efter med ngt.
* køkkenvask
* opvask
* vaske op
* vaske ngt. op
They may forget to wash the pots and pans up.
* -=-
Ann usually does the wash ( E& washing ) / laundry
* klare tøjvasken
when there is a pile of dirty wash (E& washing ) / laundry
* stabel
in the clothes basket or laundry basket.
* vasketøjskurv
She washes once a week.
* vaske
Most items wash well and most fabrics are washable:
* enkeltstykke
they are guaranteed to wash.
* beskidt vasketøj
* ~ tåle at vaskes
* ~ lægge ngt. til vask
When she launders the clothes, she washes, dries
* ~ ordne vasketøj
* krybe, krympe
* tøj
She hangs it outside to dry.
* … ngt. udenfor ( for at - )
Hanging the washing up on a line (EA) – a washing line
* hænge ngt. op
* =
Ann sends some of the laundry to a laundry.
* vaskeri
A laundry man in a laundry van picks up the dirty laundry, * vaskeri-
30 a laund(e)rette /A& Laundromat ™.
* vasketøjet ud
* snor
* =
In America they use clothes pins.
Before Ann moved in with Al, she washed at
* tørre >
* stryge >
* hænge >
and delivers the clean laundry.
* i vask
* vaske >
Having washed the clothes, she hangs the washing out.
or clothes line (EE) – she fastens it with clothes pegs (E)
* vaskbar
* ~ kunne / tåle at vaskes
Some clothes put in the wash may shrink in the wash.
20 and irons the clothes.
* … vasketøj
vask og strygning
* … vasketøj
der skal stryges
* =
* tørre
* vasketøjs* tøjklemme
* mand, ~ bud
* vaskeri-
* vogn
* vasketeria
At one time the family purchases a washer.
* på et tidspunkt
First they get a washing machine,
* vaskemaskine
* anskaffe sig /
købe ngt.
* vaskemaskine
and later on they get a dishwasher.
* opvaskemaskine
Amy sometimes vacuums.
* støvsuge
She vacuums a room or two with their vacuum cleaner.
* … ngt.
* støvsuger
When Ann does the hoovering, she hoovers all the rooms * ordne støvsugningen
and carpets with their Hoover ™ (EEE).
* støvsuge ngt.
* støvsuger
1394 When a circus is in town, the family goes to the circus. * cirkus
The big top is in town for the rest of the month.
* =
Entering the circus ring, the ring master introduces
* circus-
each circus act.
* gå i …
* i resten af ( måneden )
& … ngt. ud
* sprechstallmaister
* ~ arena
* =
* nummer
The clowns clown ( around / about ) to make people laugh. * klovn
* klovne ( omkring )
A juggler juggles.
* jonglør
He juggles with balls, clubs and whatever.
* … med ngt.
A tightrope walker does tightrope walking.
* line-
A rider jumps onto a horse running around in the ring.
* springe ( op ) på ngt.
* jonglere
* kølle
* ~ danser
10 Jumping ( over ) a fire, he makes a jump of several yards. * … over ngt.
* springer
A motorcyclist jumps through a burning hoop.
* hoppe / springe igennem ngt.
The acrobats do acrobatics.
* akrobat
Hanging from trapezes, the trapeze artists do acrobatic
* trapez
* pause
In the interval they have an ice `cream (E):
* i pausen
Amy has a lolly: an ice `lolly or Popsicle ™ (A).
20 The ice-cream man has got dry ice in his ice-cream box.
* akrobatik
* trapez-
* artist
* ( lave ) akrobatik-
* iskage
* flødeis
* vaffel
( kegle )
* pind
* sodavandsis
* is(kage)mand
Once there is an ice show in town.
* isshow
They go to see Cinderella on ice – a spectacular
* Askepot på is
ice-skating show.
* ring
* kunststykke
At a time there’s an interval E /A intermission.
`ice cream (eA) in a cone or on a stick.
* ~ dans
* hop / pring på x
The jumper receives applause.
feats as they swing and switch trapezes
* …-
* tøris
* isskøjteshow
/ -forestilling
The ice skaters perform a show on an ice rink.
* isskøjteløber
The family go ice skating themselves.
* ~ løbe / stå på skøjter
They go skating in a rink: an ice rink or skating ring.
* -=-
They put on their ice skates.
* isskøjte
Al has skates for hockey while Ann and Amy have
* skøjte
* på isskøjtebane
* i en isskøjtehal
skates for figure skating.
* kunstskøjteløb
30 They like to ice-skate so they skate for a good while:
* stå / løbe på isskøjter
for quite a long time.
* =
They are quite good at skating.
* løbe / stå på skøjter
* skøjte
* & skøjtehal
* et godt stykke tid
en rum tid
Ann skates an exciting programme.
* skøjte ngt.
On their way home Amy urges her parents.
* skynde på ng.
‘ Get / put your skates on (E) ! ‘ she urges ( them ).
* ~ få lidt fart på
Doing roller skating, you roller skate on roller skaters
* ( lave ) rulleskøjteløb
perhaps in a skating rink.
* skynde på ( ng.)
* løbe på …
* rulleskøjter
~ løbe på rulleskøjtr
* skøjtehal
[email protected]
1395 Once in a while, when the outlook is hot and sunny,
* vejrudsigt
they spend a blissful weekend away from home.
* lyksalig
* solrig
Al `checks on the car before setting off.
* undersøge / efterse ngt.
He gives the tyres a check, and checks the oil and water.
* give ngt. et tjek
* dæk
* kontrollere ( olie )
/ eftersyn
Doors and windows of the house must be closed,
so Ann goes to check.
* gå afsted / ud / ind / hen etc for at >
* tjekke
She goes to check that the doors and windows are closed: * … at she goes and checks all doors and windows are closed.
As the family like to swim and `sunbathe, they often
* … ( at - )
* svømme, & bade
* solbade
10 go for a bathe (E) in the sea, and lie sunning themselves * tage ud at bade
* sole sig
on a sun-baked and sun-drenched beach.
* solhed
* =
( !!! not !!! : bath in the sea / take a bath in the sea / take a sunbath. !!! not !!! )
When they go for a swim, they must remember all their
* tage ud at svømme / bade
`swimwear (U): a swimsuit EA/ o-f EA a `bathing suit /
* badetøj
a swimming costume (E) for each of them.
* =
Al wears trunks: swimming trunks.
* badebukser
Ann sometimes wears a bathing cap (EA),
* badehætte
a swimming cap (E) or swimming hat (E).
When they go swimming, they may swim in the sea,
20 or have a swim in a river or pool.
It may be dangerous to swim across a river,
or swim out at sea.
* =
* tage ud at svømme / bade
* svømme
* … ud på havet / ud på det dybe
* =
Al and Ann are good, keen, and strong swimmers.
* svømmer
They can swim all the swimming strokes: they can swim
* svømme ngt.
They sometimes swim a long distance.
* svømme
* =
They always swim along the shore or bank.
breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly and the crawl.
* badedragt
* brystsvømning
* svømmetag
/ -art
* rygsvømning
* =
* =
* =
* svømme ngt.
They wonder when somebody had first swum the Channel. * svømme ( over ) ngt.
As `sun-worshippers, Ann and Al plaster each other
* soldyrker
* smøre ng. >
30 in suntan oil while Amy is plastered in sunblock
* ind i ngt. * solbrunings ( - ) * solbeskyttelsescreme
to avoid getting sunburned / sunburnt and sun-scorched.
* solskoldet
* =
* solbeskyttelsescreme
* =
A sunblock is a high factor sunscreen.
1396 As their skin is easily tanned, they tan easily.
Having got a tan skin – a suntanned skin –
they enjoy having a tanned body.
* blive solbrunet
* gyldenbrun
* =
Having got a suntan, their tan fades away just slowly.
* gyldenbrun farve
At a tannery, the tanners use tanin to tan animal skins,
* garveri
and make them into leather.
Many bathers prefer a safe bathing beach,
* solbrunes
blive solbrændt
* solbrun / -brændt
* =
* garver
* garvestof
/ -syre
* garve ngt.
* badende, badegæst
* badestrand
or some other place with facilities for bathing.
In the old days people were said to bathe (o-f) in the sea
10 wearing a bathing costume (o-f).
* badning
* bade
* badedragt
They have an ice cream at an ice cream booth.
* is <=> * fløde-
( & an ice cream kiosk / stand / stall. )
* =
Al has a choc ice (E), Ann has a vanilla ice cream.
* is med chokoladeovertræk
She has vanilla ice cream (U) in an ice cream cone.
* vanilje- * is <=> * fløde- * ~ is- * ( kegle ) ~ vaffel
Vanilla comes from a vanilla pod (E) of the vanilla plant.
* =
Vanilla essence is extracted from the pod.
* =
Vanilla extract (A) is extracted from the vanilla bean (A).
* =
When the car or dog needs washing,
* trænge til at * vaske ng.
20 giving the car a ( good ) wash.
* give ngt. >
* soltag
Al usually takes the car to a `car wash, though.
* bilvask
Once when they go to the pictures, they see a Western.
* =
The colonists or settlers had to be in possession of
* nybygger
the pioneer spirit.
* bod
* vanilje- ( is )
* bælg, ~ stang
Al helps Amy washing the dog, and Amy helps Al
The car has a sunroof.
* ~ iskage-
* …-
* plante
* essens
* ekstrakt
* =
* bønne, ~ stang
* blive vasket
* ( en ( god ) gang ) vask
* pionerånd
The North America `Indians believed in the Great Spirit.
* nordamerikansk indianer
Worshipping the `sun-god, they practiced a `sun dance.
* solgud
Some Indians lived in the Sunbelt.
* solbæltet
Amy loves dressing `up.
* klæde sig ud
30 At Shrovtide Ann dresses Amy up as a Red Indian.
… `…
All her friends wear dressing-up clothes (E);
* klæde ng. ud som
they walk around in all kinds of fancy `dress (UE)
* kostyme, fastelavns-
* udklædningstøj
* den store ånd
* sol-
* dans
* rødhud, indianer
( ej politisk korrekt )
karnevals-, maskerade
At Halloween too, kids dress up.
* klæde sig ud
Dressed (up) as ghosts, witches and other eerie / uncanny * … som ngt.
figures, they walk from door to door in dress-`up clothes (A).
* udklædnings-
1397 The family go to the dentist together to have a routine
* følges ad
dental check-up.
* tand-
For some years, enjoying their wedded life,
* uhyggelig
* tøj
* tandlæge
* eftersyn
* ægteskabelig
* liv
& ægteskab
the married couple have a good and happy marriage.
* have et godt og lykkeligt
They live in wedded bliss.
* leve i >
As the spouses almost never disagree,
* være uenig
they seldom have a disagreement.
* ægteskab
* ægteskabelig
* lyksalighed
* komme ud for en uenighed
have en diskussion / et skænderi
They sometimes have a game of draughts (E)
* spil
When they play draughts, they put up the draughts
* spille >
10 on the draughtboard.
* dam
* dam
* dambrik
* dambræt
In America they play checkers and put up the checkers
on the checkerboard.
* dam
* -brik
* -bræt
They play chess, too.
* skak
Going to have a game of chess, they place the chessmen * have / tage et spil skak
on the squares on a chessboard.
* -brik
* felt
* -bræt
By turns one of them may give check or be in check.
* sige skak
* være / stå …
Both of them hope to chessmate the other one.
* sætte ng. skakmat
When one of them gives ( the other one ) a ( chess>) mate, * ~ sætte ( ng. ) skakmat
the other one is chessmate.
* være …
20 A draw game ends in a draw as in (a) stalemate.
* pat
When they play, they never argue over the game.
* skændes over ngt.
When Ann asks Al if she has grown fat he says,
‘ Rubbish ! you are not fat – you’re talking trash (E) ! ‘
* ~ sludder og vrøvl
* =
Although Al may be late, Ann always meets him
with a blissful smile so Al takes her for granted.
* lyksalig
* tage ng. for givet
She takes it for granted that her hubby will stay true.
* tage ngt. for givet
The happily married couple enjoy married life.
* lykkeligt * gift * par
* husbond
They live in married bliss.
( * nyde ) * ~ ægteskabeligt * liv
& ægtepar & ( glæde sig over ) at være gift
* leve i >
* ægteskablig
* lyksalighed
Especially Ann, however, legitimately expected to have
* berettiget
30 another child.
It seems a perfectly legitimate expectation, and Ann has
always had this valid expectation in the back of her mind.
* <<
* have >
* forventning
* berettiget
* =
* i baghovedet
Both Ann and Al have a thorough medical check-up.
* kontrol
It seems they can’t have another child.
What was once a legitimate concern has developed into
* berettiget
a legitimate profound grief.
* bekymring
* =
* dybfølt
* sorg
1398 At the time when Amy starts school,
* begynde >
Ann and Al’s marriage regretably starts going downhill.
* ægteskab
* ~ det går nedadbakke for <
Problems at work unfortunately start to occupy Al’s mind.
* optage >
He has a lot on his plate.
* have >
Actually he has too much on his plate.
* …>
Coming home late, All is very preoccupied every evening.
* fordybet
Thoughts of failure preoccupies him morning, noon
* optage ng.
and night.
Unable to relegate his problems to the background,
* ~ i skolen
* sind
* ~ meget om ørerne
* ~ alt for - - -
* morgen, middag >
* og aften
* ~ trænge ngt. >
* i baggrunden
10 he speaks absent-mindedly in a state of preoccupation, * åndsfraværende
and answers Ann and Amy in an air of preoccupation.
It seems Al and Ann are skating over problematic issues,
or are talking cross purposes.
* fordybelse
* ~ med en adspredt mine
* skøjte henover / vige udenom ngt.
* ~ tale forbi hinanden
( spørge i øst og svare i vest )
Looking at Ann and Amy with a preoccupied air,
* adspredt
* mine
Al is too preoccupied with his own thoughts to concentrate
* optaget af / fordybet i >
about his family, and notice anything wrong.
As working at the office occupies too much of Al’s time,
* tanker
* optage ngs. >
the most important thing for Ann is now to keep herself
* holde sig >
* beskæftiget
20 Ann actually has no longer enough on her plate;
* have >
* tid
* ~ nok om ørerne
she has no longer enough on her plate to keep her engaged. * … >
She actually hasn’t much work to do even if it’s said
the less occupation we have the busier we are.
* ~ - - - til at -
* jo mindre vi har at bestille jo mere travlt har vi
So Ann developes an excessive inclination for housework. * hang
For some time she has a mania for turning out her rooms. * have >
Being terribly houseproud, she washes the floor,
and changes the linen more and more often.
She puts clean linen on the bed every other day,
* mani for >
* ~ reorganisere >
* rum
& rengøringsvanvid
* være > * frygtelig * husstolt
* vaske > * gulv
~ have rengøringsvanvid
* skifte >
* sengelinned / tøj
* lægge rene lagner på >
* seng
& skifte sengetøj
and arranges the scatter cushions neatly on top of
* ( sprede ), ~ pynte
the bedspread.
30 She puts almost clean clothes in the wash
* lægge ngt. >
* pude
* net
* ~ til vask
so everyday all kinds of clothes are at wash.
* være >
Everything seems ready for a wash.
* parat til >
Everything could do with a good wash.
* ~ trænge til >
Everything seems to need washing
* have brug for >
so she washes and launders clothes every day.
* vaske ngt.
1399 She’s doing a coloured, a dark, or a boil wash.
* kulørt
Fabric conditioner is added during the final rinse.
Although she used to wear a pair of washed-out jeans,
she doesn’t like clothes that look washed out, though.
A blouse shouldn’t look like that after only two washes.
* =
* =
* en god gang vask
* =
* …, tørre og stryge ngt.
* mørk
* koge-
* vask
* struktur
* påvirkningsmiddel
~ skyllemiddel
* forvasket
* skylning
* =
* vask
Some fabrics aren’t machine washable, or washable at all. * vaskbar, ~ tåle vask
Some grease stains won’t wash `off,
* vaskes af, ~ gå af i vask
and some ink stains won’t wash `out even if
* =
she has put the clothes to soak in a wash tub (E).
* lægge ngt. i blød
10 The stains won’t come off even if the clothes
* gå af
has been in soak in the washing tub (A) all night,
* ligge i …
and she has rubbed the clothes on the ridges of a washboard.* gnubbe ngt.
* vaskebalje
* =
* rille
* vaskebræt
She uses a lot of soap, washing powder E/E soap powder, * sæbe
and other detergent(s).
She uses washing soda – sodium carbonate –
or a softner to soften the water.
* - pulver
* vaskemiddel
* krystalsoda
* natriumkarbonat
* blødgører
* blødgøre ngt.
Hardly having finished one chore, she start on a new one. * afslutte være færdig med ngt.
As soon as she gets that finished, she looks for another.
20 She washes () out the kettle with acetic acid.
* vaske ngt. indvendigt ud
* eddike-
* skylning
She rinses () out the kettle with clean water before use.
* skylle ngt. indvendig ud
She may spend the whole day with piddling little jobs.
* ubetydelig, latterlig ( lille ) ( stykke arbejde )
She wants everything to be clean as driven snow.
* så ren som >
Ann’s main occupation seems to be shopping, though,
* beskæftigelse
She buys all kinds of antiseptic washes:
skinwash, hairwash, eyewash, and mouthwash.
* få ngt. færdigt / fra hånden
She gives the kettle a rinse.
and showing off has become her one preoccupation.
* begynde på ngt.
* vise / vigte sig
* ~ nyfalden
* ngs. eneste
* syre
* sne
* besættelse
* vand, lotion
* skind- * hårlotion * øjebadevand * mundskyllemiddel