Perspectives on the constitution and development of practical


Perspectives on the constitution and development of practical
Perspectives on the constitution and development of practical knowledge
for changing professions, PR412H
This PhD course is arranged as part of the Research School for Professions-Oriented and
Practice-Relevant Research in the fields of Health, Welfare and Education (PROFRES)
Number of points: 5 ECTS including essay
Course start: March 10th – 11th, 2015
Course language: Norwegian
Prerequisites: Students registered as PROFREs PhD-candidates at the University of
Stavanger, University of Agder or University of Nordland have priority. Other candidates
from the PROFRES network, are given second priority. If free space, others can join as well.
Registration: Sign in by sending a email at [email protected], giving your name, birthdate/
SSN, institution and living address, before 1st of March 2015.
Responsible professors:
Professor Kåre Fuglseth and associate professor Catrine T Halås, University of Nordland
Guest lecturers:
Professor Jonna Bornemark, Södertörn University College, Sweden
Professor Jonna Lappalainen, Södertörn University College, Sweden
Professor Steen Wackerhausen, UiN
Professor Johans Sandvin, UiN
Recent years have witnessed a seismic shift in our understanding of the nature of the
legitimacy of professional knowledge. Where once tradition stood central, there is now a clear
emphasis on the need for responsible professional practice to be research-based. Within this
latter, the emphasis is usually on the notion of evidence-based practice.
The focus of this course involves assessing the meaning and implication of this shift of
emphasis while at the same time, exploring what the nature of knowledge in praxis is, how it
is constituted and how it can be developed.
It is somewhat paradoxical that while evidence-based practice makes the explicit demand
upon practitioners that they be well-informed about research relevant to their field, it
implicitly assumes that they are in a position to discern what this might be and how it is
relevant for them. So, while the demand that practice be evidence-based is prima facie
reasonable, it must always be understood as a demand that is contingent upon the
practitioner’s capacity to judge, assess and implement. In other words, evidence-based
practice begs the idea of responsible and thoughtful agents for whom this evidence can be
As such, the notion of the evidence-based needs to be placed within a wider experiential
context which does not exclude it but incorporates it. Here we turn to the course’s second
main pole; namely an assessment of the sources of practical knowledge and how they can be
articulated and developed.
This can best be done by exploring the lived practical experience of the practitioner, not in
isolation from other elements (users, policy makers etc.) but rather as the site in which the
various sources of meaning that constitute the praxis come to expression. The perspective of
the individual practitioner, upon analysis, turns out to be one constituted by their embodied
situation and within cultural, political, social and historical horizons. It will be an objective of
the course, to explore this question inasmuch as it provides insight into the nature of
professional knowledge as well as providing insights into how this knowledge can become
more adaptive to meet the changing needs of professional fields of activity.
Learning outcome:
The following learning outcomes are anticipated upon completion of the course:
Students should have gained advanced knowledge about:
 different paradigms concerning the nature of praxis and practical knowledge
 ways of analyzing and critically reflecting upon experience-based knowledge
 the constitution of practical knowledge on micro-, macro- and mega levels.
Students should have gained advanced skills in terms of:
 ability to critically reflect upon their own and other’s practice
 ability to describe and analyze the anatomy of professional practice
 understanding of relevant research strategies
General competence
Students should have gained advanced competence:
 in utilizing relevant knowledge and skills in praxis research
 in applying relevant theoretical models and research findings to debates in
professional knowledge development
 in contributing to the exploration of innovation processes related to collaboration
This course addresses the question of practical knowledge as it applies to the professions both
in terms of competing models of what knowledge is and in terms of strategies for exploring
the constitution and development of practical professional knowledge.
The course will focus on the phenomena of practical professional knowledge in terms of the
following sub-themes
a) Evidence-based and other knowledge models
b) Research and experience-based approaches
c) The context(s) of knowledge constitution (embodied and embedded perspectives on
d) Strategies for researching practical knowledge
The categories “pass” or “fail” are used in the final evaluation
Students’ evaluations
The students will complete a written evaluation at the end of the course.
Models of work
Open lectures/key note presentations, teaching and learning style is interactive and active
participation of PhD students
Course certificate
Students who pass the course will receive a course certificate
Literature (Articles marked * will be printed in a compendium)
Del 1 Praktisk kunnskap og kunnskapsutvikling, Jonna Bornemark
Aristoteles, bok 6 i Den nikomakiske etikk, ulike utgaver (18 s) *
Nilsson, Christian, ”Fronesis och den mänskliga tillvaron” i Vad är praktisk kunskap? red Jonna
Bornemark & Fredrik Svenaeus, Huddinge: Södertörn Studies in Practical Knowledge, 2009. Fri
nedlastiing: (15s)
Svenaeus, Fredrik,”Inledning” i Vad är praktisk kunskap? red Jonna Bornemark & Fredrik Svenaeus,
Huddinge: Södertörn Studies in Practical Knowledge, 2009. Fri nedlasting: (25s)
Del 2 Praktisk kunnskap og evidensbasert praksis, Steen Wackerhausen
Bauman, Zygmunt (2006) Om å være lett og flytende, forord I Flytende Modernitet. Vidarforlaget*
Wackerhausen, Steen (2008) “Erfaringssrum, handlingsbåren kundskab og refleksion.” RUML /
Refleksion i praksis: Nr. 1/2008 ( 18 s)
Wackerhausen, Steen (2002) Humanisme, Professionsidentitet og uddannelse. Kbh.: Hans Reitzels
Forlag. Specielt kap. 3,4 og 5. E-bok:
Wackerhausen, S. (2004) “Kausale felter, metaantagelser og metodisk pluralism” I: Hansen, N.B. &
Gleerup, J. (eds.) Vidensteori, Professionsuddannelse og Professionsforskning. Odense: Syddansk
Universitetsforlag, 2004. (19s)*
Wackerhausen, S. & B. (2003) “Tavs viden, pædagogik og praksis”. I: Digital publikation fra
Undervisningsministeriet i Danmark: (13s)
Føllesdal, D (1994) “Hermeneutics and the Hypothetico-Deductive Method”. In: Martin, M. &
McIntyre, L.C.(eds.) Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science. London: A Bradford Book,
1994 *
Del 3 Praktisk kunnskap og etikk, Jonna Lappalainen
Arendt, Hannah (2003) ”Collective Responsibility” i Responsibility and Judgement, red Jerome Kohn,
New York: Shocken Books
Beauvoir, Simone (2004) ”Moral Idealism and Political Realism” i Philosophical Writings, red
Margaret A Simmons, The Beauvoir Series 2004. Finns på svenska I Brigitte Bardot &
Lolitasyndromet, essäer, Stockholm: Modertnista (2013) (Kan kjøpes som E-bok)
Kierkegaard Søren, ”Ultimatum” ur Enten-eller Anden deel, olika utgåvor (Finnes elektronisk på
Del 4 Praksis og nettverk, Johans Sandvin
Mol, Annemarie (2002) The body multiple. Ontology in medical practice. Duke University Press.
Forord, pluss kapittel 1 (27 sider) *
Law, John (2004) After method. Mess in social science and research. London, Routledge. Kapittel 1
(15 sider) *
Mol, Annemarie, Ingunn Moser and Jeanette Pols (2010) Care: putting practice into theory. In Mol,
Annemarie, Ingunn Moser and Jeanette Pols (eds.) Care in practice. On Thinking un Clinics,
Homes and Farms. Bielefels, transcript Verlag. (18 sider) *
Moser, Ingunn (2010) Perhaps tears should not be counted but wiped away. On quality and
improvement in dementia care. In Mol, Annemarie, Ingunn Moser and Jeanette Pols (eds.) Care in
practice. On Thinking un Clinics, Homes and Farms. Bielefels, transcript Verlag. (22 sider) *
Perspectives on the constitution and development
of practical knowledge for changing professions,
PhD kurs - PR 412H Credit (ECTS):5
Tirsdag 10. Mars, A-11 Regine Normann
Introduksjon av professor Kåre Fuglseth and førsteamanuensis Catrine Torbjørnsen
Professor Jonna Bornemark (Södertörns Högskola)
Tema: Praktisk kunnskap og kunnskapsutvikling
 Aristoteles’ kunnskapssyn
 En fenomenologisk tilnærming til praktisk kunnskap
 Utvikling av praktisk kunnskap
 Praktisk kunnskap og arbeidsliv
Plenum Prof Jonna Bornemark fortsetter
Lunch I kantina
Professor Steen Wackerhausen (Universitetet i Nordland)
Tema: Praktisk kunnskap og evidensbasert praksis
 Kunnskapsformer, sannhet og evidens
 Kilder til kompetanseutvikling i praksis
 Praktisk kunnskap og ulike evidensformer
 Tid, endring, gyldighet
Plenum fortsetter Professor Steen Wackerhausen
Essayskriving, praktiske opplysninger, etc
Master classes – to parallelle grupper. Foreleserne vil delta i gruppene. PhD
studentene deler PhD erfaringer og forskningsutfordringer,. Andre temaer relatert til
de to presentasjonene kan også bli diskutert.
Onsdag 11. Mars, A-11 Regine Normann
Plenum. Førsteamanuensis Jonna Lappalainen
Tema: Praktisk kunnskap og etikk
 Å avdekke det morale
 Frihet, ansvar og tvetydighet
 Handling og sårbarhet
Plenum. Førsteamanuensis Jonna Lappalainen fortsetter
Plenum. Professor Johans Sandvin (Universitetet i Nordland)
Tema: Praksis og nettverk
 Praksis som nettverk
 Politikk, nettverk og praksis
 Praksis som “action-networks” (ANT)
 Praksis nettverker og styring
Plenum Professor Johans Sandvin fortsetter
Oppsummering, praktiske forhold, evaluering og avslutning